stgit.el: Make the patch name optional
[stgit] / Documentation / tutorial.txt
1 StGit tutorial
2 ##############
4 StGit is a command-line application that provides functionality
5 similar to link:[Quilt]
6 (i.e. pushing/popping patches to/from a stack), but using Git instead
7 of +diff+ and +patch+. StGit stores its patches in a Git repository as
8 normal Git commits, and provides a number of commands to manipulate
9 them in various ways.
11 This tutorial assumes you are already familiar with the basics of Git
12 (for example, branches, commits, and conflicts). For more information
13 on Git, see linkman:git[1] or link:[the Git home
14 page].
17 Help
18 ====
20 For a full list of StGit commands:
22 $ stg help
24 For quick help on individual subcommands:
26 $ stg help <cmd>
28 For more extensive help on a subcommand:
30 $ man stg-<cmd>
32 (The documentation is also available in link:stg.html[HTML
33 format].)
36 Getting started
37 ===============
39 StGit is not a stand-alone program -- it operates on a Git repository
40 that you have already created, using +git init+ or +git clone+. So get
41 one of those; if you don't have one at hand, try for example
43 $ git clone git://
44 $ cd stgit
46 Before you can create StGit patches, you have to run linkstg:init[]:
48 $ stg init
50 This initializes the StGit metadata for the current branch. (So if you
51 want to have StGit patches in another branch too, you need to run +stg
52 init+ again in that branch.)
54 NOTE: As a shortcut, linkstg:clone[] will run +git clone+ followed by
55 +stg init+ for you.
58 Creating a patch
59 ----------------
61 Now we're ready to create our first patch:
63 $ stg new my-first-patch
65 This will create a patch called +my-first-patch+, and open an editor
66 to let you edit the patch's commit message. (If you don't give a name
67 on the command line, StGit will make one up based on the first line of
68 the commit message.) This patch is empty, as linkstg:show[] will tell
69 you:
71 $ stg show
73 But it won't stay that way for long! Open one of the files in your
74 favorite text editor, change something, and save. You now have some
75 local changes in your tree:
77 $ stg status
78 M stgit/
80 Then linkstgsub:refresh[] the patch:
82 $ stg refresh
84 And voilĂ  -- the patch is no longer empty:
86 $ stg show
87 commit 3de32068c600d40d8af2a9cf1f1c762570ae9610
88 Author: Audrey U. Thor <>
89 Date: Sat Oct 4 16:10:54 2008 +0200
91 Tell the world that I've made a patch
93 diff --git a/stgit/ b/stgit/
94 index e324179..6398958 100644
95 --- a/stgit/
96 +++ b/stgit/
97 @@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ def _main():
98 sys.exit(ret or utils.STGIT_SUCCESS)
100 def main():
101 + print 'My first patch!'
102 try:
103 _main()
104 finally:
106 (I'm assuming you're already familiar with
107 link:[unified
108 diff] patches like this from Git, but it's really quite simple; in
109 this example, I've added the +$$print 'My first patch!'$$+ line to the
110 file +stgit/, at around line 171.)
112 Since the patch is also a regular Git commit, you can also look at it
113 with regular Git tools such as linkman:gitk[].
115 Creating another patch
116 ----------------------
118 We want to make another improvement, so let's create a new patch for
119 it:
121 $ echo 'Audrey U. Thor' > AUTHORS
122 $ stg new credit --message 'Give me some credit'
123 $ stg refresh
125 Note that we can give the commit message on the command line, and that
126 it doesn't matter whether we run linkstg:new[] before or after we edit
127 the files.
129 So now we have two patches:
131 $ stg series --description
132 + my-first-patch # This is my first patch
133 > credit # Give me some credit
135 linkstg:series[] lists the patches from bottom to top; +$$+$$+ means
136 that a patch is 'applied', and +>+ that it is the 'current', or
137 topmost, patch.
