Various changes of a plausible nature.
[ssr] / StraySrc / Libraries / Sapphire / tms / s / tmsMain
1 ;
2 ; tmsMain.s
3 ;
4 ; The Straylight Tearoff Menu Segment (TMA)
5 ;
6 ; © 1994 Straylight
7 ;
9 ;----- Don't forget to do these things --------------------------------------
10 ;
11 ; Do a good checksum
13 ;----- Standard header ------------------------------------------------------
15 GET libs:header
16 GET libs:swis
18 ;----- External Dependencies ------------------------------------------------
20 GET
22 GET sapphire:errorBox
23 GET sapphire:help
24 GET sapphire:idle
25 GET sapphire:keyString
26 GET sapphire:msgs
27 GET sapphire:resspr
28 GET sapphire:sapphire
29 GET sapphire:screen
30 GET sapphire:string
31 GET sapphire:tspr
32 GET sapphire:wimp
33 GET sapphire:win
35 ; --- Internal header files ---
37 GET sapphire:_tms.tmsCreate
38 GET sapphire:_tms.tmsGlobal
39 GET sapphire:_tms.tmsGlue
41 ;----- Main code ------------------------------------------------------------
43 AREA |Sapphire$$Code|,CODE,READONLY
45 ; --- tms__closeMenu ---
46 ;
47 ; On entry: R2 == pointer to menu to close
48 ; R10 == pointer to the menu we are currently over
49 ;
50 ; On exit: --
51 ;
52 ; Use: Closes the menu structure pointed to, and destroys it
54 EXPORT tms__closeMenu
55 tms__closeMenu ROUT
57 CMP R2,#0 ;Is there menu?
58 MOVEQS PC,R14 ;No -- return
60 STMFD R13!,{R0-R4,R14} ;Stack some registers
61 LDR R14,tms__currDbox ;Get the current dbox
62 CMP R14,R2 ;Is this what we are closing?
63 BEQ %20tms__closeMenu ;Yes -- close it then
65 LDR R0,[R2,#hPrevMenu] ;Get the previous menu
66 CMP R0,#0 ;Is there one?
67 BEQ %03tms__closeMenu ;No -- skip this bit then
68 CMP R0,R10 ;Are we over previous menu?
69 BLNE tms__deselect ;No -- deselect the item
70 LDREQ R1,[R0,#hFlags] ;Yes -- get its flags
71 BICEQ R1,R1,#hFlag__warned ;...clear the warned flag
72 STREQ R1,[R0,#hFlags] ; flags back again
73 MOV R0,#0 ;A NULL pointer
75 ; --- Tell the previous menu that we have closed ---
77 LDR R1,[R2,#hFromItem] ;Get the item we are from
78 CMP R1,#0 ;Is there one?
79 STRNE R0,[R1,#iSubMenu] ;Yes -- no submenu now
81 ; --- Update some globals ---
83 03 STR R0,tms__prevLevel ;No previous level
84 STR R0,tms__orgTearoff ;No originating tearoff
86 ; --- Clear the previous field of torn menus ---
88 LDR R1,tms__tornoffs ;Get the head of the list
89 CMP R1,#0 ;Are we at the end?
90 BEQ %05tms__closeMenu ;Yes -- jump
91 04 LDR R4,[R1,#hPrevMenu] ;Get the 'previous' field
92 CMP R2,R4 ;Does it point to this menu?
93 STREQ R0,[R1,#hPrevMenu] ;Yes -- make it NULL
94 LDR R1,[R1,#hNextTorn] ;Get the next torn menu
95 CMP R1,#0 ;Are we at the end?
96 BNE %04tms__closeMenu ;No -- keep looking
98 ; --- If we are closing the current transient, do this ---
100 05 LDR R0,tms__current ;Point to current transient
101 CMP R0,R2 ;Are we closing it?
102 BNE %09tms__closeMenu ;No -- jump ahead
103 MOV R0,#0 ;Yes -- A NULL pointer
104 STR R0,tms__current ; current any more
105 BL tearSupport_closed ;Stop tearoffsupt sending
107 ; --- If dbox came from this menu, do this ---
109 LDR R0,tms__dboxPrev ;Get dbox parent
110 CMP R0,R2 ;Are we closing it?
111 MOVEQ R0,#0 ;Yes -- get a NULL word
112 STREQ R0,tms__dboxPrev ;And store that as the parent
114 ; --- Now close down the menu structure ---
116 09 LDR R3,tms__oldHandle ;Get the old handle
117 10 MOV R0,R2 ;Destroy this menu
118 LDR R1,[R0,#hFlags] ;Get the flags word
119 TST R1,#hFlag__torn ;Is the menu torn off?
120 LDMNEFD R13!,{R0-R4,PC}^ ;Yes -- return
121 LDR R2,[R0,#hSubMenu] ;Get the submenu pointer
123 ; --- Inform the owner about deletion ---
125 STMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R10,R12} ;Stack some registers
126 ADD R0,R0,#hHandler ;Point to the handler
127 LDMIA R0,{R2,R10,R12} ;Get values out
128 MOV R0,#mEvent_deleted ;The menu has been deleted
129 MOV R1,#0 ;No item in question
130 CMP R2,#0 ;Sanity check
131 MOV R14,PC ;Set up return address
132 MOVNE PC,R2 ;Call the handler
133 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R10,R12} ;Get registers back
135 ; --- Destroy the menu ---
137 BL tms__destroy ;Destroy the menu
138 CMP R0,R3 ;Were we over this menu?
139 BLEQ tms__cleanUp ;Yes -- clean up then
141 TST R1,#hFlag__warned ;Has there been a warning
142 LDMEQFD R13!,{R0-R4,PC}^ ;No -- return
143 CMP R2,#0 ;Is there a submenu?
144 LDMEQFD R13!,{R0-R4,PC}^ ;No -- Return to caller
145 TST R1,#hFlag__dbox ;Is this a dbox?
146 BEQ %10tms__closeMenu ;No -- keep going then
148 ; --- Its a window then ---
150 20 LDR R0,tms__dboxPrev ;Get the previous menu
151 CMP R0,#0 ;Is there one?
152 BEQ %25tms__closeMenu ;No -- skip this bit then
153 CMP R0,R10 ;Are we over previous menu?
154 BLNE tms__deselect ;No -- deselect the item
155 LDREQ R1,[R0,#hFlags] ;Yes -- get its flags
156 BICEQ R1,R1,#hFlag__warned ;...clear the warned flag
157 STREQ R1,[R0,#hFlags] ; flags back again
158 MOV R0,#0 ;A NULL pointer
160 ; --- Tell the previous menu that we have closed ---
162 LDR R1,tms__dboxPrev ;Get the item we are from
163 CMP R1,#0 ;Is there one?
164 STRNE R0,[R1,#iSubMenu] ;Yes -- no submenu now
166 ; --- Now close the dialogue box ---
168 25 LDR R2,tms__currDbox ;Load the dbox handle
169 STR R2,[R13,#-4]! ;Put handle on the stack
170 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to it
171 SWI Wimp_CloseWindow ;And close the window
172 ADD R13,R13,#4 ;Reclaim my stack
173 MOV R0,#0 ;No current dbox
174 STR R0,tms__currDbox ;Make that clear
175 LDR R1,tms__current ;Get the current transient
176 CMP R1,#0 ;Is this what we are closing?
177 STREQ R0,tms__current ;Yes -- no transient now then
178 BLEQ tearSupport_closed ;Stop the messages please
179 LDR R0,tms__flags ;Load the main flags
180 ORR R0,R0,#tFlag__doFake ;Do a fake NULL event
181 STR R0,tms__flags ;Store the flags back again
182 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R4,PC}^ ;Return to caller
186 ; --- tms__alarm1 ---
187 ;
188 ; On entry: --
189 ;
190 ; On exit: --
191 ;
192 ; Use: The first alarm to be called when waiting on an item.
