Partially through reworking.
[tripe] / doc / wrestlers.tex
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3 %%% $Id: wrestlers.tex,v 1.2 2001/02/22 09:09:05 mdw Exp $
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5 %%% Description of the Wrestlers Protocol
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7 %%% (c) 2001 Mark Wooding
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10 %%%----- Revision history ---------------------------------------------------
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12 %%% $Log: wrestlers.tex,v $
13 %%% Revision 1.2 2001/02/22 09:09:05 mdw
14 %%% Partially through reworking.
15 %%%
16 %%% Revision 1.1 2001/02/16 21:43:33 mdw
17 %%% Initial versions of documentation.
18 %%%
20 \documentclass{article}
21 \usepackage{amssymb}
22 \title{The Wrestlers Protocol}
23 \author{Mark Wooding \\ Clive Jones}
24 \def\from{\leftarrow}
26 \begin{document}
28 \maketitle
30 \begin{abstract}
31 We present a simple key-exchange protocol with of mutual authentication and
32 perfect forward-secrecy, which doesn't leave any long-lasting evidence of
33 participation in the exchange. The protocol's security depends on the
34 intractability of the Diffie-Hellman problem (in some cyclic group), and on
35 the strength of a hash function.
36 \end{abstract}
38 \section{Introduction}
40 Current key-agreement protocols are all very well for securing generally
41 `honest' traffic (e.g., transmission of credit-card details to a merchant),
42 but they're less satisfactory if you actually have something to hide.
44 In the UK, new key exchange protocols have been particularly motivated by the
45 new Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, which allows `authorized persons'
46 to intercept communications and demand long-term encryption keys.
48 Let's suppose that Alice and Bob are shady characters, and that their
49 communications are of great interest to the draconian r\'egime in which they
50 live. (They might be international arms smugglers, for example, because they
51 export cryptographic toolkits.)
53 Alice could just invent a session key and transmit it to Bob, encrypted under
54 his public key, each time she wanted to talk to him. However, once the
55 secret police turn up at Bob's house and demand his private key, the game is
56 over and all of the communications can be recovered.
58 Alice and Bob would clearly be better off using a system which offers forward
59 secrecy, for example, Diffie-Hellman. However, in order to prevent active
60 attacks, the messages in the Diffie-Hellman exchange must be authenticated.
61 The way this usually works is that Alice and Bob pick a group $G$ of order
62 $q$ generated by $g$. When Alice and Bob want to communicate, they choose
63 exponents $\alpha$ and $\beta$ respectively ($1 < \alpha, \beta < q$), Alice
64 sends $S_A(g^\alpha)$ to Bob, Bob sends $S_B(g^\beta)$ to Alice, and, after
65 verifying each other's signatures, they each compute a shared key $K =
66 g^{\alpha \beta}$. They dispose of their secrets $\alpha$ and $\beta$
67 forthwith, and destroy $K$ when the conversation finishes. Now the secret
68 police can demand all they like: they still can't decrypt old sessions, and
69 Alice and Bob, however badly tortured, can't help them. The secret police
70 might not even be all owed to demand their long-term signing keys: for
71 example, the RIPA grants special protection to authentication-only keys.
73 This is fine, except that sending $S_A(g^\alpha)$ is a wonderful way of
74 shouting `Alice was here' to all of the spooks tapping Bob's network
75 connection. The Wrestlers Protocol\footnote{%
76 Named after the excellent pub in Cambridge where most of the design was
77 done.}
78 fixes these problems. It provides perfect forward secrecy, just like
79 Diffie-Hellman, without leaving signatures around for the spooks.
82 \section{A simple authentication protocol}
84 As a building-block, we construct a simple authentication protocol based on
85 Diffie-Hellman key exchange. As before, let's use a group $G$ of order $q$
86 (for some prime $q$), generated by a group element $g$.
88 A Diffie-Hellman key exchange allows two parties to compute the same value,
89 with different knowledge. We'll use this to make an authentication protocol.
