linux.c (identify): Don't leak the file handle.
[yaid] / policy.c
1 /* -*-c-*-
2 *
3 * Policy parsing and implementation
4 *
5 * (c) 2012 Straylight/Edgeware
6 */
8 /*----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------*
9 *
10 * This file is part of Yet Another Ident Daemon (YAID).
11 *
12 * YAID is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 * (at your option) any later version.
16 *
17 * YAID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 * GNU General Public License for more details.
21 *
22 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 * along with YAID; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
24 * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25 */
27 /*----- Header files ------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "yaid.h"
31 /*----- Main code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
33 /* syntax: addrpat portpat addrpar portpat policy
34 *
35 * local address/port first, then remote
36 * addrpat ::= addr [/ len]
37 * portpat ::= num | num - num | *
38 * policy ::= user policy* | token | name | deny | hide |
39 */
41 void init_policy(struct policy *p) { p->act.act = A_LIMIT; }
43 static void free_action(struct action *a)
44 {
45 switch (a->act) {
46 case A_LIE:
47 xfree(a->u.lie);
48 break;
49 }
50 a->act = A_LIMIT;
51 }
53 void free_policy(struct policy *p)
54 { free_action(&p->act); }
56 static void print_addrpat(const struct addrops *ao, const struct addrpat *ap)
57 {
58 char buf[ADDRLEN];
60 if (ap->len == 0)
61 putchar('*');
62 else {
63 printf("%s/%u",
64 inet_ntop(ao->af, &ap->addr, buf, sizeof(buf)),
65 ap->len);
66 }
67 }
69 static void print_portpat(const struct portpat *pp)
70 {
71 if (pp->lo == 0 && pp->hi == 65535) putchar('*');
72 else if (pp->lo == pp->hi) printf("%u", pp->lo);
73 else printf("%u-%u", pp->lo, pp->hi);
74 }
76 static void print_sockpat(const struct addrops *ao, const struct sockpat *sp)
77 { print_addrpat(ao, &sp->addr); putchar(' '); print_portpat(&sp->port); }
79 static const char *const acttab[] = {
80 #define DEFACT(tag, name) name,
82 #undef DEFACT
83 0
84 };
86 static void print_action(const struct action *act)
87 {
88 assert(act->act < A_LIMIT);
89 printf("%s", acttab[act->act]);
90 switch (act->act) {
91 case A_USER: {
92 int i;
93 unsigned m;
94 for (i = 0, m = 1; i < A_LIMIT; i++, m <<= 1)
95 if (act->u.user & m) printf(" %s", acttab[i]);
96 } break;
97 case A_LIE:
98 printf(" %s", act->u.lie);
99 break;
100 }
101 }
103 void print_policy(const struct policy *p)
104 {
105 print_sockpat(p->ao, &p->sp[L]); putchar(' ');
106 print_sockpat(p->ao, &p->sp[R]); putchar(' ');
107 print_action(&p->act); putchar('\n');
108 }
110 static int match_portpat(const struct portpat *pp, unsigned port)
111 { return (pp->lo <= port && port <= pp->hi); }
113 static int match_sockpat(const struct addrops *ao,
114 const struct sockpat *sp, const struct socket *s)
115 {
116 return (ao->match_addrpat(&sp->addr, &s->addr) &&
117 match_portpat(&sp->port, s->port));
118 }
120 int match_policy(const struct policy *p, const struct query *q)
121 {
122 return ((!p->ao || p->ao == q->ao) &&
123 match_sockpat(q->ao, &p->sp[L], &q->s[L]) &&
124 match_sockpat(q->ao, &p->sp[R], &q->s[R]));
125 }
127 static void nextline(FILE *fp)
128 {
129 for (;;) {
130 int ch = getc(fp);
131 if (ch == '\n' || ch == EOF) break;
132 }
133 }
135 static int scan(FILE *fp, char *buf, size_t sz)
136 {
137 int ch;
139 skip_ws:
140 ch = getc(fp);
141 switch (ch) {
142 case '\n':
143 newline:
144 ungetc(ch, fp);
145 return (T_EOL);
146 case EOF:
147 eof:
148 return (ferror(fp) ? T_ERROR : T_EOF);
149 case '#':
150 for (;;) {
151 ch = getc(fp);
152 if (ch == '\n') goto newline;
153 else if (ch == EOF) goto eof;
154 }
155 default:
156 if (isspace(ch)) goto skip_ws;
157 break;
158 }
160 for (;;) {
161 if (sz) { *buf++ = ch; sz--; }
162 ch = getc(fp);
163 switch (ch) {
164 case '\n':
165 ungetc(ch, fp);
166 goto done;
167 case EOF:
168 goto done;
169 default:
170 if (isspace(ch)) goto done;
171 break;
172 }
173 }
175 done:
176 if (!sz)
177 return (T_ERROR);
178 else {
179 *buf++ = 0; sz--;
180 return (T_OK);
181 }
182 }
184 static int parse_actname(FILE *fp, unsigned *act)
185 {
186 char buf[32];
187 int t;
188 const char *const *p;
