contrib/: Add copyright notices to contributed scripts.
[tripe] / server /
1 .\" -*-nroff-*-
2 .\".
3 .\" Manual for the administration protocol
4 .\"
5 .\" (c) 2008 Straylight/Edgeware
6 .\"
7 .
8 .\"----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 .\"
10 .\" This file is part of Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE).
11 .\"
12 .\" TrIPE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
13 .\" the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
14 .\" Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
15 .\" option) any later version.
16 .\"
17 .\" TrIPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
18 .\" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
19 .\" FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
20 .\" for more details.
21 .\"
22 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 .\" along with TrIPE. If not, see <>.
24 .
25 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 .so ../common/ \" @@@PRE@@@
27 .
28 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 .TH tripe-admin 5tripe "18 February 2001" "Straylight/Edgeware" "TrIPE: Trivial IP Encryption"
30 .
31 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 .SH "NAME"
33 .
34 tripe-admin \- administrator commands for TrIPE
35 .
36 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 .
39 This manual page describes the administration interface provided by the
40 .BR tripe (8)
41 daemon.
42 .PP
43 The
44 .BR tripectl (8)
45 program can be used either interactively or in scripts to communicate
46 with the server using this interface. Alternatively, simple custom
47 clients can be written in scripting languages such as Perl, Python or
48 Tcl, or more advanced clients such as GUI monitors can be written in C
49 with little difficulty.
50 .PP
51 Administration commands use a textual protocol. Each client command or
52 server response consists of a line of ASCII text terminated by a single
53 linefeed character. No command may be longer than 255 characters.
54 .SS "General structure"
55 Each command or response line consists of a sequence of
56 whitespace-separated tokens. The number and nature of whitespace
57 characters separating two tokens in a client command is not significant;
58 the server always uses a single space character. The first token in a
59 line is a
60 .I keyword
61 identifying the type of command or response contained. Keywords in
62 client commands are not case-sensitive; the server always uses uppercase
63 for its keywords.
64 .PP
65 In order to allow tokens to contain internal whitespace, a quoting
66 mechanism is provided. Whitespace within matched pairs of quotes \(en
67 either single
68 .RB ` ' '
69 or double
70 .RB ` """" '
71 \(en is considered to be internal. Any character (other than newline)
72 may be escaped by preceding it with a backslash
73 .RB ` \e ':
74 in particular, this can be used to include quote characters. It is
75 impossible for a token to contain a newline character.
76 .PP
77 On output, the server will use double quotes when necessary.
78 .SS "Simple commands"
79 For simple client command, the server responds with zero or more
80 .B INFO
81 lines, followed by either an
82 .B OK
83 line or a
84 .B FAIL
85 line. Each
86 .B INFO
87 provides information requested in the command. An
88 .B OK
89 response contains no further data. A
90 .B FAIL
91 code is followed by a machine-readable explanation of why the command
92 failed.
93 .PP
94 Simple command processing is strictly synchronous: the server reads a
95 command, processes it, and responds, before reading the next command.
96 All commands can be run as simple commands. Long-running commands
97 (e.g.,
98 .B ADD
99 and
100 .BR PING )
101 block the client until they finish, but the rest of the server continues
102 running. See
103 .B "Background commands"
104 to find out how to issue long-running commands without blocking.
105 .SS "Asynchronous broadcasts"
106 There are three types of asynchronous broadcast messages which aren't
107 associated with any particular command. Clients can select which
108 broadcast messages they're interested in using the
109 .B WATCH
110 command.
111 .PP
112 The
113 .B WARN
114 message contains a machine-readable message warning of an error
115 encountered while processing a command, unexpected or unusual behaviour
116 by a peer, or a possible attack by an adversary. Under normal
117 conditions, the server shouldn't emit any warnings.
118 .PP
119 The
120 .B TRACE
121 message contains a human-readable tracing message containing diagnostic
122 information. Trace messages are controlled using the
123 .B \-T
124 command-line option to the server, or the
125 .B TRACE
126 administration command (see below). Support for tracing can be disabled
127 when the package is being configured, and may not be available in your
128 version.
129 .PP
130 Finally, the
131 .B NOTE
132 message is a machine-readable notification about some routine but
133 interesting event such as creation or destruction of peers.
134 .SS "Background commands"
135 Some commands (e.g.,
136 .B ADD
137 and
138 .BR PING )
139 take a long time to complete. To prevent these long-running commands
140 from tying up a server connection, they can be run in the background.
141 Not all commands can be run like this: the ones that can provide a
142 .B \-background
143 option, which must be supplied with a
144 .IR tag .
145 .PP
146 A command may fail before it starts running in the background. In this
147 case, the server emits a
148 .B FAIL
149 response, as usual. To indicate that a command has started running in
150 the background, the server emits a response of the form
151 .BI "BGDETACH " tag \fR,
152 where
153 .I tag
154 is the value passed to the
155 .B \-background
156 option. From this point on, the server is ready to process more
157 commands and reply to them.
158 .PP
159 Responses to background commands are indicated by a line beginning with
160 one of the tokens
161 .BR BGOK ,
162 .BR BGFAIL ,
163 or
164 .BR BGINFO ,
165 followed by the command tag. These correspond to the
166 .BR OK ,
167 .BR FAIL ,
168 and
169 .B INFO
170 responses for simple commands:
172 indicates information from a background command which has not completed
173 yet; and
174 .B BGOK
175 and
177 indicates that a background command succeeded or failed, respectively.
178 .PP
179 A background command will never issue an
180 .B OK
181 or
182 .B INFO
183 response: it will always detach and then issue any
185 lines followed by
186 .B BGOK
187 response.
188 .SS "Client-provided services"
189 .\"* 25 Service-related messages
190 An administration client can provide services to other clients.
191 Services are given names and versions. A client can attempt to
192 .I claim
193 a particular service by issuing the
195 command. This may fail, for example, if some other client already
196 provides the same or later version of the service.
197 .PP
198 Other clients can issue
199 .I "service commands"
200 using the
202 command; the service provider is expected to handle these commands and
203 reply to them.
204 .PP
205 There are three important asynchronous messages which will be sent to
206 service providers.
207 .SP
208 .BI "SVCCANCEL " jobid
209 The named job has been cancelled, either because the issuing client has
210 disconnected or explicitly cancelled the job using the
212 command.
213 .SP
214 .BI "SVCCLAIM " service " " version
215 Another client has claimed a later version of the named
216 .IR service .
217 The recipient is no longer the provider of this service.
218 .SP
219 .BI "SVCJOB " jobid " " service " " command " " args \fR...
