Ahem. Rogue copy and paste was causing preset menu items to go into
[sgt/puzzles] / Recipe
1 # -*- makefile -*-
2 #
3 # This file describes which puzzle binaries are made up from which
4 # object and resource files. It is processed into the various
5 # Makefiles by means of a Perl script. Makefile changes should
6 # really be made by editing this file and/or the Perl script, not
7 # by editing the actual Makefiles.
9 !name puzzles
11 !makefile gtk Makefile
12 !makefile vc Makefile.vc
13 !makefile cygwin Makefile.cyg
14 !makefile osx Makefile.osx
16 WINDOWS = windows user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib
17 COMMON = midend misc malloc random
18 NET = net tree234
19 NETSLIDE = netslide tree234
21 ALL = list NET NETSLIDE cube fifteen sixteen rect pattern
23 net : [X] gtk COMMON NET
24 netslide : [X] gtk COMMON NETSLIDE
25 cube : [X] gtk COMMON cube
26 fifteen : [X] gtk COMMON fifteen
27 sixteen : [X] gtk COMMON sixteen
28 rect : [X] gtk COMMON rect
29 pattern : [X] gtk COMMON pattern
31 # The Windows Net shouldn't be called `net.exe' since Windows
32 # already has a reasonably important utility program by that name!
33 netgame : [G] WINDOWS COMMON NET
35 cube : [G] WINDOWS COMMON cube
36 fifteen : [G] WINDOWS COMMON fifteen
37 sixteen : [G] WINDOWS COMMON sixteen
38 rect : [G] WINDOWS COMMON rect
39 pattern : [G] WINDOWS COMMON pattern
41 # Mac OS X unified application containing all the puzzles.
42 Puzzles : [MX] osx osx.icns osx-info.plist COMMON ALL
43 # For OS X, we must create the online help and include it in the
44 # application bundle.) Also we add -DCOMBINED to the compiler flags
45 # so as to inform the code that we're building a single binary for
46 # all the puzzles. Then I've also got some code in here to build a
47 # distributable .dmg disk image.
48 !begin osx
50 Puzzles_extra = Puzzles.app/Contents/Resources/Help/index.html
51 Puzzles.app/Contents/Resources/Help/index.html: \
52 Puzzles.app/Contents/Resources/Help osx-help.but puzzles.but
53 cd Puzzles.app/Contents/Resources/Help; \
54 halibut --html ../../../../osx-help.but ../../../../puzzles.but
55 Puzzles.app/Contents/Resources/Help: Puzzles.app/Contents/Resources
56 mkdir -p Puzzles.app/Contents/Resources/Help
58 release: Puzzles.dmg
59 Puzzles.dmg: Puzzles
60 rm -f raw.dmg
61 hdiutil create -megabytes 5 -layout NONE raw.dmg
62 hdid -nomount raw.dmg > devicename
63 newfs_hfs -v "Simon Tatham's Puzzle Collection" `cat devicename`
64 hdiutil eject `cat devicename`
65 hdid raw.dmg | cut -f1 -d' ' > devicename
66 cp -R Puzzles.app /Volumes/"Simon Tatham's Puzzle Collection"
67 hdiutil eject `cat devicename`
68 rm -f Puzzles.dmg
69 hdiutil convert -format UDCO raw.dmg -o Puzzles.dmg
70 rm -f raw.dmg devicename
71 !end
73 # The `nullgame' source file is a largely blank one, which contains
74 # all the correct function definitions to compile and link, but
75 # which defines the null game in which nothing is ever drawn and
76 # there are no valid moves. Its main purpose is to act as a
77 # template for writing new game definition source files. I include
78 # it in the Makefile because it will be worse than useless if it
79 # ever fails to compile, so it's important that it should actually
80 # be built on a regular basis.
81 nullgame : [X] gtk COMMON nullgame
82 nullgame : [G] WINDOWS COMMON nullgame