doc/tripe-protocol.tex: Much protocol documentation.
[tripe] / doc / tripe-protocol.tex
1 %%% -*- mode: LaTeX; TeX-PDF-mode: t -*-
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3 %%% The TrIPE protocol specification
4 %%%
5 %%% (c) 2017 Straylight/Edgeware
6 %%%
8 %%%----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 %%%
10 %%% This file is part of Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE).
11 %%%
12 %%% TrIPE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
13 %%% the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
14 %%% Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
15 %%% option) any later version.
16 %%%
17 %%% TrIPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
18 %%% ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
19 %%% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
20 %%% for more details.
21 %%%
22 %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 %%% along with TrIPE. If not, see <>.
25 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 %%% Preamble.
28 \documentclass[a4paper, article, numbering]{strayman}
29 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
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31 \usepackage[palatino, helvetica, courier, maths=cmr]{mdwfonts}
32 \usepackage{longtable}
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39 \usepackage{crypto}
41 \bibliographystyle{mdwalpha}
42 \numberwithin{table}{section}
44 \title{TrIPE: The Trivial IP Encryption protocol}
45 \author{Mark Wooding}
46 %%\date{incomplete}
48 \let\len\ell
49 \let\phi\varphi
50 \let\emptyset\varnothing
51 \let\emptystring\varepsilon
52 \let\len\ell
53 \let\octet\Sigma
54 \def\syms{\mathbb{Y}}
55 \def\lift#1{\lfloor#1\rfloor}
56 \def\padm#1{\hbox{\kern1pt #1}}
57 \def\upto{\mathbin{.\,.}}
58 \def\hex#1{\texttt{#1}_x}
59 \def\PP{\mathbb{P}}
60 \def\bit{\mathop{\mathrm{bit}}\nolimits}
61 \def\bitand{\mathord{\&}}
62 \def\bitor{\mathbin{|}}
63 \def\t{\cookie{t}}
64 \def\nil{\cookie{nil}}
66 \def\fixme#1{\leavevmode\marginpar{FIXME}[FIXME: #1]}
68 \newenvironment{aside}
69 {\begin{list}{}{\rightmargin=0pt}\footnotesize\item\relax}
70 {\end{list}}
72 \errorcontextlines=99
74 \begin{document}
76 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 \maketitle
79 \thispagestyle{empty}
81 \begin{abstract}
82 This document specifies the TrIPE protocol for IP encryption.
84 TrIPE is a fairly simple protocol which allows a pair of hosts to exchange
85 short messages, typically IP datagrams, over a hostile network while
86 maintaining the properties of \emph{secrecy} and \emph{integrity}; i.e.,
87 that the content of the messages cannot be determined by eavesdroppers on
88 the network, and that either endpoint can determine whether a message
89 received is an unaltered copy of one that was sent by the other.
91 The protocol is simple enough for a proof of security in the random-oracle
92 model.
93 \end{abstract}
95 \tableofcontents
97 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro}
100 TrIPE, or `Trivial IP Encryption', is a protocol designed for the secure (but
101 unreliable) transmission of IP datagrams over a hostile network between a
102 pair of hosts, named \emph{peers}. Specifically, it has the following
103 properties.
104 \begin{itemize}
105 \item \emph{Secrecy}: an adversary cannot determine anything about the
106 content of transmitted messages, except for their lengths.
107 \item \emph{Integrity}: a recipient can verify that a message received is an
108 unaltered copy of a message sent by its peer, and which has not previously
109 been received.
110 \item \emph{Symmetry}: in the base protocol, the two peers behave
111 identically, which simplifies implementation and analysis. Some ancillary
112 portions of the protocol are asymmetric, in order to deal with asymmetry in
113 the environment.
114 \end{itemize}
117 \subsection{Overview} \label{sec:intro.overview}
119 The TrIPE protocol is used between a pair of \emph{peers}. Neither peer is
120 distinguished in any way: there is no notion of `initiator' or `responder'.
122 Each peer has an asymmetric key pair, consisting of a \emph{private key}
123 which should be known only to the peer itself, and a matching \emph{public
124 key} which must be known by other peers.
126 The TrIPE protocol contains no messages for negotiating options such as
127 cryptographic algorithms or network parameters, and there is no exchange of
128 certificates. It is assumed that administrators configure their
129 implementations with the necessary knowledge about the peers with which they
130 wish to communicate.
132 The protocol has two main parts.
133 \begin{itemize}
134 \item The \emph{key-exchange} subprotocol (\xref{sec:keyexch}) makes use of
135 the peers' public and private keys to establish \emph{keyset}, known to the
136 peers themselves but not to an adversary in control of the network.
137 \item The \emph{bulk transfer} (\xref{sec:xfer}) subprotocol uses keysets
138 established using the key-exchange protocol to transfer messages between
139 the peers.
140 \end{itemize}
141 In addition, there are a few minor subprotocols for various special effects.
143 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 \section{Preliminaries} \label{sec:prelim}
146 \subsection{Bits} \label{sec:prelim.bit}
148 A \emph{bit} is an element of the set $\{ 0, 1 \}$.
150 The elementary operators $\bitand$ (`and'), $\bitor$ (`or'), and $\xor$
151 (`exclusive-or', or just `xor') are defined on bits as shown in
152 \xref{tab:prelim.bit.ops}.
153 \begin{table}
154 \begin{tabular}[C]{|cc|ccc|} \hlx{hv}
155 $a$ & $b$ & $a \bitand b$ & $a \bitor b$ & $a \xor b$ \\ \hlx{vhv}
156 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \hlx{v}
157 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \hlx{v}
158 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ \hlx{v}
159 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \hlx{vh}
160 \end{tabular}
161 \caption{Elementary bit operators} \label{tab:prelim.bit.ops}
162 \end{table}
164 Let $n$ be an integer. For $i \ge 0$, define $\bit_i n \in \{ 0, 1 \}$ such
165 that, for any $N \ge 0$,
166 \[ n \equiv \sum_{0\le i<N} 2^i \bit_i n \pmod{2^N} \padm. \]
167 Let $(b_i)_{i\ge0}$ be an infinite sequence of bits. If this sequence
168 \emph{converges} -- i.e., there exists some $N \ge 0$ such that $b_i = b_N$
169 for all $i \ge N$ -- then there exists a unique integer $n$ -- specifically,
170 $n = \sum_{0\le i<N} 2^i b_i - 2^N b_N$ -- such that $\bit_i n = b_i$ for all
171 $i \ge 0$. The sequence of bits corresponding to an integer is called its
172 \emph{two's complement representation}.
174 Let $m$ and $n$ be integers. For each elementary bit operator~$\circ$,
175 define $m \circ n$ to be the unique integer~$r$ such that $\bit_i r = \bit_i
176 m \circ \bit_i n$.
179 \subsection{Octet strings} \label{sec:prelim.string}
181 An \emph{octet} is an integer between~0 and~255 inclusive; formally, define
182 $\octet = \{ 0, 1, \ldots, 255 \}$.
184 An \emph{octet string} is a finite sequence of octets. Define $\octet^n$ to
185 be the set of $n$-octet strings, Formally, define $\octet^0 = \emptystring$,
186 where $\emptystring$ denotes the empty string, and $\octet^n = \octet \times
187 \octet^{n-1}$ for $n > 0$. The set of all octet strings is $\octet^* =
188 \bigcup_{i\ge0} \octet^i$.
190 Let $x, y \in \octet^*$ be octet strings. The \emph{length} of $x$, denoted
191 $\len(x)$, is the unique $n$ such that $x \in \octet^n$.
193 For any $0 \le i < \len(x)$, define the \emph{$i$th octet} of $x$ as follows.
194 If $x = \emptystring$ then this is not well-defined. Otherwise, we have $x =
195 (a, y)$ with $a \in \octet$ and $y \in \octet^{\len(x)-1}$. Inductively
196 define $x[0] = a$, and $x[i] = y[i - 1]$ for $1 \le i < \len(x)$.
198 When $x_i \in \octet$ for $0 \le i < n$, then $[x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1}]$
199 denotes the octet string $x \in \octet^n$ such that $\len(a) = n$ and $x[i] =
200 x_i$ for $0 \le i < n$. A text string in monospace type surrounded by
201 double-quote marks \texttt{"}\dots\texttt{"} denotes the octet string
202 containing the corresponding ASCII code points; e.g., \texttt{"example"}
203 denotes the octet string $[101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101]$.
204 \begin{aside}
205 Double quotes themselves do not occur within such strings in this
206 specification, so the issue of escaping does not arise.
207 \end{aside}
209 If $\ell$ and $n$ are integers with $0 \le n < 256^\ell$, then $[n]_\ell$
210 denotes the $\ell$-digit big-endian base-256 encoding of $n$. Specifically,
211 $a = [n]_\ell$ is the unique octet string such that $\len(a) = \ell$ and
212 \[ n = \sum_{0\le i<\ell} 2^{8i} a[\ell - i - 1] \padm. \]
213 Similarly, $[n]'_\ell$ denotes the $\ell$-digit little-endian base-256
214 encoding of $n$; specifically, $a = [n]'_\ell$ is the unique octet string
215 such that $\len(a) = \ell$ and
216 \[ n = \sum_{0\le i<\ell} 2^{8i} a[i] \padm. \]
218 The \emph{concatenation} of $x$ and $y$, denoted $x \cat y$, is the octet
219 string $z$ such that $\len(z) = \len(x) + \len(y)$, and $z[i] = x[i]$ if $0
220 \le i < \len(x)$, or $z[i] = y[i - \len(x)]$ if $\len(x) \le i < \len(z)$.
222 If $n \ge 0$, the \emph{$n$-fold repetition of $x$}, denoted $x^n$, consists
223 of $n$ copies of $x$ concatenated together. Formally, $x^0 = \emptystring$,
224 and $x^n = x^{n-1} \cat x$ if $n \ge 1$.
226 If $0 \le i \le j \le \len(x)$, then the \emph{substring} of $x$
227 \emph{between $i$ and $j$}, denoted $x[i \upto j]$, is the octet string $z$
228 of length $j - i$ such that $z[k] = x[k - i]$ for $0 \le k < j - i$. It is
229 always the case that $x = x[0 \upto i] \cat x[i \upto j] \cat x[j \upto
230 \len(x)]$.
232 For each elementary bit operator $\circ$ defined in
233 \xref{tab:prelim.bit.ops}, and each pair of octet strings $x$ and $y$ of
234 equal length, define $x \circ y$ to be the octet string $z$ such that
235 $\len(z) = \len(x) = \len(y)$ and $z[i] = x[i] \circ y[i]$ for $0 \le i <
236 \len(z)$.
239 \subsection{Integers} \label{sec:prelim.integer}
241 Define the \emph{length} $\len(n)$ of a nonnegative integer $n \in \N$ as
242 follows: if $n = 0$ then $\len(n) = 1$; otherwise, $\len(n)$ is the unique
243 integer $\ell$ such that $256^{\ell-1} \le n < 256^\ell$.
245 Numbers written in monospace type with a subscript~$x$ are in hexadecimal;
246 the digits \texttt{0}--\texttt{9} have their usual values, and letters
247 \texttt{a}--\texttt{f} have values 10--15. For example, $\hex{9c} = 156$.
250 \subsection{Symbols} \label{sec:prelim.symbol}
252 A \emph{symbol} is an object with no properties other than its distinctive
253 identity, and no operations other than comparison for equality. Symbols are
254 written as a name in monospace type, e.g., \cookie{example}. A symbol's name
255 exists only to allow a human reader to distinguish it from other symbols.
257 The set of symbols is denoted $\syms$. If $A$ is a set disjoint from
258 $\syms$, then $\lift{A} = A \cup \syms$.
261 \subsection{Encodings} \label{sec:prelim.encode}
263 An \emph{encoding}~$C$ on some set of values $S$ is defined by a pair of
264 operations, as follows.