220 Announces the arrival of a new job. The
221 .I jobid
222 is a simple token consisting of alphanumeric characters which
223 .B tripe
224 uses to identify this job.
225 .PP
226 The service provider can reply to the job using the commands
228 .B SVCOK
229 and
231 The first of these sends an
232 .B INFO
233 response and leaves the job active; the other two send an
234 .B OK
235 or
236 .B FAIL
237 response respectively, and mark the job as being complete.
238 .PP
239 (Since
241 is a potentially long-running command, it can be run in the background.
242 This detail is hidden from service providers:
243 .B tripe
244 will issue the corresponding
245 .BR BG ...
246 responses when appropriate.)
247 .SS "Network addresses"
248 A network address is a sequence of tokens. The first is a token
249 identifying the network address family. The length of an address and
250 the meanings of the subsequent tokens depend on the address family.
251 Address family tokens are not case-sensitive on input; on output, they
252 are always in upper-case.
253 .PP
254 At present, only one address family is understood.
255 .TP
256 .BI "INET " address " \fR[" port \fR]
257 An Internet socket, naming an IPv4 address and UDP port. On output, the
258 address is always in numeric dotted-quad form, and the port is given as
259 a plain number. On input, DNS hostnames and symbolic port names are
260 permitted; if omitted, the default port 4070 is used. Name resolution
261 does not block the main server, but will block the requesting client,
262 unless the command is run in the background.
263 .PP
264 If, on input, no recognized address family token is found, the following
265 tokens are assumed to represent an
266 .B INET
267 address. Addresses output by the server always have an address family
268 token.
269 .SS "Key-value output"
270 Some commands (e.g.,
271 .B STATS
272 and
274 produce output in the form of
275 .IB key = value
276 pairs, one per token. Neither the
277 .I key
278 nor the
279 .I value
280 contain spaces.
281 .SS "Trace lists"
282 Commands which enable or disable kinds of output (e.g.,
283 .B TRACE
284 and
285 .BR WATCH )
286 work in similar ways. They take a single optional argument, which
287 consists of a string of letters selecting message types, optionally
288 interspersed with
289 .RB ` + '
290 to enable, or
291 .RB ` \- '
292 to disable, the subsequently listed types.
293 .PP
294 If the argument is omitted, the available message types are displayed,
295 one to an
296 .B INFO
297 line, in a fixed-column format. Column zero contains the key letter for
298 selecting that message type; column one contains either a space or a
299 .RB ` + '
300 sign, if the message type is disabled or enabled respectively; and a
301 textual description of the message type begins at column 3 and continues
302 to the end of the line.
303 .PP
304 Lowercase key letters control individual message types. Uppercase key
305 letters control collections of message types.
306 .
307 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
309 .
310 .\"* 10 Commands
311 The commands provided are:
312 .SP
313 .BI "ADD \fR[" options "\fR] " peer " " address "\fR..."
314 Adds a new peer. The peer is given the name
315 .IR peer ;
316 the peer's public key is assumed to be in the file
317 .B
318 (or whatever alternative file was specified in the
319 .B \-K
320 option on the command line). The
321 .I address
322 is the network address (see above for the format) at which the peer can
323 be contacted. The following options are recognized.
324 .RS
325 .\"+opts
326 .TP
327 .BI "\-background " tag
328 Run the command in the background, using the given
329 .IR tag .
330 .TP
331 .B "\-cork"
332 Don't send an immediate challenge to the peer; instead, wait until it
333 sends us something before responding.
334 .TP
335 .BI "\-keepalive " time
336 Send a no-op packet if we've not sent a packet to the peer in the last
337 .I time
338 interval. This is useful for persuading port-translating firewalls to
339 believe that the `connection' is still active. The
340 .I time
341 is expressed as a nonnegative integer followed optionally by
342 .BR d ,
343 .BR h ,
344 .BR m ,
345 or
346 .BR s
347 for days, hours, minutes, or seconds respectively; if no suffix is
348 given, seconds are assumed.
349 .TP
350 .BI "\-key " tag
351 Use the public key
352 .I tag
353 to authenticate the peer. The default is to use the key tagged
354 .IR peer .
355 .TP
356 .B "\-mobile"
357 The peer is a mobile device, and is likely to change address rapidly.
358 If a packet arrives from an unknown address, the server's usual response
359 is to log a warning and discard it. If the server knows of any mobile
360 peers, however, it will attempt to decrypt the packet using their keys,
361 and if one succeeds, the server will update its idea of the peer's
362 address and emit an
364 notification.
365 .TP
366 .BI "\-priv " tag
367 Use the private key
368 .I tag
369 to authenticate to the peer. The default is to use the key named in the
370 .RB ` \-t '
371 command-line option, or a key with type
372 .B tripe
373 or
374 .BR tripe-dh :
375 see
376 .BR tripe (8)
377 for the details.
378 .TP
379 .BI "\-tunnel " tunnel
380 Use the named tunnel driver, rather than the default.
381 .\"-opts
382 .RE
383 .SP
384 .BI "ADDR " peer
385 Emits an
386 .B INFO
387 line reporting the IP address and port number stored for
388 .IR peer .
389 .SP
390 .BI "ALGS \fR[" peer \fR]
391 Emits information about the cryptographic algorithms in use, in
392 key-value form. If a
393 .I peer
394 is given, then describe the algorithms used in the association with that
395 peer; otherwise describe the default algorithms.
396 .RS
397 .PP
398 The keys are as follows.
399 .TP
400 .B kx-group
401 Type of key-exchange group in use, currently either
402 .B ec
403 or
404 .BR prime .
405 .TP
406 .B kx-group-order-bits
407 Length of the group order, in bits. This gives an approximate measure
408 of the group strength.
409 .TP
410 .B kx-group-elt-bits
411 Length of a group element, in bits. This may be useful when analyzing
412 protocol traces.
413 .TP
414 .B hash
415 The hash function in use, e.g.,
416 .BR sha256 .
417 .TP
418 .B mgf
419 The mask-generating function in use, e.g.,
420 .BR whirlpool-mgf .
421 .TP
422 .B hashsz
423 The size of the hash function's output, in octets.
424 .TP
425 .B bulk-transform
426 The name of the bulk-crypto transform.
427 .TP
428 .B bulk-overhead
429 The amount of overhead, in bytes, caused by the crypto transform.
430 .TP
431 .B cipher
432 The name of the bulk data cipher in use, e.g.,
433 .BR blowfish-cbc .
