[userv-utils] / ipif / INSTALL
1 NB that this is a very bare set of installation instructions ! It
2 describes a `default' configuration; you can do more esoteric things
3 if you wish.
6 In any case, on each tunnel endpoint system (not the eventual
7 end-system, but the point where the packets are `detunnelled'):
9 * Install userv, 0.95.0 or later. This should be in Debian.
10 * Get userv-utils 0.1.9 from the location above, unpack it, cd to the
11 `ipif' subdirectory, and say `make' then `really make install'.
14 The tunnel is always set up by one of its endpoints, using ssh. So
15 the active endpoint must have ssh installed; the passive endpoint must
16 have sshd accessible to the active endpoint, and be willing to allow
17 the active endpoint to run the appropriate command.
19 So: create an account for the active endpoint on the passive. You
20 probably want to use RSAAuthentication, so configure the relevant key
21 into the passive account's authorized_keys file.
23 Each account must have the ability to run the `userv ipif' service
24 with appropriate parameters. This is achieved by editing
25 /etc/userv/ipif-networks, each line of which is in the format:
27 <gid>,[=]<network-prefix>/<prefix-length>, <groupname>, <comment>
29 Both the local and remote endpoint addresses, and the remote network
30 address(es), need to be recorded in this file. The `=' restricts the
31 address to be used, by that group, as the local tunnel endpoint
32 address; without `=' the address ranges specified may refer to remote
33 endpoints and networks. Every address involved with the tunnel must
34 be covered by an appropriate line in ipif-networks.
36 For example, a configuration to talk to Relativity, the author's home
37 site, would include:
38 <gid>,, <group>, Relativity tunnel endpoint
39 <gid>,, <group>, Relativity house ethernet
40 as well as the local tunnel endpoint address, for example:
41 <gid>,=, <group>, Local tunnel endpoint
43 There is no NAT (address translation) in the tunnelling software, so
44 all the addresses must be RFC1918-allocated and distinct (except that
45 a single tunnel endpoint address can be used for all the tunnels
46 terminating on a particular endpoint system).
48 You are strongly advised to choose your private network ranges
49 randomly, as recommended in BCP5 (currently RFC1918). Users in
50 Cambridge may like to use the Cambridge G-RIN at
51 http://www.ucam.org/cam-grin/ to choose and register their networks.
54 When these things are all thought to be set up, you can test the
55 tunnel by running `udptunnel' in the active account. It is invoked
56 something like this:
58 authbind udptunnel \
59 -m \
60 -e nonce -e timestamp/10/30 -e pkcs5/8 \
61 -e blowfish-cbcmac/128 -e blowfish-cbc/128 \
62 davenant-external,410 \
63 chiark-public,Command \
64,,1000,cslip \
65 30,120,1800 \
66 - \
67 ssh -o 'ForwardAgent no' -o 'ForwardX11 no' \
68 -o 'BatchMode yes' \
69 -i ~ian/.ssh/identity -l ian \
70 -v chiark.greenend.org.uk \
71 udptunnel
73 This example is the tunnel between chiark and Relativity. I'll quote
74 it and explain the details, below. See also the comment at the top of
75 udptunnel.
78 Because at Relativity the tunnel endpoint has to not be our firewall,
79 because the firewall is a 386SX/16 and so not powerful enough,
80 Relativity practically has to be the active partner in any tunnels it
81 is involved in. This also necessitates the use of the `-m' option and
82 various other things.
85 Exposition of an example udptunnel invocation:
87 > authbind udptunnel \
89 `authbind' is used because at Relativity the tunnel endpoint address
90 has to be on a fixed port because our tunnel endpoint is not on the
91 firewall system (if it's not on a fixed port we can't write a firewall
92 rule to let it through).
94 The port is port 410, so root privilege or authbind is needed.
95 authbind is in Debian GNU/Linux.
