Attempt to port the lot to CLisp.
[zone] / zone.lisp
1 ;;; -*-lisp-*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; $Id$
4 ;;;
5 ;;; DNS zone generation
6 ;;;
7 ;;; (c) 2005 Straylight/Edgeware
8 ;;;
10 ;;;----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
11 ;;;
12 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
16 ;;;
17 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;;;
22 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
24 ;;; Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
26 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 ;;; Packaging.
29 (defpackage #:zone
30 (:use #:common-lisp #:mdw.base #:mdw.str #:collect #:safely #:net)
31 (:export #:soa #:mx #:zone #:zone-record #:zone-subdomain
32 #:*default-zone-source* #:*default-zone-refresh*
33 #:*default-zone-retry* #:*default-zone-expire*
34 #:*default-zone-min-ttl* #:*default-zone-ttl*
35 #:*default-mx-priority* #:*default-zone-admin*
36 #:zone-find #:zone-parse #:zone-write #:zone-create #:defzone
37 #:defrevzone #:zone-save
38 #:defzoneparse #:zone-parse-host
39 #:timespec-seconds #:make-zone-serial))
41 (in-package #:zone)
43 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 ;;; Various random utilities.
46 (defun to-integer (x)
47 "Convert X to an integer in the most straightforward way."
48 (floor (rational x)))
50 (defun from-mixed-base (base val)
51 "BASE is a list of the ranges for the `digits' of a mixed-base
52 representation. Convert VAL, a list of digits, into an integer."
53 (do ((base base (cdr base))
54 (val (cdr val) (cdr val))
55 (a (car val) (+ (* a (car base)) (car val))))
56 ((or (null base) (null val)) a)))
58 (defun to-mixed-base (base val)
59 "BASE is a list of the ranges for the `digits' of a mixed-base
60 representation. Convert VAL, an integer, into a list of digits."
61 (let ((base (reverse base))
62 (a nil))
63 (loop
64 (unless base
65 (push val a)
66 (return a))
67 (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor val (pop base))
68 (push r a)
69 (setf val q)))))
71 (defun timespec-seconds (ts)
72 "Convert a timespec TS to seconds. A timespec may be a real count of
73 seconds, or a list (COUNT UNIT): UNIT may be any of a number of obvious
74 time units."
75 (cond ((null ts) 0)
76 ((realp ts) (floor ts))
77 ((atom ts)
78 (error "Unknown timespec format ~A" ts))
79 ((null (cdr ts))
80 (timespec-seconds (car ts)))
81 (t (+ (to-integer (* (car ts)
82 (case (intern (string-upcase
83 (stringify (cadr ts)))
84 '#:zone)
85 ((s sec secs second seconds) 1)
86 ((m min mins minute minutes) 60)
87 ((h hr hrs hour hours) #.(* 60 60))
88 ((d dy dys day days) #.(* 24 60 60))
89 ((w wk wks week weeks) #.(* 7 24 60 60))
90 ((y yr yrs year years) #.(* 365 24 60 60))
91 (t (error "Unknown time unit ~A"
92 (cadr ts))))))
93 (timespec-seconds (cddr ts))))))
95 (defun hash-table-keys (ht)
96 "Return a list of the keys in hashtable HT."
97 (collecting ()
98 (maphash (lambda (key val) (declare (ignore val)) (collect key)) ht)))
100 (defun iso-date (&optional time &key datep timep (sep #\ ))
101 "Construct a textual date or time in ISO format. The TIME is the universal
102 time to convert, which defaults to now; DATEP is whether to emit the date;
103 TIMEP is whether to emit the time, and SEP (default is space) is how to
104 separate the two."
105 (multiple-value-bind
106 (sec min hr day mon yr dow dstp tz)
107 (decode-universal-time (if (or (null time) (eq time :now))
108 (get-universal-time)
109 time))
110 (declare (ignore dow dstp tz))
111 (with-output-to-string (s)
112 (when datep
113 (format s "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D" yr mon day)
114 (when timep
115 (write-char sep s)))
116 (when timep
117 (format s "~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D" hr min sec)))))
119 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 ;;; Zone types.