139 If we want to make further changes to the topmost patch, we just edit
140 the files and run +stg refresh+. But what if we wanted to change
141 +my-first-patch+? The simplest way is to linkstgsub:pop[] the +credit+
142 patch, so that +my-first-patch+ becomes topmost again:
144 $ stg pop credit
145 Checking for changes in the working directory ... done
146 Popping patch "credit" ... done
147 Now at patch "my-first-patch"
148 $ stg series --description
149 > my-first-patch # This is my first patch
150 - credit # Give me some credit
152 linkstg:series[] now shows that +my-first-patch+ is topmost again,
153 which means that linkstg:refresh[] will update it with any changes we
154 make.
156 The minus sign says that +credit+ is 'unapplied' -- this means that
157 it's been temporarily put aside. If you look at the +AUTHORS+ file,
158 you'll see that our change to it is gone; and tools such as
159 linkman:gitk[] will not show it, because it's been edited out of the
160 Git history. But it's just one linkstg:push[] command away from being
161 restored:
163 $ stg push credit
164 Checking for changes in the working directory ... done
165 Fast-forwarded patch "credit"
166 Now at patch "credit"
168 NOTE: You can omit the patch name argument to linkstg:push[] and
169 linkstg:pop[]. If you do, you will push the next unapplied patch, and
170 pop the topmost patch, respectively.
172 NOTE: There are at least two more ways to update a non-topmost patch.
173 One is to use linkstg:refresh[] with the +$$--patch$$+ flag, the other
174 to create a new patch for the update and then merge it into the other
175 patch with linkstg:squash[].
178 Keeping commit messages up to date
179 ----------------------------------
181 Since StGit is all about creating readable Git history (or a readable
182 patch series, which is essentially the same thing), one thing you'll
183 want to pay attention to is the commit messages of your patches.
184 linkstg:new[] asks you for a commit message when you create a new
185 patch, but as time goes by and you refresh the patch again and again,
186 chances are that the original commit message isn't quite correct
187 anymore. Fortunately, editing the commit message is very easy:
189 $ stg edit <patch-name>
191 In addition to linkstg:edit[], you can also give the +$$--edit$$+ flag
192 to linkstg:refresh[] -- that way, you get to change the commit message
193 and update the patch at the same time. Use whichever feels most
194 natural to you.
196 NOTE: linkstg:edit[] has a +$$--diff$$+ flag, which gives you the diff
197 text and not just the commit message in your editor. Be aware, though,
198 that if you change the diff so that it no longer applies, the edit
199 will be saved to a file instead of being carried out. If you're not
200 comfortable editing diffs, just treat +$$--diff$$+ as a way to get to
201 'see' the diff while you edit the commit message.
203 If the patch changes considerably, it might even deserve a new name.
204 linkstg:rename[] is your friend there.
207 Conflicts
208 ---------
210 Normally, when you pop a patch, change something, and then later push
211 it again, StGit sorts out everything for you automatically. For
212 example, let's create two patches that modify different files:
214 $ stg clone stgit
215 $ cd stgit
216 $ stg new first --message 'First patch'
217 $ echo '- Do something' >> TODO
218 $ stg refresh
219 $ stg new second --message 'Second patch'
220 $ echo '- Install something' >> INSTALL
221 $ stg refresh
223 then pop them both:
225 $ stg pop --all
227 and then push them in the opposite order:
229 $ stg push second first
230 $ stg series
231 + second
232 > first
234 StGit had no problems reordering these patches for us, since they
235 didn't touch the same file. But it would have worked just fine even if
236 they had touched the same file, as long as they didn't change the same
237 part of the file. But what if they did? Let's find out.
239 $ stg pop
240 Checking for changes in the working directory ... done
241 Popping patch "first" ... done
242 Now at patch "second"
243 $ echo '- Do something else' >> TODO
244 $ stg refresh
246 Now, both patches add a new line at the end of +TODO+. So what happens
247 when we try to have them both applied?