194 tms__alarm1 ROUT
195 STMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R7,R8,R14} ;Stack registers nicley
197 ; --- Set up the next alarm ---
199 MOV R0,#161 ;Read the CMOS ram
200 MOV R1,#23 ;Read the delay time
201 SWI OS_Byte ;Read the delay then
202 LDR R0,tms__flags ;Load the tms flags
203 ORR R0,R0,#tFlag__nActive ;Menus are not active
204 STR R0,tms__flags ;Save the new flags
205 ADD R2,R2,R2,LSL #2 ;Multiply delay by 5
206 MOV R2,R2,LSL #1 ;And then by 2
207 SWI OS_ReadMonotonicTime ;Read the current time
208 ADD R0,R0,R2 ;Set alarm for this time
209 ADR R1,tms__alarm2 ;Call this handler
210 ADR R2,tms__alarm1 ;Use this handle
211 MOV R3,R12 ;And pass workspace in R12
212 BL idle_setAlarm ;Set the alarm
214 ; --- Open the sub menu ---
216 LDR R10,tms__alarmMenu ;Get the menu alarm is for
217 LDR R0,[R10,#hHandle] ;Load the window handle
218 STR R0,[R13,#-36]! ;Store in a block
219 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the block
220 SWI Wimp_GetWindowState ;Get the window state
222 LDR R7,tms__alarmItem ;Get the alarm item
223 LDR R8,tms__itemBlock ;Get item block address
224 BL tms__subMenu ;And open the menu
226 ADD R13,R13,#36 ;Get the stack back
227 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R7,R8,PC}^ ;Return to caller
231 ; --- tms__alarm2 ---
232 ;
233 ; On entry: --
234 ;
235 ; On exit: --
236 ;
237 ; Use: Called as the second alarm, allowing selection of other
238 ; items in the menu.
240 tms__alarm2 ROUT
242 STMFD R13!,{R14} ;Stack some registers
244 LDR R14,tms__flags ;Load the tms flags
245 BIC R14,R14,#tFlag__nActive ;Menus are not active
246 STR R14,tms__flags ;Save the new flags
248 LDMFD R13!,{PC}^ ;Return to caller
250 ; --- tms__findItem ---
251 ;
252 ; On entry: R0 == x coordinate (menu relative)
253 ; R1 == y coordinate (menu relative)
254 ; R10 == pointer to the menu
255 ;
256 ; On exit: R8 == pointer to the item block
257 ; R7 == pointer to the actual item
259 tms__findItem ROUT
261 STMFD R13!,{R0-R4,R14} ;Stack some registers
262 MOV R2,#0 ;The y coordinate so far
263 LDR R3,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
264 TST R3,#hFlag__tearable ;Is there a tearoff bar?
265 SUBNE R2,R2,#tms__barHeight ;Yes -- move y position down
266 LDR R8,[R10,#hItems] ;Point to the items
267 00tms__findItem ADD R7,R8,#iHdrSize ;Point to the first item
268 LDR R4,[R8,#iNumber] ;Get the item count
269 01tms__findItem CMP R1,R2 ;Compare y coordinates
270 BGE %90tms__findItem ;If greater -- no item found
271 SUB R2,R2,#44 ;The bottom of the item
272 CMP R1,R2 ;Compare y coordinates
273 BGE %10tms__findItem ;We've found it -- jump a bit
274 LDR R3,[R7,#iFlags] ;Get the item flags
275 TST R3,#iFlag__dotted ;Is there a dotted line?
276 SUBNE R2,R2,#24 ;Subract that from y
277 SUBS R4,R4,#1 ;Subtract the item count
278 ADDNE R7,R7,#iItemSize ;If some left, point to them
279 BNE %01tms__findItem ;...and try them
280 LDR R8,[R8,#iItems] ;Point to the next batch
281 CMP R8,#0 ;Are there any left
282 BNE %00tms__findItem ;Yes -- check them
283 B %90tms__findItem ;No -- return
285 ; --- We have found the item ---
287 10tms__findItem LDR R1,[R8,#iDefinition] ;Point to packed definition
288 LDR R0,[R8,#iNumber] ;Get the number of items
289 SUBS R0,R0,R4 ;Get the index of item
290 STR R0,tms__itemIndex ;Store this index value
291 BEQ %15tms__findItem ;If we have found it -- jump
292 11tms__findItem LDR R2,[R1],#4 ;Get the item flags
293 TST R2,#mFlag_indirect ;Is this item indirected?
294 ADDNE R1,R1,#4 ;Yes -- skip the offset word
295 BNE %13tms__findItem ;And skip past the loop
297 ; --- Skip inline text string ---
299 12tms__findItem LDRB R14,[R1],#1 ;Get a message string byte
300 CMP R14,#' ' ;Is it a terminator?
301 BGE %12tms__findItem ;No -- get another one
302 ADD R1,R1,#3 ;Add 3
303 BIC R1,R1,#3 ;And word align the pointer
305 ; --- Skip over shortcut word ---
307 13tms__findItem TST R2,#mFlag_shortcut ;It there a shortcut?
308 TSTEQ R2,#mFlag_iShortcut ;Even an indirected one?
309 ADDNE R1,R1,#4 ;Yes -- skip over value
311 ; --- Now skip other optional blocks ---
313 SKPITEM R2,R1 ;Skip this item
314 SUBS R0,R0,#1 ;Decrement my count
315 BGT %11tms__findItem ;Keep trying if some left
316 15tms__findItem STR R1,tms__itemOver ;Store this pointer
317 STR R8,tms__itemBlock ;And this one too
318 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R4,PC}^ ;And return to caller
320 ; --- The pointer wasn't over an item ---
322 90tms__findItem MOV R8,#0 ;No item block found
323 MOV R7,#0 ;No item found either
324 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R4,PC}^ ;Return now
328 ; --- tms__updateItem ---
329 ;
330 ; On entry: R7 == pointer to the item to highlight
331 ; R10 == pointer to the menu
332 ;
333 ; On exit: --
334 ;
335 ; Use: Forces an update of the textual part of an item.
337 EXPORT tms__updateItem
338 tms__updateItem ROUT
340 STMFD R13!,{R0-R4,R11,R14} ;Stack some registers
342 SUB R13,R13,#44 ;Get a redraw block
343 LDR R4,[R7,#iyCoord] ;Get the y coordinate
344 LDR R11,[R7,#iFlags] ;Get the item flags
346 LDR R0,[R10,#hHandle] ;Get the window handle
347 MOV R1,#24 ;x0
348 LDR R3,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;Get the total width
349 ADD R3,R3,#24 ;x1
350 SUB R2,R4,#44 ;y0
351 STMIA R13,{R0-R4} ;Fill in the block
352 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to it
353 SUB R13,R13,#32 ;Get another block
354 SWI Wimp_UpdateWindow ;Start the redraw
355 00 CMP R0,#0 ;More to do?
356 ADDEQ R13,R13,#(44+32) ;Get the stack back
357 LDMEQFD R13!,{R0-R4,R11,PC}^ ;No -- return
358 BL tms__redrawText ;Perform the redrawing
359 BL tms__redrawSprite ;.,.,.,.,
360 BL tms__redrawKey ;...
361 SWI Wimp_GetRectangle ;Get another rectangle
362 B %00tms__updateItem ;And keep redrawing
366 ; --- tms__highlight ---
367 ;
368 ; On entry: R2 == pointer to item to highlight
369 ; R10 == pointer to the menu for these items
370 ;
371 ; On exit: --
372 ;
373 ; Use: Highlights the item pointed to on entry
375 tms__highlight ROUT
377 STMFD R13!,{R0,R7,R14} ;Stack some registers
378 LDR R0,[R10,#hSelected] ;Get the selected item
379 CMP R2,R0 ;Are they the same
380 STMEQFD R13!,{R0-R4,R7,PC}^ ;Yes -- return
381 MOV R7,R2 ;Point to the item
382 STR R7,[R10,#hSelected] ;This is now selected item
383 LDR R0,[R7,#iFlags] ;Get the item flags
384 TST R0,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded?
385 BLEQ tms__updateItem ;No -- update it
386 LDMFD R13!,{R0,R7,PC}^ ;And return
390 ; --- tms__unHighlight ---
391 ;
392 ; On entry: R2 == pointer to item to un-highlight
393 ; R10 == pointer to the menu for these items
394 ;
395 ; On exit: --
396 ;
397 ; Use: un-highlights the item pointed to on entry
399 tms__unHighlight ROUT
401 STMFD R13!,{R0,R7,R14} ;Stack some registers
402 LDR R0,[R10,#hSelected] ;Get the selected item
403 CMP R2,R0 ;Are they the same?
404 LDMNEFD R13!,{R0,R7,PC}^ ;No -- return
405 MOV R7,R2 ;Point to the item
406 MOV R0,#0 ;No selected item
407 STR R0,[R10,#hSelected] ;Store the NULL pointer
408 LDR R0,[R7,#iFlags] ;Get the item flags
409 TST R0,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded?
410 BLEQ tms__updateItem ;No -- update it
411 LDMFD R13!,{R0,R7,PC}^ ;And return
415 ; --- tms__deselect ---
416 ;
417 ; On entry: R0 == pointer to the menu
418 ;
419 ; On exit: --
420 ;
421 ; Use: Deselects the highlighted item in the given menu
423 tms__deselect ROUT
425 STMFD R13!,{R2,R10,R14} ;Stack some registers
426 LDR R2,[R0,#hSelected] ;Point to the selected item
427 CMP R2,#0 ;Is there one?
428 LDMEQFD R13!,{R2,R10,PC}^ ;No -- return then
430 MOV R10,R0 ;We need menu in R10
431 BL tms__unHighlight ;Unhighlight it then
432 LDR R14,[R0,#hFlags] ;Get the flags word
433 BIC R14,R14,#hFlag__warned ;We are no longer warned
434 STR R14,[R0,#hFlags] ;Store back modified flags
435 LDMFD R13!,{R2,R10,PC}^ ;Return to caller
439 ; --- tmsh__subWaiting ---
440 ;
441 ; On entry: --
442 ;
443 ; On exit: CS if we're waiting for a submenu, CC otherwise
444 ;
445 ; Use: Informs transWin if a submenu is expected.
