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259 <title>tigrc(5)</title>
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261 <body>
262 <div id="header">
263 <h1>
264 tigrc(5) Manual Page
265 </h1>
266 <h2>NAME</h2>
267 <div class="sectionbody">
268 <p>tigrc -
269 tig user configuration file
270 </p>
271 </div>
272 </div>
273 <h2>SYNOPSIS</h2>
274 <div class="sectionbody">
275 <div class="verseblock">
276 <div class="content"><strong>set</strong> variable <strong>=</strong> value
277 <strong>bind</strong> keymap key action
278 <strong>color</strong> area fgcolor bgcolor [attributes]</div></div>
279 </div>
280 <h2>DESCRIPTION</h2>
281 <div class="sectionbody">
282 <p>You can permanently set an option by putting it in the <tt>~/.tigrc</tt> file. The
283 file consists of a series of <em>commands</em>. Each line of the file may contain
284 only one command.</p>
285 <p>The hash mark (<em>#</em>) is used as a <em>comment</em> character. All text after the
286 comment character to the end of the line is ignored. You can use comments to
287 annotate your initialization file.</p>
288 </div>
289 <h2>Set command</h2>
290 <div class="sectionbody">
291 <p>A few selective variables can be configured via the set command. The syntax
292 is:</p>
293 <div class="verseblock">
294 <div class="content"> <strong>set</strong> variables <strong>=</strong> value</div></div>
295 <p>Examples:</p>
296 <div class="listingblock">
297 <div class="content">
298 <pre><tt> set show-rev-graph = yes # Show revision graph?
299 set line-number-interval = 5 # Interval between line numbers
300 set tab-size = 8 # Number of spaces pr tab
301 set encoding = "UTF-8" # Commit encoding</tt></pre>
302 </div></div>
303 <p>The type of variables are either bool, int, and string.</p>
304 <dl>
305 <dt>
306 Valid bool values
307 </dt>
308 <dd>
309 <p>
310 To set a bool variable to true use either "1", "true", or "yes".
311 Any other value will set the variable to false.
312 </p>
313 </dd>
314 <dt>
315 Valid int values
316 </dt>
317 <dd>
318 <p>
319 A non-negative integer.
320 </p>
321 </dd>
322 <dt>
323 Valid string values
324 </dt>
325 <dd>
326 <p>
327 A string of characters. Optionally, use either ' or " as delimiters.
328 </p>
329 </dd>
330 </dl>
331 <h3>Variables</h3>
332 <p>The following variables can be set:</p>
333 <dl>
334 <dt>
335 <em>show-rev-graph</em> (bool)
336 </dt>
337 <dd>
338 <p>
339 Show revision graph in the main view on startup. Can be toggled with
340 <em>g</em>.
341 </p>
342 </dd>
343 <dt>
344 <em>line-number-interval</em> (int)
345 </dt>
346 <dd>
347 <p>
348 Interval between line numbers. Note, you have to toggle on line
349 numbering with <em>n</em> or the <tt>-n</tt> command line option. The default is to
350 number every line.
351 </p>
352 </dd>
353 <dt>
354 <em>tab-size</em> (int)
355 </dt>
356 <dd>
357 <p>
358 Number of spaces per tab. The default is 8 spaces.
359 </p>
360 </dd>
361 <dt>
362 <em>commit-encoding</em> (string)
363 </dt>
364 <dd>
365 <p>
366 The encoding used for commits. The default is UTF-8. Not this option
367 is shadowed by the "i18n.commitencoding" option in <tt>.git/config</tt>.
368 </p>
369 </dd>
370 </dl>
371 </div>
372 <h2>Bind command</h2>
373 <div class="sectionbody">
374 <p>Using bind commands keys can be mapped to an action when pressed in a given
375 key map. The syntax is:</p>
376 <div class="verseblock">
377 <div class="content"> <strong>bind</strong> <em>keymap</em> <em>key</em> <em>action</em></div></div>
378 <p>Examples:</p>
379 <div class="listingblock">
380 <div class="content">
381 <pre><tt> # A few keybindings
382 bind main w scroll-line-up
383 bind main s scroll-line-down
384 bind main space enter
385 bind diff a previous
386 bind diff d next
387 bind diff b move-first-line</tt></pre>
388 </div></div>
389 <p>Keys are mapped by first searching the keybindings for the current view, then
390 the keybindings for the <strong>generic</strong> keymap, and last the default keybindings.
391 Thus, the view keybindings shaddow the generic keybindings which shaddow the
392 built-in keybindings.</p>
393 <dl>
394 <dt>
395 Keymaps
396 </dt>
397 <dd>
398 <p>
399 Valid keymaps are: <strong>main</strong>, <strong>diff</strong>, <strong>log</strong>, <strong>help</strong>, <strong>pager</strong>, and <strong>generic</strong>. Use
400 <strong>generic</strong> to set key mapping in all keymaps.