122 (defstruct (soa (:predicate soap))
123 "Start-of-authority record information."
124 source
125 admin
126 refresh
127 retry
128 expire
129 min-ttl
130 serial)
132 (defstruct (mx (:predicate mxp))
133 "Mail-exchange record information."
134 priority
135 domain)
137 (defstruct (zone (:predicate zonep))
138 "Zone information."
139 soa
140 default-ttl
141 name
142 records)
144 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 ;;; Zone defaults. It is intended that scripts override these.
147 (defvar *default-zone-source*
148 (let ((hn #+cmu (unix:unix-gethostname)
149 #+clisp (unix:get-host-name)))
150 (and hn (concatenate 'string (canonify-hostname hn) ".")))
151 "The default zone source: the current host's name.")
153 (defvar *default-zone-refresh* (* 24 60 60)
154 "Default zone refresh interval: one day.")
156 (defvar *default-zone-admin* nil
157 "Default zone administrator's email address.")
159 (defvar *default-zone-retry* (* 60 60)
160 "Default znoe retry interval: one hour.")
162 (defvar *default-zone-expire* (* 14 24 60 60)
163 "Default zone expiry time: two weeks.")
165 (defvar *default-zone-min-ttl* (* 4 60 60)
166 "Default zone minimum TTL/negative TTL: four hours.")
168 (defvar *default-zone-ttl* (* 8 60 60)
169 "Default zone TTL (for records without explicit TTLs): 8 hours.")
171 (defvar *default-mx-priority* 50
172 "Default MX priority.")
174 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 ;;; Serial numbering.
177 (defun make-zone-serial (name)
178 "Given a zone NAME, come up with a new serial number. This will (very
179 carefully) update a file ZONE.serial in the current directory."
180 (let* ((file (format nil "~(~A~).serial" name))
181 (last (with-open-file (in file
182 :direction :input
183 :if-does-not-exist nil)
184 (if in (read in)
185 (list 0 0 0 0))))
186 (now (multiple-value-bind
187 (sec min hr dy mon yr dow dstp tz)
188 (get-decoded-time)
189 (declare (ignore sec min hr dow dstp tz))
190 (list dy mon yr)))
191 (seq (cond ((not (equal now (cdr last))) 0)
192 ((< (car last) 99) (1+ (car last)))
193 (t (error "Run out of sequence numbers for ~A" name)))))
194 (safely-writing (out file)
195 (format out
196 ";; Serial number file for zone ~A~%~
198 ~S~%"
199 name
200 (cons seq now)))
201 (from-mixed-base '(100 100 100) (reverse (cons seq now)))))
203 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 ;;; Zone variables and structures.
206 (defvar *zones* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
207 "Map of known zones.")
209 (defun zone-find (name)
210 "Find a zone given its NAME."
211 (gethash (string-downcase (stringify name)) *zones*))
213 (defun (setf zone-find) (zone name)
214 "Make the zone NAME map to ZONE."
215 (setf (gethash (string-downcase (stringify name)) *zones*) zone))
217 (defstruct (zone-record (:conc-name zr-))
218 "A zone record."
219 (name '<unnamed>)
220 ttl
221 type
222 (defsubp nil)
223 data)
225 (defstruct (zone-subdomain (:conc-name zs-))
226 "A subdomain. Slightly weird. Used internally by zone-process-records
227 below, and shouldn't escape."
228 name
229 ttl
230 records)
232 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
233 ;;; Zone infrastructure.
235 (defun zone-process-records (rec ttl func)
236 "Sort out the list of records in REC, calling FUNC for each one. TTL is
237 the default time-to-live for records which don't specify one."
