Implement a new patch identification scheme and id command
[stgit] / stgit / lib /
1 """A Python class hierarchy wrapping a git repository and its
2 contents."""
4 import os, os.path, re
5 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
7 from stgit import exception, run, utils
8 from stgit.config import config
10 class Immutable(object):
11 """I{Immutable} objects cannot be modified once created. Any
12 modification methods will return a new object, leaving the
13 original object as it was.
15 The reason for this is that we want to be able to represent git
16 objects, which are immutable, and want to be able to create new
17 git objects that are just slight modifications of other git
18 objects. (Such as, for example, modifying the commit message of a
19 commit object while leaving the rest of it intact. This involves
20 creating a whole new commit object that's exactly like the old one
21 except for the commit message.)
23 The L{Immutable} class doesn't actually enforce immutability --
24 that is up to the individual immutable subclasses. It just serves
25 as documentation."""
27 class RepositoryException(exception.StgException):
28 """Base class for all exceptions due to failed L{Repository}
29 operations."""
31 class BranchException(exception.StgException):
32 """Exception raised by failed L{Branch} operations."""
34 class DateException(exception.StgException):
35 """Exception raised when a date+time string could not be parsed."""
36 def __init__(self, string, type):
37 exception.StgException.__init__(
38 self, '"%s" is not a valid %s' % (string, type))
40 class DetachedHeadException(RepositoryException):
41 """Exception raised when HEAD is detached (that is, there is no
42 current branch)."""
43 def __init__(self):
44 RepositoryException.__init__(self, 'Not on any branch')
46 class Repr(object):
47 """Utility class that defines C{__reps__} in terms of C{__str__}."""
48 def __repr__(self):
49 return str(self)
51 class NoValue(object):
52 """A handy default value that is guaranteed to be distinct from any
53 real argument value."""
54 pass
56 def make_defaults(defaults):
57 def d(val, attr, default_fun = lambda: None):
58 if val != NoValue:
59 return val
60 elif defaults != NoValue:
61 return getattr(defaults, attr)
62 else:
63 return default_fun()
64 return d
66 class TimeZone(tzinfo, Repr):
67 """A simple time zone class for static offsets from UTC. (We have to
68 define our own since Python's standard library doesn't define any
69 time zone classes.)"""
70 def __init__(self, tzstring):
71 m = re.match(r'^([+-])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})$', tzstring)
72 if not m:
73 raise DateException(tzstring, 'time zone')
74 sign = int( + '1')
75 try:
76 self.__offset = timedelta(hours = sign*int(,
77 minutes = sign*int(
78 except OverflowError:
79 raise DateException(tzstring, 'time zone')
80 self.__name = tzstring
81 def utcoffset(self, dt):
82 return self.__offset
83 def tzname(self, dt):
84 return self.__name
85 def dst(self, dt):
86 return timedelta(0)
87 def __str__(self):
88 return self.__name
90 class Date(Immutable, Repr):
91 """Represents a timestamp used in git commits."""
92 def __init__(self, datestring):
93 # Try git-formatted date.
94 m = re.match(r'^(\d+)\s+([+-]\d\d:?\d\d)$', datestring)
95 if m:
96 try:
97 self.__time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(,
98 TimeZone(
99 except ValueError:
100 raise DateException(datestring, 'date')
101 return
103 # Try iso-formatted date.
104 m = re.match(r'^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s+'
105 + r'([+-]\d\d:?\d\d)$', datestring)
106 if m:
107 try:
108 self.__time = datetime(
109 *[int( + 1)) for i in xrange(6)],
110 **{'tzinfo': TimeZone(})
111 except ValueError:
112 raise DateException(datestring, 'date')
113 return
115 raise DateException(datestring, 'date')
116 def __str__(self):
117 return self.isoformat()
118 def isoformat(self):
119 """Human-friendly ISO 8601 format."""
