[tgal] / mason / dhandler
1 %### -*-html-*-
2 %###
3 %### Main output for Trivial Gallery.
4 %###
5 %### (c) 2021 Mark Wooding
6 %###
7 %
8 %###----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------
9 %###
10 %### This file is part of Trivial Gallery.
11 %###
12 %### Trivial Gallery is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 %### it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14 %### published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
15 %### License, or (at your option) any later version.
16 %###
17 %### Trivial Gallery is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 %### WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 %### Affero General Public License for more details.
21 %###
22 %### You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23 %### License along with Trivial Gallery. If not, see
24 %### <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 %
26 %###-------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 <%def .html>\
28 % $r->content_type("text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"");
29 <!DOCTYPE html>
30 <!--
31 Trivial Gallery, copyright © 2021 Mark Wooding.
32 Free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
33 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
34 -->
35 <html>
36 <head>
37 <meta name=viewport content="width=device-width initial-scale=1.0">
38 <script type="text/javascript" src="<% "$STATICURL/tgal.js" |hu %>" defer></script>
39 <link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="<% "$STATICURL/tgal.css" |hu %>">
40 <% $head %>\
41 <title><% $title %></title>
42 </head>
43 <body>
44 <% $m->content %>
45 </body>
46 </html>\
47 %
48 <%args>
49 $title
50 $head => ""
51 </%args>
52 </%def>
53 %
54 %###-------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 <%def .not-found>\
56 <&| .html, title => "Not found" &>
57 <h1>Not found</h1>
58 Failed to find &lsquo;<% $path |h %>&rsquo;.
59 </&>
60 % return 404;
61 %
62 <%args>
63 $path
64 </%args>
65 </%def>
66 %
67 %###-------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 <%def .contact>\
69 <%perl>
70 unless ($r->path_info =~ m!/$!)
71 { $m->redirect(join_paths($SCRIPTURL, $path) . "/"); }
73 my $real = join_paths $IMGROOT, $path;
74 my $url = join_paths $SCRIPTURL, $path;
75 my ($dd, $ff, $ii) = listdir $real;
76 my $links = "";
77 my $uplink;
78 if ($path eq "" || $path eq "/") { $uplink = undef; }
79 else {
80 ($uplink = $path) =~ s![^/]*/$!!;
81 $links .= sprintf " <link rel=up href=\"%s\">\n",
82 urlencode "$SCRIPTURL/$uplink";
83 }
84 (my $nosl = $path) =~ s!/$!!;
86 my $size = "medthumb";
87 my %tn;
88 my %count;
89 for my $f (@$ff)
90 { $tn{$f} = TrivGal::Image->new($path . $f->name)->scale($size); }
91 for my $d (@$dd) {
92 my $p = join_paths $path, $d->name;
93 my ($ddd, $fff, $iii);
94 ($ddd, $fff, $iii) = listdir join_paths $IMGROOT, $p;
96 my $count = "";
97 $count .= scalar(@$ddd) . "/" if @$ddd;
98 $count .= scalar(@$fff) if @$fff;
99 $count{$d} = $count;
101 DIR: for (;;) {
102 if (defined $iii) {
103 my $index = join_paths $p, $iii->name;
104 $tn{$d} = TrivGal::Image->new($index)->scale($size);
105 last DIR;
106 }
107 if (!@$ddd) { $tn{$d} = undef; last DIR; }
108 $p = join_paths $p, $ddd->[0]->name;
109 ($ddd, $fff, $iii) = listdir join_paths $IMGROOT, $p;
110 }
111 }
112 </%perl>
113 %
114 <&| .html, title =>
115 "Folder " . $m->interp->apply_escapes($nosl || "[top]", "h"),
116 head => $links &>
117 <&| .breadcrumbs, what => "Folder", path => $path &>
118 <div class="menu">
119 <a href="<% "$SCRIPTURL/" . substr($path, 0, -1) . ".zip" |hu %>">[zip]</a>
120 </div>
121 </&>
122 %
123 % my $note = contents "$IMGROOT/$path/.tgal-note.html";
124 % if (defined $note) {
125 <div class=note>
126 <% $note %>
127 </div>
128 % }
129 %
130 % if (@$dd) {
131 <h2>Subfolders</h2>
132 <div class="gallery <% $size %>">
133 <& .thumbnail, target => $d->name, comment => $d->comment,
134 tn => $tn{$d}, size => $size,
135 caption =>
136 $m->interp->apply_escapes($d->name, "h") .