265 \begin{itemize}
266 \item An \emph{encoding operation}~$C.\id{enc}$. Given a value $x \in S$,
267 $C.\id{enc}$ encodes it as an octet string $a = C.\id{enc}(x) \in
268 \octet^*$.
269 \item A \emph{decoding operation}~$C.\id{dec}$. Given a string $a \in
270 \octet^*$, $C.\id{dec}$ returns a pair $(x, a') = C.\id{dec}(a)$: if the
271 operation succeeded, then $x \in S$ is the decoded value, and $a' \in
272 \octet^*$ is the remaining suffix of~$a$; otherwise $x =
273 \cookie{err-malformed}$ and $a' = \emptystring$.
274 \end{itemize}
275 Hence, the possible encodings of values form a prefix-free set of strings.
276 Furthermore, for any $a' \in \octet^*$ and $x \in S$, it must be the case
277 that $x, a' = \id{dec}(\id{enc}(x) \cat a')$.
279 This specification does not define decoding operations explicitly; their
280 behaviour is unambiguously determined by the corresponding encoding
281 operations.
283 \subsubsection{I2VOSP}
284 The encoding $\id{i2vosp}$ represents an integer ~$n$ in the range $0 \le n <
285 2^{524288}$ as a variable-length sequence of octets in big-endian order.
286 Specifically, $\id{i2vosp}.\id{enc}(n) = [\len(n)]_2 \cat [n]_{\len(n)}$,
287 which is well-defined because $0 < \len(n) < 65536$.
289 \subsubsection{FE2IP}
290 Given an element $x$ of a finite field $\gf{q}$, the function $\id{fe2ip}$
291 determines a unique integer such that $0 \le \id{fe2ip}(x) < q$.
292 \begin{aside}
293 Note that, unlike the other definitions in this section, $\id{fe2ip}$ is a
294 plain function, and not an encoding.
295 \end{aside}
297 If $q$ is prime, then $\gf{q} = \Z/q\Z$: let $\phi_q$ be the unique ring
298 homomorphism from $\Z$ to $\gf{q}$, and define $\id{fe2ip}(x)$ to be the
299 unique integer $n$ such that $0 \le n < q$ and $x = \phi_q(n)$.
301 Otherwise, $q = r^m$ for some prime power $r$ and an integer $m > 1$. Fix an
302 ordered basis $\{ u_0, u_1, \ldots, u_{m-1} \}$ for $\gf{q}$ as a vector
303 space over $\gf{r}$.
304 \begin{aside}
305 This is often a polynomial basis: if $u(t) = u_0 + u_1 t + \cdots + u_{m-1}
306 t^{m-1} + t^m$ is a monic irreducible polynomial of degree~$m$ over
307 $\gf{r}$, then $\{ u_0, u_1, \cdots, u_{m-1} \}$ is a suitable basis,
308 representing $\gf{q}$ as the quotient ring $\gf{r}[t]/(u(t))$. Other
309 representations are also possible.
311 In practice, this case occurs when dealing with elliptic curves, and the
312 specification for a curve over a non-prime field will include a description
313 of the field representation sufficient to apply this definition.
314 \end{aside}
315 Then any element $x \in \gf{q}$ can be written uniquely as a sum
316 \[ x = \sum_{0\le i<m} u_i x_i \padm, \]
317 where $x_i \in \gf{r}$ for $0 \le i < m$. Inductively define
318 \[ \id{fe2ip}(x) = \sum_{0\le i<m} r^i \id{fe2ip}(x_i) \padm. \]
319 \begin{aside}
320 On the left, \id{fe2ip} is working in the extension field $\gf{q}$; on the
321 right, \id{fe2ip} is working in the subfield $\gf{r}$.
322 \end{aside}
323 Inductively, we will have $0 \le \id{fe2ip}(x_i) < r$, and hence $0 \le x <
324 r^m = q$.
326 \subsubsection{FE2OSP}
327 The encoding $\id{fe2osp}$ represents a field element~$x \in \gf{q}$ as a
328 fixed-length sequence of octets. Specifically, $\id{fe2osp}.\id{enc}(x) =
329 [\id{fe2ip}(x)]_{\len(q-1)}$.
331 \subsubsection{FE2VOSP}
332 The encoding $\id{fe2vosp}$ represents a field element~$x \in \gf{q}$ as a
333 variable-length sequence of octets; its use is deprecated. Specifically,
334 $\id{fe2vosp}.\id{enc}(x) = \id{i2vosp}.\id{enc}(\id{fe2ip}(x))$.
336 \subsubsection{EC2OSP}
337 The encoding $\id{ec2osp}$ represents a (homogeneous) projective point $Q =
338 (X : Y : Z)$ on an elliptic curve $E(k)$ over some finite field $k$ as a
339 sequence of octets. For finite points, i.e., where $Z \ne 0$, this encoding
340 is fixed-length, which is good enough. If $Z = 0$, the encoding is simply
341 $\id{ec2osp}.\id{enc}(Q) = [0]$, i.e., a single zero octet. Otherwise, let
342 $x = X/Z$ and $y = Y/Z$; then $\id{ec2osp}.\id{enc}(Q) = [4] \cat
343 \id{fe2osp}.\id{enc}(x) \cat \id{fe2osp}.\id{enc}(y)$.
345 \subsubsection{EC2VOSP}
346 The encoding $\id{ec2osp}$ represents a (homogeneous) projective point $Q =
347 (X : Y : Z)$ on an elliptic curve $E(k)$ over some finite field $k$ as a
348 variable-length sequence of octets; its use is deprecated. If $Z = 0$, the
349 encoding is simply $\id{ec2vosp}.\id{enc}(Q) = [0, 0]$, i.e., two zero
350 octets. Otherwise, let $x = X/Z$ and $y = Y/Z$; then
351 $\id{ec2vosp}.\id{enc}(Q) = \id{fe2vosp}(x) \cat \id{fe2vosp}(y)$.
352 \begin{aside}
353 This is unambiguous since the first two octets of an encoding constructed
354 by $\id{i2vosp}$ are not both zero.
355 \end{aside}
358 \subsection{Hash functions} \label{sec:prelim.hash}
360 A cryptographic \emph{hash function} maps input octet strings, to
361 fixed-length outputs, called \emph{hashes} or, sometimes, \emph{digests}.
362 \begin{aside}
363 Hash functions used in practice often have large but finite limits on the
364 lengths of input they can process; e.g., SHA256 can process inputs of up to
365 $2^{61}$ octets. TrIPE does not need to hash messages anywhere near this
366 large, so this specification ignores this detail.
367 \end{aside}
369 Hash functions are not keyed, which makes expressing the desired security
370 properties difficult. The formal analysis of TrIPE models hash functions as
371 a (non-programmable) \emph{random oracle} -- a magic box to which all
372 parties, including the adversary, have access, which returns for each
373 possible input an independent, uniformly distributed, random result, subject
374 only to the requirement that it return the same result if queried again at
375 the same input string. Clearly, no fixed function with a simple description
376 can possibly instantiate a random oracle.
378 Certainly, the traditional requirements of preimage resistance,
379 second-preimage resistance, and collision resistance are necessary, but far
380 from sufficient.
382 A hash function~$H$ consists of the following operations and parameters.
383 \begin{itemize}
384 \item A \emph{hash length} $H.\id{hsz} > 0$.
385 \item A \emph{block size}~$H.\id{bsz}$. If the hash function processes
386 inputs in fixed-length `blocks', then $H.\id{bsz}$ is the length of these
387 blocks (e.g., SHA512 acts on 128-octet blocks). If the hash function does
388 not process input in fixed-length blocks, then $H.\id{bsz} = 0$.
389 \item A \emph{hash operation}~$H.\id{hash}$. For any \emph{message} $x \in
390 \octet^*$, $H.\id{hash}$ calculates and returns a \emph{hash} $h =
391 H.\id{hash}(x) \in \octet^{H.\id{hsz}}$.
392 \end{itemize}
394 \subsubsection{RIPEMD-160}
395 The RIPEMD-160 function is defined in \cite{Bosselaers:1997:RCH}. The
396 function $\id{ripemd-160}.\id{hash}$ is the function defined there;
397 $\id{ripemd-160}.\id{hsz} = 20$ and $\id{ripemd-160}.\id{bsz} = 64$.
399 \subsubsection{SHA256 and SHA512}
400 The SHA256 and SHA512 functions are defined in FIPS~180--4
401 \cite{Anonymous:2012:SHS}. The function $\id{sha256}.\id{hash}$ is the
402 function defined there as SHA256; $\id{sha256}.\id{hsz} = 32$ and
403 $\id{sha256.bsz} = 64$. Similarly, the function $\id{sha512}.\id{hash}$ is
404 the function defined there as SHA512; $\id{sha512}.\id{hsz} = 64$ and
405 $\id{sha512.bsz} = 128$.
407 \subsubsection{SHA3}
408 The SHA3 family of functions is defined in FIPS~202 \cite{NIST:2015:SSP}.
409 For each $w \in \{ 224, 256, 384, 512 \}$, $H = \id{sha3}(w)$ is a hash
410 function as follows: $H.\id{hash}$ is the function SHA3-$w$ defined in
411 \cite{NIST:2015:SSP}, $H.\id{hsz} = w/8$, and $H.\id{bsz} = 200 - w/8$.
414 \subsection{Mask-generation function} \label{sec:prelim.mgf}
416 Let $H$ be a hash function, let $x \in \octet^*$, and let $0 \le n < 2^{32}
417 H.\id{hsz}$. Define $\id{mgf}(H, x, n)$ by
418 \begin{itemize}
419 \item $\id{mgf}(H, x, 0) = \emptystring$;
420 \item $\id{mgf}(H, x, i \cdot H.\id{hsz}) = \id{mgf}(H, x, (i - 1)
421 H.\id{hsz}) \cat H(x \cat [i - 1]_4)$ for $0 < i < 2^{32}$; and
422 \item $\id{mgf}(H, x, i \cdot H.\id{hsz} + j) = \id{mgf}(H, x, i \cdot
423 H.\id{hsz}) \cat H(x \cat [i]_4)[0 \upto j]$ for $0 < i < 2^{32}$ and $0 <
424 j < H.\id{hsz}$.
425 \end{itemize}
428 \subsection{Blockciphers} \label{sec:prelim.prp}
430 A \emph{blockcipher}, also known as a \emph{pseudorandom permutation}
431 (PRP), is a family of permutations, indexed by a \emph{key}, all acting on
432 the set of octet strings of some fixed length.
434 A blockcipher~$B$ consists of the following operations and parameters.
435 \begin{itemize}
436 \item A \emph{key size} $B.\id{ksz} \ge 0$.
437 \item A \emph{block size} $B.\id{bsz} > 0$.
438 \item An \emph{encryption operation}~$B.E$. Given a \emph{key} $K \in
439 \octet^{B.\id{ksz}}$ and an input string $x \in \octet^{B.\id{bsz}}$, $B.E$
440 calculates and returns a result $y \in \octet^{B.\id{bsz}}$.
441 \item An \emph{decryption operation}~$B.D$. Given a \emph{key} $K \in
442 \octet^{B.\id{ksz}}$ and an input string $y \in \octet^{B.\id{bsz}}$, $B.D$
443 calculates and returns a result $x \in \octet^{B.\id{bsz}}$. For any $K$,
444 $B.D(K, \cdot)$ must be the inverse of $B.E(K, \cdot)$, i.e., for all $K
445 \in \octet^{B.\id{ksz}}$ and all $x \in \octet^{B.\id{bsz}}$, it holds that
446 $B.D(K, B.E(K, x)) = x$.
447 \end{itemize}
448 \begin{aside}
449 Blockcipher designs frequently offer a range of key sizes rather than just
450 a single fixed size; e.g., AES offers 16-, 24-, and 32-octet keys. This
451 specification treats such designs as a family of blockciphers, one for each
452 distinct key size.