238 (labels ((sift (rec ttl)
239 (collecting (top sub)
240 (loop
241 (unless rec
242 (return))
243 (let ((r (pop rec)))
244 (cond ((eq r :ttl)
245 (setf ttl (pop rec)))
246 ((symbolp r)
247 (collect (make-zone-record :type r
248 :ttl ttl
249 :data (pop rec))
250 top))
251 ((listp r)
252 (dolist (name (listify (car r)))
253 (collect (make-zone-subdomain :name name
254 :ttl ttl
255 :records (cdr r))
256 sub)))
257 (t
258 (error "Unexpected record form ~A" (car r))))))))
259 (process (rec dom ttl defsubp)
260 (multiple-value-bind (top sub) (sift rec ttl)
261 (if (and dom (null top) sub)
262 (let ((s (pop sub)))
263 (process (zs-records s)
264 dom
265 (zs-ttl s)
266 defsubp)
267 (process (zs-records s)
268 (cons (zs-name s) dom)
269 (zs-ttl s)
270 t))
271 (let ((name (and dom
272 (string-downcase
273 (join-strings #\. (reverse dom))))))
274 (dolist (zr top)
275 (setf (zr-name zr) name)
276 (setf (zr-defsubp zr) defsubp)
277 (funcall func zr))))
278 (dolist (s sub)
279 (process (zs-records s)
280 (cons (zs-name s) dom)
281 (zs-ttl s)
282 defsubp)))))
283 (process rec nil ttl nil)))
285 (defun zone-parse-host (f zname)
286 "Parse a host name F: if F ends in a dot then it's considered absolute;
287 otherwise it's relative to ZNAME."
288 (setf f (stringify f))
289 (cond ((string= f "@") (stringify zname))
290 ((and (plusp (length f))
291 (char= (char f (1- (length f))) #\.))
292 (string-downcase (subseq f 0 (1- (length f)))))
293 (t (string-downcase (concatenate 'string f "."
294 (stringify zname))))))
295 (defun default-rev-zone (base bytes)
296 "Return the default reverse-zone name for the given BASE address and number
297 of fixed leading BYTES."
298 (join-strings #\. (collecting ()
299 (loop for i from (- 3 bytes) downto 0
300 do (collect (ipaddr-byte base i)))
301 (collect ""))))
303 (defun zone-name-from-net (net &optional bytes)
304 "Given a NET, and maybe the BYTES to use, convert to the appropriate
305 subdomain of"
306 (let ((ipn (net-get-as-ipnet net)))
307 (with-ipnet (net mask) ipn
308 (unless bytes
309 (setf bytes (- 4 (ipnet-changeable-bytes mask))))
310 (join-strings #\.
311 (append (loop
312 for i from (- 4 bytes) below 4
313 collect (logand #xff (ash net (* -8 i))))
314 (list ""))))))
316 (defun zone-net-from-name (name)
317 "Given a NAME in the space, convert it to an ipnet."
318 (let* ((name (string-downcase (stringify name)))
319 (len (length name))
320 (suffix "")
321 (sufflen (length suffix))
322 (addr 0)
323 (n 0)
324 (end (- len sufflen)))
325 (unless (and (> len sufflen)
326 (string= name suffix :start1 end))
327 (error "`~A' not in ~A." name suffix))
328 (loop
329 with start = 0
330 for dot = (position #\. name :start start :end end)
331 for byte = (parse-integer name
332 :start start
333 :end (or dot end))
334 do (setf addr (logior addr (ash byte (* 8 n))))
335 (incf n)
336 when (>= n 4)
337 do (error "Can't deduce network from ~A." name)
338 while dot
339 do (setf start (1+ dot)))
340 (setf addr (ash addr (* 8 (- 4 n))))
341 (make-ipnet addr (* 8 n))))
343 (defun zone-reverse-records (records net list bytes dom)
344 "Construct a reverse zone given a forward zone's RECORDS list, the NET that
345 the reverse zone is to serve, a LIST to collect the records into, how many
346 BYTES of data need to end up in the zone, and the DOM-ain suffix."
347 (dolist (zr records)
348 (when (and (eq (zr-type zr) :a)
349 (not (zr-defsubp zr))
350 (ipaddr-networkp (zr-data zr) net))
351 (collect (make-zone-record
352 :name (string-downcase
353 (join-strings
354 #\.
355 (collecting ()
356 (dotimes (i bytes)
357 (collect (logand #xff (ash (zr-data zr)
358 (* -8 i)))))
359 (collect dom))))
360 :type :ptr
361 :ttl (zr-ttl zr)
362 :data (zr-name zr))
363 list))))
365 (defun zone-reverse (data name list)
366 "Process a :reverse record's DATA, for a domain called NAME, and add the
367 records to the LIST."
