[doc/deny] / deny-slides.tex
... / ...
1%%% Deniably authenticated asymmetric encryption
3%%% Copyright (c) 2010 Mark Wooding
4%%% Licence: CC-BY
9\usefonttheme[stillsansseriflarge, stillsansserifsmall]{serif}
12\usepackage[palatino, helvetica, courier, maths = cmr]{mdwfonts}
14\usepackage{crypto, mdwmath}
16 shapes.symbols,shapes.callouts,%
17 decorations.pathreplacing,positioning,calc}
19\title{Deniably authenticated asymmetric encryption}
20\author[Mark Wooding]{Mark Wooding \\ \texttt{}}
25\def\mugshot{\includegraphics[width = 2cm, height = 2.5cm, keepaspectratio]}
29 mugshot/.style = {draw, fill = white, inner sep = 0, outer sep = \jot},
30 thought/.style = {
31 shape = cloud callout, cloud ignores aspect, draw, fill = white,
32 cloud puffs = 20, cloud puff arc = 110,
33 callout absolute pointer = (#1)
34 },
35 box/.style = {draw, minimum size = 16pt, fill = #1},
36 op/.style = {box = #1, shape = circle},
37 rounded/.style = {rounded corners = 2mm},
38 offset/.style = {transform canvas = {shift = {#1}}},
39 > = stealth
48 \frametitle{Outline}%
49 \tableofcontents[%
50 sectionstyle = show/shaded,%
51 subsectionstyle = show/shaded/shaded]%
57\subsection{Motivation: sign-then-encrypt failures}
60 \animate<10-14>
61 \begin{block}{}
62 \begin{tikzpicture}
63 \node[mugshot] (bob) at (0, 0) {
64 \only<1-18>{\mugshot{bob.png}}%
65 \only<19->{\mugshot{bob-unthrilled.png}}
66 };
67 \visible<2->{
68 \node[thought = bob.north] at ($(bob) + (2, 3)$)
69 {\begin{tabular}{l}
70 Private key $b$ \\
71 \visible<5->{Alice's public key $A$} \\
72 \end{tabular}};
73 }
74 \visible<3->{
75 \node[mugshot] (alice) at (10, 0){
76 \only<3-16>{\mugshot{alice.png}}%
77 \only<17->{\mugshot{alice-fallen.png}}
78 };
79 }
80 \visible<18->{
81 \node[mugshot] (julian) at ($(bob)!1/2!(alice)$)
82 {\mugshot{wl.png}};
83 }
84 \visible<4->{
85 \node[thought = alice.north] at ($(alice) + (-2, 3)$)
86 {\begin{tabular}{l}
87 Private key $a$ \\
88 \visible<5->{Bob's public key $B$} \\
89 \end{tabular}};
90 }
91 \animatevalue<9-15>{\f}{2}{8}
92 \only<1-8>{\tikzset{message/.style = {}}}
93 \only<9->{\tikzset{message/.style = {draw, fill = white}}}
94 \visible<6->{
95 \node[message] at ($(bob.east)!\f/10!(alice.west)$)
96 { $\visible<8-15>{E_A(}
97 m \visible<7->{, S_b(m)} \visible<8-15>{)} $};
98 }
99 \end{tikzpicture}
100 \end{block}
101 \begin{block}{}
102 \begin{overprint}
103 \onslide<+-+(1)> Meet Bob. \visible<+>{Bob has a private key.}
104 \onslide<+-+(1)> Bob meets Alice online. \visible<+>{Alice has a
105 private key too.}
106 \onslide<+> Magically, they know each other's public keys.
107 \onslide<+> Bob knows a secret. He wants to send it to Alice.
108 \onslide<+> Bob signs his message so that Alice knows it's from him.
109 \onslide<+> He encrypts so nobody else knows what he's telling her.
110 \onslide<+-+(6)> And then he sends the whole lot to Alice.
111 \addtocounter{beamerpauses}{6}
112 \onslide<+> Alice decrypts and verifies.
113 \onslide<+> Alice isn't exactly a night in shining armour.
114 \onslide<+> She publishes Bob's message and his signature.
115 \onslide<+> Bob is not completely thrilled.
116 \end{overprint}
117 \end{block}
120\begin{frame}{Signatures and public-key encryption}
121 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
122 \item Lots of other problematic scenarios [Davis~2001].
123 \item Encrypt-then-sign doesn't help much: recipient can publish NIZK proof
124 of correct decryption.