453 \end{aside}
455 The security requirement on blockciphers is that no efficient adversary can
456 distinguish an oracle which implements $B.E$ using a randomly-chosen key from
457 one which implements a randomly chosen permutation on the same set of
458 strings, except with negligible probability.
460 \subsubsection{Twofish}
461 The Twofish blockcipher is defined in \cite{Schneier:1999:TEAb}. If $k \in
462 \{ 0, 8, \ldots, 256 \}$ then $B = \id{twofish}(k)$ is a blockcipher defined
463 as follows: the key length is $B.\id{ksz} = k/8$; the block size is
464 $B.\id{bsz} = 16$; the encryption and decryption operations $B.E$ and $B.D$
465 are the Twofish encryption and decryption algorithms defined in
466 \cite{Schneier:1999:TEAb}.
468 \subsubsection{AES (Rijndael)}
469 The AES blockcipher is defined in \cite{FIPS:2001:AES}, and its design
470 explained in \cite{Daemen:2002:DRA}. If $k \in \{ 128, 192, 256 \}$ then $B
471 = \id{aes}(k)$ is a blockcipher defined as follows: the key length is
472 $B.\id{ksz} = k/8$; the block size is $B.\id{bsz} = 16$; the encryption and
473 decryption operations $B.E$ and $B.D$ are the AES encryption and decryption
474 algorithms defined in \cite{FIPS:2001:AES}.
477 \subsection{Salsa20 and ChaCha} \label{sec:prelim.latin}
479 Salsa20 and ChaCha are stream ciphers designed by Bernstein, defined in
480 \cite{Bernstein:2005:SS} and \cite{Bernstein:2008:CVS} (rather tersely)
481 respectively; \cite{Bernstein:2007:SFS} is a later description of Salsa20,
482 including a thorough design rationale, but lacks a formal notation for the
483 core function.
485 If $k \in \octet^{16} \cup \octet^{32}$, and $n \in \octet^{16}$, then
486 \cite{Bernstein:2005:SS} defines $\mathrm{Salsa20}_k(n) \in \octet^{64}$.
487 This is generalized in \cite{Bernstein:2007:SFS} to Salsa20/$r$, for any
488 (even) number of rounds~$r$. The definition of ChaCha in
489 \cite{Bernstein:2008:CVS} doesn't provide a handy notation for the resulting
490 function, but it seems reasonable to define $\mathrm{ChaCha}r_k(n)$ by
491 analogy.
493 For $K \in \octet^{16} \cup \octet^{32}$, $r \in \{ 0, 2, \ldots \}$, $v \in
494 \octet^8$, and $0 \le i < 2^{64}$, define $\id{salsa20-core}(K, r, v, i) =
495 \mathrm{Salsa20/}r_K(v \cat [i]'_8)$, and $\id{chacha-core}(K, r, v, i) =
496 \mathrm{ChaCha}r_K(v \cat [i]'_8)$.
498 Let $f$ be $\id{salsa20-core}$ or $\id{chacha-core}$, let $K \in \octet^{16}
499 \cup \octet^{32}$, let $r$ be a nonnegative even integer, and let $0 \le n <
500 2^{70}$. Define $g(f, K, r, v, n)$ by
501 \begin{itemize}
502 \item $g(f, K, r, v, 0) = \emptystring$;
503 \item $g(f, K, r, v, 64 i) = g(f, K, r, v, 64 (i - 1)) \cat f(K, r, v, i -
504 1)$ for $0 < i < 2^{64}$; and
505 \item $g(f, K, r, v, 64 i + j) = g(f, K, r, v, 64 i) \cat f(K, r, v, i)[0
506 \upto j]$ for $0 < i < 2^{64}$ and $0 < j < 64$.
507 \end{itemize}
508 Finally, define
509 \begin{itemize}
510 \item $\id{salsa20}(K, r, v, n) = g(\id{salsa20-core}, K, r, v, n)$ and
511 \item $\id{chacha}(K, r, v, n) = g(\id{chacha-core}, K, r, v, n)$.
512 \end{itemize}
515 \subsection{Symmetric encryption} \label{sec:prelim.symmenc}
517 A \emph{symmetric encryption scheme}~$E$ consists of the following operations
518 and parameters.
519 \begin{itemize}
520 \item A \emph{key length}~$E.\id{ksz} \ge 0$.
521 \item An \emph{initialization vector size}~$E.\id{ivsz} > 0$.
522 \item A safe \emph{data limit} $E.\id{n-limit} > 0$; see \xref{sec:bulk.ops}.
523 \item An \emph{encryption operation}~$E.E$. Given a \emph{key} $K \in
524 \octet^{E.\id{ksz}}$, an \emph{initialization vector} $v \in
525 \octet^{E.\id{ivsz}}$, and a \emph{message} $m \in \octet^*$, $E.E$
526 calculates and returns a \emph{ciphertext} $y = E.E(K, v, m) \in \octet^*$.
527 \item A \emph{decryption operation}~$E.D$. Given a \emph{key} $K \in
528 \octet^{E.\id{ksz}}$, an \emph{initialization vector} $v \in
529 \octet^{E.\id{ivsz}}$, and a \emph{ciphertext} $y \in \octet^*$, $E.D$
530 calculates and returns a \emph{message} $m = E.D(K, v, y) \in \octet^*$.
531 To be a proper symmetric encryption scheme, it must hold that $E.D(K, v,
532 E.E(K, v, m)) = m$ for all $K \in \octet^{E.\id{ksz}}$, all $v in
533 \octet^{E.\id{ivsz}}$, and all $m \in \octet^*$.
534 \end{itemize}
535 \begin{aside}
536 The function $E.E(K, v, \cdot)$ need not be surjective; i.e., there may be
537 many $y' \in \octet^*$ for which $y' \ne E.E(K, v, m)$ for any $K$, $v$,
538 $m$. There is no requirement on the result of $E.D(K, v, y')$.
539 \end{aside}
540 Security is defined as \emph{left-or-right indistinguishability under
541 chosen-plaintext attack} (IND-CPA). An adversary is given an oracle which
542 accepts pairs of messages $(m_0, m_1)$ with $\len(m_0) = \len(m_1)$. At the
543 start of the game, the oracle selects $K$ uniformly at random from
544 $\octet^{E.\id{ksz}}$ and chooses $b \in \{ 0, 1 \}$, also uniformly at
545 random. On each query $(m_0, m_1)$, the oracle selects $v$ uniformly at
546 random from $\octet^{E.\id{ivsz}}$, and returns $E.E(K, v, m_b)$ to the
547 adversary. The security requirement is that no efficient adversary should be
548 able to correctly guess~$b$ with probability significantly different from
549 $\frac{1}{2}$.
551 \subsubsection{Ciphertext Block Chaining}
552 TrIPE's version of CBC is rather unusual. It uses ciphertext stealing rather
553 than padding to deal with messages which aren't an exact multiple of the
554 block size; specifically, it uses the `CBC-CS2' variant described in
555 \cite{Dworkin:2010:RBC} and analysed by \cite{Rogaway:2012:SCS}. Ciphertext
556 stealing doesn't work properly if the message is shorter than the block size;
557 in this case, TrIPE's variant of CBC switches to Ciphertext Feedback (CFB)
558 mode.
560 Given a blockcipher $B$, the symmetric encryption scheme $E = \id{cbc}(B)$ is
561 defined as follows.
562 \begin{itemize}
563 \item $E.\id{ksz} = B.\id{ksz}$.
564 \item $E.\id{ivsz} = B.\id{bsz}$.
565 \item $E.\id{n-limit} = 2^{4\cdot B.\id{bsz}-41/2} B.\id{bsz}$.
566 \item Given $K$, $v$, and $m$, $E.E$ works as follows.
567 \begin{enumerate}
568 \item Write $\len(m) = n \cdot B.\id{bsz} + t$, where $0 \le t <
569 B.\id{bsz}$.
570 \item If $n = 0$, then set $y_0 = m \xor B.E(K, v)[0 \upto t]$, and go to
571 step~\ref{en:cbc.enc.done}.
572 \begin{aside}
573 This step is CFB encryption rather than CBC-CS2. I'm not aware of any
574 literature showing that this combination is secure, though in fact it
575 is. The proof of CBC-CS in \cite{Rogaway:2012:SCS} shows that CBC-CS2
576 ciphertexts are indistinguishable from uniformly distributed strings;
577 and this step is equivalent to setting $y_0 = m \xor E.E(K, v,
578 [0]_{B.\id{bsz}})[0 \upto t]$. Since $E.E(k, v, [0]_{B.\id{bsz}})$ is
579 indeed a CBC-CS2 ciphertext (indeed, it is a vanilla CBC ciphertext,
580 since the message is exactly one block long), it is indistinguishable
581 from uniform, and so $y_0 = m \xor E.E(k, v, [0]_{B.\id{bsz}})[0 \upto
582 t]$ is also indistinguishable form uniform.
583 \end{aside}
584 \item For $0 \le i < n$, set $m_i = m[i \cdot B.\id{bsz} \upto (i + 1)
585 \cdot B.\id{bsz}]$, and set $m_n = m[n \cdot B.\id{bsz} \upto \len(m)]$.
586 \item Set $y_{-1} = v$, and, for $0 \le i < n - 1$, set $y_i = B.E(K, m_i
587 \xor y_{i-1})$.
588 \item If $t = 0$, then set $y_{n-1} = B.E(K, m_{n-1} \xor y_{m-2})$ and
589 $y_n = \emptystring$, and go to step~\ref{en:cbc.enc.done}.
590 \item Set $r = B.E(K, m_{n-1} \xor y_{n-2})$.
591 \item Set $y_n = r[0 \upto t]$.
592 \item Set $y_{n-1} = B.E(K, (m_n \xor y_n) \cat r[t \upto B.\id{bsz}])$.
593 \item \label{en:cbc.enc.done} Finally, $E.E(K, v, m) = y_0 \cat y_1 \cat
594 \cdots \cat y_{n-1} \cat y_n$.
595 \end{enumerate}
596 \item Given $K$, $v$, and $Y$, $E.D$ works as follows.
597 \begin{enumerate}
598 \item Write $\len(y) = n \cdot B.\id{bsz} + t$, where $0 \le t <
599 B.\id{bsz}$.
600 \item If $n = 0$, then set $m_0 = y \xor B.E(K, v)[0 \upto t]$ and go to
601 step~\ref{en:cbc.dec.done}.
602 \item For $0 \le i < n$, set $y_i = y[i \cdot B.\id{bsz} \upto (i + 1)
603 \cdot B.\id{bsz}]$, and set $y_n = y[n \cdot B.\id{bsz} \upto \len(y)]$.
604 \item Set $y_{-1} = v$, and, for $0 \le i < n - 1$, set $m_i = B.D(K, y_i) \xor
605 y_{i-1}$.
606 \item If $t = 0$, then set $m_{n-1} = B.D(K, y_{n-1}) \xor y_{n-2}$
607 and $m_n = \emptystring$, and go to step~\ref{en:cbc.dec.done}.
608 \item Set $s = B.D(K, y_{n-1})$.
609 \item Set $m_{n-1} = B.D(K, y_n \cat s[t \upto B.\id{bsz}]) \xor y_{n-2}$.
610 \item Set $m_n = s[0 \upto t] \xor y_n$.
611 \item \label{en:cbc.dec.done} Finally, $E.D(K, v, y) = m_0 \cat m_1 \cat
612 \cdots \cat m_{n-1} \cat m_n$.
613 \end{enumerate}
614 \end{itemize}
615 \begin{aside}
616 Decryption is correct. First, encryption preserves length: if $n = 0$ then
617 $y = B.E(K, v)[0 \upto t]$, so $\len(y) = t = \len(m)$; otherwise
618 $\len(y_i) = B.\id{bsz}$, and $\len(y_n) = t$, and $\len(y) = n \cdot
619 B.\id{bsz} + t = \len(x)$. Then, examining the decryption algorithm, we
620 see the following.
