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[doc/wrestlers] / wrestlers.tex
1 %%% -*-latex-*-
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3 %%% The Wrestlers Protocol: secure, deniable key-exchange
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5 %%% (c) 2006 Mark Wooding
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56 [The Wrestlers Protocol]
57 {The Wrestlers Protocol%
58 \ifshort\thanks{This is an extended abstract; the full version
59 \cite{Wooding:2006:WP} is available from
60 \texttt{}.}\fi \\
61 A simple, practical, secure, deniable protocol for key-exchange}
62 \iffancystyle
63 \author{Mark Wooding \\ \email{}}
64 \else
65 \author{Mark Wooding}
66 \institute{\email{}}
67 \fi
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118 \def\Wkx{\Xid{W}{kx}}
119 \def\Wdkx{\Xid{W}{dkx}}
120 \def\Func#1#2{\mathcal{F}[#1\to#2]}
121 \def\diff#1#2{\Delta_{#1, #2}}
122 \def\Hid{H_{\textit{ID}}}
124 %% protocol run diagrams
125 \def\PRaction#1{#1\ar[r]}
126 \def\PRcreatex#1{\PRaction{\textsf{Create session\space}#1}}
127 \def\PRcreate#1#2#3{\PRcreatex{(\text{#1},\text{#2},#3)}}
128 \def\PRreceivex#1{\PRaction{\textsf{Receive\space}#1}}
129 \def\PRreceive#1#2{\PRreceivex{\msg{#1}{#2}}}
130 \def\PRsession#1{\relax\mathstrut#1\ar[r]}
131 \def\msg#1#2{(\cookie{#1},#2)}
132 \def\PRresult#1{#1}
133 \def\PRsendx#1{\PRresult{\textsf{Send\space}#1}}
134 \def\PRsend#1#2{\PRsendx{\msg{#1}{#2}}}
135 \def\PRcomplete#1{\textsf{Complete:\space}#1}
136 \def\PRstate#1{\textsf{State:\space}#1}
137 \def\PRignore{\textsf{(ignored)}}
138 \def\PRreveal{\textsf{Session-state reveal}\ar[r]}
139 \def\protocolrun#1{\[\xymatrix @R=0pt @C=2em {#1}\]}
141 \def\protocol{%
142 \unskip\bigskip
143 \begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}%
144 {@{\qquad}l@{\extracolsep{0ptplus1fil}}r@{\qquad}}}
145 \def\endprotocol{\end{tabular*}}
146 \def\send#1#2{\noalign{%
147 \centerline{\xy\ar @{#1}|*+{\mathstrut#2}<.5\linewidth, 0pt>\endxy}}}
149 %% class-ids for proof of extractor lemma
150 \let\Cid=\Lambda
151 \let\Csession=S
152 \let\Cindex=r
153 \let\Cquery=Q
154 \let\Chash=H
155 \let\Ccheck=c
156 \let\Ccheckset=V
157 \let\Ccount=\nu
159 \def\HG#1{\mathbf{H}_{#1}}
161 \iffancystyle\else
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165 \begin{document}
167 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 \maketitle
170 \iffancystyle \thispagestyle{empty} \fi
172 \begin{abstract}
173 We describe and prove (in the random-oracle model) the security of a simple
174 but efficient zero-knowledge identification scheme, whose security is based
175 on the computational Diffie-Hellman problem. Unlike other recent proposals
176 for efficient identification protocols, we don't need any additional
177 assumptions, such as the Knowledge of Exponent assumption.
179 From this beginning, we build a simple key-exchange protocol, and prove
180 that it achieves `SK-security' -- and hence security in Canetti's Universal
181 Composability framework.
183 Finally, we show how to turn the simple key-exchange protocol into a
184 slightly more complex one which provides a number of valuable `real-life'
185 properties, without damaging its security.
186 \end{abstract}
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198 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 \section{Introduction}
202 This paper proposes protocols for \emph{identification} and
203 \emph{authenticated key-exchange}.
205 An identification protocol allows one party, say Bob, to be sure that he's
206 really talking to another party, say Alice. It assumes that Bob has some way
207 of recognising Alice; for instance, he might know her public key. Our
208 protocol requires only two messages -- a challenge and a response -- and has
209 a number of useful properties. It is very similar to, though designed
210 independently of, a recent protocol by Stinson and Wu
211 \cite{Stinson:2006:EST}; we discuss their protocol and compare it to ours in
212 \ifshort the full version of this paper. \else
213 section~\ref{sec:stinson-ident}. \fi
215 Identification protocols are typically less useful than they sound. As Shoup
216 \cite{Shoup:1999:OFM} points out, it provides a `secure ping', by which Bob
217 can know that Alice is `there', but provides no guarantee that any other
218 communication was sent to or reached her. However, there are situations
219 where this an authentic channel between two entities -- e.g., a device and a
220 smartcard -- where a simple identification protocol can still be useful.
222 An authenticated key-exchange protocol lets Alice and Bob agree on a shared
223 secret, known to them alone, even if there is an enemy who can read and
224 intercept all of their messages, and substitute messages of her own. Once
225 they have agreed on their shared secret, of course, they can use standard
226 symmetric cryptography techniques to ensure the privacy and authenticity of
227 their messages.
230 \subsection{Desirable properties of our protocols}
232 Our identification protocol has a number of desirable properties.
233 \begin{itemize}
234 \item It is \emph{simple} to understand and implement. In particular, it
235 requires only two messages.
236 \item It is fairly \emph{efficient}, requiring two scalar multiplications by
237 each of the prover and verifier.
238 \item It is provably \emph{secure} (in the random oracle model), assuming the
239 intractability of the computational Diffie-Hellman problem.
240 \end{itemize}
242 Our key-exchange protocol also has a number of desirable
243 properties.
244 \begin{itemize}
245 \item It is fairly \emph{simple} to understand and implement, though there
246 are a few subtleties. In particular, it is \emph{symmetrical}. We have
247 implemented a virtual private network system based on this protocol.
248 \item It is \emph{efficient}, requiring four scalar multiplications by each
249 participant. The communication can be reduced to three messages by
250 breaking the protocol's symmetry.
251 \item It is provably \emph{secure} (again, in the random oracle model),
252 assuming the intractability of the computational Diffie-Hellman problem,
253 and the security of a symmetric encryption scheme.
254 \item It provides \emph{perfect forward secrecy}. That is, even if a user's
255 long-term secrets are compromised, past sessions remain secure.
256 \item It is \emph{deniable}. It is possible to construct simulated
257 transcripts of protocol executions between any number of parties without
258 knowing any of their private keys. The simulated transcripts are (almost)
259 indistinguishable from real protocol transcripts. Hence, a transcript
260 does not provide useful evidence that a given party was really involved in
261 a given protocol execution.
262 \end{itemize}
264 \ifshort\else
265 \subsection{Asymptotic and concrete security results}
267 Most security definitions for identification (particularly zero-knowledge)
268 and key-exchange in the literature are \emph{asymptotic}. That is, they
269 consider a family of related protocols, indexed by a \emph{security
270 parameter}~$k$; they that any \emph{polynomially-bounded} adversary has only
271 \emph{negligible} advantage. A polynomially-bounded adversary is one whose
272 running time is a bounded by some polynomial~$t(k)$. The security definition
273 requires that, for any such polynomially-bounded adversary, and any
274 polynomial $p(k)$, the adversary's advantage is less than $p(k)$ for all
275 sufficiently large values of $k$.
277 Such asymptotic notions are theoretically interesting, and have obvious
278 connections to complexity theory. Unfortunately, such an asymptotic result
279 tells us nothing at all about the security of a particular instance of a
280 protocol, or what parameter sizes one needs to choose for a given level of
281 security against a particular kind of adversary. Koblitz and Menezes
282 \cite{Koblitz:2006:ALP} (among other useful observations) give examples of
283 protocols, proven to meet asymptotic notions of security, whose security
284 proofs guarantee nothing at all for the kinds of parameters typically used in
285 practice.
287 Since, above all, we're interested in analysing a practical and implemented
288 protocol, we follow here the `practice-oriented provable security' approach
289 largely inspired by Bellare and Rogaway, and exemplified by
290 \cite{Bellare:1994:SCB,Bellare:1995:XMN,Bellare:1995:OAE,Bellare:1996:ESD,%
291 Bellare:1996:KHF,Bellare:2000:CST}; see also \cite{Bellare:1999:POP}.
292 Rather than attempting to say, formally, whether or not a protocol is
293 `secure', we associate with each protocol an `insecurity function' which
294 gives an upper bound on the advantage of any adversary attacking the protocol
295 within given resource bounds.
296 \fi
298 \subsection{Formal models for key-exchange}
300 \ifshort
302 The first model for studying the \emph{computational} security of
303 key-exchange protocols (rather than using protocol-analysis logics like that
304 of \cite{Burrows:1989:LA}) was given by Bellare and Rogaway
305 \cite{Bellare:1994:EAK}; the model has since been enhanced, both by the
306 original authors and others, in \cite{Bellare:1995:PSS,%
307 Blake-Wilson:1997:KAP,Blake-Wilson:1998:EAA}. The model defines security
308 in terms of a game: key-exchange protocols are secure if an adversary can't
309 distinguish the key agreed by a chosen `challenge session' from a key chosen
310 independently at random. Other models for key-exchange have been proposed in
311 \cite{Bellare:1998:MAD} and \cite{Shoup:1999:OFM}; these use a different
312 notion of security, involving implementation of an ideal functionality.
314 \else
316 Many proposed key-exchange protocols have turned out to have subtle security
317 flaws. The idea of using formal methods to analyse key-exchange protocols
318 begins with the logic of Burrows, Abadi and Needham \cite{Burrows:1989:LA}.
319 Their approach requires a `formalising' step, in which one expresses in the
320 logic the contents of the message flows, and the \emph{beliefs} of the
321 participants.
323 Bellare and Rogaway \cite{Bellare:1994:EAK} describe a model for studying the
324 computational security of authentication and key-exchange protocols in a
325 concurrent setting, i.e., where multiple parties are running several
326 instances of a protocol simultaneously. They define a notion of security in
327 this setting, and show that several simple protocols achieve this notion.
328 Their original paper dealt with pairs of parties using symmetric
329 cryptography; they extended their definitions in \cite{Bellare:1995:PSS} to
330 study three-party protocols involving a trusted key-distribution centre.
332 Blake-Wilson, Johnson and Menezes \cite{Blake-Wilson:1997:KAP} applied the
333 model of \cite{Bellare:1994:EAK} to key-exchange protocols using asymmetric
334 cryptography, and Blake-Wilson and Menezes \cite{Blake-Wilson:1998:EAA}
335 applied it to protocols based on the Diffie-Hellman protocol.
337 The security notion of \cite{Bellare:1994:EAK} is based on a \emph{game}, in
338 which an adversary nominates a \emph{challenge session}, and is given either
339 the key agreed by the participants of the challenge session, or a random
340 value independently sampled from an appropriate distribution. The
341 adversary's advantage -- and hence the insecurity of the protocol -- is
342 measured by its success probability in guessing whether the value it was
343 given is really the challenge key. This challenge-session notion was also
344 used by the subsequent papers described above.
346 Bellare, Canetti and Krawczyk \cite{Bellare:1998:MAD} described a pair of
347 models which they called the \textsc{am} (for `authenticated links model')
348 and \textsc{um} (`unauthenticated links model'). They propose a modular
349 approach to the design of key-exchange protocols, whereby one first designs a
350 protocol and proves its security in the \textsc{am}, and then applies a
351 authenticating `compiler' to the protocol which they prove yields a protocol
352 secure in the realistic \textsc{um}. Their security notion is new. They
353 define an `ideal model', in which an adversary is limited to assigning
354 sessions fresh, random and unknown keys, or matching up one session with
355 another, so that both have the same key. They define a protocol to be secure
356 if, for any adversary~$A$ in the \textsc{am} or \textsc{um}, there is an
357 ideal adversary~$I$, such that the outputs of $A$ and $I$ are computationally
358 indistinguishable.
360 In \cite{Shoup:1999:OFM}, Shoup presents a new model for key-exchange, also
361 based on the idea of simulation. He analyses the previous models,
362 particularly \cite{Bellare:1994:EAK} and \cite{Bellare:1998:MAD}, and
363 highlights some of their inadequacies.
365 \fi
367 Canetti and Krawczyk \cite{Canetti:2001:AKE} describe a new notion of
368 security in the model of \cite{Bellare:1998:MAD}, based on the
369 challenge-session notion of \cite{Bellare:1994:EAK}. The security notion,
370 called `SK-security', seems weaker in various ways than those of earlier
371 works such as \cite{Bellare:1994:EAK} or \cite{Shoup:1999:OFM}. However, the
372 authors show that their notion suffices for constructing `secure channel'
373 protocols, which they also define.
375 \ifshort\else
376 In \cite{Canetti:2001:UCS}, Canetti describes the `universal composition'
377 framework. Here, security notions are simulation-based: one defines security
378 notions by presenting an `ideal functionality'. A protocol securely
379 implements a particular functionality if, for any adversary interacting with
380 parties who use the protocol, there is an adversary which interacts with
381 parties using the ideal functionality such that no `environment' can
382 distinguish the two. The environment is allowed to interact freely with the
383 adversary throughout, differentiating this approach from that of
384 \cite{Bellare:1998:MAD} and \cite{Shoup:1999:OFM}, where the distinguisher
385 was given only transcripts of the adversary's interaction with the parties.
386 With security defined in this way, it's possible to prove a `universal
387 composition theorem': one can construct a protocol, based upon various ideal
388 functionalities, and then `plug in' secure implementations of the ideal
389 functionalities and appeal to the theorem to prove the security of the entire
390 protocol. The UC framework gives rise to very strong notions of security,
391 due to the interactive nature of the `environment' distinguisher.
392 \fi
394 Canetti and Krawczyk \cite{Canetti:2002:UCN} show that the SK-security notion
395 of \cite{Canetti:2001:AKE} is \emph{equivalent} to a `relaxed' notion of
396 key-exchange security in the UC framework\ifshort\space of
397 \cite{Canetti:2001:UCS}\fi, and suffices for the construction of UC secure
398 channels.
400 The result of \cite{Canetti:2002:UCN} gives us confidence that SK-security is
401 the `right' notion of security for key-exchange protocols. Accordingly,
402 SK-security is the standard against which we analyse our key-exchange
403 protocol.
406 \subsection{Outline of the paper}
408 The remaining sections of this paper are as follows.
409 \begin{itemize}
410 \item Section \ref{sec:prelim} provides the essential groundwork for the rest
411 of the paper. It introduces important notation, and describes security
412 notions and intractability assumptions.
413 \item Section \ref{sec:zk-ident} describes our zero-knowledge identification
414 protocol and proves its security.
415 \item Section \ref{sec:kx} describes the simple version of our key-exchange
416 protocol, and proves its security and deniability. It also describes some
417 minor modifications which bring practical benefits without damaging
418 security.
419 \item Finally, section \ref{sec:conc} presents our conclusions.
420 \end{itemize}
422 \ifshort
423 The full version of this paper describes how to make our protocols
424 identity-based by using bilinear pairings using the techniques introduced in
425 \cite{Boneh:2003:IBE}. It also contains proofs of the various theorems
426 stated here.
427 \fi
429 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 \section{Preliminaries}
432 \label{sec:prelim}
434 \ifshort
435 \subsection{Basics}
436 \let\prelimsec\subsubsection
437 \else
438 \let\prelimsec\subsection
439 \fi
441 \prelimsec{Miscellaneous notation}
443 We write $\Func{D}{R}$ for the set of all functions with domain $D$ and range
444 $R$.
446 \prelimsec{Groups}
448 Let $(G, +)$ be a cyclic group\footnote{
449 We find that additive group notation is easier to read. In particular, in
450 multiplicative groups, one ends up with many interesting things tucked away
451 in little superscripts.}%
452 of prime order $q$, and generated by an element $P$. We shall write the
453 identity of $G$ as $0_G$, or simply as $0$ when no ambiguity is likely to
454 arise. Thus, we have $\langle P \rangle = G$ and $q P = 0$. Any $X \in G$
455 can be written as $X = x P$ for some $x \in \{0, 1, \ldots, q - 1\}$.
457 We consider a cyclic group of order $n$ as a $\Z/n\Z$-module, and in
458 particular our group $G$ can be seen as a vector space over $\gf{q}$. This
459 makes the notation slightly more convenient.
461 \prelimsec{Bit strings and encodings}
462 \label{sec:bitenc}
464 Let $\Bin = \{0, 1\}$ be the set of binary digits. Then $\Bin^n$ is the set
465 of $n$-bit strings, and $\Bin^*$ the set of all (finite) bit strings. If $x
466 \in \Bin^n$ is a bit string, we write its length as $|x| = n$. For a bit
467 string $x \in \Bin^n$, and for $0 \le i < n$, we write $x[i]$ as the $i$th
468 bit of $x$. The empty string is denoted $\emptystring$.
470 Let $x$ and $y$ be two bit strings. If $|x| = |y| = n$, we write $x \xor y$
471 to mean the bitwise exclusive-or of $x$ and $y$\ifshort\else: if $z = x \xor
472 y$ then $|z| = n$, and $z[i] = (x[i] + y[i]) \bmod 2$ for $0 \le i < n$\fi.
473 We write $x \cat y$ to mean the concatenation of $x$ and $y$\ifshort\else: if
474 $z = x \cat y$ then $|z| = |x| + |y|$ and $z[i] = x[i]$ if $0 \le i < |x|$
475 and $z[i] = y[i - |x|]$ if $|x| < i \le |x| + |y|$\fi.
477 Finally, we let $\bot$ be a value distinct from any bit string.
479 We shall want to encode group elements $X \in G$ and indices $x \in I =
480 \gf{q}$ as bit strings.
481 \ifshort
482 To this end, we shall assume the existence of efficient, unambiguous
483 encodings of group elements as $\ell_G$-bit strings, and indices as
484 $\ell_I$-bit strings. To reduce clutter, we shall leave encoding and
485 decoding as implicit operations.
486 \else
487 To this end, we shall assume the existence of
488 integers $\ell_G, \ell_I > 0$ and functions
489 \[
490 e_S\colon S \to \Bin^{\ell_S}
491 \quad \textrm{and} \quad
492 d_S\colon \Bin^{\ell_S} \to S \cup \{ \bot \}
493 \qquad
494 \textrm{for } S \in \{ G, \F \}.
495 \]
496 with the following properties.
497 \begin{itemize}
498 \item The functions are \emph{unique} and \emph{unambiguous}, i.e., for any
499 $t \in \Bin^{\ell_S}$, we have
500 \[ d_S(t) = \begin{cases}
501 s & if there is some $s \in S$ such that $t = e_S(s)$, or \\
502 \bot & if no such $s$ exists.
503 \end{cases}
504 \]
505 \item The functions should be \emph{efficient} to compute. Indeed, we shall
506 be assuming that the time taken for encoding and decoding is essentially
507 trivial.
508 \end{itemize}
509 Note that, as we have defined them, all encodings of group elements are the
510 same length, and similarly for encodings of indices. This is necessary for
511 the security of our protocols.
513 We shall frequently abuse notation by omitting the encoding and decoding
514 functions where it is obvious that they are required.
515 \fi
517 \ifshort\else
518 \prelimsec{Games, adversaries, and oracles}
519 \label{sec:games}
521 Many of the security definitions and results given here make use of
522 \emph{games}, played with an \emph{adversary}. An adversary is a
523 probabilistic algorithm. In some games, the adversary is additionally
524 equipped with \emph{oracles}, which perform computations with values chosen
525 by the adversary and secrets chosen by the game but not revealed to the
526 adversary. We impose limits on the adversary's resource usage: in
527 particular, the total time it takes, and the number of queries it makes to
528 its various oracles. Throughout, we include the size of the adversary's
529 program as part of its `time', in order to model adversaries which contain
530 large precomputed tables.
532 The games provide models of someone trying to attack a construction or
533 protocol. For security, we will either define a notion of `winning' the
534 game, and require that all adversaries have only a very small probability of
535 winning, or we consider two different games and require that no adversary can
536 distinguish between the two except with very small probability.
538 Our proofs make frequent use of sequences of games; see
539 \cite{Shoup:2004:SGT,Bellare:2004:CBG}. The presentation owes much to Shoup
540 \cite{Shoup:2004:SGT}. We begin with a game $\G0$ based directly on a
541 relevant security definition, and construct a sequence of games $\G1$, $\G2$,
542 \dots, each slightly different from the last. We define all of the games in
543 a sequence over the same underlying probability space -- the random coins
544 tossed by the algorithms involved -- though different games may have slightly
545 differently-defined events and random variables. Our goal in doing this is
546 to bound the probability of the adversary winning the initial game $\G0$ by
547 simultaneously (a) relating the probability of this event to that of
548 corresponding events in subsequent games, and (b) simplifying the game until
549 the probability of the corresponding event can be computed directly.
551 The following simple lemma from \cite{Shoup:2001:OR} will be frequently
552 useful.
553 \begin{lemma}[Difference Lemma]
554 \label{lem:shoup}
555 Let $S$, $T$, $F$ be events. Suppose $\Pr[S \mid \bar F] =
556 \Pr[T \mid \bar F]$. Then $|\Pr[S] - \Pr[T]| \le \Pr[F]$.
557 \end{lemma}
558 \begin{proof}
559 A simple calculation:
560 \begin{eqnarray*}[rl]
561 |\Pr[S] - \Pr[T]|
562 & = |(\Pr[S \mid F]\Pr[F] + \Pr[S \mid \bar F]\Pr[\bar F]) -
563 (\Pr[T \mid F]\Pr[F] + \Pr[T \mid \bar F]\Pr[\bar F])| \\
564 & = \Pr[F] \cdot |\Pr[S \mid F] - \Pr[T \mid F]| \\
565 & \le \Pr[F]
566 \end{eqnarray*}
567 and we're done!
568 \end{proof}
569 \fi
572 \prelimsec{The random oracle model}
573 \label{sec:ro}
575 \ifshort\else
576 In particular, most of our results will make use of the \emph{random oracle}
577 model \cite{Bellare:1993:ROP}, in which all the participants, including the
578 adversary, have access to a number of `random oracles'. A random oracle with
579 domain $D$ and range $R$ is an oracle which computes a function chosen
580 uniformly at random from the set of all such functions. (In the original
581 paper \cite{Bellare:1993:ROP}, random oracles are considered having domain
582 $\Bin^*$ and range $\Bin^\omega$; we use finite random oracles here, because
583 they're easier to work with.)
585 Given a protocol proven secure in the random oracle model, we can instantiate
586 each random oracle by a supposedly-secure hash function and be fairly
587 confident that either our protocol will be similarly secure, or one of the
588 hash functions we chose has some unfortunate property.
590 Proofs in the random oracle must be interpreted carefully. For example,
591 Canetti, Goldreich and Halevi \cite{Canetti:2004:ROM} show that there are
592 schemes which can be proven secure in the random oracle model but provably
593 have no secure instantiation in the standard model.
594 \fi
596 The random oracle model \ifshort\cite{Bellare:1993:ROP} \fi is useful for
597 constructing reductions and simulators for two main reasons.
598 \begin{enumerate}
599 \item One can use the transcript of an adversary's queries to random oracles
600 in order to extract knowledge from it.
601 \item One can `program' a random oracle so as to avoid being bound by prior
602 `commitments', or to guide an adversary towards solving a selected instance
603 of some problem.
604 \end{enumerate}
605 Our proofs only make use of the first feature. This becomes particularly
606 important when we consider issues of zero-knowledge and deniability in a
607 concurrent setting, because we want to be able to claim that we retain these
608 features when the random oracle is instantiated using a cryptographic hash
609 function, and hash functions definitely aren't `programmable' in this way!
610 The former property seems rather more defensible -- one would indeed hope
611 that the only sensible way of working out (anything about) the hash of a
612 particular string is to actually compute the hash function, and the random
613 oracle model is, we hope, just giving us a `hook' into this process.
615 \ifshort\else
616 (Our protocols can be modified to make use of bilinear pairings so as to
617 provide identity-based identification and key-exchange, using the techniques
618 of \cite{Boneh:2003:IBE}. Proving the security of the modifications we
619 discuss would involve `programming' random oracles, but this doesn't affect
620 the zero-knowledge or deniability of the resulting protocols.)
621 \fi
624 \ifshort\else
625 \prelimsec{Notation for algorithms}
627 We shall have occasion to describe algorithms by means of a pseudocode. Our
628 choice of pseudocode is unlikely to be particularly controversial. We let $x
629 \gets y$ denote the action of setting $x$ to the value $y$; similarly, $x
630 \getsr Y$ denotes the action of sampling $x$ from the set $Y$ uniformly at
631 random.
633 The expression $a \gets A^{O(\cdot, x)}(y)$ means `assign to $a$ the value
634 output by algorithm $A$ on input $y$, and with oracle access to the algorithm
635 which, given input $z$, computes $O(z, x)$'.