434 .TP
435 .B cipher-keysz
436 The length of key used by the bulk data cipher, in octets.
437 .TP
438 .B cipher-blksz
439 The block size of the bulk data cipher, or zero if it's not based on a
440 block cipher.
441 .TP
442 .B cipher-data-limit
443 The maximum amount of data to be encrypted using a single key. (A new
444 key exchange is instigated well before the limit is reached, in order to
445 allow for a seamless changeover of keys.)
446 .TP
447 .B mac
448 The message authentication algorithm in use, e.g.,
449 .BR ripemd160-hmac .
450 .TP
451 .B mac-keysz
452 The length of the key used by the message authentication algorithm, in
453 octets.
454 .TP
455 .B mac-tagsz
456 The length of the message authentication tag, in octets.
457 .TP
458 .B blkc
459 The block cipher in use, e.g.,
460 .BR blowfish .
461 .TP
462 .B blkc-keysz
463 The length of key used by the block cipher, in octets.
464 .TP
465 .B blkc-blksz
466 The block size of the block cipher.
467 .PP
468 The various sizes are useful, for example, when computing the MTU for a
469 tunnel interface. If
470 .I MTU
471 is the MTU of the path to the peer, then the tunnel MTU should be
472 .IP
473 .I MTU
474 \- 29 \-
475 .I bulk-overhead
476 .PP
477 allowing 20 bytes of IP header, 8 bytes of UDP header, a packet type
478 octet, and the bulk-crypto transform overhead (which includes the
479 sequence number).
480 .RE
481 .SP
482 .BI "BGCANCEL " tag
483 Cancels the background job with the named
484 .IR tag .
485 .SP
486 .BI "CHECKCHAL " challenge
487 Verifies a challenge as being one earlier issued by
489 and not previously either passed to
491 or in a greeting message.
492 .SP
493 .B "DAEMON"
494 Causes the server to disassociate itself from its terminal and become a
495 background task. This only works once. A notification is issued.
496 .SP
497 .BI "EPING \fR[" options "\fR] " peer
498 Sends an encrypted ping to the peer, and expects an encrypted response.
499 This checks that the peer is running (and not being impersonated), and
500 that it can encrypt and decrypt packets correctly. Options and
501 responses are the same as for the
502 .B PING
503 command.
504 .SP
505 .BI "FORCEKX " peer
506 Requests the server to begin a new key exchange with
507 .I peer
508 immediately.
509 .SP
510 .B "GETCHAL"
511 Requests a challenge. The challenge is returned in an
512 .B INFO
513 line, as a base64-encoded string. See
515 .SP
516 .BI "GREET " peer " " challenge
517 Sends a greeting packet containing the
518 .I challenge
519 (base-64 encoded) to the named
520 .IR peer .
521 The expectation is that this will cause the peer to recognize us and
522 begin a key-exchange.
523 .SP
524 .B "HELP"
525 Causes the server to emit an
526 .B INFO
527 line for each command it supports. Each line lists the command name,
528 followed by the names of the arguments. This may be helpful as a memory
529 aid for interactive use, or for program clients probing for features.
530 .SP
531 .BI "IFNAME " peer
532 Emits an
533 .B INFO
534 line containing the name of the network interface used to collect IP
535 packets which are to be encrypted and sent to
536 .IR peer .
537 Used by configuration scripts so that they can set up routing tables
538 appropriately after adding new peers.
539 .SP
540 .B "JOBS"
541 Emits an
542 .B INFO
543 line giving the tag for each outstanding background job.
544 .SP
545 .BI "KILL " peer
546 Causes the server to forget all about
547 .IR peer .
548 All keys are destroyed, and no more packets are sent. No notification
549 is sent to the peer: if it's important that the peer be notified, you
550 must think of a way to do that yourself.
551 .SP
552 .B "LIST"
553 For each currently-known peer, an
554 .B INFO
555 line is written containing the peer's name, as given to
556 .BR ADD .
557 .SP
558 .BI "NOTIFY " tokens\fR...
559 Issues a
560 .B USER
561 notification to all interested administration clients.
562 .SP
563 .BI "PEERINFO " peer
564 Returns information about a peer, in key-value form. The following keys
565 are returned.
566 .RS
567 .TP
568 .B tunnel
569 The tunnel driver used for this peer.
570 .TP
571 .B keepalive
572 The keepalive interval, in seconds, or zero if no keepalives are to be
573 sent.
574 .TP
575 .B key
576 The (short) key tag being used for the peer, as passed to the
577 .B ADD
578 command.
579 .TP
580 .B current-key
581 The full key tag of the peer's public key currently being used. This
582 may change during the life of the association.
583 .TP
584 .B private-key
585 The private key tag being used for the peer, as passed to the
586 .B ADD
587 command, or the
588 .RB ` \-t '
589 command-line option. If neither of these was given explicitly, the
590 private key tag is shown as
591 .RB ` (default) ',
592 since there is no fixed tag used under these circumstances.
593 .TP
594 .B current-private-key
595 The full key tag of the private key currently being used for this
596 association. This may change during the life of the association.
597 .RE
598 .SP
599 .BI "PING \fR[" options "\fR] " peer
600 Send a transport-level ping to the peer. The ping and its response are
601 not encrypted or authenticated. This command, possibly in conjunction
602 with tracing, is useful for ensuring that UDP packets are actually
603 flowing in both directions. See also the
604 .B EPING
605 command.
606 .IP
607 An
608 .B INFO
609 line is printed describing the outcome:
610 .RS
611 .TP
612 .BI "ping-ok " millis
613 A response was received
614 .I millis
615 after the ping was sent.
616 .TP
617 .BI "ping-timeout"
618 No response was received within the time allowed.
619 .TP
620 .BI "ping-peer-died"
621 The peer was killed (probably by another admin connection) before a
622 response was received.
623 .RE
624 .IP
625 Options recognized for this command are:
626 .RS
627 .\"+opts
628 .TP
629 .BI "\-background " tag
630 Run the command in the background, using the given
631 .IR tag .
632 .TP
633 .BI "\-timeout " time
634 Wait for
635 .I time
636 seconds before giving up on a response. The default is 5 seconds. The
637 .I time
638 is expressed as a nonnegative integer followed optionally by
639 .BR d ,
640 .BR h ,
641 .BR m ,
642 or
643 .BR s
644 for days, hours, minutes, or seconds respectively; if no suffix is
645 given, seconds are assumed.
646 .\"-opts
647 .RE
648 .SP
649 .B "PORT"
650 Emits an
651 .B INFO
652 line containing just the number of the UDP port used by the
653 .B tripe
654 server. If you've allowed your server to allocate a port dynamically,
655 this is how to find out which one it chose.