401 </p>
402 </dd>
403 <dt>
404 Key values
405 </dt>
406 <dd>
407 <p>
408 Key values should never be quoted. Use either the ASCII value or one of the
409 following symbolic key names. Symbolic key names are case insensitive, Use
410 <strong>Hash</strong> to bind to the <tt>#</tt> key, since the hash mark is used as a comment
411 character.
412 </p>
413 <p><strong>Enter</strong>, <strong>Space</strong>, <strong>Backspace</strong>, <strong>Tab</strong>, <strong>Escape</strong>, <strong>Left</strong>, <strong>Right</strong>, <strong>Up</strong>, <strong>Down</strong>,
414 <strong>Insert</strong>, <strong>Delete</strong>, <strong>Hash</strong>, <strong>Home</strong>, <strong>End</strong>, <strong>PageUp</strong>, <strong>PageDown</strong>, <strong>F1</strong>, <strong>F2</strong>, <strong>F3</strong>,
415 <strong>F4</strong>, <strong>F5</strong>, <strong>F6</strong>, <strong>F7</strong>, <strong>F8</strong>, <strong>F9</strong>, <strong>F10</strong>, <strong>F11</strong>, <strong>F12</strong>.</p>
416 </dd>
417 <dt>
418 Action names
419 </dt>
420 <dd>
421 <p>
422 Valid action names are described below. Note, all names are
423 case-insensitive, and you may use <em>-</em>, <em>_</em>, and <em>.</em> interchangeably,
424 e.g. "view-main", "View.Main", and "VIEW_MAIN" are the same.
425 </p>
426 </dd>
427 </dl>
428 <h3>Actions</h3>
429 <div class="tableblock">
430 <table rules="none"
431 frame="void"
432 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
433 <col width="274" />
434 <col width="617" />
435 <thead>
436 <tr>
437 <th align="left">
438 View switching::
439 </th>
440 <th align="left">
442 </th>
443 </tr>
444 </thead>
445 <tbody valign="top">
446 <tr>
447 <td align="left">
448 view-main
449 </td>
450 <td align="left">
451 Show main view
452 </td>
453 </tr>
454 <tr>
455 <td align="left">
456 view-diff
457 </td>
458 <td align="left">
459 Show diff view
460 </td>
461 </tr>
462 <tr>
463 <td align="left">
464 view-log
465 </td>
466 <td align="left">
467 Show log view
468 </td>
469 </tr>
470 <tr>
471 <td align="left">
472 view-help
473 </td>
474 <td align="left">
475 Show help page
476 </td>
477 </tr>
478 <tr>
479 <td align="left">
480 view-pager
481 </td>
482 <td align="left">
483 Show pager view
484 </td>
485 </tr>
486 </tbody>
487 </table>
488 </div>
489 <div class="tableblock">
490 <table rules="none"
491 frame="void"
492 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
493 <col width="274" />
494 <col width="617" />
495 <thead>
496 <tr>
497 <th align="left">
498 View manipulation::
499 </th>
500 <th align="left">
502 </th>
503 </tr>
504 </thead>
505 <tbody valign="top">
506 <tr>
507 <td align="left">
508 enter
509 </td>
510 <td align="left">
511 Enter current line and scroll
512 </td>
513 </tr>
514 <tr>
515 <td align="left">
516 next
517 </td>
518 <td align="left">
519 Move to next
520 </td>
521 </tr>
522 <tr>
523 <td align="left">
524 previous
525 </td>
526 <td align="left">
527 Move to previous
528 </td>
529 </tr>
530 <tr>
531 <td align="left">
532 view-next
533 </td>
534 <td align="left">
535 Move focus to next view
536 </td>
537 </tr>
538 <tr>
539 <td align="left">
540 view-close
541 </td>
542 <td align="left">
543 Close the current view
544 </td>
545 </tr>
546 <tr>
547 <td align="left">
548 quit
549 </td>
550 <td align="left">
551 Close all views and quit
552 </td>
553 </tr>
554 </tbody>
555 </table>
556 </div>
557 <div class="tableblock">
558 <table rules="none"
559 frame="void"
560 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
561 <col width="274" />
562 <col width="617" />
563 <thead>
564 <tr>
565 <th align="left">
566 Cursor navigation::
567 </th>
568 <th align="left">
570 </th>
571 </tr>
572 </thead>
573 <tbody valign="top">
574 <tr>
575 <td align="left">
576 move-up
577 </td>
578 <td align="left">
579 Move cursor one line up
580 </td>
581 </tr>
582 <tr>
583 <td align="left">
584 move-down
585 </td>
586 <td align="left">
587 Move cursor one line down
588 </td>
589 </tr>
590 <tr>
591 <td align="left">
592 move-page_down
593 </td>
594 <td align="left">
595 Move cursor one page down
596 </td>
597 </tr>
598 <tr>
599 <td align="left">
600 move-page_up
601 </td>
602 <td align="left">