125 \item Signatures are universally verifiable. Non-repudiation is
126 undesirable when you're up to no good.
127 \item Authenticated encryption is still valuable. \visible<+>{Especially
128 when you're up to no good.}
129 \end{itemize}
132\subsection{Our contributions}
134\begin{frame}{Deniably authenticated asymmetric encryption}
135 \begin{block}{The basic idea}
136 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
137 \item Bob sends a message to Alice.
138 \item Nobody else can read it (\emph{secrecy}).
139 \item Alice knows that Bob sent it (\emph{authenticity}).
140 \item Neither Alice nor Bob can prove that Bob sent it to anyone else
141 (\emph{deniability}).
142 \end{itemize}
143 \end{block}
144 \begin{block}<+->{We provide}
145 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
146 \item Formal definitions of security and deniability.
147 \item Three constructions with various properties.
148 \end{itemize}
149 \end{block}
152\subsection{Previous work}
154\begin{frame}{Previous and related work}
155 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
156 \item Deniable authentication since [Dolev, Dwork, Naor~1991]; also [Dwork,
157 Naor, Sahai~19991], [Di~Raimondo, Gennaro~2005]. Intrinsically
158 \emph{interactive}.
159 \item Deniably authenticated key exchange [Di~Raimondo, Gennaro,
160 Krawczyk~2006], e.g., SKEME [Krawczyk~1996], \emph{Off the Record}
161 [Borisov, Goldberg, Brewer~2004], Wrestlers [Wooding~2006]. Also
162 interactive.
163 \item Chameleon signatures [Krawczyk, Rabin~1998].
164 \item Ring signatures [Rivest, Shamir, Tauman~2001].
165 \end{itemize}
171\subsection{Secrecy and authenticity}
173\begin{frame}{Formal definitions}{Secrecy and authenticity}
174 Multiparty outsider \alert<5-7>{secrecy} and \alert<8>{authenticity} [An,
175 Dodis, Rabin~2002].
176 \begin{block}{}
177 \centering
178 \begin{tikzpicture}
179 \node[mugshot] (adv) at (0, 0) {\mugshot{adv.png}};
180 \visible<2->{
181 \node[mugshot] (alice) at (-5, 2) {\mugshot{alice.png}};
182 }
183 \visible<3->{
184 \node[mugshot] (bob) at (+5, 2) {\mugshot{bob.png}};
185 }
186 \visible<2->{
187 \path node[above = of adv]
188 {{$A$\visible<3->{, $B$}}} edge[->] (adv);
189 }
190 \visible<4->{
191 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 5mm)}]
192 (adv) to node[above, sloped] {$m$, $Z$} (alice);
193 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 2mm)}]
194 (alice) to node[below, sloped] {$E_a(Z, m)$} (adv);
195 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 5mm)}]
196 (adv) to node[above, sloped] {$c$, $Z$} (bob);
197 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 2mm)}]
198 (bob) to node[below, sloped] {$D_b(Z, c)$} (adv);
199 }
200 \visible<5-7>{
201 \path[offset = {(0mm, -2mm)}] node[right = of adv]
202 {$m_0$, $m_1$} edge[<-] (adv);
203 }
204 \visible<6-7>{
205 \path[offset = {(0mm, -6mm)}] node[right = of adv]
206 {$c^* = E_a(B, m_\sigma)$}
207 edge[->] (adv);
208 }
209 \visible<7>{
210 \path[offset = {(0mm, -10mm)}] node[right = of adv]
211 {Guess $\sigma = \textbf?$}
212 edge[<-] (adv);
213 }
214 \visible<8>{
215 \path[offset = {(0mm, -6mm)}] node[right = of adv, text width = 40mm]
216 {New $c^*$ with \\ $D_b(A, c^*) \ne \bot$}
217 edge[<-] (adv);
218 }
219 \end{tikzpicture}
220 \end{block}
221 \begin{block}{}
222 \begin{overprint}
223 \onslide<+> There is always an adversary.
224 \onslide<+> We add a sender, Alice: private key $a$, public key $A$.
225 \onslide<+> And a recipient, Bob: private key $b$, public key $B$.
226 \onslide<+> Makes encryption and decryption queries with arbitrary public
227 keys $Z$.
228 \onslide<+> Adversary chooses two messages of equal length.
229 \onslide<+> We encrypt one of them.
230 \onslide<+> Adversary tries to guess which.
231 \onslide<+> Adversary tries to construct forgery.