91 Alice chooses a private key $1 < a < q$. Her public key is $A = g^a$. She
92 can prove her knowledge of $a$ to Bob like this:
93 \begin{enumerate}
94 \item Bob makes up a random $1 < \beta < q$. He sends a challenge $C =
95 g^\beta$ to Alice.
96 \item Alice computes the response $R = C^a = g^{a \beta}$. This would
97 be the shared key if we were doing proper Diffie-Hellman, but we aren't.
98 Instead, she just sends $R$ back to Bob.
99 \item Bob checks that $R = A^\beta$. If it is, he accepts that the person
100 he's talking to has Alice's private key, and hence is presumably Alice.
101 \end{enumerate}
103 This protocol has nice properties. It's not terribly difficult to implement,
104 given the usual tools like modular exponentiation or elliptic curve
105 point-addition.
107 An eavesdropper -- let's call her Eve, for tradition's sake -- doesn't learn
108 anything terribly interesting from watching the exchange. She sees $C$ going
109 one way and then $C^a$ coming back. If she finds this illuminating, she can
110 program her computer to generate random numbers $\gamma$ and show her pairs
111 $C = g^\gamma$ and $R = A^\gamma = C^a$. So Eve learns nothing useful she
112 couldn't have worked out for herself. In fact, she doesn't even learn that
113 Alice is involved in the conversation! Bob can fake up an authentication
114 with Alice by secretly agreeing which value of $\beta$ he's going to use with
115 an accomplice.
117 Bob's in a better position than Eve. If he computes his challenges honestly
118 then he doesn't learn much except that he's talking to Alice, because as
119 we've seen, she only tells him $R$, which he knew already. However, if Bob
120 carefully chooses a challenge $C$ without knowing its discrete log $\beta$,
121 then Alice's response might tell him useful information about her private
122 key that he couldn't have worked out just by sitting at home computing
123 discrete logs.
125 We can fix this little problem easily enough if we make Bob transmit a hash
126 of his expected answer. Let $H \colon \mathbb{Z} \to \{\,0, 1\,\}^n$ be a
127 hash function. The property we require from $H$ is that Bob can't compute
128 $H(g^{a \beta})$ given only $C = g^\beta$ and $A = g^a$ with more than
129 negligible probability; a random function would fit the bill fine. This
130 does, of course, also assume that the Diffie-Hellman problem is difficult.
131 The new protocol looks very much like the old one:
132 \begin{enumerate}
133 \item Bob chooses a random $1 < \beta < q$. He computes $C = g^\beta$ and $R
134 = A^\beta$, and sends $C, H(R)$ to Alice.
135 \item Alice computes $R' = C^a$ and checks that it matches the hash which Bob
136 sent. If it doesn't, he's trying to cheat, and she should refuse to
137 answer. Otherwise, she sends her response $R'$ back to Bob.
138 \item Bob checks that Alice's reply matches the one he computed back in step
139 1. If it does, he knows that he's talking to Alice.
140 \end{enumerate}
143 \section{A key exchange protocol}
145 We observe a useful side-effect of the authentication protocol just
146 described: Bob should be convinved that Alice received his challenge $C$
147 correctly. The idea of the Wrestlers Protocol is to use this to construct a
148 full Diffie-Hellman key exchange with mutual authentication. We maintain the
149 useful properties of the previous protocol.
151 Before they can use the protocol, Alice and Bob must agree on a group $G$ as
152 before. Alice chooses a private key $1 < a < q$, and publishes her public
153 key $A = g^a$; Bob similarly chooses a private key $1 < b < q$ and publishes
154 his public key $B = g^b$.
156 Here's the actual protocol in summary:
157 \begin{enumerate}
158 \item $A \to B$:\quad $g^\alpha$
159 \item $A \from B$:\quad $g^\beta$, $H(g^\alpha, g^\beta, g^{a \beta})$
160 \item $A \to B$:\quad $g^{a \beta}$, $H(g^\beta, g^\alpha, g^{\alpha b})$
161 \item $A \from B$:\quad $g^{\alpha b}$
162 \end{enumerate}
164 And now in detail:
165 \begin{enumerate}
167 \item Alice invents a temporary secret $1 < \alpha < q$. She computes her
168 challenge $C_A = g^\alpha$, and sends it to Bob.