120 return '%s %s' % (self.__time.replace(tzinfo = None).isoformat(' '),
121 self.__time.tzinfo)
122 @classmethod
123 def maybe(cls, datestring):
124 """Return a new object initialized with the argument if it contains a
125 value (otherwise, just return the argument)."""
126 if datestring in [None, NoValue]:
127 return datestring
128 return cls(datestring)
130 class Person(Immutable, Repr):
131 """Represents an author or committer in a git commit object. Contains
132 name, email and timestamp."""
133 def __init__(self, name = NoValue, email = NoValue,
134 date = NoValue, defaults = NoValue):
135 d = make_defaults(defaults)
136 self.__name = d(name, 'name')
137 self.__email = d(email, 'email')
138 self.__date = d(date, 'date')
139 assert isinstance(self.__date, Date) or self.__date in [None, NoValue]
140 name = property(lambda self: self.__name)
141 email = property(lambda self: self.__email)
142 date = property(lambda self: self.__date)
143 def set_name(self, name):
144 return type(self)(name = name, defaults = self)
145 def set_email(self, email):
146 return type(self)(email = email, defaults = self)
147 def set_date(self, date):
148 return type(self)(date = date, defaults = self)
149 def __str__(self):
150 return '%s <%s> %s' % (,,
151 @classmethod
152 def parse(cls, s):
153 m = re.match(r'^([^<]*)<([^>]*)>\s+(\d+\s+[+-]\d{4})$', s)
154 assert m
155 name =
156 email =
157 date = Date(
158 return cls(name, email, date)
159 @classmethod
160 def user(cls):
161 if not hasattr(cls, '__user'):
162 cls.__user = cls(name = config.get(''),
163 email = config.get(''))
164 return cls.__user
165 @classmethod
166 def author(cls):
167 if not hasattr(cls, '__author'):
168 cls.__author = cls(
169 name = os.environ.get('GIT_AUTHOR_NAME', NoValue),
170 email = os.environ.get('GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL', NoValue),
171 date = Date.maybe(os.environ.get('GIT_AUTHOR_DATE', NoValue)),
172 defaults = cls.user())
173 return cls.__author
174 @classmethod
175 def committer(cls):
176 if not hasattr(cls, '__committer'):
177 cls.__committer = cls(
178 name = os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_NAME', NoValue),
179 email = os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL', NoValue),
180 date = Date.maybe(
181 os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_DATE', NoValue)),
182 defaults = cls.user())
183 return cls.__committer
185 class GitObject(Immutable, Repr):
186 """Base class for all git objects. One git object is represented by at
187 most one C{GitObject}, which makes it possible to compare them
188 using normal Python object comparison; it also ensures we don't
189 waste more memory than necessary."""
191 class BlobData(Immutable, Repr):
192 """Represents the data contents of a git blob object."""
193 def __init__(self, string):
194 self.__string = str(string)
195 str = property(lambda self: self.__string)
196 def commit(self, repository):
197 """Commit the blob.
198 @return: The committed blob
199 @rtype: L{Blob}"""
200 sha1 =['git', 'hash-object', '-w', '--stdin']
201 ).raw_input(self.str).output_one_line()
202 return repository.get_blob(sha1)
204 class Blob(GitObject):
205 """Represents a git blob object. All the actual data contents of the
206 blob object is stored in the L{data} member, which is a
207 L{BlobData} object."""
208 typename = 'blob'
209 default_perm = '100644'
210 def __init__(self, repository, sha1):
211 self.__repository = repository
212 self.__sha1 = sha1
213 sha1 = property(lambda self: self.__sha1)
214 def __str__(self):
215 return 'Blob<%s>' % self.sha1
216 @property
217 def data(self):
218 return BlobData(self.__repository.cat_object(self.sha1))
220 class ImmutableDict(dict):
221 """A dictionary that cannot be modified once it's been created."""