603 Move cursor one page up
604 </td>
605 </tr>
606 <tr>
607 <td align="left">
608 move-first_line
609 </td>
610 <td align="left">
611 Move cursor to first line
612 </td>
613 </tr>
614 <tr>
615 <td align="left">
616 move-last_line
617 </td>
618 <td align="left">
619 Move cursor to last line
620 </td>
621 </tr>
622 </tbody>
623 </table>
624 </div>
625 <div class="tableblock">
626 <table rules="none"
627 frame="void"
628 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
629 <col width="274" />
630 <col width="617" />
631 <thead>
632 <tr>
633 <th align="left">
634 Scrolling::
635 </th>
636 <th align="left">
638 </th>
639 </tr>
640 </thead>
641 <tbody valign="top">
642 <tr>
643 <td align="left">
644 scroll-line_up
645 </td>
646 <td align="left">
647 Scroll one line up
648 </td>
649 </tr>
650 <tr>
651 <td align="left">
652 scroll-line_down
653 </td>
654 <td align="left">
655 Scroll one line down
656 </td>
657 </tr>
658 <tr>
659 <td align="left">
660 scroll-page_up
661 </td>
662 <td align="left">
663 Scroll one page up
664 </td>
665 </tr>
666 <tr>
667 <td align="left">
668 scroll-page_down
669 </td>
670 <td align="left">
671 Scroll one page down
672 </td>
673 </tr>
674 </tbody>
675 </table>
676 </div>
677 <div class="tableblock">
678 <table rules="none"
679 frame="void"
680 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
681 <col width="274" />
682 <col width="617" />
683 <thead>
684 <tr>
685 <th align="left">
686 Misc::
687 </th>
688 <th align="left">
690 </th>
691 </tr>
692 </thead>
693 <tbody valign="top">
694 <tr>
695 <td align="left">
696 prompt
697 </td>
698 <td align="left">
699 Bring up the prompt
700 </td>
701 </tr>
702 <tr>
703 <td align="left">
704 screen-update
705 </td>
706 <td align="left">
707 Update the screen
708 </td>
709 </tr>
710 <tr>
711 <td align="left">
712 screen-redraw
713 </td>
714 <td align="left">
715 Redraw the screen
716 </td>
717 </tr>
718 <tr>
719 <td align="left">
720 screen-resize
721 </td>
722 <td align="left">
723 Resize the screen
724 </td>
725 </tr>
726 <tr>
727 <td align="left">
728 show-version
729 </td>
730 <td align="left">
731 Show version information
732 </td>
733 </tr>
734 <tr>
735 <td align="left">
736 stop-loading
737 </td>
738 <td align="left">
739 Stop all loading views
740 </td>
741 </tr>
742 <tr>
743 <td align="left">
744 toggle-lineno
745 </td>
746 <td align="left">
747 Toggle line numbers
748 </td>
749 </tr>
750 <tr>
751 <td align="left">
752 toggle-rev_graph
753 </td>
754 <td align="left">
755 Toggle revision graph visualization
756 </td>
757 </tr>
758 </tbody>
759 </table>
760 </div>
761 </div>
762 <h2>Color command</h2>
763 <div class="sectionbody">
764 <p>Color commands control highlighting and the user interface styles. If your
765 terminal supports color, these commands can be used to assign foreground and
766 backgound combinations to certain areas. Optionally, an attribute can be given
767 as the last parameter. The syntax is:</p>
768 <div class="verseblock">
769 <div class="content"> <strong>color</strong> <em>area</em> <em>fgcolor</em> <em>bgcolor</em> <em>[attributes]</em></div></div>
770 <p>Examples:</p>
771 <div class="listingblock">
772 <div class="content">
773 <pre><tt> # Diff colors
774 color diff-header yellow default
775 color diff-index blue default
776 color diff-chunk magenta default
777 # A strange looking cursor line
778 color cursor red default underline
779 # UI colors
780 color title-blur white blue
781 color title-focus white blue bold</tt></pre>
782 </div></div>
783 <dl>
784 <dt>
785 Area names
786 </dt>
787 <dd>
788 <p>
789 Valid area names are described below. Note, all names are
790 case-insensitive, and you may use <em>-</em>, <em>_</em>, and <em>.</em> interchangeably,
791 e.g. "Diff-Header", "DIFF_HEADER", and "diff.header" are the same.
792 </p>
793 </dd>
794 <dt>
795 Color names
796 </dt>
797 <dd>
798 <p>
799 Valid colors include: <strong>white</strong>, <strong>black</strong>, <strong>green</strong>, <strong>magenta</strong>, <strong>blue</strong>,
800 <strong>cyan</strong>, <strong>yellow</strong>, <strong>red</strong>, <strong>default</strong>. Use <strong>default</strong> to refer to the
801 default terminal colors.
