peerdb/ Fix `.' which should have been `,' between list items.
[tripe] / server / servutil.c
1 /* -*-c-*-
2 *
3 * Various handy server-only utilities
4 *
5 * (c) 2001 Straylight/Edgeware
6 */
8 /*----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------*
9 *
10 * This file is part of Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE).
11 *
12 * TrIPE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
13 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
14 * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
15 * option) any later version.
16 *
17 * TrIPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
18 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
19 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
20 * for more details.
21 *
22 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 * along with TrIPE. If not, see <>.
24 */
26 /*----- Header files ------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "tripe.h"
30 /*----- Global variables --------------------------------------------------*/
32 octet buf_i[PKBUFSZ], buf_o[PKBUFSZ], buf_t[PKBUFSZ], buf_u[PKBUFSZ];
34 /*----- Sequence numbers --------------------------------------------------*/
36 /* --- @seq_reset@ --- *
37 *
38 * Arguments: @seqwin *s@ = sequence-checking window
39 *
40 * Returns: ---
41 *
42 * Use: Resets a sequence number window.
43 */
45 void seq_reset(seqwin *s) { s->seq = 0; s->win = 0; }
47 /* --- @seq_check@ --- *
48 *
49 * Arguments: @seqwin *s@ = sequence-checking window
50 * @uint32 q@ = sequence number to check
51 * @const char *service@ = service to report message from
52 *
53 * Returns: Zero on success, nonzero if the sequence number was bad.
54 *
55 * Use: Checks a sequence number against the window, updating things
56 * as necessary.
57 */
59 int seq_check(seqwin *s, uint32 q, const char *service)
60 {
61 uint32 qbit;
62 uint32 n;
64 if (q < s->seq) {
65 a_warn(service, "replay", "old-sequence", A_END);
66 return (-1);
67 }
68 if (q >= s->seq + SEQ_WINSZ) {
69 n = q - (s->seq + SEQ_WINSZ - 1);
70 if (n < SEQ_WINSZ)
71 s->win >>= n;
72 else
73 s->win = 0;
74 s->seq += n;
75 }
76 qbit = 1 << (q - s->seq);
77 if (s->win & qbit) {
78 a_warn(service, "replay", "duplicated-sequence", A_END);
79 return (-1);
80 }
81 s->win |= qbit;
82 return (0);
83 }
85 /*----- Rate limiting -----------------------------------------------------*/
87 /* --- @ratelim_init@ --- *
88 *
89 * Arguments: @ratelim *r@ = rate-limiting state to fill in
90 * @unsigned persec@ = credit to accumulate per second
91 * @unsigned max@ = maximum credit to retain
92 *
93 * Returns: ---
94 *
95 * Use: Initialize a rate-limiting state.
96 */
98 void ratelim_init(ratelim *r, unsigned persec, unsigned max)
99 {
100 r->n = r->max = max;
101 r->persec = persec;
102 gettimeofday(&r->when, 0);
103 }
105 /* --- @ratelim_withdraw@ --- *
106 *
107 * Arguments: @ratelim *r@ = rate-limiting state
108 * @unsigned n@ = credit to withdraw
109 *
110 * Returns: Zero if successful; @-1@ if there is unsufficient credit
111 *
112 * Use: Updates the state with any accumulated credit. Then, if
113 * there there are more than @n@ credits available, withdraw @n@
114 * and return successfully; otherwise, report failure.
115 */
117 int ratelim_withdraw(ratelim *r, unsigned n)
118 {
119 struct timeval now, delta;
120 unsigned long d;
122 gettimeofday(&now, 0);
123 TV_SUB(&delta, &now, &r->when);
124 d = (unsigned long)r->persec*delta.tv_sec +
125 (unsigned long)r->persec*delta.tv_usec/MILLION;
126 if (d < r->max - r->n) r->n += d;
127 else r->n = r->max;
128 r->when = now;
130 if (n > r->n) return (-1);
131 else { r->n -= n; return (0); }
132 }
134 /*----- Crypto ------------------------------------------------------------*/
136 /* --- @ies_encrypt@ --- *
137 *
138 * Arguments: @kdata *kpub@ = recipient's public key
139 * @unsigned ty@ = message type octet
140 * @buf *b@ = input message buffer
141 * @buf *bb@ = output buffer for the ciphertext
142 *
143 * Returns: On error, returns a @KSERR_...@ code or breaks the buffer;
144 * on success, returns zero and the buffer is good.