222 def error(*args, **kwargs):
223 raise TypeError('Cannot modify immutable dict')
224 __delitem__ = error
225 __setitem__ = error
226 clear = error
227 pop = error
228 popitem = error
229 setdefault = error
230 update = error
232 class TreeData(Immutable, Repr):
233 """Represents the data contents of a git tree object."""
234 @staticmethod
235 def __x(po):
236 if isinstance(po, GitObject):
237 perm, object = po.default_perm, po
238 else:
239 perm, object = po
240 return perm, object
241 def __init__(self, entries):
242 """Create a new L{TreeData} object from the given mapping from names
243 (strings) to either (I{permission}, I{object}) tuples or just
244 objects."""
245 self.__entries = ImmutableDict((name, self.__x(po))
246 for (name, po) in entries.iteritems())
247 entries = property(lambda self: self.__entries)
248 """Map from name to (I{permission}, I{object}) tuple."""
249 def set_entry(self, name, po):
250 """Create a new L{TreeData} object identical to this one, except that
251 it maps C{name} to C{po}.
253 @param name: Name of the changed mapping
254 @type name: C{str}
255 @param po: Value of the changed mapping
256 @type po: L{Blob} or L{Tree} or (C{str}, L{Blob} or L{Tree})
257 @return: The new L{TreeData} object
258 @rtype: L{TreeData}"""
259 e = dict(self.entries)
260 e[name] = self.__x(po)
261 return type(self)(e)
262 def del_entry(self, name):
263 """Create a new L{TreeData} object identical to this one, except that
264 it doesn't map C{name} to anything.
266 @param name: Name of the deleted mapping
267 @type name: C{str}
268 @return: The new L{TreeData} object
269 @rtype: L{TreeData}"""
270 e = dict(self.entries)
271 del e[name]
272 return type(self)(e)
273 def commit(self, repository):
274 """Commit the tree.
275 @return: The committed tree
276 @rtype: L{Tree}"""
277 listing = ''.join(
278 '%s %s %s\t%s\0' % (mode, obj.typename, obj.sha1, name)
279 for (name, (mode, obj)) in self.entries.iteritems())
280 sha1 =['git', 'mktree', '-z']
281 ).raw_input(listing).output_one_line()
282 return repository.get_tree(sha1)
283 @classmethod
284 def parse(cls, repository, s):
285 """Parse a raw git tree description.
287 @return: A new L{TreeData} object
288 @rtype: L{TreeData}"""
289 entries = {}
290 for line in s.split('\0')[:-1]:
291 m = re.match(r'^([0-7]{6}) ([a-z]+) ([0-9a-f]{40})\t(.*)$', line)
292 assert m
293 perm, type, sha1, name = m.groups()
294 entries[name] = (perm, repository.get_object(type, sha1))
295 return cls(entries)
297 class Tree(GitObject):
298 """Represents a git tree object. All the actual data contents of the
299 tree object is stored in the L{data} member, which is a
300 L{TreeData} object."""
301 typename = 'tree'
302 default_perm = '040000'
303 def __init__(self, repository, sha1):
304 self.__sha1 = sha1
305 self.__repository = repository
306 self.__data = None
307 sha1 = property(lambda self: self.__sha1)
308 @property
309 def data(self):
310 if self.__data == None:
311 self.__data = TreeData.parse(
312 self.__repository,
313['git', 'ls-tree', '-z', self.sha1]
314 ).raw_output())
315 return self.__data
316 def __str__(self):
317 return 'Tree<sha1: %s>' % self.sha1
319 class CommitData(Immutable, Repr):
320 """Represents the data contents of a git commit object."""