802 </p>
803 </dd>
804 <dt>
805 Attribute names
806 </dt>
807 <dd>
808 <p>
809 Valid attributes include: <strong>normal</strong>, <strong>blink</strong>, <strong>bold</strong>, <strong>dim</strong>, <strong>reverse</strong>,
810 <strong>standout</strong>, and <strong>underline</strong>. Note, not all attributes may be supported
811 by the terminal.
812 </p>
813 </dd>
814 </dl>
815 <h3>UI colors</h3>
816 <dl>
817 <dt>
818 Status window colors
819 </dt>
820 <dd>
821 <p>
822 Appearance of the bottom window showing info messages.
823 </p>
824 <p><strong>status</strong></p>
825 </dd>
826 <dt>
827 Title window colors
828 </dt>
829 <dd>
830 <p>
831 Appearence of the title windows when they are attached
832 to any backgrounded windows and the current window.
833 </p>
834 <p><strong>title-blur</strong>, <strong>title-focus</strong></p>
835 </dd>
836 <dt>
837 Cursor line colors
838 </dt>
839 <dd>
840 <p>
841 <strong>cursor</strong>
842 </p>
843 </dd>
844 <dt>
845 Main view specific
846 </dt>
847 <dd>
848 <p>
849 Appearance of the various columns in the main view, including the <em>~</em> used for
850 delimiting long author names and labels for tag and branch references.
851 </p>
852 <p><strong>main-date</strong>, <strong>main-author</strong>, <strong>main-commit</strong>, <strong>main-delim</strong>, <strong>main-tag</strong>,
853 <strong>main-ref</strong></p>
854 </dd>
855 </dl>
856 <h3>Highlighting</h3>
857 <p>The colors and attributes for text that is not highlighted can be controlled
858 by changing the <strong>default</strong> color option.</p>
859 <dl>
860 <dt>
861 Diff markup
862 </dt>
863 <dd>
864 <p>
865 Options concerning diff start, chunks and lines added and deleted.
866 </p>
867 <p><strong>diff-header</strong>, <strong>diff-chunk</strong>, <strong>diff-add</strong>, <strong>diff-del</strong></p>
868 </dd>
869 <dt>
870 Enhanced git diff markup
871 </dt>
872 <dd>
873 <p>
874 Extra diff information emitted by the git diff machinery, such as mode
875 changes, rename detection, and similarity.
876 </p>
877 <p><strong>diff-oldmode</strong>, <strong>diff-newmode</strong>, <strong>diff-copy-from</strong>, <strong>diff-copy-to</strong>,
878 <strong>diff-rename-from</strong>, <strong>diff-rename-to</strong>, <strong>diff-similarity</strong> <strong>diff-dissimilarity</strong>
879 <strong>diff-tree</strong>, <strong>diff-index</strong></p>
880 </dd>
881 <dt>
882 Pretty print commit headers
883 </dt>
884 <dd>
885 <p>
886 Commit diffs and the revision logs are usually formatted using pretty printed
887 headers , unless <tt>--pretty=raw</tt> was given. This includes lines, such as merge
888 info, commit ID, and author and comitter date.
889 </p>
890 <p><strong>pp-author</strong>, <strong>pp-commit</strong>, <strong>pp-merge</strong>, <strong>pp-date</strong>, <strong>pp-adate</strong>, <strong>pp-cdate</strong></p>
891 </dd>
892 <dt>
893 Raw commit header
894 </dt>
895 <dd>
896 <p>
897 Usually shown when <tt>--pretty=raw</tt> is given, however <em>commit</em> is pretty much
898 omnipresent.
899 </p>
900 <p><strong>commit</strong>, <strong>parent</strong>, <strong>tree</strong>, <strong>author</strong>, <strong>committer</strong></p>
901 </dd>
902 <dt>
903 Commit message
904 </dt>
905 <dd>
906 <p>
907 For now only <tt>Signed-off-by</tt> lines are colorized.
908 </p>
909 <p><strong>signoff</strong></p>
910 </dd>
911 </dl>
912 </div>
913 <h2>COPYRIGHT</h2>
914 <div class="sectionbody">
915 <p>Copyright (c) 2006 Jonas Fonseca &lt;;</p>
916 <p>Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.</p>
917 </div>
918 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
919 <div class="sectionbody">
920 <p><a href="tig.1.html">tig(1)</a> and the <a href="">tig manual</a>.</p>
921 </div>
922 <div id="footer">
923 <div id="footer-text">
924 Last updated 14-Jun-2006 23:28:43 CEST
925 </div>
926 </div>
927 </body>
928 </html>