447 EXPORT tmsh__subWaiting
448 tmsh__subWaiting ROUT
450 STMFD R13!,{R12,R14} ;Save some registers
451 WSPACE tms__wSpace ;Load my workspace address
452 LDR R14,tms__flags ;Load the flags word
453 TST R14,#tFlag__subWait ;Are we waiting for a submenu
454 LDMFD R13!,{R12,R14} ;Unstack the registers
455 ORRNES PC,R14,#C_flag ;Yes -- return CS then
456 BICEQS PC,R14,#C_flag ;No -- return CC then
460 ; --- tmsh__openSub ---
461 ;
462 ; On entry: R0 == window handle to open
463 ;
464 ; On exit: --
465 ;
466 ; Use: Opens the given window as a submenu from a tms menu.
468 EXPORT tmsh__openSub
469 tmsh__openSub ROUT
471 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R12,R14} ;Save registers
472 WSPACE tms__wSpace ;Load my workspace address
473 STR R0,[R13,#-36]! ;Get a block
474 LDR R1,tms__currItem ;Point to the current item
475 STR R0,[R1,#iDbox] ;Store the window handle
476 LDR R14,[R1,#iFlags] ;Load the flags word
477 ORR R14,R14,#iFlag__dbox ;Say this is a dbox
478 STR R14,[R1,#iFlags] ;Save the flags back
479 STR R0,tms__currDbox ;Store it here too
480 LDR R1,tms__orgTearoff ;Load the originating tearoff
481 STR R0,[R1,#hDbox] ;Store the window handle
482 LDR R14,[R1,#hFlags] ;Load the flags word
483 ORR R14,R14,#hFlag__dbox ;Say this is a dbox
484 STR R14,[R1,#hFlags] ;Save the flags back
485 STR R0,[R1,#hSubMenu] ;Store as submenu
486 STR R1,tms__dboxPrev ;This is menu dbox came from
488 LDR R14,tms__current ;Load the current transient
489 CMP R14,#0 ;Is there one?
490 BLEQ wimp_taskHandle ;No -- get task handle
491 BLEQ tearSupport_opened ;...start tearSupt then
493 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to it
494 SWI Wimp_GetWindowState ;Get the window state
495 LDMIB R1,{R0-R3} ;Get the current coords
496 SUB R2,R2,R0 ;Get the current width
497 SUB R1,R3,R1 ;And its height
498 ADR R0,tms__coords ;Get coords to open at
499 LDMIA R0,{R0,R3} ;Load some coords then
500 SUB R1,R3,R1 ;Calculate y0 coord
501 ADD R2,R0,R2 ;And then x1
502 STMIB R13,{R0-R3} ;Store them back nicely
503 MOV R0,#-1 ;Open at the front please
504 STR R0,[R13,#28] ;Store this in the block
505 MOV R1,R13 ;Point back to the block
506 BL tspr_adjustBox ;Fit on screen properly
507 SWI Wimp_OpenWindow ;Open the window
508 ADD R13,R13,#36 ;Restore stack
509 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R12,PC}^ ;Return to caller
513 ; --- tms__subMenu ---
514 ;
515 ; On entry: R1 == pointer to a window state for the menu
516 ; R7 == pointer to the item
517 ; R8 == pointer to item header block
518 ; R10 == pointer to the menu
519 ; R12 == workspace pointer
520 ;
521 ; On exit: --
522 ;
523 ; Use: Opens the sub menu correctly for the given item.
525 tms__subMenu ROUT
526 STMFD R13!,{R0-R6,R14} ;Stack some registers
528 ; --- Store the coords to open next menu ---
530 LDR R4,[R1,#12] ;Get the x1 coordinate
531 LDR R5,[R1,#16] ;...and y1
532 ADD R4,R4,#2 ;Correct x1 a bit
533 LDR R6,[R7,#iyCoord] ;Get the y coord of item
534 ADD R5,R5,R6 ;Calculate next y to open at
535 LDR R6,[R1,#24] ;Don't forget scroll offset
536 SUB R5,R5,R6 ;No siree
537 ADR R6,tms__coords ;Point to the coords
538 STMIA R6,{R4,R5} ;Store the coordinates
540 ; --- Warn the user/open the menu if we need to ---
542 LDR R6,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
543 TST R6,#hFlag__warned ;Have we already been warned?
544 BNE %35tms__subMenu ;Yes -- skip this bit
545 ORR R6,R6,#hFlag__warned ;We have been now
546 STR R6,[R10,#hFlags] ;Store back the flags
547 LDR R4,[R7,#iSubMenu] ;Get the submenu ptr
548 CMP R4,#0 ;Is there one?
549 BLNE tms__locateMenu ;Yes -- try to find it
550 CMP R4,#0 ;Has it been returned?
551 BNE %37tms__subMenu ;Yes -- bring it back to us
552 STR R6,[R10,#hFlags] ;Store the flags back
553 TST R6,#hFlag__torn ;Is menu torn off?
554 STRNE R10,tms__orgTearoff ;Yes -- remember this fact
555 MOV R5,#0 ;A NULL pointer
556 STR R5,[R10,#hSubMenu] ;No current sub menu
557 STR R10,tms__prevLevel ;This is the previous menu
558 LDR R4,tms__itemOver ;Get packed defn for item
559 LDR R3,[R4],#4 ;Get the flags word
560 TST R3,#mFlag_subWarn ;Do we require a warning?
561 BNE %33tms__subMenu ;Yes -- deal with it
562 TST R3,#mFlag_indirect ;Is this item indirected?
563 ADDNE R4,R4,#4 ;Yes -- skip the offset word
564 BNE %32tms__subMenu ;And skip past the loop
566 ; --- Skip inline text string ---
568 31tms__subMenu LDRB R14,[R4],#1 ;Get a message string byte
569 CMP R14,#' ' ;Is it a terminator?
570 BGE %31tms__subMenu ;No -- get another one
571 ADD R4,R4,#3 ;Add 3
572 BIC R4,R4,#3 ;And word align the pointer
574 ; --- Now skip other optional blocks ---
576 32tms__subMenu TST R3,#mFlag_shortcut ;Is there a normal...