656 .SP
657 .B "RELOAD"
658 Instructs the server to recheck its keyring files. The server checks
659 these periodically anyway but it may be necessary to force a recheck,
660 for example after adding a new peer key.
661 .SP
662 .B "QUIT"
663 Instructs the server to exit immediately. A warning is sent.
664 .SP
666 Returns information about the server, in the form of key-value pairs.
667 The following keys are used.
668 .RS
669 .TP
670 .B implementation
671 A keyword naming the implementation of the
672 .BR tripe (8)
673 server. The current implementation is called
674 .BR edgeware-tripe .
675 .TP
676 .B version
677 The server's version number, as reported by
679 .TP
680 .B daemon
681 Either
682 .B t
683 or
684 .BR nil ,
685 if the server has or hasn't (respectively) become a daemon.
686 .RE
687 .SP
688 .BI "SETIFNAME " peer " " new-name
689 Informs the server that the
690 .IR peer 's
691 tunnel-interface name has been changed to
692 .IR new-name .
693 This is useful if firewalling decisions are made based on interface
694 names: a setup script for a particular peer can change the name, and
695 then update the server's records so that they're accurate.
696 .SP
697 .BI "SVCCLAIM " service " " version
698 Attempts to claim the named
699 .IR service ,
700 offering the given
701 .IR version .
702 The claim is successful if the service is currently unclaimed, or if
703 a version earlier than
704 .I version
705 is provided; otherwise the command fails with the error
706 .BR "service-exists" .
707 .SP
708 .BI "SVCENSURE " service " \fR[" version \fR]
709 Ensure that
710 .I service
711 is provided, and (if specified) to at least the given
712 .IR version .
713 An error is reported if these conditions are not met; otherwise the
714 command succeeds silently.
715 .SP
716 .BI "SVCFAIL " jobid " " tokens \fR...
717 Send a
718 .B FAIL
719 (or
720 .BR BGFAIL )
721 response to the service job with the given
722 .IR jobid ,
723 passing the
724 .I tokens
725 as the reason for failure. The job is closed.
726 .SP
727 .BI "SVCINFO " jobid " " tokens \fR...
728 Send an
729 .B INFO
730 (or
731 .BR BGINFO )
732 response to the service job with the given
733 .IR jobid ,
734 passing the
735 .I tokens
736 as the info message. The job remains open.
737 .SP
738 .B "SVCLIST"
739 Output a line of the form
740 .RS
741 .IP
742 .B INFO
743 .I service
744 .I version
745 .PP
746 for each service currently provided.
747 .RE
748 .SP
749 .BI "SVCOK " jobid
750 Send an
751 .B OK
752 (or
753 .BR BGINFO )
754 response to the service job with the given
755 .IR jobid .
756 The job is closed.
757 .SP
758 .BI "SVCQUERY " service
759 Emits a number of
760 .B info
761 lines in key-value format, describing the named
762 .IR service.
763 The following keys are used.
764 .RS
765 .TP
766 .B name
767 The service's name.
768 .TP
769 .B version
770 The service's version string.
771 .RE
772 .SP
773 .BI "SVCRELEASE " service
774 Announce that the client no longer wishes to provide the named
775 .IR service .
776 .SP
777 .BI "SVCSUBMIT \fR[" options "\fR] " service " " command " " arguments \fR...
778 Submit a job to the provider of the given
779 .IR service ,
780 passing it the named
781 .I command
782 and the given
783 .IR arguments .
784 The following options are accepted.
785 .RS
786 .\"+opts
787 .TP
788 .BI "\-background " tag
789 Run the command in the background, using the given
790 .IR tag .
791 .TP
792 .BI "\-version " version
793 Ensure that at least the given
794 .I version
795 of the service is available before submitting the job.
796 .RE
797 .\"-opts
798 .SP
799 .BI "STATS " peer
800 Emits a number of
801 .B INFO
802 lines, each containing one or more statistics in the form
803 .IB name = value \fR.
804 The statistics-gathering is experimental and subject to change.
805 .SP
806 .BR "TRACE " [\fIoptions\fP]
807 Selects trace outputs: see
808 .B "Trace lists"
809 above. Message types provided are:
810 .RS
811 .PP
812 Currently, the following tracing options are supported:
813 .TP
814 .B t
815 Tunnel events: reception of packets to be encrypted, and injection of
816 successfully-decrypted packets.
817 .TP
818 .B r
819 Peer management events: creation and destruction of peer attachments,
820 and arrival of messages.
821 .TP
822 .B a
823 Administration interface: acceptance of new connections, and handling of
824 the backgroud name-resolution required by the
825 .B ADD
826 command.
827 .TP
828 .B s
829 Handling of symmetric keysets: creation and expiry of keysets, and
830 encryption and decryption of messages.
831 .TP
832 .B x
833 Key exchange: reception, parsing and emission of key exchange messages.
834 .TP
835 .B m
836 Key management: loading keys and checking for file modifications.
837 .TP
838 .B l
839 Display information about challenge issuing and verification.
840 .TP
841 .B p
842 Display contents of packets sent and received by the tunnel and/or peer
843 modules.
844 .TP
845 .B c
846 Display inputs, outputs and intermediate results of cryptographic
847 operations. This includes plaintext and key material. Use with
848 caution.
849 .TP
850 .B A
851 All of the above.
852 .PP
853 Note that the
854 .B p
855 (packet contents)
856 and
857 .B c
858 (crypto details)
859 outputs provide extra detail for other outputs. Specifying
860 .B p
861 without
862 .BR r
863 or
864 .B t
865 isn't useful; neither is specifying
866 .B c
867 without one of
868 .BR s ,
869 .BR l ,
870 .B x
871 or
872 .BR m .
873 .RE
874 .SP
875 .B "TUNNELS"
876 For each available tunnel driver, an
877 .B INFO
878 line is printed giving its name.
879 .SP
880 .B "VERSION"
881 Causes the server to emit an
882 .B INFO
883 line stating its software version, as two tokens: the server name, and
884 its version string. The server name
885 .B tripe
886 is reserved to the Straylight/Edgeware implementation.
887 .SP
888 .BR "WATCH " [\fIoptions\fP]
889 Enables or disables asynchronous broadcasts
890 .IR "for the current connection only" .
891 See
892 .B "Trace lists"
893 above. The default watch state for the connection the server opens
894 automatically on stdin/stdout is to show warnings and trace messages;
895 other connections show no asynchronous broadcast messages. (This is
896 done in order to guarantee that a program reading the server's stdout
897 does not miss any warnings.)
