gdsa: Fix the conversion of hashes to integers to conform to the spec.
[u/mdw/catacomb] / utils / psstest-xlate.lisp
1 ;;; blah
3 (cl-interpol:enable-interpol-syntax)
5 (loop
6 for (mech hashsz hash) in '((sha1ppss 160 sha)
7 (sha256ppss 256 sha256)
8 (sha384ppss 384 sha384)
9 (sha512ppss 512 sha512))
10 do (setf (get mech 'hashsz) hashsz)
11 (setf (get mech 'hash) hash))
13 (defun skip-blank-lines (stream)
14 (loop
15 (let ((ch (read-char stream nil nil)))
16 (case ch
17 (nil (return nil))
18 (#\newline nil)
19 (t (unread-char ch stream)
20 (return t))))))
22 (defun parse-stanza (stream)
23 (flet ((parse-header ()
24 (let ((head (read-line stream nil nil)))
25 (and head
26 (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind
27 (mech (#'parse-integer nbits))
28 (#?/^(\w+),\s+mod(?:size|len)\s+(\d+)/ ;|)
29 head :sharedp t)
30 (values (intern (string-upcase mech)) nbits)))))
31 (check-banner (banner)
32 (let ((line (read-line stream)))
33 (unless (string= line banner)
34 (error "missing banner line `~A' (found `~A')" banner line))))
35 (parse-hexgorp (bits)
36 (with-output-to-string (gorp)
37 (loop
38 (unless (plusp bits)
39 (return))
40 (let ((line (read-line stream)))
41 (when (string= line "")
42 (return))
43 (unless (cl-ppcre:scan #?/^[0-9A-F-a-f\s]+$/ line)
44 (error "bad hex string `~A'" line))
45 (setf line (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all #?/\s+/ line ""))
46 (decf bits (* 4 (length line)))
47 (princ line gorp))))))
48 (skip-blank-lines stream)
49 (multiple-value-bind (mech nbits) (parse-header)
50 (when mech
51 (let (hash out)
52 (check-banner "Input data is")
53 (setf hash (parse-hexgorp (get mech 'hashsz)))
54 (check-banner "Padded output is")
55 (setf out (parse-hexgorp nbits))
56 (format t "~
57 ~( ~A
58 0x~A
59 \"~A\" 0 \"\"
60 ~A-mgf ~:*~A ~A~)~%"
61 nbits
62 out
63 hash
64 (get mech 'hash)
65 (get mech 'hashsz))
66 t)))))
68 (with-open-file (str "/tmp/mdw/psstests")
69 (parse-stanza str))