145 *
146 * Use: Encrypts a message for a recipient, given their public key.
147 * This does not (by itself) provide forward secrecy or sender
148 * authenticity. The ciphertext is self-delimiting (unlike
149 * @ks_encrypt@).
150 */
152 int ies_encrypt(kdata *kpub, unsigned ty, buf *b, buf *bb)
153 {
154 dhgrp *g = kpub->grp;
155 dhsc *u = g->ops->randsc(g);
156 dhge *U = g->ops->mul(g, u, 0), *Z = g->ops->mul(g, u, kpub->K);
157 bulkalgs *algs = kpub->algs.bulk;
158 octet *len;
159 bulkctx *bulk;
160 deriveargs a;
161 size_t n;
162 buf bk;
163 int rc = 0;
166 trace(T_CRYPTO,
167 "crypto: encrypting IES message (type 0x%02x) for recipient `%s'",
168 ty, kpub->tag);
169 trace_block(T_CRYPTO, "crypto: plaintext message", BCUR(b), BLEFT(b));
170 })
172 a.hc = kpub->algs.h; a.what = "tripe:ecies-"; a.f = DF_OUT;
173 buf_init(&bk, buf_u, sizeof(buf_u)); a.k = BBASE(&bk);
174 g->ops->stge(g, &bk, U, DHFMT_HASH); a.x = a.y = BLEN(&bk);
175 g->ops->stge(g, &bk, Z, DHFMT_HASH); a.z = BLEN(&bk);
176 assert(BOK(&bk));
177 T( trace_block(T_CRYPTO, "crypto: KEM clue", a.k, a.x);
178 trace_block(T_CRYPTO, "crypto: shared secret", a.k + a.y, a.z - a.y); )
180 len = BCUR(bb); buf_get(bb, 2);
181 bulk = algs->ops->genkeys(algs, &a);
182 bulk->ops = algs->ops;
183 g->ops->stge(g, bb, U, DHFMT_VAR); if (BBAD(bb)) goto end;
184 rc = bulk->ops->encrypt(bulk, ty, b, bb, 0);
185 if (rc || BBAD(bb)) goto end;
186 n = BCUR(bb) - len - 2; assert(n <= MASK16); STORE16(len, n);
188 end:
189 bulk->ops->freectx(bulk);
190 g->ops->freesc(g, u);
191 g->ops->freege(g, U);
192 g->ops->freege(g, Z);
193 return (rc);
194 }
196 /* --- @ies_decrypt@ --- *
197 *
198 * Arguments: @kdata *kpub@ = private key key
199 * @unsigned ty@ = message type octet
200 * @buf *b@ = input ciphertext buffer
201 * @buf *bb@ = output buffer for the message
202 *
203 * Returns: On error, returns a @KSERR_...@ code; on success, returns
204 * zero and the buffer is good.
205 *
206 * Use: Decrypts a message encrypted using @ies_encrypt@, given our
207 * private key.