637 We make use of conditional (\IF-\ELSE) and looping (\FOR-\DO and \WHILE-\DO)
638 constructions; in order to reduce the amount of space taken up, the bodies of
639 such constructions are shown by indentation only.
641 We don't declare the types of our variables explicitly, assuming that these
642 will be obvious by inspection; also, we don't describe our variables' scopes
643 explicitly, leaving the reader to determine these from context.
645 Finally, the notation $\Pr[\textit{algorithm} : \textit{condition}]$ denotes
646 the probability that \textit{condition} is true after running the given
647 \textit{algorithm}.
648 \fi
650 \prelimsec{Diffie-Hellman problems}
651 \label{sec:dhp}
653 The security of our protocols is related to the hardness of the
654 computational, decisional, and gap Diffie-Hellman problems in the group $G$.
655 We define these problems and what it means for them to be `hard' here.
657 The \emph{computational} Diffie-Hellman problem (CDH) is as follows: given
658 two group elements $X = x P$ and $Y = y P$, find $Z = x y P$.
659 \ifshort\else
660 \begin{definition}[The computational Diffie-Hellman problem]
661 Let $(G, +)$ be a cyclic group generated by $P$. For any adversary $A$, we
662 say that $A$'s \emph{success probability} at solving the computational
663 Diffie-Hellman problem in $G$ is
664 \[ \Succ{cdh}{G}(A) =
665 \Pr[ x \getsr I; y \getsr \Z/\#G\Z : A(x P, y P) = x y P ]
666 \]
667 where the probability is taken over the random choices of $x$ and $y$ and
668 any random decisions made by $A$. We say that the \emph{CDH insecurity
669 function} of $G$ is
670 \[ \InSec{cdh}(G; t) = \max_A \Succ{cdh}{G}(A) \]
671 where the maximum is taken over adversaries which complete in time $t$.
672 \end{definition}
673 Certainly, if one can compute discrete logarithms in the group $G$ (i.e.,
674 given $x P$, find $x$), then one can solve the computational Diffie-Hellman
675 problem. The converse is not clear, though. Shoup \cite{Shoup:1997:LBD}
676 gives us some confidence in the difficulty of the problem by showing that a
677 \emph{generic} adversary -- i.e., one which makes no use of the specific
678 structure of a group -- has success probability no greater than $q^2/\#G$.
680 This isn't quite sufficient for our purposes. Our proofs will be able to
681 come up with (possibly) a large number of guesses for the correct answer, and
682 at most one of them will be correct. Unfortunately, working out which one is
683 right seems, in general, to be difficult. This is the \emph{decision}
684 Diffie-Hellman problem (DDH), which \cite{Shoup:1997:LBD} shows, in the
685 generic group model, is about as hard as CDH. (See \cite{Boneh:1998:DDP} for
686 a survey of the decision Diffie-Hellman problem.)
687 \par\fi
688 Our reference problem will be a `multiple-guess computational Diffie-Hellman
689 problem' (MCDH), which is captured by a game as follows. An adversary is
690 given a pair of group elements $(x P, y P)$, and an oracle $V(\cdot)$ which
691 accepts group elements as input. The adversary wins the game if it queries
692 $V(x y P)$.
694 \begin{figure}
695 \begin{program}
696 $\Game{mcdh}{G}(A)$: \+ \\
697 $w \gets 0$; \\
698 $x \getsr \Z/\#G\Z$; $y \getsr \Z/\#G\Z$; \\
699 $A^{V(\cdot)}(x P, y P)$; \\
700 \RETURN $w$;
701 \next
702 Function $V(Z)$: \+ \\
703 \IF $Z = x y P$ \THEN \\ \ind
704 $w \gets 1$; \\
705 \RETURN $1$; \- \\
706 \RETURN $0$;
707 \end{program}
709 \caption{The multiple-guess computational Diffie-Hellman problem:
710 $\Game{mcdh}{G}(A)$}
711 \label{fig:mcdh}
712 \end{figure}
714 \begin{definition}[The multiple-guess computational Diffie-Hellman problem]
715 \label{def:mcdh}
716 Let $(G, +)$ be a cyclic group generated by $P$. For some adversary $A$,
717 we say that $A$'s \emph{success probability} at solving the multiple-guess
718 computational Diffie-Hellman problem in $G$ is
719 \[ \Succ{mcdh}{G}(A) = \Pr[\Game{mcdh}{G}(A) = 1] \]
720 where $\Game{mcdh}{G}(A)$ is shown in figure~\ref{fig:mcdh}. We say that
721 the \emph{MCDH insecurity function of $G$} is
722 \[ \InSec{mcdh}(G; t, q_V) = \max_A \Succ{mcdh}{G}(A) \]
723 where the maximum is taken over adversaries which complete in time $t$ and
724 make at most $q_V$-oracle queries.
725 \end{definition}
726 \ifshort
727 We can (loosely) relate the difficulty of MCDH to the difficulty of
728 the standard CDH problem, in which the adversary is allowed only a single
729 guess.
730 \else
731 Note that our MCDH problem is not quite the `gap Diffie-Hellman problem'
732 (GDH). The gap problem measures the intractibility of solving CDH even with
733 the assistance of an oracle for solving (restricted) decision Diffie-Hellman
734 problems in the group. Specifically, the adversary is given $(X, Y) = (x P,
735 y P)$ and tries to find $Z = x y P$, as for CDH, but now it has access to an
736 oracle $D(R, S)$ which answers $1$ if $S = x R$ and $0$ otherwise.
738 Clearly MCDH is at least as hard as GDH, since our simple verification oracle
739 $V(Z)$ can be simulated with the gap problem's DDH oracle, as $D(Y, Z)$.
740 However, we can (loosely) relate the difficulty of MCDH to the difficulty of
741 CDH.
742 \fi
743 \begin{proposition}[Comparison of MCDH and CDH security]
744 For any cyclic group $(G, +)$,
745 \[ \InSec{mcdh}(G; t, q_V) \le
746 \ifshort q_V\,\InSec{mcdh}(G; t + O(q_V), 1) \else
747 q_V\,\InSec{cdh}(G; t + O(q_V)) \fi.
748 \]
749 \end{proposition}
750 \begin{longproof}{The proof of this proposition may be found in the full
751 version of this paper.}
752 Let $A$ be an adversary attacking the multiple-guess computational
753 Diffie-Hellman problem in $G$, and suppose that it runs in time $t$ and
754 issues $q_V$ queries to its verification oracle.
756 We use a sequence of games. Game $\G0$ is the original MCDH attack game.
757 In each game $\G{i}$, we let the event $S_i$ be the probability that the
758 adversary wins the game.
760 Game $\G1$ is the same as $\G0$, except that we change the behaviour of the
761 verification oracle. Specifically, we make the oracle always return $0$.
762 We claim that this doesn't affect the adversary's probability of winning,
763 i.e., $\Pr[S_1] = \Pr[S_0]$. To see this, note that if none of the
764 adversary's $V(\cdot)$ queries was correct, then there is no change in the
765 game; conversely, if any query was correct, then the adversary will have
766 won regardless of its subsequent behaviour (which may differ arbitrarily
767 between the two games).
769 We are now ready to construct from $A$ an adversary $B$ attacking the
770 standard computational Diffie-Hellman problem.
771 \begin{program}
772 Adversary $B(X, Y)$: \+ \\
773 $n \gets 0$; \\
774 \FOR $i \in \Nupto{q_V}$ \DO $Q_i \gets 0$; \\
775 $A^{V(\cdot)}$; \\
776 $r \getsr \Nupto{n}$; \\
777 \RETURN $Q_r$;
778 \next
779 Function $D(Z')$: \+ \\
780 $Q_n \gets Z'$; \\
781 $n \gets n + 1$; \\
782 \RETURN $0$;
783 \end{program}
784 Observe that $B$ provides $A$ with an accurate simulation of game $\G1$.
785 Moreover, at the end of the algorithm, we have $0 < n \le q_V$, and the
786 values $Q_0$, $Q_1$, \dots, $Q_{n-1}$ are the values of $A$'s oracle
787 queries. Hence, with probability $Pr[S_1]$, at least of one of the $Q_i$
788 is the correct answer to the CDH problem. Let $\epsilon = \Pr[S_1] =
789 \Pr[S_0]$; we claim that $B$'s probability of success is at least
790 $\epsilon/q_V$. The proposition follows directly from this claim and that,
791 because $A$ was chosen arbitrarily, we can maximize and count resources.
793 We now prove the above claim. For $0 \le i < q_V$, let $W_i$ be the
794 event that $Q_i = x y P$, i.e., that $Q_i$ is the correct response. A
795 simple union bound shows that
796 \[ \sum_{0\le i<j} \Pr[W_i \mid n = j] \ge \epsilon. \]
797 We now perform a calculation:
798 \begin{eqnarray*}[rl]
799 \Succ{cdh}{G}(B)
800 & = \sum_{0\le i<q_V} \Pr[W_i \land r = i] \\
801 & = \sum_{0<j\le q_V} \Pr[n = j]
802 \biggl( \sum_{0\le i<j} \Pr[W_i \land r = i \mid n = j] \biggr) \\
803 & = \sum_{0<j\le q_V} \Pr[n = j]
804 \biggl( \frac{1}{j} \sum_{0\le i<j} \Pr[W_i \mid n = j] \biggr) \\
805 &\ge \sum_{0<j\le q_V} \Pr[n = j] \frac{\epsilon}{j} \\
806 &\ge \frac{\epsilon}{q_V} \sum_{0<j\le q_V} \Pr[n = j] \\
807 & = \frac{\epsilon}{q_V}.
808 \end{eqnarray*}
809 which completes the proof.
810 \end{longproof}
812 \ifshort\else
813 \prelimsec{Example groups and encodings}
815 For nonnegative integers $0 \le n < 2^\ell$, there is a natural binary
816 encoding $N_\ell\colon \Nupto{2^\ell} \to \Bin^\ell$ which we can define
817 recursively as follows.
818 \[ N_0(0) = \emptystring \qquad
819 N_\ell(n) = \begin{cases}
820 N_{\ell-1}(n) \cat 0 & if $0 \le n < 2^{\ell-1}$ \\
821 N_{\ell-1}(n - 2^{\ell-1}) \cat 1 & if $2^{\ell-1} \le n < 2^\ell$.
822 \end{cases}
823 \]
824 Given an encoding $a = N_\ell(n)$ we can recover $n$ as
825 \[ n = \sum_{0\le i<\ell} a[i] 2^i. \]
826 Hence, given some limit $L \le 2^\ell$, we can encode elements of $\Nupto{L}$
827 using the functions $(e, d)$:
828 \[ e(L, \ell, n) = N_\ell(n) \qquad
829 d(L, \ell, a) = \begin{cases}
830 N_\ell(a) & if $N_\ell(a) < L$ \\
831 \bot & otherwise
832 \end{cases}
833 \]
834 The reader can verify that the functions $e(L, \ell, \cdot)$ and $d(L, \ell,
835 \cdot)$ satisfy the requirements of section~\ref{sec:bitenc}.
837 Given some $q$ with $q < 2^{\ell_I}$, then, we can define an encoding
838 $(e_\F, d_\F)$ by $e_\F(n) = e(q, \ell_I, n)$ and $d_\F(a) = d(q, \ell_I,
839 a)$.
841 Let $p$ and $q$ be primes, with $q \mid (p - 1)$. Then there is an order-$q$
842 subgroup of $\F_p^*$. In practice, an order-$q$ element can be found easily
843 by taking elements $h \in \F_p^*$ at random and computing $g = h^{(p-1)/2}$
844 until $g \ne 1$; then $G = \langle g \rangle$ is a group of $q$ elements.
845 Assuming that $p$ and $q$ are sufficiently large, the Diffie-Hellman problems
846 seem to be difficult in $G$. Some texts recommend additional restrictions on
847 $p$, in particular that $(p - 1)/2q$ be either prime or the product of large
848 primes. Primes of this form protect against small-subgroup attacks; but our
849 protocols are naturally immune to these attacks, so such precautions are
850 unnecessary here. Elements of $G$ can be encoded readily, since each element
851 $n + p\Z$ of $\F_p = \Z/p\Z$ has an obvious `representative' integer $n$ such
852 that $0 \le n < p$, and given $2^{\ell_G} > p$, we can encode $n$ as $e(p,
853 \ell_G, n)$, as above.
855 Alternatively, let $\F = \gf{p^f}$ be a finite field, and $E$ be an elliptic
856 curve defined over $\F$ such that the group $E(\F)$ of $\F$-rational points
857 of $E$ has a prime-order cyclic subgroup $G$. Elements of $G$ can be
858 represented as pairs of elements of $\F$. If $f = 1$, i.e., $\F = \Z/p\Z$
859 then field elements can be encoded as above. If $p = 2$, we can represent
860 the field as $\F_2/(p(x))$ for some irreducible polynomial $p(x) \in \F_2[x]$
861 of degree $f$. An element $r \in \F$ can then be represented by a polynomial
862 $r(x)$ with degree less than $f$, and coefficients $c_i \in \{0, 1\}$, i.e.,
863 \[ r(x) = \sum_{0\le i<f} c_i x^i \]
864 and hence we can uniquely encode $r$ as an $f$-bit string $a$ such that $a[i]
865 = c_i$.
866 \fi
869 \prelimsec{Symmetric encryption}
870 \label{sec:sym-enc}
872 Our key-exchange protocol requires a symmetric encryption scheme. Our
873 definition is fairly standard, except that, rather than specifying a
874 key-generation algorithm, we assume that key generation simply involves
875 selecting a string of a given length uniformly at random.
876 \begin{definition}[Symmetric encryption schemes]
877 A \emph{symmetric encryption scheme} $\E = (\kappa, E, D)$ consists of:
878 \begin{itemize}
879 \item an integer $\kappa \ge 0$,
880 \item a randomized \emph{encryption algorithm} $E$ which, on input $K \in
881 \Bin^\kappa$ and $p \in \Bin^*$ outputs some $c \in \Bin^*$, written $c
882 \gets E_K(p)$;
883 \item a \emph{decryption algorithm} $D$ which, on input $K \in \Bin^\kappa$
884 and $c \in \Bin^*$ outputs some $p' \in \Bin^* \cup \{\bot\}$, written
885 $p' \gets D_K(c)$.
886 \end{itemize}
887 Furthermore, a symmetric encryption scheme must be \emph{sound}: that is,
888 if $c \gets E_K(p)$ for some $K \in \Bin^\kappa$ and $p \in \Bin^*$, and
889 $p' \gets D_K(c)$ then $p = p'$.
890 \end{definition}
891 Our security notion for symmetric encryption is the standard notion of
892 left-or-right indistinguishability of ciphertexts under chosen-ciphertext
893 attack.
894 \begin{definition}[IND-CCA]
895 \label{def:ind-cca}
896 Let $\E = (\kappa, E, D)$ be a symmetric encryption scheme, and $A$ be an
897 adversary. Let $\id{lr}_b(x_0, x_1) = x_b$ for $b \in \{0, 1\}$. Let
898 \[ P_b =
899 \Pr[K \getsr \Bin^\kappa;
900 b \gets A^{E_K(\id{lr}_b(\cdot, \cdot)), D_K(\cdot)}() :
901 b = 1]
902 \]
903 An adversary is \emph{valid} if
904 \begin{itemize}
905 \item for any query to its encryption oracle $E_K(\id{lr}_b(x_0, x_1))$ we
906 have $|x_0| = |x_1|$, and
907 \item no query to the decryption oracle $D_K(\cdot)$ is equal to any reply
908 from an encryption query.
909 \end{itemize}
910 If $A$ is valid, then we define its \emph{advantage} in attacking the
911 security of $\E$ as follows
912 \[ \Adv{ind-cca}{\E} = P_1 - P_0. \]
913 Further, we define the \emph{IND-CCA insecurity function of $\E$} to be
914 \[ \InSec{ind-cca}(\E; t, q_E, q_D) = \max_A \Adv{ind-cca}{\E}(A) \]
915 where the maximum is taken over all valid adversaries $A$ which run in time
916 $t$, and issue at most $q_E$ encryption and $q_D$ decryption queries.
917 \end{definition}
920 \subsection{Simulations}
921 \label{sec:sim}
923 In section~\ref{sec:zk-ident}, we shall prove that our identification
924 protocol is zero-knowledge; in section~\ref{sec:denial}, we show that our
925 key-exchange protocol is deniable. In both of these proofs, we shall need to
926 demonstrate \emph{simulatability}.
928 \ifshort
930 We consider an adversary~$A$ interacting with a `world'~$W$; we model both as
931 probabilistic algorithms. Both $A$ and~$W$ are given a common input~$c$; the
932 world is additionally given a private input~$w$; these are chosen by a
933 randomized initialization function $I$. The adversary is additionally given
934 an auxiliary input~$u$ computed from $w$ by a randomized algorithm~$U$. All
935 these algorithms -- the adversary and the world, but also the initialization
936 and auxiliary-input algorithms $I$ and~$U$ -- have access to a number of
937 random oracles $\mathcal{H} = (H_0, H_1, \ldots, H_{n-1})$. The adversary
938 eventually decides to stop interacting, and produces an output~$a$.
940 A \emph{simulator} for $A$'s interaction with $W$ is an algorithm $S^A$ which
941 attempts to produce a similar output distribution, but without interacting
942 with $W$. The simulator is given the same inputs $(c, u)$ as we gave
943 to~$A$, and $S$ is also allowed to query the random oracles~$\mathcal{H}$.
945 To measure the effectiveness of a simulator, we consider a distinguisher~$D$
946 which is given $(c, u, a)$, and access to $\mathcal{H}$, and returns a bit
947 $b$ representing its verdict as to whether the output $a$ was produced by the
948 adversary or the simulator.
950 \else
952 \subsubsection{General framework}
953 Consider a game in which an adversary~$A$ interacts with some `world'~$W$,
954 which we shall represent as a probabilistic algorithm. The world may in fact
955 represent a number of honest parties communicating in a concurrent fashion,
956 but we can consider them as a single algorithm for our present purposes.
958 Initially the world and the adversary are both given the same \emph{common
959 input}~$c$; in addition, the world is given a \emph{private input}~$w$.
960 Both $c$ and~$w$ are computed by an \emph{initialization function}~$I$, which
961 is considered to be part of the definition of the game. Finally, the
962 adversary decides somehow that it has finished interacting, and outputs a
963 value~$a$. All this we notate as
964 \[ (w, c) \gets I(); a \gets A^{W(w, c)}(c). \]
965 This game is \emph{simulatable} if there is an algorithm~$S$ -- the
966 \emph{simulator} -- which can compute the same things as~$A$, but all by
967 itself without interacting with the world. That is, we run the simulator on
968 the common input~$c$, allowing it to interact in some way with the
969 adversary~$A$, and finally giving us an output~$s$.
970 \[ (w, c) \gets I(); s \gets S^A(c). \]
971 We shall say that the simulator is \emph{effective} if it's difficult to tell
972 whether a given string was output by the adversary after interacting with the
973 world, or by the simulator running by itself. That is, for any algorithm~$D$
974 -- a \emph{distinguisher} -- running in some bounded amount of time, its
975 advantage
976 \begin{spliteqn*}
977 \Pr[(w, c) \gets I(); a \gets A^{W(w, c)}(c);
978 b \gets D(c, a) : b = 1] - {} \\
979 \Pr[(w, c) \gets I(); s \gets S^A(c); b \gets D(c, s) : b = 1]
980 \end{spliteqn*}
981 is small. (Note that we gave the distinguisher the common input as well as
982 the output of the adversary or the simulator.)
984 It's usual to study \emph{transcripts} of interactions in these kinds of
985 settings. We are considering arbitrary adversarial outputs here, so this
986 certainly includes adversaries which output a transcript of their
987 interactions. Indeed, for any adversary~$A$, we could construct an
988 adversary~$A_T$ which performs the same computation, and outputs the same
989 result, but also includes a complete transcript of $A$'s interaction with the
990 world. Therefore we're just providing additional generality.
992 \subsubsection{Random oracles}
993 We shall be considering interactions in which all the parties have access to
994 several random oracles. We could simply say that the random oracles are part
995 of the world~$W$. In the setting described above, only the adversary
996 actually interacts with the world (and therefore would be able to query
997 random oracles). The simulator would be forced to `make up' its own random
998 oracle, and the distinguisher would have to study the distributions of the
999 random-oracle queries and their responses to make up its mind about which it
1000 was given.
1002 However, this would be a poor model for the real world, since once we
1003 instantiate the random oracle with a hash function, we know that everyone
1004 would in actually be able to compute the hash function for themselves. Thus
1005 a distinguisher in the real world would be able to tell the difference
1006 immediately between a real interaction and the simulated transcript, since
1007 the `random oracle' queries recorded in the latter would be wrong!
1009 Therefore we decide not to include the random oracles as part of the world,
1010 but instead allow all the participants -- adversary, simulator and
1011 distinguisher -- access to them. If we denote by~$\mathcal{H} = (H_0, H_1,
1012 \ldots, H_{n-1})$ the collection of random oracles under consideration, the
1013 expression for the distinguisher's advantage becomes
1014 \begin{spliteqn*}
1015 \Pr[(w, c) \gets I(); a \gets A^{W(w, c), \mathcal{H}}(c);
1016 b \gets D^{\mathcal{H}}(c, a) : b = 1] - {} \\
1017 \Pr[(w, c) \gets I(); s \gets S^{A, \mathcal{H}}(c);
1018 b \gets D^{\mathcal{H}}(c, s) : b = 1].
1019 \end{spliteqn*}
1021 \subsubsection{Auxiliary inputs}
1022 If an adversary's output can be effectively simulated, then we can
1023 confidently state that the adversary `learnt' very little of substance from
1024 its interaction, and certainly very little it can \emph{prove} to anyone
1025 else. However, as we have described the setting so far, we fix an adversary
1026 before we choose inputs to the world, so our model says little about what an
1027 adversary which has already acquired some knowledge might learn beyond that.
1028 For example, an adversary might overhear some other conversation between
1029 honest parties and be able to use this to its advantage.
1031 To this end, we give the adversary an \emph{auxiliary input}~$u$, computed by
1032 an algorithm~$U$. We give $U$ both $c$ and $w$, in order to allow the
1033 adversary to gain some (possibly partial) knowledge of the secrets of the
1034 other parties. We also allow $U$ access to the random oracles~$\mathcal{H}$,
1035 because clearly in the `real world' it would be ridiculous to forbid such an
1036 algorithm from computing a publicly-known hash function.
1038 The simulator and distinguisher are also given the auxiliary input. The
1039 simulator is meant to represent the adversary's ability to compute things on
1040 its own, without interacting with the world, and since the adversary is given
1041 the auxiliary input, the simulator must be too. The distinguisher must be
1042 given the auxiliary input because otherwise the simulator could just `make
1043 up' plausible-looking inputs.
1045 \fi
1047 \ifshort
1048 Because we're interested in a concrete, quantitative analysis, we must
1049 constrain the resource usage of the various algorithms described above.
1050 Specifically, we shall be interested in
1051 \else
1053 \subsubsection{Resource limits}
1054 We shall not allow our algorithms to perform completely arbitrary
1055 computations and interactions. Instead, we impose limits on the amount of
1056 time they are allowed to take, the number of random-oracle queries they make,
1057 and so on. Specifically, we are interested in
1058 \fi
1059 \begin{itemize}
1060 \item the time $t_A$ taken by the adversary and $t_D$ taken by the
1061 distinguisher,
1062 \item the number of oracle queries $\mathcal{Q}_A = (q_{A,0}, q_{A,1},
1063 \ldots, q_{A,n-1})$ made by the adversary, and $\mathcal{Q}_D$ made by the
1064 distinguisher,
1065 \item a number of resource bounds $\mathcal{R}$ on the adversary's
1066 interaction with the world (e.g., number of messages of various kinds sent
1067 and received), and
1068 \item a number of bounds $\mathcal{U}$ on the contents of the adversary's
1069 auxiliary input~$u$.
1070 \end{itemize}
1071 Sometimes we shall not be interested in proving simulatability of adversaries
1072 with auxiliary inputs. We write $\mathcal{U} = 0$ to indicate that auxiliary
1073 input is not allowed.
1075 \ifshort\else
1077 \subsubsection{World syntax}
1078 It will be worth our while being more precise about what a `world' actually
1079 is, syntactically. We define a world to be a single, randomized algorithm
1080 taking inputs $(\iota, \sigma, \tau, \mu) \in (\Bin^*)^4$; the algorithm's
1081 output is a pair $(\sigma', \rho) \in (\Bin^*)^2$. We show how the
1082 adversary's interaction is mapped on to this world algorithm in
1083 figure~\ref{fig:sim-world}.
1084 \begin{itemize}
1085 \item The `input' $\iota$ is the result of the initialization function~$I$.
1086 That is, it is the pair $(w, c)$ of the world's private input and the
1087 common input.
1088 \item The `state' $\sigma$ is empty on the world's first invocation; on each
1089 subsequent call, the value of the world's output $\sigma'$ is passed back.