321 def __init__(self, tree = NoValue, parents = NoValue, author = NoValue,
322 committer = NoValue, message = NoValue, defaults = NoValue):
323 d = make_defaults(defaults)
324 self.__tree = d(tree, 'tree')
325 self.__parents = d(parents, 'parents')
326 self.__author = d(author, 'author',
327 self.__committer = d(committer, 'committer', Person.committer)
328 self.__message = d(message, 'message')
329 tree = property(lambda self: self.__tree)
330 parents = property(lambda self: self.__parents)
331 @property
332 def parent(self):
333 assert len(self.__parents) == 1
334 return self.__parents[0]
335 author = property(lambda self: self.__author)
336 committer = property(lambda self: self.__committer)
337 message = property(lambda self: self.__message)
338 def set_tree(self, tree):
339 return type(self)(tree = tree, defaults = self)
340 def set_parents(self, parents):
341 return type(self)(parents = parents, defaults = self)
342 def add_parent(self, parent):
343 return type(self)(parents = list(self.parents or []) + [parent],
344 defaults = self)
345 def set_parent(self, parent):
346 return self.set_parents([parent])
347 def set_author(self, author):
348 return type(self)(author = author, defaults = self)
349 def set_committer(self, committer):
350 return type(self)(committer = committer, defaults = self)
351 def set_message(self, message):
352 return type(self)(message = message, defaults = self)
353 def is_nochange(self):
354 return len(self.parents) == 1 and self.tree ==
355 def __str__(self):
356 if self.tree == None:
357 tree = None
358 else:
359 tree = self.tree.sha1
360 if self.parents == None:
361 parents = None
362 else:
363 parents = [p.sha1 for p in self.parents]
364 return ('CommitData<tree: %s, parents: %s, author: %s,'
365 ' committer: %s, message: "%s">'
366 ) % (tree, parents,, self.committer, self.message)
367 def commit(self, repository):
368 """Commit the commit.
369 @return: The committed commit
370 @rtype: L{Commit}"""
371 c = ['git', 'commit-tree', self.tree.sha1]
372 for p in self.parents:
373 c.append('-p')
374 c.append(p.sha1)
375 env = {}
376 for p, v1 in ((, 'AUTHOR'),
377 (self.committer, 'COMMITTER')):
378 if p != None:
379 for attr, v2 in (('name', 'NAME'), ('email', 'EMAIL'),
380 ('date', 'DATE')):
381 if getattr(p, attr) != None:
382 env['GIT_%s_%s' % (v1, v2)] = str(getattr(p, attr))
383 sha1 =, env = env).raw_input(self.message
384 ).output_one_line()
385 return repository.get_commit(sha1)
386 @classmethod
387 def parse(cls, repository, s):
388 """Parse a raw git commit description.
389 @return: A new L{CommitData} object
390 @rtype: L{CommitData}"""
391 cd = cls(parents = [])
392 lines = list(s.splitlines(True))
393 for i in xrange(len(lines)):
394 line = lines[i].strip()
395 if not line:
396 return cd.set_message(''.join(lines[i+1:]))
397 key, value = line.split(None, 1)
398 if key == 'tree':
399 cd = cd.set_tree(repository.get_tree(value))
400 elif key == 'parent':
401 cd = cd.add_parent(repository.get_commit(value))
402 elif key == 'author':
403 cd = cd.set_author(Person.parse(value))
404 elif key == 'committer':
405 cd = cd.set_committer(Person.parse(value))
406 else:
407 assert False
408 assert False
410 class Commit(GitObject):
411 """Represents a git commit object. All the actual data contents of the
412 commit object is stored in the L{data} member, which is a
413 L{CommitData} object."""
414 typename = 'commit'
415 def __init__(self, repository, sha1):
416 self.__sha1 = sha1
417 self.__repository = repository
418 self.__data = None
419 sha1 = property(lambda self: self.__sha1)
420 @property
421 def data(self):
422 if self.__data == None:
423 self.__data = CommitData.parse(
424 self.__repository,
425 self.__repository.cat_object(self.sha1))
426 return self.__data
427 def __str__(self):
428 return 'Commit<sha1: %s, data: %s>' % (self.sha1, self.__data)
430 class Refs(object):
431 """Accessor for the refs stored in a git repository. Will
432 transparently cache the values of all refs."""