577 TSTEQ R3,#mFlag_iShortcut ;...or indirected shortcut?
578 ADDNE R4,R4,#4 ;Yes -- skip over it
579 SKIP mFlag_shade,4,R3,R4
580 SKIP mFlag_iShade,4,R3,R4
581 SKIP mFlag_switch,4,R3,R4
582 SKIP mFlag_radio,8,R3,R4
583 SKIP mFlag_sprite,8,R3,R4
585 ; --- We are now pointing at submenu information ---
587 LDR R0,[R4,#0] ;Point to packed definition
588 LDR R1,[R4,#4] ;Point to the event handler
589 LDR R2,[R8,#iR10] ;Use R10 from previous item
590 LDR R3,[R8,#iR12] ;Use R12 from previous item
591 BL tms__searchForMenu ;Does this menu exist?
592 BCS %37tms__subMenu ;Yes -- get it back then
593 BL tms_create ;Create the menu
594 STR R0,[R7,#iSubMenu] ;Store this in item defn
595 STR R7,[R0,#hFromItem] ;We came from this item
596 B %40tms__subMenu ;Now deal with real clicks
598 ; --- The user requires a submenu warning ---
600 33tms__subMenu LDR R0,[R7,#iFlags] ;Get the item flags
601 TST R0,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded?
602 TSTNE R0,#iFlag__noWarn ;And we don't want warning?
603 BNE %40tms__subMenu ;Both -- return
604 MOV R0,#mEvent_arrow ;Send this event type
605 LDR R1,tms__itemIndex ;With this index
606 STR R7,tms__currItem ;Save the current item
607 STR R10,tms__orgTearoff ;The originating menu
608 LDR R14,tms__flags ;Load my current flags
609 ORR R14,R14,#tFlag__subWait ;We're waiting for a submenu
610 STR R14,tms__flags ;Save the flags back
611 STMFD R13!,{R10,R12} ;Save these registers
612 ADD R3,R8,#iHandler ;Point to the handler
613 LDMIA R3,{R3,R10,R12} ;Load the values
614 ADDS R0,R0,#0 ;Clear the carry flag
615 TEQ R3,#0 ;Sanity check
616 MOV R14,PC ;Set up the return address
617 MOVNE PC,R3 ;Call the handler
618 LDMFD R13!,{R10,R12} ;Get my registers back
619 LDR R14,tms__flags ;Load my current flags
620 BIC R14,R14,#tFlag__subWait ;Stopped waiting for submenu
621 STR R14,tms__flags ;Save the flags back
623 ; --- Use must return with menu in R0, and carry set if
624 ; menu is already open.
626 STR R0,[R7,#iSubMenu] ;Store this in item defn
627 TEQ R0,#0 ;Has user returned NULL?
628 STRNE R7,[R0,#hFromItem] ;No -- we came from this item
630 MOVCS R4,R0 ;If carry set...
631 BCS %37tms__subMenu ;...reposition given menu
632 B %40tms__subMenu ;Return to caller
634 ; --- There has already been a warning ---
636 35tms__subMenu LDR R4,[R10,#hSubMenu] ;Get the submenu pointer
637 CMP R4,#0 ;Is there one?
638 BEQ %40tms__subMenu ;No -- return to caller
639 LDR R14,[R7,#iFlags] ;Get the item flags
640 TST R14,#iFlag__dbox ;Is this a dbox?
641 BNE %40tms__subMenu ;Yes -- return to caller
642 LDR R5,[R4,#hFlags] ;Get flags for sub menu
643 TST R5,#hFlag__warned ;Does submenu have submenu?
644 BEQ %36tms__subMenu ;No -- jump this bit
645 LDR R2,[R4,#hSubMenu] ;Point to the submenu's sub
646 BL tms__closeMenu ;Close it down
647 MOV R0,R4 ;Point to the submenu
648 BL tms__deselect ;Deselect highlighted item
650 ; --- Reposition the sub menu ---
652 36tms__subMenu SUB R13,R13,#36 ;Get me a block
653 LDR R5,[R4,#hHandle] ;Get the window handle
654 STR R5,[R13,#0] ;Store it in the block
655 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the block
656 SWI Wimp_GetWindowState ;Get the window state then
657 LDR R5,[R13,#12] ;Get x1
658 LDR R1,[R13,#4] ;Get x0
659 SUB R5,R5,R1 ;Get the window width
660 LDR R1,tms__coords ;Get the x position to open
661 STR R1,[R13,#4] ;Store this in the block
662 ADD R5,R5,R1 ;Get new x1 position
663 STR R5,[R13,#12] ;Store this too
665 LDR R5,[R13,#16] ;Get y1
666 LDR R1,[R13,#8] ;Get y0
667 SUB R5,R5,R1 ;Get the window height
668 LDR R1,tms__coords+4 ;Get the y position to open
669 LDR R3,[R4,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
670 TST R3,#hFlag__tearable ;Is there a bar?
671 ADDNE R1,R1,#tms__barHeight ;Yes -- add this on
672 STR R1,[R13,#16] ;Store this in the block
673 SUB R5,R1,R5 ;Get new y0 position
674 STR R5,[R13,#8] ;Store this too
675 MOV R1,#-1 ;Open in front
676 STR R1,[R13,#28] ;Store this value too
677 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the block
678 BL tspr_adjustBox ;Mangle to fit on screen
679 SWI Wimp_OpenWindow ;Open the window
680 ADD R13,R13,#36 ;Get my stack back
681 B %40tms__subMenu ;Deal with real clicks
683 ; --- We need to 'bring back' a torn off menu ---
685 37tms__subMenu MOV R5,R10 ;Remember R10 value
686 MOV R10,R4 ;Point at found menu
687 BL tms__unTearMenu ;Un-tear it
688 BL tms__updateBar ;Update the tearoff bar
689 MOV R10,R5 ;Get R10 value back
690 STR R4,[R7,#iSubMenu] ;Store submenu pointer back
691 STR R4,[R10,#hSubMenu] ; places good
692 STR R10,[R4,#hPrevMenu] ;Store previous menu
693 STR R7,[R4,#hFromItem] ;Item menu was from
694 LDR R5,tms__current ;Get the current menu
695 CMP R5,#0 ;Is there one?
696 STREQ R4,tms__current ;No -- store this one then
697 BLEQ wimp_taskHandle ;...get the task handle
698 BLEQ tearSupport_opened ;...start tearoffsupt sending
700 B %36tms__subMenu ;And reposition it
702 40tms__subMenu LDMFD R13!,{R0-R6,PC}^ ;Return to caller
706 ; --- tms__buttons ---
707 ;
708 ; On entry: R1 == pointer to mousepointer info block
709 ; R10 == pointer to the menu
710 ;
711 ; On exit: --
712 ;
713 ; Use: Called when a button event is detected on a menu, or
714 ; for NULL events (with button type 0)
716 tms__buttons ROUT
718 STMFD R13!,{R0-R9,R14} ;Stack some registers
720 LDR R14,tms__flags ;Get the current flags
721 TST R14,#tFlag__nActive ;Are we active?
722 BNE %99tms__buttons ;No -- return
724 ; --- First we deal with *any* button type ---
726 MOV R9,R1 ;Keep a pointer to the block
727 SUB R13,R13,#36 ;Get a small block
728 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the block
729 LDR R2,[R10,#hHandle] ;Get the window handle
730 STR R2,[R1,#0] ;Store the window handle
731 SWI Wimp_GetWindowState ;Get the window state
732 MOV R8,R1 ;Remember this pointer
733 LDR R0,[R9,#0] ;Get the mouse x coord
734 LDR R2,[R8,#20] ;Get the scroll x position
735 LDR R3,[R8,#4] ;Get the x0 position
736 ADD R0,R0,R2 ;Calculate workarea relative
737 SUB R0,R0,R3 ;...x position
738 LDR R1,[R9,#4] ;Get the mouse y coord
739 LDR R2,[R8,#24] ;Get the scroll y position
740 LDR R3,[R8,#16] ;Get the y1 position
741 ADD R1,R1,R2 ;Calculate workarea relative
742 SUB R1,R1,R3 ;...y position
743 STMIA R9,{R0,R1} ;Store back updated positions
744 LDR R6,tms__flags ;Get the flags
745 BL tms__findItem ;Find the item we are over
746 CMP R8,#0 ;Did we find an item
747 BEQ %12tms__buttons ;No -- jump ahead a bit
748 LDR R5,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;Get the width
749 SUB R5,R5,#24 ;The right hand edge
750 CMP R0,R5 ;Are we over it?
752 ; --- Complex condition time ---
753 ;
754 ; The following code should only be executed if:
755 ; we're over a sub menu arrow AND we were
756 ; not over it before
757 ; OR
758 ; we are not over a submenu arrow at all AND the
759 ; item isn't the alarm item
761 BIC R6,R6,#tFlag__overArrow ;We are not over an arrow
762 BLT %10tms__buttons ;We cannot be over an arrow
763 LDR R5,tms__itemOver ;Get a pointer to the item
764 LDR R5,[R5,#0] ;Get the item flags
765 MVN R5,R5 ;Invert them!
766 AND R5,R5,#mFlag_subMenu+mFlag_subWarn ; Keep these bits
767 CMP R5,#mFlag_subMenu+mFlag_subWarn ;Is there no arrow?
769 ; Here, EQ if we are not over an arrow, NE otherwise ---
771 BEQ %10tms__buttons ;Jump if we're not over arrow
772 ORR R6,R6,#tFlag__overArrow ;We are over an arrow
773 STR R6,tms__flags ;Store the flags
774 LDR R5,[R10,#hSelected] ;Get the selected item
775 CMP R7,R5 ;Are they the same?
776 BEQ %30tms__buttons ;Yes -- jump this section
778 ; --- Well, the condition has been met at this point ---
780 10tms__buttons STR R6,tms__flags ;Store the flags
781 LDR R0,tms__alarmItem ;Get item alarm is for
782 CMP R0,R7 ;Are they the same?
783 BEQ %30tms__buttons ;Yes -- jump this section
784 LDR R0,tms__alarmItem ;Get item alarm is for
785 CMP R0,R7 ;Are they the same?
786 BEQ %30tms__buttons ;Yes -- jump this section
788 ; LDR R6,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
789 ; TST R6,#hFlag__tearable ;Is there a bar?