1090 In this way, the world can maintain state.
1091 \item The `type $\tau$ is a token giving the type of invocation this is.
1092 \item The `message' $\mu$ is any other information passed in; its form will
1093 typically depend on the type~$\tau$ of the invocation.
1094 \item The `new state' $\sigma'$ is the value of $\sigma$ to pass to the next
1095 invocation of the world.
1096 \item The `reply $\rho$ is the actual output of the invocation.
1097 \end{itemize}
1098 There are two special invocation types. The adversary is \emph{forbidden}
1099 from making special invocations.
1100 \begin{itemize}
1101 \item The special invocation type $\cookie{init}$ is used to allow the world to
1102 prepare an initial state. The world is invoked as
1103 \[ W^{\mathcal{H}}(\iota, \emptystring, \cookie{init}, \emptystring) \]
1104 and should output an initial state $\sigma'$. The world's reply $\rho$ is
1105 ignored. (Recall that $\emptystring$ represents the empty string.)
1106 \item The special invocation type $\cookie{random}$ is used to inform the
1107 world that the adversary has issued a random oracle query. The world is
1108 invoked as
1109 \[ W^{\mathcal{H}}(\iota, \sigma, \cookie{random}, (i, x, h)) \]
1110 to indicate that the adversary has queried its random oracle $H_i(\cdot)$
1111 on the input $x$, giving output~$h$. The world may output an updated state
1112 $\sigma'$; its reply $\rho$ is ignored.
1113 \end{itemize}
1114 The latter special query is a technical device used to allow the `fake-world'
1115 simulators we define below to be aware of the adversary's random oracle
1116 queries without being able to `program' the random oracle. Including it here
1117 does little harm, and simplifies the overall exposition.
1119 \begin{figure}
1120 \begin{program}
1121 Interaction $A^{W(w, c), \mathcal{H}}(c, u)$: \+ \\
1122 $(\sigma, \rho) \gets
1123 W((w, c), \emptystring, \cookie{init}, \emptystring)$; \\
1124 $a \gets A^{\id{world}(\cdot, \cdot),
1125 \id{random}(\cdot, \cdot)}(c, u)$; \\
1126 \RETURN $a$;
1127 \newline
1128 Function $\id{world}(\tau, \mu)$: \+ \\
1129 \IF $\tau \in \{\cookie{init}, \cookie{random}\}$ \THEN
1130 \RETURN $\bot$; \\
1131 $(\sigma, \rho) \gets W((w, c), \sigma, \tau, \mu)$; \\
1132 \RETURN $\rho$; \-
1133 \next
1134 Function $\id{random}(i, x)$: \+ \\
1135 $h \gets H_i(x)$; \\
1136 $(\sigma, \rho) \gets
1137 W((w, c), \sigma, \cookie{random}, (i, x, h))$; \\
1138 \RETURN $h$;
1139 \end{program}
1141 \caption{Interacting with a world: Interaction $A^{W, \mathcal{H}}$}
1142 \label{fig:sim-world}
1143 \end{figure}
1145 \subsubsection{Definitions}
1146 We are now ready to begin making definitions.
1147 \fi
1149 \begin{definition}[Simulation security]
1150 \label{def:sim}
1151 Consider the game described above, with the initialization function~$I$,
1152 and the world~$W$: let $A$ be an adversary, and let~$U$ be an
1153 auxiliary-input function; let $S$ be a simulator, and let $D$ be a
1154 distinguisher. We define $D$'s \emph{advantage against $S$'s simulation of
1155 $A$'s interaction with~$W$ with auxiliary inputs provided by~$U$} to be
1156 \[ \Adv{sim}{W, I, S}(A, U, D) =
1157 \Pr[\Game{real}{W, I, S}(A, U, D) = 1] -
1158 \Pr[\Game{sim}{W, I, S}(A, U, D)= 1]
1159 \]
1160 where the games are as shown in figure~\ref{fig:sim}.
1161 Furthermore, we define the \emph{simulator's insecurity function} to be
1162 \[ \InSec{sim}(W, I, S;
1163 t_D, t_A, \mathcal{Q}_D, \mathcal{Q}_A, \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{U}) =
1164 \max_{D, A, U} \Adv{sim}{W, I, S}(A, U, D)
1165 \]
1166 where the maximum is taken over all distinguishers~$D$ running in
1167 time~$t_D$ and making at most $\mathcal{Q}_D$ random-oracle queries, and
1168 all adversaries~$A$ running in time~$t_A$, making at most $\mathcal{Q}_A$
1169 random-oracle queries, not exceeding the other stated resource
1170 bounds~$\mathcal{R}$ on its interaction with~$W$, and auxiliary-input
1171 functions producing output not exceeding the stated bounds~$\mathcal{U}$.
1172 \end{definition}
1173 \begin{remark}
1174 The usual definitions of zero-knowledge, for example, require the simulator
1175 to work for all choices of inputs (common, private and auxiliary), rather
1176 than for random choices. Our definition therefore looks weaker. Our proof
1177 of zero-knowledge actually carries through to the traditional
1178 stronger-looking definition. Critically, however, the standard
1179 universal quantification over inputs fails to capture deniability in the
1180 random oracle model, since the inputs can't therefore depend on the random
1181 oracle. Our formulation therefore actually gives \emph{stronger}
1182 deniability than the usual one.
1183 \end{remark}
1185 \begin{figure}
1186 \begin{program}
1187 $\Game{real}{W, I, S}(A, U, D)$: \+ \\
1188 $(w, c) \gets I()$; \\
1189 $u \gets U^{\mathcal{H}}(w, c)$; \\
1190 $a \gets A^{W(w, c), \mathcal{H}}(c, u)$; \\
1191 $b \gets D^{\mathcal{H}}(c, u, a)$; \\
1192 \RETURN $b$;
1193 \next
1194 $\Game{sim}{W, I, S}(A, U, D)$: \+ \\
1195 $(w, c) \gets I()$; \\
1196 $u \gets U^{\mathcal{H}}(w, c)$; \\
1197 $s \gets S^{A, \mathcal{H}}(c, u)$; \\
1198 $b \gets D^{\mathcal{H}}(c, u, s)$; \\
1199 \RETURN $b$;
1200 \end{program}
1202 \caption{Games for simulation: $\Game{real}{W, I}$ and $\Game{sim}{W, I}$}
1203 \label{fig:sim}
1204 \end{figure}
1206 \ifshort\else
1207 \subsubsection{Fake-world simulators}
1208 The simulators we shall be considering in the present paper are of a specific
1209 type which we call `fake-world simulators'. They work by running the
1210 adversary in a fake `cardboard cut-out' world, and attempting to extract
1211 enough information from the adversary's previous interactions and random
1212 oracle queries to maintain a convincing illusion.
1214 That is, the behaviour of a fake-world simulator~$S$ is simply to allow the
1215 adversary to interact with a `fake world'~$W'$, which was not given the world
1216 private input. That is, there is some world $W'$ such that
1217 \[ S^{A, \mathcal{H}}(c, u) \equiv A^{W'(u, c), \mathcal{H}}(c, u) \]
1218 Fake-world simulators are convenient because they allow us to remove from
1219 consideration the distinguisher~$D$ as the following definition shows.
1220 \begin{definition}[Fake-world simulation security]
1221 \label{def:fakesim}
1222 Let $I$, $W$ and $U$ be as in definition~\ref{def:sim}. Let $A$ be an
1223 adversary which outputs a single bit. Let $S$ be a fake-world simulator.
1224 We define $A$'s \emph{advantage against $S$'s fake-world simulation of $W$
1225 with auxiliary inputs provided by~$U$} to be
1226 \begin{spliteqn*}
1227 \Adv{fw}{W, I, S}(A, U) =
1228 \Pr[(w, c) \gets I(); u \gets U^{\mathcal{H}}(w, c);
1229 b \gets A^{W(w, c), \mathcal{H}}(c, u) : b = 1] - {} \\
1230 \Pr[(w, c) \gets I(); u \gets U^{\mathcal{H}}(w, c);
1231 b \gets S^{A, \mathcal{H}}(c, u) : b = 1]
1232 \end{spliteqn*}
1233 Furthermore, we define the \emph{simulator's insecurity function} to be
1234 \[ \InSec{fw}(W, I, S;
1235 t_D, t, \mathcal{Q}, \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{U}) =
1236 \max_{A, U} \Adv{fw}{W, I, S}(A, U)
1237 \]
1238 where the maximum is taken over all adversaries~$A$ running in time~$t$,
1239 making at most $\mathcal{Q}$ random-oracle queries, not exceeding the other
1240 stated resource bounds~$\mathcal{R}$ on its interaction with~$W$, and
1241 auxiliary-input functions producing output not exceeding the stated
1242 bounds~$\mathcal{U}$.
1243 \end{definition}
1244 It remains for us to demonstrate that this is a valid way of analysing
1245 simulators; the following simple proposition shows that this is indeed the
1246 case.
1247 \begin{proposition}[Fake-world simulation]
1248 \label{prop:fakesim}
1249 Let $I$ be an initialization function and let $W$ be a world. Then, for
1250 any fake-world simulator~$S$,
1251 \[ \InSec{sim}(W, I, S; t_D, t_A, \mathcal{Q}_D, \mathcal{Q}_A,
1252 \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{U}) \le
1253 \InSec{fw}(W, I, S; t_A + t_D, \mathcal{Q}_D + \mathcal{Q}_A,
1254 \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{U})
1255 \]
1256 (where addition of query bounds $\mathcal{Q}$ is done elementwise).
1257 \end{proposition}
1258 \begin{proof}
1259 Let $W$ and $I$ as in the proposition statement be given; also let a
1260 distinguisher~$D$ running in time~$t_D$ and making $\mathcal{Q}_D$
1261 random-oracle queries, an adversary~$A$ running in time~$t_A$ and making
1262 $\mathcal{Q}_A$ random-oracle queries and interacting with its world within
1263 the stated bounds~$\mathcal{R}$, an auxiliary-input function~$U$ satisfying
1264 the constraints~$\mathcal{U}$ on its output, and a fake-world simulator~$S$
1265 all be given.
1267 We construct an adversary~$B$ outputting a single bit as follows
1268 \begin{program}
1269 Adversary $B^{W, \mathcal{H}}(c, u)$: \+ \\
1270 $a \gets A^{W, \mathcal{H}}(c, u)$; \\
1271 $b \gets D^{\mathcal{H}}(c, u, a)$; \\
1272 \RETURN $b$;
1273 \end{program}
1274 A glance at definitions \ref{def:sim} and~\ref{def:fakesim} and the
1275 resources used by $B$ shows that
1276 \[ \Adv{sim}{W, I, S}(A, U) = \Adv{fw}{W, I, S}(B, U)
1277 \le \InSec{fw}(W, I, S; t_D + t_A, \mathcal{Q}_D + \mathcal{Q}_A,
1278 \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{U})
1279 \]
1280 as required.
1281 \end{proof}
1282 \fi
1284 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1286 \section{A zero-knowledge identification scheme}
1287 \label{sec:zk-ident}
1290 \subsection{Description}
1292 Here we present a simple zero-knowledge identification scheme. Fix some
1293 group $G$ with prime order $q = \#G$. Suppose Alice chooses a private key $x
1294 \inr \gf{q}$, and publishes the corresponding public key $X = x P$. Let
1295 $H_I\colon G^2 \to \Bin^{\ell_I}$ be a secure hash function. Here's a simple
1296 protocol which lets her prove her identity to Bob.
1297 \begin{enumerate}
1298 \item Bob selects a random $r \inr \gf{q}$, and computes $R = r P$, $Y = r X$,
1299 and $c = r \xor H_I(R, Y)$. He sends the pair $(R, c)$ to Alice as his
1300 \emph{challenge}.
1301 \item Alice receives $(R, c)$. She computes $Y' = x R$ and $r' = c \xor
1302 H_I(R', Y')$, and checks that $R = r' P$. If so, she sends $Y'$ as her
1303 \emph{response}; otherwise she sends $\bot$.
1304 \item Bob receives $Y'$ from Alice. He checks that $Y' = Y$. If so, he
1305 accepts that he's talking to Alice; otherwise he becomes suspicious.
1306 \end{enumerate}
1307 We name this the Wrestlers Identification Protocol in~$G$, $\Wident^G$ (we
1308 drop the superscript to refer to the protocol in general, or when no
1309 ambiguity is likely to result). A summary is shown in
1310 figure~\ref{fig:wident}.
1312 \begin{figure}
1313 \begin{description}
1314 \item[Setup] Group $G = \langle P \rangle$; $\#G = q$ is prime.
1315 $H_I(\cdot, \cdot)$ is a secure hash.
1316 \item[Private key] $x \inr \gf{q}$.
1317 \item[Public key] $X = x P$.
1318 \item[Challenge] $(R, c)$ where $r \inr \gf{q}$, $R = r P$, $c = r \xor
1319 H_I(R, r X)$.
1320 \item[Response] $x R = r X$ if $R = (c \xor H_I(R, x R)) P$; otherwise
1321 $\bot$.
1322 \end{description}
1324 \caption{Summary of the Wrestlers Identification Protocol, $\Wident$}
1325 \label{fig:wident}
1326 \end{figure}
1329 \subsection{Security}
1331 In order to evaluate the security of our protocol, we present a formal
1332 description of the algorithms involved in figure~\ref{fig:wident}. Here, the
1333 hash function $H_I(\cdot, \cdot)$ is modelled as a random oracle.
1335 \begin{figure}
1336 \begin{program}
1337 Function $\id{setup}()$: \+ \\
1338 $x \getsr \gf{q}$; \\
1339 $X \gets x P$; \\
1340 \RETURN $(x, X)$;
1341 \ifshort\newline\else\next\fi
1342 Function $\id{challenge}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot)}(R, c, X)$: \+ \\
1343 $r \getsr \gf{q}$; \\
1344 $R \gets r P$; $Y \gets r X$; \\
1345 $h \gets H_I(R, Y)$; $c \gets r \xor h$; \\
1346 \RETURN $(Y, R, c)$; \- \\[\medskipamount]
1347 Function $\id{verify}(Y, Y')$: \+ \\
1348 \IF $Y' = Y$ \THEN \RETURN $1$; \\
1349 \RETURN $0$;
1350 \next
1351 Function $\id{response}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot)}(R, c, x)$: \+ \\
1352 $Y' \gets x R$; \\
1353 $h \gets H_I(R', Y')$; $r' \gets c \xor h$; \\
1354 \IF $R \ne r' P$ \THEN \RETURN $\bot$; \\
1355 \RETURN $Y'$;
1356 \end{program}
1358 \caption{Functions implementing $\Wident$ in the random oracle model}
1359 \label{fig:wident-ro}
1360 \end{figure}
1362 \subsubsection{Completeness}
1363 Suppose that Bob really is talking to Alice. Note that $Y' = x R = x (r P) =
1364 r (x P) = r X = Y$. Hence $r' = c \xor H_I(R', Y') = c \xor H_I(R, Y) = r$,
1365 so $r' P = r P = R$, so Alice returns $Y' = Y$ to Bob. Therefore $\Wident$
1366 is \emph{complete}: if Bob really is communicating with Alice then he
1367 accepts.
1369 \subsubsection{Soundness}
1370 We next show that impersonating Alice is difficult. The natural way to prove
1371 this would be to give an adversary a challenge and prove that its probability
1372 of giving a correct response is very small. However, we prove a stronger
1373 result: we show that if the adversary can respond correctly to any of a large
1374 collection of challenges then it can solve the MCDH problem.
1376 Consider the game $\Game{imp}{\Wident}$ shown in
1377 figure~\ref{fig:wident-sound}. An adversary's probability of successfully
1378 impersonating Alice in our protocol, by correctly responding to any one of
1379 $n$ challenges, is exactly its probability of winning the game (i.e., causing
1380 it to return $1$).
1382 \begin{figure}
1383 \begin{program}
1384 $\Game{imp-$n$}{\Wident}(A)$: \+ \\
1385 $H_I \getsr \Func{G^2}{\Bin^{\ell_I}}$; \\
1386 $(x, X) \gets \id{setup}()$; \\
1387 $\id{win} \gets 0$; \\
1388 $\Xid{R}{map} \gets \emptyset$; \\
1389 $\mathbf{c} \gets \id{challenges}(n)$; \\
1390 $(R', Y') \gets A^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot), \id{check}(\cdot, \cdot)}
1391 (X, \mathbf{c})$; \\
1392 \RETURN $\id{win}$;
1393 \newline
1394 Function $\id{challenges}(n)$: \+ \\
1395 \FOR $i \in \Nupto{n}$ \DO \\ \ind
1396 $(Y, R, c) \gets \id{challenge}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot)}$; \\
1397 $\Xid{R}{map} \gets \Xid{R}{map} \cup \{ R \mapsto Y \}$; \\
1398 $\mathbf{c}[i] \gets (R, c)$; \- \\
1399 \RETURN $\mathbf{c}$; \next
1400 Function $\id{check}(R', Y')$: \\
1401 \IF $R' \notin \dom \Xid{R}{map}$ \THEN \RETURN $0$; \\
1402 $Y \gets \Xid{R}{map}(R')$; \\
1403 \IF $\id{verify}(Y, Y')$ \THEN \\ \ind
1404 $\id{win} \gets 1$; \\
1405 \RETURN $1$; \- \\
1406 \RETURN $0$;
1407 \end{program}
1409 \caption{Soundness of $\Wident$: $\Game{imp-$n$}{\Wident}(A)$}
1410 \label{fig:wident-sound}
1411 \end{figure}
1413 \begin{theorem}[Soundness of $\Wident$]
1414 \label{thm:wident-sound}
1415 Let $A$ be any adversary running in time $t$ and making $q_I$ queries to
1416 its random oracle, and $q_V$ queries to its verification oracle. Let $G$
1417 be a cyclic group. Then
1418 \[ \Pr[\Game{imp-$n$}{\Wident^G}(A) = 1] \le
1419 \InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_I + q_V)
1420 \]
1421 where $t' = t + O(q_I) + O(q_V)$.
1422 \end{theorem}
1423 \begin{remark}
1424 Note that the security bound here is \emph{independent} of the value of
1425 $n$.
1426 \end{remark}
1427 \begin{longproof}{The proof of this theorem can be found in the full version
1428 of the paper.}
1429 We prove this by defining a sequence of games $\G{i}$. The first will be
1430 the same as the attack game $\Game{imp-$n$}{\Wident}(A)$ and the others
1431 will differ from it in minor ways. In each game $\G{i}$, let $S_i$ be the
1432 event that $A$ wins the game -- i.e., that it successfully impersonates the
1433 holder of the private key~$x$.
1435 Let game $\G0$ be the attack game $\Game{imp}{\Wident}(A)$, and let $(R',
1436 Y')$ be the output of $A$ in the game.
1438 We define a new game $\G1$ which is the same as $\G0$, except that we query
1439 the random oracle $H_I$ at $(R', Y')$ whenever the adversary queries
1440 $\id{check}(R', Y')$. (We don't charge the adversary for this.) This
1441 obviously doesn't affect the adversary's probability of winning, so
1442 $\Pr[S_1] = \Pr[S_0]$.
1444 Game $\G2$ is like $\G1$, except that we change the way we generate
1445 challenges and check their responses. Specifically, we new functions
1446 $\id{challenges}_2$ and $\id{check}_2$, as shown in
1447 figure~\ref{fig:wident-sound-2}.
1449 \begin{figure}
1450 \begin{program}
1451 Function $\id{challenges}_2(n)$: \+ \\
1452 $r^* \getsr I$; $R^* \gets r^* P$; $Y^* \gets r^* X$; \\
1453 \FOR $i \in \Nupto{n}$ \DO \\ \ind
1454 $r \getsr I$; $R \gets r R^*$; $Y \gets r Y^*$; \\
1455 $h \gets H_I(R, Y)$; $c \gets r \xor h$; \\
1456 $\Xid{R}{map} \gets \Xid{R}{map} \cup \{ R \mapsto r \}$; \\
1457 $\mathbf{c}[i] \gets (R, c)$; \- \\
1458 \RETURN $\mathbf{c}$;
1459 \next
1460 Function $\id{check}_2(R', Y')$: \+ \\
1461 \IF $R' \notin \dom \Xid{R}{map}$ \THEN \RETURN $0$; \\
1462 $r \gets \Xid{R}{map}(R')$; \\
1463 \IF $\id{verify}(Y^*, Y'/r)$ \THEN \\ \ind
1464 $\id{win} \gets 1$; \\
1465 \RETURN $1$; \- \\
1466 \RETURN $0$;
1467 \end{program}
1469 \caption{Soundness of $\Wident$: $\id{challenges}_2$ and $\id{check}_2$}
1470 \label{fig:wident-sound-2}
1471 \end{figure}
1473 While we're generating and checking challenges in a more complicated way
1474 here, we're not actually changing the distribution of the challenges, or
1475 changing the winning condition. Hence $\Pr[S_2] = \Pr[S_1]$.
1477 Now we change the rules again. Let $\G3$ be the same as $\G2$ except that
1478 we change the winning condition. Instead, we say that the adversary wins
1479 if any of the queries to its random oracle $H_I(R', Y')$ would be a correct
1480 response -- i.e., $\id{check}_2(R', Y')$ would return $1$. Since we query
1481 the oracle on $(R', Y')$ on its behalf at the end of the game, no adversary
1482 can do worse in this game than it does in $\G2$, so we have $\Pr[S_3] \ge
1483 \Pr[S_2]$. (It's not hard to see that this only helps quite stupid
1484 adversaries. We can transform any adversary into one for which equality
1485 holds here.)
1487 Finally, let $\G4$ be the same as $\G3$ except that we change the way we
1488 generate challenges again: rather than computing $h$ and setting $c \gets h
1489 \xor r$, we just choose $c$ at random. Specifically, we use the new
1490 function, $\id{challenges}_4$, shown in figure~\ref{fig:wident-sound-4}.
1492 \begin{figure}
1493 \begin{program}
1494 Function $\id{challenges}_4(n)$: \+ \\
1495 $r^* \getsr I$; $R^* \gets r^* P$; $Y^* \gets r^* X$; \\
1496 \FOR $i \in \Nupto{n}$ \DO \\ \ind
1497 $r \getsr I$; $R \gets r R^*$; \\
1498 $c \getsr \Bin^{\ell_I}$; \\
1499 $\Xid{R}{map} \gets \Xid{R}{map} \cup \{ R \mapsto r \}$; \\
1500 $\mathbf{c}[i] \gets (R, c)$; \- \\
1501 \RETURN $\mathbf{c}$;
1502 \end{program}
1504 \caption{Soundness of $\Wident$: $\id{challenges}_4$}
1505 \label{fig:wident-sound-4}
1506 \end{figure}
1508 Since $H_I(\cdot, \cdot)$ is a random function, the adversary can only
1509 distinguish $\G4$ from $\G3$ if it queries its random oracle at some $(R, r
1510 Y^*)$. But if it does this, then by the rule introduced in $\G3$ it has
1511 already won. Therefore we must have $\Pr[S_4] = \Pr[S_3]$.
1513 Our $\id{challenges}_4$ function is interesting, since it doesn't actually
1514 make use of $r^*$ or $Y^*$ when generating its challenges. This gives us
1515 the clue we need to bound $\Pr[S_4]$: we can use adversary $A$ to solve the
1516 multiple-guess Diffie-Hellman problem in $G$ by simulating the game $\G4$.
1517 Specifically, we define the adversary $B$ as shown in
1518 figure~\ref{fig:wident-sound-cdh}. That is, for each query $A$ makes to
1519 its random oracle at a new pair $(R', Y')$, we see whether this gives us
1520 the answer we're looking for. We have $\Pr[S_0] \le \Pr[S_4] =
1521 \Succ{mcdh}{G}(B) \le \InSec{gdh}(G; t', q_I + q_V)$ as required.
