mason: Use an autohandler for the HTML skeleton.
[bridge-toys] / mason / dhandler
1 <!-- -*-html-*-
2 -
3 - Generate a dealing list for a single hand
4 -
5 - (c) 2013 Mark Wooding
6 -->
8 <table class=deal>\
9 <%perl>
10 my @line = Deal::line;
11 my ($row, $col, $box) = (0, 0, 0);
12 for (my $i = 0; $i < @line; $i++) {
13 if ($col) {
14 $m->out(" ");
15 } else {
16 if (!$box) {
17 my $class =
18 $row == 0 ? "first" :
19 $i + $nrow*$nbox >= @line ? "last" :
20 "mid";
21 $m->out("\n<tr class=$class>");
22 }
23 my $class = ($box + $row)%2 ? "odd " : "even";
24 $m->out("\n <td class=$class>");
25 }
26 $m->out($line[$i]);
27 $col++;
28 if ($col >= $nbox) { $col = 0; $box++; }
29 if ($box >= $nrow) { $box = 0; $row++; }
30 }
31 $m->out("\n");
32 </%perl>
33 </table>
34 %#
35 <%args>
36 $nbox => 4
37 $nrow => 4
38 </%args>
39 %#
40 <%method title>\
41 % if ($fail) {
42 Not found\
43 % } else {
44 Single hand\
45 % }
46 </%method>
47 %#
48 <%def .not-found>
49 <h1>Not found</h1>
50 Failed to find &lsquo;<code><% $what |h %></code>&rsquo;.
51 % return 404;
52 <%args>
53 $what
54 </%args>
55 </%def>
56 %#
57 <%once>
58 use Deal;
59 </%once>
60 %#
61 <%shared>
62 my $fail = ($m->dhandler_arg ne "");
63 </%shared>
64 %#
65 <%init>
66 return $m->comp(".not-found", what => $m->dhandler_arg)
67 if $fail;
68 </%init>