621 \begin{itemize}
622 \item If $n = 0$ then $B.E(K, v)[0 \upto t] \xor y = B.E(K, v)[0 \upto t]
623 \xor B.E(K, v)[0 \upto t] \xor m = m$.
624 \item Both the encryption and decryption algorithms compute the same $y_i$,
625 for $-1 \le i \le n$. Specifically, $y_{-1} = v$ and $y = y_0 \cat y_1
626 \cat \cdots \cat y_{n-1} \cat y_n$ in each case, and $\len(y_i) =
627 B.\id{bsz}$ for $0 \le i < n$, and $\len(y_n) = t$.
628 \item For $0 \le i < n - 1$, $B.D(K, y_i) \xor y_{i-1} = B.D(K, B.E(K, m_i
629 \xor y_{i-1})) \xor y_{i-1} = m_i$.
630 \item When $n > 0$ and $t = 0$, $B.D(K, y_{n-1}) \xor y_{n-2} = B.D(K, B.E(K, m_{n-1}
631 \xor y_{n-2})) \xor y_{n-2} = m_{n-2}$.
632 \item When $n > 0$ and $t > 0$, we have $s = B.D(K, y_{n-1}) = (m_n \xor
633 y_n) \cat r[t \upto B.\id{bsz}]$, so $s[0 \upto t] = m_n \xor y_n$, and
634 $s[t \upto B.\id{bsz}] = r[t \upto B.\id{bsz}]$. Hence $B.D(K, y_n \cat
635 s[t \upto B.\id{bsz}]) \xor y_{n-2} = B.D(K, r[0 \upto t] \cat r[t \upto
636 B.\id{bsz}]) \xor y_{n-2} = B.D(K, r) \xor y_{n-2} = m_{n-1}$; and $s[0
637 \upto t] \xor y_n = m_n$.
638 \end{itemize}
639 \end{aside}
642 \subsection{Message authentication} \label{sec:prelim.mac}
644 A \emph{message authentication code} (MAC) calculates a fixed-length
645 \emph{tag} given a secret \emph{key} and a \emph{message}. The recipient of
646 a message can recalculate the expected tag and compare it to the one
647 provided: if the two match, the recipient can be confident that the message
648 was not altered since it was transmitted.
650 A message authentication code~$M$ consists of the following operations and
651 parameters.
652 \begin{itemize}
653 \item A \emph{key size}~$M.\id{ksz} \ge 0$.
654 \item A \emph{tag size}~$M.\id{tsz} > 0$.
655 \item A \emph{tagging operation}~$M.\id{tag}$. Given a key~$K \in
656 \octet^{M.\id{ksz}}$, and a message $m \in \octet^*$, $M.\id{tag}$
657 calculates and returns a tag $t = M.\id{tag}(K, m) \in
658 \octet^{M.\id{t.tsz}}$.
659 \end{itemize}
660 \begin{aside}
661 Some message authentication codes in the literature require an additional
662 \emph{nonce} input. This specification currently does not admit such MACs.
663 \end{aside}
665 The security requirement property on message authentication codes is that an
666 efficient adversary who does not know the key should be unable to determine a
667 tag for any new message, even if it is allowed to query the correct tags for
668 messages of its choice.
669 \begin{aside}
670 It is important that tags are verified in constant time, so that an
671 adversary does not learn (for example) which octet of an attempted forgery
672 is the first one which doesn't match the expected tag. In the presence of
673 such a leak, it is easy to forge a correct tag, figuring out the right
674 octets one by one.
675 \end{aside}
677 \subsubsection{HMAC}
678 The HMAC construction builds a MAC from a hash function. Originally
679 described in \cite{Bellare:1996:HC}, HMAC is standardized in \cite{rfc2104}
680 and \cite{FIPS:2002:KHM}.
682 If $H$ is a hash function with $H.\id{bsz} > 0$, and $0 \le k \le
683 H.\id{bsz}$, then the MAC $M = \id{hmac}(H)$ is defined as follows.
684 \begin{itemize}
685 \item $M.\id{ksz} = k$.
686 \item $M.\id{tsz} = H.\id{hsz}$.
687 \item $M.\id{tag}(K, m) = H.\id{hash}(\id{pad}(K, 92) \cat
688 H.\id{hash}(\id{pad}(K, 54) \cat m))$, where $\id{pad}(K, a) =
689 [a]^{H.\id{bsz}} \xor (K \cat [0]^{H.\id{bsz}-k})$.
690 \end{itemize}
693 \subsection{Poly1305} \label{sec:prelim.poly1305}
695 Poly1305 is a nonce-based MAC designed and specified by Bernstein
696 \cite{Bernstein:2005:PAM}.
698 For $r, s \in \octet^{16}$, and $m \in \octet^*$, define $\id{poly1305}(r, s,
699 m)$ as follows. Write $m = m_0 \cat m_1 \cat \cdots \cat m_{n-1}$, where
700 $\len(m_i) = 16$ for $0 \le i < n - 1$, and $1 \le \len(m_{n-1}) \le 16$.
701 (If $m = \emptystring$ then $n = 0$ and no $m_i$ are defined.)
703 \def\b{\penalty0\relax}
704 Let $r' \in \gf{2^{130}-5}$ be such that $[\id{fe2ip}(r')]'_{16} = (r \bitand
705 [\hex{ff},\b \hex{ff},\b \hex{ff},\b \hex{0f},\b \hex{fc},\b \hex{ff},\b
706 \hex{ff},\b \hex{0f},\b \hex{fc},\b \hex{ff},\b \hex{ff},\b \hex{0f},\b
707 \hex{fc},\b \hex{ff},\b \hex{ff},\b \hex{0f}]$. For $0 \le i < n$, let $m'_i
708 \in \gf{2^{130}-5}$ be such that $[\id{fe2ip}(m'_i - 2^{8\len(m_i)})]'_{16} =
709 m_i$. Let $u' = \sum_{0\le i<n} r'^{n-i} m'_i$.
711 Let $\hat{s} \in \Z$ be such that $[\hat{s}]'_{16} = s$. Then
712 $[\hat{t}]'_{16} = \id{poly1305}(r, s, m) \in \octet^{16}$ is the unique
713 16-octet string such that $\hat{t} \equiv \hat{s} + \id{fe2ip}(u')
714 \pmod{2^{128}}$.
716 Our $\id{poly1305}(r, m, s)$ is the same as $\mathrm{Poly1305}_r(m, s)$ in
717 \cite{Bernstein:2005:PAM}.
720 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
721 \section{Diffie--Hellman groups} \label{sec:dh-group}
723 \subsection{Operations} \label{sec:dh-group.ops}
725 A \emph{Diffie--Hellman group}~$D$ consists of a pair of sets $D.S$ and
726 $D.G$, of \emph{scalars} and \emph{group elements} respectively, a
727 distinguished \emph{generator} element $D.P \in D.G$, and a number of
728 operations on these groups.
729 \begin{itemize}
730 \item A \emph{group operation}~$D.\id{dh}$. Given a scalar $x \in D.S$ and a
731 group element $Y \in D.G$, $D.\id{dh}$ calculates and returns a group
732 element $Z = D.\id{dh}(x, Y) \in D.G (x, Y)$. To be a proper
733 Diffie--Hellman group, it must be the case that $D.\id{dh}(x, D.\id{dh}(y,
734 P)) = D.\id{dh}(y, D.\id{dh}(x, D.P))$ for all scalars $x$ and $y$.
735 \item A \emph{validity checking operation}~$D.\id{validp}$. Given a group
736 element $X \in D.G$, $D.\id{validp}$ verifies that that $Z = D.\id{dh}(y,
737 X)$ can be calculated and published without leaking information about~$y$.
738 If this is safe, then $D.\id{validp}(X) = \t$; otherwise, $D.\id{validp}(X)
739 = \nil$.
740 \begin{aside}
741 Typically, this means that $X$ lies within the subgroup generated by
742 $D.P$, i.e., that there exists some $x$ such that $X = D.\id{dh}(x,
743 D.P)$. Some groups may have special structure that allows safety to be
744 determined more cheaply.
745 \end{aside}
746 \item An encoding $D.\id{ge-public}$ on \emph{public group elements}, for
747 which no special properties are required.
748 \item An encoding $D.\id{ge-secret}$ on \emph{secret group elements}, where
749 all encodings have the same length, except for a negligible fraction of
750 group elements.
751 \item An encoding $D.\id{ge-hash}$ on \emph{hashed group elements}, where all
752 encodings \emph{should} have the same length, except for a negligible
753 fraction of scalars.\footnote{%
754 The existence of groups without (mostly) fixed-length hashing encodings
755 is a historical mistake. If a variable-length encoding is used here,
756 information about group element(s) being hashed may leak to an adversary
757 through timing channels.} %
758 The decoding operation is never invoked, so it need not be possible to
759 implement it efficiently, though it must be theoretically possible to
760 decode encodings unambiguously.
761 \item An encoding $D.\id{sc}$ on \emph{scalars}, where all encodings have the
762 same length, denoted $D.\id{scsz}$; i.e., $D.\id{scsz} =
763 \ell(D.\id{sc}.\id{enc}(x))$ for all $x \in S$.
764 \end{itemize}
765 Decoding operations must validate input sufficiently that the $D.\id{dh}$
766 operation can be performed successfully and without leaking secret inputs
767 during the computation; but it is \emph{not} necessary to perform further
768 precise verification. For the most part, an implementation need not verify
769 that an incoming group element is actually within the subgroup generated by
770 $D.P$; and an elliptic-curve group need not verify that an incoming pair of
771 coordinates actually correspond to a point on the curve; the necessary
772 checking is shown explicitly using the Diffie--Hellman group's
773 $D.\id{validp}$ function where appropriate.
774 \begin{aside}
775 In an ideal world, we would only have one group-element encoding rather
776 than three. The present situation is caused by unfortunate historical
777 mistakes. Of course, nothing prevents newer Diffie--Hellman group
778 specifications from using the same (constant-length) encoding for all three
779 group-element encodings described above, and, indeed, the X25519 and X448
780 groups defined below do this.
781 \end{aside}
783 For security, it must be computationally intractable to determine
784 $D.\id{dh}(x, D.\id{dh}(y, D.P))$ given only $X = D.\id{dh}(x, D.P)$ and $Y =
785 D.\id{dh}(y, D.P)$ (i.e., the \emph{computational Diffie--Hellman assumption}
786 must hold).
789 \subsection{Schnorr groups} \label{sec:dh-group.schnorr}
791 For historical reasons, there are two variants of Schnorr groups, named
792 \cookie{v0} and \cookie{constlen}. The \cookie{v0} variant is deprecated;
793 new deployments should use \cookie{constlen} if possible.
795 Let $p < 2^{524288}$ be an odd prime, let $q$ be a prime factor of $p - 1$,
796 let $g \ne 1$ be an element of $\gf{p}^*$ such that $g^q = 1$, and let $v$ be
797 one of the symbols \cookie{v0} or \cookie{constlen}. Then $D =
798 \id{schnorr}(p, q, g, v)$ is a Diffie--Hellman group, as follows.
800 The group itself is the cyclic subgroup $D.G = \langle g \rangle \subseteq
801 \gf{p}^*$ generated by $g$; the scalars are the finite field $D.S = \gf{q}$;
802 and the generator is $D.P = g$.
804 For security, $p$ must be large enough to thwart index-calculus style
805 discrete-logarithm algorithms in $\gf{p}^*$, and $q$ must be large enough to
806 thwart generic discrete-logarithm algorithms within the subgroup $G$. For
807 new deployments, it is recommended that $p \ge 2^{3071}$ and $q \ge 2^{255}$.