1523 \begin{figure}
1524 \begin{program}
1525 Adversary $B^{V(\cdot)}(X, R^*)$: \+ \\
1526 $F \gets \emptyset$; $\Xid{R}{map} \gets \emptyset$; \\
1527 \FOR $i \in \Nupto{n}$ \DO \\ \ind
1528 $r \getsr I$; $R \gets r R^*$; $c \getsr \Bin^{\ell_I}$; \\
1529 $\Xid{R}{map} \gets \Xid{R}{map} \cup \{ R \mapsto r \}$; \\
1530 $\mathbf{c}[i] \gets (R, c)$; \- \\
1531 $(R', Y') \gets A^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot), \id{check}(\cdot, \cdot)}
1532 (X, \mathbf{c})$; \\
1533 \IF $Y' \neq \bot$ \THEN $H_I(R', Y')$;
1534 \next
1535 Oracle $H_I(R', Y')$: \+ \\
1536 \IF $(R', Y') \in \dom F$ \THEN \\ \quad
1537 $h \gets F(x)$; \\
1538 \ELSE \\ \ind
1539 $\id{check}(R', Y')$; \\
1540 $h \getsr \Bin^{\ell_I}$;
1541 $F \gets F \cup \{ (R', Y') \mapsto h \}$; \- \\
1542 \RETURN $h$;
1543 \- \\[\medskipamount]
1544 Oracle $\id{check}(R', Y')$: \+ \\
1545 \IF $R' \in \dom \Xid{R}{map}$ \THEN
1546 $V(Y'/\Xid{R}{map}(R'))$;
1547 \end{program}
1549 \caption{Soundness of $\Wident$: reduction from MCDH}
1550 \label{fig:wident-sound-cdh}
1551 \end{figure}
1552 \end{longproof}
1554 \subsubsection{Zero-knowledge}
1555 Finally we must prove that $\Wident$ is (statistical) zero-knowledge -- i.e.,
1556 that, except with very small probability, Bob learns nothing of use to him
1557 except that he's interacting with Alice. To do this, we show that, for any
1558 algorithm $B$ which Bob might use to produce his challenge to the real Alice,
1559 there exists a simulator $S$ which produces transcripts distributed very
1560 similarly to transcripts of real conversations between $B$ and Alice, the
1561 difference being that $S$ doesn't know Alice's key. We shall show that the
1562 statistical difference between the two distributions is $2^{-\ell_I}$.
1564 The intuition here is that Bob ought to know what answer Alice is going to
1565 give him when he constructs his challenge. This is certainly true if he's
1566 honest: his challenge is $R = r P$ for some $r$ he knows, so he won't learn
1567 anything useful when Alice responds with $x R = r X$. However, if Bob sends
1568 a challenge $R$ when he doesn't know the corresponding $r$, he learns
1569 something potentially useful. The accompanying check value $c = r \xor
1570 H_I(R, r X)$ keeps him honest.
1572 To show this, we present an \emph{extractor} which, given any challenge $(R,
1573 c)$ Bob can construct, and his history of random-oracle queries, either
1574 returns a pair $(r, Y)$ such that $R = r P$ and $Y = r X$, or $\bot$;
1575 moreover, the probability that Alice returns a response $Y' \ne \bot$ given
1576 the challenge $(R, c)$ is $2^{-\ell}$. We can, of course, readily convert
1577 this extractor into a simulator to prove the zero-knowledge property of our
1578 protocol.
1580 We shall actually consider a slightly more complex setting. We grant Bob
1581 access to an oracle which produces random, correctly-formed challenges. We
1582 require this to model the legitimate challenges of other parties when we
1583 analyse the security of our key exchange protocol.
1585 \begin{definition}[Discrete-log extractors]
1586 Let $T$, $B$ be randomized algorithms. Define the game
1587 $\Game{dl-ext}{G}(T, B)$ as shown in figure~\ref{fig:dlext}. The
1588 \emph{success probability of $T$ as a discrete-log extractor against $B$}
1589 is defined as
1590 \[ \Succ{dl-ext}{G}(T, B) = \Pr[\Game{dl-ext}{G}(T, B) = 1]. \]
1591 \end{definition}
1593 \begin{figure}
1594 \begin{program}
1595 $\Game{dl-ext}{G}(T, B):$ \+ \\
1596 $H_I \getsr \Func{G^2}{\Bin^{\ell_I}}$;
1597 $Q_H \gets \emptyset$; $Q_C \gets \emptyset$; \\
1598 $(x, X) \gets \id{setup}()$; \\
1599 $(R, c) \gets B^{\Xid{H_I}{trap}(\cdot, \cdot), C()}(x, X)$; \\
1600 $(r, Y) \gets T(R, c, Q_H)$; \\
1601 $Y' \gets x R$; $h' \gets H_I(R, Y')$; $r' \gets c \xor h'$; \\
1602 \IF $r \ne \bot$ \THEN \\ \quad
1603 \IF $Y = \bot \lor R \ne r P \lor Y \ne Y'$ \THEN \RETURN $0$; \\
1604 \IF $R = r' P$ \THEN $(r^*, Y^*) \gets (r', Y')$; \\
1605 \ELSE $(r^*, Y^*) \gets (\bot, \bot)$; \\
1606 \IF $(R, c) \in Q_C$ \THEN \RETURN $1$; \\
1607 \IF $(r, Y) = (r', Y')$ \THEN \RETURN $1$; \\
1608 \RETURN $0$;
1609 \next
1610 Oracle $\Xid{H_I}{trap}(R', Y')$: \+ \\
1611 $h \gets H_I(R', Y')$; \\
1612 $Q_H \gets Q_H \cup \{(R', Y', h)\}$; \\
1613 \RETURN $h$; \- \\[\medskipamount]
1614 Oracle $C()$: \+ \\
1615 $r \getsr \gf{q}$; \\
1616 $R \gets r P$; $c \gets r \xor H_I(R, r X)$; \\
1617 $Q_C \gets Q_C \cup \{(R, c)\}$; \\
1618 \RETURN $(R, c)$
1619 \end{program}
1621 \caption{Discrete log extraction game: $\Game{dl-ext}{G}(T, B)$}
1622 \label{fig:dlext}
1623 \end{figure}
1625 Let's unpack this definition slightly. We make the following demands of our
1626 extractor.
1627 \begin{itemize}
1628 \item It is given a bare `transcript' of $B$'s execution. In particular, it
1629 is given only its output and a list of $B$'s random-oracle queries in no
1630 particular order.
1631 \item While the extractor is not given the private key~$x$, the adversary~$B$
1632 is given the private key.
1633 \item We require that, if the extractor produces values $r, Y \ne \bot$ then
1634 $r$ and $Y$ are \emph{correct}; i.e., that $R = r P$ and $Y = x R$.
1635 \item The extractor is explicitly \emph{not} given the outputs of the
1636 challenge-generation oracle $C()$, nor of the random-oracle queries issued
1637 by $C()$. However, we allow the extractor to fail (i.e., return $\bot$) if
1638 $B$ simply parrots one of its $C$-outputs.
1639 \item The extractor is allowed -- indeed \emph{required} -- to fail if the
1640 challenge $(R, c)$ is \emph{invalid} (i.e., Alice would return $\bot$ given
1641 the challenge).
1642 \end{itemize}
1643 The resulting definition bears a striking similarity to the concept of
1644 \emph{plaintext awareness} in \cite{Bellare:1998:RAN}.
1646 Such an extractor indeed exists, as the following lemma states.
1647 \begin{lemma}[Effectiveness of extractor $T_\Wident$]
1648 \label{lem:dlext}
1649 There exists a \emph{universal discrete-log extractor} $T_\Wident$, shown
1650 in figure~\ref{fig:twident}, such that, for any algorithm $B$,
1651 \[ \Succ{dl-ext}{G}(T_\Wident, B) \ge 1 - \frac{1}{2^{\ell_I}}. \]
1652 Moreover, if $B$ issues at most $q_H$ random-oracle queries, then the
1653 running time of $T_\Wident$ is $O(q_H)$.
1654 \end{lemma}
1655 \ifshort
1656 The proof of this lemma is given in the full version of this paper.
1657 \else
1658 We prove this result at the end of the section. For now, let us see how to
1659 prove that $\Wident$ is zero-knowledge.
1660 \fi
1662 \begin{figure}
1663 \begin{program}
1664 Extractor $T_\Wident(R, c, Q_H)$: \+ \\
1665 \FOR $(R', Y', h)$ \IN $Q_H$ \DO \\ \ind
1666 $r \gets h \xor c$; \\
1667 \IF $R = R' = r P \land Y' = r X$ \THEN \RETURN $(r, Y')$; \- \\
1668 \RETURN $(\bot, \bot)$;
1669 \end{program}
1671 \caption{The discrete-log extractor $T_\Wident$}
1672 \label{fig:twident}
1673 \end{figure}
1675 We use the set-up described in section~\ref{sec:sim}. Our initialization
1676 function~$I_\Wident$ just chooses a random $x \in \gf{q}$ as the world
1677 private input and sets $X = x P$ as the common input. In the `real world',
1678 the adversary is allowed to submit a (single) challenge to the prover; it is
1679 given the prover's response, and must then compute its output. This is shown
1680 on the left hand side of figure~\ref{fig:wident-sim}.
1682 The zero-knowledge property of the scheme is described by the following
1683 theorem.
1684 \begin{theorem}[Statistical zero-knowledge of $\Wident$]
1685 \label{thm:wident-zk}
1686 Let $I_\Wident$, $W_\Wident$ and $S_\Wident$ be the real-prover world and
1687 simulator shown in figure~\ref{fig:wident-sim}. Then, for any~$t$,
1688 $q_I$ and $q_C$,
1689 \[ \InSec{sim}(W_\Wident, I_\Wident, S_\Wident; t, q_I, q_C, 0) \le
1690 \frac{q_C}{2^\ell_I}.
1691 \]
1692 where $q_C$ is the maximum number of challenges allowed by the adversary.
1693 \end{theorem}
1694 \begin{longproof}{}
1695 The simulator simply uses the extractor~$T_\Wident$ to extract the answer
1696 from the adversary's history of random oracle queries. Observe that
1697 $S_\Wident$ is a fake-world simulator. By lemma~\ref{lem:dlext}, the
1698 extractor fails with probability only $2^{-\ell_I}$. The theorem follows
1699 by a simple union bound and proposition~\ref{prop:fakesim}.
1700 \end{longproof}
1702 %\ifshort\else
1703 \begin{figure}
1704 \begin{program}
1705 Initialization function $I_\Wident()$: \+ \\
1706 $x \getsr \gf{q}$; \\
1707 $X \gets x P$; \\
1708 \RETURN $(x, X)$;
1709 \- \\[\medskipamount]
1710 Real-prover world $W_\Wident^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot)}
1711 ((x, X), \sigma, \tau, \mu)$: \+ \\
1712 \IF $\tau = \cookie{challenge}$ \THEN \\ \ind
1713 $(R, c) \gets \mu$; \\
1714 $Y \gets \id{response}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot)}(R, c, x)$; \\
1715 \RETURN $(1, Y)$; \- \\
1716 \ELSE \\ \ind
1717 \RETURN $(\sigma, \bot)$;
1718 \next
1719 Simulator $S_\Wident$'s fake world \\
1720 \hspace{1in} $W_{\text{sim}}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot)}
1721 ((X, u), \sigma, \tau, \mu)$: \+ \\
1722 \IF $\tau = \cookie{init}$ \THEN \\ \ind
1723 \RETURN $(\emptyset, \emptystring)$; \- \\
1724 $Q_H \gets \sigma$; \\
1725 \IF $\tau = \cookie{challenge}$ \THEN \\ \ind
1726 $(R, c) \gets \mu$; \\
1727 $(r, Y) \gets T_\Wident(R, c, Q_H)$; \\
1728 \RETURN $(Q_H, Y)$; \- \\
1729 \ELSE \IF $\tau = \cookie{random}$ \THEN \\ \ind
1730 $(i, (R', Y'), h) \gets \mu$; \\
1731 $Q_H \gets Q_H \cup \{(R', Y', h)\}$; \\
1732 \RETURN $(Q_H, \emptystring)$; \- \\
1733 \ELSE \\ \ind
1734 \RETURN $(\sigma, \bot)$;
1735 \end{program}
1737 \caption{Real-prover and simulator for zero-knowledge of $\Wident$}
1738 \label{fig:wident-sim}
1739 \end{figure}
1740 %\fi
1742 \ifshort\else
1743 We now return to proving that the extractor $T_\Wident$ functions as claimed.
1744 The following two trivial lemmata will be useful, both now and later.
1745 \begin{lemma}[Uniqueness of discrete-logs]
1746 \label{lem:unique-dl}
1747 Let $G = \langle P \rangle$ be a cyclic group. For any $X \in G$ there is
1748 a unique $x \in \gf{q}$ where $X = x P$.
1749 \end{lemma}
1750 \begin{proof}
1751 Certainly such an $x$ exists, since $G$ is cyclic and finite. Suppose $X =
1752 x P = x' P$: then $0 = x P - x' P = (x - x') P$. Hence $(x - x')$ is a
1753 multiple of $q$, i.e., $x = x'$.
1754 \end{proof}
1755 \begin{lemma}[Uniqueness of check values]
1756 \label{lem:unique-c}
1757 Let $G = \langle P \rangle$ be a cyclic group of prime order $q$; let $H_I$
1758 be a function $H_I\colon \Bin^{2\ell_G} \to \Bin^{\ell_I}$. Fix some $x
1759 \in \gf{q}$ and define the set
1760 \[ V_x = \bigl\{\, (R, c) \in G \times \Bin^{\ell_I} \bigm|
1761 R = \bigl( c \xor H_I(R, x R) \bigr) P \,\bigr\}.
1762 \]
1763 Then, for any $R$, $c$, $c'$, if $(R, c) \in V_x$ and $(R, c') \in V_x$
1764 then $c = c'$.
1765 \end{lemma}
1766 \begin{proof}
1767 From lemma~\ref{lem:unique-dl}, we see that there is a unique $r \in \gf{q}$
1768 for which $R = r P$. Now, if $(R, c) \in V_x$, we must have $r = c \xor
1769 H_I(R, x R)$. It follows that $c = r \xor H_I(R, x R)$.
1770 \end{proof}
1772 \begin{proof}[Proof of lemma~\ref{lem:dlext}]
1773 Let $B$ be any randomized algorithm, and let $(R, c, Q_H)$ be as given to
1774 the extractor by $\Game{dl-ext}{G}(T_\Wident, B)$. Let the quantities
1775 $H_I$, $Q_C$, $r$, $r'$, $x$ and $X$ be as in that game.
1777 Suppose that the extractor returns values $(r, Y) \ne (\bot, \bot)$. Let
1778 $h = r \xor c$; then there must be a query $(R, Y, h) \in Q_H$, and we have
1779 $R = r P$ and $Y = r X = r (x P) = x (r P) = x R = Y'$, so the extractor's
1780 output must be correct unless it fails.
1782 Furthermore, in the case where the extractor did not fail, we have $h =
1783 H_I(R, Y) = H_I(R, Y')$ and $c = r \xor h$, so the challenge was valid.
1784 Therefore, if the challenge was invalid, the extractor will fail.
1786 We now deal with the challenge-generation oracle. Suppose that $(R, c')
1787 \in Q_C$ for some $c'$. Now, if $c = c'$ then $(R, c')$ is a repeat of
1788 some challenge from the challenge-generation oracle, and the extractor is
1789 permitted to fail. On the other hand, suppose $c \ne c'$; then, the
1790 challenge $(R, c)$ must be invalid by lemma~\ref{lem:unique-c}, so the
1791 extractor is required to fail, and we have established that indeed it will.
1792 From now on, suppose that $R$ is distinct from all the $R$-values returned
1793 by $C()$.
1795 Let $Y = x R$. Suppose that $B$ queried its random oracle at $(R, Y)$.
1796 Let $h = H_I(Y)$, so $r' = c \xor h$. If the challenge is valid then $R =
1797 r' P$; therefore $Y = x R = x r' P = r' X$, so we have $(R, Y, h) \in Q_H$
1798 with $R = r P$ and $Y = r X$. Hence the extractor returns $r = r'$ as
1799 required.
1801 It remains to deal with the case where there is no random-oracle query at
1802 $(R, Y)$. But then $h = H_I(R, Y)$ is uniformly distributed, and
1803 independent of the entire game up to this point. Let $r$ be the correct
1804 discrete log of $R$; by lemma~\ref{lem:unique-dl} there is only one
1805 possible value. The extractor always fails under these circumstances, but
1806 a correct responder would reply with probability
1807 \[ \Pr[h = c \xor r] = \frac{1}{2^{\ell_I}}. \]
1808 This concludes the proof.
1809 \end{proof}
1810 \begin{remark}
1811 Note that the fact that the algorithm~$B$ was given the private key is
1812 irrelevant to the above argument. However, we shall need this property
1813 when we come to prove deniability for the key-exchange protocol.
1814 \end{remark}
1815 \begin{remark}
1816 It's easy to see from the above proof that the extractor works flawlessly
1817 on the `honest verifier' algorithm $\id{challenge}$ shown in
1818 figure~\ref{fig:wident-ro}. This shows that $\Wident$ is perfect
1819 zero-knowledge against honest verifiers. We're much more interested in
1820 dishonest verifiers, though.
1821 \end{remark}
1822 \fi
1825 \ifshort\else
1826 \subsection{An identity-based identification scheme}
1827 \label{sec:wident-id}
1829 Boneh and Franklin \cite{Boneh:2003:IBE} showed how to construct an
1830 identity-based encryption scheme using bilinear pairings. The resulting
1831 encryption scheme looks somewhat like a pairing-based version of ElGamal's
1832 encryption scheme \cite{ElGamal:1985:PKC}. We can easily apply their
1833 techniques to our identification protocol, and thereby obtain an
1834 identity-based identification scheme. Providing the necessary formalisms to
1835 prove theorems analogous to our theorems~\ref{thm:wident-sound}
1836 and~\ref{thm:wident-zk} would take us too far from our objectives; but given
1837 appropriate security notions, we can readily adapt our existing proofs to the
1838 new setting.
1840 \subsubsection{Bilinear pairings}
1841 Before we describe the necessary modifications to the protocol, we first give
1842 a (very brief!) summary of cryptographic pairings. (The Boneh-Franklin paper
1843 \cite{Boneh:2003:IBE} gives more detail; also \cite{Menezes:2005:IPB}
1844 provides a useful introduction to the topic.)
1846 Let $(G, +)$, $(G', +)$ and $(G_T, \times)$ be cyclic groups with prime order
1847 $q$; let $P \in G$ and $P' \in G'$ be elements of order $q$ in $G$ and $G'$
1848 respectively. We say that a mapping $\hat{e}\colon G \times G' \to G_T$ is a
1849 \emph{non-degenerate bilinear pairing} if it satisfies the following
1850 properties.
1851 \begin{description}
1852 \item[Bilinearity] For all $R \in G$ and $S', T' \in G'$, we have $\hat{e}(R,
1853 S' + T') = \hat{e}(R, S')\,\hat{e}(R, T')$; and for all $R, S \in G$ and $T'
1854 \in G'$ we have $\hat{e}(R + S, T') = \hat{e}(R, T')\,\hat{e}(S, T')$.
1855 \item[Non-degeneracy] $\hat{e}(P, P') \ne 1$.
1856 \end{description}
1857 For practical use, we also want $\hat{e}(\cdot, \cdot)$ to be efficient to
1858 compute. The reader can verify that $\hat{e}(a P, b P') = \hat{e}(P,
1859 P')^{ab}$. It is permitted for the two groups $G$ and $G'$ to be equal.
1861 We require a different intractability assumption, specifically that the
1862 \emph{bilinear} Diffie-Hellman problem (BDH) -- given $(a P, b P, a P', c P')
1863 \in G^2 \times G'^2$, find $\hat{e}(P, P')^{abc} \in G_T$ -- is difficult.
1864 This implies the difficulty of the computational Diffie-Hellman problem in
1865 all three of $G$, $G'$ and~$G_T$.
1867 \subsubsection{The identity-based scheme}
1868 We need a trusted authority; following \cite{Schneier:1996:ACP} we shall call
1869 him Trent. Trent's private key is $t \in \gf{q}$; his public key is $T =
1870 t P$.
1872 Finally, we need cryptographic hash functions $H_I\colon G \times G_T \to
1873 \Bin^{\ell_I}$ and $\Hid\colon \Bin^* \to G'$; a formal security analysis
1874 would model these as random oracles.
1876 Alice's public key is $A = \Hid(\texttt{Alice}) \in G'$. Her private key is
1877 $K_A = t A \in G'$ -- she needs Trent to give this to her. Bob can interact
1878 with Alice in order to verify her identity as follows.
1879 \begin{enumerate}
1880 \item Bob computes $\gamma_A = \hat{e}(T, A) \in G_T$. (He can do this once
1881 and store the result if he wants, but it's not that onerous to work it out
1882 each time.)
1883 \item Bob chooses $r \inr \gf{q}$, and sets $R = r P$. He also computes
1884 $\psi = \gamma_A^r$, $h = H_I(R, \psi)$ and $c = r \xor h$. He sends his
1885 challenge $(R, c)$ to Alice.
1886 \item Alice receives $(R', c')$. She computes $\psi' = \hat{e}(R, K_A)$, $h'
1887 = H_I(R', \psi')$, and $r' = c' \xor h')$. She checks that $R' = r' P$; if
1888 so, she sends $\psi'$ back to Bob; otherwise she refuses to talk to him.
1889 \item Bob receives $\psi'$. If $\psi = \psi'$ then he accepts that he's
1890 talking to Alice.
1891 \end{enumerate}
1892 This works because $\psi = \gamma_A^r = \hat{e}(T, A)^r = \hat{e}(t P, A)^r =
1893 \hat{e}(r P, A)^t = \hat{e}(R, t A) = \psi'$.
1895 \subsubsection{Informal analysis}
1896 An analogue to lemma~\ref{lem:dlext} can be proven to show how to extract $r$
1897 from a verifier's random-oracle queries; statistical zero knowledge would
1898 then follow easily, as in theorem~\ref{thm:wident-zk}. Soundness is
1899 intuitively clear, since an adversary must compute $\psi = \hat{e}(P,
1900 P')^{art}$ given $A = a P'$, $R = r P$ and $T = t P$, which is an instance of
1901 the BDH problem. An analogue of theorem~\ref{thm:wident-sound} would have to
1902 prove this for an adversary capable of making identity requests as well as
1903 obtaining challenges. Finally, our key-exchange protocol can be constructed
1904 out of this identity-based identification scheme, yielding an identity-based
1905 authenticated key-exchange protocol. We leave it to the reader to work
1906 through the details.
1907 \fi
1910 \ifshort\else
1911 \subsection{Comparison with the protocol of Stinson and Wu}
1912 \label{sec:stinson-ident}
1914 Our protocol is similar to a recent proposal by Stinson and Wu
1915 \cite{Stinson:2006:EST}. They restrict their attention to Schnorr groups $G
1916 \subset \F_p^*$. Let $\gamma$ be an element of order $q = \#G$. The
1917 prover's private key is $a \inr \gf{q}$ and her public key is $\alpha =
1918 \gamma^a$. In their protocol, the challenger chooses $r \inr \gf{q}$, computes
1919 $\rho = \gamma^r$ and $\psi = \alpha^r$, and sends a challenge $(\rho,
1920 H(\psi))$. The prover checks that $\rho^q \ne 1$, computes $\psi = \rho^a$,
1921 checks the hash, and sends $\psi$ back by way of response. They prove their
1922 protocol's security in the random-oracle model.
1924 Both the Wrestlers protocol and Stinson-Wu require both prover and verifier
1925 to compute two exponentiations (or scalar multiplications) each. The
1926 sizes of the messages used by the two protocols are also identical.
1928 (An earlier version of the Stinson-Wu protocol used a cofactor
1929 exponentiation: if we set $f = (p - 1)/q$, then we use $\psi = \alpha^{rf}) =
1930 \rho^{af} = \gamma^{afr}$. This is more efficient in typical elliptic curve
1931 subgroups, since the cofactor of such subgroups is usually small: indeed,
1932 \cite{SEC1} recommends rejecting groups with cofactor $f > 4$. However, in
1933 the Schnorr groups used by Stinson and Wu, the cofactor is much larger than
1934 $q$, and their new variant is more efficient.)
1936 We note that the zero-knowledge property of the Stinson-Wu protocol requires
1937 the Diffie-Hellman knowledge of exponent assumption (KEA). Very briefly:
1938 suppose $A$ is a randomized algorithm which takes as input $X \in G$ and
1939 outputs a pair $(r P, r X)$; intuitively, the KEA asserts $A$ must have done
1940 this by choosing $r$ somehow and then computing its output from it.
1941 Formally, it asserts the existence of an `extractor' algorithm which takes as
1942 input the element $X$ and the random coins used by $A$ and outputs $r$ with
1943 high probability. This is a very strong assumption, and one which is
1944 unnecessary for our protocol, since we can present an \emph{explicit}
1945 extractor.
1947 The KEA assumption as stated in \cite{Stinson:2006:EST} allows the extractor
1948 to fail with some negligible probability, over and above the probability that
1949 a dishonest verifier managed to guess the correct $h = H(\psi)$ without
1950 making this random-oracle query. Not only does our protocol achieve zero-
1951 knowledge without the KEA, our extractor is, in this sense, `perfect'.
1953 Our protocol is just as strong as Stinson-Wu under attack from active
1954 intruders: see table~\ref{tab:wident-active} for a very brief sketch of the
1955 case-analysis which would be the basis of a proof of this.
