f#: Fix Emacs mode header.
[fringe] / f#-fringe.fs
1 /// -*-fsharp-mode-*-
2 ///
3 /// F# implementation of a `same-fringe' solver.
5 module Fringe
7 ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 /// Utilities.
10 let curry f x y = f (x, y)
11 let uncurry f (x, y) = f x y
13 ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 /// Iteration machinery.
16 // The type of an iterator. Unfortunately we need a layer of boxing to stop
17 // the compiler being unappy about infinite types. Silly compiler.
18 type 'a iterator = Iter of (unit -> ('a * 'a iterator) option)
20 // A handy way of getting to the actual iterator function.
21 let next (Iter itfn) = itfn ()
23 // Return an iterator for the items in the list XS.
24 let rec iterate_list xs =
25 let itfn = match xs with
26 | [] -> fun () -> None
27 | x::xs -> fun () -> Some (x, iterate_list xs)
28 Iter itfn
30 // For each item X returned by the iterator, update the state A as F X A;
31 // return the final state.
32 let fold_iterator f a it =
33 let rec recur = function
34 | a, None -> a
35 | a, Some (x, it) -> recur (f x a, next it)
36 recur (a, next it)
38 // Return a list containing the items returned by the iterator IT.
39 let list_iterator it = it |> fold_iterator (curry List.Cons) [] |> List.rev
41 // Asnwer whether two iterators report the same items.
42 let rec same_iterators_p ita itb =
43 match next ita with
44 | None ->
45 match next itb with
46 | None -> true
47 | _ -> false
48 | Some (a, ita) ->
49 match next itb with
50 | None -> false
51 | Some (b, itb) ->
52 if a = b then same_iterators_p ita itb
53 else false
55 ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 /// Nodes and trees.
58 // A simple type for binary tree nodes.
59 type 'a node =
60 | Leaf
61 | Node of 'a node * 'a * 'a node
63 // Parse a tree from a description in STRING. The syntax is:
64 //
65 // tree ::= empty | `(' tree char tree `)'
66 //
67 // disambiguated by deciding that `(' starts a tree wherever a tree is
68 // expected. Not ever-so pretty; parser combinator version left as an
69 // exercise.
70 let parse_tree string =
71 let n = String.length string
72 let rec parse i =
73 match i with
74 | i when i < n && string.[i] = '(' ->
75 let left, i = parse (i + 1)
76 if i >= n then failwith "no data"
77 let data = string.[i]
78 let right, i = parse (i + 1)
79 if i >= n || string.[i] <> ')' then failwith "missing )"
80 Node (left, data, right), i + 1
81 | _ -> Leaf, i
82 let tree, i = parse 0
83 if i < n then failwith "trailing junk"
84 tree
86 // Return an iterator for the elements of T in order.
87 let iterate_fringe t =
88 let rec itfn t tail =
89 match t with
90 | Leaf -> tail ()
91 | Node (l, ch, r) ->
92 itfn l <| fun () -> Some (ch, Iter <| fun () -> itfn r tail)
93 Iter <| fun () -> itfn t <| fun () -> None
95 ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 /// Main program.
98 let program_name = (System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs ()).[0]
100 [<EntryPoint>]
101 let main args =
102 let run = function
103 | [| a |] ->
104 a |> parse_tree
105 |> iterate_fringe
106 |> fold_iterator (fun ch _ -> stdout.Write(ch)) ()
107 stdout.Write('\n')
108 | [| a; b |] ->
109 if same_iterators_p
110 (a |> parse_tree |> iterate_fringe)
111 (b |> parse_tree |> iterate_fringe)
112 then stdout.WriteLine("match")
113 else stdout.WriteLine("no match")
114 | _ -> failwith "bad args"
115 try
116 run args
117 0
118 with
119 | exc ->
120 fprintf stderr "%s: %s\n" program_name exc.Message
121 1
123 ///----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------