driver: Use asdf rather than CLC to start the program.
[zone] / serv.lisp
1 ;;; -*-lisp-*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; Database of network service numbers
4 ;;;
5 ;;; (c) 2006 Straylight/Edgeware
6 ;;;
8 ;;;----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
22 ;;; Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 (defpackage #:services
25 (:use #:common-lisp #:mdw.base #:mdw.str #:collect #:net #:anaphora)
26 (:export #:serv #:servp #:serv-name #:serv-aliases #:serv-port #:serv-proto
27 #:serv-by-name #:serv-by-port #:serv-add #:serv-list))
29 (in-package #:services)
31 (defstruct (serv (:predicate servp))
32 "Represents a service entry in /etc/services."
33 (name :nil :type keyword)
34 (aliases () :type list)
35 (port 0 :type (integer 0 65535))
36 (proto :tcp :type keyword))
38 (let ((byname (make-hash-table))
39 (byport (make-hash-table)))
41 ;; Translation functions.
42 (defun serv-by-name (name &optional proto)
43 "Look up the service with the given NAME (or alias) and PROTO. If PROTO
44 is nil, use a default protocol from a built-in list."
45 (let ((match (gethash name byname)))
46 (flet ((find-proto (proto)
47 (find proto match :key #'serv-proto)))
48 (cond ((null match) nil)
49 (proto (find-proto proto))
50 ((null (cdr match)) (car match))
51 (t (dolist (proto '(:tcp :udp :icmp) (car match))
52 (awhen (find-proto proto)
53 (return it))))))))
55 (defun serv-by-port (port &optional (proto :tcp))
56 "Look up the service with the given PORT number and PROTO."
57 (find proto (gethash port byport) :key #'serv-proto))
59 (defun serv-add (serv)
60 "Add a service to the global tables."
61 (push serv (gethash (serv-name serv) byname))
62 (push serv (gethash (serv-port serv) byport))
63 (dolist (alias (serv-aliases serv))
64 (push serv (gethash alias byname))))
66 ;; Read the whole damned lot.
67 (defun serv-list (&key (predicate (constantly t)))
68 "Return as a list the services which match PREDICATE (default all of
69 them)."
70 (let ((seen (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
71 (collecting ()
72 (with-hash-table-iterator (next byport)
73 (loop
74 (multiple-value-bind (goodp port servs) (next)
75 (declare (ignore port))
76 (unless goodp
77 (return))
78 (unless (gethash servs seen)
79 (setf (gethash servs seen) t)
80 (dolist (serv servs)
81 (when (funcall predicate serv)
82 (collect serv))))))))))
84 ;; Insert ICMP entries. This is a slight abuse of the `port' slot, but I
85 ;; think we'll live. The names are taken straight from RFC792.
86 ;; (Actually the service class makes exactly the same abuse, so I think
87 ;; we're vindicated here.)
88 (dolist (item '((0 :echo-reply :ping-reply)
89 (3 :destination-unreachable)
90 (4 :source-quench)
91 (5 :redirect)
92 (8 :echo :echo-request :ping)
93 (11 :time-exceeded)
94 (12 :parameter-problem)
95 (13 :timestamp :timestamp-request)
96 (14 :timestamp-reply)
97 (15 :information-request)
98 (16 :information-reply)))
99 (destructuring-bind (type name . aliases) item
100 (serv-add (make-serv :name name
101 :aliases aliases
102 :port type
103 :proto :icmp))))
105 ;; Read the /etc/services file.
106 (with-open-file (in "/etc/services")
107 (loop
108 (let ((line (read-line in nil)))
109 (unless line (return))
110 (block insert
111 (flet ((bail () (return-from insert))
112 (to-keyword (name) (intern (string-upcase name) :keyword)))
113 (let* ((end (or (position #\# line) (length line)))
114 (words (or (str-split-words line :end end) (bail)))
115 (name (to-keyword (or (car words) (bail))))
116 (pp (or (cadr words) (bail)))
117 (aliases (mapcar #'to-keyword (cddr words)))
118 (slash (or (position #\/ pp) (bail)))
119 (port (or (parse-integer pp
120 :start 0
121 :end slash
122 :junk-allowed t)
123 (bail)))
124 (proto (to-keyword (subseq pp (1+ slash)))))
125 (serv-add (make-serv :name name
126 :aliases aliases
127 :port port
128 :proto proto)))))))))
130 ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------