1957 \begin{table}
1958 \begin{tabular}[C]{|*{3}{c|}p{8cm}|}
1959 \hlx{hv[1]}
1960 \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Challenge}} &
1961 \textbf{Response} &
1962 \textbf{Security}
1963 \\ \hlx{v[1]hv}
1964 %% unpleasant hacking to make the R and c columns the same width :-(
1965 \settowidth{\dimen0}{\textbf{Challenge}}%
1966 \dimen0=.5\dimen0
1967 \advance\dimen0by-\tabcolsep
1968 \advance\dimen0by-.5\arrayrulewidth
1969 \hbox to\dimen0{\hfil$R$\hfil}
1970 & $c$ & $Y$ & Nothing to prove. \\ \hlx{v}
1971 $R$ & $c'$ & --- & Prover rejects by lemma~\ref{lem:unique-c};
1972 $Y'$ probably wrong by
1973 theorem~\ref{thm:wident-sound}. \\ \hlx{v}
1974 $R$ & $c$ & $Y'$ & Response is incorrect. \\ \hlx{v}
1975 $R'$ & --- & $Y$ & Response is incorrect. \\ \hlx{v}
1976 $R'$ & $c$ & $Y'$ & Prover rejects with probability $1 - 2^{-\ell_I}$;
1977 $Y'$ probably wrong by
1978 theorem~\ref{thm:wident-sound}. \\ \hlx{v}
1979 $R'$ & $c'$ & $Y'$ & Simulate prover using extractor
1980 (lemma~\ref{lem:dlext}); $Y'$ probably wrong by
1981 theorem~\ref{thm:wident-sound}. \\ \hlx{vh}
1982 \end{tabular}
1984 \caption{Security of $\Wident$ against active intruders (summary)}
1985 \label{tab:wident-active}
1986 \end{table}
1988 An identity-based analogue of Stinson-Wu can be defined using a bilinear
1989 pairing, just as we did in section~\ref{sec:wident-id}. However, to prove
1990 the zero-knowledge property, one needs to make a bilinear analogue of the
1991 knowledge of exponent assumption.
1993 We suspect that a key-exchange protocol like ours can be constructed using
1994 Stinson-Wu rather than the Wrestlers identification scheme. We haven't,
1995 however, gone through all the details, since we believe our protocol is just
1996 as efficient and is based on much more conservative assumptions.
1997 \fi
1999 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2001 \section{A simple key-exchange protocol}
2002 \label{sec:kx}
2004 In this section, we describe a simple key-exchange protocol built out of the
2005 identification protocol shown previously.
2007 The key-exchange protocol arises from the following observation. If Bob
2008 sends a challenge, presumably to Alice, and gets a correct response, then not
2009 only did he really send the challenge to Alice but he knows that she received
2010 it correctly.
2012 So, if Alice and Bob authenticate each other, by the end of it, they should
2013 each have chosen a random private value, sent the corresponding public value
2014 to the other, and been convinced that it arrived safely.
2016 Unfortunately, life isn't quite this kind, and we have to do some more work
2017 to make this scheme secure.
2020 Our key exchange protocol essentially consists of two parallel instances of
2021 the identification protocol. If Alice receives a correct response to her
2022 challenge, she will know that Bob received her challenge correctly, and
2023 \emph{vice versa}. If we let Alice's challenge be $R_0 = r_0 P$ and Bob's
2024 challenge be $R_1 = r_1 P$ then each can compute a shared secret $Z = r_0 R_1
2025 = r_0 r_1 P = r_1 R_0$ unknown to an adversary. There are, unfortunately, a
2026 few subtleties involved in turning this intuition into a secure key-exchange
2027 protocol, which we now describe.
2030 \subsection{Overview}
2031 \label{sec:kx-overview}
2033 We present a quick, informal description of our basic key-exchange protocol.
2034 In addition to our group $G$, we shall also need a secure symmetric
2035 encryption scheme $\E = (\kappa, E, D)$, and two secure hash functions
2036 $H_I\colon \Bin^{2\ell_G} \to \Bin^{\ell_I}$ and $H_K\colon \Bin^{\ell_G+1}
2037 \to \Bin^\kappa$.
2039 Suppose that Alice's and Bob's private keys are $a$ and $b$ respectively, and
2040 their public keys are $A = a P$ and $B = b P$.
2041 \begin{enumerate}
2042 \item Alice chooses a random index $r \inr \gf{q}$. She computes $R = r P$ and
2043 $c = r \xor H_I(R, r B)$. She sends the pair $(R, c)$ to Bob.
2044 \item Similarly, Bob chooses a random $s \inr \gf{q}$. He computes $S = s P$
2045 and $d = s \xor H_I(S, s A)$. He sends $(S, d)$ to Alice.
2046 \item Alice receives $(S', d')$ from Bob. She computes $s' = d' \xor H_I(S',
2047 a S')$, and verifies that $S' = s' P$. If so, she computes $K_A = H_K(0
2048 \cat r S')$, and sends $R, E_{K_A}(a S')$ to Bob.
2049 \item Similarly, Bob receives $(R', c')$ from Alice. He verifies that $R' =
2050 \bigl( c' \xor H_I(R', b R') \bigr) P$. If so, he computes $K_B = H_K(0
2051 \cat s R')$ and sends S, $E_{K_B}(b R')$ to Alice.
2052 \item Alice receives a ciphertext $(S'', \chi_B)$ from Bob. She checks that
2053 $S'' = S'$, decrypts $\chi_B$, and checks that $D_{K_A}(\chi_B) = r B$. If
2054 so, she uses $H_K(1 \cat r S')$ as her shared secret.
2055 \item Similarly, Bob receives $(R'', \chi_A)$ from Alice, and checks $R'' =
2056 R'$ and $D_{K_B}(\chi_A) = s A$. If so, he uses $H_K(1 \cat s R')$ as his
2057 shared secret.
2058 \end{enumerate}
2059 This is the Wrestlers Key Exchange protocol, $\Wkx^{G, \E}$ (again, we omit
2060 the superscripts when referring to the general protocol, or when confusion is
2061 unlikely). A diagrammatic summary of the protocol is shown in
2062 figure~\ref{fig:wkx}.
2064 \begin{figure}
2065 \begin{description}
2066 \item[Setup] Group $G = \langle P \rangle$; $\#G = q$ is prime.
2067 $H_I(\cdot, \cdot)$ and $H_K(\cdot)$ are secure hashes. $\E = (\kappa,
2068 E, D)$ is an IND-CCA2 symmetric encryption scheme.
2069 \item[Parties] $U_i$ for $0 \le i < n$.
2070 \item[Private keys] $x_i \inr \gf{q}$.
2071 \item[Public keys] $X_i = x_i P$.
2072 \end{description}
2073 \begin{protocol}
2074 $r_i \getsr I$; $R_i \gets r_i P$; &
2075 $r_j \getsr I$; $R_j \gets r_j P$; \\
2076 $c_i \gets r_i \xor H_I(R_i, r_i X_j)$; &
2077 $c_j \gets r_j \xor H_I(R_j, r_j X_i)$; \\
2078 \send{->}{(R_i, c_i)}
2079 \send{<-}{(R_j, c_j)}
2080 Check $R_j = \bigl(c_j \xor H_I(x_i R_j)\bigr) P$; &
2081 Check $R_i = \bigl(c_i \xor H_I(x_j R_i)\bigr) P$; \\
2082 $Z \gets r_i R_j$; $(K_0, K_1) \gets H_K(Z)$; &
2083 $Z \gets r_j R_i$; $(K_0, K_1) \gets H_K(Z)$; \\
2084 $\chi_i \gets E_{K_0}(x_i R_j)$; &
2085 $\chi_j \gets E_{K_0}(x_j R_i)$; \\
2086 \send{->}{(R_i, \chi_i)}
2087 \send{<-}{(R_j, \chi_j)}
2088 Check $D_{K_0}(\chi_j) = r_i X_j$; &
2089 Check $D_{K_0}(\chi_i) = r_j X_i$; \\
2090 Shared key is $K_1$. & Shared key is $K_1$.
2091 \end{protocol}
2093 \caption{Summary of the Wrestlers Key Exchange protocol, $\Wkx$}
2094 \label{fig:wkx}
2095 \end{figure}
2097 Assume, for the moment, that Alice and Bob's messages are relayed honestly.
2098 Then:
2099 \begin{itemize}
2100 \item $a S' = a S = a (s P) = s (a P) = s A$, so $s' = d' \xor H_I(S' a S') =
2101 d \xor H_I(S, s A) = s$, and $S' = S = s P = s' P$, and therefore Alice
2102 responds to Bob's message;
2103 \item similarly $b R' = r B$, so $r' = r$ and $R' = r' P$, and therefore Bob
2104 responds to Alice's message;
2105 \item $b R' = b R = b (r P) = r (b P) = r B$, and $a S' = a S = a (s P) = s
2106 (a P) = s A$, and therefore both parties compute their responses correctly;
2107 and
2108 \item $r S' = r S = r (s P) = s (r P) = s R = s R'$, so $K_A = K_B$, and
2109 therefore they can decrypt each others' responses, and agree the same
2110 shared secret.
2111 \end{itemize}
2112 This shows that the protocol is basically valid, but says little about its
2113 security. The remainder of this section will describe our protocol in more
2114 formal detail, and prove its security in a model with multiple parties and an
2115 adversary who controls the network.
2117 Observe that the protocol as we've presented here is \emph{symmetrical}.
2118 There's no notion of `initiator' or `responder'. There are a total of four
2119 messages which must be sent before both parties accept. However, this can be
2120 reduced to three by breaking the symmetry of the protocol and combining one
2121 or other party's challenge and response messages. We choose to analyse the
2122 symmetrical version, since to do so, it suffices to consider only the two
2123 different kinds of messages. Since our security model allows the messages to
2124 be adversarially delayed and reordered, it is easy to show that the security
2125 of an optimized, asymmetrical protocol is no worse than the symmetrical
2126 version we present here.
2129 \subsection{Security model and security definition}
2130 \label{sec:um}
2132 Our model is very similar to that of Canetti and Krawczyk
2133 \cite{Canetti:2001:AKE}, though we have modified it in two ways.
2134 \begin{enumerate}
2135 \item We allow all the participants (including the adversary) in the protocol
2136 access to the various random oracles required to implement it.
2137 \item Since we want to analyse a specific, practical scheme, asymptotic
2138 results are useless. We measure the adversary's resource usage carefully,
2139 and produce a quantitative bound on the adversary's advantage in the
2140 SK-security game.
2141 \end{enumerate}
2143 \ifshort
2145 Readers interested in the details of the model should see Canetti and
2146 Krawczyk's paper \cite{Canetti:2001:AKE}, or the full version of this paper.
2148 \else
2150 \subsubsection{Overview}
2151 We briefly describe our modified model, pointing out the changes we have
2152 made, and how they apply to our protocol. Much of Canetti and Krawczyk's
2153 model (for example, the local and global outputs) is useful for proving more
2154 general security properties such as demonstrating that SK-security suffices
2155 for constructing secure channels, and we shall not concern ourselves with
2156 such details. Other parts deal with issues such as security parameters and
2157 ensuring that all the computation is polynomially bounded, which are
2158 irrelevant since we are dealing with a single concrete protocol rather than a
2159 family of them.
2161 The entities in the model are the \emph{adversary}~$A$, and a (fixed) number
2162 of \emph{parties}~$P_i$, for $0 \le i < n$. If the protocol under
2163 consideration makes use of random oracles, then all the participants -- the
2164 adversary and the parties -- are all allowed access to the random oracles.
2166 The parties and the adversary play a `game'. At the beginning of the game,
2167 the participants are given some inputs computed by a randomized
2168 \emph{initialization procedure}~$\id{init}$. This produces as output a pair
2169 $(i_U, \mathbf{i})$; the value $i_U$ is the \emph{global input}, and is given
2170 to all the participants including the adversary. The vector $\mathbf{i}$ has
2171 $n$ components, and party $P_i$ is given $(i_U, \mathbf{i}[i])$ as input.
2173 \subsubsection{Sessions}
2174 Parties don't act directly. Instead, each party runs a number of
2175 \emph{sessions}. A session is represented by a triple $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$,
2176 where $i, j \in \Nupto{n}$ identify the owning party and a \emph{partner},
2177 and $s \in \Bin^{\ell_S}$ is a \emph{session-id}. (The original model
2178 includes a r\^ole, for distinguishing between initiators and responders. Our
2179 protocol is symmetrical, so this distinction isn't useful.) If $P_i$ runs a
2180 session $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$ and $P_j$ runs a session $S' = (P_j, P_i, s)$
2181 then we say that $S$ and $S'$ are \emph{matching}, and that $P_j$ is $P_i$'s
2182 \emph{partner} for the session.
2184 At most one participant in the game is \emph{active} at any given time.
2185 Initially the adversary is active. The adversary may \emph{activate} a
2186 session in one of two ways.
2187 \begin{enumerate}
2188 \item It may \emph{create a session} of a party~$P_i$, by selecting a
2189 session-id~$s \in \Bin^{\ell_S}$ and a partner $j$. There is no
2190 requirement that $P_j$ ever have a matching session. However, all sessions
2191 of a party must be distinct, i.e., sessions with the same partner must have
2192 different session-ids.
2193 \item It may \emph{deliver a message}~$\mu \in \Bin^*$, from party~$P_j$, to
2194 an existing session~$S = (P_i, P_j, s)$. There is no requirement that any
2195 party previously sent $\mu$: the adversary is free to make up messages as
2196 it sees fit.
2197 \end{enumerate}
2198 The adversary becomes inactive, and the session becomes active. The session
2199 performs some computation, according to its protocol, and may request a
2200 message~$\mu$ be delivered to the matching session running in its partner
2201 (which may not exist). The session may also \emph{terminate}. In the case
2202 we are interested in, of key-exchange protocols, a session~$S = (P_i, P_j,
2203 s)$ may terminate in one of two ways:
2204 \begin{enumerate}
2205 \item it may \emph{complete}, outputting $(i, j, s, K)$, for some
2206 \emph{session key}~$K$, or
2207 \item it may \emph{abort}, outputting $(i, j, s, \bot)$.
2208 \end{enumerate}
2209 Once it has performed these actions, the session deactivates and the
2210 adversary becomes active again. The adversary is given the message~$\mu$, if
2211 any, and informed of whether the session completed or aborted, but, in the
2212 case of completion, not of the value of the key~$K$. A session is
2213 \emph{running} if it has been created and has not yet terminated.
2215 \subsubsection{Other adversarial actions}
2216 As well as activating sessions, the adversary has other capabilities, as
2217 follows.
2218 \begin{itemize}
2219 \item It may \emph{expire} any session~$S$, causing the owning party to
2220 `forget' the session key output by that session.
2221 \item It may \emph{corrupt} any party~$P_i$, at will: the adversary learns
2222 the entire state of the corrupted party, including its initial
2223 input~$\mathbf{i}[i]$, the state of any sessions it was running at the
2224 time, and the session keys of any completed but unexpired sessions. Once
2225 corrupted, a party can no longer be activated. Of course, the adversary
2226 can continue to send messages allegedly from the corrupted party.
2227 \item It may \emph{reveal the state} of a running session~$S$, learning any
2228 interesting values specific to that session, but \emph{not} the owning
2229 party's long-term secrets.
2230 \item It may \emph{reveal the session-key} of a completed session~$S$.
2231 \item It may elect to be \emph{challenged} with a completed session~$S$,
2232 provided. Challenge sessions form part of the security notion for
2233 key-exchange protocols. See below for more details.
2234 \end{itemize}
2235 We say that a session $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$ is \emph{locally exposed} if
2236 \begin{itemize}
2237 \item it has had its state revealed,
2238 \item it has had its session-key revealed, or
2239 \item $P_i$ has been corrupted, and $S$ had not been expired when this
2240 happened.
2241 \end{itemize}
2242 A session is \emph{exposed} if it is locally exposed, or if its matching
2243 session exists and has been locally exposed.
2245 At the beginning of the game, a bit $b^*$ is chosen at random. The adversary
2246 may choose to be \emph{challenged} with any completed, unexposed
2247 session;\footnote{%
2248 The original Canetti-Krawczyk definition restricts the adversary to a
2249 single challenge session, but our proof works independent of the number of
2250 challenge sessions, so we get a stronger result by relaxing the requirement
2251 here.)}
2252 the adversary is then given either the session's key -- if $b^* = 1$ -- or a
2253 string chosen at random and independently of the game so far from a
2254 protocol-specific distribution -- if $b^* = 0$. At the end of the game, the
2255 adversary outputs a single bit~$b$.
2257 \subsubsection{SK-security}
2258 We've now described the game; it is time to explain the adversary's goal in
2259 it. The adversary \emph{wins} the game if either
2260 \begin{enumerate}
2261 \item two unexposed, matching sessions complete, but output different
2262 keys,\footnote{%
2263 The original Canetti-Krawczyk definition differs slightly here. It
2264 requires that `if two \emph{uncorrupted} parties complete matching
2265 sessions then they both output the same key' [original emphasis]. This
2266 can't be taken at face value, since none of the protocols they claim to
2267 be secure actually meet this requirement: they meet only the weaker
2268 requirement that parties completing matching sessions output different
2269 keys with negligible probability. We assume here that this is what they
2270 meant.}
2271 or
2272 \item the adversary correctly guesses the hidden bit~$b^*$.
2273 \end{enumerate}
2274 More formally, we make the following definition.
2275 \fi
2276 \begin{definition}[SK-security]
2277 \label{def:sk}
2278 Let $\Pi^{H_0(\cdot), H_1(\cdot), \ldots}$ be a key-exchange protocol
2279 which makes use of random oracles $H_0(\cdot)$, $H_1(\cdot)$, \dots, and
2280 let $A$ be an adversary playing the game described \ifshort in
2281 \cite{Canetti:2001:AKE}\else previously\fi, where $n$
2282 parties run the protocol~$\Pi$. Let $V$ be the event that any pair of
2283 matching, unexposed sessions completed, but output different session keys.
2284 Let $W$ be the event that the adversary's output bit matches the game's
2285 hidden bit~$b^*$. We define the adversary's \emph{advantage against the
2286 SK-security of the protocol~$\Pi$} to be
2287 \[ \Adv{sk}{\Pi}(A, n) = \max(\Pr[V], 2\Pr[W] - 1). \]
2288 Furthermore, we define the \emph{SK insecurity function of the
2289 protocol~$\Pi$} to be
2290 \[ \InSec{sk}(\Pi; t, n, q_S, q_M, q_{H_0}, q_{H_1}, \dots) =
2291 \max_A \Adv{sk}{\Pi}(A, n)
2292 \]
2293 where the maximum is taken over all adversaries~$A$ with total running
2294 time~$t$ (not including time taken by the parties), create at most $q_S$
2295 sessions, deliver at most $q_M$~messages, and (if applicable) make at most
2296 $q_{H_i}$ random-oracle queries to each random oracle $H_i(\cdot)$.
2297 \end{definition}
2300 \subsection{Security}
2302 In order to analyse our protocol $\Wkx^{G, \E}$ properly, we must describe
2303 exactly how it fits into our formal model.
2305 \subsubsection{Sessions and session-ids}
2306 Our formal model introduced the concept of sessions, which the informal
2307 description of section~\ref{sec:kx-overview} neglected to do. (One could
2308 argue that we described a single session only.) As we shall show in
2309 section~\ref{sec:kx-insecure}, our protocol is \emph{insecure} unless we
2310 carefully modify it to distinguish between multiple sessions.
2312 In the model, distinct key-exchange sessions are given distinct partners and
2313 session-ids. In order to prevent sessions interfering with each other, we
2314 shall make explicit use of the session-ids.
2316 Suppose the session-ids are $\ell_S$-bit strings. We expand the domain of
2317 the random oracle $H_I$ so that it's now
2318 \[ H_I\colon G \times \Bin^{\ell_S} \times G \times G \to \Bin_{\ell_I}. \]
2320 \subsubsection{Messages}
2321 We split the messages our protocols into two parts: a \emph{type}~$\tau$ and
2322 a \emph{body}~$\mu$. We assume some convenient, unambiguous encoding of
2323 pairs $(\tau, \mu)$ as bit-strings. For readability, we present message
2324 types as text strings, e.g., `\cookie{challenge}', though in practice one
2325 could use numerical codes instead.
2327 The message body itself may be a tuple of values, which, again, we assume are
2328 encoded as bit-strings in some convenient and unambiguous fashion. We shall
2329 abuse the notation for the sake of readability by dropping a layer of nesting
2330 in this case: for example, we write $(\cookie{hello}, x, y, z)$ rather than
2331 $\bigl(\cookie{hello}, (x, y, z)\bigr)$.
2333 \subsubsection{The protocol}
2334 Our protocol is represented by three functions, shown in
2335 figure~\ref{fig:wkx-formal}.
2336 \begin{itemize}
2337 \item $\id{init}(n)$ is the initialization function, as described in
2338 section~\ref{sec:um}. It outputs a pair $(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{i})$, where
2339 $\mathbf{i}[i]$ is the private key of party~$P_i$ and $\mathbf{p}[i]$ is
2340 the corresponding public key. Only $P_i$ is given $\mathbf{i}[i]$, whereas
2341 all parties and the adversary are given $\mathbf{p}$.
2342 \item $\id{new-session}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot), H_K(\cdot)}
2343 (\mathbf{p}, x, i, j, s)$ is the new-session function. This is executed by
2344 party~$P_i$ when the adversary decides to create a new session~$S = (P_i,
2345 P_j, s)$. It is also given the relevant outputs of $\id{init}$, and
2346 allowed access to the random oracles $H_I$ and $H_K$.
2347 \item $\id{message}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot), H_K(\cdot)} (\tau,
2348 \mu)$ is the incoming-message function. This is executed by a session when
2349 the adversary decides to deliver a message $(\tau, \mu)$ to it. It makes
2350 use of the subsidiary functions $\id{msg-challenge}$ and
2351 $\id{msg-response}$ to handle the messages.
2352 \end{itemize}
2353 We observe that the protocol never aborts. We could make it do so if it
2354 receives an invalid message, but we prefer to ignore invalid messages for the
2355 sake of robustness.\footnote{%
2356 Note that this protocol would therefore require modification before it was
2357 acceptable in the simulation-based model of \cite{Shoup:1999:OFM}. There
2358 it is required that a key-exchange protocol terminate after a
2359 polynomially-bounded number of messages are delivered to it.}
2361 \begin{figure}
2362 \begin{program}
2363 Function $\id{init}(n)$: \+ \\
2364 \FOR $i \in \Nupto{n}$ \DO \\ \ind
2365 $x \getsr \gf{q}$; \\
2366 $\mathbf{i}[i] \gets x$; \\
2367 $\mathbf{p}[i] \gets x P$; \- \\
2368 \RETURN $(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{i})$;
2369 \- \\[\medskipamount]
2370 Function $\id{new-session}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot), H_K(\cdot)}
2371 (\mathbf{p}, x, i, j, s)$: \+ \\
2372 $X \gets \mathbf{p}[i]$;
2373 $X' \gets \mathbf{p}[j]$;
2374 $C \gets \emptyset$; \\
2375 $r \getsr \gf{q}$;
2376 $R \gets r P$;
2377 $Y \gets r X'$; \\
2378 $h \gets H_I(X, s, R, Y)$;
2379 $c \gets r \xor h$; \\
2380 \SEND $(\cookie{challenge}, R, c)$;
2381 \- \\[\medskipamount]
2382 Function $\id{message}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot), H_K(\cdot)}
2383 (\tau, \mu)$: \+ \\
2384 \IF $\tau = \cookie{challenge}$ \THEN $\id{msg-challenge}(\mu)$; \\
2385 \ELSE \IF $\tau = \cookie{response}$ \THEN $\id{msg-response}(\mu)$;
2386 \next
2387 Function $\id{msg-challenge}(\mu)$: \+ \\
2388 $(R', c') \gets \mu$; \\
2389 $Y' \gets x R'$; \\
2390 $h' \gets H_I(X', s, R', Y')$; \\
2391 $r' \gets c' \xor h'$; \\
2392 \IF $R' \ne r' P$ \THEN \RETURN; \\
2393 $C \gets C \cup \{R\}$; \\
2394 $Z \gets r R'$; \\
2395 $(K_0, K_1) \gets H_K(Z)$; \\
2396 $\chi \gets E_{K_0}(Y')$; \\
2397 \SEND $(\cookie{response}, R, \chi)$;
2398 \- \\[\medskipamount]
2399 Function $\id{msg-response}(\mu)$: \+ \\
2400 $(R', \chi') \gets \mu$; \\
2401 \IF $R' \notin C$ \THEN \RETURN; \\
2402 $Z \gets r R'$; \\
2403 $(K_0, K_1) \gets H_K(Z)$; \\
2404 $Y' \gets D_{K_0}(\chi')$; \\
2405 \IF $Y' \ne Y$ \THEN \RETURN; \\
2406 \OUTPUT $K_1$;
2407 \STOP;
2408 \end{program}
2410 \caption{Formalization of $\Wkx$}
2411 \label{fig:wkx-formal}
2412 \end{figure}
2414 \subsubsection{Session states}
2415 We must specify what the adversary obtains when it chooses to reveal a
2416 session's state. Given the program in figure~\ref{fig:wkx-formal}, we can
2417 see that the session state consists of the variables $(x, X, X', r, R, Y,
2418 C)$.
2420 However, $x$ is the owning party's long-term secret, and it seems
2421 unreasonable to disclose this to an adversary who stops short of total
2422 corruption.