249 $ stg push
250 Pushing patch "first" ...
251 CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in TODO
252 Error: The merge failed during "push".
253 Revert the operation with "stg undo".
254 stg push: 1 conflict(s)
256 StGit is telling us that it couldn't figure out how to push +first+ on
257 top of +second+, now that they both modify +TODO+. We can take a look
258 at the situation with linkstg:status[]:
260 $ stg status
261 C TODO
263 As we were told by linkstg:push[], the conflict is in the file +TODO+.
264 (If the patch was bigger and touched multiple files, they would all be
265 listed here; prefixed with +C+ if they had conflicts, and +M+ if StGit
266 managed to automatically resolve everything in the file.)
268 At this point, we have two options:
270 1. Undo the failed merge with linkstg:undo[]. (Remember to use the
271 +$$--hard$$+ flag, since the unresolved conflict means the
272 worktree is not clean.)
274 2. Manually resolve the conflict (editing the file directly followed
275 by +git add+ or using +git mergetool+.)
277 To resolve the conflict, open +TODO+ in your favorite editor. It ends
278 like this:
280 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
281 - numeric shortcuts for naming patches near top (eg. +1, -2)
282 - (config?) parameter for number of patches included by "series -s"
283 <<<<<<< current:TODO
284 - Do something else
285 =======
286 - Do something
287 >>>>>>> patched:TODO
288 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
290 The 'conflict markers' +<<<<<<<+, +=======+, and +>>>>>>>+ indicate
291 which lines were already there (+current+) and which were added by the
292 patch (+patched+). Edit the file so that it looks like it should; in
293 this case, we want something like this:
295 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
296 - numeric shortcuts for naming patches near top (eg. +1, -2)
297 - (config?) parameter for number of patches included by "series -s"
298 - Do something
299 - Do something else
300 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
302 Note that ``looks like it should'' includes removing the conflict
303 markers.
305 Now that we've resolved the conflict, we just need to tell StGit about
306 it:
308 $ git add TODO
309 $ stg status
310 M TODO
312 +TODO+ is listed as being modified, not in conflict. And we know from
313 before how to deal with modified files:
315 $ stg refresh
317 The conflict is now resolved. We can see that +first+ now looks a
318 little different; it no longer adds a line at the end of the file:
320 $ stg show
321 commit 8e3ae5f6fa6e9a5f831353524da5e0b91727338e
322 Author: Audrey U. Thor <>
323 Date: Sun Oct 5 14:43:42 2008 +0200
325 First patch
327 diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
328 index 812d236..4ef3841 100644
329 --- a/TODO
330 +++ b/TODO
331 @@ -24,4 +24,5 @@ The future, when time allows or if someone else does them:
332 they have scripts for moving the changes in one to the others)
333 - numeric shortcuts for naming patches near top (eg. +1, -2)
334 - (config?) parameter for number of patches included by "series -s"
335 +- Do something
336 - Do something else
339 Workflow: Development branch
340 ============================
342 One common use of StGit is to ``polish'' a Git branch before you
343 publish it for others to see. Such history falsification can often be
344 a 'good' thing -- when you (or someone else) needs to look at what you
345 did six months later, you are not really interested in all the false
346 starts and the steps needed to corect them. What you want is the final
347 solution, presented in a way that makes it easy to read and
348 understand.
350 Of course, there are limits. Editing the last few days' worth of
351 history is probably a good idea; editing the last few months' probably
352 isn't. A rule of thumb might be to not mess with history old enough
353 that you don't remember the details anymore. And rewriting history
354 that you have published for others to see (and base their own work on)
355 usually just makes everyone more confused, not less.
357 So, let's take a concrete example. Say that you're hacking on StGit,
358 and have made several Git commits as your work progressed, with commit
359 messages such as ``Improve the snarfle cache'', ``Remove debug
360 printout'', ``New snarfle cache test'', ``Oops, spell function name
361 correctly'', ``Fix documentation error'', and ``More snarfle cache''.