790 ; BEQ %11tms__buttons ;No -- jump ahead
791 ; CMP R1,#-tms__barHeight ;Is it in the bar
792 ; BGE %12tms__buttons ;Yes -- jump past this bit
794 ; --- Close the current RISCOS menu using tearoff support ---
796 11tms__buttons STMFD R13!,{R0-R1} ;Stack these now
797 MOV R0,#1 ;Switch off SWI vectoring
798 BL tearSupport_switch ;Yes siree bob matey
799 MOV R1,#-1 ;No menu please Mr. Wimp
800 SWI XWimp_CreateMenu ;La de dar do
801 MOVVC R0,#0 ;Switch vectoring back on
802 BLVC tearSupport_switch ;Please
803 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R1} ;Get coords back back
805 ; --- If the menu is torn off, then close transient ---
807 LDR R5,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
808 TST R5,#hFlag__torn ;Has menu been torn off?
809 BEQ %12tms__buttons ;No -- skip ahead
810 LDR R2,tms__current ;Point to current transient
811 CMP R2,#0 ;Is there one?
812 LDREQ R2,tms__currDbox ;No -- load dbox handle
813 BL tms__closeMenu ;Close the menu
814 B %13tms__buttons ;Skip the next bit
816 ; --- If there is already a menu open from here, close it ---
818 12tms__buttons LDR R5,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
819 TST R5,#hFlag__warned ;Has there been a warning?
820 BEQ %13tms__buttons ;No -- skip ahead
821 LDR R2,[R10,#hSubMenu] ;Get its submenu
822 BL tms__closeMenu ;Close the submenu
823 BIC R5,R5,#hFlag__dbox ;There is no dbox now
824 STR R5,[R10,#hFlags] ;Store the flags back
825 CMP R7,#0 ;Is there an item?
826 LDRNE R6,[R7,#iFlags] ;Yes -- get the menu flags
827 BICNE R6,R6,#iFlag__dbox ;...not a dbox
828 STRNE R6,[R7,#iFlags] ; flags back again
829 MOV R2,#0 ;A NULL pointer
830 STR R2,[R10,#hSubMenu] ;No sub menu any more
832 ; --- Cause a fake event if we just closed a dbox ---
834 13tms__buttons LDR R0,tms__flags ;Load the flags word
835 TST R0,#tFlag__doFake ;Should we do a fake?
836 BNE %90tms__buttons ;Yes -- return to caller
838 ; --- Do the selecting/deselecting ---
840 LDR R5,[R10,#hSelected] ;Get the selected item
841 CMP R7,R5 ;Are they the same?
842 BEQ %15tms__buttons ;Yes -- do nothing here
843 CMP R5,#0 ;Is there a selected item
844 BEQ %14tms__buttons ;No -- skipitty jump
845 LDR R6,[R5,#iFlags] ;Get the flags for this item
846 TST R6,#iFlag__shaded ;Is it shaded?
847 BNE %14tms__buttons ;Yes -- skipitty jump
848 MOV R2,R5 ;Unhighlight this item
849 BL tms__unHighlight ;Unhighlight it then
850 14tms__buttons MOVS R2,R7 ;Point to the item
851 BLNE tms__highlight ;Yes -- highlight the item
852 STR R2,[R10,#hSelected] ;Store pointer to item
853 ADRL R0,tms__alarm1 ;Remove alarms with this hnd
854 BL idle_removeAllAlarms ;Do it then
855 MOV R0,#-1 ;No alarm set
856 STR R0,tms__alarmItem ;So say that
858 ; --- Do we need to set an alarm? ---
860 15tms__buttons CMP R7,#0 ;Is there an item?
861 BEQ %20tms__buttons ;No -- don't set an alarm
862 LDR R6,[R7,#iFlags] ;Get the flags word
863 TST R6,#iFlag__arrow ;Are we over an arrow?
864 BEQ %20tms__buttons ;No -- don't set an alarm
866 LDR R0,tms__alarmItem ;Get the current alarm item
867 CMP R0,#-1 ;Is there one?
868 BNE %20tms__buttons ;Yes -- skip ahead
869 BL wimp_version ;Get the wimp version
870 CMP R0,#300 ;Higher than RISC OS 2?
871 BLT %20tms__buttons ;No -- don't do this then
873 ; --- Check with the CMOS setting ---
875 MOV R0,#161 ;Read CMOS
876 MOV R1,#197 ;The wimp flags
877 SWI XOS_Byte ;Read them then
878 TST R2,#&80 ;Is the bit set?
879 BEQ %20tms__buttons ;No -- don't do this then
880 MOV R0,#161 ;Read CMOS
881 MOV R1,#23 ;Read the delay time
882 SWI XOS_Byte ;Read it then
883 CMP R2,#0 ;Is there a sensible time?
884 BEQ %20tms__buttons ;No -- don't do this then
886 ; --- Right, set the alarm ---
888 STR R10,tms__alarmMenu ;Alarm is for this menu
889 STR R7,tms__alarmItem ;And for this item
890 ADD R1,R2,R2,LSL #2 ;Multiply time by 5
891 MOV R1,R1,LSL #1 ;And then by 2 (10 in all)
892 SWI OS_ReadMonotonicTime ;Read the current time
893 ADD R0,R0,R1 ;Set alarm for this time
894 ADRL R1,tms__alarm1 ;Point to handler function
895 MOV R2,R0 ;Use that as the handle
896 MOV R3,R12 ;Pass workspace in R12
897 BL idle_setAlarm ;And set the alarm
899 ; --- Correct some 'variables' ---
901 20tms__buttons LDR R6,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
902 BIC R6,R6,#hFlag__warned ;We haven't been warned
903 BIC R6,R6,#hFlag__dbox ;And there is not a dbox
904 STR R6,[R10,#hFlags] ;Store the flags back again
905 CMP R7,#0 ;Is there an item?
906 MOV R6,#0 ;A NULL pointer
907 STR R6,tms__prevLevel ;No previous level
908 STR R6,tms__orgTearoff ;No originating tearoff
910 ; --- Well, that lots over, no where near finished though ---
912 ; --- Are we over a sub menu arrow? ---
914 30tms__buttons CMP R7,#0 ;Is there an item?