368 (destructuring-bind
369 (net &key bytes zones)
370 (listify data)
371 (setf net (zone-parse-net net name))
372 (dolist (z (or (listify zones)
373 (hash-table-keys *zones*)))
374 (zone-reverse-records (zone-records (zone-find z))
375 net
376 list
377 (or bytes
378 (ipnet-changeable-bytes (ipnet-mask net)))
379 name))))
381 (defun zone-parse-net (net name)
382 "Given a NET, and the NAME of a domain to guess from if NET is null, return
383 the ipnet for the network."
384 (if net
385 (net-get-as-ipnet net)
386 (zone-net-from-name name)))
388 (defun zone-cidr-delg-default-name (ipn bytes)
389 "Given a delegated net IPN and the parent's number of changing BYTES,
390 return the default deletate zone prefix."
391 (with-ipnet (net mask) ipn
392 (join-strings #\.
393 (reverse
394 (loop
395 for i from (1- bytes) downto 0
396 until (zerop (logand mask (ash #xff (* 8 i))))
397 collect (logand #xff (ash net (* -8 i))))))))
399 (defun zone-cidr-delegation (data name ttl list)
400 "Given :cidr-delegation info DATA, for a record called NAME and the current
401 TTL, write lots of CNAME records to LIST."
402 (destructuring-bind
403 (net &key bytes)
404 (listify (car data))
405 (setf net (zone-parse-net net name))
406 (unless bytes
407 (setf bytes (ipnet-changeable-bytes (ipnet-mask net))))
408 (dolist (map (cdr data))
409 (destructuring-bind
410 (tnet &optional tdom)
411 (listify map)
412 (setf tnet (zone-parse-net tnet name))
413 (unless (ipnet-subnetp net tnet)
414 (error "~A is not a subnet of ~A."
415 (ipnet-pretty tnet)
416 (ipnet-pretty net)))
417 (unless tdom
418 (setf tdom
419 (join-strings #\.
420 (list (zone-cidr-delg-default-name tnet bytes)
421 name))))
422 (setf tdom (string-downcase tdom))
423 (dotimes (i (ipnet-hosts tnet))
424 (let* ((addr (ipnet-host tnet i))
425 (tail (join-strings #\.
426 (loop
427 for i from 0 below bytes
428 collect
429 (logand #xff
430 (ash addr (* 8 i)))))))
431 (collect (make-zone-record
432 :name (join-strings #\.
433 (list tail name))
434 :type :cname
435 :ttl ttl
436 :data (join-strings #\. (list tail tdom)))
437 list)))))))
439 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
440 ;;; Zone form parsing.
442 (defun zone-parse-head (head)
443 "Parse the HEAD of a zone form. This has the form
445 (NAME &key :source :admin :refresh :retry
446 :expire :min-ttl :ttl :serial)
448 though a singleton NAME needn't be a list. Returns the default TTL and an
449 soa structure representing the zone head."
450 (destructuring-bind
451 (zname
452 &key
453 (source *default-zone-source*)
454 (admin (or *default-zone-admin*
455 (format nil "hostmaster@~A" zname)))
456 (refresh *default-zone-refresh*)
457 (retry *default-zone-retry*)
458 (expire *default-zone-expire*)
459 (min-ttl *default-zone-min-ttl*)
460 (ttl min-ttl)
461 (serial (make-zone-serial zname)))
462 (listify head)
463 (values zname
464 (timespec-seconds ttl)
465 (make-soa :admin admin
466 :source (zone-parse-host source zname)
467 :refresh (timespec-seconds refresh)
468 :retry (timespec-seconds retry)
469 :expire (timespec-seconds expire)
470 :min-ttl (timespec-seconds min-ttl)
471 :serial serial))))
473 (defmacro defzoneparse (types (name data list
474 &key (zname (gensym "ZNAME"))
475 (ttl (gensym "TTL"))
476 (defsubp (gensym "DEFSUBP")))
477 &body body)
478 "Define a new zone record type (or TYPES -- a list of synonyms is
479 permitted). The arguments are as follows:
481 NAME The name of the record to be added.
483 DATA The content of the record to be added (a single object,
484 unevaluated).