363 Now, this is the actual history, but for obvious reasons, this isn't
364 the kind of history you'd ideally want to find when you six months
365 from now try to figure out exactly where that elusive snarfle cache
366 bug was introduced. So let's turn this into the history we can be
367 proud of. The first step is to make StGit patches out of all those Git
368 commits:
370 $ stg uncommit --number 6
371 Uncommitting 6 patches ...
372 Now at patch "more-snarfle-cache"
373 done
374 $ stg series --description
375 + improve-the-snarfle-cache # Improve the snarfle cache
376 + remove-debug-printout # Remove debug printout
377 + new-snarfle-cache-test # New snarfle cache test
378 + oops-spell-function-name-corre # Oops, spell function name correctly
379 + fix-documentation-error # Fix documentation error
380 > more-snarfle-cache # More snarfle cache
382 As you can see, linkstg:uncommit[] adds StGit metadata to the last few
383 Git commits, turning them into StGit patches so that we can do stuff
384 with them.
386 NOTE: With the +$$--number$$+ flag, linkstg:uncommit[] uncommits that
387 many commits and generates names for them based on their commit
388 messages. If you like, you can instead list the patch names you want
389 on the command line.
391 At this point, there are a number of things we could do:
393 * Continue developing, and take advantage of e.g. linkstg:goto[] or
394 +stg refresh $$--patch$$+ to stick updates in the right patch to
395 begin with.
397 * Use e.g. linkstg:float[], linkstg:sink[], linkstg:push[], and
398 linkstg:pop[] to reorder patches.
400 * Use linkstg:squash[] to merge two or more patches into one.
401 linkstgsub:squash[] pushes and pops so that the patches to be
402 merged are consecutive and unrelated patches aren't in the way,
403 then makes one big patch out of the patches to be merged, and
404 finally pushes the other patches back.
405 +
406 Of course, as always when there is pushing involved, there is the
407 possibility of conflicts. If a push results in a conflict, the
408 operation will be halted, and we'll be given the option of either
409 resolving the conflict or undoing.
411 Once we feel that the history is as good as it's going to get, we can
412 remove the StGit metadata, turning the patches back into regular Git
413 commits again:
415 $ stg commit --all
417 TIP: linkstg:commit[] can also commit specific patches (named on the
418 command line), leaving the rest alone. This can be used to retire
419 patches as they mature, while keeping the newer and more volatile
420 patches as patches.
423 Workflow: Tracking branch
424 =========================
426 In the 'Development branch' workflow described above, we didn't have
427 to worry about other people; we're working on our branch, they are
428 presumably working on theirs, and when the time comes and we're ready
429 to publish our branch, we'll probably end up merging our branch with
430 those other peoples'. That's how Git is designed to work.
432 Or rather, one of the ways Git is designed to work. An alternative,
433 popular in e.g. the Linux kernel community (for which Git was
434 originally created), is that contributors send their patches by e-mail
435 to a mailing list. Others read the patches, try them out, and provide
436 feedback; often, the patch author is asked to send a new and improved
437 version of the patches. Once the project maintainer is satisfied that
438 the patches are good, she'll 'apply' them to a branch and publish it.
440 StGit is ideally suited for the process of creating patches, mailing
441 them out for review, revising them, mailing them off again, and
442 eventually getting them accepted.
445 Getting patches upstream
446 ------------------------
448 We've already covered how to clone a Git repository and start writing
449 patches. As for the next step, there are two commands you might use to
450 get patches out of StGit: linkstg:mail[] and linkstg:export[].
451 linkstg:export[] will export your patches to a filesystem directory as
452 one text file per patch, which can be useful if you are going to send
453 the patches by something other than e-mail. Most of the time, though,
454 linkstg:mail[] is what you want.
456 NOTE: Git comes with tools for sending commits via e-mail. Since StGit
457 patches are Git commits, you can use the Git tools if you like them
458 better for some reason.
460 NOTE: For exporting single patches -- as opposed to a whole bunch of
461 them -- you could also use linkstg:show[] or linkstg:diff[].