208 */
210 int ies_decrypt(kdata *kpriv, unsigned ty, buf *b, buf *bb)
211 {
212 dhgrp *g = kpriv->grp;
213 bulkalgs *algs = kpriv->algs.bulk;
214 bulkctx *bulk = 0;
215 T( const octet *m; )
216 dhge *U = 0, *Z = 0;
217 deriveargs a;
218 uint32 seq;
219 buf bk, bc;
220 int rc;
223 trace(T_CRYPTO,
224 "crypto: decrypting IES message (type 0x%02x) to recipient `%s'",
225 ty, kpriv->tag);
226 trace_block(T_CRYPTO, "crypto: ciphertext message", BCUR(b), BLEFT(b));
227 })
229 if (buf_getbuf16(b, &bc) ||
230 (U = g->ops->ldge(g, &bc, DHFMT_VAR)) == 0 ||
231 g->ops->checkge(g, U))
232 { rc = KSERR_MALFORMED; goto end; }
233 Z = g->ops->mul(g, kpriv->k, U);
235 a.hc = kpriv->algs.h; a.what = "tripe:ecies-"; a.f = DF_IN;
236 buf_init(&bk, buf_u, sizeof(buf_u)); a.k = BBASE(&bk); a.x = 0;
237 g->ops->stge(g, &bk, U, DHFMT_HASH); a.y = BLEN(&bk);
238 g->ops->stge(g, &bk, Z, DHFMT_HASH); a.z = BLEN(&bk);
239 T( trace_block(T_CRYPTO, "crypto: KEM clue", a.k + a.x, a.y - a.x);
240 trace_block(T_CRYPTO, "crypto: shared secret", a.k + a.y, a.z - a.y); )
241 assert(BOK(&bk));
243 bulk = algs->ops->genkeys(algs, &a);
244 bulk->ops = algs->ops;
245 T( m = BCUR(bb); )
246 rc = bulk->ops->decrypt(bulk, ty, &bc, bb, &seq);
247 if (rc) goto end;
248 if (seq) { rc = KSERR_SEQ; goto end; }
249 assert(BOK(bb));
250 T( trace_block(T_CRYPTO, "crypto: decrypted message", m, BCUR(bb) - m); )
252 end:
253 if (bulk) bulk->ops->freectx(bulk);
254 g->ops->freege(g, U);
255 g->ops->freege(g, Z);
256 return (rc);
257 }
259 /*----- Random odds and sods ----------------------------------------------*/
261 /* --- @timestr@ --- *
262 *
263 * Arguments: @time_t t@ = a time to convert
264 *
265 * Returns: A pointer to a textual representation of the time.
266 *
267 * Use: Converts a time to a textual representation. Corrupts
268 * @buf_u@.
269 */
271 const char *timestr(time_t t)
272 {
273 struct tm *tm;
274 if (!t)
275 return ("NEVER");
276 tm = localtime(&t);
277 strftime((char *)buf_u, sizeof(buf_u), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tm);
278 return ((const char *)buf_u);
279 }
281 /* --- @mystrieq@ --- *
282 *
283 * Arguments: @const char *x, *y@ = two strings
284 *
285 * Returns: True if @x@ and @y are equal, up to case.
286 */
288 int mystrieq(const char *x, const char *y)
289 {
290 for (;;) {
291 if (!*x && !*y) return (1);
292 if (tolower((unsigned char)*x) != tolower((unsigned char)*y))
293 return (0);
294 x++; y++;
295 }
296 }
298 /*----- Address handling --------------------------------------------------*/
300 const struct addrfam aftab[] = {
301 #ifdef HAVE_LIBADNS
302 # define DEF(af, qf) { AF_##af, #af, adns_qf_##qf },
303 #else
304 # define DEF(af, qf) { AF_##af, #af },
305 #endif
307 #undef DEF
308 };
310 /* --- @afix@ --- *
311 *
312 * Arguments: @int af@ = an address family code
313 *
314 * Returns: The index of the address family's record in @aftab@, or @-1@.
315 */
317 int afix(int af)
318 {
319 int i;
321 for (i = 0; i < NADDRFAM; i++)
322 if (af == aftab[i].af) return (i);
323 return (-1);
324 }
326 /* --- @addrsz@ --- *
327 *
328 * Arguments: @const addr *a@ = a network address
329 *
330 * Returns: The size of the address, for passing into the sockets API.
331 */
333 socklen_t addrsz(const addr *a)
334 {
335 switch (a->sa.sa_family) {
336 case AF_INET: return (sizeof(a->sin));
337 case AF_INET6: return (sizeof(a->sin6));
338 default: abort();
339 }
340 }
342 /* --- @getport@, @setport@ --- *
343 *
344 * Arguments: @addr *a@ = a network address
345 * @unsigned port@ = port number to set
346 *
347 * Returns: ---
348 *
349 * Use: Retrieves or sets the port number in an address structure.
350 */
352 unsigned getport(addr *a)
353 {
354 switch (a->sa.sa_family) {
355 case AF_INET: return (ntohs(a->sin.sin_port)); break;
356 case AF_INET6: return (ntohs(a->sin6.sin6_port)); break;
357 default: abort();
358 }
359 }
361 void setport(addr *a, unsigned port)
362 {
363 switch (a->sa.sa_family) {
364 case AF_INET: a->sin.sin_port = htons(port); break;
365 case AF_INET6: a->sin6.sin6_port = htons(port); break;
366 default: abort();
367 }
368 }
370 /*----- That's all, folks -------------------------------------------------*/