Add commentary and licence notices.
[rhodes] /
1 /* -*-c-*-
2 *
3 * Calculate discrete logs in prime-order groups
4 *
5 * (c) 2017 Mark Wooding
6 */
8 /*----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------*
9 *
10 * This file is part of Rhodes, a distributed discrete-log finder.
11 *
12 * Rhodes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 * (at your option) any later version.
16 *
17 * Rhodes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 * GNU General Public License for more details.
21 *
22 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 * along with Rhodes; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
24 * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25 */
27 #include <cassert>
28 #include <cerrno>
29 #include <climits>
30 #include <cstdarg>
31 #include <cstdio>
32 #include <cstdlib>
33 #include <cstring>
35 #include <algorithm>
36 #include <fstream>
37 #include <iostream>
38 #include <string>
39 #include <sstream>
41 #include <sys/types.h>
42 #include <unistd.h>
43 #include <fcntl.h>
44 #include <signal.h>
46 #include <NTL/GF2E.h>
47 #include <NTL/GF2X.h>
48 #include <NTL/GF2XFactoring.h>
49 #include <NTL/ZZ.h>
50 #include <NTL/ZZ_p.h>
52 static const char *prog;
53 static int stdin_fdflags = -1;
55 static void cleanup(int sig)
56 {
57 if (stdin_fdflags >= 0) fcntl(0, F_SETFL, stdin_fdflags);
58 if (sig == SIGTSTP) raise(SIGSTOP);
59 else if (sig) { signal(sig, SIG_DFL); raise(sig); }
60 }
62 __attribute__((noreturn))
63 static void barf(const char *msg, int err, ...)
64 {
65 va_list ap;
67 va_start(ap, err);
68 std::fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", prog);
69 std::vfprintf(stderr, msg, ap);
70 if (err) std::fprintf(stderr, ": %s", std::strerror(err));
71 std::fputc('\n', stderr);
72 va_end(ap);
73 cleanup(0);
74 exit(2);
75 }
77 static void wakeup(int sig)
78 {
79 if (fcntl(0, F_SETFL, stdin_fdflags | O_NONBLOCK))
80 barf("fcntl(stdin)", errno);
81 }
83 static int intarg(const char *p, const char *what)
84 {
85 int e = errno;
86 long n;
87 char *q;
89 errno = 0;
90 n = std::strtol(p, &q, 0);
91 if (*q || errno || n < 0 || n > INT_MAX)
92 barf("bad int %s `%s'", 0, what, p);
93 errno = e;
94 return ((int)n);
95 }
97 static NTL::GF2X polyarg(const char *p, const char *what)
98 {
99 std::string s{p};
101 // Oh, this is wretched: NTL reads and writes the nibbles backwards. Hack
102 // hack.
103 if (s.size() < 2 || s[0] != '0' || s[1] != 'x') goto bad;
104 std::reverse(s.begin() + 2, s.end());
106 { NTL::GF2X a;
107 std::istringstream ss{s};
108 ss >> a;
109 if (!ss) goto bad;
110 return (a);
111 }
112 bad:
113 barf("bad poly %s `%s'", 0, what, p);
114 }
116 static unsigned long long hash(const unsigned char *p, size_t n)
117 {
118 size_t i;
119 unsigned long long h = 0x6a078c523ae42f68ull;
121 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { h += p[i]; h *= 0xbeaa913866b8d5a3ull; }
122 return (h);
123 }
125 static std::string showpoly(NTL::GF2X f)
126 {
127 std::ostringstream ss;
128 ss << f;
129 std::string s{ss.str()};
130 assert(s.size() >= 2 && s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x');
131 std::reverse(s.begin() + 2, s.end());
132 return (s);
133 }
135 static NTL::ZZ zzarg(const char *p, const char *what)
136 {
137 std::string s{p};
138 std::istringstream ss{s};
139 NTL::ZZ n;
140 ss >> n;
141 if (!ss) barf("bad int %s `%s'", 0, what, p);
142 return (n);
143 }
145 static void seed()
146 {
147 unsigned char b[256];
148 FILE *fp;
150 if ((fp = std::fopen("/dev/urandom", "rb")) == 0)
151 barf("open(/dev/urandom)", errno);
152 if (std::fread(b, 1, sizeof(b), fp) != sizeof(b)) {
153 barf("read(/dev/urandom)%s",
154 ferror(fp) ? errno : 0,
155 ferror(fp) ? "" : ": unexpected short read");
156 }
157 std::fclose(fp);
158 NTL::ZZ t{NTL::ZZFromBytes(b, sizeof(b))};
159 SetSeed(t);
160 }
162 struct step {
163 NTL::ZZ_p du, dv;
164 NTL::GF2E m;
165 };
167 struct hist {
168 unsigned long long k;
169 NTL::ZZ_p u, v;
170 NTL::GF2E y;
171 };
173 #define NSTEP 23
174 #define NSQR 2
175 #define NHIST 8
177 #define CHECK_NITER 65536
179 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
180 {
181 int i;
182 int dpbits;
183 unsigned char buf[4096];
184 unsigned long long niter, dpmask;
185 fd_set fds_in;
186 struct timeval tv;
187 struct sigaction sa;
188 ssize_t n;
190 prog = argv[0];
191 NTL::GF2X::HexOutput = 1;
193 // Collect the arguments and check that they make sense.