433 def __init__(self, repository):
434 self.__repository = repository
435 self.__refs = None
436 def __cache_refs(self):
437 """(Re-)Build the cache of all refs in the repository."""
438 self.__refs = {}
439 for line in['git', 'show-ref']).output_lines():
440 m = re.match(r'^([0-9a-f]{40})\s+(\S+)$', line)
441 sha1, ref = m.groups()
442 self.__refs[ref] = sha1
443 def get(self, ref):
444 """Get the Commit the given ref points to. Throws KeyError if ref
445 doesn't exist."""
446 if self.__refs == None:
447 self.__cache_refs()
448 return self.__repository.get_commit(self.__refs[ref])
449 def exists(self, ref):
450 """Check if the given ref exists."""
451 try:
452 self.get(ref)
453 except KeyError:
454 return False
455 else:
456 return True
457 def set(self, ref, commit, msg):
458 """Write the sha1 of the given Commit to the ref. The ref may or may
459 not already exist."""
460 if self.__refs == None:
461 self.__cache_refs()
462 old_sha1 = self.__refs.get(ref, '0'*40)
463 new_sha1 = commit.sha1
464 if old_sha1 != new_sha1:
465['git', 'update-ref', '-m', msg,
466 ref, new_sha1, old_sha1]).no_output()
467 self.__refs[ref] = new_sha1
468 def delete(self, ref):
469 """Delete the given ref. Throws KeyError if ref doesn't exist."""
470 if self.__refs == None:
471 self.__cache_refs()
472['git', 'update-ref',
473 '-d', ref, self.__refs[ref]]).no_output()
474 del self.__refs[ref]
476 class ObjectCache(object):
477 """Cache for Python objects, for making sure that we create only one
478 Python object per git object. This reduces memory consumption and
479 makes object comparison very cheap."""
480 def __init__(self, create):
481 self.__objects = {}
482 self.__create = create
483 def __getitem__(self, name):
484 if not name in self.__objects:
485 self.__objects[name] = self.__create(name)
486 return self.__objects[name]
487 def __contains__(self, name):
488 return name in self.__objects
489 def __setitem__(self, name, val):
490 assert not name in self.__objects
491 self.__objects[name] = val
493 class RunWithEnv(object):
494 def run(self, args, env = {}):
495 """Run the given command with an environment given by self.env.
497 @type args: list of strings
498 @param args: Command and argument vector
499 @type env: dict
500 @param env: Extra environment"""
501 return run.Run(*args).env(utils.add_dict(self.env, env))
503 class RunWithEnvCwd(RunWithEnv):
504 def run(self, args, env = {}):
505 """Run the given command with an environment given by self.env, and
506 current working directory given by self.cwd.
508 @type args: list of strings
509 @param args: Command and argument vector
510 @type env: dict
511 @param env: Extra environment"""
512 return, args, env).cwd(self.cwd)
514 class Repository(RunWithEnv):
515 """Represents a git repository."""
516 def __init__(self, directory):
517 self.__git_dir = directory
518 self.__refs = Refs(self)
519 self.__blobs = ObjectCache(lambda sha1: Blob(self, sha1))
520 self.__trees = ObjectCache(lambda sha1: Tree(self, sha1))
521 self.__commits = ObjectCache(lambda sha1: Commit(self, sha1))
522 self.__default_index = None
523 self.__default_worktree = None
524 self.__default_iw = None
525 env = property(lambda self: { 'GIT_DIR': self.__git_dir })
526 @classmethod
527 def default(cls):
528 """Return the default repository."""
529 try:
530 return cls(run.Run('git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir'
531 ).output_one_line())
532 except run.RunException:
533 raise RepositoryException('Cannot find git repository')
534 @property
535 def current_branch_name(self):
536 """Return the name of the current branch."""