463 Mailing a patch is as easy as this:
465 $ stg mail --to <patches>
467 You can list one or more patches, or ranges of patches. Each patch
468 will be sent as a separate mail, with the first line of the commit
469 message as subject line. Try mailing patches to yourself to see what
470 the result looks like.
472 NOTE: linkstg:mail[] uses +sendmail+ on your computer to send the
473 mails. If you don't have +sendmail+ properly set up, you can instruct
474 it to use any SMTP server with the +$$--smtp-server$$+ flag.
476 There are many command-line options to control exactly how mails are
477 sent, as well as a message template you can modify if you want. The
478 man page has all the details; I'll just mention two more here.
480 +$$--edit-cover$$+ will open an editor and let you write an
481 introductory message; all the patch mails will then be sent as replies
482 to this 'cover message'. This is usually a good idea if you send more
483 than one patch, so that reviewers can get a quick overview of the
484 patches you sent.
486 +$$--edit-patches$$+ will let you edit each patch before it is sent.
487 You can change anything, but note that you are only editing the
488 outgoing mail, not the patch itself; if you want to make changes to
489 the patch, you probably want to use the regular StGit commands to do
490 so. What this 'is' useful for, though, is to add notes for the patch
491 recipients:
493 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
494 From: Audrey U. Thor <>
495 Subject: [PATCH] First line of the commit message
497 The rest of the commit message
499 ---
501 Everything after the line with the three dashes and before the diff is
502 just a comment, and not part of the commit message. If there's
503 anything you want the patch recipients to see, but that shouldn't be
504 recorded in the history if the patch is accepted, write it here.
506 stgit/ | 1 +
507 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
510 diff --git a/stgit/ b/stgit/
511 index e324179..6398958 100644
512 --- a/stgit/
513 +++ b/stgit/
514 @@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ def _main():
515 sys.exit(ret or utils.STGIT_SUCCESS)
517 def main():
518 + print 'My first patch!'
519 try:
520 _main()
521 finally:
522 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
525 Rebasing a patch series
526 -----------------------
528 While you are busy writing, submitting, and revising your patch
529 series, other people will be doing the same thing. As a result, even
530 though you started writing your patches on top of what was the latest
531 history at the time, your stack base will grow ever more out of date.
533 When you clone a repository,
535 $ stg clone stgit
537 you initially get one local branch, +master+. You also get a number of
538 'remote' branches, one for each branch in the repository you cloned.
539 In the case of the StGit repository, these are
540 +remotes/origin/stable+, +remotes/origin/master+, and
541 +remotes/origin/proposed+. +remotes+ means that it's not a local
542 branch, just a snapshot of a branch in another repository; and
543 +origin+ is the default name for the first remote repository (you can
544 set up more; see the man page for +git remote+).
546 Right after cloning, +master+ and +remotes/origin/master+ point at the
547 same commit. When you start writing patches, +master+ will advance,
548 and always point at the current topmost patch, but
549 +remotes/origin/master+ will stay the same because it represents the
550 master branch in the repository you cloned from -- your 'upstream'
551 repository.
553 Unless you are the only one working on the project, however, the
554 upstream repository will not stay the same forever. New commits will
555 be added to its branches; to update your clone, run
557 $ git remote update
559 This will update all your remote branches, but won't touch your local
560 branches. To get the latest changes into your local +master+ branch,
561 use linkstg:rebase[]:
563 $ stg rebase remotes/origin/master
565 This command will do three things:
567 1. Pop all patches, so that your local branch (+master+, in this
568 example) points at the stack base. This is the same commit that
569 +remotes/origin/master+ pointed at at the time you started
570 writing your patches.
572 2. Set the stack base to the given commit (the current, updated
573 value of +remotes/origin/master+).
575 3. Push the patches that were popped in the first step.
577 The end result is that your patches are now applied on top of the
578 latest version of +remotes/origin/master+.