898 .RS
899 .PP
900 Message types provided are:
901 .TP
902 .B t
903 .B TRACE
904 messages.
905 .TP
906 .B n
907 .B NOTE
908 messages.
909 .TP
910 .B w
911 .B WARN
912 messages.
913 .TP
914 .B A
915 All of the above.
916 .RE
917 .SP
918 .BI "WARN " tokens\fR...
919 Issues a
920 .B USER
921 warning to all interested administration clients.
922 .
923 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
925 .
926 .\"* 20 Error messages (FAIL codes)
927 The following
928 .B FAIL
929 (or
930 .BR BGFAIL )
931 messages are sent to clients as a result of errors during command
932 processing.
933 .SP
934 .BI "already-daemon"
935 (For
936 .BR DAEMON .)
937 The
938 .B tripe
939 server is already running as a daemon.
940 .SP
941 .BI "bad-addr-syntax " message
942 (For commands accepting socket addresses.) The address couldn't be
943 understood.
944 .SP
945 .BI "bad-syntax " cmd " " message
946 (For any command.) The command couldn't be understood: e.g., the number
947 of arguments was wrong.
948 .SP
949 .BI "bad-time-spec " token
950 The
951 .I token
952 is not a valid time interval specification. Acceptable time
953 specifications are nonnegative integers followed optionally by
954 .BR d ,
955 .BR h ,
956 .BR m ,
957 or
958 .BR s ,
959 for days, hours, minutes, or seconds, respectively.
960 .SP
961 .BI "bad-trace-option " char
962 (For
963 .BR TRACE .)
964 An unknown trace option was requested.
965 .SP
966 .BI "bad-watch-option " char
967 (For
968 .BR WATCH .)
969 An unknown watch option was requested.
970 .SP
971 .BI "daemon-error " ecode " " message
972 (For
973 .BR DAEMON .)
974 An error occurred during the attempt to become a daemon, as reported by
975 .IR message .
976 .SP
977 .BI "invalid-port " number
978 (For
979 .BR ADD .)
980 The given port number is out of range.
981 .SP
982 .BI "not-service-provider " service
983 (For
985 The invoking client is not the current provider of the named
986 .IR service ,
987 and is therefore not allowed to release it.
988 .SP
989 .BI "peer-create-fail " peer
990 (For
991 .BR ADD .)
992 Adding
993 .I peer
994 failed for some reason. A warning should have been emitted explaining
995 why.
996 .SP
997 .BI "peer-addr-exists " address\fR...
998 (For
999 .BR ADD .)
1000 There is already a peer with the given
1001 .IR address .
1002 .SP
1003 .BI "peer-exists " peer
1004 (For
1005 .BR ADD .)
1006 There is already a peer named
1007 .IR peer .
1008 .SP
1009 .B "ping-send-failed"
1010 The attempt to send a ping packet failed, probably due to lack of
1011 encryption keys.
1012 .SP
1013 .BI "resolve-error " hostname
1014 (For
1015 .BR ADD .)
1016 The DNS name
1017 .I hostname
1018 could not be resolved.
1019 .SP
1020 .BI "resolver-timeout " hostname
1021 (For
1022 .BR ADD .)
1023 The DNS name
1024 .I hostname
1025 took too long to resolve.
1026 .SP
1027 .BI "service-exists " service " " version
1028 (For
1029 .BR SVCCLAIM .)
1030 Another client is already providing the stated
1031 .I version
1032 of the
1033 .IR service .
1034 .SP
1035 .BI "service-too-old " service " " version
1036 (For
1038 and
1040 Only the given
1041 .I version
1042 of the requested
1043 .I service
1044 is available, which does not meet the stated requirements.
1045 .SP
1046 .BI "tag-exists " tag
1047 (For long-running commands.) The named
1048 .I tag
1049 is already the tag of an outstanding job.
1050 .SP
1051 .BI "unknown-command " token
1052 The command
1053 .I token
1054 was not recognized.
1055 .SP
1056 .BI "unknown-jobid " jobid
1057 (For
1058 .BR SVCOK ,
1059 .BR SVCFAIL ,
1060 and
1061 .BR SVCINFO .)
1062 The token
1063 .I jobid
1064 is not recognized as identifying an outstanding job. It may have just
1065 been cancelled.
1066 .SP
1067 .BI "unknown-peer " name
1068 (For
1069 .BR ADDR ,
1070 .BR IFNAME ,
1071 .BR KILL ,
1073 and
1074 .BR STATS .)
1075 There is no peer called
1076 .IR name .
1077 .SP
1078 .BI "unknown-port " port
1079 (For
1080 .BR ADD .)
1081 The port name
1082 .I port
1083 couldn't be found in
1084 .BR /etc/services .
1085 .TP
1086 .BI "unknown-service " service
1087 (For
1091 and
1093 The token
1094 .I service
1095 is not recognized as the name of a client-provided service.
1096 .TP
1097 .BI "unknown-tag " tag
1098 (For
1099 .BR BGCANCEL .)
1100 The given
1101 .I tag
1102 is not the tag for any outstanding background job. It may have just
1103 finished.
1104 .
1105 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1107 .
1108 .\"* 30 Notification broadcasts (NOTE codes)
1109 The following notifications are sent to clients who request them.
1110 .SP
1111 .BI "ADD " peer " " ifname " " address \fR...
1112 A new peer has been added. The peer's name is
1113 .IR peer ,
1114 its tunnel is network interface
1115 .IR ifname ,
1116 and its network address is
1117 .IR address .
1118 .SP
1119 .BI "DAEMON"
1120 The server has forked off into the sunset and become a daemon.
1121 .SP
1122 .BI "GREET " challenge " " address \fR...
1123 A valid greeting was received, with the given challenge (exactly as it
1124 was returned by
1126 earlier).
1127 .SP
1128 .BI "KILL " peer
1129 The peer
1130 .I peer
1131 has been killed.
1132 .SP
1133 .BI "KXDONE " peer
1134 Key exchange with
1135 .I peer
1136 finished successfully.
1137 .SP
1138 .BI "KXSTART " peer
1139 Key exchange with
1140 .I peer
1141 has begun or restarted. If key exchange keeps failing, this message
1142 will be repeated periodically.
1143 .SP
1144 .BI "NEWADDR " peer " " address
1145 The given mobile
1146 .IR peer 's
1147 IP address has been changed to
1148 .IR address .