486 LIST A function to add a record to the zone. See below.
488 ZNAME The name of the zone being constructed.
490 TTL The TTL for this record.
492 DEFSUBP Whether this is the default subdomain for this entry.
494 You get to choose your own names for these. ZNAME, TTL and DEFSUBP are
495 optional: you don't have to accept them if you're not interested.
497 The LIST argument names a function to be bound in the body to add a new
498 low-level record to the zone. It has the prototype
500 (LIST &key :name :type :data :ttl :defsubp)
502 Except for defsubp, these default to the above arguments (even if you
503 didn't accept the arguments)."
504 (setf types (listify types))
505 (let* ((type (car types))
506 (func (intern (format nil "ZONE-PARSE/~:@(~A~)" type))))
507 (multiple-value-bind (doc decls body) (parse-body body)
508 (with-gensyms (col tname ttype tttl tdata tdefsubp i)
509 `(progn
510 (dolist (,i ',types)
511 (setf (get ,i 'zone-parse) ',func))
512 (defun ,func (,name ,data ,ttl ,col ,zname ,defsubp)
513 ,@doc
514 ,@decls
515 (declare (ignorable ,zname ,defsubp))
516 (flet ((,list (&key ((:name ,tname) ,name)
517 ((:type ,ttype) ,type)
518 ((:data ,tdata) ,data)
519 ((:ttl ,tttl) ,ttl)
520 ((:defsubp ,tdefsubp) nil))
521 (collect (make-zone-record :name ,tname
522 :type ,ttype
523 :data ,tdata
524 :ttl ,tttl
525 :defsubp ,tdefsubp)
526 ,col)))
527 ,@body))
528 ',type)))))
530 (defun zone-parse-records (zone records)
531 (let ((zname (zone-name zone)))
532 (with-collection (rec)
533 (flet ((parse-record (zr)
534 (let ((func (or (get (zr-type zr) 'zone-parse)
535 (error "No parser for record ~A."
536 (zr-type zr))))
537 (name (and (zr-name zr)
538 (stringify (zr-name zr)))))
539 (if (or (not name)
540 (string= name "@"))
541 (setf name zname)
542 (let ((len (length name)))
543 (if (or (zerop len)
544 (char/= (char name (1- len)) #\.))
545 (setf name (join-strings #\.
546 (list name zname))))))
547 (funcall func
548 name
549 (zr-data zr)
550 (zr-ttl zr)
551 rec
552 zname
553 (zr-defsubp zr)))))
554 (zone-process-records records
555 (zone-default-ttl zone)
556 #'parse-record ))
557 (setf (zone-records zone) (nconc (zone-records zone) rec)))))
559 (defun zone-parse (zf)
560 "Parse a ZONE form. The syntax of a zone form is as follows:
567 | SYM ARGS"
568 (multiple-value-bind (zname ttl soa) (zone-parse-head (car zf))
569 (let ((zone (make-zone :name zname
570 :default-ttl ttl
571 :soa soa
572 :records nil)))
573 (zone-parse-records zone (cdr zf))
574 zone)))
576 (defun zone-create (zf)
577 "Zone construction function. Given a zone form ZF, construct the zone and
578 add it to the table."
579 (let* ((zone (zone-parse zf))
580 (name (zone-name zone)))
581 (setf (zone-find name) zone)
582 name))
584 (defmacro defzone (soa &rest zf)
585 "Zone definition macro."
586 `(zone-create '(,soa ,@zf)))
588 (defmacro defrevzone (head &rest zf)
589 "Define a reverse zone, with the correct name."
590 (destructuring-bind
591 (net &rest soa-args)
592 (listify head)
593 (let ((bytes nil))
594 (when (and soa-args (integerp (car soa-args)))
595 (setf bytes (pop soa-args)))
596 `(zone-create '((,(zone-name-from-net net bytes) ,@soa-args) ,@zf)))))
598 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
599 ;;; Zone record parsers.
