base: with-parsed-body, different interface.
[lisp] / mdw-mop.lisp
1 ;;; -*-lisp-*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; $Id$
4 ;;;
5 ;;; Useful bits of MOP hacking
6 ;;;
7 ;;; (c) 2006 Straylight/Edgeware
8 ;;;
10 ;;;----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
11 ;;;
12 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
16 ;;;
17 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;;;
22 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
24 ;;; Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
26 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 ;;; Packages.
29 (defpackage #:mdw.mop
30 (:use #:common-lisp #:mdw.base #+(or cmu clisp) #:mop #+ecl #:clos)
31 (:export #:copy-instance #:copy-instance-using-class
32 #:with-slot-variables
33 #:compatible-class
34 #:initargs-for-effective-slot #:make-effective-slot
35 #:filtered-slot-class-mixin
36 #:filtered-direct-slot-definition
37 #:filtered-effective-slot-definition
38 #:predicate-class-mixin
39 #:abstract-class-mixin #:instantiate-abstract-class
40 #:singleton-class-mixin
41 #:mdw-class #:abstract-class #:singleton-class
42 #:print-object-with-slots))
44 (in-package #:mdw.mop)
46 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 ;;; Copying instances.
49 (defgeneric copy-instance-using-class (class object &rest initargs)
50 (:documentation
51 "Does the donkey-work behind copy-instance."))
53 (defmethod copy-instance-using-class
54 ((class standard-class) object &rest initargs)
55 (let ((new (apply #'allocate-instance class initargs)))
56 (dolist (slot (class-slots class))
57 (setf (slot-value-using-class class new slot)
58 (slot-value-using-class class object slot)))
59 (apply #'shared-initialize new nil initargs)
60 new))
62 (defun copy-instance (object &rest initargs)
63 "Make a copy of OBJECT, modifying it by setting slots as requested by
65 (apply #'copy-instance-using-class (class-of object) object initargs))
67 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 ;;; Handy macros.
70 (defmacro with-slot-variables (slots instance &body body)
71 "A copy-out-and-write-back variant of with-slots.
73 The SLOTS argument is a list of slot specifications, each of which has the
74 form (NAME &key :update :variable). VARIABLE defaults to NAME, and
75 :update defaults to nil.
77 The INSTANCE argument has the form (INSTANCE &key :class), but an atom may
78 be used in place of a singleton list. If the CLASS is specified, then two
79 good things happen: firstly the INSTANCE is declared to be a member of the
80 CLASS, and secondly all the slot variables are declared to have the
81 appropriate types, as dredged up from the class's effective slot
82 definitions.
84 The effect of all this is to return the result of evaluating BODY in an
85 environment where the VARIABLEs are bound to the values of the NAMEd slots
86 of the given INSTANCE. If BODY completes successfully (rather than
87 throwing out, restarting, or anything like that) then the final values of
88 VARIABLEs for which UPDATE was set non-nil are written back to their
89 corresponding slots.
91 This stands a good chance of being rather faster than with-slots. It
92 does, however, run the risk of leaving things in an inconsistent state if
93 BODY escapes half-way through. Also, this requires recompilation if a
94 class's slots change type."
95 (multiple-value-bind (instance class)
96 (destructuring-bind
97 (instance &key class)
98 (listify instance)
99 (values instance (and class (find-class class))))
100 (let ((slots (mapcar (lambda (slot)
101 (destructuring-bind
102 (name &key update (variable name))
103 (listify slot)
104 (list name variable update)))
105 (if slots
106 (listify slots)
107 (mapcar #'slot-definition-name
108 (class-slots class))))))
109 (with-parsed-body (body decls) body
110 (with-gensyms (instvar)
111 `(let ((,instvar ,instance))
112 ,@(and class `((declare (type ,(class-name class) ,instvar))))
113 (let ,(loop for (name var update) in slots
114 collect `(,var (slot-value ,instvar ',name)))
115 ,@(and class
116 `((declare
117 ,@(loop
118 for (name var update) in slots
119 for slot = (or (find name
120 (class-slots class)
121 :key #'slot-definition-name)
122 (error
123 "Slot ~S not found in class ~S."
124 name (class-name class)))
125 collect `(type
126 ,(slot-definition-type slot)
127 ,name)))))
128 ,@decls
129 (multiple-value-prog1
130 (progn ,@body)
131 ,@(loop for (name var update) in slots
132 when update
133 collect `(setf (slot-value ,instvar ',name)
134 ,var))))))))))
136 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 ;;; Basic stuff.