1149 .SP
1150 .BI "NEWIFNAME " peer " " old-name " " new-name
1151 The given
1152 .IR peer 's
1153 tunnel interface name has been changed from
1154 .I old-name
1155 to
1156 .IR new-name ,
1157 as a result of a
1159 command.
1160 .SP
1161 .BI "SVCCLAIM " service " " version
1162 The named
1163 .I service
1164 is now available, at the stated
1165 .IR version .
1166 .SP
1167 .BI "SVCRELEASE " service
1168 The named
1169 .I service
1170 is no longer available.
1171 .SP
1172 .BI "USER " tokens\fR...
1173 An administration client issued a notification using the
1174 .B NOTIFY
1175 command.
1176 .
1177 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1179 .
1180 .\"* 40 Warning broadcasts (WARN codes)
1181 .\"+sep
1182 There are many possible warnings. They are categorized according to
1183 their first tokens.
1184 .PP
1185 Many of these warnings report system errors. These are reported as a
1186 pair of tokens, described below as
1187 .I ecode
1188 and
1189 .IR message .
1190 The
1191 .I ecode
1192 is a string of the form
1193 .BI E number
1194 giving the
1195 .BR errno (3)
1196 value of the error; the
1197 .I message
1198 is the `human-readable' form of the message, as reported by
1199 .BR strerror (3).
1200 .SS "ABORT warnings"
1201 These all indicate that the
1202 .B tripe
1203 server has become unable to continue. If enabled, the server will dump
1204 core in its configuration directory.
1205 .SP
1206 .BI "ABORT repeated-select-errors"
1207 The main event loop is repeatedly failing. If the server doesn't quit,
1208 it will probably waste all available CPU doing nothing.
1209 .SS "ADMIN warnings"
1210 These indicate a problem with the administration socket interface.
1211 .SP
1212 .BI "ADMIN accept-error " ecode " " message
1213 There was an error while attempting to accept a connection from a new
1214 client.
1215 .SP
1216 .BI "ADMIN client-write-error " ecode " " message
1217 There was an error sending data to a client. The connection to the
1218 client has been closed.
1219 .SS "CHAL warnings"
1220 These indicate errors in challenges, either in the
1222 command or in greeting packets.
1223 .SP
1224 .B "CHAL impossible-challenge"
1225 The server hasn't issued any challenges yet. Quite how anyone else
1226 thought he could make one up is hard to imagine.
1227 .SP
1228 .B "CHAL incorrect-tag"
1229 Challenge received contained the wrong authentication data. It might be
1230 very stale, or a forgery.
1231 .SP
1232 .B "CHAL invalid-challenge"
1233 Challenge received was the wrong length. We might have changed MAC
1234 algorithms since the challenge was issued, or it might just be rubbish.
1235 .SP
1236 .B "CHAL replay duplicated-sequence"
1237 Challenge received was a definite replay of an old challenge. Someone's
1238 up to something!
1239 .SP
1240 .B "CHAL replay old-sequence"
1241 Challenge received was old, but maybe not actually a replay. Try again.
1242 .SS "KEYMGMT warnings"
1243 These indicate a problem with the keyring files, or the keys stored in
1244 them. The first token is either
1245 .B private-keyring
1246 or
1247 .B public-keyring
1248 (notated
1249 .IB which -keyring
1250 in the descriptions below) indicating which keyring file is problematic,
1251 and the second token is the filename of the keyring. Frequently a key
1252 tag may be given next, preceded by the token
1253 .BR key .
1254 .SP
1255 .BI "KEYMGMT private-keyring " file " key " tag " incorrect-public-key"
1256 The private key doesn't record the correct corresponding public key.
1257 .SP
1258 .BI "KEYMGMT public-keyring " file " key " tag " algorithm-mismatch"
1259 A peer's public key doesn't request the same algorithms as our private
1260 key.
1261 .SP
1262 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " bad-tag-length " len
1263 The key attributes specify the length of MAC tag as
1264 .I len
1265 but this is an invalid value \(en either too large or not a multiple of
1266 eight.
1267 .SP
1268 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " bad-tag-length-string " str
1269 The key attributes contain
1270 .I str
1271 where a MAC tag length was expected. The key was generated wrongly.
1272 .SP
1273 .BI "KEYMGMT private-keyring " file " key " tag " changed-group"
1274 The private keyring has been changed, but the new private key can't be
1275 used because it uses a different group for Diffie\(enHellman key
1276 exchange.
1277 .SP
1278 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " io-error " ecode " " message
1279 A system error occurred while opening or reading the keyring file.
1280 .SP
1281 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " unknown-bulk-transform " bulk
1282 The key specifies the use of an unknown bulk-crypto transform
1283 .IR bulk .
1284 Maybe the key was generated wrongly, or maybe the version of Catacomb
1285 installed is too old.
1286 .SP
1287 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " unknown-cipher " cipher
1288 The key specifies the use of an unknown symmetric encryption algorithm
1289 .IR cipher .
1290 Maybe the key was generated wrongly, or maybe the version of
1291 Catacomb installed is too old.
1292 .SP
1293 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " unknown-group-type " type
1294 The key specifies the use of a Diffie\(enHellman group of an unknown
1295 .IR type .
1296 Maybe the key was generated wrongly, or maybe the version of
1297 .BR tripe (8)
1298 is too old.
1299 .SP
1300 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " unknown-hash " hash
1301 The key specifies the use of an unknown hash function
1302 .IR hash .
1303 Maybe the key was generated wrongly, or maybe the version of Catacomb
1304 installed is too old.
1305 .SP
1306 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " unknown-mac " mac
1307 The key specifies the use of an unknown message authentication code
1308 .IR mac .
1309 Maybe the key was generated wrongly, or maybe the version of Catacomb
1310 installed is too old.
1311 .SP
1312 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " unknown-mgf-cipher " mgf
1313 The key specifies the use of an unknown symmetric encryption function
1314 .I mgf
1315 for mask generation. Maybe the key was generated wrongly, or maybe the
1316 version of Catacomb installed is too old.
1317 .SP
1318 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " unknown-serialization-format " ser
1319 The key specifies the use of an unknown serialization format
1320 .I ser
1321 for hashing group elements. Maybe the key was generated wrongly, or
1322 maybe the version of Catacomb installed is too old.
1323 .SP
1324 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " no-hmac-for-hash " hash
1325 No message authentication code was given explicitly, and there's no
1326 implementation of HMAC for the selected hash function
1327 .IR hash .
1328 .SP
1329 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " " alg " " name " no-key-size " hashsz
1330 The
1331 .I alg
1332 token is either
1333 .B cipher
1334 or
1335 .BR mac .