170 \item Bob receives the $C_A$, and stores it away. He invents a temporary
171 secret $1 < \beta < q$ of his own, and computes both his challenge $C_B =
172 g^\beta$ and the expected response $R_B = A^\beta = g^{a \beta}$. He
173 hashes both challenges (hers first) and the expected response $R_B$, and
174 sends his challenge and the hash back to Alice.
176 \item Alice reads Bob's challenge. She computes her response $R_B' = C_B^a =
177 g^{a \beta}$ and ensures that the Bob's hash is correct. If it isn't, she
178 stops talking to Bob. If the hash matches, she sends back her response,
179 together with a hash of Bob's challenge, her original challenge from step
180 1, and her expected response $R_A = B^\alpha = g^{\alpha b}$.
182 \item Bob reads Alice's response. If it's wrong then he stops talking.
183 Otherwise he computes his response to Alice's challenge $R_A' = C_A^b =
184 g^{\alpha b}$ and checks Alice's hash. If the hash is wrong, he also stops
185 talking. Otherwise he sends the response back to Alice.
187 \end{enumerate}
188 Finally, Alice checks Bob's response, stopping the conversation if it's
189 wrong. Then both sides compute their shared key $K = C_A^\beta = C_B^\alpha
190 = g^{\alpha \beta}$, and discard their temporary secrets.
192 The protocol is essentially symmetrical: each side sends and receives both a
193 challenge and hash pair, and a response, but it doesn't look that simple
194 because the hashes include both sides' challenges. Looking at it from one
195 side at a time will make things clearer, so let's just take Alice's point of
196 view.
198 Alice constructs her challenge in step 1, and sends it off. She receives a
199 challenge and hash in step 2. When she computes the response to the
200 challenge, she verifies the hash she received. If it matches, she knows that
201 \begin{itemize}
202 \item whoever she's talking to hasn't attempted to cheat her by sending a
203 challenge for which he doesn't know the answer; and
204 \item he has successfully received her challenge.
205 \end{itemize}
206 Because she's now received a challenge, she can work out her hash. She sends
207 off her response to the challenge, together with the hash, and awaits the
208 response.
210 In step 4, the response arrives. If it's correct, she knows that it's from
211 Bob, and that he (Bob) received her challenge OK. Tying everything else
212 together is the tricky bit.
214 If we assume that Bob is playing by the rules, the fact that he's sent his
215 response means that he verified it against Alice's hash and decided that
216 \begin{itemize}
217 \item Alice wasn't trying to cheat him and find out about his private key;
218 and
219 \item Alice correctly received his challenge.
220 \end{itemize}
221 Because Bob wouldn't have replied if these weren't true, Alice can therefore
222 believe that she has received Bob's challenge correctly.
224 To summarize: Alice has managed to get a challenge to Bob, and he responded;
225 Alice has also received Bob's challenge correctly.
227 What if Bob isn't honest? The only hole in the protocol which can be
228 exploited by Bob is that he can send a response \emph{even though} it doesn't
229 match Alice's hash. This means that the protocol will continue even if Alice
230 is attempting to cheat Bob and find information about his private key: this
231 is a penalty Bob has to pay for not following the rules. The protocol still
232 aborts if an adversary interferes with the challenges: if Alice isn't given
233 Bob's challenge accurately, her response will be wrong, and Bob can abort the
234 exchange; similarly, if Bob isn't given Alice's challenge, she will detect
235 this and abort the exchange.
238 \section{Practical considerations}
241 \section{Conclusions and further work}
243 We have presented a new key exchange protocol based upon a novel use of
244 Diffie-Hellman key exchange as a means of authentication.
246 The arguments given in the previous section sound fairly convincing, but they
247 don't provide a formal proof of the security of the Wrestlers Protocol. The
248 authors are unaware of a logic system for verifying protocols which correctly
249 capture the properties of hash functions.
251 %%%----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
253 \end{document}
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