537 return utils.strip_leading('refs/heads/', self.head_ref)
538 @property
539 def default_index(self):
540 """An L{Index} object representing the default index file for the
541 repository."""
542 if self.__default_index == None:
543 self.__default_index = Index(
544 self, (os.environ.get('GIT_INDEX_FILE', None)
545 or os.path.join(self.__git_dir, 'index')))
546 return self.__default_index
547 def temp_index(self):
548 """Return an L{Index} object representing a new temporary index file
549 for the repository."""
550 return Index(self, self.__git_dir)
551 @property
552 def default_worktree(self):
553 """A L{Worktree} object representing the default work tree."""
554 if self.__default_worktree == None:
555 path = os.environ.get('GIT_WORK_TREE', None)
556 if not path:
557 o = run.Run('git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup').output_lines()
558 o = o or ['.']
559 assert len(o) == 1
560 path = o[0]
561 self.__default_worktree = Worktree(path)
562 return self.__default_worktree
563 @property
564 def default_iw(self):
565 """An L{IndexAndWorktree} object representing the default index and
566 work tree for this repository."""
567 if self.__default_iw == None:
568 self.__default_iw = IndexAndWorktree(self.default_index,
569 self.default_worktree)
570 return self.__default_iw
571 directory = property(lambda self: self.__git_dir)
572 refs = property(lambda self: self.__refs)
573 def cat_object(self, sha1):
574 return['git', 'cat-file', '-p', sha1]).raw_output()
575 def rev_parse(self, rev, discard_stderr = False):
576 try:
577 return self.get_commit(
578 ['git', 'rev-parse', '%s^{commit}' % rev]
579 ).discard_stderr(discard_stderr).output_one_line())
580 except run.RunException:
581 raise RepositoryException('%s: No such revision' % rev)
582 def get_blob(self, sha1):
583 return self.__blobs[sha1]
584 def get_tree(self, sha1):
585 return self.__trees[sha1]
586 def get_commit(self, sha1):
587 return self.__commits[sha1]
588 def get_object(self, type, sha1):
589 return { Blob.typename: self.get_blob,
590 Tree.typename: self.get_tree,
591 Commit.typename: self.get_commit }[type](sha1)
592 def commit(self, objectdata):
593 return objectdata.commit(self)
594 @property
595 def head_ref(self):
596 try:
597 return['git', 'symbolic-ref', '-q', 'HEAD']
598 ).output_one_line()
599 except run.RunException:
600 raise DetachedHeadException()
601 def set_head_ref(self, ref, msg):
602['git', 'symbolic-ref', '-m', msg, 'HEAD', ref]).no_output()
603 def simple_merge(self, base, ours, theirs):
604 index = self.temp_index()
605 try:
606 result, index_tree = index.merge(base, ours, theirs)
607 finally:
608 index.delete()
609 return result
610 def apply(self, tree, patch_text, quiet):
611 """Given a L{Tree} and a patch, will either return the new L{Tree}
612 that results when the patch is applied, or None if the patch
613 couldn't be applied."""
614 assert isinstance(tree, Tree)
615 if not patch_text:
616 return tree
617 index = self.temp_index()
618 try:
619 index.read_tree(tree)
620 try:
621 index.apply(patch_text, quiet)
622 return index.write_tree()
623 except MergeException:
624 return None
625 finally:
626 index.delete()
627 def diff_tree(self, t1, t2, diff_opts):
628 """Given two L{Tree}s C{t1} and C{t2}, return the patch that takes
629 C{t1} to C{t2}.
631 @type diff_opts: list of strings
632 @param diff_opts: Extra diff options
633 @rtype: String
634 @return: Patch text"""
635 assert isinstance(t1, Tree)
636 assert isinstance(t2, Tree)
637 return['git', 'diff-tree', '-p'] + list(diff_opts)
638 + [t1.sha1, t2.sha1]).raw_output()
640 class MergeException(exception.StgException):
641 """Exception raised when a merge fails for some reason."""
