Add start of unified headers transition
[termux-packages] / packages / neovim / runtime-autoload-man.vim.patch
1 diff -u -r ../neovim-1b2acb8d958c1c8e2f382c2de9c98586801fd9fe/runtime/autoload/man.vim ./runtime/autoload/man.vim
2 --- ../neovim-1b2acb8d958c1c8e2f382c2de9c98586801fd9fe/runtime/autoload/man.vim 2017-06-03 21:00:05.000000000 +0200
3 +++ ./runtime/autoload/man.vim 2017-06-05 01:15:56.254306768 +0200
4 @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
5 let manwidth = empty($MANWIDTH) ? winwidth(0) : $MANWIDTH
6 " Force MANPAGER=cat to ensure Vim is not recursively invoked (by man-db).
7 "
8 - let cmd = ['env', 'MANPAGER=cat', 'MANWIDTH='.manwidth, 'man']
9 + let cmd = ['env', 'MANPAGER=cat', 'MANWIDTH='.manwidth, 'mandoc']
10 return s:system(cmd + (s:localfile_arg ? ['-l', a:path] : [a:path]))
11 endfunction
13 @@ -213,7 +213,9 @@
15 function! s:get_path(sect, name) abort
16 if empty(a:sect)
17 - return s:system(['man', s:find_arg, a:name])
18 + " Take the first one if multiple lines returned, such as when
19 + " both man1p/test.1p and man1/test.1 exists.
20 + return split(s:system(['man', s:find_arg, a:name]), "\n")[0] . "\n"
21 endif
22 " '-s' flag handles:
23 " - tokens like 'printf(echo)'