194 if (argc != 7) {
195 std::fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s DPBITS gf2x P A B L\n",
196 prog);
197 std::exit(2);
198 }
200 // Distinguished-point bits, or zero to find a full cycle.
201 dpbits = intarg(argv[1], "dpbits");
202 dpmask = (1ull << dpbits) - 1;
204 // Group specification. Currently only subgroups of (GF(2)[x]/(p(x)))^*
205 // supported.
206 if (std::strcmp(argv[2], "gf2x") != 0)
207 barf("unknown group kind `%s'", 0, argv[1]);
208 NTL::GF2X p = polyarg(argv[3], "p");
209 if (!IterIrredTest(p)) barf("not irreducible", 0);
210 NTL::GF2E::init(p);
212 // The base and operand for the logarithm.
213 NTL::GF2E a{to_GF2E(polyarg(argv[4], "a"))};
214 if (a == 0 || a == 1) barf("a is trivial", 0);
215 NTL::GF2E b{to_GF2E(polyarg(argv[5], "b"))};
216 if (b == 0) barf("b isn't a unit", 0);
218 // The group order, which we expect to have been calculated. This must be
219 // prime, or we risk failing later.
220 NTL::ZZ l{zzarg(argv[6], "l")};
221 if (!ProbPrime(l)) barf("order isn't prime", 0);
222 NTL::ZZ_p::init(l);
224 // Check the points at least have the same order.
225 if (power(a, l) != 1) barf("a has wrong order", 0);
226 if (power(b, l) != 1) barf("b has wrong order", 0);
228 // Build the table of steps. Must do this deterministically! The basic
229 // structure of the walk is taken from Edlyn Teske, 1998, `Better Random
230 // Walks for Pollard's Rho Method': about twenty random steps, together
231 // with a couple of slots' worth of squaring. Deviating slightly from
232 // Teske, I'm using a prime number of slots to improve the hash
233 // distribution.
234 step tab[NSTEP - NSQR];
235 SetSeed(NTL::ZZ::zero());
236 for (i = 0; i < NSTEP - NSQR; i++) {
237 tab[i].du = NTL::random_ZZ_p();
238 tab[i].dv = NTL::random_ZZ_p();
239 tab[i].m = power(a, rep(tab[i].du))*power(b, rep(tab[i].dv));
240 }
242 // Prepare signal handlers. We're going to make stdin be non-blocking,
243 // which will have a persistent effect on whatever file is being used
244 // (e.g., a terminal), so we should be careful to undo it when we exit.