137 " [$count{$d}]" &>\
138 % }
139 </div>
140 % }
141 %
142 % if (@$ff) {
143 <h2>Images</h2>
144 <div class="gallery <% $size %>">
145 % for my $f (@$ff) {
146 <& .thumbnail, target => $f->name, comment => $f->comment,
147 tn => $tn{$f}, size => $size,
148 caption => $m->interp->apply_escapes($f->name, "h") &>\
149 % }
150 </div>
151 % }
152 %
153 <div class=fill></div>
154 <& .footer, path => $path &>
155 </&>
156 %
157 <%args>
158 $path
159 </%args>
160 </%def>
161 %
162 %###-------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 <%def .zip>\
164 <%perl>
165 my $st = stat "$IMGROOT/$path";
166 if (!$st) { $m->comp(".not-found", path => $path); return; }
167 my $zip = "$TMP/t$$-download.zip";
168 my $err = "$TMP/t$$-download.stderr";
169 my $kid = fork;
170 if (!$kid) {
171 untie *STDIN; open STDIN, "</dev/null";
172 untie *STDOUT; open STDOUT, ">/dev/null";
173 untie *STDERR; open STDERR, ">", $err;
174 chdir "$IMGROOT/$path";
175 exec "zip", "-qr", $zip, ".";
176 exit 127;
177 }
178 waitpid $kid, 0;
179 </%perl>
180 %
181 % if ($?) {
182 <&| .html, title => "Zip failed (rc = $?)" &>
183 <pre>
184 <%perl>
185 open my $f, "<", $err;
186 my $buf;
187 while (read $f, $buf, 16384) { $m->print($buf); }
188 </%perl>
189 </pre>
190 </&>
191 % } else {
192 <%perl>
193 $r->content_type("application/zip");
194 open my $f, "<", $zip; binmode $f;
195 my $buf;
196 while (read $f, $buf, 16384) { $m->print($buf); }
197 </%perl>
198 % }
199 %
200 <%perl>
201 eval { unlink $zip; };
202 eval { unlink $err; };
203 </%perl>
205 %
206 <%args>
207 $path
208 </%args>
209 </%def>
210 %
211 %###-------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 <%def .image>\
213 <%perl>
214 my ($dir, $base, $ext) = split_path $path;
216 if (defined $scale) {
217 my $img = TrivGal::Image->new($path);
218 $m->redirect($img->scale($scale, 1));
219 }
221 my $real = join_paths $IMGROOT, $path;
222 my $url = join_paths $IMGURL, $path;
223 my $realdir = join_paths $IMGROOT, $dir;
224 my $urldir = join_paths $SCRIPTURL, $dir;
225 my ($dd, $ff, $ii) = listdir $realdir;
226 my @thumbsz = qw{smallthumb medthumb bigthumb};
227 my @imgsz = sort { $SIZE{$a} <=> $SIZE{$b} } keys %SIZE;
228 my ($wd, $ht, $max);
229 my %tn;
230 my %vw;
232 my $fi = undef;
233 FILE: for (my $i = 0; $i < @$ff; $i++) {
234 my $f = $ff->[$i];
235 my $img = TrivGal::Image->new(join_paths $dir, $f->name);
236 for my $sz (@thumbsz) { $tn{$f->name}{$sz} = $img->scale($sz); }
237 if ($ff->[$i]->name eq "$base$ext") {
238 $fi = $i;
239 ($wd, $ht) = ($img->wd, $img->ht);
240 $max = $img->sz;
241 SIZE: for my $sc (@imgsz) {
242 my $sz = $SIZE{$sc};
243 last SIZE if $max < $sz;
244 $vw{$sc} = $img->scale($sc);
245 }
246 }
247 }
248 defined $fi or die "image not found in its folder?";
249 my $this = $ff->[$fi];
251 my %link;
252 $link{up} = "";
253 if ($fi != 0) {
254 $link{first} = $ff->[0]->name;
255 $link{prev} = $ff->[$fi - 1]->name;
256 }
257 if ($fi != @$ff - 1) {
258 $link{last} = $ff->[-1]->name;
259 $link{next} = $ff->[$fi + 1]->name;
260 }
262 my $links = "";
263 my $pre = urlencode join_paths $SCRIPTURL, $dir;
264 for my $rel (qw{up first prev next last}) {
265 $links .= sprintf " <link rel=%s href=\"%s\">\n", $rel,
266 urlencode "$pre/$link{$rel}"
267 if exists $link{$rel};
268 }
269 </%perl>
270 %
271 <&| .html, title => "Image " . $m->interp->apply_escapes($path, "h"),
272 head => $links &>
273 <& .breadcrumbs, what => "Image", path => $path &>
274 % if ($this->comment) {
275 <div class=comment>
276 <p><% $this->comment %>
277 </div>
278 % }
279 %
280 <div class=viewnav>
281 % if ($link{prev}) {
282 <div class=prev><a class=prev href="<% "$pre/$link{prev}" |hu %>">&lsaquo;</a></div>
283 % }
284 <a class=view href="<% $url |h %>">
285 <picture>
286 % my ($hoff, $voff) = (60, 480);
287 % SIZE: for (my $i = 0; $i < @imgsz; $i++) {
288 % my $scale = $imgsz[$i];
289 % last SIZE unless exists $vw{$scale};
290 % my $scsz = $SIZE{$scale};
291 % my $f = $scsz/$max;