2424 The public keys $X$ and $X'$ are part of the adversary's input anyway, so
2425 revealing them doesn't help. Similarly, the set $C$ of valid challenges
2426 could have been computed easily by the adversary, since a group element $R'
2427 \in C$ if and only if the session $S$ responded to some message
2428 $(\cookie{challenge}, R', c')$.
2430 The value $R = r P$ is easily computed given $r$, and besides is sent in the
2431 clear in the session's first message. The expected response $Y = r X'$ is
2432 also easily computed from $r$. The converse is also true, since $r$ can be
2433 recovered from $R$ and $c$ in the session's challenge message and the value
2434 $Y$. Besides, $r$ is necessary for computing $Z$ in response to incoming
2435 challenges.
2437 We conclude that the only `interesting' session state is $r$.
2439 \subsubsection{Security}
2440 Having formally presented the protocol, we can now state our main theorem
2441 about its security. The proof is given in \ifshort the full version of the
2442 paper\else appendix~\ref{sec:sk-proof}\fi.
2443 \begin{theorem}[SK-security of $\Wkx$]
2444 \label{thm:sk}
2445 Let $G$ be a cyclic group. Let $\E = (\kappa, E, D)$ be a symmetric
2446 encryption scheme. Then
2447 \begin{spliteqn*}
2448 \InSec{sk}(\Wkx^{G, \E}; t, n, q_S, q_M, q_I, q_K) \le
2449 2 q_S \bigl( \InSec{ind-cca}(\E; t', q_M, q_M) + {} \\
2450 \InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_K) +
2451 n \,\InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_M + q_I) \bigr) +
2452 \frac{n (n - 1)}{q} +
2453 \frac{2 q_M}{2^{\ell_I}}.
2454 \end{spliteqn*}
2455 where $t' = t + O(n) + O(q_S) + O(q_M q_I) + O(q_K)$.
2456 \end{theorem}
2459 \ifshort\else
2460 \subsection{Insecure protocol variants}
2461 \label{sec:kx-insecure}
2463 It's important to feed the session-id and verifier's public key to the random
2464 oracle $H_I$ when constructing the check-value~$c$. Without these, the
2465 protocol is vulnerable to attack. In this section, we consider some variants
2466 of our protocol which hash less information, and show attacks against them.
2468 To simplify the presentation, we shall consider Alice and Bob, and a third
2469 character Carol. We shall be attacking a pair of matching sessions $A$
2470 and~$B$, run by Alice and Bob respectively. Let Alice and Bob's private keys
2471 be $x_A$ and~$x_B$, and let their public keys be $X_A = x_A P$ and $X_B = x_B
2472 P$ respectively.
2474 \subsubsection{Protocol diagram notation}
2475 In order to keep the presentation as clear as possible, we use a simple
2476 diagrammatic notation for describing protocol runs. A line of the form
2477 \protocolrun{\textit{action} \ar[r] & \PRsession{S} & \textit{result}}
2478 states that the adversary performs the given \textit{action} on session~$S$,
2479 with the stated \textit{result}. The \textit{action} may be
2480 \begin{itemize}
2481 \item \textsf{Create session $(P_i, P_j, s)$}: the session is created,
2482 running in party~$P_i$, with partner~$P_j$ and session-id~$s$.
2483 \item \textsf{Receive $\mu$}: the session is activated with an incoming message~$\mu$.
2484 \item \textsf{Session-state reveal}: The adversary requests the session's
2485 internal state.
2486 \end{itemize}
2487 The \textit{result} may be
2488 \begin{itemize}
2489 \item \textsf{Send $\mu'$}: the session requests the delivery of the
2490 message~$\mu'$.
2491 \item \textsf{Complete: $K$}: the session completes, outputting the key~$K$.
2492 \item \textsf{State: $\sigma$}: the session's state is revealed to
2493 be~$\sigma$.
2494 \item \textsf{(Ignore)}: the result of the action is unimportant.
2495 \end{itemize}
2497 \subsubsection{Omitting the session-id}
2498 Consider a protocol variant where session $S$ sets $h_S = H_I(X_N, R_S,
2499 Y_S)$, where $N$ is the session's partner. That is, we've omitted the
2500 session-id from the hash. An adversary can cross over two sessions between
2501 Alice and Bob. Here's how.
2503 The attack assumes that Alice and Bob set up two pairs of matching sessions
2504 with each other, thus.
2505 \protocolrun{
2506 \PRcreate{Alice}{Bob}{s} & \PRsession{A} &
2507 \PRsend{challenge}{R_A, c_A} \\
2508 \PRcreate{Bob}{Alice}{s} & \PRsession{B} &
2509 \PRsend{challenge}{R_B, c_B} \\
2510 \PRcreate{Alice}{Bob}{s'} & \PRsession{A'} &
2511 \PRsend{challenge}{R_{A'}, c_{A'}} \\
2512 \PRcreate{Bob}{Alice}{s'} & \PRsession{B'} &
2513 \PRsend{challenge}{R_{B'}, c_{B'}}
2514 }
2515 Observe that the session pairs use distinct session-ids $s \ne s'$, so this
2516 is allowed. Now the adversary crosses over the challenges, using the second
2517 pair of sessions to provide responses to the challenges issued by the first
2518 pair. By revealing the state in the second pair of sessions, the adversary
2519 can work out the (probably different) session keys accepted by the first
2520 pair.
2521 \protocolrun{
2522 \PRreceive{challenge}{R_B, c_B} & \PRsession{A'} &
2523 \PRsend{response}{R_{A'}, E_{K_{A'B,0}}(x_A R_B)} \\
2524 \PRreceive{challenge}{R_A, c_A} & \PRsession{B'} &
2525 \PRsend{response}{R_{B'}, E_{K_{B'A,0}}(x_B R_A)} \\
2526 \PRreceive{challenge}{R_{A'}, c_{A'}} & \PRsession{A} & \PRignore \\
2527 \PRreceive{challenge}{R_{B'}, c_{B'}} & \PRsession{B} & \PRignore \\
2528 \PRreveal & \PRsession{A'} & r_{A'} \\
2529 \PRreveal & \PRsession{B'} & r_{B'} \\
2530 \PRreceive{response}{R_{B'}, E_{K_{B'A,0}}(x_B R_A)} & \PRsession{A} &
2531 \PRcomplete{K_{AB',1}} \\
2532 \PRreceive{response}{R_{A'}, E_{K_{A'B,0}}(x_A R_B)} & \PRsession{B} &
2533 \PRcomplete{K_{BA',1}} \\
2534 }
2535 The adversary can now compute $K_{AB'} = H_K(r_{B'} R_A)$ and $K_{B'A} =
2536 H_K(r_{A'} R_B)$. Safely in possession of both keys, the adversary can now
2537 read and impersonate freely.
2539 \subsubsection{Omitting the partner's public key}
2540 Now consider a protocol variant where session $S$ sets $h_S = H_I(s, R_S,
2541 Y_S)$, where $s$ is the session-id. An adversary can use a sessions with
2542 Carol to attack a session between Alice and Bob. Here's how the sessions are
2543 set up.
2544 \protocolrun{
2545 \PRcreate{Alice}{Bob}{s} & \PRsession{A} &
2546 \PRsend{challenge}{R_A, c_A} \\
2547 \PRcreate{Bob}{Alice}{s} & \PRsession{B} &
2548 \PRsend{challenge}{R_B, c_B} \\
2549 \PRcreate{Alice}{Carol}{s} & \PRsession{A'} &
2550 \PRsend{challenge}{R_{A'}, c_{A'}} \\
2551 \PRcreate{Bob}{Carol}{s} & \PRsession{B'} &
2552 \PRsend{challenge}{R_{B'}, c_{B'}}
2553 }
2554 Although each of Alice and Bob have two sessions with session-id~$s$, this is
2555 allowed, since they are with different partners. The rest of the attack in
2556 fact proceeds identically to the previous case.
2557 \fi
2559 \subsection{Deniability}
2560 \label{sec:denial}
2562 We have claimed that the Wrestlers key-exchange protocol is \emph{deniable}.
2563 In this section, we define what we mean, explain the limits of the
2564 deniablility of the protocol as currently presented, fix the protocol with an
2565 additional pass (which can be collapsed to a single message flow by breaking
2566 the protocol's symmetry), and prove the deniability of the resulting
2567 protocol.
2569 Our notion of deniability is taken from Di~Raimondo, Gennaro and Krawczyk
2570 \cite{DiRaimondo:2006:DAK}, except that, as usual, we opt for a concrete
2571 security approach.
2573 \subsubsection{Discussion}
2574 Our definition for deniability is that, for any adversary interacting with
2575 participants in the protocol, a simulator exists which can compute the same
2576 things as the adversary. In particular, since an adversary could output a
2577 transcript of the interactions between itself and the parties, it would
2578 follow that a simulator could do this too. If the simulator is effective,
2579 its output is indistinguishable from that of the real adversary, and hence no
2580 `judge' (distinguisher) should be persuaded by evidence presented by someone
2581 who claims to have witnessed or participated in an interaction.
2583 We work again the model described in~\ref{sec:um}. That is, our adversary
2584 has complete control over the ordering and delivery of all messages. The
2585 adversary is also able, at any time, to reveal the state of any session.
2586 However, deniability is obviously impossible against an adversary who can
2587 \emph{corrupt} other parties, since simulating such an adversary's actions
2588 would necessarily require the simulator to compute private keys corresponding
2589 to the known public keys, and this is (we believe) difficult, because an
2590 efficient algorithm for doing this could easily attack our protocol, which we
2591 already proved secure. Therefore, we forbid the adversary from corrupting
2592 parties.
2594 In order to allow the adversary to participate in the protocol, rather than
2595 merely observing it, we need to give it one or more private keys. We could
2596 modify the initialization function \id{init} from figure~\ref{fig:wkx-formal}
2597 to give the adversary a private key, but there's an easier way: we can just
2598 give the adversary a number of private keys in its auxiliary input.
2600 \subsubsection{Definitions}
2601 Let $\Pi$ be a key-exchange protocol, in the model described in
2602 section~\ref{sec:um}. We use the simulation framework of
2603 section~\ref{sec:sim}. We define the initialization function $I_\Pi$ to be
2604 the initialization function of $\Pi$, as before, and the corresponding
2605 world~$W_\Pi(\iota, \sigma, \tau, \mu)$ is a fairly straightforward mapping
2606 of the adversary's possible actions to the simulation model:
2607 \begin{itemize}
2608 \item The invocation $\cookie{new-session}$ with $\mu = (i, j, s)$ creates a
2609 new session on party~$P_i$, with partner~$P_j$ and session-id~$s$. The
2610 reply $\rho = (\delta, m)$ is a \emph{decision} $\delta \in
2611 \{\cookie{continue}, \cookie{abort}, \cookie{complete}\}$ and an output
2612 message $m \in \Bin^* \cup \{\bot\}$. If $m \ne \bot$ then $m$ is a
2613 message to be sent to the matching session (if any).
2614 \item The invocation $\cookie{deliver}$ with $\mu = (i, j, s, m)$ delivers
2615 message $m$ to the session $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$. The response $\rho$ is as
2616 for $\cookie{new-session}$ invocations.
2617 \item The invocation $\cookie{reveal-session-state}$ with $\mu = (i, j, s)$
2618 reveals to the adversary the state of the running session $S = (P_i, P_j,
2619 s)$. The response $\rho$ is the session's state if $S$ is indeed a running
2620 session, or $\bot$ otherwise.
2621 \item The invocation $\cookie{reveal-session-key}$ with $\mu = (i, j, s)$
2622 reveals to the adversary the session-key of the completed session~$S =
2623 (P_i, P_j, s)$. The response $\rho$ is the session key~$K$ if the session
2624 is indeed complete, or $\bot$ otherwise.
2625 \end{itemize}
2626 There are no invocations corresponding to the adversary actions of corrupting
2627 parties (since deniability against an corrupting adversary is impossible, as
2628 discussed earlier), or session expiry or challenging (since they are useless
2629 in this context).
2631 We measure the deniability of a protocol~$\Pi$, using a given simulator~$S$,
2632 by the insecurity function $\InSec{sim}(W_\Pi, I_\Pi, S; t_D, t_A,
2633 \mathcal{Q}_D, \mathcal{Q}_A, \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{U})$ of
2634 definition~\ref{def:sim}. The interaction bounds $\mathcal{R} = (q_S, q_M)$
2635 we place on the adversary are on the number ($q_S$) of \cookie{new-session}
2636 and ($q_M$) \cookie{deliver} invocations it makes.
2638 We shall (informally) say that a protocol~$\Pi$ is deniable if there is a
2639 simulator~$S_\Pi$ for which the insecurity function is small for appropriate
2640 resource bounds on the adversary and distinguisher.
2642 \subsubsection{The current protocol}
2643 As it stands, $\Wkx$ isn't deniable, according to our definition, for
2644 arbitrary auxiliary inputs. Let's see why.
2646 Suppose that Bob is an informant for the secret police, and wants to convince
2647 a judge that Alice is involved in subversive activities in cyberspace.
2648 Unfortunately, Bob's job is difficult, because of the strong zero-knowledge
2649 nature of the Wrestlers identification protocol. However, Bob can work with
2650 the judge to bring him the evidence necessary to convict Alice. Here's how.
2652 Alice's public key is $A$, and Bob's public key is $B$. The judge chooses
2653 some session-id $s$, and $r \inr \gf{q}$. He computes $R = r P$ and $c =
2654 r \xor H_I(B, s, R, r A)$, and gives Bob the triple $(s, R, c)$, keeping $r$
2655 secret. Bob can now persuade Alice to enter into a key-exchange with him,
2656 with session-id $s$. He uses $(R, c)$ as his challenge message. When Alice
2657 sends back her response $(R', \chi)$ (because Bob's challenge is correctly
2658 formed), Bob aborts and shows $(R', \chi)$ to the judge. The judge knows $r$
2659 and can therefore decrypt $\chi$ and check the response. If it's wrong, then
2660 Bob was cheating and gets demoted -- he can't get the right answer by himself
2661 because that would require him to impersonate Alice. If it's right, Alice is
2662 really a subversive element and `disappears' in the night.
2664 We shall show in theorem~\ref{thm:denial} below that this is basically the
2665 only attack against the deniability of the protocol. However, we can do
2666 better.
2668 \subsubsection{Fixing deniability}
2669 We can fix the protocol to remove even the attack discussed above. The
2670 change is simple: we feed \emph{both} parties' challenges to the hash
2671 function~$H_I$ rather than just the sender's. We use a five-argument hash
2672 function (random oracle) $H_I\colon G^2 \times \Bin^{\ell_S} \times G^2 \to
2673 \Bin^{\ell_I}$. We introduce a new message pass at the beginning of the
2674 protocol: each session simply sends its challenge point $R = r P$ in the
2675 clear as a `pre-challenge'. The actual challenge is $R$ and $c = r \xor
2676 H_I(X, R', s, R, c)$, where $R'$ is the challenge of the matching session.
2678 By breaking symmetry, we can reduce the communication complexity of this
2679 variant to four messages. As before, we analyse the symmetrical version.
2680 The extra flow might seem a high price to pay, but we shall see that it has
2681 additional benefits beyond deniability.
2683 A summary of the new protocol is shown in figure~\ref{fig:wdkx}, and the
2684 formal description is shown in figure~\ref{fig:wdkx-formal}.
2686 \begin{figure}
2687 \begin{description}
2688 \item[Setup] Group $G = \langle P \rangle$; $\#G = q$ is prime.
2689 $H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot)$ and $H_K(cdot)$ are secure
2690 hashes. $\E = (\kappa, E, D)$ is an IND-CCA2 symmetric encryption
2691 scheme.
2692 \item[Parties] $U_i$ for $0 \le i < n$.
2693 \item[Private keys] $x_i \inr \gf{q}$.
2694 \item[Public keys] $X_i = x_i P$.
2695 \end{description}
2697 \begin{protocol}
2698 $r_i \getsr I$; $R_i \gets r_i P$; &
2699 $r_j \getsr I$; $R_j \gets r_j P$; \\
2700 \send{->}{R_i}
2701 \send{<-}{R_j}
2702 $c_i \gets r_i \xor H_I(R_j, X_i, s, R_i, r_i X_j)$; &
2703 $c_j \gets r_j \xor H_I(R_i, X_j, s, R_j, r_j X_i)$; \\
2704 \send{->}{(R_i, c_i)}
2705 \send{<-}{(R_j, c_j)}
2706 Check $R_j = \bigl(c_j \xor H_I(x_i R_j)\bigr) P$; &
2707 Check $R_i = \bigl(c_i \xor H_I(x_j R_i)\bigr) P$; \\
2708 $Z \gets r_i R_j$; $(K_0, K_1) \gets H_K(Z)$; &
2709 $Z \gets r_j R_i$; $(K_0, K_1) \gets H_K(Z)$; \\
2710 $\chi_i \gets E_{K_0}(x_i R_j)$; &
2711 $\chi_j \gets E_{K_0}(x_j R_i)$; \\
2712 \send{->}{(R_i, \chi_i)}
2713 \send{<-}{(R_j, \chi_j)}
2714 Check $D_{K_0}(\chi_j) = r_i X_j$; &
2715 Check $D_{K_0}(\chi_i) = r_j X_i$; \\
2716 Shared key is $K_1$. & Shared key is $K_1$.
2717 \end{protocol}
2719 \caption{Summary of the Deniable Wrestlers Key Exchange protocol, $\Wdkx$}
2720 \label{fig:wdkx}
2721 \end{figure}
2723 \begin{figure}
2724 \begin{program}
2725 Function $\id{init}(n)$: \+ \\
2726 \FOR $i \in \Nupto{n}$ \DO \\ \ind
2727 $x \getsr \gf{q}$; \\
2728 $\mathbf{i}[i] \gets x$; \\
2729 $\mathbf{p}[i] \gets x P$; \- \\
2730 \RETURN $(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{i})$;
2731 \- \\[\medskipamount]
2732 Function $\id{new-session}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot), H_K(\cdot)}
2733 (\mathbf{p}, x, i, j, s)$: \+ \\
2734 $X \gets \mathbf{p}[i]$;
2735 $X' \gets \mathbf{p}[j]$;
2736 $C \gets \emptyset$; \\
2737 $r \getsr \gf{q}$;
2738 $R \gets r P$;
2739 $Y \gets r X'$; \\
2740 \SEND $(\cookie{pre-challange}, R)$;
2741 \- \\[\medskipamount]
2742 Function $\id{message}^{H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot), H_K(\cdot)}
2743 (\tau, \mu)$: \+ \\
2744 \IF $\tau = \cookie{pre-challenge}$ \THEN
2745 $\id{msg-pre-challenge}(\mu)$; \\
2746 \ELSE \IF $\tau = \cookie{challenge}$ \THEN
2747 $\id{msg-challenge}(\mu)$; \\
2748 \ELSE \IF $\tau = \cookie{response}$ \THEN $\id{msg-response}(\mu)$;
2749 \next
2750 Function $\id{msg-pre-challenge}(\mu)$: \+ \\
2751 $R' \gets \mu$; \\
2752 $h \gets H_I(R', X, s, R, c)$; \\
2753 $c \gets r \xor h$; \\
2754 \SEND $(\id{msg-challenge}, R, c)$;
2755 \- \\[\medskipamount]
2756 Function $\id{msg-challenge}(\mu)$: \+ \\
2757 $(R', c') \gets \mu$; \\
2758 $Y' \gets x R'$; \\
2759 $h' \gets H_I(R, X', s, R', Y')$; \\
2760 $r' \gets c' \xor h'$; \\
2761 \IF $R' \ne r' P$ \THEN \RETURN; \\
2762 $C \gets C \cup \{R\}$; \\
2763 $Z \gets r R'$; \\
2764 $(K_0, K_1) \gets H_K(Z)$; \\
2765 $\chi \gets E_{K_0}(Y')$; \\
2766 \SEND $(\cookie{response}, R, \chi)$;
2767 \- \\[\medskipamount]
2768 Function $\id{msg-response}(\mu)$: \+ \\
2769 $(R', \chi') \gets \mu$; \\
2770 \IF $R' \notin C$ \THEN \RETURN; \\
2771 $Z \gets r R'$; \\
2772 $(K_0, K_1) \gets H_K(Z)$; \\
2773 $Y' \gets D_{K_0}(\chi')$; \\
2774 \IF $Y' \ne Y$ \THEN \RETURN; \\
2775 \OUTPUT $K_1$;
2776 \STOP;
2777 \end{program}
2779 \caption{Deniable key-exchange: formalization of $\Wdkx$}
2780 \label{fig:wdkx-formal}
2781 \end{figure}
2783 The security of this variant is given by the following theorem, whose proof
2784 is \ifshort given in the full version of this paper\else in
2785 appendix~\ref{sec:sk2-proof}\fi.
2786 \begin{theorem}[SK-security of $\Wdkx$]
2787 \label{thm:sk2}
2788 Let $G$ be a cyclic group. Let $\E = (\kappa, E, D)$ be a symmetric
2789 encryption scheme. Then
2790 \[ \InSec{sk}(\Wdkx^{G, \E}; t, n, q_S, q_M, q_I, q_K) =
2791 \InSec{sk}(\Wkx^{G, \E}; t, n, q_S, q_M, q_I, q_K)
2792 \]
2793 \end{theorem}
2795 \subsubsection{Deniability of the Wrestlers protocols}
2796 In order to quantify the level of deniability our protocols provide, we shall
2797 impose a limit on the auxiliary input to the adversary. In particular, we
2798 shall use $\mathcal{U}$ of definition~\ref{def:sim} to count the number of
2799 \emph{challenges} in the auxiliary input. That is, $\mathcal{U} = n_C$ is
2800 the number of tuples $(i, j, s, R', R, c)$ for which there is an $r$ such
2801 that $R = r P$ and $c = r \xor H_I(R', X_j, s, R, r X_i)$ (or without the
2802 $R'$ for $\Wkx$).
2804 With this restriction in place, we can state the following theorem about the
2805 deniability of our protocols.
2806 \begin{theorem}[Deniability of $\Wkx$ and $\Wdkx$]
2807 \label{thm:denial}
2808 There exist simulators $S_\Wkx$ and $\Wdkx$ such that
2809 \[ \InSec{sim}(W_{\Wkx^{G, \E}}, I_{\Wkx^{G, \E}}, S_{\Wkx^{G, \E}};
2810 t_D, t_A, \mathcal{Q}_D, \mathcal{Q}_A, (q_S, q_M), 0) \le
2811 \frac{q_M}{2^{\ell_I}}
2812 \]
2813 and
2814 \iffancystyle\[\else\begin{spliteqn*}\fi
2815 \InSec{sim}(W_{\Wdkx^{G, \E}}, I_{\Wdkx^{G, \E}}, S_{\Wdkx^{G, \E}};
2816 t_D, t_A, \mathcal{Q}_D, \mathcal{Q}_A, (q_S, q_M), n_C) \le
2817 \iffancystyle\else\\\fi
2818 \frac{n_C q_S}{\#G} +
2819 \frac{q_M}{2^{\ell_I}}.
2820 \iffancystyle\]\else\end{spliteqn*}\fi
2821 The running time of the simulators is $O(t_A) + O(\mathcal{Q}_A q_M)$.
2822 \end{theorem}
2823 \begin{longproof}{The proof of this theorem can be found in the full version
2824 of this paper.}
2825 The simulators $S_\Wkx$ and $S_\Wdkx$ are very similar. We describe both
2826 here. Both are fake-world simulators, working as follows.
2827 \begin{enumerate}
2828 \item Initially, it constructs simulated parties $P_i$, for $0 \le i < n$,
2829 giving each the public key $X_i$ from the common input.
2830 \item Suppose the adversary requests creation of a new session $S = (P_i,
2831 P_j, s)$. Then the simulator creates a new session, including a random
2832 value $r_S \inr \gf{q}$, and computes $R_S = r_S P$, and $Y_S = r_S
2833 X_j$. For $\Wdkx$, it sends the message $(\cookie{pre-challenge}, R_S)$;
2834 for $\Wkx$, it additionally computes $h = H_I(X_i, s, R_S, Y_S)$ and
2835 sends $(\cookie{challenge}, R_S, r_S \xor h)$.
2836 \item Suppose, for $\Wdkx$, the adversary sends a message
2837 $(\cookie{pre-challenge}, R')$ to a session~$S = (P_i, P_j, s)$. The
2838 simulator computes $h = H_I(R', X_i, s, R_S, Y_S)$, and sends
2839 $(\cookie{challenge}, R_S, r_S \xor h)$.
2840 \item Suppose the adversary sends a message $(\cookie{challenge}, R', c')$
2841 to session $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$. The simulator doesn't know $x_i$.