601 (defzoneparse :a (name data rec :defsubp defsubp)
602 ":a IPADDR"
603 (rec :data (parse-ipaddr data) :defsubp defsubp))
605 (defzoneparse :ptr (name data rec :zname zname)
606 ":ptr HOST"
607 (rec :data (zone-parse-host data zname)))
609 (defzoneparse :cname (name data rec :zname zname)
610 ":cname HOST"
611 (rec :data (zone-parse-host data zname)))
613 (defzoneparse :mx (name data rec :zname zname)
614 ":mx ((HOST :prio INT :ip IPADDR)*)"
615 (dolist (mx (listify data))
616 (destructuring-bind
617 (mxname &key (prio *default-mx-priority*) ip)
618 (listify mx)
619 (let ((host (zone-parse-host mxname zname)))
620 (when ip (rec :name host :type :a :data (parse-ipaddr ip)))
621 (rec :data (cons host prio))))))
623 (defzoneparse :ns (name data rec :zname zname)
624 ":ns ((HOST :ip IPADDR)*)"
625 (dolist (ns (listify data))
626 (destructuring-bind
627 (nsname &key ip)
628 (listify ns)
629 (let ((host (zone-parse-host nsname zname)))
630 (when ip (rec :name host :type :a :data (parse-ipaddr ip)))
631 (rec :data host)))))
633 (defzoneparse :alias (name data rec :zname zname)
634 ":alias (LABEL*)"
635 (dolist (a (listify data))
636 (rec :name (zone-parse-host a zname)
637 :type :cname
638 :data name)))
640 (defzoneparse :net (name data rec)
641 ":net (NETWORK*)"
642 (dolist (net (listify data))
643 (let ((n (net-get-as-ipnet net)))
644 (rec :name (zone-parse-host "net" name)
645 :type :a
646 :data (ipnet-net n))
647 (rec :name (zone-parse-host "mask" name)
648 :type :a
649 :data (ipnet-mask n))
650 (rec :name (zone-parse-host "broadcast" name)
651 :type :a
652 :data (ipnet-broadcast n)))))
654 (defzoneparse (:rev :reverse) (name data rec)
655 ":reverse ((NET :bytes BYTES) ZONE*)"
656 (setf data (listify data))
657 (destructuring-bind
658 (net &key bytes)
659 (listify (car data))
660 (setf net (zone-parse-net net name))
661 (unless bytes
662 (setf bytes (ipnet-changeable-bytes (ipnet-mask net))))
663 (dolist (z (or (cdr data)
664 (hash-table-keys *zones*)))
665 (dolist (zr (zone-records (zone-find z)))
666 (when (and (eq (zr-type zr) :a)
667 (not (zr-defsubp zr))
668 (ipaddr-networkp (zr-data zr) net))
669 (rec :name (string-downcase
670 (join-strings
671 #\.
672 (collecting ()
673 (dotimes (i bytes)
674 (collect (logand #xff (ash (zr-data zr)
675 (* -8 i)))))
676 (collect name))))
677 :type :ptr
678 :ttl (zr-ttl zr)
679 :data (zr-name zr)))))))
681 (defzoneparse (:cidr-delegation :cidr) (name data rec)
682 ":cidr-delegation ((NET :bytes BYTES) (TARGET-NET [TARGET-ZONE])*)"
683 (destructuring-bind
684 (net &key bytes)
685 (listify (car data))
686 (setf net (zone-parse-net net name))
687 (unless bytes
688 (setf bytes (ipnet-changeable-bytes (ipnet-mask net))))
689 (dolist (map (cdr data))
690 (destructuring-bind
691 (tnet &optional tdom)
692 (listify map)
693 (setf tnet (zone-parse-net tnet name))
694 (unless (ipnet-subnetp net tnet)
695 (error "~A is not a subnet of ~A."
696 (ipnet-pretty tnet)
697 (ipnet-pretty net)))
698 (unless tdom
699 (with-ipnet (net mask) tnet
700 (setf tdom
701 (join-strings
702 #\.
