reject some of the uxsup changes
[userv-utils] / groupmanage / groupmanage
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #
3 # Copyright (C) 1995-9, 2003 Ian Jackson <>
4 # Copyright (C) 1999, 2003
5 # Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge
6 #
7 # Improved by Ben Harris <> in 1999 and 2003 for Unix
8 # Support's own nefarious purposes.
9 #
10 # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
13 # any later version.
14 #
15 # It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 # GNU General Public License for more details.
19 #
20 # $Id$
22 sub usage {
23 &unlock;
24 &p_out;
25 print(<<END) || die "groupmanage: write usage: $!\n";
26 groupmanage: $_[0]
27 usage:
28 groupmanage <groupname> [--info]
29 groupmanage <groupname> <action> [<action> ...]
30 groupmanage <groupname> --create [<action> <action> ...]
31 actions:
32 --clear
33 --add <username> <username> ...
34 --remove <username> <username> ...
35 --manager-clear
36 --manager-add <username> <username> ...
37 --manager-remove <username> <username> ...
38 --title <string>
39 --owner <username> [root only]
40 groupmanage is Copyright. It is free software, released under the GNU
41 GPL v2 or later. There is NO WARRANTY. See the GPL for details.
42 END
43 exit(1);
44 }
46 @ARGV || &usage('too few arguments');
48 if ($>) {
49 exec 'userv','root','groupmanage',@ARGV;
50 &quit("unable to execute userv to gain root privilege: $!");
51 }
53 chdir("/etc") || die "groupmanage: chdir /etc: $!\n";
55 $groupname= shift(@ARGV);
56 $groupname =~ y/\n//d;
58 $groupname =~ m/^\w[-0-9A-Za-z]*$/ ||
59 &quit("first argument is invalid - must be group name");
61 @ARGV || push(@ARGV,'--info');
63 $callinguser= exists $ENV{'USERV_UID'} ? $ENV{'USERV_UID'} : $<;
65 %opt= ('user-create','0',
66 'user-create-minunameu','5',
67 'user-create-min','10000',
68 'user-create-max','19999',
69 'user-create-nameintitle','0',
70 'user-create-maxperu','5',
71 'group-file','group',
72 'gtmp-file','gtmp',
73 'grouplist-file','grouplist',
74 'name-regexp','',
75 'admin-group','',
76 'finish-command','');
77 %ovalid= ('user-create','boolean',
78 'user-create-minunameu','number',
79 'user-create-min','number',
80 'user-create-max','number',
81 'user-create-nameintitle','boolean',
82 'user-create-maxperu','number',
83 'group-file','string',
84 'gtmp-file','string',
85 'grouplist-file','string',
86 'name-regexp','string',
87 'admin-group','string',
88 'finish-command','string');
90 sub ov_boolean {
91 $cov= $_ eq 'yes' ? 1 :
92 $_ eq 'no' ? 0 :
93 &quit("groupmanage.conf:$.: bad boolean value");
94 }
96 sub ov_number {
97 m/^[0-9]{1,10}$/ || &quit("groupmanage.conf:$.: bad numerical value");
98 }
100 sub ov_string {
102 }
104 open(GMC,"groupmanage.conf") || &quit("read groupmanage.conf: $!");
105 while (<GMC>) {
106 next if m/^\#/ || !m/\S/;
107 s/\s*\n$//;
108 s/^\s*([-0-9a-z]+)\s*// || &quit("groupmanage.conf:$.: bad option format");
109 $co= $1;
110 defined($opt{$co}) || &quit("groupmanage.conf:$.: unknown option $co");
111 $cov= $_;
112 $ovf= 'ov_'.$ovalid{$co};
113 &$ovf;
114 $opt{$co}= $cov;
115 }
116 close(GMC);
118 if ($ARGV[0] eq '--info') {
119 @ARGV == 1 || &usage('no arguments allowed after --info');
120 &p_out;
121 &load;
122 &checkexists;
123 &display;
124 &p_out;
125 exit(0);
126 }
128 sub naming {
129 $callinguser || return;
130 &p_out;
131 if ($opt{'user-create-minunameu'}) {
132 print(STDERR <<END) || &quit("write err re name: $!");
133 groupmanage: groups you create must be named after you ...
134 <usernamepart>-<identifier>
135 You must quote at least $opt{'user-create-minunameu'} chars of your username $createby
136 (or all of it if it is shorter).
137 END
138 }
139 if ($opt{'name-regexp'}) {
140 print(STDERR <<END) || &quit("write err re name: $!");
141 groupmanage: groups you create must match a pattern...