915 BEQ %40tms__buttons ;No -- deal with real clicks
916 LDR R6,tms__flags ;Get the flags word
917 TST R6,#tFlag__overArrow ;Are we over an arrow?
918 BEQ %40tms__buttons ;No -- skip this bit
920 ; --- The pointer is over an arrow ---
922 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the window state
923 BL tms__subMenu ;Open the sub menu
925 ; --- Deal with real buttons clicks ---
927 40tms__buttons LDR R2,[R9,#8] ;Get the button status
928 CMP R2,#0 ;Was a button pressed?
929 BEQ %90tms__buttons ;No -- return
931 ; --- Was the click on the tearoff bar? ---
933 LDR R0,tms__flags ;Get the flags word
934 TST R2,#6 ;Select or menu pressed?
935 ORRNE R0,R0,#tFlag__close ;Yes -- close the transient
936 BICEQ R0,R0,#tFlag__close ;No -- keep it open
937 STR R0,tms__flags ;Store the flags back
938 LDMIA R9,{R0,R1} ;Get the coordiantes
939 LDR R2,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
940 TST R2,#hFlag__tearable ;Is there a bar?
941 BEQ %50tms__buttons ;No -- branch ahead
942 CMP R1,#-tms__barHeight ;Did we click in the bar?
943 BLT %50tms__buttons ;No -- branch ahead
944 CMP R1,#-4 ;The top of the icon
945 BGT %90tms__buttons ;Not in icon -- return
946 CMP R1,#-(tms__barHeight-4) ;The bottom level
947 BLT %90tms__buttons ;Not in icon -- return
948 TST R2,#hFlag__torn ;Has the menu been torn off
949 BNE %45tms__buttons ;Yes -- deal with that
951 ; --- Was the click in the tear icon? ---
953 CMP R0,#4 ;The left hand side
954 BLT %90tms__buttons ;Not in icon -- return
955 CMP R0,#68 ;The right hand side
956 BGT %90tms__buttons ;Not in icon -- return
957 BL tms__tearMenu ;Tear the menu off
958 B %90tms__buttons ;Return to caller
960 ; --- The menu is torn off -- what did we click in? ---
962 45tms__buttons CMP R0,#4 ;The left hand side
963 BLT %90tms__buttons ;Not in icon -- return
964 CMP R0,#70 ;The right hand side
965 BLLE tms__closeTornMenu ;Tear the menu off
966 BLE %90tms__buttons ;Return to caller
968 ; --- Was it in the fold icon ---
970 46tms__buttons LDR R2,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;The total menu width
971 SUB R2,R2,#60 ;LHS of tear icon
972 CMP R0,R2 ;Where did we click?
973 BLT %90tms__buttons ;Not in it, that's for sure
974 ADD R2,R2,#56 ;RHS of tear icon
975 CMP R0,R2 ;Where did we click?
976 BGT %90tms__buttons ;Not in it, that's for sure
977 BL tms__foldMenu ;Fold the menu then
978 B %90tms__buttons ;Return to caller
980 ; --- The click was on an item ---
982 50tms__buttons CMP R7,#0 ;Is there an item here?
983 BEQ %90tms__buttons ;No -- return
984 LDR R0,[R7,#iFlags] ;Get the item flags
985 TST R0,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded
986 BNE %90tms__buttons ;Yes -- return then
988 MOV R3,#3 ;Flash this many times
989 MOV R0,#19 ;VSync
990 51tms__buttons SWI OS_Byte ;Wait for it
991 SWI OS_Byte ;Wait for it again
992 MOV R2,R7 ;Point to the item
993 BL tms__unHighlight ;Unhighlight item
994 SWI OS_Byte ;Wait for VSync
995 SWI OS_Byte ;Wait for it again
996 MOV R2,R7 ;Point to the item
997 BL tms__highlight ;Highlight item
998 SUBS R3,R3,#1 ;Decrement counter
999 BNE %51tms__buttons ;Flash more times if needed
1001 ; --- Close the menu structure if we need to ---
1003 LDR R0,tms__flags ;Get the flags word
1004 TST R0,#tFlag__close ;Should I close the menu?
1005 LDRNE R2,tms__current ;Yes -- point to current menu
1006 BLNE tms__closeMenu ;...and close the transient
1008 ; --- Finally, report event to the user ---
1010 STMFD R13!,{R10,R12} ;Save these registers
1011 MOV R0,#mEvent_select ;Item has been selected
1012 LDR R1,tms__itemIndex ;The items index
1013 ADD R3,R8,#iHandler ;Point to the handler
1014 LDMIA R3,{R3,R10,R12} ;Load the values
1015 ADDS R0,R0,#0 ;Clear the carry flag
1016 TEQ R3,#0 ;Sanity check
1017 MOV R14,PC ;Set up the return address
1018 MOVNE PC,R3 ;Call the handler
1019 LDMFD R13!,{R10,R12} ;Get my registers back
1021 BL tms_recreate ;Recreate the existing menus
1023 ; --- Return to the user ---
1025 90tms__buttons ADD R13,R13,#36 ;Reclaim my stack
1026 99tms__buttons LDMFD R13!,{R0-R9,PC}^ ;And return to caller
1028 LTORG
1030 ; --- tms__cleanUp ---
1031 ;
1032 ; On entry: R0 == handle idle handler is called with (the menu)
1033 ;
1034 ; On exit: --
1035 ;
1036 ; Use: Called to clean up the system when the pointer has left
1037 ; a menu.
1039 EXPORT tms__cleanUp
1040 tms__cleanUp ROUT
1042 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R14} ;Stack some registers
1043 MOV R2,R0 ;The R10 value
1044 ADRL R1,tms__idleHandler ;The routine that is called
1045 MOV R0,#0 ;How frequently it was called
1046 MOV R3,R12 ;The R12 value passed
1047 BL idle_removeHandler ;Remove the handler
1048 MOV R0,#0 ;No handler set up
1049 STR R0,tms__oldHandle ;Store that fact
1050 ADRL R0,tms__alarm1 ;Remove alarms with this hnd
1051 BL idle_removeAllAlarms ;Do it then
1052 MOV R0,#-1 ;No alarm set
1053 STR R0,tms__alarmItem ;So say that
1054 BL tms__alarm2 ;Allow item selection
1056 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1058 LTORG
1061 ; --- tms__updateBar ---
1062 ;
1063 ; On entry: R10 == pointer to the menu
1064 ;
1065 ; On exit: --
1066 ;
1067 ; Use: Update the tearoff bar of the given menu
1069 tms__updateBar ROUT
1071 STMFD R13!,{R0-R4,R14} ;Stack some registers
1073 SUB R13,R13,#44 ;Get me a block
1074 LDR R0,[R10,#hHandle] ;Get the window handle
1075 MOV R1,#0 ;x0
1076 LDR R3,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;Get the total width
1077 ADD R3,R3,#48 ;x1
1078 MOV R2,#-tms__barHeight ;y0
1079 MOV R4,#0 ;y1
1080 STMIA R13,{R0-R4} ;Fill in the block
1081 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to it
1082 MOV R4,R2 ;The y coordinate
1083 SUB R13,R13,#32 ;Get another block
1084 SWI Wimp_UpdateWindow ;Start the redraw
1085 00 CMP R0,#0 ;More to do?
1086 BEQ %10tms__updateBar ;No -- return
1087 BL tms__redrawBar ;Perform the redrawing
1088 SWI Wimp_GetRectangle ;Get another rectangle
1089 B %00tms__updateBar ;And keep redrawing
1091 10 ADD R13,R13,#(44+32) ;Get the stack back
1092 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R4,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1094 LTORG
1096 ; --- tms__tearMenu ---
1097 ;
1098 ; On entry: R10 == pointer to menu to tear off
1099 ;
1100 ; On exit: --
1101 ;