643 class MergeConflictException(MergeException):
644 """Exception raised when a merge fails due to conflicts."""
646 class Index(RunWithEnv):
647 """Represents a git index file."""
648 def __init__(self, repository, filename):
649 self.__repository = repository
650 if os.path.isdir(filename):
651 # Create a temp index in the given directory.
652 self.__filename = os.path.join(
653 filename, 'index.temp-%d-%x' % (os.getpid(), id(self)))
654 self.delete()
655 else:
656 self.__filename = filename
657 env = property(lambda self: utils.add_dict(
658 self.__repository.env, { 'GIT_INDEX_FILE': self.__filename }))
659 def read_tree(self, tree):
660['git', 'read-tree', tree.sha1]).no_output()
661 def write_tree(self):
662 try:
663 return self.__repository.get_tree(
664['git', 'write-tree']).discard_stderr(
665 ).output_one_line())
666 except run.RunException:
667 raise MergeException('Conflicting merge')
668 def is_clean(self):
669 try:
670['git', 'update-index', '--refresh']).discard_output()
671 except run.RunException:
672 return False
673 else:
674 return True
675 def apply(self, patch_text, quiet):
676 """In-index patch application, no worktree involved."""
677 try:
678 r =['git', 'apply', '--cached']).raw_input(patch_text)
679 if quiet:
680 r = r.discard_stderr()
681 r.no_output()
682 except run.RunException:
683 raise MergeException('Patch does not apply cleanly')
684 def apply_treediff(self, tree1, tree2, quiet):
685 """Apply the diff from C{tree1} to C{tree2} to the index."""
686 # Passing --full-index here is necessary to support binary
687 # files. It is also sufficient, since the repository already
688 # contains all involved objects; in other words, we don't have
689 # to use --binary.
690 self.apply(self.__repository.diff_tree(tree1, tree2, ['--full-index']),
691 quiet)
692 def merge(self, base, ours, theirs, current = None):
693 """Use the index (and only the index) to do a 3-way merge of the
694 L{Tree}s C{base}, C{ours} and C{theirs}. The merge will either
695 succeed (in which case the first half of the return value is
696 the resulting tree) or fail cleanly (in which case the first
697 half of the return value is C{None}).
699 If C{current} is given (and not C{None}), it is assumed to be
700 the L{Tree} currently stored in the index; this information is
701 used to avoid having to read the right tree (either of C{ours}
702 and C{theirs}) into the index if it's already there. The
703 second half of the return value is the tree now stored in the
704 index, or C{None} if unknown. If the merge succeeded, this is
705 often the merge result."""
706 assert isinstance(base, Tree)
707 assert isinstance(ours, Tree)
708 assert isinstance(theirs, Tree)
709 assert current == None or isinstance(current, Tree)
711 # Take care of the really trivial cases.
712 if base == ours:
713 return (theirs, current)
714 if base == theirs:
715 return (ours, current)
716 if ours == theirs:
717 return (ours, current)
719 if current == theirs:
720 # Swap the trees. It doesn't matter since merging is
721 # symmetric, and will allow us to avoid the read_tree()
722 # call below.
723 ours, theirs = theirs, ours
724 if current != ours:
725 self.read_tree(ours)
726 try:
727 self.apply_treediff(base, theirs, quiet = True)
728 result = self.write_tree()
729 return (result, result)
730 except MergeException:
731 return (None, ours)
732 def delete(self):
733 if os.path.isfile(self.__filename):
734 os.remove(self.__filename)
735 def conflicts(self):
736 """The set of conflicting paths."""
737 paths = set()
738 for line in['git', 'ls-files', '-z', '--unmerged']
739 ).raw_output().split('\0')[:-1]:
740 stat, path = line.split('\t', 1)
741 paths.add(path)
742 return paths
744 class Worktree(object):
745 """Represents a git worktree (that is, a checked-out file tree)."""
