haskell-fringe.hs: The libraries have moved around a lot.
[fringe] / erlang-fringe.erl
1 %%% -*-erlang-*-
2 %%%
3 %%% Erlang implementation of a `same-fringe' solver.
5 -module('erlang-fringe').
6 -export([main/0, tree_fringe/1]).
8 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 %%% Iteration protocol.
11 %% An iterator is a process I which responds to the message {next, P} by
12 %% sending to process P either {item, I, X} or {done, I}. (The iterator's
13 %% process id helps us work out which iterator we're getting a reply from.)
15 yield(X) ->
16 %% Called from an iterator: yield the term X.
17 receive
18 {next, P} -> P ! {item, self(), X}
19 end.
21 next(I) ->
22 %% Fetch the next item from the iterator I, as a tuple {item, X}, or the
23 %% symbol `done' if there's nothing left..
24 I ! {next, self()},
25 receive
26 {item, I, X} -> {item, X};
27 {done, I} -> done
28 end.
30 iterator(M, F, A) ->
31 %% Create and return an iterator process given a function F in module M,
32 %% passing it the argument list A.
33 spawn(fun () ->
34 apply(M, F, A),
35 receive
36 {next, P} -> P ! {done, self()}
37 end
38 end).
40 map_iterator(I, F) ->
41 %% Apply F to each item returned from the iterator I. Return the atom
42 %% `done'.
43 case next(I) of
44 {item, X} ->
45 apply(F, [X]),
46 map_iterator(I, F);
47 done ->
48 done
49 end.
51 iterators_equal(I, J) ->
52 %% Answer whether the iterators I and J return the same elements, as
53 %% decided by pattern-matching.
54 X = next(I),
55 Y = next(J),
56 case {X, Y} of
57 {done, done} -> true;
58 {{item, Z}, {item, Z}} -> iterators_equal(I, J);
59 _ -> false
60 end.
62 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 %%% Node structure.
65 %% A tree is either the atom `nil' or a tuple {LEFT, DATUM, RIGHT} of the
66 %% LEFT and RIGHT subtrees and the DATUM, which may be any term.
68 %% Iteration is easy. We just use a separate process.
69 tree_fringe({L, D, R}) ->
70 tree_fringe(L),
71 yield(D),
72 tree_fringe(R);
73 tree_fringe(nil) ->
74 ignore.
76 %% Parse a tree from a textual description. The syntax is simple:
77 %%
78 %% tree ::= empty | `(' tree char tree `)'
79 %%
80 %% where the ambiguity is resolved by declaring that a `(' is a tree if we're
81 %% expecting a tree.
82 do_parse_tree([$( | S]) ->
83 case do_parse_tree(S) of
84 {L, [D | SS]} ->
85 case do_parse_tree(SS) of
86 {R, [$) | SSS]} -> {{L, D, R}, SSS};
87 _ -> throw({simple_error, "missing )"})
88 end;
89 _ ->
90 throw({simple_error, "no data"})
91 end;
92 do_parse_tree(S) ->
93 {nil, S}.
95 parse_tree(S) ->
96 case do_parse_tree(S) of
97 {T, []} -> T;
98 _ -> throw({simple_error, "trailing junk"})
99 end.
101 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 %%% Main program.
104 main() ->
105 try
106 case init:get_plain_arguments() of
107 [S] ->
108 T = parse_tree(S),
109 I = iterator('erlang-fringe', tree_fringe, [T]),
110 map_iterator(I, fun(X) -> io:put_chars([X]) end),
111 io:nl();
112 [S, SS] ->
113 I = iterator('erlang-fringe', tree_fringe, [parse_tree(S)]),
114 J = iterator('erlang-fringe', tree_fringe, [parse_tree(SS)]),
115 case iterators_equal(I, J) of
116 true -> io:format("match~n");
117 _ -> io:format("no match~n")
118 end;
119 _ ->
120 throw({simple_error, "bad args"})
121 end
122 catch
123 {simple_error, M} ->
124 io:format(standard_error, "erlang-fringe: ~s~n", [M]),
125 init:stop(1)
126 end,
127 init:stop().
129 %%%----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------