703 (append (reverse (loop
704 for i from (1- bytes) downto 0
705 until (zerop (logand mask
706 (ash #xff
707 (* 8 i))))
708 collect (logand #xff
709 (ash net (* -8 i)))))
710 (list name))))))
711 (setf tdom (string-downcase tdom))
712 (dotimes (i (ipnet-hosts tnet))
713 (let* ((addr (ipnet-host tnet i))
714 (tail (join-strings #\.
715 (loop
716 for i from 0 below bytes
717 collect
718 (logand #xff
719 (ash addr (* 8 i)))))))
720 (rec :name (format nil "~A.~A" tail name)
721 :type :cname
722 :data (format nil "~A.~A" tail tdom))))))))
724 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
725 ;;; Zone file output.
727 (defun zone-write (zone &optional (stream *standard-output*))
728 "Write a ZONE's records to STREAM."
729 (labels ((fix-admin (a)
730 (let ((at (position #\@ a))
731 (s (concatenate 'string (string-downcase a) ".")))
732 (when s
733 (setf (char s at) #\.))
734 s))
735 (fix-host (h)
736 (if (not h)
737 "@"
738 (let* ((h (string-downcase (stringify h)))
739 (hl (length h))
740 (r (string-downcase (zone-name zone)))
741 (rl (length r)))
742 (cond ((string= r h) "@")
743 ((and (> hl rl)
744 (char= (char h (- hl rl 1)) #\.)
745 (string= h r :start1 (- hl rl)))
746 (subseq h 0 (- hl rl 1)))
747 (t (concatenate 'string h "."))))))
748 (printrec (zr)
749 (format stream "~A~20T~@[~8D~]~30TIN ~A~40T"
750 (fix-host (zr-name zr))
751 (and (/= (zr-ttl zr) (zone-default-ttl zone))
752 (zr-ttl zr))
753 (string-upcase (symbol-name (zr-type zr))))))
754 (format stream "~
755 ;;; Zone file `~(~A~)'
756 ;;; (generated ~A)
758 $ORIGIN ~0@*~(~A.~)
759 $TTL ~2@*~D~2%"
760 (zone-name zone)
761 (iso-date :now :datep t :timep t)
762 (zone-default-ttl zone))
763 (let ((soa (zone-soa zone)))
764 (format stream "~
765 ~A~30TIN SOA~40T~A ~A (
766 ~45T~10D~60T ;serial
767 ~45T~10D~60T ;refresh
768 ~45T~10D~60T ;retry
769 ~45T~10D~60T ;expire
770 ~45T~10D )~60T ;min-ttl~2%"
771 (fix-host (zone-name zone))
772 (fix-host (soa-source soa))
773 (fix-admin (soa-admin soa))
774 (soa-serial soa)
775 (soa-refresh soa)
776 (soa-retry soa)
777 (soa-expire soa)
778 (soa-min-ttl soa)))
779 (dolist (zr (zone-records zone))
780 (case (zr-type zr)
781 (:a
782 (printrec zr)
783 (format stream "~A~%" (ipaddr-string (zr-data zr))))
784 ((:ptr :cname)
785 (printrec zr)
786 (format stream "~A~%" (fix-host (zr-data zr))))
787 (:ns
788 (printrec zr)
789 (format stream "~A~%" (fix-host (zr-data zr))))
790 (:mx
791 (printrec zr)
792 (let ((mx (zr-data zr)))
793 (format stream "~2D ~A~%" (cdr mx) (fix-host (car mx)))))
794 (:txt
795 (printrec zr)
796 (format stream "~S~%" (stringify (zr-data zr))))))))
798 (defun zone-save (zones)
799 "Write the named ZONES to files. If no zones are given, write all the
800 zones."
801 (unless zones
802 (setf zones (hash-table-keys *zones*)))
803 (safely (safe)
804 (dolist (z zones)
805 (let ((zz (zone-find z)))
806 (unless zz
807 (error "Unknown zone `~A'." z))
808 (let ((stream (safely-open-output-stream safe
809 (format nil
810 "~(~A~).zone"
811 z))))
812 (zone-write zz stream))))))
814 ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------