232 \end{overprint}
233 \end{block}
236\subsection{Strong deniability}
238\begin{frame}<1-8>[label = deny]{Formal definitions}{Deniability}
239 \kern-2ex
240 \begin{block}{}
241 \centering
242 \begin{tikzpicture}[every to/.style = {sloped, font = \footnotesize}]
243 \node[mugshot] (alice) at (-5, -1.5) {\mugshot{alice.png}};
244 \node[mugshot] (bob) at (+5, +1.5) {\mugshot{bob.png}};
245 \visible<2->{
246 \node[mugshot] (justin) at ( 0, 0) {\mugshot{judge.png}};
247 }
248 \visible<4-8,10->{
249 \node[mugshot] (robot-bob) at (+5, -1.5) {\mugshot{robot-bob.png}};
250 }
251 \visible<12->{
252 \node[mugshot] (robot-alice) at (-5, +1.5)
253 {\mugshot{robot-alice.png}};
254 }
256 \visible<3-8>{
257 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, +4mm)}] (bob) to
258 node[above] {$m$} node[below] {$c = E_a(B, m)$}
259 (justin);
260 }
261 \visible<4->{
262 \draw[dashed]
263 ($(bob.east |- justin) - (3\jot, 0pt)$) -- (justin.east);
264 }
265 \visible<4-8>{
266 \draw[<->, offset = {(0mm, -2.5mm)}] (robot-bob) to
267 node[above] {$m'$}
268 (justin);
269 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, -5.5mm)}] (robot-bob) to
270 node[below] {$c' = R_b(A, \only<7->{\alert<7>{c},} m')$}
271 (justin);
272 }
273 \visible<5-8,13>{
274 \node[below = of justin] {$a$, $b$} edge[->] (justin);
275 }
276 \visible<6,13>{
277 \node[thought = justin.north] at ($(justin.north) + (1/3, 1/2)$)
278 {\large\bfseries ?};
279 }
281 \visible<9->{
282 \draw[dashed]
283 ($(alice.west |- justin) + (3\jot, 0pt)$) -- (justin.west);
284 }
285 \visible<10->{
286 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, -4mm)}] (alice) to
287 node[above] {$m_0$} node[below] {$c_0 = E_a(B, m_0)$}
288 (justin);
289 \draw[<->, offset = {(0mm, -2.5mm)}] (robot-bob) to
290 node[above] {$m_1$}
291 (justin);
292 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, -5.5mm)}] (robot-bob) to
293 node[below] {$c_1 = R_b(A, c_0, m_1)$}
294 (justin);
295 }
296 \visible<11->{
297 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, +4mm)}] (bob) to
298 node[above] {$m_1$} node[below] {$c'_1 = E_a(B, m_1)$}
299 (justin);
300 }
301 \visible<12->{
302 \draw[<->, offset = {(0mm, +5.5mm)}] (robot-alice) to
303 node[above] {$m_0$}
304 (justin);
305 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, +2.5mm)}] (robot-alice) to
306 node[below] {$c'_0 = S_a(A, c'_1, m_0)$}
307 (justin);
308 }
309 \end{tikzpicture}
310 \end{block}
311 \begin{block}{}
312 \begin{overprint}
313 \onslide<+> Start with a sender (Alice) and recipient (Bob).
314 \onslide<+> Bob will try to convince a \emph{judge} (Justin) that Alice
315 created a message.
316 \onslide<+> Bob gives Justin the ciphertext $c$ and message $m$.
317 \onslide<+> Simulator constructs ciphertext $c'$ for another message
318 $m'$.
319 \onslide<+> We give Alice and Bob's private keys to Justin.
320 \onslide<+> \emph{Strong deniability} if Justin can't distinguish.
321 \onslide<+> Useful relaxation: allow simulator a sample ciphertext.
322 \onslide<+> Unfortunately, this definition is now too simplistic.
323 \onslide<+> We need a richer model.
324 \onslide<+> Scenario $A$: Bob's ciphertext is simulated; Alice has the
325 genuine one.
326 \onslide<+> Scenario $B$: Bob's ciphertext is genuine.
327 \onslide<+> Alice must construct her own simulated ciphertext.
328 \onslide<+> \emph{Weak deniability} if Justin can't distinguish.
329 \end{overprint}
330 \end{block}
333\subsection{Weak deniability}
335\begin{frame}{Weak deniability}{What goes wrong?}
336 \kern-2ex
337 \begin{block}{}
338 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
339 \item Simulator accepts sample ciphertext as input.