139 (defclass compatible-class (standard-class)
140 ()
141 (:documentation
142 "A class which can be be freely used in class heirarchies with
143 standard-class and other subclasses of compatible-class. This saves a
144 bunch of annoying messing about with `validate-superclass'."))
146 (defmethod validate-superclass
147 ((sub compatible-class) (super compatible-class))
148 t)
150 (defmethod validate-superclass
151 ((sub compatible-class) (super standard-class))
152 (eq (class-of super) (find-class 'standard-class)))
154 (defmethod validate-superclass
155 ((sub standard-class) (super compatible-class))
156 (eq (class-of sub) (find-class 'standard-class)))
158 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 ;;; Utilities for messing with slot options.
161 (defgeneric initargs-for-effective-slot (class direct-slots)
162 (:documentation
163 "Missing functionality from the MOP: given a class and its direct slots
164 definitions, construct and return the proposed initializer list for
165 constructing the effective-slot."))
167 (defmethod initargs-for-effective-slot
168 ((class standard-class) direct-slots)
169 "Extract the effective slot options as required."
170 ;;
171 ;; This is taken from the Closette implementation, but it seems to work!
172 (let ((init-slot (find-if-not #'null direct-slots
173 :key #'slot-definition-initfunction)))
174 (list :name (slot-definition-name (car direct-slots))
175 :initform (and init-slot
176 (slot-definition-initform init-slot))
177 :initfunction (and init-slot
178 (slot-definition-initfunction init-slot))
179 :initargs (remove-duplicates
180 (apply #'append
181 (mapcar #'slot-definition-initargs
182 direct-slots)))
183 :allocation (slot-definition-allocation (car direct-slots)))))
185 (defun make-effective-slot (class initargs)
186 "Construct an effectie slot definition for a slot on the class, given the
187 required arguments."
188 (apply #'make-instance
189 (apply #'effective-slot-definition-class class initargs)
190 initargs))
192 (let ((stdslot (find-class 'standard-direct-slot-definition)))
193 (defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition
194 ((class compatible-class) slot-name direct-slots)
195 "Construct an effective slot definition for the given slot."
196 (declare (ignore slot-name))
197 ;;
198 ;; Ideally we don't want to mess with a slot if it's entirely handled by
199 ;; the implementation. This check seems to work OK.
200 (if (every (lambda (slot)
201 (member (class-of slot)
202 (class-precedence-list stdslot)))
203 direct-slots)
204 (call-next-method)
205 (make-effective-slot class
206 (initargs-for-effective-slot class
207 direct-slots)))))
209 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 ;;; Filterered slots.
212 (defclass filtered-slot-class-mixin (compatible-class)
213 ()
214 (:documentation
215 "A filtered slot interposes a filter on any attempt to write to the slot.
216 The filter is given the proposed new value, and should return the actual
217 new value. Specify the filter with a `:filter SYMBOL' slot option.
218 (Yes, I know that using functions would be nicer, but the MOP makes
219 that surprisingly difficult.)"))
221 (defclass filtered-direct-slot-definition
222 (standard-direct-slot-definition)
223 ((filter :initarg :filter :reader slot-definition-filter)))
225 (defgeneric slot-definition-filter (slot)
226 (:method ((slot slot-definition)) nil))
228 (defclass filtered-effective-slot-definition
229 (standard-effective-slot-definition)
230 ((filter :initarg :filter :accessor slot-definition-filter)))
232 (defmethod direct-slot-definition-class
233 ((class filtered-slot-class-mixin)
234 &key (filter nil filterp) &allow-other-keys)
235 (declare (ignore filter))
236 (if filterp
237 (find-class 'filtered-direct-slot-definition)
238 (call-next-method)))
240 (defmethod effective-slot-definition-class
241 ((class filtered-slot-class-mixin)
242 &key (filter nil filterp) &allow-other-keys)
243 (declare (ignore filter))
244 (if filterp
245 (find-class 'filtered-effective-slot-definition)
246 (call-next-method)))
248 (defmethod initialize-instance :after
249 ((slot filtered-direct-slot-definition) &key)
250 (with-slots (filter) slot
251 (when (and (consp filter)
252 (or (eq (car filter) 'function)
253 (eq (car filter) 'quote))
254 (symbolp (cadr filter))
255 (null (cddr filter)))
256 (setf filter (cadr filter)))))
258 (defmethod initargs-for-effective-slot
259 ((class filtered-slot-class-mixin) direct-slots)
260 (let ((filter-slot (find-if #'slot-definition-filter direct-slots)))
261 (append (and filter-slot
262 (list :filter (slot-definition-filter filter-slot)))
263 (call-next-method))))
265 (defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class)
266 (value
267 (class filtered-slot-class-mixin)
268 (object standard-object)
269 (slot filtered-effective-slot-definition))
270 (call-next-method (funcall (slot-definition-filter slot) value)
271 class object slot))
273 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
274 ;;; Predicates.
