server/ Quote messages being echoed.
[tripe] / pkstream /
1 .\" -*-nroff-*-
2 .\".
3 .\" Manual for the simple packet streamer
4 .\"
5 .\" (c) 2008 Straylight/Edgeware
6 .\"
7 .
8 .\"----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 .\"
10 .\" This file is part of Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE).
11 .\"
12 .\" TrIPE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
13 .\" the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
14 .\" Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
15 .\" option) any later version.
16 .\"
17 .\" TrIPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
18 .\" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
19 .\" FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
20 .\" for more details.
21 .\"
22 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 .\" along with TrIPE. If not, see <>.
24 .
25 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 .so ../common/ \" @@@PRE@@@
27 .
28 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 .TH pkstream 1 "23 April 2003" "Straylight/Edgeware" "TrIPE: Trivial IP Encryption"
30 .
31 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 .SH "NAME"
33 .
34 pkstream \- forward UDP packets over streams
35 .
36 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 .
39 .B pkstream
40 .RB [ \-46 ]
41 .RB [ \-l
42 .IR port ]
43 .RB [ \-p
44 .IR addr ]
45 .RB [ \-b
46 .IR addr ]
47 .RB [ \-c
48 .IR addr \c
49 .BR : \c
50 .IR port ]
51 .br
52 \c
53 .IB addr : port
54 .IB addr : port
55 .
56 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 .
59 The
60 .B pkstream
61 program forwards UDP packets over some kind of reliable stream. It
62 understands TCP sockets natively; anything else has to be fudged up
63 using some kind of port forwarder like
64 .BR fwd (1),
65 .BR ssh (1),
66 .BR stunnel (1),
67 etc. It's intended, among other things, to provide a transport for
68 .BR tripe (8)
69 packets where there are annoying firewalls in the way.
70 .SS "Command-line arguments"
71 The two
72 .RI ` addr \c
73 .BR : \c
74 .IR port '
75 pairs on the command-line are respectively the UDP port that
76 .B pkstream
77 should listen on, and the port which it should receive packets from and
78 send them to.
79 .PP
80 By default,
81 .B pkstream
82 will parse packets from the stream attached to its standard input and
83 send them to its UDP peer; and it will write packets it reads from its
84 UDP port to the stream attached to its standard output. The program
85 will quit when its input stream closes.
86 .PP
87 This behaviour can be modified by passing suitable options:
88 .TP
89 .B "\-h, \-\-help"
90 Writes a brief description of the command-line options available to
91 standard output and exits with status 0.
92 .TP
93 .B "\-v, \-\-version"
94 Writes
95 .BR tripe 's
96 version number to standard output and exits with status 0.
97 .TP
98 .B "\-u, \-\-usage"
99 Writes a brief usage summary to standard output and exits with status 0.
100 .TP
101 .B "\-4"
102 Look up hostnames only as IPv4 addresses.
103 .TP
104 .B "\-6"
105 Look up hostnames only as IPv6 addresses.
106 .TP
107 .BI "\-l, \-\-listen=" port
108 Listen for connections on the given TCP
109 .IR port .
110 Only one connection is allowed at a time. When a connection is
111 accepted, forward UDP packets over the TCP stream until it closes; then
112 wait for another connection.
113 .TP
114 .BI "\-p, \-\-peer=" addr
115 Only accept TCP connections from
116 .IR addr .
117 This option only makes sense in conjunction with
118 .BR \-l .
119 .TP
120 .BI "\-b, \-\-bind=" addr
121 When listening (see
122 .B \-l
123 above), only listen on the local address
124 .IR addr .
125 When making a connection (see
126 .B \-c
127 below), use
128 .I addr
129 as the source address rather than letting the kernel choose the address
130 automatically. This is useful when the other end will only accept
131 connections from a particular address and you get the wrong one otherwise.
132 .TP
133 .BI "\-c, \-\-connect=" addr : port
134 Connect to the given
135 .I addr
136 and
137 .I port
138 and forward packets over the TCP connection rather than using stdin and
139 stdout.
140 .
141 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 .SH "Protocol"
143 .
144 The stream protocol is very simple. Each packet is preceded by a
145 two-octet length field in network byte order. The length is number of
146 octets in the following packet (i.e., it does
147 .I not
148 include the length field itself). There is no padding between packets.
149 The only way a stream can be invalid is if it stops in the middle of a
150 packet.
151 .
152 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 .SH "BUGS"
154 .
155 The code hasn't been audited. It may contain security bugs. If you
156 find one, please inform the author
157 .IR immediately .
158 .
159 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 .SH "SEE ALSO"
161 .
162 .BR fwd (1),
163 .BR ssh (1),
164 .BR stunnel (1),
165 .BR tripe (8).
166 .
167 .\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------
168 .SH "AUTHOR"
169 .
170 Mark Wooding, <>
171 .
172 .\"----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------