580 The primary reason for rebasing is to reduce the amount of conflicts
581 between your work and others'. If one of your patches changes the same
582 part of the same file as a patch someone else has written, you will
583 get a conflict when you run linkstg:rebase[] the next time after the
584 other person's patch has been accepted upstream. It is almost always
585 less work to rebase often and resolve these one at a time, rather than
586 a whole lot at once. After all, you have to rebase eventually; if you
587 mail out patches that are based on an outdated branch, everyone who
588 tries to apply them has to resolve the conflicts instead. There are
589 more effective ways to get popular.
592 When your patches are accepted
593 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
595 If and when some or all of your patches are accepted upstream, you
596 update and rebase just like usual -- but be sure to use the
597 +$$--merged$$+ flag to linkstg:rebase[]:
599 $ git remote update
600 $ stg rebase --merged remotes/origin/master
602 This flag makes the rebase operation better at detecting that your
603 patches have been merged, at some cost in performance.
605 The patches that had been merged will still be present in your patch
606 stack after the rebase, but they will be empty, since the change they
607 added is now already present in the stack base. Run linkstg:clean[] to
608 get rid of such empty patches if you don't want them hanging around:
610 $ stg clean
613 Importing patches
614 -----------------
616 While you are busy producing patches, there's hopefully someone -- the
617 'maintainer' -- at the other end who recieves them and 'applies' them
618 to her Git tree, which is then published for all (or parts of) the
619 world to see.
621 It's perfectly fine for this person to not have the foggiest idea what
622 StGit is. In that case, she'll probably apply your patches with
623 something like +git am+, and everything will just work, exactly as if
624 you'd used Git to send those patches. But she might be an StGit user
625 too, in which case she might use linkstg:import[].
627 There are basically four kinds if stuff you can import with
628 linkstg:import[]:
630 1. A patch in a file.
632 2. Several files containing one patch each, and a 'series' file
633 listing those other files in the correct order.
635 3. An e-mail containing a single patch.
637 4. A mailbox file (in standard Unix +mbox+ format) containing
638 multiple e-mails with one patch in each.
641 Importing a plain patch
642 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
644 Importing a plain patch, such as produced by e.g. GNU +diff+, +git
645 diff+, +git show+, linkstg:diff[], or linkstg:show[], is very easy.
646 Just say
648 $ stg import my-patch
650 and you'll have a new patch at the top of your stack.
652 If you don't give a file name on the command line, linkstg:import[]
653 will read the patch from its standard input -- in other words, you can
654 pipe a patch to it directly from the command that produces it.
656 By default, the new patch's name will be taken from the file name, and
657 its commit message and author info will be taken from the beginning of
658 the patch, if they are there. However, there are command line switches
659 to override all of these things; see the man page for details.
662 Importing several patches at once
663 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
665 Some programs -- among them linkstg:export[] -- will create a bunch of
666 files with one patch in each, and a 'series' file (often called
667 +series+) listing the other files in the correct order. Give
668 +$$--series$$+ and the name of the series file to linkstg:import[],
669 and it will import all the patches for you, in the correct order.
672 Importing a patch from an e-mail
673 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
675 Importing a patch from an e-mail is simple too:
677 $ stg import --mail my-mail
679 The e-mail should be in standard Git mail format (which is what e.g.
680 linkstg:mail[] produces) -- that is, with the patch in-line in the
681 mail, not attached. The authorship info is taken from the mail
682 headers, and the commit message is read from the 'Subject:' line and
683 the mail body.
685 If you don't give a file name, the mail will be read from the standard
686 input. This means that, if your mail reader supports it, you can pipe
687 a mail directly to +stg import $$--mail$$+ and the patch will be
688 applied.
691 Importing a mailbox full of patches
692 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
694 Finally, in case importing one patch at a time is too much work,
695 linkstg:import[] also accepts an entire Unix +mbox+-format mailbox,
696 either on the command line or on its standard input; just use the
697 +$$--mbox$$+ flag. Each mail should contain one patch, and is imported
698 just like with +$$--mail$$+.