142 The pattern is the Perl regular expression /$opt{'name-regexp'}/.
143 END
144 }
145 exit(1);
146 }
148 if ($ARGV[0] eq '--create') {
149 $opt{'user-create'} || !$callinguser ||
150 &quit("group creation by users disabled by administrator");
151 length($groupname) <= 8 || &quit("group names must be 8 chars or fewer");
152 $!=0; (@pw= getpwuid($callinguser))
153 || &quit("cannot get your passwd entry: $!");
154 $createby= $pw[0];
155 if ($opt{'user-create-minunameu'}) {
156 $groupname =~ m/^([-0-9A-Za-z]+)-([0-9a-z]+)$/ || &naming;
157 $upart= $1;
158 $idpart= $2;
159 $upart eq $createby ||
160 (length($upart) >= $opt{'user-create-minunameu'} &&
161 substr($createby,0,length($upart)) eq $upart)
162 || &naming;
163 } else {
164 $groupname =~ m/${opt{'name-regexp'}}/ || &naming;
165 }
166 $create= 1;
167 shift(@ARGV);
168 }
170 &lock;
171 &load;
173 if ($create) {
174 $bythisowner < $opt{'user-create-maxperu'} ||
175 &quit("you already have $bythisowner group(s)");
176 $groupfileix==-1 || &quit("group already exists, cannot create it");
177 $grouplistix==-1 || &quit("group is already in grouplist, cannot create it");
178 for ($gid= $opt{'user-create-min'};
179 $gid < $opt{'user-create-max'} && defined(getgrgid($gid));
180 $gid++) { }
181 $gid <= $opt{'user-create-max'} || &quit("out of gids to use, contact admin");
182 $password=''; @members=($createby);
183 $description= "${createby}'s -- user-defined, no title";
184 $owner= $createby; @managers=(); @members= ($createby);
185 $groupfileix=$#groupfile+1;
186 $grouplistix=$#grouplist+1;
187 &p("created group $groupname");
188 } else {
189 &checkexists;
190 &p("modifying group $groupname");
191 }
193 &weare($owner) || grep(&weare($_),@managers) || !$callinguser ||
194 &quit("you may not manage $groupname");
196 $action= 'none';
197 while (@ARGV) {
198 $_= shift(@ARGV);
199 if (m/^--(add|remove)$/) {
200 $action= $1; $clist= 'members'; $what= 'member';
201 } elsif (m/^--owner$/) {
202 !$callinguser || &quit("only root may change owner");
203 @ARGV || &usage("no username owner after --owner");
204 $owner= shift(@ARGV);
205 &p("owner set to $owner");
206 } elsif (m/^--manager-(add|remove)$/) {
207 $action= $1; $clist= 'managers'; $what= 'manager';
208 } elsif (m/^--clear$/) {
209 &p('cleared list of members');
210 @members=(); $action='none'; $memc++;
211 } elsif (m/^--manager-clear$/) {
212 &p('cleared list of managers');
213 @managers=(); $action='none';
214 } elsif (m/^--title$/) {
215 &weare($owner) || !$callinguser ||
216 &quit("only group's owner ($owner) may change title");
217 @ARGV || &usage("no title after --title");
218 $_= shift(@ARGV); y/\020-\176//cd; y/:\\//d;
219 if ($opt{'user-create-nameintitle'} &&
220 $gid >= $opt{'user-create-min'} && $gid <= $opt{'user-create-max'}) {
221 $_= "${owner}'s -- $_";
222 }
223 $description= $_;
224 &p("title set to $description");
225 } elsif (m/^-/) {
226 &usage("unknown option $_");
227 } elsif (m/^\w[-0-9A-Za-z]*$/) {
228 y/\n//d;
229 $chgu=$_;
230 getpwnam($chgu) || &quit("username $chgu does not exist");
231 eval "\@l = \@$clist; 1" || &quit("internal error: $@");
232 $already= grep($_ eq $chgu, @l);
233 if ($action eq 'add') {
234 if ($already) {
235 &p("$chgu already $what");
236 } else {
237 &p("added $what $chgu");
238 push(@l,$chgu);
239 $memc+= ($clist eq 'members');
240 }
241 } elsif ($action eq 'remove') {
242 if ($already) {
243 &p("removed $what $chgu");
244 @l= grep($_ ne $chgu, @l);
245 $memc+= ($clist eq 'members');
