New -A mode permitting even madder operators, and also -m to try to
[sgt/puzzles] / Recipe
1 # -*- makefile -*-
2 #
3 # This file describes which puzzle binaries are made up from which
4 # object and resource files. It is processed into the various
5 # Makefiles by means of a Perl script. Makefile changes should
6 # really be made by editing this file and/or the Perl script, not
7 # by editing the actual Makefiles.
9 !name puzzles
11 !makefile gtk Makefile
12 !makefile vc
13 !makefile wce Makefile.wce
14 !makefile cygwin Makefile.cyg
15 !makefile osx Makefile.osx
17 !srcdir icons/
19 WINDOWS = windows printing
20 + user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib
21 COMMON = midend drawing misc malloc random version
22 GTK = gtk printing ps
23 # Objects needed for auxiliary command-line programs.
24 STANDALONE = nullfe random misc malloc
26 ALL = list
28 # First half of list.c.
29 !begin >list.c
30 /*
31 * list.c: List of pointers to puzzle structures, for monolithic
32 * platforms.
33 *
34 * This file is automatically generated by Do not edit
35 * it directly, or the changes will be lost next time runs.
36 * Instead, edit Recipe and/or its *.R subfiles.
37 */
38 #include "puzzles.h"
39 #define GAMELIST(A) \
40 !end
42 # Now each .R file adds part of the macro definition of GAMELIST to list.c.
43 !include *.R
45 # Then we finish up list.c as follows:
46 !begin >list.c
48 #define DECL(x) extern const game x;
49 #define REF(x) &x,
51 const game *gamelist[] = { GAMELIST(REF) };
52 const int gamecount = lenof(gamelist);
53 !end
55 # Mac OS X unified application containing all the puzzles.
56 Puzzles : [MX] osx osx.icns osx-info.plist COMMON ALL
57 # For OS X, we must create the online help and include it in the
58 # application bundle.) Also we add -DCOMBINED to the compiler flags
59 # so as to inform the code that we're building a single binary for
60 # all the puzzles. Then I've also got some code in here to build a
61 # distributable .dmg disk image.
62 !begin osx
64 Puzzles_extra =
65 \
66 osx-help.but puzzles.but
67 cd; \
68 halibut --html ../../../../osx-help.but ../../../../puzzles.but
70 mkdir -p
72 release: Puzzles.dmg
73 Puzzles.dmg: Puzzles
74 rm -f raw.dmg
75 hdiutil create -megabytes 5 -layout NONE raw.dmg
76 hdid -nomount raw.dmg > devicename
77 newfs_hfs -v "Simon Tatham's Puzzle Collection" `cat devicename`
78 hdiutil eject `cat devicename`
79 hdid raw.dmg | cut -f1 -d' ' > devicename
80 cp -R /Volumes/"Simon Tatham's Puzzle Collection"
81 hdiutil eject `cat devicename`
82 rm -f Puzzles.dmg
83 hdiutil convert -format UDCO raw.dmg -o Puzzles.dmg
84 rm -f raw.dmg devicename
85 !end
87 # Version management.
88 !begin vc
89 version.obj: *.c *.h
90 cl $(VER) $(CFLAGS) /c version.c
91 !end
92 !specialobj vc version
93 !begin wce
94 version.obj: *.c *.h
95 $(CC) $(VER) $(CFLAGS) /c version.c
96 !end
97 !specialobj wce version
98 !begin cygwin
99 version.o: FORCE;
100 FORCE:
101 $(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(VER) -c version.c
102 !end
103 !specialobj cygwin version
104 # For Unix, we also need the gross MD5 hack that causes automatic
105 # version number selection in release source archives.
106 !begin gtk
107 version.o: FORCE;
108 FORCE:
109 if test -z "$(VER)" && test -f manifest && md5sum -c manifest; then \
110 $(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) `cat version.def` -c version.c; \
111 elif test -z "$(VER)" && test -d .svn && svnversion . >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
112 $(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) "-DREVISION=`svnversion .`" -c version.c; \
113 else \
114 $(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(VER) -c version.c; \
115 fi
116 !end
117 !specialobj gtk version
118 # For OS X, this is made more fiddly by the fact that we don't have
119 # md5sum readily available. We do, however, have `md5 -r' which
120 # generates _nearly_ the same output, but it has no check function.
121 !begin osx
122 version.ppc.o: FORCE;
123 FORCE:
124 if test -z "$(VER)" && test -f manifest && (md5 -r `awk '{print $$2}' manifest` | diff -w manifest -); then \
125 $(CC) -arch ppc $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) `cat version.def` -c version.c -o version.ppc.o; \
126 elif test -z "$(VER)" && test -d .svn && svnversion . >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
127 $(CC) -arch ppc $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) "-DREVISION=`svnversion .`" -c version.c -o version.ppc.o; \
128 else \
129 $(CC) -arch ppc $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(VER) -c version.c -o version.ppc.o; \
130 fi
131 version.i386.o: FORCE2;
132 FORCE2:
133 if test -z "$(VER)" && test -f manifest && (md5 -r `awk '{print $$2}' manifest` | diff -w manifest -); then \
134 $(CC) -arch i386 $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) `cat version.def` -c version.c -o version.i386.o; \
135 elif test -z "$(VER)" && test -d .svn && svnversion . >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
136 $(CC) -arch i386 $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) "-DREVISION=`svnversion .`" -c version.c -o version.i386.o; \
137 else \
138 $(CC) -arch i386 $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(VER) -c version.c -o version.i386.o; \
139 fi
140 !end
141 !specialobj osx version
143 # make install for Unix.
144 !begin gtk
145 install:
146 for i in $(GAMES); do \
147 $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(gamesdir)/$$i \
148 || exit 1; \
149 done
150 !end