2842 \begin{enumerate}
2843 \item If $R' = R_T$ for some other simulated session $T$, then the
2844 simulator knows $r_T$ such that $R_T = r_T P$. Let $Y' = r_T X_i$.
2845 The simulator computes $h = H_I(X_j, s, R', Y')$ (resp.\ $h = H_I(R_S,
2846 X_j, s, R', Y')$) for $\Wkx$ (resp.\ $\Wdkx$) and checks that $r_T = c'
2847 \xor h$. If not, the simulator discards the message. Otherwise, it
2848 computes $(K_0, K_1) = H_K(r_S R')$, and sends the message
2849 $(\cookie{response}, R, E_{K_0}(Y'))$.
2850 \item \label{en:simextract} Otherwise the simulator runs the extractor
2851 $T_\Wident$ on the adversary's history of queries $H_I(X_j, s, R',
2852 \cdot)$ (resp.\ $H_I(R_S, X_j, s, R', \cdot)$) for $\Wkx$ (resp.\
2853 $\Wdkx$). The extractor returns $(r', Y')$. If $Y' = \bot$ then the
2854 simulator ignores the message. Otherwise, the simulator computes
2855 $(K_0, K_1) = H_K(r R')$ and sends back $(\cookie{response}, R,
2856 E_{K_0}(Y'))$.
2857 \end{enumerate}
2858 \item Suppose the adversary sends a message $(\cookie{response}, R', \chi)$
2859 to session $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$. The simulator computes $(K_0, K_1) =
2860 H_K(r_S R')$, and decrypts $Y' = D_{K_0}(\chi)$. If $Y' \ne Y_S$ then
2861 the simulator discards the message. Otherwise, it makes the simulated
2862 session complete, and outputs key $K_1$.
2863 \item Finally, if the adversary reveals a session's state, the simulator
2864 reveals $r_S$ as required; if the adversary reveals a session-key, the
2865 simulator reveals the $K_1$ it output.
2866 \end{enumerate}
2867 The only point where the simulation fails to be perfect is in
2868 \ref{en:simextract}. Let $R'$ and $c'$ be the values from an incoming
2869 challenge message to session $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$. Let $r'$ be such that
2870 $R' = r' P$ and let $Y' = r' X_i$. If a random-oracle query $H_I(X_j, s,
2871 R', Y')$ (or $H_I(R_S, X_j, s, R', Y')$ for $\Wdkx$) has been issued, then
2872 there are a number of possibilities. Let $h'$ be the result of this query.
2873 \begin{itemize}
2874 \item The adversary made this query. Then the extractor will find it and
2875 return $Y'$ if $c' = h' \xor r'$, or $\bot$ otherwise.
2876 \item Some simulated session $U = (P_{i'}, P_{j'}, s')$ made this query.
2877 But simulated sessions only make $H_I$-queries when constructing
2878 challenges, so $R' = R_U$ for some session~$U$. But the simulator does
2879 something different in that case.
2880 \item In $\Wdkx$, the quadruple $(s, R_S, R', c')$ came from the
2881 adversary's auxiliary input. In this case the simulator must fail. But
2882 $R_S = r_S P$, and $r_S$ was chosen uniformly at random. If there are at
2883 most $n_C$ challenge sets in the auxiliary input then this happens with
2884 probability at most $n_C/\#G$ for any given session.
2885 \end{itemize}
2886 We conclude that the simulator fails with probability
2887 \[ \frac{q_M}{2^{\ell_I}} + \frac{q_S n_C}{\#G}. \]
2888 (Note that we only consider $n_C = 0$ for $\Wkx$.) No adversary can
2889 distinguish the simulator from a real interaction unless the simulator
2890 fails, and the simulator is a fake-world simulator. We therefore apply
2891 proposition~\ref{prop:fakesim}; the theorem follows.
2892 \end{longproof}
2894 \ifshort\else
2895 \subsection{Practical issues}
2896 \label{sec:practice}
2898 \subsubsection{Denial of service from spoofers}
2899 The adversary we considered in~\ref{sec:um} is very powerful. Proving
2900 security against such a powerful adversary is good and useful. However,
2901 there are other useful security properties we might like against weaker
2902 adversaries.
2904 Eavesdropping on the Internet is actually nontrivial. One needs control of
2905 one of the intermediate routers between two communicating parties. (There
2906 are tricks one can play involving subversion of DNS servers, but this is also
2907 nontrivial.) However, injecting packets with bogus source addresses is very
2908 easy.
2910 Layering the protocol over TCP \cite{RFC0793} ameliorates this problem because
2911 an adversary needs to guess or eavesdrop in order to obtain the correct
2912 sequence numbers for a spoofed packet; but the Wrestlers protocol is
2913 sufficiently simple that we'd like to be able to run it over UDP
2914 \cite{RFC0768}, for which spoofing is trivial.
2916 Therefore, it's possible for anyone on the 'net to send Alice a spurious
2917 challenge message $(R, c)$. She will then compute $Y = a R$, recover $r' = c
2918 \xor H_I(\ldots, R, Y)$ check that $R = r' P$ and so on. That's at least two
2919 scalar multiplications to respond to a spoofed packet, and even with very
2920 efficient group operations, coping with this kind of simple denial-of-service
2921 attack might be difficult.
2923 A straightforward solution is to use the Deniable variant of the protocol,
2924 and require a challenge to quote its matching session's challenge $R'$ in its
2925 challenge. That is, upon receiving a $(\cookie{pre-challenge}, R')$, the
2926 session sends $(\cookie{challenge}, R', R, c)$. Alice then rejects any
2927 \emph{incoming} challenge message which doesn't quote her current challenge
2928 value. Now only eavesdroppers can force her to perform expensive
2929 computations.
2931 Indeed, one need not quote the entire challenge $R'$: it suffices to send
2932 some short hard-to-guess hash of it, maybe just the bottom 128 bits or so.
2934 This can't reduce security. Consider any adversary attacking this protocol
2935 variant. We can construct an adversary which attacks the original protocol
2936 just as efficiently. The new adversary attaches fake $R'$ values to
2937 challenges output by other parties, and strips them off on delivery,
2938 discarding messages with incorrect $R'$ values.
2940 \subsubsection{Key confirmation}
2941 Consider an application which uses the Wrestlers protocol to re-exchange keys
2942 periodically. The application can be willing to \emph{receive} incoming
2943 messages using the new key as soon as the key exchange completes
2944 successfully; however, it should refrain from \emph{sending} messages under
2945 the new key until it knows that its partner has also completed. The partner
2946 may not have received the final response message, and therefore be unwilling
2947 to accept a new key; it will therefore (presumably) reject incoming messages
2948 under this new key.
2950 While key confirmation is unnecessary for \emph{security}, it has
2951 \emph{practical} value, since it solves the above problem. If the
2952 application sends a \cookie{switch} message when it `completes', it can
2953 signal its partner that it is indeed ready to accept messages under the new
2954 key. Our implementation sends $(\cookie{switch-rq}, E_{K_0}(H_S(0, R, R')))$
2955 as its switch message; the exact contents aren't important. Our
2956 retransmission policy (below) makes use of an additional message
2957 \cookie{switch-ok}, which can be defined similarly.
2959 It's not hard to show that this doesn't adversely affect the security of the
2960 protocol, since the encrypted message is computed only from public values.
2961 In the security proof, we modify the generation of \cookie{response}
2962 messages, so that the plaintexts are a constant string rather than the true
2963 responses, guaranteeing that the messages give no information about the
2964 actual response. To show this is unlikely to matter, we present an adversary
2965 attacking the encryption scheme by encrypting either genuine responses or
2966 fake constant strings. Since the adversary can't distinguish which is being
2967 encrypted (by the definition of IND-CCA security,
2968 definition~\ref{def:ind-cca}), the change goes unnoticed. In order to allow
2969 incorporate our switch messages, we need only modify this adversary, to
2970 implement the modified protocol. This is certainly possible, since the
2971 messages contain (hashes of) public values. We omit the details.
2973 However, while the extra message doesn't affect the security of our protocol,
2974 it would be annoying if an adversary could forge the switch request message,
2975 since this would be a denial of service. In the strong adversarial model,
2976 this doesn't matter, since the adversary can deny service anyway, but it's a
2977 concern against less powerful adversaries. Most IND-CCA symmetric encryption
2978 schemes also provide integrity of plaintexts \cite{Bellare:2000:AER} (e.g.,
2979 the encrypt-then-MAC generic composition approach \cite{Bellare:2000:AER,%
2980 Krawczyk:2001:OEA}, and the authenticated-encryption modes of
2981 \cite{Rogaway:2003:OCB,Bellare:2004:EAX,McGrew:2004:SPG}), so this isn't a
2982 great imposition.
2984 \subsubsection{Optimization and piggybacking}
2985 We can optimize the number of messages sent by combining them. Here's one
2986 possible collection of combined messages:
2987 \begin{description}
2988 \item [\cookie{pre-challenge}] $R$
2989 \item [\cookie{challenge}] $R'$, $R$, $c = H_I(R', X, s, R, c) \xor r$
2990 \item [\cookie{response}] $R'$, $R$, $c$, $E_{K_0}(x R')$
2991 \item [\cookie{switch}] $R'$, $E_{K_0}(x R', H_S(0, R, R'))$
2992 \item [\cookie{switch-ok}] $R'$, $E_{K_0}(H_S(1, R, R'))$
2993 \end{description}
2994 The combination is safe:
2995 \begin{itemize}
2996 \item the \cookie{switch} and \cookie{switch-ok} messages are safe by the
2997 argument above; and
2998 \item the other recombinations can be performed and undone in a `black box'
2999 way, by an appropriately defined SK-security adversary.
3000 \end{itemize}
3002 \subsubsection{Unreliable transports}
3003 The Internet UDP \cite{RFC0768} is a simple, unreliable protocol for
3004 transmitting datagrams. However, it's very efficient, and rather attractive
3005 as a transport for datagram-based applications such as virtual private
3006 networks (VPNs). Since UDP is a best-effort rather than a reliable
3007 transport, it can occasionally drop packets. Therefore it is necessary for a
3008 UDP application to be able to retransmit messages which appear to have been
3009 lost.
3011 We recommend the following simple retransmission policy for running the
3012 Wrestlers protocol over UDP.
3013 \begin{itemize}
3014 \item Initially, send out the \cookie{pre-challenge} message every minute.
3015 \item On receipt of a \cookie{pre-challenge} message, send the corresponding
3016 full \cookie{challenge}, but don't retain any state.
3017 \item On receipt of a (valid) \cookie{challenge}, record the challenge value
3018 $R'$ in a table, together with $K = (K_0, K_1)$ and the response $Y' = x
3019 R'$. If the table is full, overwrite an existing entry at random. Send
3020 the corresponding \cookie{response} message, and retransmit it every ten
3021 seconds or so.
3022 \item On receipt of a (valid) \cookie{response}, discard any other
3023 challenges, and stop sending \cookie{pre-challenge} and \cookie{response}
3024 retransmits. At this point, the basic protocol described above would
3025 \emph{accept}, so the key $K_1$ is known to be good. Send the
3026 \cookie{switch} message, including its response to the (now known-good)
3027 sender's challenge.
3028 \item On receipt of a (valid) \cookie{switch}, send back a \cookie{switch-ok}
3029 message and stop retransmissions. It is now safe to start sending messages
3030 under $K_1$.
3031 \item On receipt of a (valid) \cookie{switch-ok}, stop retransmissions. It
3032 is now safe to start sending messages under $K_1$.
3033 \end{itemize}
3035 \subsubsection{Key reuse}
3036 Suppose our symmetric encryption scheme $\E$ is not only IND-CCA secure
3037 (definition~\ref{def:ind-cca}) but also provides integrity of plaintexts
3038 \cite{Bellare:2000:AER} (or, alternatively, is an AEAD scheme
3039 \cite{Rogaway:2002:AEA}. Then we can use it to construct a secure channel,
3040 by including message type and sequence number fields in the plaintexts, along
3041 with the message body. If we do this, we can actually get away with just the
3042 one key $K = H_K(Z)$ rather than both $K_0$ and $K_1$.
3044 To do this, it is essential that the plaintext messages (or additional data)
3045 clearly distinguish between the messages sent as part of the key-exchange
3046 protocol and messages sent over the `secure channel'. Otherwise, there is a
3047 protocol-interference attack: an adversary can replay key-exchange
3048 ciphertexts to insert the corresponding plaintexts into the channel.
3050 We offer a sketch proof of this claim in appendix~\ref{sec:sc-proof}.
3051 \fi
3053 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3055 \section{Conclusions}
3056 \label{sec:conc}
3058 We have presented new protocols for identification and authenticated
3059 key-exchange, and proven their security. We have shown them to be efficient
3060 and simple. We have also shown that our key-exchange protocol is deniable.
3061 Finally, we have shown how to modify the key-exchange protocol for practical
3062 use, and proven that this modification is still secure.
3064 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3066 \section{Acknowledgements}
3068 The Wrestlers Protocol is named after the Wrestlers pub in Cambridge where
3069 Clive Jones and I worked out the initial design.
3071 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3073 \bibliography{mdw-crypto,cryptography2000,cryptography,rfc,std}
3075 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3077 \ifshort\def\next{\end{document}}\expandafter\next\fi
3078 \appendix
3079 \section{Proofs}
3081 \subsection{Proof of theorem~\ref{thm:sk}}
3082 \label{sec:sk-proof}
3084 Before we embark on the proof proper, let us settle on some notation. Let
3085 $P_i$ be a party. Then we write $x_i$ for $P_i$'s private key and $X_i = x_i
3086 P$ is $P_i$'s public key. Let $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$ be a session. We write
3087 $r_S$ for the random value chosen at the start of the session, and $R_S$,
3088 $c_S$ etc.\ are the corresponding derived values in that session.
3090 The proof uses a sequence of games. For each game~$\G{i}$, let $V_i$ be the
3091 event that some pair of unexposed, matching sessions both complete but output
3092 different keys, and let $W_i$ be the event that the adversary's final output
3093 equals the game's hidden bit~$b^*$. To save on repetition, let us write
3094 \[ \diff{i}{j} = \max(|\Pr[V_i] - \Pr[V_j]|, |\Pr[W_i] - \Pr[W_j]|). \]
3095 Obviously,
3096 \[ \diff{i}{j} \le \sum_{i\le k<j} \diff{k}{k + 1}. \]
3098 Here's a quick overview of the games we use.
3099 \begin{itemize}
3100 \item $\G0$ is the original SK-security game.
3101 \item In $\G1$, we abort the game unless all parties' public keys are
3102 distinct. Since keys are generated at random, parties are unlikely to be
3103 given the same key by accident.
3104 \item In $\G2$, we change the way sessions respond to challenge messages, by
3105 using the extractor to fake up answers to most challenges. Since the
3106 extractor is good, the adversary is unlikely to notice.
3107 \item In $\G3$, we abort the game if the adversary ever queries $H_K(\cdot)$
3108 on the Diffie-Hellman secret $r_S r_T P$ shared between two unexposed
3109 matching sessions. We show that this is unlikely to happen if the
3110 Diffie-Hellman problem is hard.
3111 \item In $\G4$, we abort the game if any unexposed session \emph{accepts} a
3112 response message which wasn't sent by a matching session.
3113 \end{itemize}
3114 Finally, we show that the adversary has no advantage in $\G4$. The theorem
3115 follows.
3117 For ease of comprehension, we postpone the detailed proofs of some of the
3118 steps until after we conclude the main proof.
3120 Let $A$ be a given adversary which runs in time~$t$, creates at most~$q_S$
3121 sessions, delivers at most~$q_M$ messages, and makes at most~$q_I$ queries to
3122 its $H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot)$ oracle and at most~$q_K$ queries to its
3123 $H_K(\cdot)$ oracle. Let $\G0$ be the original SK-security game of
3124 definition~\ref{def:sk}, played with adversary~$A$.
3126 Game~$\G1$ is the same as game~$\G0$ except, if the initialization function
3127 reports two parties as having the same public key (i.e., we have $X_i \ne
3128 X_j$ where $0 \le i < j < n$), we stop the game immediately and without
3129 crediting the adversary with a win. This only happens when the corresponding
3130 private keys are equal, i.e., $x_i = x_j$, and since the initialization
3131 function chooses private keys uniformly at random, this happens with
3132 probability at most $\binom{n}{2}/\#G$. Since if this doesn't happen, the
3133 game is identical to $\G0$, we can apply lemma~\ref{lem:shoup}, and see that
3134 \begin{equation}
3135 \label{eq:sk-g0-g1}
3136 \diff{0}{1} \le \frac{1}{\#G} \binom{n}{2} = \frac{n (n - 1)}{2 \#G}.
3137 \end{equation}
3138 In game~$\G1$ and onwards, we can assume that public keys for distinct
3139 parties are themselves distinct. Note that the game now takes at most
3140 $O(q_I)$ times longer to process each message delivered by the adversary.
3141 This is where the $O(q_I q_M)$ term comes from in the theorem statement.
3143 Game~$\G2$ is the same as game~$\G1$, except that we change the way that we
3144 make parties respond to \cookie{challenge} messages $(\cookie{challenge}, R,
3145 c)$. Specifically, suppose that $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$ is a session.
3146 \begin{itemize}
3147 \item Suppose $T = (P_j, P_i, s)$ is the matching session of $S$. The game
3148 proceeds as before if $(R, c) = (R_T, c_T)$ is the challenge issued by $T$.
3149 \item Otherwise, we run the extractor $T_\Wident$ on the adversary's history
3150 so far of oracle queries $H_I(X_i, s, R, \cdot)$ to determine a pair $(r,
3151 Y)$. If $r = \bot$ then we discard the message. Otherwise, we add $R$ to
3152 the list~$C$, and return a fake response to the adversary by computing $K =
3153 H_K(r R_S)$ and handing the adversary $(\cookie{response}, R_S, E_K(Y))$.
3154 \end{itemize}
3155 The following lemma shows how this affects the adversary's probabilities of
3156 winning.
3157 \begin{lemma}
3158 \label{lem:sk-g1-g2}
3159 \begin{equation}
3160 \label{eq:sk-g1-g2}
3161 \diff{1}{2} \le \frac{q_M}{2^{\ell_I}}.
3162 \end{equation}
3163 \end{lemma}
3165 Let us say that a session $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$ is \emph{ripe} if
3166 \begin{itemize}
3167 \item there is a matching session $T = (P_j, P_i, s)$, and
3168 \item $S$ is unexposed.
3169 \end{itemize}
3170 Suppose that $S$ is a ripe session, and that it has a matching session~$T$:
3171 let $Z_S = Z_T = r_S r_T P$.
3173 Game~$\G3$ is the same as $\G2$, except that the game is immediately aborted
3174 if ever the adversary queries its random oracle $H_K(\cdot)$ at a value $Z_S$
3175 for any ripe session~$S$. The following lemma shows how this affects the
3176 adversary's probabilities of winning.
3177 \begin{lemma}
3178 \label{lem:sk-g2-g3}
3179 For some $t'$ within the bounds given in the theorem statement we have
3180 \begin{equation}
3181 \label{eq:sk-g2-g3}
3182 \diff{2}{3} \le q_S \InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_K).
3183 \end{equation}
3184 \end{lemma}
3186 Game~$\G4$ is the same as $\G3$ except that the game is immediately aborted
3187 if ever the adversary sends a response message to a ripe session~$S$ which
3188 wasn't output by its matching session as a response to $S$'s challenge, with
3189 the result that $S$ completes.
3191 Let's make this more precise. Let $U$ and $V$ be a pair of matching
3192 sessions. Let $C_U = (\cookie{challenge}, R_U, c_U$ be the challenge message
3193 sent by $U$. Let $M_T$ be the set of messages which $T$ has sent upon
3194 delivery of $C_U$. Then, in $\G4$, we abort the game if, for any pair $S$
3195 and~$T$ of matching, unexposed sessions, $S$ has completed as a result of
3196 being sent a message $\mu \notin M_T$. We have the following lemma.
3197 \begin{lemma}
3198 \label{lem:sk-g3-g4}
3199 For a $t'$ within the stated bounds, we have
3200 \begin{equation}
3201 \label{eq:sk-g3-g4}
3202 \diff{3}{4} \le q_S \bigl( \InSec{ind-cca}(\E; t', q_M, q_M) +
3203 n \cdot \InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_M + q_I) \bigr)
3204 \end{equation}
3205 \end{lemma}
3207 Finally, let us consider the state we're in with $\G4$.
3208 \begin{itemize}
3209 \item No ripe session completes except as a result the adversary faithfully
3210 delivering messages between it and its matching session.
3211 \item The adversary never queries $Z_S$ for any ripe session~$S$. If we set
3212 $K_S = (K_{S, 0}, K_{S, 1}) = H_K(Z_S)$, then $K_{S, 1}$ is the key output
3213 by $S$ when it completes.
3214 \item If $S$ and $T$ are matching ripe sessions, then $K_S = K_T$, since $Z_S
3215 = r_S R_T = r_T R_S = Z_T$.
3216 \item For any ripe session~$S$, $K_{S, 1}$ is uniformly distributed in
3217 $\Bin^\kappa$ and independent of the adversary's view.
3218 \item If $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$ and $T = (P_j, P_i, s)$ are matching ripe
3219 sessions, then $Z_S$ depends only $r_S$ and $r_T$. Hence, once $S$ and~$T$
3220 complete, and erase their states, $Z_S$ is independent of everything except
3221 the messages sent between the two sessions. In particular, $Z_S$ is
3222 independent of the long-term secrets $x_i$ and~$x_j$, so if either player
3223 is later corrupted, the key $K_{S, 1}$ remains independent of the
3224 adversary's view.
3225 \item Hence, the keys output by unexposed sessions are indistinguishable from
3226 freshly-generated random strings, and remain so indefinitely.
3227 \end{itemize}
3228 We conclude that, for any adversary $A$,
3229 \begin{equation}
3230 \label{eq:sk-g4}
3231 \Pr[V_4] = 0 \qquad \text{and} \qquad \Pr[W_4] = \frac{1}{2}.
3232 \end{equation}
3233 Putting equations~\ref{eq:sk-g0-g1}--\ref{eq:sk-g4} together, we find
3234 \begingroup \splitright=4em minus 4em
3235 \begin{spliteqn}
3236 \Adv{sk}{\Wident^{G, \E}}(A) \le
3237 2 q_S \bigl(\InSec{ind-cca}(\E; t', q_M, q_M) + {} \\
3238 \InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_K) +
3239 n \,\InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_M + q_I) \bigr) + {}
3240 \frac{n (n - 1)}{\#G} +
3241 \frac{2 q_M}{2^{\ell_I}}.
3242 \end{spliteqn} \endgroup
3243 The theorem follows, since $A$ was chosen arbitrarily.
3246 \begin{proof}[Proof of lemma~\ref{lem:sk-g1-g2}]
3247 The two games $\G1$ and~$\G2$ differ only in whether they accept or reject
3248 particular challenge messages $(\cookie{challenge}, R, c)$.
3250 We claim firstly that no message is \emph{accepted} by $\G2$ which would
3251 have been rejected by $\G1$. To prove the claim, it is sufficient to note
3252 that the extractor's output, if not $\bot$, is always correct, and hence if
3253 $\G2$ accepts a message then $\G1$ would have done so too.
3255 Since $\G2$ also behaves identically when the adversary submits to~$S$ the
3256 challenge from the matching session~$T$, we have nothing to prove in this
3257 case. Let $F$ be the event that the adversary submits a message
3258 $(\cookie{challenge}, R, c)$ to a session~$S$ which $S$ would have accepted
3259 in $\G1$ but would be rejected by the new rule in~$\G2$. By
3260 lemma~\ref{lem:shoup} we have $\diff{1}{2} \le \Pr[F]$. To prove the
3261 current lemma, therefore, we must show that $\Pr[F] \le q_M/2^{\ell_I}$.
3263 Rather than consider individual challenge messages, we consider
3264 \emph{classes} of messages. We shall refer to a quadruple~$\Cid = (i, j,
3265 s, R)$ as a \emph{class-id}, and define some useful functions:
3266 \begin{itemize}
3267 \item the class's \emph{session} $\Csession(\Cid) = (P_i, P_j, s)$;
3268 \item the class's \emph{index} $\Cindex(\Cid)$ is $r \in I$ where $R = r
3269 P$, which is well-defined by lemma~\ref{lem:unique-dl};
3270 \item the class's \emph{query} $\Cquery(\Cid) = (X_j, s, R, x_i R)$;
3271 \item the class's \emph{hash} $\Chash(\Cid) = H_I(\Cquery(\Cid)) = H_I(X_j,
3272 s, R, x_i R)$;
3273 \item the class's \emph{check-value} $\Ccheck(\Cid) = \Chash(\Cid) \xor
3274 \Cindex(\Cid)$;
3275 \item the class's \emph{check-set} $\Ccheckset(\Cid)$ is the set of
3276 check-values $c$ such that a message $(\cookie{challenge}, R, c)$ was
3277 sent to session $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$; and
3278 \item the class's \emph{count} $\Ccount(\Cid) = |\Ccheckset(\Cid)|$.