809 \begin{itemize}
810 \item The Diffie--Hellman operation is simply exponentiation in $\gf{p}$,
811 given by $D.\id{dh}(x, Y) = Y^x$. (Technically this is an abuse of
812 notation: exponentiation is defined for integer exponents, and $x$ is an
813 element of a finite field. For every $Y \in G$, define $\theta_Y\colon \Z
814 \to G$ by $\theta_Y(n) = Y^n$; then $q\Z \subseteq \ker \theta_Y$, and
815 $\theta_Y$ factors through $\Z/q\Z = \gf{q}$ as $\theta_Y = \theta'_Y \circ
816 \phi_q$, where $\phi_q$ is the unique ring homomorphism from $\Z$ to
817 $\gf{q}$. Then $\id{dh}(x, Y) = \theta'_Y(x)$.)
818 \item Since $\gf{p}$ contains at most one subgroup with any given order,
819 $D.\id{validp}(X) = \t$ if and only if $X^q = 1$.
820 \item The public group-element encoding is FE2VOSP in the field $\gf{p}$;
821 i.e., $D.\id{ge-public} = \id{fe2vosp}$.
822 \item The secret group-element encoding is FE2OSP in the field $\gf{p}$;
823 i.e., $D.\id{ge-secret} = \id{fe2osp}$.
824 \item If $v = \cookie{v0}$, the hash group-element encoding is FE2VOSP, so
825 $D.\id{ge-hash} = D.\id{ge-public}$. If $v = \cookie{constlen}$, the hash
826 group-element encoding is FE2OSP, so $D.\id{ge-hash} =
827 D.\id{ge-secret}(X)$.
828 \item The scalar encoding is FE2OSP in the field $\gf{q}$, i.e., $D.\id{sc} =
829 D.\id{fe2osp}$; hence $D.\id{scsz} = \len(q - 1)$.
830 \end{itemize}
833 \subsection{Short-Weierstraß elliptic curve groups}
834 \label{sec:dh-group.trad-ec}
836 For historical reasons, there are two variants of short-Weierstraß groups,
837 named \cookie{v0} and \cookie{constlen}. The \cookie{v0} variant is
838 deprecated; new deployments should use \cookie{constlen} if possible.
840 Let $p$ be a prime; let $q = p^m$ be some prime power, and let $k = \gf{q}$
841 be the finite field with $q$ elements.
843 Projective 2-space over $k$, written $\PP^2(k)$, consists of equivalence
844 classes of triples $(X, Y, Z) \in k^3 \setminus \{ (0, 0, 0) \}$ under the
845 equivalence relation $(X, Y, Z) \sim (t X, t Y, t Z)$ for any $t \in k
846 \setminus \{ 0 \}$. The equivalence class containing $(X, Y, Z)$ is denoted
847 $(X : Y : Z)$.
849 The $k$-rational points on elliptic curve $E$, denoted $E(k)$, consist of
850 those (homogeneous) projective points $(X : Y : Z) \in \PP^2(k)$ satisfying
851 an equation. There are a number of cases to consider:
852 \begin{itemize}
853 \item if $p > 3$, then the equation is $Y^2 Z = X^3 + a X Z^2 + b Z^3$, where
854 $a, b \in k$ with $4 a^3 + 27 b^2 \ne 0$;
855 \item if $p = 3$, then the equation is $Y^2 Z = X^3 + c X^2 Z + a X Z^2 + b
856 Z^3$, for $a \ne 0$, where $a, b, c \in k$ with $a^3 \ne c^2 (a^2 - b c)$;
857 and
858 \item if $p = 2$, then there are two subcases:
859 \begin{itemize}
860 \item for \emph{ordinary} curves, the equation is $Y^2 Z + X Y Z = X^3 + a
861 X^2 Z + b Z^3$, where $a, b \in k$ with $b \ne 0$; and
862 \item for \emph{supersingular} curves, the equation is $Y^2 Z + c Y Z^2 =
863 X^3 + a X Z^2 + b Z^3$, where $a, b, c \in k$ with $c \ne 0$.
864 \end{itemize}
865 \end{itemize}
866 \begin{aside}
867 Implementations frequently use other coordinate systems; Jacobian
868 projective coordinates are especially popular. The use of homogeneous
869 coordinates in this specification is for convenience of presentation, and
870 is not intended to prohibit implementations from using other coordinate
871 systems internally.
873 Most elliptic curve cryptography implementations handle only `prime fields'
874 for which $p > 3$ and $m = 1$, and ordinary curves over `binary fields'
875 where $p = 2$.
876 \end{aside}
878 The points of $E(k)$ form an abelian group, written additively, with identity
879 $O = (0 : 1 : 0)$. Choose $P \in E(k) \setminus \{ O \}$ to generate a
880 subgroup $\langle P \rangle \in E(k)$ with prime order~$r$.
882 For security, $r$ must be large enough to thwart generic discrete-logarithm
883 algorithms within the subgroup $\langle P \rangle$. For new deployments, it
884 is recommended that $r \ge 2^{255}$. A number of other conditions should
885 also hold.
886 \begin{itemize}
887 \item $r \ne q$;
888 \item $m = 1$ or $m$ is prime;
889 \item $r^2 > \#E(k)$; and
890 \item $p^d \not\equiv 1 \pmod{r}$ for any $d < (r - 1)/100$.
891 \end{itemize}
892 There are well-known difficulties in implementing short-Weierstraß elliptic
893 curve arithmetic free of microarchitectural side-channels.
895 Finally, let $v$ be one of the symbols \cookie{v0} or \cookie{constlen}.
896 Then $D = \id{ec}(k, E, P, r, v)$ is a Diffie--Hellman group as follows. The
897 group itself is the subgroup $D.G = \langle P \rangle$ generated by $P$; the
898 scalars are the finite field $S = \gf{r}$; and the generator is the point
899 $D.P = P$.
901 The Diffie--Hellman group operations are as follows.
902 \begin{itemize}
903 \item The Diffie--Hellman operation is elliptic curve scalar multiplication,
904 given by $D.\id{dh}(x, Y) = x Y$.
905 \item Since $r^2 > \#E(k)$, there can be at most one subgroup of $E(k)$ with
906 order $r$; therefore $D.\id{validp}(X) = \t$ if and only if $r X = O$.
907 \item The public group-element encoding is EC2VOSP; i.e.,
908 $D.\id{ge-public} = \id{ec2vosp}$.
909 \item The secret group-element encoding is EC2OSP; i.e.,
910 $D.\id{ge-secret} = \id{ec2osp}$.
911 \item If $v = \cookie{v0}$, the hash group-element encoding is EC2VOSP, so
912 $D.\id{ge-hash} = D.\id{ge-public}$. If $v = \cookie{constlen}$, the hash
913 group-element encoding is EC2OSP, so $D.\id{ge-hash} = D.\id{ge-secret}$.
914 \item The scalar encoding is FE2OSP in the field $\gf{r}$, i.e.,
915 $D.\id{enc-sc} = \id{fe2osp}$; hence $D.\id{scsz} = \len(q - 1)$.
916 \end{itemize}
919 \subsection{The X25519 group} \label{sec:dh-group.x25519}
921 The X25519 function was introduced by Bernstein in \cite{Bernstein:2006:CDH},
922 where it was originally named `Curve25519'. It uses a carefully chosen
923 elliptic curve over the finite field $k = \gf{p^2}$, where $p = 2^{255} -
924 19$; specifically
925 \[ E(k) = \{\, (X : Y : Z) \mid Y^2 Z = X^3 + 486662 X^2 Z + X Z^2 \,\}
926 \padm.
927 \]
928 \cite{Bernstein:2006:CDH} completely defines X25519 as a function on 32-octet
929 strings.
930 \begin{aside}
931 Note that this is \emph{not} quite the same function as specified in
932 RFC7748 \cite{rfc7748}. That specification requires that implementations
933 ignore the most significant bit of public key; the original definition
934 considers that bit significant (and has place-value $-19$). Correct and
935 honest senders will not set this bit.
936 \end{aside}
938 Thus, $D = \id{x25519}$ is a Diffie--Hellman group as follows. Both the
939 scalars and group are simply the set of all octet strings of length~32; i.e.,
940 $D.S = D.G = \octet^{32}$. The generator is the point $D.P = [9, 0, \ldots,
941 0]$.
943 \begin{itemize}
944 \item The Diffie--Hellman operation is the X25519 operation: $D.\id{dh}(x, Y)
945 = \id{X25519}(x, Y)$.
946 \item By design, X25519 is specified and secure for all possible public-key
947 values; hence $D.\id{validp}(X) = \t$ for all $X \in D.G$.
948 \item Group elements are already fixed-length octet strings. All three
949 group-element encodings are therefore the identity function; i.e.,
950 $D.\id{ge-public} = D.\id{ge-secret} = D.\id{ge-hash} = X$.
951 \item Scalars are already fixed-length octet strings. The scalar encoding is
952 therefore the identity function, i.e., $D.\id{sc}.\id{enc}(x) = x$; and
953 $D.\id{scsz} = 32$.
954 \end{itemize}
957 \subsection{The X448 group} \label{sec:dh-group.x448}
959 The X448 function is fully specified in RFC7748 \cite{rfc7748}. It uses a
960 carefully chosen elliptic curve named `Ed448-Goldilocks', introduced by
961 Hamburg in \cite{cryptoeprint:2015:625}, over the finite field $k =
962 \gf{p^2}$, where $p = 2^{448} - 2^{224} - 1$, specifically,
963 \[ E(k) = \{\, (X : Y : Z) \mid Y^2 Z = X^3 + 156326 X^2 Z + X Z^2 \,\}
964 \padm.
965 \]
966 \cite{rfc7748} completely defines X448 as a function on 56-octet strings.
968 Thus, $D = \id{x448}$ is a Diffie--Hellman group as follows. Both the
969 scalars and group are simply the set of all octet strings of length~56; i.e.,
970 $D.S = D.G = \octet^{56}$. The generator is the point $D.P = [5, 0, \ldots,
971 0]$.
973 \begin{itemize}
974 \item The Diffie--Hellman operation is the X448 operation: $D.\id{dh}(x, Y) =
975 \id{X448}(x, Y)$.
976 \item By design, X448 is specified and secure for all possible public-key
977 values; hence $D.\id{validp}(X) = \t$ for all $X \in D.G$.
978 \item Group elements are already fixed-length octet strings. All three
979 group-element encodings are therefore the identity function; i.e.,
980 $D.\id{ge-public} = D.\id{ge-secret} = D.\id{ge-hash} = X$.
981 \item Scalars are already fixed-length octet strings. The scalar encoding is
982 therefore the identity function, i.e., $D.\id{sc}.\id{enc}(x) = x$; and
983 $D.\id{scsz} = 56$.
984 \end{itemize}
986 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
987 \section{Bulk transforms} \label{sec:bulk}
989 \subsection{Operations} \label{sec:bulk.ops}
991 A \emph{bulk transform}~$T$ consists of a number of parameters and
992 operations, as follows.
993 \begin{itemize}
994 \item A safe \emph{data limit} $E.\id{n-limit} > 0$; see \xref{sec:bulk.ops}.
995 \item A \emph{key-generation operation} $T.\id{gen}$. Given an octet string
996 $z \in \octet^*$, $T.\id{gen}$ derives and returns the cryptographic key~$K
997 = T.\id{gen}(z)$ required by $T.E$ and $T.D$, which are described below.
998 \begin{aside}
999 Throughout the protocol, $x$ will be a public contribution from the
1000 sender, $y$ a public contribution from the recipient (or empty), and $z$
1001 a shared secret known only to both.