340 \item If the simulator was used, there must be two related ciphertexts.
341 \item If no simulator was used, \dots
342 \end{itemize}
343 \end{block}
344 \begin{block}<+->{Example: chameleon signatures [Krawczyk, Rabin 1998]}
345 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
346 \item Trapdoor commitments: public key $T$, private key $t$.
347 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
348 \item Commitment: choose random $\rho$, commitment is $c = C_T(m;
349 \rho)$.
350 \item Binding property: hard to find $(m', \rho') \ne (m, \rho)$ with
351 $c = C_T(m'; \rho')$.
352 \item Trapdoor opening: given $t$ and any $m'$, it's easy to find
353 $\rho'$ with $c = C_T(m'; \rho')$.
354 \end{itemize}
355 \item Signatures: recipient (Bob) has trapdoor $t$.
356 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
357 \item To sign $m$ for Bob: $c \gets C_T(m; \rho)$; $\sigma \gets S_a(c,
358 B)$: signature is $(c, \rho, \sigma)$.
359 \item Bob can forge using his trapdoor. Alice repudiates forgeries by
360 revealing collision in $C_T$.
361 \item But Alice can't repudiate genuine signature: deniability failure.
362 \end{itemize}
363 \end{itemize}
364 \end{block}
369\begin{frame}{Weak deniability}{Security and authenticity revisited}
370 \kern-2ex
371 \begin{block}{}
372 \centering
373 \begin{tikzpicture}
374 \node[mugshot] (adv) at (0, 0) {\mugshot{adv.png}};
375 \node[mugshot] (alice) at (-5, 1.5) {\mugshot{alice.png}};
376 \node[mugshot] (bob) at (+5, 1.5) {\mugshot{bob.png}};
377 \path node[above = of adv] {$A$, $B$} edge[->] (adv);
378 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 5.5mm)}]
379 (adv) to node[above, sloped] {$m$, $Z$} (alice);
380 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 2.5mm)}]
381 (alice) to node[below, sloped] {$E_a(Z, m)$} (adv);
382 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 5.5mm)}]
383 (adv) to node[above, sloped] {$c$, $Z$} (bob);
384 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 2.5mm)}]
385 (bob) to node[below, sloped] {$D_b(Z, c)$} (adv);
386 \path[offset = {(0mm, -2mm)}] node[right = of adv] {} edge[<-] (adv);
387 \path[offset = {(0mm, -6mm)}] node[right = of adv] {} edge[->] (adv);
388 \path[offset = {(0mm, -10mm)}] node[right = of adv] {} edge[<-] (adv);
389 \visible<2->{
390 \node[mugshot] (robot-bob) at (-5, -1.5) {\mugshot{robot-bob.png}};
391 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, -2.5mm)}]
392 (adv) to node[above, sloped] {$m$, $Z$, $c$} (robot-bob);
393 \draw[<-, offset = {(0mm, -5.5mm)}]
394 (adv) to node[below, sloped] {$R_b(Z, c, m)$} (robot-bob);
395 }
396 \end{tikzpicture}
397 \end{block}
398 \begin{block}{}
399 \begin{overprint}
400 \onslide<+> With weak deniability, simulator works on an input
401 ciphertext.
402 \onslide<+> Must therefore allow adversary access to the simulator.
403 \end{overprint}
404 \end{block}
410\subsection{Authentication tokens}
412\begin{frame}{Authentication tokens}{The basic idea}
413 \kern-2ex
414 \begin{block}{}
415 \centering
416 \begin{tikzpicture}
417 \node[mugshot] (alice) {\mugshot{alice.png}};
418 \node[mugshot] (bob) at (10, 0) {\mugshot{bob.png}};
419 \node[mugshot] (eve) at (5, -1.5) {\mugshot{adv.png}};
420 \visible<2->{
421 \draw[->] (alice) to
422 node[above]
423 {$E_B(\visible<3->{\textrm{`\texttt{Eve is nosey}'},} m)$}
424 (bob);
425 }
426 \end{tikzpicture}
427 \end{block}
428 \setcounter{beamerpauses}{3}
429 \begin{block}{}
430 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
431 \item Alice and Bob can agree a password to be included in their
432 encrypted messages.
433 \item If the encryption is any good, an adversary can't work out the
434 password.
435 \item So he can't impersonate them to each other.