1102 ; Use: Called when the user clicks on the tear icon
1104 tms__tearMenu ROUT
1106 STMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R4,R14} ;Stack some registers
1107 LDR R0,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
1108 ORR R0,R0,#hFlag__torn ;The menu is now torn
1109 STR R0,[R10,#hFlags] ;Store back the flags
1110 LDR R0,[R10,#hPrevMenu] ;Get the previous menu
1111 CMP R0,#0 ;Is there one?
1112 BLNE tms__deselect ;Yes -- deselect it
1114 ; --- Start the drag operaton ---
1116 SUB R13,R13,#28 ;Get me a block
1117 LDR R0,[R10,#hHandle] ;Get the window handle
1118 MOV R1,#1 ;Drag window position
1119 STMIA R13,{R0,R1} ;Store them in the block
1120 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the block
1121 SWI Wimp_DragBox ;Start the drag
1122 ADD R13,R13,#28 ;Get the stack back
1124 ; --- Alter the icons on the bar ---
1126 BL tms__updateBar ;Update the bar
1128 ; --- Add the menu to the list of torn menus ---
1130 10tms__tearMenu LDR R0,tms__tornoffs ;Get the list head
1131 STR R0,[R10,#hNextTorn] ;Put pointer in menu header
1132 STR R10,tms__tornoffs ;Store this as the head
1133 LDR R0,tms__current ;Get the current transient
1134 CMP R0,R10 ;Are we tearing it?
1135 BNE %15tms__tearMenu ;No -- jump ahead
1136 MOV R0,#0 ;A NULL pointer
1137 STR R0,tms__current ;No current transient
1138 BL tearSupport_closed ;TearoffSupt_Closed
1140 ; --- Close the transient if we need to ---
1142 15tms__tearMenu LDR R0,tms__flags ;Get the program flags
1143 TST R0,#tFlag__close ;Do we close transients?
1144 LDRNE R2,tms__current ;Point to current transient
1145 BLNE tms__closeMenu ;And close the transient
1147 ; --- Return to the caller ---
1149 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R4,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1151 LTORG
1153 ; --- tms__unTearMenu ---
1154 ;
1155 ; On entry: R10 == pointer to menu to untear
1156 ;
1157 ; On exit: --
1158 ;
1159 ; Use: 'Un-tears' the give menu. Note that the bar is NOT redrawn
1161 tms__unTearMenu ROUT
1163 STMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R14} ;Stack some registers
1164 LDR R0,tms__tornoffs ;Get the torn off list
1165 MOV R1,#0 ;The previous menu
1166 00 CMP R0,R10 ;Is this the menu
1167 BEQ %10tms__unTearMenu ;Yes -- deal with it
1168 MOV R1,R0 ;This is now the previous
1169 LDR R0,[R0,#hNextTorn] ;Get the next in the list
1170 CMP R0,#0 ;Is there one?
1171 BNE %00tms__unTearMenu ;Yes -- deal with it
1173 ; --- Cant find it, werg! ---
1175 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R2,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1177 ; -- Right, we've found it now ---
1179 10 LDR R2,[R0,#hNextTorn] ;Get the pointer to next
1180 CMP R1,#0 ;Is it the first in list?
1181 STREQ R2,tms__tornoffs ;Yes -- store next as head
1182 STRNE R2,[R1,#hNextTorn] ;No -- store in prev ptr
1183 LDR R0,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
1184 BIC R0,R0,#hFlag__torn ;We are not torn now
1185 STR R0,[R10,#hFlags] ;Store the flags back
1186 TST R0,#hFlag__warned ;Have we been warned?
1187 BEQ %15tms__unTearMenu ;No -- jump ahead
1188 LDR R2,[R10,#hSubMenu] ;Get the sub menu
1189 BL tms__closeMenu ;Close it
1190 MOV R0,R10 ;Point to my menu
1191 BL tms__deselect ;Deselect it
1193 ; --- Unfold the menu if we need to ---
1195 15 LDR R0,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
1196 TST R0,#hFlag__folded ;Is the menu folded
1197 BLNE tms__foldMenu ;Yes -- unfold it
1199 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R2,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1201 LTORG
1203 ; --- tms__closeTornMenu ---
1204 ;
1205 ; On entry: R10 == pointer to torn off menu to close
1206 ;
1207 ; On exit: --
1208 ;
1209 ; Use: Closes a torn off menu.
1211 tms__closeTornMenu ROUT
1213 STMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R14} ;Stack some registers
1215 BL tms__unTearMenu ;'Un-tear' the menu
1216 MOV R2,R10 ;Close this menu
1217 BL tms__closeMenu ;Now close the menu
1218 LDR R0,tms__flags ;Get the program flags
1219 TST R0,#tFlag__close ;Do we close transients?
1220 LDRNE R2,tms__current ;Point to current transient
1221 BLNE tms__closeMenu ;And close the transient
1223 ; --- Return to the caller ---
1225 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R2,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1227 LTORG
1229 ; --- tms__locateMenu ---
1230 ;
1231 ; On entry: R4 == pointer to menu to find
1232 ;
1233 ; On exit: R4 preserved if it exists, 0 otherwise
1234 ;
1235 ; Use: Attempt to find the given menu in the torn off
1236 ; list. It is returned in R4 if it is found
1238 tms__locateMenu ROUT
1240 STMFD R13!,{R14} ;Stack some registers
1241 LDR R14,tms__tornoffs ;Get the torn off list
1242 CMP R14,#0 ;Are there any
1243 BEQ %99tms__locateMenu ;No -- return failure
1244 00 CMP R14,R4 ;Have we found it?
1245 LDMEQFD R13!,{PC}^ ;Yes -- return
1246 LDR R14,[R14,#hNextTorn] ;Get the next in the list
1247 CMP R14,#0 ;Is there one
1248 BNE %00tms__locateMenu ;Yes -- try it
1250 ; --- We didn't find it ---
1252 99 MOV R4,#0 ;Return failure
1253 LDMFD R13!,{PC}^ ;Return to caller
1255 LTORG
1257 ; --- tms__searchForMenu ---
1258 ;
1259 ; On entry: R0 == pointer to packed definition
1260 ; R1 == pointer to event handler
1261 ; R2 == R10 value passed to handler
1262 ; R3 == R12 value passed to handler
1263 ;
1264 ; On exit: C set and R4 points to menu if found, C clear otherwise
1265 ;
1266 ; Use: Searches the tornoff menus for a menu with characteristics
1267 ; matching the search required
1269 tms__searchForMenu ROUT
1271 BIC R14,R14,#C_flag ;We haven't found it
1272 STMFD R13!,{R5-R7,R12,R14} ;Stack some registers
1273 WSPACE tms__wSpace ;Locate my workspace
1274 LDR R14,tms__tornoffs ;Get the torn off list
1275 CMP R14,#0 ;Are there any
1276 BEQ %99tms__searchForMenu ;No -- return failure
1277 00 ADD R4,R14,#hHandler ;Point to useful values
1278 LDMIA R4,{R4-R7} ;Get them out
1279 CMP R0,R7 ;Packed definition the same?
1280 CMPEQ R1,R4 ;...and the handler?
1281 CMPEQ R2,R5 ;...and R10 value?
1282 CMPEQ R3,R6 ;...and R12 value?
1283 MOVEQ R4,R14 ;We've found it
1284 LDMEQFD R13!,{R5-R7,R12,R14} ;Get back registers
1285 ORREQS PC,R14,#C_flag ;And return happy
1286 LDR R14,[R14,#hNextTorn] ;Get the next in the list
1287 CMP R14,#0 ;Is there one
1288 BNE %00tms__searchForMenu ;Yes -- try it
1290 ; --- We didn't find it ---
1292 99 MOV R4,#0 ;Return failure
1293 LDMFD R13!,{R5-R7,R12,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1295 LTORG
1297 ; --- tms_closeMenu ---
1298 ;
1299 ; On entry: R0 == pointer to menu definition
1300 ; R1 == pointer to event handler
1301 ; R2 == R10 value to look for
1302 ; R3 == R12 value to look for
1303 ;
1304 ; On exit: --
1305 ;
1306 ; Use: Searches through the menus which have been torn off for a
1307 ; menu which matches the specifications given, and closes
1308 ; it if it is found.
1310 EXPORT tms_closeMenu
1311 tms_closeMenu ROUT
1313 STMFD R13!,{R4,R10,R12,R14} ;Stack registers
1314 WSPACE tms__wSpace ;Locate my workspace
1315 BL tms__searchForMenu ;Try to find the menu
1316 MOVCS R10,R4 ;Found it -- put in R10
1317 BLCS tms__closeTornMenu ;And close it
1318 LDMFD R13!,{R4,R10,R12,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1320 LTORG
1322 ; --- tms_closeAll ---
1323 ;
1324 ; On entry: R0 == R10 value to search for
1325 ;
1326 ; On exit: --
1327 ;
1328 ; Use: Closes all the torn off menus with the given r10
1329 ; value.
1331 EXPORT tms_closeAll
1332 tms_closeAll ROUT
1334 STMFD R13!,{R10,R12,R14} ;Stack registers
1335 WSPACE tms__wSpace ;Locate my workspace
1336 LDR R10,tms__tornoffs ;Get the torn off list
1337 CMP R10,#0 ;Are there any
1338 BEQ %90tms_closeAll ;No -- return
1339 00 LDR R14,[R10,#hR10] ;Get the R10 value
1340 CMP R0,R14 ;Is R10 value the same?
1341 BLEQ tms__closeTornMenu ;Yes -- close that menu
1342 LDR R10,[R10,#hNextTorn] ;Get the next in the list
1343 CMP R10,#0 ;Is there one
1344 BNE %00tms_closeAll ;Yes -- try it
1346 90tms_closeAll LDMFD R13!,{R10,R12,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1348 LTORG
1350 ; --- tms__foldMenu ---
1351 ;
1352 ; On entry: R10 == pointer to menu to fold
1353 ;
1354 ; On exit: --
1355 ;