746 def __init__(self, directory):
747 self.__directory = directory
748 env = property(lambda self: { 'GIT_WORK_TREE': '.' })
749 directory = property(lambda self: self.__directory)
751 class CheckoutException(exception.StgException):
752 """Exception raised when a checkout fails."""
754 class IndexAndWorktree(RunWithEnvCwd):
755 """Represents a git index and a worktree. Anything that an index or
756 worktree can do on their own are handled by the L{Index} and
757 L{Worktree} classes; this class concerns itself with the
758 operations that require both."""
759 def __init__(self, index, worktree):
760 self.__index = index
761 self.__worktree = worktree
762 index = property(lambda self: self.__index)
763 env = property(lambda self: utils.add_dict(self.__index.env,
764 self.__worktree.env))
765 cwd = property(lambda self:
766 def checkout(self, old_tree, new_tree):
767 # TODO: Optionally do a 3-way instead of doing nothing when we
768 # have a problem. Or maybe we should stash changes in a patch?
769 assert isinstance(old_tree, Tree)
770 assert isinstance(new_tree, Tree)
771 try:
772['git', 'read-tree', '-u', '-m',
773 '--exclude-per-directory=.gitignore',
774 old_tree.sha1, new_tree.sha1]
775 ).discard_output()
776 except run.RunException:
777 raise CheckoutException('Index/workdir dirty')
778 def merge(self, base, ours, theirs):
779 assert isinstance(base, Tree)
780 assert isinstance(ours, Tree)
781 assert isinstance(theirs, Tree)
782 try:
783 r =['git', 'merge-recursive', base.sha1, '--', ours.sha1,
784 theirs.sha1],
785 env = { 'GITHEAD_%s' % base.sha1: 'ancestor',
786 'GITHEAD_%s' % ours.sha1: 'current',
787 'GITHEAD_%s' % theirs.sha1: 'patched'})
788 r.discard_output()
789 except run.RunException, e:
790 if r.exitcode == 1:
791 raise MergeConflictException()
792 else:
793 raise MergeException('Index/worktree dirty')
794 def changed_files(self):
795 return['git', 'diff-files', '--name-only']).output_lines()
796 def update_index(self, files):
797['git', 'update-index', '--remove', '-z', '--stdin']
798 ).input_nulterm(files).discard_output()
800 class Branch(object):
801 """Represents a Git branch."""
802 def __init__(self, repository, name):
803 self.__repository = repository
804 self.__name = name
805 try:
806 self.head
807 except KeyError:
808 raise BranchException('%s: no such branch' % name)
810 name = property(lambda self: self.__name)
811 repository = property(lambda self: self.__repository)
813 def __ref(self):
814 return 'refs/heads/%s' % self.__name
815 @property
816 def head(self):
817 return self.__repository.refs.get(self.__ref())
818 def set_head(self, commit, msg):
819 self.__repository.refs.set(self.__ref(), commit, msg)
821 def set_parent_remote(self, name):
822 value = config.set('branch.%s.remote' % self.__name, name)
823 def set_parent_branch(self, name):
824 if config.get('branch.%s.remote' % self.__name):
825 # Never set merge if remote is not set to avoid
826 # possibly-erroneous lookups into 'origin'
827 config.set('branch.%s.merge' % self.__name, name)
829 @classmethod
830 def create(cls, repository, name, create_at = None):
831 """Create a new Git branch and return the corresponding
832 L{Branch} object."""
833 try:
834 branch = cls(repository, name)
835 except BranchException:
836 branch = None
837 if branch:
838 raise BranchException('%s: branch already exists' % name)
840 cmd = ['git', 'branch']
841 if create_at:
842 cmd.append(create_at.sha1)
843['git', 'branch', create_at.sha1]).discard_output()
845 return cls(repository, name)