190 if ((t = scan(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) != 0) return (t);
191 for (p = acttab; *p; p++)
192 if (strcmp(buf, *p) == 0) { *act = p - acttab; return (0); }
193 return (T_ERROR);
194 }
196 static int parse_action(FILE *fp, struct action *act)
197 {
198 char buf[32];
199 int t;
200 unsigned a;
201 unsigned long m;
203 if ((t = parse_actname(fp, &a)) != 0) return (t);
204 switch (a) {
205 case A_USER:
206 m = 0;
207 for (;;) {
208 if ((t = parse_actname(fp, &a)) != 0) break;
209 m |= (1 << a);
210 }
211 if (t != T_EOL && t != T_EOF) return (t);
212 act->act = A_USER;
213 act->u.user = m;
214 break;
215 case A_TOKEN:
216 case A_NAME:
217 case A_DENY:
218 case A_HIDE:
219 act->act = a;
220 break;
221 case A_LIE:
222 if ((t = scan(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) != 0) return (t);
223 act->act = a;
224 act->u.lie = xstrdup(buf);
225 break;
226 }
227 t = scan(fp, buf, sizeof(buf));
228 if (t != T_EOF && t != T_EOL) {
229 free_action(act);
230 return (T_ERROR);
231 }
232 return (0);
233 }
235 static int parse_sockpat(FILE *fp, const struct addrops **aop,
236 struct sockpat *sp)
237 {
238 char buf[64];
239 int t;
240 const struct addrops *ao;
241 long n;
242 char *delim;
244 if ((t = scan(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) != 0) return (t);
245 if (strcmp(buf, "*") == 0)
246 sp->addr.len = 0;
247 else {
248 if (strchr(buf, ':'))
249 ao = &addroptab[ADDR_IPV6];
250 else
251 ao = &addroptab[ADDR_IPV4];
252 if (!*aop) *aop = ao;
253 else if (*aop != ao) return (T_ERROR);
254 delim = strchr(buf, '/');
255 if (delim) *delim++ = 0;
256 if (!inet_pton(ao->af, buf, &sp->addr.addr)) return (T_ERROR);
257 if (!delim) n = ao->len;
258 else n = strtol(delim, 0, 10);
259 if (n < 0 || n > ao->len) return (T_ERROR);
260 sp->addr.len = n;
261 }
263 if ((t = scan(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) != 0) return (T_ERROR);
264 if (strcmp(buf, "*") == 0) {
265 sp->port.lo = 0;
266 sp->port.hi = 65535;
267 } else {
268 delim = strchr(buf, '-');
269 if (delim) *delim++ = 0;
270 n = strtol(buf, 0, 0);
271 if (n < 0 || n > 65535) return (T_ERROR);
272 sp->port.lo = n;
273 if (!delim)
274 sp->port.hi = n;
275 else {
276 n = strtol(delim, 0, 0);
277 if (n < 0 || n > 65535) return (T_ERROR);
278 sp->port.hi = n;
279 }
280 }
281 return (0);
282 }
284 int parse_policy(FILE *fp, struct policy *p)
285 {
286 int t;
288 p->ao = 0;
289 free_policy(p);
291 if ((t = parse_sockpat(fp, &p->ao, &p->sp[L])) != 0) goto fail;
292 if ((t = parse_sockpat(fp, &p->ao, &p->sp[R])) != 0) goto err;
293 if ((t = parse_action(fp, &p->act)) != 0) goto err;
294 return (0);
296 err:
297 t = T_ERROR;
298 fail:
299 free_policy(p);
300 return (t);
301 }
303 int open_policy_file(struct policy_file *pf, const char *name,
304 const char *what, const struct query *q)
305 {
306 if ((pf->fp = fopen(name, "r")) == 0) {
307 logmsg(q, LOG_ERR, "failed to open %s `%s': %s",
308 what, name, strerror(errno));
309 return (-1);
310 }
312 pf->name = name;
313 pf->what = what;
314 pf->q = q;
315 pf->err = 0;
316 pf->lno = 0;
317 init_policy(&pf->p);
318 return (0);
319 }
321 int read_policy_file(struct policy_file *pf)
322 {
323 int t;
325 for (;;) {
326 pf->lno++;
327 t = parse_policy(pf->fp, &pf->p);
328 switch (t) {
329 case T_OK:
330 nextline(pf->fp);
331 return (0);
332 case T_ERROR:
333 logmsg(pf->q, LOG_ERR, "%s:%d: parse error in %s",
334 pf->name, pf->lno, pf->what);
335 pf->err = 1;
336 break;
337 case T_EOF:
338 if (ferror(pf->fp)) {
339 logmsg(pf->q, LOG_ERR, "failed to read %s `%s': %s",
340 pf->what, pf->name, strerror(errno));
341 }
342 return (-1);
343 case T_EOL:
344 nextline(pf->fp);
345 break;
346 default:
347 abort();
348 }
349 }
350 }
352 void close_policy_file(struct policy_file *pf)
353 {
354 fclose(pf->fp);
355 free_policy(&pf->p);
356 }
358 int load_policy_file(const char *file, policy_v *pv)
359 {
360 struct policy_file pf;
361 policy_v v = DA_INIT;
363 if (open_policy_file(&pf, file, "policy file", 0))
364 return (-1);
365 while (!read_policy_file(&pf)) {
366 DA_PUSH(&v, pf.p);
367 init_policy(&pf.p);
368 }
369 close_policy_file(&pf);
370 if (!pf.err) {
371 DA_DESTROY(pv);
372 *pv = v;
373 return (0);
374 } else {
375 DA_DESTROY(&v);
376 return (-1);
377 }
378 }
380 /*----- That's all, folks -------------------------------------------------*/