97 > -m \
99 -m tells this invocation of udptunnel that its endpoint address and
100 port (for encapsulated packets) are going to be NATted before the far
101 end sees them. The effect is that instead of supplying this
102 information to the far end, the far end is told to `wait and see'.
104 This should not usually be used in other circumstances. (For full
105 details see the comment at the top of udptunnel.)
107 > -e nonce -e timestamp/10/30 -e pkcs5/8 \
108 > -e blowfish-cbcmac/128 -e blowfish-cbc/128 \
110 This is the crypto configuration. I wouldn't mess with it too much if
111 I were you. If you have serious (>10s) clock skew then the -e
112 timestamp option may not work properly; I'd recommend having your
113 systems NTP-synchronised. Here 10 is the maximum number of seconds
114 into the future the timestamp on an incoming packet might be, and 30
115 the maximum age of an incoming packet. You can tweak these numbers if
116 you really want. If you really can't get any kind of good clock
117 synch, then it's probably OK to replace
118 -e nonce -e timestamp/10/30
119 with
120 -e sequence
121 (NB that we don't use -e sequence so it has not been well tested.)
123 > davenant-external,410 \
125 This is the local address and port for sending/receiving encapsulated
126 packets. davenant is the tunnel endpoint, and davenant-external is
127 its globally-reachable address (we run two networks on the wire at
128 Relativity, an internal one and a globally-reachable one).
130 > chiark-public,Command \
132 This is the remote address and port for encapsulated packets.
133 `Command' means find out the remote address or port to send
134 encapsulated packets to by having udptunnel at the far end print its
135 address and port when they have been allocated.
137 Another possibility here is to use a fixed remote port number.
139 The DNS at GR has just `chiark' meaning chiark via the tunnel, so we
140 have to use chiark-public which means its public IP address.
142 >,,1000,cslip \
144 is davenant's tunnel endpoint address.
145 is the address of chiark's Relativity tunnel endpoint.
147 > 30,120,1800 \
149 These are timing parameters. 30 is the `keep alive' timeout; if
150 nothing is sent for this many seconds, an empty packet is sent. 120
151 is the `broken' timeout; if nothing valid is received for this many
152 seconds, the tunnel is declared dead and dies (hopefully to be
153 restarted); 1800 is the time in seconds between messages of the form
154 udptunnel-forwarder: chiark: tunnel still open: received 746
155 packets, 103257 bytes
156 These serve as a useful diagnostic, and also prevent the controlling
157 ssh connection from timing out from NAT tables.
159 > - \
161 `-' here is the remote networks which are reachable. None are
162 reachable via chiark. is the Relativity house
163 ethernet.
165 > ssh -o 'ForwardAgent no' -o 'ForwardX11 no' \
166 > -o 'BatchMode yes' \
167 > -i ~ian/.ssh/identity -l ian \
168 > -v chiark.greenend.org.uk \
169 > udptunnel
171 This is the ssh invocation to run udptunnel at the far end.
173 When you have this invocation working in a shell window you need to
174 make it run automatically. Since the tunnel will die whenever your
175 IP address changes, or when other troublesome events happen, you must
176 arrange for it to be restarted. At Relativity we put the udptunnel
177 invocation in a file and run it out of inittab, like this:
179 t0:235:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/really -u ian /usr/local/sbin/udptunnel-invoke 2>&1 | logger -p local2.info -t tunnel-chiark
182 Troubleshooting:
184 Look at the error messages, they will hopefully be informative.
186 If you see a message from `slattach' about being unable to open /dev/2
187 or some such, then you need to upgrade your `slattach'. In Debian
188 GNU/Linux it's in the `netbase' package, and the fix is in 3.16-3 and
189 later. The relevant Debian bug reports are #45515 and #45944, and Ian
190 Jackson can supply the patch to slattach or a working binary.
193 $Id: INSTALL,v 1.1 2000/06/21 22:48:29 ian Exp $