292 % my ($thiswd, $thisht) = map int, ($f*$wd + $hoff, $f*$ht + $voff);
293 <source srcset="<% $vw{$scale} |h %>"
294 media="(max-width: <% $thiswd %>px) or (max-height: <% $thisht %>px)">
295 % }
296 <img src="<% "$IMGURL/$path" |hu %>">
297 </picture>
298 </a>
299 % if ($link{next}) {
300 <div class=next><a class=next href="<% "$pre/$link{next}" |hu %>">&rsaquo;</a></div>
301 % }
302 </div>
303 %
304 % for my $size (qw{smallthumb medthumb bigthumb}) {
305 <div class="thumbstrip <% $size %>">
306 % for my $f (@$ff) {
307 <& .thumbnail, target => $f->name,
308 tn => $tn{$f->name}{$size}, size => $size,
309 caption => $m->interp->apply_escapes($f->name, "h"),
310 focus => $f eq $this &>\
311 % }
312 </div>
313 % }
314 <& .footer, path => $dir &>
315 </&>
316 %
317 <%args>
318 $path
319 $scale => undef
320 </%args>
321 </%def>
322 %
323 %###-------------------------------------------------------------------------
324 <%def .breadcrumbs>\
325 % $path =~ s!/$!!;
326 % my @p = split m!/!, $path;
327 % my $pp = "";
328 % my $prev = undef;
329 <h1><% $what %> \
330 % if (!@p) {
331 [top]
332 % } else {
333 <a href="<% $SCRIPTURL |hu %>/">[top]</a>&thinsp;/&thinsp;\
334 % STEP: for my $p (@p) {
335 % if (defined $prev) {
336 % $pp .= "$prev/";
337 <a href="<% join_paths($SCRIPTURL, $pp) |hu %>/">\
338 <% $prev %></a>&thinsp;/&thinsp;\
339 % }
340 % $prev = $p;
341 % }
342 <% $prev %>\
343 % }
344 % if ($m->has_content) {
346 <% $m->content %>\
347 % }
348 </h1>
349 <%args>
350 $what
351 $path
352 </%args>
353 </%def>
354 %
355 %###-------------------------------------------------------------------------
356 <%def .thumbnail>\
357 % $tn //= "$STATICURL/folder.svg";
358 % if ($focus) {
359 <figure class="thumb focusthumb <% $size %>">
360 <img class="thumb <% $size %>" loading=lazy src="<% $tn |h %>">
361 <figcaption><span class=name><% $caption %></span></figcaption>
362 % } else {
363 <figure class="thumb <% $size %>">
364 <a class=thumb href="<% $target |hu %>">
365 <img class="thumb <% $size %>" loading=lazy src="<% $tn |h %>">
366 <figcaption>
367 <span class=name><% $caption %></span>
368 % if (defined $comment) {
369 <span class=comment><% $comment %></span>
370 % }
371 </figcaption>
372 </a>
373 % }
374 </figure>
375 %
376 <%args>
377 $target
378 $tn
379 $size
380 $caption
381 $comment => undef
382 $focus => 0
383 </%args>
384 </%def>
385 %
386 %###-------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 <%def .footer>\
388 <%perl>
389 </%perl>
390 <div class=footer>
391 <div class=footitem>
392 <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html"><img class=licence src="<% "$STATICURL/agpl.png" |hu %>"></a>
393 Trivial Gallery, copyright &copy; 2021 Mark Wooding.
394 Free software: you can modify it and/or redistribute it under the
395 terms of the
396 <a rel=license href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html">GNU Affero
397 General Public License version 3</a>.
398 Browse or download the <a href="<% $SRCURL %>">source code</a>.
399 </div>
400 % my $user =
401 % find_covering_file $IMGROOT, $path, ".tgal-footer.html";
402 % if (defined $user) {
403 <div class=footitem>
404 <% $user %>
405 </div>
406 % }
407 </div>
408 <%args>
409 $path
410 </%args>
411 </%def>
412 %
413 %###-------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 <%once>
415 use autodie;
416 use File::stat;
418 use TrivGal;
419 </%once>
420 %
421 <%init>
422 TrivGal->init;
424 my $path = $m->dhandler_arg;
425 my $st = stat "$IMGROOT/$path";
426 my $comp;
427 if (!$st) {
428 $comp = ".not-found";
429 if ($path =~ /^ (.*) (\.(?: zip)) $/x) {
430 $st = stat "$IMGROOT/$1";
431 if ($st) { $path = $1; $comp = $2; }
432 }
433 }
434 elsif (-d $st) { $comp = ".contact"; }
435 elsif (-f $st) { $comp = ".image"; }
436 else { $comp = ".not-found"; }
437 $r->header_out("X-AGPL-Source" => $SRCURL);
438 $m->comp($comp, path => $path, %ARGS);
439 </%init>
440 %
441 %###----- That's all, folks -------------------------------------------------