436 \end{itemize}
437 \end{block}
440\begin{frame}{Authentication tokens}{Definition}
441 \kern-2ex
442 \begin{block}{}
443 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
444 \item Key generation: $G() \to (x, X)$.
445 \item<9-> \alert{Binding:} $B_x(X') \to \beta$.
446 \item Token construction: $T_x(\only<.-8>{Y}\only<9->{\alert{\beta}})
447 \to \tau \in \{0, 1\}^t$.
448 \item Verification: $V_y(X, \only<9->{\alert{\beta},} \tau) \to
449 v \in \{0, 1\}$.
450 \end{itemize}
451 \end{block}
452 \begin{block}<+->{}
453 \centering
454 \begin{tikzpicture}
455 \node[mugshot] (adv) at (0, 0) {\mugshot{adv.png}};
456 \node[mugshot] (alice) at (-5, 1.5) {\mugshot{alice.png}};
457 \node[mugshot] (bob) at (+5, 1.5) {\mugshot{bob.png}};
458 \visible<5->{
459 \path[offset = {(0mm, -6mm)}] node[left = of adv]
460 {$A$\only<9->{, \alert{$\alpha$}}, $B$\only<9->{, \alert{$\beta$}}}
461 edge[->] (adv);
462 }
463 \visible<6->{
464 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 5mm)}]
465 (adv) to node[above, sloped]
466 {$\only<-8>{Z}\only<9->{\alert{\gamma}}$} (alice);
467 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 3mm)}]
468 (alice) to node[below, sloped]
469 {$T_a(\only<-8>{Z}\only<9->{\alert{\gamma}})$}
470 (adv);
471 }
472 \visible<7->{
473 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 5mm)}]
474 (adv) to node[above, sloped] {$Z$, $\tau$} (bob);
475 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 3mm)}]
476 (bob) to node[below, sloped]
477 {$V_b(Z \only<9->{,\alert{\beta}}, \tau)$} (adv);
478 }
479 \visible<8->{
480 \path[offset = {(0mm, -6mm)}] node[right = of adv, text width = 40mm]
481 {New $\tau^*$ with \\
482 $V_b(A\only<9->{, \alert{\beta}}, \tau^*) = 1$}
483 edge[<-] (adv);
484 }
485 \end{tikzpicture}
486 \end{block}
489\begin{frame}{Authentication tokens}{Deniably authenticated encryption}
490 \begin{columns}
491 \column{0.45\textwidth}
492 \begin{block}{}
493 \centering
494 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 5mm]
495 \visible<+->{
496 \node[box = yellow!20, minimum width = 30mm] (m) {$m$};
497 }
498 \visible<+->{
499 \node[box = green!20, left = -0.6pt of m] (tau) {$\tau$};
500 \node[op = green!20, above = of tau] (token) {$T$} edge[->] (tau);
501 \node[left = of token] {$x_\textsc{tok}$} edge[->] (token);
502 \node[above = of token] {$\beta$} edge[->] (token);
503 }
504 \visible<+->{
505 \draw[decorate, decoration = brace]
506 (m.south east) -- (tau.south west)
507 coordinate [pos = 0.5, below = 2.5pt] (p);
508 \node[op = red!20, below = of p] (e) {$E$} edge[<-] (p);
509 \node[left = of e] {$Y_\textsc{ae}$} edge[->] (e);
510 \node[box = red!20, minimum width = 30mm + 15.6pt, below = of e]
511 {$c$} edge[<-] (e);
512 }
513 \end{tikzpicture}
514 \end{block}
515 \column{0.50\textwidth}
516 \begin{block}<+->{}
517 \begin{description}[<+->]
518 \item[Secrecy] Direct from encryption IND-CCA.
519 \item[Authenticity] From encryption IND-CCA, token unpredictability,
520 and key binding.
521 \item[Deniability] Unconditionally weakly deniable. Strongly deniable
522 if recipient can simulate tokens.
523 \end{description}
524 \end{block}
525 \end{columns}
528\begin{frame}{Authentication tokens}{Instantiations}
529 \kern-2ex
530 \begin{block}<+->{Simple tokens from signatures}
531 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
532 \item Token key is just a signature key.
533 \item Binding value is simply (hash of) rest of public key.
534 \item Token is signature on recipient's binding value.
535 \item Need constant-length signatures.
536 \item Security directly from signature unforgeability.
537 \end{itemize}
538 \end{block}
539 \begin{block}<+->{Deniable tokens from Diffie--Hellman}
540 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
541 \item Group $(G, +)$, generated by $P$; $\#G = p$ prime.