1002 \end{aside}
1003 \item An \emph{encryption operation} $T.E$. Given a key~$K$ returned by
1004 $T.\id{gen}$, a message type code $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, a sequence number $0
1005 \le i < 2^{32}$, and a message~$m \in \octet^*$, $T.E$ computes and returns
1006 a ciphertext $y = T.E(K, c, i, m) \in \octet^*$
1007 \item A \emph{decryption operation} $T.D$. Given a key~$K$ returned by
1008 $T.\id{gen}$, a message type code $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, and a ciphertext $y
1009 \in \octet^*$, $T.D$ attempts to decrypt the ciphertext, returning a pair
1010 $(i, m) = T.D(K, c, y)$. If the operation succeeds, $0 \le i < 2^{32}$ is
1011 a sequence number, and $m \in \octet^*$ is the decrypted message;
1012 otherwise, $i = 0$ and $m \in \syms$. For correctness, for any key~$K$
1013 returned by $T.\id{gen}$, any $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, any $0 \le i < 2^{32}$,
1014 and any $m \in \octet^*$, it must hold that $T.D(K, c, T.E(K, c, i, m)) =
1015 (i, m)$.
1016 \end{itemize}
1017 \begin{aside}
1018 The security of an encryption scheme tends to degrade as more data is
1019 encrypted with a single key. The data limit is chosen to keep the
1020 probability of a `bad event' which compromises data security below
1021 $2^{-40}.$
1022 \end{aside}
1025 \subsection{The \cookie{v0} transform} \label{sec:bulk.v0}
1027 Let $E$ be a symmetric encryption scheme, let $M$ be a message authentication
1028 code, and let $H$ be a hash function, such that
1029 \begin{itemize}
1030 \item $H.\id{hsz} \ge E.\id{ksz}$, and
1031 \item $H.\id{hsz} \ge M.\id{ksz}$.
1032 \end{itemize}
1033 The \cookie{v0} transform $T = \id{tx-v0}(E, M, H)$ is defined as follows.
1034 \begin{itemize}
1035 \item $T.\id{n-limit} = E.\id{n-limit}$.
1036 \item If $z$ is an octet string, then $K = T.\id{gen}(z)$ is determined as
1037 follows.
1038 \begin{enumerate}
1039 \item Let $K_E = H.\id{hash}(\texttt{"tripe-encryption"} \cat [0] \cat z)[0
1040 \upto E.\id{ksz}]$.
1041 \item Let $K_M = H.\id{hash}(\texttt{"tripe-integrity"} \cat [0] \cat z)[0
1042 \upto M.\id{ksz}]$.
1043 \item Then $K = (K_E, K_M)$.
1044 \end{enumerate}
1045 \item If $K = (K_E, K_M) \in \octet^{E.\id{ksz}} \times
1046 \octet^{M.\id{ksz}}$, $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, $0 \le i < 2^{32}$, and $m \in
1047 \octet^*$, then $y = T.E(K, c, i, m)$ is determined as follows.
1048 \begin{enumerate}
1049 \item \label{en:bulk.v0.encrypt-iv} Choose $v$ uniformly at random from
1050 $\octet^{E.\id{ivsz}}$.
1051 \item Let $y_0 = E.E(K_E, v, m)$.
1052 \item Let $t = M.\id{tag}(K_M, [c]_4 \cat [i]_4 \cat v \cat y_0)$.
1053 \item Finally, $y = t \cat [i]_4 \cat v \cat y_0$.
1054 \end{enumerate}
1055 \item If $K = (K_E, K_M) \in \octet^{E.\id{ksz}} \times \octet^{M.\id{ksz}}$,
1056 $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, and $y \in \octet^*$, then $(i, m) = T.D(K, c, y)$ are
1057 determined as follows.
1058 \begin{enumerate}
1059 \item If $\len(y) < M.\id{tsz} + 4 + E.\id{ivsz}$ then set $i = 0$ and $m =
1060 \cookie{err-malformed}$, and go to step~\ref{en:bulk.v0.decrypt-done}.
1061 \item Let $t = y[0 \upto M.\id{tsz}]$; let $i_0 = y[M.\id{tsz} \upto
1062 M.\id{tsz} + 4]$; let $v = y[M.\id{tsz} + 4 \upto M.\id{tsz} +
1063 E.\id{ivsz} + 4]$; let $y_0 = y[M.\id{tsz} + E.\id{ivsz} + 4 \upto
1064 \len(y)]$.
1065 \item If $t \ne M.\id{tag}(K_M, [c]_4 \cat i_0 \cat v \cat y_0)$ then set
1066 $i = 0$ and $m = \cookie{err-tag}$, and go to
1067 step~\ref{en:bulk.v0.decrypt-done}.
1068 \item Let $0 \le i < 2^{32}$ be the unique integer such that $[i]_4 = i_0$.
1069 \item Let $m = E.D(K_E, v, y_0)$.
1070 \item \label{en:bulk.v0.decrypt-done} Return $i$ and $m$.
1071 \end{enumerate}
1072 \end{itemize}
1073 The random selection of~$v$ in step~\ref{en:bulk.v0.encrypt-iv} of $T.E$
1074 above admits the possibility of kleptographic leakage of secrets by a
1075 malicious implementation. This transform is therefore deprecated.
1078 \subsection{The \cookie{iiv} transform} \label{sec:bulk.iiv}
1080 Let $E$ be a symmetric encryption scheme, let $M$ be a message authentication
1081 code, let $B$ be a blockcipher, and let $H$ be a hash function, such that
1082 \begin{itemize}
1083 \item $H.\id{hsz} \ge E.\id{ksz}$,
1084 \item $H.\id{hsz} \ge M.\id{ksz}$,
1085 \item $H.\id{hsz} \ge B.\id{ksz}$,
1086 \item $B.\id{bsz} \ge 4$, and
1087 \item $B.\id{bsz} \ge E.\id{ivsz}$.
1088 \end{itemize}
1089 The \cookie{iiv} (`implicit IV') transform $T = \id{tx-iiv}(E, M, B, H)$ is
1090 defined as follows.
1091 \begin{itemize}
1092 \item $T.\id{n-limit} = E.\id{n-limit}$.
1093 \item If $z$ is an octet string, then $K = T.\id{gen}(z)$ is determined as
1094 follows.
1095 \begin{enumerate}
1096 \item Let $K_B = H.\id{hash}(\texttt{"tripe-blkc"} \cat [0] \cat z)[0 \upto
1097 B.\id{ksz}]$.
1098 \item Let $K_E = H.\id{hash}(\texttt{"tripe-encryption"} \cat [0] \cat z)[0
1099 \upto E.\id{ksz}]$.
1100 \item Let $K_M = H.\id{hash}(\texttt{"tripe-integrity"} \cat [0] \cat z)[0
1101 \upto M.\id{ksz}]$.
1102 \item Then $K = (K_B, K_E, K_M)$.
1103 \end{enumerate}
1104 \item If $K = (K_B, K_E, K_M) \in \octet^{B.\id{ksz}} \times
1105 \octet^{E.\id{ksz}} \times \octet^{M.\id{ksz}}$, $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, $0 \le
1106 i < 2^{32}$, and $m \in \octet^*$, then $y = T.E(K, c, i, m)$ is determined
1107 as follows.
1108 \begin{enumerate}
1109 \item Set $v = B.E([i]_{B.\id{bsz}})[0 \upto E.\id{ivsz}]$.
1110 \item Let $y_0 = E.E(K_E, v, m)$.
1111 \item Let $t = M.\id{tag}(K_M, [c]_4 \cat [i]_4 \cat y_0)$.
1112 \item Finally, $y = t \cat [i]_4 \cat y_0$.
1113 \end{enumerate}
1114 \item If $K = (K_B, K_E, K_M) \in \octet^{B.\id{bsz}} \times
1115 \octet^{E.\id{ksz}} \times \octet^{M.\id{ksz}}$, $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, and $y
1116 \in \octet^*$, then $(i, m) = T.D(K, c, y)$ are determined as follows.
1117 \begin{enumerate}
1118 \item If $\len(y) < M.\id{tsz} + 4$ then set $i = 0$ and $m =
1119 \cookie{err-malformed}$, and go to step~\ref{en:bulk.iiv.decrypt-done}.
1120 \item Let $t = y[0 \upto M.\id{tsz}]$; let $i_0 = y[M.\id{tsz} \upto
1121 M.\id{tsz} + 4]$; let $y_0 = y[M.\id{tsz} + 4 \upto \len(y)]$.
1122 \item If $t \ne M.\id{tag}(K_M, [c]_4 \cat i_0 \cat y_0)$ then set $i = 0$
1123 and $m = \cookie{err-tag}$, and go to
1124 step~\ref{en:bulk.iiv.decrypt-done}.
1125 \item Let $0 \le i < 2^{32}$ be the unique integer such that $[i]_4 = i_0$.
1126 \item Set $v = B.E([i]_{B.\id{bsz}})[0 \upto E.\id{ivsz}]$.
1127 \item Let $m = E.D(K_E, v, y_0)$.
1128 \item \label{en:bulk.iiv.decrypt-done} Return $i$ and $m$.
1129 \end{enumerate}
1130 \end{itemize}
1133 \subsection{The \cookie{naclbox} transform} \label{sec:bulk.naclbox}
1135 Let $f$ be $\id{salsa20}$ or $\id{chacha}$, and $r$ be a nonnegative even
1136 integer, let $k$ be 16 or 32, and let $H$ be a hash function, such that
1137 $H.\id{hsz} \ge k$. The \cookie{naclbox} transform $T = \id{tx-naclbox}(f,
1138 r, k, H)$ is defined as follows.
1139 \begin{itemize}
1140 \item $T.\id{n-limit} = 2^{134}$.
1141 \begin{aside}
1142 I'm not aware of any especially useful data limit for Salsa20 or ChaCha,
1143 so this is just an upper bound on the amount of data which can be
1144 encrypted with a single key.
1145 \end{aside}
1146 \item If $z$ is an octet string, then $T.\id{gen}(z) =
1147 H.\id{hash}(\texttt{"tripe-encryption"} \cat [0] \cat z)[0 \upto k]$.
1148 \item If $K \in \octet^k$, $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, $0 \le i < 2^{32}$, and $m
1149 \in \octet^*$, then $y = T.E(K, c, i, m)$ is determined as follows.
1150 \begin{enumerate}
1151 \item Set $v = [i]_4 \cat [c]_4$.
1152 \item Let $u = f(K, r, v, \len(m) + 32)$.
1153 \item Let $y_0 = m \xor u[32 \upto \len(u)]$.
1154 \item Let $r = u[0 \upto 16]$, and $s = u[16 \upto 32]$.
1155 \item Let $t = \id{poly1305}(r, s, y_0)$.
1156 \item Finally, $y = t \cat [i]_4 \cat y_0$.
1157 \end{enumerate}
1158 \item If $K \in \octet^k$, $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, and $y \in \octet^*$, then
1159 $(i, m) = T.D(K, c, y)$ are determined as follows.
1160 \begin{enumerate}
1161 \item If $\len(y) < 20$ then set $i = 0$ and $m = \cookie{err-malformed}$
1162 and go to step~\ref{en:bulk.naclbox.decrypt-done}.
1163 \item Let $t = y[0 \upto 16]$; let $i_0 = y[16 \upto 20]$; let $y_0 = y[20
1164 \upto \len(y)]$.
1165 \item Set $v = i_0 \cat [c]_4$.
1166 \item Let $u = f(K, r, v, \len(m) + 32)$.
1167 \item Let $r = u[0 \upto 16]$, and $s = u[16 \upto 32]$.
1168 \item If $t \ne \id{poly1305}(r, s, y_0)$ then set $i = 0$ and $m =
1169 \cookie{err-tag}$, and go to step~\ref{en:bulk.naclbox.decrypt-done}.
1170 \item Let $0 \le i < 2^{32}$ be the unique integer such that $[i]_4 = i_0$.
1171 \item Let $m = y_0 \xor u[32 \upto \len(u)]$.
1172 \item \label{en:bulk.naclbox.decrypt-done} Return $i$ and $m$.
1173 \end{enumerate}
1174 \end{itemize}
1176 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1177 \section{High-level protocol structure} \label{sec:highlev}
1179 \subsection{Message structure} \label{sec:highlev.msg}
1181 TrIPE messages are transmitted over UDP \cite{rfc768}. Where a fixed port
1182 number is wanted, implementations should use port~4070, which has been
1183 allocated by IANA.