1336 The named algorithm requires more key material than the hash function
1337 can provide. You must change either the hash function, or the cipher or
1338 MAC.
1339 .SP
1340 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key " tag " mgf " mgf " restrictive-key-schedule"
1341 The cipher selected for mask-generation is unsuitable because it can't
1342 accept arbitrary-sized keys.
1343 .SP
1344 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " key-not-found " tag
1345 A key named
1346 .I tag
1347 couldn't be found in the keyring.
1348 .SP
1349 .BI "KEYMGMT " which "-keyring " file " line " line " " message
1350 The contents of the keyring file are invalid. There may well be a bug
1351 in the
1352 .BR key (1)
1353 program.
1354 .SS "KX warnings"
1355 These indicate problems during key-exchange. Many indicate either a bug
1356 in the server (either yours or the remote one), or some kind of attack
1357 in progress. All name a
1358 .I peer
1359 as the second token: this is the peer the packet is apparently from,
1360 though it may have been sent by an attacker instead.
1361 .PP
1362 In the descriptions below,
1363 .I msgtoken
1364 is one of the tokens
1365 .BR pre-challenge ,
1366 .BR cookie ,
1367 .BR challenge ,
1368 .BR reply ,
1369 .BR switch-rq ,
1370 or
1371 .BR switch-ok .
1372 .SP
1373 .BI "KX " peer " algorithms-mismatch local-private-key " privtag " peer-public-key " pubtag
1374 The algorithms specified in the peer's public key
1375 .I pubtag
1376 don't match the ones described in the private key
1377 .IR privtag .
1378 .SP
1379 .BI "KX " peer " bad-expected-reply-log"
1380 The challenges
1381 .B tripe
1382 uses in its protocol contain a check value which proves that the
1383 challenge is honest. This message indicates that the check value
1384 supplied is wrong: someone is attempting to use bogus challenges to
1385 persuade your
1386 .B tripe
1387 server to leak private key information. No chance!
1388 .SP
1389 .BI "KX " peer " decrypt-failed reply\fR|\fBswitch-ok"
1390 A symmetrically-encrypted portion of a key-exchange message failed to
1391 decrypt.
1392 .SP
1393 .BI "KX " peer " invalid " msgtoken
1394 A key-exchange message was malformed. This almost certainly indicates a
1395 bug somewhere.
1396 .SP
1397 .BI "KX " peer " incorrect cookie\fR|\fBswitch-rq\fR|\fBswitch-ok"
1398 A message didn't contain the right magic data. This may be a replay of
1399 some old exchange, or random packets being sent in an attempt to waste
1400 CPU.
1401 .SP
1402 .BI "KX " peer " " which "-key-expired"
1403 The local private key or the peer's public key (distinguished by
1404 .IR which )
1405 has expired. Either you or the peer's maintainer should have arranged
1406 for a replacement before now.
1407 .SP
1408 .BI "KX " peer " sending-cookie"
1409 We've received too many bogus pre-challenge messages. Someone is trying
1410 to flood us with key-exchange messages and make us waste CPU on doing
1411 hard asymmetric crypto sums.
1412 .SP
1413 .BI "KX " peer " unexpected " msgtoken
1414 The message received wasn't appropriate for this stage of the key
1415 exchange process. This may mean that one of our previous packets got
1416 lost. For
1417 .BR pre-challenge ,
1418 it may simply mean that the peer has recently restarted.
1419 .SP
1420 .BI "KX " peer " unknown-challenge"
1421 The peer is asking for an answer to a challenge which we don't know
1422 about. This may mean that we've been inundated with challenges from
1423 some malicious source
1424 .I who can read our messages
1425 and discarded the valid one.
1426 .SP
1427 .BI "KX " peer " unknown-message 0x" nn
1428 An unknown key-exchange message arrived.
1429 .SS "PEER warnings"
1430 These are largely concerned with management of peers and the low-level
1431 details of the network protocol. The second token is usually the name of
1432 a peer, or
1433 .RB ` \- '
1434 if none is relevant.
1435 .SP
1436 .BI "PEER " peer " bad-packet no-type"
1437 An empty packet arrived. This is very strange.
1438 .SP
1439 .BI "PEER " peer " bad-packet unknown-category 0x" nn
1440 The message category
1441 .I nn
1442 (in hex) isn't understood. Probably a strange random packet from
1443 somewhere; could be an unlikely bug.
1444 .SP
1445 .BI "PEER " peer " bad-packet unknown-type 0x" nn
1446 The message type
1447 .I nn
1448 (in hex) isn't understood. Probably a strange random packet from
1449 somewhere; could be an unlikely bug.
1450 .SP
1451 .BI "PEER " peer " corrupt-encrypted-ping"
1452 The peer sent a ping response which matches an outstanding ping, but its
1453 payload is wrong. There's definitely a bug somewhere.
1454 .SP
1455 .BI "PEER " peer " corrupt-transport-ping"
1456 The peer (apparently) sent a ping response which matches an outstanding
1457 ping, but its payload is wrong. Either there's a bug, or the bad guys
1458 are playing tricks on you.
1459 .SP
1460 .BI "PEER " peer " decrypt-failed"
1461 An encrypted IP packet failed to decrypt. It may have been mangled in
1462 transit, or may be a very old packet from an expired previous session
1463 key. There is usually a considerable overlap in the validity periods of
1464 successive session keys, so this shouldn't occur unless the key exchange
1465 takes ages or fails.
1466 .SP
1467 .BI "PEER " peer " malformed-encrypted-ping"
1468 The peer sent a ping response which is hopelessly invalid. There's
1469 definitely a bug somewhere.
1470 .SP
1471 .BI "PEER " peer " malformed-transport-ping"
1472 The peer (apparently) sent a ping response which is hopelessly invalid.
1473 Either there's a bug, or the bad guys are playing tricks on you.
1474 .SP
1475 .BI "PEER " peer " packet-build-failed"
1476 There wasn't enough space in our buffer to put the packet we wanted to
1477 send. Shouldn't happen.
1478 .SP
1479 .BI "PEER \- socket-read-error " ecode " " message
1480 An error occurred trying to read an incoming packet.
1481 .SP
1482 .BI "PEER " peer " socket-write-error " ecode " " message
1483 An error occurred attempting to send a network packet. We lost that
1484 one.
1485 .SP
1486 .BI "PEER " peer " unexpected-encrypted-ping 0x" id
1487 The peer sent an encrypted ping response whose id doesn't match any
1488 outstanding ping. Maybe it was delayed for longer than the server was
1489 willing to wait, or maybe the peer has gone mad.