542 \item Token private key $a \in \gf{p}$; public key $A = a P$.
543 \item Binding: non-malleable NIZK proof-of-knowledge of $a$ and signature
544 key.
545 \item Security from NIZK and computational Diffie--Hellman in $G$.
546 \end{itemize}
547 \end{block}
550\subsection{Signing tags}
552\begin{frame}{Signing tags}{Background on key-encapsulation mechanisms}
553 \kern-2ex
554 \begin{block}<+->{Basic idea}
555 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
556 \item Asymmetric primitives often used to transport symmetric keys.
557 \item Sender doesn't usually care about the key's specific value.
558 \item Can improve efficiency and security by taking advantage of this.
559 \end{itemize}
560 \end{block}
561 \kern-4ex
562 \begin{columns}
563 \column{0.41\textwidth}
564 \begin{block}<+->{}
565 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
566 \item Key gen: $G() \to (x, X)$
567 \item Encap: $\mathcal{E}_X() \to (K, u)$
568 \item Decap: $\mathcal{D}_x(u) \to K'$
569 \end{itemize}
570 \end{block}
571 \column{0.55\textwidth}
572 \begin{block}<+->{}
573 \centering
574 \begin{tikzpicture}[
575 node distance = 15mm,
576 every to/.style = {font = \footnotesize}]
577 \node[mugshot] (adv) {\mugshot{adv.png}};
578 \visible<+->{
579 \path[offset = {(0mm, 8mm)}]
580 node[right = of adv] {$X$, $u^*$}
581 edge [->] (adv);
582 }
583 \visible<+->{
584 \node[below left = 4mm and -10mm of adv, text depth = 2pt]
585 {$K_0 \inr \{0, 1\}^k$}
586 edge [->] (adv);
587 \node[below right = 4mm and -10mm of adv, text depth = 2pt]
588 {$K_1 = D_x(u^*)$}
589 edge [->] (adv);
590 \draw[dashed] (adv.south) -- +(0, -1);
591 }
592 \visible<+->{
593 \path[offset = {(0mm, 0mm)}]
594 node[draw, fill = blue!20, right = of adv] (oracle)
595 {$\mathcal{D}_x(\cdot)$};
596 \draw[offset = {(0mm, 1.5mm)}, ->]
597 (adv) to node[above] {$u$} (oracle);
598 \draw[offset = {(0mm, -1.5mm)}, <-]
599 (adv) to node[below] {$\mathcal{D}_x(u)$} (oracle);
600 }
601 \visible<+->{
602 \path[offset = {(0mm, -10mm)}]
603 node[right = of adv] {\textbf{?}}
604 edge[<-] (adv);
605 }
606 \end{tikzpicture}
607 \end{block}
608 \end{columns}
611\begin{frame}<1-9>[label = kem]{Signing tags}{Weakly deniably authenticated
612 asymmetric encryption}
613 \begin{columns}
614 \column{0.5\textwidth}
615 \begin{block}{}
616 \centering
617 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 5mm]
618 \visible<1->{
619 \node[box = yellow!20, minimum width = 30mm] (m) {$m$};
620 }
621 \visible<3->{
622 \node[op = red!20, below = of m] (enc) {$E$}
623 edge[<-] (m);
624 \node[box = red!20, minimum width = 30mm + 15pt, below = of enc]
625 (c) {$c$}
626 edge[<-] (enc);
627 }
628 \visible<5->{
629 \node[box = green!20, right = -0.6pt of c] (sig) {$\sigma$};
630 \node[op = green!20, above = 10mm] at (sig |- m) (s) {$S$}
631 edge[->] (sig);
632 \node[above = of s] {$a'$} edge[->] (s);
633 }
634 \visible<6->{
635 \draw[->] (s |- enc) -- (enc);
636 }
637 \visible<4->{
638 \node[box = green!20, left = 25mm of s, below] (t2) {$\tau$};
639 \node[box = blue!20, above = -0.6pt of t2] (b2) {$B$};
640 \draw[decorate, decoration = brace]
641 (b2.north east) -- (t2.south east)
642 coordinate[pos = 0.5, right = 2.5pt] (sm);
643 }
644 \visible<5->{
645 \draw[->] (sm) -- (s);
646 }
647 \visible<2->{
648 \node[box = green!20, left = of t2] (tag) {$\tau$};
649 \node[box = red!20, left = -0.6pt of tag] (k) {$K$};
650 \draw[decorate, decoration = brace]
651 (k.north west) -- (tag.north east)
652 coordinate[pos = 0.5, above = 2.5pt] (z);
653 \node[op = blue!20, above = 8mm of z] (kem) {$\mathcal{E}$}
654 edge[->] (z);
655 \node[box = blue!20, left = -0.6pt of c] (u) {$u$};
656 \draw[rounded, ->] (kem) -| +(-10mm, -8mm) |- (u);
657 \node (b) at (kem -| b2) {$B$} edge[->] (kem);
658 }
659 \visible<4->{
660 \draw[->] (tag) -- (t2);
661 }
662 \visible<3->{
663 \draw[rounded, ->] (k) |- (enc);
664 }
665 \visible<4->{
666 \draw[->] (b) -- (b2);
667 }
668 \end{tikzpicture}
669 \end{block}
670 \column{0.45\textwidth}
671 \setcounter{beamerpauses}{7}
672 \begin{block}<+->{}
673 \begin{description}
674 \item<.(0)->[Secrecy] From KEM and symmetric IND-CCA.