246 } else {
247 &p("$chgu is already not $what");
248 }
249 } else {
250 &usage("username found but no action to take for them");
251 }
252 eval "\@$clist = \@l; 1" || &quit("internal error: $@");
253 } else {
254 &usage("bad username or option $_");
255 }
256 }
257 &p("nb: a change to group membership only takes effect at the user's next login")
258 if $memc;
259 $groupfile[$groupfileix]=
260 "$groupname:$password:$gid:".join(',',@members)."\n";
261 $grouplist[$grouplistix]=
262 "$groupname:$description:$owner:".join(',',@managers).":$homedir\n";
263 &save($opt{'group-file'},@groupfile);
264 &save($opt{'grouplist-file'},@grouplist);
265 if ($opt{'finish-command'}) {
266 !system($opt{'finish-command'}) || &quit("finish-command: $?");
267 }
268 unlink($opt{'gtmp-file'}) || &quit("unlock group (remove gtmp): $!");
269 &p_out;
270 exit(0);
272 sub load {
273 open(GF,"< $opt{'group-file'}") || &quit("read group: $!");
274 @groupfile=<GF>; close(GF);
275 $groupfileix=-1;
276 for ($i=0; $i<=$#groupfile; $i++) {
277 $_= $groupfile[$i]; s/\n$//;
278 next if m/^\#/;
279 m/^(\w[-0-9A-Za-z]*):([^:]*):(\d+):([-0-9A-Za-z,]*)$/ ||
280 &quit("bad entry in group: $_");
281 $gname2gid{$1}=$3;
282 next unless $1 eq $groupname;
283 $groupfileix<0 || &quit("duplicate entries in group");
284 $groupfileix= $i;
285 $password= $2;
286 $gid= $3;
287 @members= split(/,/,$4);
288 }
289 open(GL,"< $opt{'grouplist-file'}") || &quit("read grouplist: $!");
290 @grouplist=<GL>; close(GL);
291 $grouplistix=-1;
292 for ($i=0; $i<=$#grouplist; $i++) {
293 $_= $grouplist[$i]; s/\n$//;
294 next if m/^\#/;
295 m/^(\w[-0-9A-Za-z]*):([^:]*):(\w[-0-9A-Za-z]*):([-0-9A-Za-z,]*):([^:]*)$/ ||
296 &quit("bad entry in grouplist: $_");
297 $bythisowner++ if ($create && $3 eq $createby &&
298 $gname2gid{$1} >= $opt{'user-create-min'} &&
299 $gname2gid{$1} <= $opt{'user-create-max'});
300 next unless $1 eq $groupname;
301 $grouplistix<0 || &quit("duplicate entries in grouplist");
302 $grouplistix= $i;
303 $description= $2;
304 $owner= $3;
305 $homedir= $5;
306 @managers= split(/,/,$4);
307 }
308 }
310 sub checkexists {
311 $grouplistix>=0 || &quit("no entry in grouplist for $groupname");
312 $groupfileix>=0 || &quit("no entry in group for $groupname");
313 }
315 sub weare {
316 return 0 if $_[0] eq '';
317 @pw= getpwnam($_[0]);
318 return @pw && $pw[2] == $callinguser ? 1 : 0;
319 }
321 sub save {
322 $filename= shift(@_);
323 unlink("$filename~");
324 open(DUMP,"> $") || &quit("create new $filename: $!");
325 print(DUMP @_) || &quit("write new $filename: $!");
326 close(DUMP) || &quit("close new $filename: $!");
327 link("$filename","$filename~") || &quit("create backup $filename: $!");
328 rename("$","$filename") || &quit("install new $filename: $!");
329 }
331 sub quit {
332 &unlock;
333 &p_out;
334 die "groupmanage: @_\n";
335 }
337 sub lock {
338 link($opt{'group-file'},$opt{'gtmp-file'}) || &quit("create gtmp: $!");
339 $locked++;
340 }
342 sub unlock {
343 return unless $locked;
344 $locked--;
345 unlink($opt{'gtmp-file'}) || warn("unlock group file (remove gtmp): $!\n");
346 }
348 sub display {
349 print(<<END) || &quit("write to stdout: $!\n");
350 group $groupname
351 gid $gid
352 description $description
353 owner $owner
354 managers @managers
355 members @members
356 homedir $homedir
357 END
358 }
360 sub p_out {
361 print(STDOUT "$stdout_string") || &quit("write to stdout: $!\n");
362 $stdout_string= '';
363 }
365 sub p {
366 $stdout_string.= $_[0]."\n";
367 }