1490 .SP
1491 .BI "PEER \- unexpected-source " address\fR...
1492 A packet arrived from
1493 .I address
1494 (a network address \(en see above), but no peer is known at that
1495 address. This may indicate a misconfiguration, or simply be a result of
1496 one end of a connection being set up before the other.
1497 .SP
1498 .BI "PEER " peer " unexpected-transport-ping 0x" id
1499 The peer (apparently) sent a transport ping response whose id doesn't
1500 match any outstanding ping. Maybe it was delayed for longer than the
1501 server was willing to wait, or maybe the peer has gone mad; or maybe
1502 there are bad people trying to confuse you.
1503 .SS "SERVER warnings"
1504 These indicate problems concerning the server process as a whole.
1505 .SP
1506 .BI "SERVER ignore signal " name
1507 A signal arrived, but the server ignored it. Currently this happens for
1508 .B SIGHUP
1509 because that's a popular way of telling daemons to re-read their
1510 configuration files. Since
1511 .B tripe
1512 re-reads its keyrings automatically and has no other configuration
1513 files, it's not relevant, but it seemed better to ignore the signal than
1514 let the server die.
1515 .SP
1516 .BI "SERVER quit signal " \fR[\fInn\fR|\fIname\fR]
1517 A signal arrived and
1518 .B tripe
1519 is going to quit.
1520 .SP
1521 .BI "SERVER quit admin-request"
1522 A client of the administration interface issued a
1523 .B QUIT
1524 command.
1525 .SP
1526 .BI "SERVER quit foreground-eof"
1527 The server is running in foreground mode (the
1528 .B \-F
1529 option), and encountered end-of-file on standard input.
1530 .SP
1531 .BI "SERVER select-error " ecode " " message
1532 An error occurred in the server's main event loop. This is bad: if it
1533 happens too many times, the server will abort.
1534 .SS "SYMM warnings"
1535 These are concerned with the symmetric encryption and decryption
1536 process.
1537 .SP
1538 .BI "SYMM replay old-sequence"
1539 A packet was received with an old sequence number. It may just have
1540 been delayed or duplicated, or it may have been an attempt at a replay
1541 attack.
1542 .SP
1543 .BI "SYMM replay duplicated-sequence"
1544 A packet was received with a sequence number we've definitely seen
1545 before. It may be an accidental duplication because the 'net is like
1546 that, or a deliberate attempt at a replay.
1547 .SS "TUN warnings"
1548 These concern the workings of the system-specific tunnel driver. The
1549 second token is the name of the tunnel interface in question, or
1550 .RB ` \- '
1551 if none.
1552 .SP
1553 .BI "TUN \- bsd no-tunnel-devices"
1554 The driver couldn't find an available tunnel device. Maybe if you
1555 create some more
1556 .BI /dev/tun nn
1557 files, it will work.
1558 .SP
1559 .BI "TUN \- " tun-name " open-error " device " " ecode " " message
1560 An attempt to open the tunnel device file
1561 .I device
1562 failed.
1563 .SP
1564 .BI "TUN \- linux config-error " ecode " " message
1565 Configuring the Linux TUN/TAP interface failed.
1566 .SP
1567 .BI "TUN " ifname " " tun-name " read-error " ecode " " message
1568 Reading from the tunnel device failed.
1569 .SP
1570 .BI "TUN " ifname " " tun-name " write-error " ecode " " message
1571 Writing from the tunnel device failed.
1572 .SP
1573 .BI "TUN " ifname " slip bad-escape"
1574 The SLIP driver encountered a escaped byte it wasn't expecting to see.
1575 The erroneous packet will be ignored.
1576 .SP
1577 .BI "TUN " ifname " slip eof"
1578 The SLIP driver encountered end-of-file on its input descriptor.
1579 Pending data is discarded, and no attempt is made to read any more data
1580 from that interface ever.
1581 .SP
1582 .BI "TUN " ifname " slip escape-end"
1583 The SLIP driver encountered an escaped `end' marker. This probably
1584 means that someone's been sending it junk. The erroneous packet is
1585 discarded, and we hope that we've rediscovered synchronization.
1586 .SP
1587 .BI "TUN \- slip fork-error " ecode " " message
1588 The SLIP driver encountered an error forking a child process while
1589 allocating a new dynamic interface.
1590 .SP
1591 .BI "TUN \- slip no-slip-interfaces"
1592 The driver ran out of static SLIP interfaces. Either preallocate more,
1593 or use dynamic SLIP interface allocation.
1594 .SP
1595 .BI "TUN " ifname " slip overflow"
1596 The SLIP driver gave up reading a packet because it got too large.
1597 .SP
1598 .BI "TUN \- slip pipe-error " ecode " " message
1599 The SLIP driver encountered an error creating pipes while allocating a
1600 new dynamic interface.
1601 .SP
1602 .BI "TUN \- slip read-ifname-failed " ecode " " message
1603 The SLIP driver encountered an error reading the name of a dynamically
1604 allocated interface. Maybe the allocation script is broken.
1605 .SP
1606 .BI "TUN \- unet config-error " ecode " " message
1607 Configuring the Linux Unet interface failed. Unet is obsolete and
1608 shouldn't be used any more.
1609 .SP
1610 .BI "TUN \- unet getinfo-error " ecode " " message
1611 Reading information about the Unet interface failed. Unet is obsolete
1612 and shouldn't be used any more.
1613 .SS "USER warnings"
1614 These are issued by administration clients using the
1615 .B WARN
1616 command.
1617 .SP
1618 .BI "USER " tokens\fR...
1619 An administration client issued a warning.
1620 .\"-sep
1621 .
1622 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1623 .SH "SUMMARY"
1624 .
1625 .SS "Command responses"
1626 .nf
1627 .BI "BGDETACH " tag
1628 .BI "BGFAIL " tag " " tokens \fR...
1629 .BI "BGINFO " tag " " tokens \fR...
1630 .BI "BGOK " tag
1631 .BI "FAIL " tokens \fR...
1632 .BI "INFO " tokens \fR...
1633 .B OK
1634 .fi
1635 .\"= summary
1636 .
1637 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1638 .SH "SEE ALSO"
1639 .
1640 .BR tripectl (1),
1641 .BR tripe (8).
1642 .PP
1643 .IR "The Trivial IP Encryption Protocol" .
1644 .
1645 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1646 .SH "AUTHOR"
1647 .
1648 Mark Wooding, <>
1649 .
1650 .\"----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------