675 \item<.(2)->[Authenticity] \alt<-.(2)>{Fails!}{From KEM, symmetric
676 INT-CTXT and KEM non-directability.}
677 \item<.(1)->[Deniability] Weak deniability from message\slash signature
678 separation.
679 \end{description}
680 \end{block}
681 \end{columns}
684\begin{frame}{Signing tags}{Fixing authentication}
685 \begin{block}{What causes the problem?}
686 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
687 \item Signatures don't have to hide the message signed.
688 \item So adversary can discover the tag $\tau$.
689 \item Might construct KEM clue with known $K$ and copied $\tau$ --
690 forgery!
691 \end{itemize}
692 \end{block}
693 \begin{block}<+->{KEM non-directability}
694 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
695 \item Say KEM is $(t, n)$-\emph{non-directable} if, given $t$-bit strings
696 $r_0$, $r_1$, \ldots, $r_{n-1}$, and a public key~$X$, it's hard to
697 find a clue $u$ such that the last $t$ bits of $D_x(u)$ match any
698 $r_i$.
699 \item We prove non-directability for a large class of random-oracle KEMs.
700 \item How hard is the Cramer--Shoup KEM to direct?
701 \end{itemize}
702 \end{block}
709\begin{frame}{NAIADs}{What's a NAIAD?}
710 \alert{N}on-interactive \alert{A}symmetric \alert{I}ntegrity
711 \alert{A}lgorithm with \alert{D}eniability.
713 \begin{block}<+->{The basic idea}
714 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
715 \item Essentially the asymmetric analogue of a MAC.
716 \item Given: private key, recipient's public key, and message, construct
717 tag.
718 \item Given: private key, sender's public key, message, and tag, verify
719 that tag is correct.
720 \item Simulator constructs convincing tags given \emph{recipient's}
721 private key.
722 \end{itemize}
723 \end{block}
727 \kern-2ex
728 \begin{block}<+->{}
729 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
730 \item Key generation: $G() \to (x, X)$.
731 \item Tagging: $T_x(Y, m) \to \tau$.
732 \item Verification: $V_y(X, m, \tau) \to v \in \{0, 1\}$.
733 \item Simulation: $R_y(X, m) \to \tau'$.