276 (defclass predicate-class-mixin (compatible-class)
277 ((predicates :type list :initarg :predicate :initform nil
278 :documentation "Predicate generic function to create."))
279 (:documentation
280 "Class which can automatically generate a predicate generic function.
281 Adds the `:predicate' class option, which takes a single symbol argument
282 FUNC. If specified, and non-nil, a generic function FUNC with one
283 argument will be defined (if it doesn't already exist) with a default
284 method returning nil, and a method added specialized on this class
285 returning a non-nil value."))
287 (defmethod shared-initialize :after
288 ((class predicate-class-mixin) slot-names &key)
289 (declare (ignore slot-names))
290 (with-slots (predicates) class
291 (dolist (predicate predicates)
292 (let ((lambda-list '(thing)))
293 (let ((gf (if (fboundp predicate)
294 (fdefinition predicate)
295 (let ((gf (ensure-generic-function
296 predicate :lambda-list lambda-list)))
297 (add-method gf (make-instance
298 'standard-method
299 :specializers (list (find-class 't))
300 :lambda-list lambda-list
301 :function (constantly nil)))))))
302 (add-method gf (make-instance 'standard-method
303 :specializers (list class)
304 :lambda-list lambda-list
305 :function (constantly t))))))))
307 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 ;;; Abstract classes.
310 (defclass abstract-class-mixin (compatible-class)
311 ()
312 (:documentation
313 "Confusingly enough, a concrete metaclass for abstract classes. This
314 class has a `make-instance' implementation which signals an error."))
316 (define-condition instantiate-abstract-class (error)
317 ((class :reader instantiate-abstract-class-class :initarg :class
318 :documentation "The class someone attempted to instantiate."))
319 (:report (lambda (cond stream)
320 (format stream "Cannot instantiate abstract class ~A."
321 (class-name (instantiate-abstract-class-class cond)))))
322 (:documentation
323 "Reports an attempt to instantiate an abstract class."))
325 (defmethod make-instance ((class abstract-class-mixin) &rest whatever)
326 "Signals an error. The caller is a naughty boy."
327 (declare (ignore whatever))
328 (error 'instantiate-abstract-class :class class))
330 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 ;;; Singleton classes.
333 (defclass singleton-class-mixin (compatible-class)
334 ((instance :initform nil :type (or null standard-object)))
335 (:documentation
336 "A class which has only one instance. All calls to `make-instance' return
337 the same object."))
339 (defmethod allocate-instance ((class singleton-class-mixin) &key)
340 "If the class already has an instance, return it; otherwise allocate one,
341 store it away, and return that."
342 (with-slots (instance) class
343 (or instance
344 (setf instance (call-next-method)))))
346 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
347 ;;; Useful classes.
349 (defclass mdw-class (filtered-slot-class-mixin
350 predicate-class-mixin
351 compatible-class)
352 ()
353 (:documentation
354 "A generally useful metaclass with handy features. If I've done the
355 hacking right, there shouldn't be a significant cost to using this
356 metaclass for all your classes if you don't use any of its fancy
357 features."))
359 (defclass abstract-class (mdw-class abstract-class-mixin) ())
360 (defclass singleton-class (mdw-class singleton-class-mixin) ())
362 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 ;;; Printing things.
365 (defun print-object-with-slots (obj stream)
366 "Prints objects in a pleasant way. Not too clever about circularity."
367 (let ((class (class-of obj))
368 (magic (cons 'magic nil)))
369 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream)
370 (pprint-logical-block
371 (stream
372 (mapcan (lambda (slot)
373 (list (or (car (slot-definition-initargs slot))
374 (slot-definition-name slot))
375 (if (slot-boundp-using-class class obj slot)
376 (slot-value-using-class class obj slot)
377 magic)))
378 (class-slots class)))
379 (format stream "~S" (class-name class))
380 (let ((sep nil))
381 (loop
382 (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
383 (if sep
384 (format stream " ~_")
385 (progn (format stream " ~@_~:I") (setf sep t)))
386 (let ((name (pprint-pop))
387 (value (pprint-pop)))
388 (format stream "~S ~@_~:[~W~;#<unbound>~*~]"
389 name (eq value magic) value))))))))
391 ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------