3279 \end{itemize}
3281 Consider any class-id~$\Cid = (i, j, s, R)$. A natural question which
3282 arises is: which participants have issued $\Cid$'s query, i.e., queried
3283 $H_I$ at $\Cquery(\Cid)$?
3285 We can characterise the $H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot)$ queries of a
3286 session $U = (P_{i'}, P_{j'}, s')$ as follows:
3287 \begin{itemize}
3288 \item computing the check-value for the challenge $R_U$ by querying
3289 $H_I(X_{i'}, s', R_U, r_U X_{j'})$, and
3290 \item checking an incoming challenge~$R'$ by querying $H_I(X_{j'}, s', R',
3291 x_{i'} R')$.
3292 \end{itemize}
3293 The class~$\Cid$'s query $\Cquery(\Cid)$ is $U$'s check-value query if
3294 \[ (j, i, s, R) = (i', j', s', R_U) \]
3295 i.e., $U$ is the matching session of $\Csession(\Cid)$, and moreover $R =
3296 R_U$ is the challenge value issued by $U$. For any $c \in
3297 \Ccheckset(\Cid)$, if $c = \Ccheck(\Cid)$ then $(\cookie{challenge}, R, c)$
3298 is precisely the challenge message issued by~$U$ to $\Csession(\Cid)$; the
3299 rules for handling this message didn't change. However, if $c \ne
3300 \Ccheck(\Cid)$ then the message would have been rejected in $\G1$, and we
3301 have already shown that $\G2$ continues to reject all messages rejected by
3302 $\G1$.
3304 Let us say that a class-id~$\Cid = (i, j, s, R)$ is \emph{bad} if
3305 \begin{enumerate}
3306 \item the value $R$ is not the challenge issued by $\Csession(\Cid)$'s
3307 matching session, and
3308 \item the adversary has not issued $\Cid$'s query $\Cquery(\Cid)$,
3309 \emph{but}
3310 \item $\Ccheck(\Cid) \in \Ccheckset(\Cid)$, so one of the check-values
3311 submitted to $S$ was actually correct.
3312 \end{enumerate}
3313 We claim that our extractor will work perfectly unless some class-id is
3314 bad. Certainly, if $R$ was issued by the matching session, there is
3315 nothing to prove; if the adversary has issued the relevant query then the
3316 extractor will recover $\Cindex(\Cid)$ just fine; and if $\Ccheck(\Cid)
3317 \notin \Ccheckset(\Cid)$ then all messages in the class would have been
3318 rejected by $\G1$ anyway.
3320 Let $B(\Cid)$ be the event that the class~$\Cid$ is bad. We claim that
3321 \[ \Pr[B(\Cid)] \le \frac{\Ccount(\Cid)}{2^{\ell_I}}. \]
3322 The present lemma follows, since
3323 \[ \diff{1}{2}
3324 \le \Pr[F]
3325 \le \sum_\Cid \Pr[B(\Cid)]
3326 \le \sum_\Cid \frac{\Ccount(\Cid)}{2^{\ell_I}}
3327 = \frac{1}{2^{\ell_I}} \sum_\Cid \Ccount(\Cid)
3328 \le \frac{q_M}{2^{\ell_I}}
3329 \]
3330 as required.
3332 Now observe that, in $\G2$, sessions don't actually check incoming
3333 challenges in this way any more -- instead we run the extractor. So, to
3334 prove the claim, we consider a class~$\Cid$ where properties~1 and~2 above
3335 hold. The correct hash $\Chash(\Cid)$ is then independent of the rest of
3336 the game, so the probability that $\Ccheck(\Cid) \in \Ccheckset(\Cid)$ is
3337 precisely $\Ccount(\Cid)/2^{\ell_I}$ as required.
3339 This completes the proof the lemma.
3340 \end{proof}
3342 \begin{proof}[Proof of lemma~\ref{lem:sk-g2-g3}]
3343 Let $F$ be the event that the adversary makes a query $H_K(Z_S)$ for some
3344 ripe session~$S$. Since $\G3$ proceeds exactly as $\G2$ did unless $F_2$
3345 occurs, we apply lemma~\ref{lem:shoup}, which tells us that $\diff{2}{3}
3346 \le \Pr[F_2]$. We must therefore bound this probability.
3348 To do this, we consider a new game~$\G3'$, which is the same as $\G3$,
3349 except that, at the start of the game, we choose a random number $k \inr
3350 \Nupto{q_S}$. For $0 \le i < q_S$, let $S_i$ be the $i$th session created
3351 by the adversary. We define $F'$ to be the event that the adversary
3352 queries $H_K(Z_{S_k})$ when $S_k$ is ripe.
3354 The lemma now follows from these two claims.
3356 \begin{claim}
3357 $\Pr[F] \le q_S \Pr[F']$.
3358 \end{claim}
3359 To see this, for any session~$S$, let $F_S$ be the event that the adversary
3360 queries~$H_K(Z_S)$ when $S$ is ripe. Then
3361 \[ \Pr[F] \le \sum_{0\le i<q_S} \Pr[F_{S_i}]. \]
3362 Hence,
3363 \[ \Pr[F'] = \Pr[F_{S_k}] = \sum_{0\le i<q_S} \Pr[F_{S_i}] \Pr[k = i]
3364 = \frac{1}{q_S} \sum_{0\le i<q_S} \Pr[F_{S_i}]
3365 \ge \frac{\Pr[F]}{q_S}
3366 \]
3367 proving the claim.
3369 \begin{claim}
3370 For some $t' = t + O(n) + O(q_S q_M) + O(q_I) + O(q_K)$, we have
3371 $\Pr[F'] \le \InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_K).$
3372 \end{claim}
3373 To prove this claim, we construct an adversary~$B$ which solves the MCDH
3374 problem in~$G$. The adversary works as follows.
3375 \begin{enumerate}
3376 \item It is given a pair $(R^*, S^*) = (r^* P, s^* P)$ of group elements;
3377 its objective is to make a verification-oracle query $V(Z^*)$ where $Z^*
3378 = r^* s^* P$.
3379 \item It sets up a simulation of the game~$\G3'$, by running the
3380 $\id{init}$ function, and simulating all of the parties. In particular,
3381 it chooses a random~$k \in \Nupto{q_S}$.
3382 \item It sets up accurate simulations of the random oracles $H_K(\cdot)$
3383 and $H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot)$, which choose random outputs for
3384 new, fresh inputs. However, whenever $A$ queries $H_K(\cdot)$ on a group
3385 element $Z$, $B$ also queries $V(Z)$.
3386 \item It runs $A$ in its simulated game. It responds to all of $A$'s
3387 instructions faithfully, until the $k$th session-creation.
3388 \item When creating the $k$th session $S = S_k = (P_i, P_j, s)$, $B$ has
3389 party~$P_i$ choose $R^*$ as its challenge, rather than choosing $r_S$ and
3390 setting $R_S = r_S P$. Because it simulates all the parties, $B$ can
3391 compute $Y_S = x_j R$, which is still correct.
3392 \item If $A$ requests the creation of a matching session $T = (P_j, P_i,
3393 s)$ then $B$ has party~$P_j$ choose $S^*$ as its challenge. Again, $B$
3394 computes $Y_T = x_i S^*$.
3395 \item If $A$ ever corrupts the parties $P_i$ or $P_j$, or reveals the
3396 session state of $S$ or $T$ then $B$ stops the simulation abruptly and
3397 halts.
3398 \end{enumerate}
3399 Adversary $B$'s running time is within the bounds required of $t'$, and $B$
3400 makes at most $q_K$ queries to $V(\cdot)$; we therefore have
3401 \[ \Pr[F'] \le \Succ{mcdh}{G}(B) \le \InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_K) \]
3402 as required.
3403 \end{proof}
3405 \begin{proof}[Proof of lemma~\ref{lem:sk-g3-g4}]
3406 Let $F_4$ be the event under which we abort the game~$\G4$. Clearly, if
3407 $F$ doesn't occur, games $\G3$ and $\G4$ proceed identically, so we can
3408 apply lemma~\ref{lem:shoup} to see that $\diff{3}{4} \le \Pr[F_4]$.
3409 Bounding $\Pr[F_4]$, however, is somewhat complicated. We use a further
3410 sequence of games.
3412 Firstly, let $\G5$ be like $\G4$ with the exception that we choose, at
3413 random, an integer~$k \inr \Nupto{q_S}$. As we did in the proof for
3414 lemma~\ref{lem:sk-g3-g4}, let $S_i$ be the $i$th session created by the
3415 adversary. For each session~$S_i$, let $T_i$ be its matching session, if
3416 there is one. We define $F_5$ to be the event that
3417 \begin{itemize}
3418 \item $S_k$ completes immediately following delivery of a message $\mu
3419 \notin M_{T_k}$, and
3420 \item $S_k$ was ripe at this point.
3421 \end{itemize}
3422 For games~$\G{i}$, for $i > 5$, we define the event $F_i$ to be the event
3423 corresponding to $F_5$ in $\G{i}$. Note that if $S_k$ \emph{is} sent a
3424 message in $M_{T_k}$ then $S_k$ immediately completes.
3426 \begin{claim}
3427 $\Pr[F_4] \le \Pr[F_5]/q_S$.
3428 \end{claim}
3429 This claim is proven exactly as we did for claim~1 of
3430 lemma~\ref{lem:sk-g2-g3}.
3432 Let~$\G6$ be the same as $\G5$ except that we change the encrypted
3433 responses of session~$S_k$ and its matching session~$T_k$. Let $K^* =
3434 (K_0^*, K_1^*) = H_K(Z_S)$. Then, rather than sending $(\cookie{response},
3435 R_S, E_{K_0^*}(Y_T))$, session~$S$ sends $(\cookie{response}, R_S,
3436 E_{K_0^*}(1^{\ell_G}))$.
3437 \begin{claim}
3438 $|\Pr[F_6] - \Pr[F_5]| \le \InSec{ind-cca}(\E; t', q_M, q_M).$
3439 \end{claim}
3440 To prove this claim, we construct an adversary~$B$ which attacks the
3441 IND-CCA security of our encryption scheme $\E$. The adversary~$B$ works as
3442 follows.
3443 \begin{enumerate}
3444 \item It is given no input, but a pair of oracles $E(\cdot, \cdot)$ and
3445 $D(\cdot)$; the former encrypts either the left or right input, according
3446 to a hidden bit, and the latter decrypts ciphertexts other than those
3447 returned by $E(\cdot, \cdot)$. Its goal is to guess the hidden bit.
3448 \item It sets up a simulation of the game~$\G5$, by running the $\id{init}$
3449 function, and simulating all of the parties. In particular, it chooses a
3450 random $k \in \Nupto{q_S}$.
3451 \item It sets up accurate simulations of the random oracles $H_K(\cdot)$
3452 and $H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot)$.
3453 \item It runs $A$ in its simulated game. It responds to all of $A$'s
3454 instructions faithfully, except for the matching sessions $S_k$ and
3455 $T_k$. Let $S = S_k = (P_i, P_j, s)$, and $T = T_k = (P_j, P_i, s)$.
3456 \item Suppose $T$ is sent the message $C_S = (\cookie{challenge}, R_S,
3457 c_S)$. Rather than computing $K^* = H_K(r_T R_S)$ and performing the
3458 encryption properly, $B$ queries its left-or-right encryption oracle
3459 $E(\cdot, \cdot)$ on $E(1^{\ell_G}, x_j R_S)$, and sends the resulting
3460 ciphertext~$\chi$ back to~$S$ as part of a message $(\cookie{response},
3461 R_T, \chi)$. The set $M_T$ is precisely the set of messages constructed
3462 in this fashion. (Recall that challenge messages other than $C_S$ aren't
3463 actually delivered to $T$, since we simulate the responses using the
3464 extractor, as of $\G2$.)
3465 \item Suppose $S$ is sent a message $M = (\cookie{response}, R_T, \chi) \in
3466 M_T$. We immediately stop the simulation, and $B$ returns $0$.
3467 \item Suppose, instead, that $S$ is sent some message $M' =
3468 (\cookie{response}, R, \chi) \notin M_T$. There are two cases to
3469 consider. If $R = R_T$ then we must have $\chi$ distinct from the
3470 ciphertexts returned by the $E(\cdot, \cdot)$ oracle, so we can invoke
3471 the decryption oracle $D(\cdot)$ on $\chi$ to obtain a response $Y$.
3472 Alternatively, if $R \ne R_T$, we can compute the key $K = (K_0, K_1) =
3473 H_K(r_S R)$, and recover $Y = D_{K_0}(\chi)$. In either case, if $Y =
3474 r_S X_j)$ then $S$ would complete at this point: $B$ stops the simulation
3475 and returns $1$.
3476 \item If $A$ exposes $S$ (by corrupting $P_i$ or~$P_j$, or revealing $S$ or
3477 $T$) then we stop the simulation and $B$ returns $0$.
3478 \item Finally, if the game stops, either because $A$ halts, or because of
3479 one of the special rules introduced in earlier games, $B$ returns $0$.
3480 \end{enumerate}
3481 It is clear that $B$'s oracle queries are acceptable, since $|x_j R_S| =
3482 \ell_G$ by definition, and $B$ never queries $D(\cdot)$ on a ciphertext
3483 returned by its encryption oracle. By the rules of~$\G3$, we know that the
3484 game stops immediately if $A$ ever queries $Z_S$, so the key $K^*$ is
3485 independent of everything in $A$'s view except the ciphertexts $\chi$
3486 output by $S$ and $T$. Therefore, if the hidden bit of the IND-CCA game is
3487 $1$, $B$ accurately simulates $\G5$, whereas if the bit is $0$ then $B$
3488 accurately simulates $\G6$. We issue no more that $q_M$ encryption or
3489 decryption queries. Finally, $B$'s running time is within the bounds
3490 allowed for $t'$. Therefore,
3491 \[ \Adv{ind-cca}{\E}(B) = \Pr[F_5] - \Pr[F_6]
3492 \le \InSec{ind-cca}(\E; t', q_M, q_M). \]
3493 We construct the adversary~$\bar{B}$ which is the same as $B$ above, except
3494 that $\bar{B}$ returns $0$ whenever $B$ returns~$1$, and \emph{vice versa}.
3495 Clearly
3496 \[ \Adv{ind-cca}{\E}(\bar{B})
3497 = (1 - \Pr[F_5]) - (1 - \Pr[F_6])
3498 = \Pr[F_6] - \Pr[F_5]
3499 \le \InSec{ind-cca}(\E; t', q_M, q_M).
3500 \]
3501 This proves the claim.
3503 Let $\G7$ be the same as $\G6$, except that at the start of the game we
3504 choose a random $m \in \Nupto{n}$, and when the adversary creates the
3505 session $S = S_k = (P_i, P_j, s)$, we abort the game unless $j = m$.
3506 Clearly we have $\Pr[F_6] = n \Pr[F_7]$.
3508 Finally, we can explicitly bound $F_6$. In $\G6$, the adversary's view is
3509 independent of the correct response $Y_S = r_S X_S = x_j R_S$ to $S$'s
3510 challenge. Therefore, if $A$ manages to send any message $\mu \notin M_T$
3511 which causes $S$ to complete, then it has impersonated~$P_j$.
3512 \begin{claim}
3513 $\Pr[F_7] \le \InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_M + q_I)$.
3514 \end{claim}
3515 The present lemma follows from this and the previous claims.
3517 To prove the claim formally, we construct an adversary~$B'$, which behaves
3518 as follows.
3519 \begin{enumerate}
3520 \item It is given as input a public key $X^*$ and a single challenge $(R^*,
3521 c^*)$, a random oracle $H^*_I(\cdot, \cdot)$, and an oracle $V(\cdot,
3522 \cdot)$, which verifies responses $(R, Y)$. Its goal is to invoke
3523 $V(\cdot, \cdot)$ with a correct response to the challenge.
3524 \item It chooses a random $k \in \Nupto{q_S}$ and $m \in \Nupto{n}$. It
3525 sets up a simulation of the game~$\G7$, by running the $\id{init}$
3526 function, and simulating all of the parties, except that it gives party
3527 $P_m$ the public key $X^*$. This makes no difference, since $P_m$
3528 doesn't actually need to give any `honest' responses because of the
3529 change we made in $\G6$.
3530 \item It sets up accurate simulations of the random oracles $H_K(\cdot)$
3531 and $H_I(\cdot, \cdot, \cdot, \cdot)$, with one exception -- see below.
3532 \item It runs $A$ in its simulated game. It responds to all of $A$'s
3533 instructions faithfully, except for the session $S_k$. Let $S = S_k =
3534 (P_i, P_j, s)$, and let $T = T_k = (P_j, P_i, s)$ be its matching
3535 session.
3536 \item When session~$S$ is created, $B'$ checks that $j = m$, and if not
3537 stops the simulation and halts. Otherwise, $B'$ invokes its oracle~$C()$
3538 to obtain a pair $(R, c)$. Session~$S$ sends $C_S = (\cookie{challenge},
3539 R, c)$ as its challenge to~$T$.
3540 \item When $A$ makes a query $H_I(X^*, s, R, Y)$, $B$ answers it by
3541 querying its \emph{own} random oracle $H^*_I(R, Y)$.
3542 \item When $S$ receives a message $(\cookie{response}, R, \chi)$, we
3543 compute $(K_0, K_1) = r_S R$, and $Y = D_{K_0}(\chi)$. If $Y \ne \bot$
3544 then $B'$ calls $V(R, Y)$.
3545 \item If $A$ reveals $S$ or corrupts $P_i$ or $P_j$ then $B'$ stops the
3546 simulation immediately and halts.
3547 \end{enumerate}
3548 The running time of $B'$ is within the bounds required of $t'$; it makes at
3549 most $q_I$ random-oracle and at most $q_M$ verification queries. Clearly
3550 $B'$ succeeds whenever $F_7$ occurs. The claim follows from
3551 theorem~\ref{thm:wident-sound}.
3552 \end{proof}
3555 \subsection{Proof of theorem~\ref{thm:sk2}}
3556 \label{sec:sk2-proof}
3558 The proof is almost identical to the proof of theorem~\ref{thm:sk}, in
3559 appendix~\ref{sec:sk-proof}. Unfortunately a black-box reduction doesn't
3560 seem possible.
3562 We use the games and notation of section~\ref{sec:sk-proof}.
3564 The change to the check-value calculation doesn't affect key-generation at
3565 all, so the transition to $\G1$ goes through as before.
3567 The transition from $\G1$ to $\G2$ -- answering challenges using the
3568 extractor -- needs a little care. Let $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$ be a session, and
3569 consider an incoming message $(\cookie{challenge}, R, c)$.
3570 \begin{itemize}
3571 \item If $T = (P_j, P_i, s)$ is the matching session to $S$, and $R = R_T$ is
3572 the public challenge value of $T$, and $c = r_T \xor H_I(R_S, X_j, s, R_T,
3573 r_T X_i)$ is the check-value output by $T$ when it received
3574 $(\cookie{pre-challenge}, R_S)$ as input, then $S$ replies as it did in
3575 $\G1$.
3576 \item If the challenge message is any other message, then we use the
3577 extractor.
3578 \end{itemize}
3579 As in lemma~\ref{lem:sk-g1-g2}, we examine which sessions could have queried
3580 $H_I(R_S, X_j, s, R, x_i R)$, and for the same reasons conclude that only the
3581 matching session would have done this, and only in response to the
3582 pre-challenge $R_S$. It follows that $\diff{1}{2} \le q_M/2^{\ell_I}$ as
3583 before.
3585 The remaining game steps go through unchanged. In particular, we conclude
3586 that a ripe session will only complete if the adversary has transmitted
3587 messages from its matching session correctly, and the session key is
3588 independent of the adversary's view. The theorem follows.
3591 \subsection{Sketch proof of single-key protocol for secure channels}
3592 \label{sec:sc-proof}
3594 We want to show that the Wrestlers Key-Exchange protocol, followed by use of
3595 the encryption scheme $\E$, with the \emph{same} key $K = K_0$, still
3596 provides secure channels.
3598 \subsubsection{Secure channels definition}
3599 We (very briefly!) recall the \cite{Canetti:2001:AKE} definition of a secure
3600 channels protocol. We again play a game with the adversary. At the
3601 beginning, we choose a bit $b^* \inr \{0, 1\}$ at random. We allow the
3602 adversary the ability to establish \emph{secure channels} sessions within the
3603 parties. Furthermore, for any running session $S = (P_i, P_j, s)$, we allow
3604 the adversary to request $S$ to send a message~$\mu$ through its secure
3605 channel. Finally, the adversary is allowed to choose one ripe
3606 \emph{challenge} session, and ask for it to send of one of a \emph{pair} of
3607 messages $(\mu_0, \mu_1)$, subject to the restriction that $|\mu_0| =
3608 |\mu_1|$; the session sends message $\mu_{b^*}$. The adversary may not
3609 expose the challenge session.
3611 The adversary wins if (a)~it can guess the bit $b^*$, or (b)~it can cause a
3612 ripe session $S$ (i.e., an unexposed, running session), with a matching
3613 session~$T$ to output a message other than one that it requested that $T$
3614 send.
3616 \subsubsection{Protocol definition}
3617 The protocol begins with Wrestlers key-exchange. The encryption in the
3618 key-exchange protocol is performed as $E_K(\cookie{kx}, \cdot)$; encryption
3619 for secure channels is performed as $E_K(\cookie{sc}, i, o, \cdot)$, where
3620 $i$ is a sequence number to prevent replays and $o \in \{S, T\}$ identifies
3621 the sender.
3623 \subsubsection{Proof sketch}
3624 We use the games and notation of appendix~\ref{sec:sk-proof}.
3626 The proof goes through as far as the step between $\G5$ and $\G6$ in the
3627 proof of lemma~\ref{lem:sk-g3-g4}. Here we make the obvious adjustments to
3628 our adversary against the IND-CCA security of $\E$. (Our adversary will need
3629 to use the left-or-right oracle for messages sent using the secure channel
3630 built on $K^*$. That's OK.)
3632 In $\G4$, we know that ripe sessions agree the correct key, and the adversary
3633 never queries the random oracle, so the key is independent of the adversary's
3634 view.
3636 We define a new game $\G8$, which is like $\G4$, except that we stop the game
3637 if the adversary ever forges a message sent over the secure channel. That
3638 is, if a ripe session $S$ ever announces receipt of a message not sent (at
3639 the adversary's request) by its matching session $T$. Let $F_8$ be the event
3640 that a forgery occurs. We apply lemma~\ref{lem:shoup}, which tells us that
3641 $\diff{4}{8} \le \Pr[F_8]$. To bound $F_8$, we isolate a session at random
3642 (as in lemmata \ref{lem:sk-g2-g3} and~\ref{lem:sk-g3-g4}), which tells us
3643 that
3644 \begin{equation}
3645 \label{eq:sc-g4-g8}
3646 \diff{4}{8} \le q_S \cdot \InSec{int-ptxt}(\E; t', q_M, q_M)
3647 \end{equation}
3648 Finally, we can bound the adversary's advantage at guessing the hidden bit
3649 $b^*$. We isolate (we hope) the challenge session $S$ by choosing a target
3650 session at random, as before. Let $K^* = H_K(Z_S)$ be the key agreed by the
3651 session (if it becomes ripe). We define an adversary $B$ against the IND-CCA
3652 security of $\E$. The adversary $B$ simulates the game. If the adversary
3653 exposes the target session, or doesn't choose it as the challenge session,
3654 $B$ fails (and exits 0); otherwise it uses the left-or-right encryption
3655 oracle to encrypt both of the adversary's message choices, and outputs the
3656 adversary's choice. Let $b$ be the adversary's output, and let $\epsilon$ be
3657 the advantage of our IND-CCA distinguisher. Then
3658 \begin{eqnarray*}[rl]
3659 \Pr[b = b^*]
3660 & = \Pr[b = b^* \wedge b^* = 1] + \Pr[b = b^* \wedge b^* = 0] \\
3661 & = \frac{1}{2}\bigl( \Pr[b = b^* \mid b^* = 1] +
3662 \Pr[b = b^* \mid b^* = 0] \bigr) \\
3663 & = \frac{1}{2}\bigl( \Pr[b = b^* \mid b^* = 1] +
3664 (1 - \Pr[b \ne b^* \mid b^* = 0]) \bigr) \\
3665 & = \frac{1}{2}\bigl( \Pr[b = 1 \mid b^* = 1] -
3666 \Pr[b = 1 \mid b^* = 0] + 1 \bigr) \\
3667 & = \frac{1}{2}\bigl(1 + q_S\,\Adv{ind-cca}{\E}(B) \bigr) \\
3668 & \le \frac{1}{2} \bigl( 1 + q_S\,\InSec{ind-cca}(\E; t', q_M, q_M) \bigr).
3669 \eqnumber
3670 \end{eqnarray*}
3672 \end{document}
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