734 \end{itemize}
735 \end{block}
736 \kern-1ex
737 \begin{block}<only@+-+(4)>{Authenticity}
738 \centering
739 \begin{tikzpicture}
740 \node[mugshot] (adv) {\mugshot{adv.png}};
741 \visible<+->{
742 \node[mugshot] (alice) at (-5, 1.5) {\mugshot{alice.png}};
743 \node[mugshot] (bob) at (+5, 1.5) {\mugshot{bob.png}};
744 \draw[offset = {(0mm, -4mm)}]
745 node[left = of adv] {$A$, $B$} edge[->] (adv);
746 }
747 \visible<+->{
748 \path[offset = {(0mm, -4mm)}] node[right = of adv, text width = 40mm]
749 {New $m^*$, $\tau^*$ with \\ $V_b(A, m^*, \tau^*) = 1$}
750 edge[<-] (adv);
751 }
752 \visible<+->{
753 \draw[offset = {(0mm, +5.5mm)}, ->]
754 (adv) to node[above, sloped]{$Z, m$} (alice);
755 \draw[offset = {(0mm, +3.5mm)}, ->]
756 (alice) to node[below, sloped]{$T_a(Z, m)$} (adv);
757 }
758 \visible<+->{
759 \draw[offset = {(0mm, +5.5mm)}, ->]
760 (adv) to node[above, sloped]{$Z, m, \tau$} (bob);
761 \draw[offset = {(0mm, +3.5mm)}, ->]
762 (bob) to node[below, sloped]{$V_b(Z, m, \tau)$} (adv);
763 }
764 \end{tikzpicture}
765 \end{block}
766 \begin{block}<only@+->{Deniability}
767 \centering
768 \begin{tikzpicture}
769 \node[mugshot] (justin) {\mugshot{judge.png}};
770 \visible<+->{
771 \node[mugshot] (bob) at (+5, 1.5) {\mugshot{bob.png}};
772 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, +4mm)}, sloped] (bob) to
773 node[above] {$m$} node[below] {$\tau = T_a(B, m)$}
774 (justin);
775 }
776 \visible<+->{
777 \node[mugshot] (robot-bob) at (-5, 1.5) {\mugshot{robot-bob.png}};
778 \draw[<->, offset = {(0mm, 5.5mm)}, sloped] (robot-bob) to
779 node[above] {$m'$}
780 (justin);
781 \draw[->, offset = {(0mm, 2.5mm)}, sloped] (robot-bob) to
782 node[below] {$\tau' = R_b(A, m')$}
783 (justin);
784 }
785 \visible<+->{
786 \draw[offset = {(0mm, -4mm)}]
787 node[left = of justin]
788 {$a$, $b$} edge[->] (justin);
789 }
790 \visible<+->{
791 \node[thought = justin.north] at ($(justin.north) + (1/3, 1/2)$)
792 {\large\bfseries ?};
793 }
794 \end{tikzpicture}
795 \end{block}
798\begin{frame}{NAIADs}{Strongly deniably authenticated asymmetric encryption}
799 \kern-5ex
800 \begin{columns}
801 \column{0.45\textwidth}
802 \begin{block}{}
803 \centering
804 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 5mm]
805 \visible<+->{
806 \node[box = yellow!20, minimum width = 30mm] (m) {$m$};
807 }
808 \visible<+->{
809 \node[box = green!20, right = -0.6pt of m] (tau) {$\tau$};
810 \node[op = green!20, above = of tau] (t) {$T$} edge[->] (tau);
811 \node[above = of t] {$a'$} edge[->] (t);
812 \node[right = of t] {$B'$} edge[->] (t);
813 \draw[->, rounded] (m) |- (t);
814 }
815 \visible<+->{
816 \draw[decorate, decoration = brace]
817 (tau.south east) -- (m.south west)
818 coordinate[pos = 0.5, below = 2.5pt] (p);
819 \node[op = red!20, below = of p] (enc) {$E$} edge[<-] (p);
820 \node[left = of enc] {$B$} edge[->] (enc);
821 \node[box = red!20, minimum width = 30mm + 15pt, below = of enc]
822 (c) {$c$} edge[<-] (enc);
823 }
824 \end{tikzpicture}
825 \end{block}
826 \column{0.50\textwidth}
827 \begin{block}<+->{}
828 \begin{description}[<+->]
829 \item[Secrecy] Direct from encryption IND-CCA.
830 \item[Authenticity] From encryption IND-CCA and NAIAD authenticity.
831 \item[Deniability] From NAIAD deniability.
832 \end{description}
833 \end{block}
834 \end{columns}
835 \begin{block}<+->{Other constructions}
836 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
837 \item Use $T_a(B, A')$ as a deniable authentication token
838 \item Use NAIAD in place of signature in `signed tag' construction.
839 \end{itemize}
840 \end{block}
844 \begin{block}<+->{Existing techniques}
845 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
846 \item Ring signature, with sender and recipient as the signers.
847 \item Some non-disavowable designated-verifier signatures, e.g., [Lipmaa,
848 Wang, Bao~2005].
849 \end{itemize}
850 \end{block}
851 \begin{block}<+->{New technique}
852 Paper describes a new NAIAD, secure in the random oracle model assuming
853 the difficulty of the computational Diffie--Hellman problem.
854 \end{block}
857\begin{frame}{The end}
858 \centering
859 \hbox{}
860 \vfill
861 \Large Thanks for listening.
862 \vskip 20mm
863 \Huge \sffamily Questions?
864 \vfill \vfill
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