1185 The first octet of a packet holds a type code. The interpretation of the
1186 remaining octets depends on the type code. The defined type codes are
1187 summarized in \xref{tab:highlev.msgtype}. Message codes in the range
1188 240--255 are reserved for implementation-specific features and experiments.
1189 \begin{table}
1190 \begin{tabular}[C]{|l|c|c|} \hlx{hv}
1191 \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Code} & \textbf{Section} \\ \hlx{vhv}
1192 MSG\_PACKET & $\hex{00}$ & \ref{sec:xfer.packet} \\ \hlx{vhv}
1193 KX\_PRECHAL & $\hex{10}$ & \ref{sec:keyexch.prechal} \\ \hlx{v}
1194 KX\_CHAL & $\hex{11}$ & \ref{sec:keyexch.chal} \\ \hlx{v}
1195 KX\_REPLY & $\hex{12}$ & \ref{sec:keyexch.reply} \\ \hlx{v}
1196 KX\_SWITCH & $\hex{13}$ & \ref{sec:keyexch.switch} \\ \hlx{v}
1197 KX\_SWITCHOK & $\hex{14}$ & \ref{sec:keyexch.switchok} \\ \hlx{vhv}
1198 MISC\_NOP & $\hex{20}$ & \ref{sec:misc.nop} \\ \hlx{v}
1199 MISC\_PING & $\hex{21}$ & \ref{} \\ \hlx{v}
1200 MISC\_PONG & $\hex{22}$ & \ref{sec:misc.pong} \\ \hlx{v}
1201 MISC\_EPING & $\hex{23}$ & \ref{sec:misc.eping} \\ \hlx{v}
1202 MISC\_EPONG & $\hex{24}$ & \ref{sec:misc.epong} \\ \hlx{v}
1203 MISC\_GREET & $\hex{25}$ & \ref{sec:misc.greet} \\ \hlx{vh}
1204 \end{tabular}
1205 \caption{Defined message types} \label{tab:highlev.msgtype}
1206 \end{table}
1208 In general, messages do not identify the sending or receiving peers
1209 explicitly; instead, these are implied by the IP addresses and port numbers
1210 in the encapsulating datagram.
1213 \subsection{Keysets} \label{sec:highlev.keyset}
1215 A \emph{keyset}~$S$ is an object with components
1216 \begin{itemize}
1217 \item a bulk transform $S.T$;
1218 \item bulk-transform keys $S.K_T$ and $S.K_R$;
1219 \item a next outgoing sequence number $0 \le S.i_T \le 2^{32}$;
1220 \item a set $S.I_R \subseteq 2^{\{i\in\Z\mid0\le i<2^{32}\}}$, which is a
1221 conservative approximation of the set of seen incoming sequence numbers;
1222 \item an integer~$n \ge 0$;
1223 \item a pair of times $\id{t-limit}$ and $\id{t-exch}$;
1224 \item a pair of integers $\id{n-limit}$ and $\id{n-exch}$; and
1225 \item a flag $\id{kx-queued-p} \in \{ \nil, \t \}$.
1226 \end{itemize}
1228 \subsubsection{Initialization}
1229 The operation $\id{init-keyset}$ constructs a new keyset~$S$ given a bulk
1230 transform~$T$ and three octet strings~$x$, $y$, and $z$. The operation
1231 $\id{init-keyset}$ proceeds as follows.
1232 \begin{enumerate}
1233 \item $S.T = T$.
1234 \item $S.K_T = T.\id{gen}(x \cat y \cat z)$; $S.K_R = T.\id{gen}(y \cat x
1235 \cat z)$.
1236 \item $S.i_T = 0$.
1237 \item $S.I_R = \emptyset$.
1238 \item $S.n = 0$.
1239 \item $S.\id{t-limit}$ is the time one hour into the future; $S.\id{t-exch}$
1240 is a random time between thirty and fifty minutes hour into the future.
1241 \begin{aside}
1242 The randomization breaks symmetry. If both peers re-initiate key
1243 exchange simultaneously, then the key-exchange protocol may take twice as
1244 many round trips as would normally be necessary.
1245 \end{aside}
1246 \item $S.\id{n-limit} = T.\id{n-limit}$; $S.\id{n-exch} = \lfloor
1247 T.\id{n-limit}/2 \rfloor$.
1248 \item $S.\id{kx-queued-p} = \nil$.
1249 \end{enumerate}
1251 \subsubsection{Encryption and decryption}
1252 The operation $\id{encrypt}$ encrypts a message~$m \in \octet^*$, given a
1253 keyset~$S$ and a message type code $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, returning a ciphertext
1254 or failure indicator $y \in \lift{\octet^*}$. The operation $\id{encrypt}(S,
1255 c, m)$ proceeds as follows.
1256 \begin{enumerate}
1257 \item If $S.\id{t-exch}$ is in the past, or $S.n \le S.\id{n-exch} < S.n +
1258 \len(m)$, or $S.i_T = 2^{31}$, and $S.\id{kx-queued-p} = \nil$, then
1259 \begin{enumerate}
1260 \item initiate a fresh key-exchange with the peer
1261 (\xref{sec:keyexch.init}); and
1262 \item update $S.\id{kx-queued-p} \gets \t$.
1263 \end{enumerate}
1264 \item If $S.\id{t-limit}$ is in the past, or $S.\id{n-limit} < S.n +
1265 \len(m)$, or $S.i_T = 2^{32}$, then return $\cookie{err-expired}$.
1266 \item Let $y = S.T.E(S.K_T, c, S.i_T, m)$.
1267 \item Update $S.i_T \gets S.i_T + 1$.
1268 \item Update $S.n \gets S.n + \len(m)$.
1269 \item Return $y$.
1270 \end{enumerate}
1272 The operation $\id{decrypt}$ decrypts a ciphertext~$y \in \octet^*$, given a
1273 keyset~$S$ and a message type code $0 \le c < 2^{32}$, returning a message or
1274 failure indicator $m \in \lift{\octet^*}$. The operation $\id{decrypt}(S, c,
1275 y)$ proceeds as follows.
1276 \begin{enumerate}
1277 \item Let $(i, m) = S.T.D(S.K_R, c, y)$.
1278 \item If $m \in \syms$ then return $m$.
1279 \begin{aside}
1280 There are many reasons this might fail, not necessarily as a result of
1281 enemy action. \fixme{discussion}
1282 \end{aside}
1283 \item If $i \in S.I_R$ then return $\cookie{err-replay}$.
1284 \begin{aside}
1285 The message is a replay. This may indicate an attack; conscientious
1286 implementations will report this in a log.
1287 \end{aside}
1288 \item Update $S.I_R \gets \id{upd-seq}(S.I_R, i)$. The detailed choice of
1289 the function $\id{upd-seq}$ is implementation specific, but the following
1290 properties must hold, so as to cope reliably with a limited amount of
1291 packet reordering by the network while strictly forbidding message replay.
1292 In the following, let $I' = I \cup \{ i \}$, and let $\hat{\imath} = \max
1293 I'$.
1294 \begin{itemize}
1295 \item It must be a conservative approximation to the union operation:
1296 $I' \subseteq \id{upd-seq}(I, i)$.
1297 \item It must not include sequence numbers beyond the largest seen so far:
1298 $\max \id{upd-seq}(I, i) = \hat{\imath}$.
1299 \item It must accurately reflect the state of the 31 sequence numbers
1300 preceding the largest seen so far: $j \in \id{upd-seq}(I, i) \iff j \in
1301 I'$ for $\hat{\imath} - 32 < j < \hat{\imath}$.
1302 \end{itemize}
1303 \item Return $m$.
1304 \end{enumerate}
1306 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1307 \section{Key exchange} \label{sec:keyexch}
1309 This is the most complicated part of the TrIPE protocol.
1311 Key exchange occurs between a pair of peers. Key exchange is symmetrical, so
1312 it is described from the point of view of one peer.
1315 \subsection{Key exchange state} \label{sec:keyexch.state}
1317 An implementation maintains its \emph{key-exchange state} in an object~$X$,
1318 with components
1319 \begin{itemize}
1320 \item a Diffie--Hellman group $X.D$;
1321 \item a hash function $X.H$;
1322 \item the implementation's own private key $X.a \in X.D.S$;
1323 \item the implementation's own public key $X.A \in X.D.G$;
1324 \item its peer's public key $X.B \in X.D.G$;
1325 \item a pending keyset $X.S$;
1326 \item an ephemeral secret $X.r \in X.D.S$;
1327 \item a corresponding ephemeral group element $X.R \in X.D.G$; and
1328 \item a flag $X.\id{activep} \in \{ \nil, \t \}$.
1329 \end{itemize}
1330 A pair of peers must be configured with the same Diffie--Hellman group and
1331 hash. If an implementation's private key is $X.a$, then its public key $X.A
1332 = X.D.\id{dh}(X.a, X.D.P)$.
1334 The initial pending keyset~$X.S$ and ephemeral values~$X.r$ and $X.R$ may be
1335 arbitrary; initially, $X.\id{activep} = \nil$.
1338 \subsection{Initiating key exchange} \label{sec:keyexch.init}
1340 Key exchange can be initiated in several ways:
1341 \begin{itemize}
1342 \item when a peer starts up, because it has no established keyset;
1343 \item when the $\id{encrypt}$ operation (\xref{sec:highlev.keyset})
1344 determines that a keyset needs replacing;
1345 \item when a peer receives KX\_PRECHAL (\xref{sec:keyexch.prechal}) and no
1346 key exchange is currently in progress.
1347 \end{itemize}
1348 The procedure to initiate key-exchange is as follows.
1349 \begin{enumerate}
1350 \item If $X.\id{activep} = \t$, then there is nothing to do: return
1351 immediately.
1352 \item Select a new ephemeral secret $r \in X.S$ uniformly at random; update
1353 $X.r \gets r$ and $X.R \gets X.D.\id{dh}(X.r, X.D.P)$.
1354 \item Update $X.\id{activep} \gets \t$.
1355 \item If key-exchange was not initiated as a result of an incoming
1356 KX\_PRECHAL message, then send KX\_PRECHAL \xref{sec:keyexch.prechal}.
1357 \end{enumerate}
1360 \subsection{Utility functions} \label{sec:keyexch.util}
1362 The following definitions will be used throughout the key-exchange
1363 subprotocol.
1365 \subsubsection{Challenge cookie construction}
1366 Let $R' \in X.D.G$ be a group element; then define $\id{challenge-cookie}(R')
1367 = X.H.\id{hash}(\texttt{"tripe-cookie"} \cat [0] \cat
1368 X.D.\id{ge-hash}.\id{enc}(R'))$.
1370 \subsubsection{Expected-reply hash}
1371 Let $A, R', R, U \in X.D.G$ be group elements; then
1372 \[ \id{expected-reply-hash}(A, R', R, U) =
1373 X.H.\id{hash}(\begin{eqnalign}[l<{{}}][t]
1374 \texttt{"tripe-expected-reply"} \cat [0] \cat \\
1375 X.D.\id{ge-hash}.\id{enc}(A) \cat \\
1376 X.D.\id{ge-hash}.\id{enc}(R') \cat \\
1377 X.D.\id{ge-hash}.\id{enc}(R) \cat \\
1378 X.D.\id{ge-hash}.\id{enc}(U)) \padm.
1379 \end{eqnalign}
1380 \]
1382 \subsubsection{Check-value construction}
1383 Let $R' \in X.D.G$ be a group element; then $\id{make-check-value}(R')$ is
1384 defined as follows.
1385 \begin{enumerate}
1386 \item Let $U = X.D.\id{dh}(X.r, X.B)$.
1387 \item Let $h = \id{expected-reply-mask}(X.A, R', X.R, U)$.