700 Mailboxes full of patches are produced by e.g. linkstg:mail[] with the
701 +$$--mbox$$+ flag, but most mail readers can produce them too, meaning
702 that you can copy all the patch mails you want to apply to a separate
703 mailbox, and then import them all in one go.
706 Other stuff that needs to be placed somewhere
707 =============================================
710 Undo
711 ----
713 TODO:: undo, redo, log, reset
716 Interoperating with Git
717 -----------------------
719 TODO::
721 * git commit + repair
723 * git reset HEAD~n + repair
725 * don't do git rebase or git merge, because it won't work
728 Patch stuff
729 -----------
731 TODO:: This section needs revising. I've only fixed the formatting.
732 Most of it should go under "Workflow: Tracking branch"
734 As mentioned in the introduction, StGit stores modifications to your
735 working tree in the form of Git commits. This means if you want to
736 apply your changes to a tree not managed by Git, or send your changes
737 to someone else in e-mail, you need to convert your StGit patches into
738 normal textual diffs that can be applied with the GNU patch command.
739 linkstg:diff[] is a powerful way to generate and view textual diffs of
740 patches managed by StGit.
742 To view a diff of the topmost patch:
744 $ stg diff -r /
746 Observe that this does not show any changes in the working directory
747 that have not been saved by a linkstgsub:refresh[]. To view just the
748 changes you've made since the last refresh, use:
750 $ stg diff -r /top
752 If you want to see the changes made by the patch combined with any
753 unsaved changes in the working directory, try:
755 $ stg diff -r /bottom
757 You can also show the changes to any patch in your stack with:
759 $ stg diff -r <patch>/
761 Use this command to view all the changes in your stack up through the
762 current patch:
764 $ stg diff -r base
766 linkstg:diff[] supports a number of other features that are very
767 useful. Be sure to take a look at the help information for this
768 command. To convert your StGit patches into patch files:
770 $ stg export [--range=[<patch1>[:<patch2>]]] [<dir-name>]
772 linkstg:export[] supports options to automatically number the patches
773 (+-n+) or add the +.diff+ extension (+-d+). If you don't tell
774 linkstgsub:export[] where to put the patches, it will create directory
775 named +patch-<branchname>+ in your current directory, and store the
776 patches there. To e-mail a patch or range of patches:
778 $ stg mail [--to=...] (--all | --range=[<patch1>[:<patch2>]] | <patch>)
780 linkstg:mail[] has a lot of options, so read the output of +stg mail
781 -h+ for more information.
783 You can also import an existing GNU diff patch file as a new StGit
784 patch with a single command. linkstg:import[] will automatically parse
785 through the patch file and extract a patch description. Use:
787 $ stg import [<file>]
789 This is the equivalent of
791 $ stg new
792 $ patch -i <file>
793 $ stg refresh -e
795 Sometimes the patch file won't apply cleanly. In that case,
796 linkstg:import[] will leave you with an empty StGit patch, to which
797 you then apply the patch file by hand using "patch -i" and your
798 favorite editor.
800 To merge a GNU diff file (defaulting to the standard input) into the
801 topmost patch:
803 $ stg fold [<file>]
805 This command supports a +$$--threeway$$+ option which applies the
806 patch onto the bottom of the topmost one and performs a three-way
807 merge.
810 Templates
811 ---------
813 TODO:: This section needs revising. I've only fixed the formatting.
815 linkstg:export[] and linkstg:mail[] use templates for generating the
816 patch files or e-mails. The default templates are installed under
817 +<prefix>/share/stgit/templates/+ and, combined with the extra options
818 available for these commands, should be enough for most users. The
819 template format uses the standard Python string formatting rules. The
820 variables available are listed in the the manual pages for each
821 command. linkstg:mail[] can also send an initial 'cover' e-mail for
822 which there is no default template. The
823 +<prefix>/share/stgit/examples/firstmail.tmpl+ file can be used as an
824 example. A default description for new patches can be defined in the
825 +.git/ patchdescr.tmpl+ file. This is useful for things like
826 signed-off-by lines.