245 stdin_fdflags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL);
246 if (stdin_fdflags < 0) barf("fcntl stdin", errno);
247 sa.sa_handler = cleanup;
248 sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
249 sigaddset(&sa.sa_mask, SIGTSTP);
250 sigaddset(&sa.sa_mask, SIGCONT);
251 sa.sa_flags = 0;
252 if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, 0) ||
253 sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, 0) ||
254 sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, 0) ||
255 sigaction(SIGTSTP, &sa, 0))
256 barf("sigaction", errno);
257 sa.sa_handler = wakeup;
258 if (sigaction(SIGCONT, &sa, 0))
259 barf("sigaction", errno);
260 if (fcntl(0, F_SETFL, stdin_fdflags | O_NONBLOCK))
261 barf("fcntl stdin", errno);
263 // Now we start the random walk...
264 seed();
265 niter = 8ull << (dpbits ? dpbits : (NumBits(l) + 1)/2);
266 again:
267 NTL::ZZ_p u{NTL::random_ZZ_p()}, v{NTL::random_ZZ_p()};
268 NTL::GF2E t = power(a, rep(u))*power(b, rep(v));
270 hist h[NHIST];
271 unsigned o = 0;
272 unsigned long long k = 0;
274 // Initialize the table of previous steps in the walk, if we're going to
275 // finding a cycle. Deviating from Teske's algorithm, initialize the table
276 // with zeros. If we don't do this then, in the case where b = 1, the
277 // algorithm tends to find the cycle but can't deduce anything useful from
278 // it.
279 if (!dpbits)
280 for (i = 0; i < NHIST; i++)
281 { h[i].k = 0; h[i].y = a; h[i].u = 1; h[i].v = 0; }
283 for (;;) {
284 if (k >= niter) goto again;
286 // Check for input on stdin. If stdin has closed, that means that our
287 // caller has gone away, presumably because they no longer care about
288 // what we have to compute. (Maybe some other job found the answer
289 // quicker than we did.) If stdin has data in, then read it: this will
290 // keep a network connection alive (or notice that it's gone dead).
291 if (!(k%CHECK_NITER)) {
292 FD_ZERO(&fds_in); FD_SET(0, &fds_in);
293 tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0;
294 if (select(1, &fds_in, 0, 0, &tv) < 0)
295 { if (errno != EINTR) barf("select", errno); }
296 else if (FD_ISSET(0, &fds_in)) {
297 for (;;) {
298 n = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf));
299 if (!n) { cleanup(0); std::exit(1); }
300 else if (n > 0) continue;
301 else if (errno == EAGAIN) break;
302 else if (errno != EINTR) barf("read stdin", errno);
303 }
304 }
305 }
306 k++;
308 size_t nb = NumBytes(rep(t));
309 BytesFromGF2X(buf, rep(t), nb);
310 unsigned long long hh = hash(buf, nb);
312 if (dpbits) {
313 // If we're walking to a distinguished point (the algorithm of Paul van
314 // Oorschot and Michael Wiener, 1994, `Parallel Collision Search with
315 // Application to Hash Functions and Discrete Logarithms') then check
316 // the hash to see if enough low-order bits are zero.
317 if (!(hh&dpmask)) {
318 std::cout << u << " " << v << " " << showpoly(rep(t)) << " "
319 << k << std::endl;
320 goto done;
321 }
322 } else {
323 // Otherwise, check for a cycle. We use the algorithm is from Edlyn
324 // Teske, 1998, `A Space Efficient Algorithm for Group Structure
325 // Computation', rather than the usual one by Floyd, which requires
326 // about three times as much computation.
328 // Check for a match.
329 for (i = 0; i < NHIST; i++) {
330 if (t == h[i].y) {
331 if (h[i].u == u || h[i].v == v) goto again;
332 std::cout << (h[i].u - u)/(v - h[i].v) << " " << k << std::endl;
333 goto done;
334 }
335 }
337 // Update the table of earlier points if necessary.
338 if (k > 3*h[o].k) {
339 h[o].u = u; h[o].v = v; h[o].y = t; h[o].k = k;
340 o = (o + 1)%NHIST;
341 }
342 }
344 // Take a step in the random walk.
345 i = hh%NSTEP;
346 if (i >= NSTEP - NSQR) { mul(u, u, 2); mul(v, v, 2); sqr(t, t);; }
347 else { add(u, u, tab[i].du); add(v, v, tab[i].dv); mul(t, t, tab[i].m); }
348 }
350 done:
351 cleanup(0);
352 return (0);
353 }