1388 \item Then $\id{make-check-value}(R') = X.D.\id{sc}.\id{enc}(X.r)
1389 \xor \id{mgf}(X.H, h, X.D.\id{scsz})$.
1390 \end{enumerate}
1392 \subsubsection{Check-value verification}
1393 Let $R' \in X.D.G$ be a group element and $c \in \octet^{X.D.\id{scsz}}$ an
1394 octet string; then $\id{check-value-ok-p}(R', c)$ is defined as follows.
1395 \begin{enumerate}
1396 \item Let $U = X.D.\id{dh}(X.a, R')$.
1397 \item Let $h = \id{expected-reply-mask}(X.B, X.R, R', U)$.
1398 \item Let $(r', c') = X.D.\id{sc}.\id{dec}(c \xor \id{mgf}(X.H, h,
1399 X.D.\id{scsz}))$.
1400 \item If $r' \in X.D.S$ and $c' = \emptystring$ and $X.D.\id{dh}(r', X.D.P) =
1401 R'$ then $\id{check-value-ok-p}(R', c) = \t$; otherwise
1402 $\id{check-value-ok-p}(R', c) = \nil$.
1403 \end{enumerate}
1406 \subsection{The prechallenge message KX\_PRECHAL} \label{sec:keyexch.prechal}
1408 \subsubsection{Transmission}
1409 Sending KX\_PRECHAL proceeds as follows.
1410 \begin{enumerate}
1411 \item Let $m' = [\hex{10}] \cat X.D.\id{ge-public}.\id{enc}(X.R)$.
1412 \item Transmit $m'$ to the peer.
1413 \end{enumerate}
1415 \subsubsection{Retransmission}
1416 An implementation should retransmit KX\_PRECHAL message periodically while
1417 key-exchange is active. The following strategy is recommended. Add a new
1418 component $X.t$ to the state. When key exchange is initiated, initialize
1419 $X.t = 2$. Perform the following procedure at key-exchange initiation, and
1420 at every retransmission.
1421 \begin{enumerate}
1422 \item If $X.\id{activep} = \nil$, then do nothing and return.
1423 \item Select $t$ at random between $5/6\,X.t$ and $7/6\,X.t$.
1424 \item Schedule retransmission $t$ seconds into the future.
1425 \item Update $X.t \gets \min(5/4\,X.t, 300)$.
1426 \end{enumerate}
1428 \subsubsection{Reception}
1429 On receipt of a KX\_PRECHAL message $m'$, perform the following procedure.
1430 \begin{enumerate}
1431 \item Set $m_0 = m'[1 \upto \len(m')]$. (We know $m' = [\hex{10}] \cat
1432 m_0$.)
1433 \item Set $(R', m_1) = X.D.\id{ge-public}.\id{dec}(m_0)$. If $R' \in \syms$
1434 then the message is malformed: discard it.
1435 \item If $m_1 \ne \emptystring$ then the message is malformed: discard it.
1436 \item Set $m = [\hex{11}] \cat X.D.\id{ge-public}.\id{enc}(X.R) \cat
1437 \id{challenge-cookie}(R') \cat \id{make-check-value}(R')$.
1438 \item Transmit $m$ to the peer.
1439 \end{enumerate}
1442 \subsection{The challenge message KX\_CHAL} \label{sec:keyexch.chal}
1444 \subsubsection{Reception}
1445 On receipt of a KX\_CHAL message $m'$, perform the following procedure.
1446 \begin{enumerate}
1447 \item Set $m_0 = m'[1 \upto \len(m')]$. (We know $m' = [\hex{11}] \cat
1448 m_0$.)
1449 \item Set $(R', m_1) = X.D.\id{ge-public}.\id{dec}(m_0)$. If $R' \in \syms$
1450 then the message is malformed; discard it.
1451 \item If $\len(m_1) \ne X.H.\id{hsz} + X.D.\id{scsz}$ then the message is
1452 malformed; discard it.
1453 \item Set $h' = m_1[0 \upto X.H.\id{hsz}]$ and $c' = m_1[X.D.\id{scsz} \upto
1454 \len(m_1)]$.
1455 \item If $h' \ne \id{challenge-cookie}(X.R)$ then the message is malformed;
1456 discard it.
1457 \item If $\id{check-value-ok-p}(R', c') \ne \t$ then the message is
1458 malformed; discard it.
1459 \item Set $Z = X.D.\id{dh}(X.r, R')$.
1460 \fixme{Need per-challenge state.}
1461 \end{enumerate}
1463 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1464 \section{Message transfer} \label{sec:xfer}
1466 \fixme{describe}
1468 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1469 \section{Miscellaneous protocol aspects} \label{sec:misc}
1471 \subsection{No-operation (keepalive)} \label{sec:misc.nop}
1472 \fixme{describe}
1474 \subsection{Transport and encrypted ping} \label{}
1475 \fixme{describe}
1477 \subsection{Greetings} \label{sec:misc.greet}
1478 \fixme{describe}
1480 \subsection{Tokens and knocking} \label{sec:misc.knock}
1481 \fixme{describe}
1483 %%%----- Back matter --------------------------------------------------------
1485 \bibliography{mdw-crypto,eprint,rfc,%
1486 cryptography1990,cryptography2000,cryptography2010,hash}
1488 \appendix
1490 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1491 \section{Summary of notation} \label{sec:notation}
1493 \begin{longtable}[c]{|l|p{10cm}|} \hlx{hv}
1494 \textbf{Notation} & \textbf{Meaning} \\ \hlx{vh}
1495 \endhead \hlx{bh}
1496 \endfoot \hlx{v}
1498 $\cookie{example}$ & A symbol. \\ \hlx{v}
1499 $\syms$ & The set of symbols. \\ \hlx{v}
1500 $\lift{A}$ & The set $A$ lifted to include
1501 symbols. \\ \hlx{vh/v}
1503 $\octet = \{ 0, 1, \dots, 255 \}$ &
1504 The set of octets. \\ \hlx{v}
1505 $\octet^*$ & The set of all octet strings. \\ \hlx{v}
1506 $\octet^\ell$ & The set of octet strings of
1507 length~$\ell$. \\ \hlx{v}
1508 $\emptystring$ & The empty octet string. \\ \hlx{v}
1509 $\ell = \len(x)$ & The length of an octet
1510 string. \\ \hlx{v}
1511 $x[i]$ & The $i$th octet of string~$x$ \\ \hlx{v}
1512 $x[i \upto j]$ & The $(j - i)$-octet substring
1513 of~$x$, starting at
1514 position~$i$. \\ \hlx{v}
1515 $x \cat y$ & The concatenation of $x$
1516 and~$y$. \\ \hlx{v}
1517 $x^n$ & The $n$-fold repetition of
1518 $x$. \\ \hlx{v}
1519 $x \bitand y$ & The bitwise and of $x$
1520 and~$y$. \\ \hlx{v}
1521 $x \bitor y$ & The bitwise (inclusive) or of
1522 $x$ and~$y$. \\ \hlx{v}
1523 $x \xor y$ & The bitwise exclusive-or of
1524 $x$ and~$y$. \\ \hlx{v}
1525 $[a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_{n-1}]$ & The $n$-octet string consisting
1526 of octets $a_0$, $a_1$, \ldots,
1527 $a_{n-1}$. \\ \hlx{v}
1528 \texttt{"example"} & The octet string holding the
1529 ASCII encoding of a text
1530 string. \\ \hlx{v}
1531 $[n]_\ell$ & The $\ell$-octet big-endian
1532 encoding of $n$. \\ \hlx{v}
1533 $[n]'_\ell$ & The $\ell$-octet little-endian
1534 encoding of $n$. \\ \hlx{vh/v}
1536 $\ell = \len(n)$ & The `length' of an integer. \\ \hlx{v}
1537 $\hex{9c}$ & An integer in hexadecimal. \\ \hlx{vh/v}
1539 $C$ & An encoding. \\ \hlx{v}
1540 $C.\id{enc}$ & The encoding operation. \\ \hlx{v}
1541 $C.\id{dec}$ & The decoding operation. \\ \hlx{vh/v}
1543 $H$ & A hash function. \\ \hlx{v}
1544 $H.\id{hsz}$ & The hash output size. \\ \hlx{v}
1545 $H.\id{bsz}$ & The hash block size. \\ \hlx{v}
1546 $h = H.\id{hash}(m)$ & The hashing operation. \\ \hlx{vh/v}
1548 $B$ & A blockcipher (PRP). \\ \hlx{v}
1549 $B.\id{ksz}$ & The blockcipher key size. \\ \hlx{v}
1550 $B.\id{bsz}$ & The blockcipher block size. \\ \hlx{v}
1551 $y = B.E(K, x)$ & The blockcipher encryption
1552 operation. \\ \hlx{v}
1553 $x = B.D(K, y)$ & The blockcipher decryption
1554 operation. \\ \hlx{vh/v}
1556 $E$ & A symmetric encryption
1557 scheme. \\ \hlx{v}
1558 $E.\id{ksz}$ & The symmetric encryption
1559 key size. \\ \hlx{v}
1560 $E.\id{ivsz}$ & The symmetric encryption
1561 initialization vector size. \\ \hlx{v}
1562 $y = E.E(K, v, m)$ & The symmetric encryption
1563 operation. \\ \hlx{v}
1564 $m = E.D(K, v, y)$ & The symmetric decryption
1565 operation. \\ \hlx{vh/v}
1567 $M$ & A message authentication
1568 code (MAC). \\ \hlx{v}
1569 $M.\id{ksz}$ & The MAC key size. \\ \hlx{v}
1570 $M.\id{tsz}$ & The MAC tag size. \\ \hlx{v}
1571 $t = M.\id{tag}(K, m)$ & The MAC tagging operation. \\ \hlx{vh/v}
1573 $D$ & A Diffie--Hellman group. \\ \hlx{v}
1574 $D.S$ & The set of scalars. \\ \hlx{v}
1575 $D.G$ & The set of group elements. \\ \hlx{v}
1576 $D.P$ & The well-known generator. \\ \hlx{v}
1577 $D.\id{scsz}$ & The length of an encoded
1578 scalar. \\ \hlx{v}
1579 $Z = D.\id{dh}(x, Y)$ & The group operation. \\ \hlx{v}
1580 $D.\id{ge-public}$ & The public group-element
1581 encoding. \\ \hlx{v}
1582 $D.\id{ge-secret}$ & The secret group-element
1583 encoding. \\ \hlx{v}
1584 $D.\id{ge-hash}$ & The group-element encoding
1585 for hashing. \\ \hlx{v}
1586 $D.\id{sc}$ & The scalar encoding. \\ \hlx{vh/v}
1588 $T$ & A bulk transform. \\ \hlx{v}
1589 $K = T.\id{gen}(x, y, z)$ & The bulk transform
1590 key-generation operation. \\ \hlx{v}
1591 $y = T.E(K, i, c, m)$ & The bulk transform encryption
1592 operation. \\ \hlx{v}
1593 $(i, m) = T.D(K, c, y)$ & The bulk transform decryption
1594 operation. \\ \hlx{v}
1596 \end{longtable}
1598 %%%----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
1600 % LocalWords: TrIPE LaTeX encodings endian monic osp vosp TrIPE's schnorr
1601 % LocalWords: constlen Weierstraß abelian additively keyexch xfer dec dh
1602 % LocalWords: validp ge sc scsz fe decrypts sha th hsz hbsz ok hv iiv
1603 % LocalWords: naclbox crypto eprint rfc PRP FIPS ripemd eblk bcksz aes
1604 % LocalWords: rijndael chacha surjective indistinguishability bsz MACs ccc
1605 % LocalWords: hmac IANA vh ripemd mgf ksz aes cbc ivsz tsz fc tx blkc kx
1606 % LocalWords: prechal chal switchok bh nop eping epong exch kx upd activep
1607 % LocalWords: retransmit lev
1609 \end{document}