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[termux-packages] / buildorder.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # buildorder.py - script to generate a build order respecting package dependencies
4 import os, sys
6 def die(msg):
7 print('ERROR: ' + msg)
8 sys.exit(1)
10 if len(sys.argv) != 1: die('buildorder.py takes no arguments')
11 packages_dir = 'packages'
13 class DebianPackage:
14 def __init__(self, name):
15 self.name = name
16 self.remaining_dependencies = set() # String
17 self.sub_packages = set() # String
18 self.prerequisite_for = set() # Packages that needs this package
20 all_packages = [] # List of all DebianPackage:s
21 packages_map = {} # Mapping from package name to DebianPackage (if subpackage, mapping from subpackage name to parent package)
23 for subdir_name in sorted(os.listdir(packages_dir)):
24 subdir_path = packages_dir + '/' + subdir_name
25 if os.path.exists(subdir_path + '/BROKEN.txt'): continue
26 build_sh_path = subdir_path + '/build.sh'
28 this_package = DebianPackage(subdir_name)
29 all_packages.append(this_package)
30 packages_map[this_package.name] = this_package
32 if not os.path.isfile(build_sh_path): die('The directory ' + subdir_name + ' does not contain build.sh')
33 with open(build_sh_path) as build_sh_file:
34 for line in build_sh_file:
35 if line.startswith('TERMUX_PKG_DEPENDS='):
36 deps_comma_separated = line[(line.index('=')+2):(len(line)-2)]
37 for dep in deps_comma_separated.split(','):
38 dep = dep.strip()
39 this_package.remaining_dependencies.add(dep)
40 for file_in_subdir_name in sorted(os.listdir(subdir_path)):
41 if file_in_subdir_name.endswith('.subpackage.sh'):
42 subpackage_name = file_in_subdir_name[0:-len(".subpackage.sh"):]
43 this_package.sub_packages.add(subpackage_name)
44 packages_map[subpackage_name] = this_package
45 with open(subdir_path + '/' + file_in_subdir_name) as subpackage_sh_file:
46 for line in subpackage_sh_file:
47 if line.startswith('TERMUX_SUBPKG_DEPENDS='):
48 deps_comma_separated = line[(line.index('=')+2):(len(line)-2)]
49 for dep in deps_comma_separated.split(','):
50 dep = dep.strip()
51 this_package.remaining_dependencies.add(dep)
52 this_package.remaining_dependencies.discard(this_package.name) # Do not depend on itself
53 this_package.remaining_dependencies.difference_update(this_package.sub_packages) # Do not depend on any sub package
55 for package in all_packages:
56 for remaining in package.remaining_dependencies:
57 if not remaining in packages_map: die('Package ' + package.name + ' depends on non-existing package "' + remaining + '"')
58 packages_map[remaining].prerequisite_for.add(package)
60 # List of all DebianPackage:s without dependencies
61 packages_without_deps = [p for p in all_packages if not p.remaining_dependencies]
62 if not packages_without_deps: die('No package without dependency - where to start?')
64 # Sort alphabetically, but with libandroid-support first (since dependency on libandroid-support
65 # does not need to be declared explicitly, so anything might in theory depend on it to build):
66 packages_without_deps.sort(key=lambda p: 'aaaa' if p.name == 'libandroid-support' else p.name, reverse=True)
68 # Topological sorting
69 build_order = []
70 while packages_without_deps:
71 pkg = packages_without_deps.pop()
72 build_order.append(pkg)
73 for other_package in pkg.prerequisite_for:
74 other_package.remaining_dependencies.discard(pkg.name) # Remove this package
75 other_package.remaining_dependencies.difference_update(pkg.sub_packages) # .. and all its subpackages
76 if not other_package.remaining_dependencies:
77 # Check if the other package is ready to build now
78 packages_without_deps.append(other_package)
80 if len(all_packages) != len(build_order):
81 print("ERROR: Cycle exists. Remaining: ");
82 for pkg in all_packages:
83 if pkg not in build_order: print(pkg.name)
84 sys.exit(1)
86 for pkg in build_order: print(pkg.name)