1356 ; Use: Folds or unfolds the menu, as appropriate
1358 tms__foldMenu ROUT
1360 STMFD R13!,{R0-R5,R14} ;Stack some registers
1362 ; --- Get the window state ---
1364 SUB R13,R13,#88 ;Get me a block
1365 LDR R0,[R10,#hHandle] ;Get the window handle
1366 STR R0,[R13,#0] ;Store it in the block
1367 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the block
1368 SWI Wimp_GetWindowState ;Get the window state
1370 ; --- First, close the current transient menu ---
1372 LDR R0,tms__flags ;Get the program flags
1373 TST R0,#tFlag__close ;Do we close transients?
1374 LDRNE R2,tms__current ;Point to current transient
1375 BLNE tms__closeMenu ;And close the transient
1377 LDR R0,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
1378 EOR R0,R0,#hFlag__folded ;Toggle the foldedness
1379 STR R0,[R10,#hFlags] ;Store back modified flags
1380 TST R0,#hFlag__folded ;Test that bit now
1381 BEQ %50tms__foldMenu ;No longer folded -- jump
1383 ; --- We must now fold up the menu ---
1385 TST R0,#hFlag__scrBar ;Is there a scroll bar?
1386 BEQ %25tms__foldMenu ;No -- do quick fold
1388 ADD R1,R10,#hHandle ;Point to the window handle
1389 SWI Wimp_CloseWindow ;Close the window
1390 SWI Wimp_DeleteWindow ;And then delete it
1391 LDR R0,[R10,#hHandle] ;The window handle
1392 ADRL R1,tms__eventHandler ;Point to the handler
1393 MOV R2,R10 ;The handle passed
1394 MOV R3,R12 ;Workspace passed in R3
1395 BL win_removeEventHandler ;Remove the event handler
1396 LDR R1,tms__oldHandle ;Get the old handle
1397 CMP R0,R1 ;Are they the same?
1398 BLEQ tms__cleanUp ;Yes -- clean up a bit
1399 LDR R0,[R10,#hHeight] ;Get the menu height
1400 BL tms__createWindow ;Create the window
1401 MOVVS R1,#1 ;On error -- show 1 icon
1402 BLVS errorBox ;...display the error
1403 BVS %99tms__foldMenu ;...and return to caller
1404 ADRL R1,tms__eventHandler ;Point to the handler
1405 MOV R2,R10 ;The handle passed
1406 MOV R3,R12 ;Workspace passed in R3
1407 BL win_eventHandler ;Remove the event handler
1408 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to window state
1409 STR R0,[R1,#0] ;Store in the block
1410 LDR R4,[R1,#16] ;Get y1
1411 SUB R0,R4,#24 ;No -- y0-y1-actual height
1412 STR R0,[R1,#8] ;Store new y0
1413 BL tspr_adjustBox ;Mangle to fit on the screen
1414 SWI Wimp_OpenWindow ;Open the window
1415 B %99tms__foldMenu ;Return to caller
1417 ; --- The menu has no scrollbar ---
1419 25tms__foldMenu MOV R1,R13 ;Point to state
1420 LDR R0,[R1,#16] ;Get y1
1421 SUB R0,R0,#24 ;New y0 value
1422 STR R0,[R1,#8] ;Store it in the block
1423 SWI Wimp_OpenWindow ;Open the window
1424 B %99tms__foldMenu ;And return
1426 ; --- The menu must be 'un-folded' ---
1428 50tms__foldMenu BL screen_getInfo ;Get the screen information
1429 LDR R1,[R0,#screen_height] ;Get the screen height
1430 LDR R2,[R10,#hMaxHeight] ;Get the maximum menu height
1431 LDR R3,[R10,#hHeight] ;And the actual menu height
1433 ; --- We add a scroll bar if h>maxH or h+50>screen height ---
1435 CMP R2,#0 ;Is there a maximum height?
1436 BEQ %55tms__foldMenu ;No try next condition
1437 CMP R3,R2 ;Is height > maxHeight?
1438 BGT %60tms__foldMenu ;Yes -- unfold with scrll bar
1439 55tms__foldMenu ADD R3,R3,#50 ;Add a little to the height
1440 CMP R3,R1 ;Compare to the screen height
1441 BLE %75tms__foldMenu ;Unfold without scroll bar
1443 ; --- Unfold with a scroll bar ---
1445 60tms__foldMenu ADD R1,R10,#hHandle ;Point to the window handle
1446 SWI Wimp_CloseWindow ;Close the window
1447 SWI Wimp_DeleteWindow ;And then delete it
1448 LDR R0,[R10,#hHandle] ;The window handle
1449 ADRL R1,tms__eventHandler ;Point to the handler
1450 MOV R2,R10 ;The handle passed
1451 MOV R3,R12 ;Workspace passed in R3
1452 BL win_removeEventHandler ;Remove the event handler
1453 LDR R1,tms__oldHandle ;Get the old handle
1454 CMP R0,R1 ;Are they the same?
1455 BLEQ tms__cleanUp ;Yes -- clean up a bit
1456 LDR R0,[R10,#hHeight] ;Get the menu height
1457 BL tms__createWindow ;Create the window
1458 MOVVS R1,#1 ;On error -- show 1 icon
1459 BLVS errorBox ;...display the error
1460 BVS %99tms__foldMenu ;...and return to caller
1461 ADRL R1,tms__eventHandler ;Point to the handler
1462 MOV R2,R10 ;The handle passed
1463 MOV R3,R12 ;Workspace passed in R3
1464 BL win_eventHandler ;Remove the event handler
1465 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to window state
1466 STR R0,[R1,#0] ;Store in the block
1467 LDR R4,[R1,#16] ;Get y1
1468 LDR R3,[R10,#hHeight] ;And actual height
1469 LDR R2,[R10,#hMaxHeight] ;Get the maximum height
1470 CMP R2,#0 ;Is there one?
1471 SUBNE R0,R4,R2 ;Yes -- y0=y1-maxHeight
1472 SUBEQ R0,R4,R3 ;No -- y0-y1-actual height
1473 STR R0,[R1,#8] ;Store new y0
1474 BL tspr_adjustBox ;Mangle to fit on the screen
1475 MOV R14,#-1 ;To open at the front
1476 STR R14,[R1,#28] ;We alter the behind value
1477 SWI Wimp_OpenWindow ;Open the window
1478 B %99tms__foldMenu ;Return to caller
1480 ; --- We must unfold without a scroll bar ---
1482 75tms__foldMenu MOV R1,R13 ;Point to state
1483 LDR R0,[R1,#16] ;Get y1
1484 LDR R2,[R10,#hHeight] ;Get actual height
1485 SUB R0,R0,R2 ;New y0 value
1486 STR R0,[R1,#8] ;Store it in the block
1487 MOV R14,#-1 ;To open at the front
1488 STR R14,[R1,#28] ;We alter the behind value
1489 SWI Wimp_OpenWindow ;Open the window
1491 99tms__foldMenu ADD R13,R13,#88 ;Get the block back
1492 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R5,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1494 ; --- tms__ensureWindowOK ---
1495 ;
1496 ; On entry: R1 == pointer to window state
1497 ; R10 == ponter to the menu
1498 ;
1499 ; On exit: --
1500 ;
1501 ; Use: Called after a mode change, to make sure that the menu still
1502 ; fits on the screen, and to make appropriate changes
1503 ; if the font has changed, etc.
1505 tms__ensureWindowOK ROUT
1507 STMFD R13!,{R0-R4,R14} ;Stack some registers
1509 LDR R0,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
1510 TST R0,#hFlag__folded ;Is the menu folded
1511 BNE %98tms__ensureWindowOK ;Yes -- return
1512 BL screen_getInfo ;Get the screen info
1513 LDR R4,[R0,#screen_height] ;Get screen height
1514 LDR R3,[R10,#hHeight] ;Get menu height
1515 ADD R3,R3,#50 ;Add 50 for luck
1516 LDR R2,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
1518 ; --- Check to see if we should remove scroll bar ---
1520 TST R2,#hFlag__scrBar ;Is there a scroll bar
1521 BEQ %40tms__ensureWindowOK ;No -- jump ahead
1522 CMP R3,R4 ;Is actual < screen height?
1523 BGT %40tms__ensureWindowOK ;No -- jump ahead
1524 LDR R14,[R10,#hMaxHeight] ;Get max height
1525 CMP R14,#0 ;Is there one?
1526 BEQ %10tms__ensureWindowOK ;No -- remove scroll bar
1527 CMP R3,R14 ;Is actual < max height?
1528 BGT %40tms__ensureWindowOK ;No -- jump ahead
1530 ; --- Remove the scroll bar then ---
1532 10 BL %80tms__ensureWindowOK ;Create a new window
1533 LDR R0,[R1,#8] ;Get y0
1534 ADD R0,R0,R3 ;Calculate y1
1535 STR R0,[R1,#16] ;Store it in the block
1536 SWI Wimp_OpenWindow ;Open the window
1537 B %99tms__ensureWindowOK ;And return to caller
1539 ; --- Check if we should add a scroll bar ---
1541 40 TST R2,#hFlag__scrBar ;Is there a scroll bar
1542 BNE %98tms__ensureWindowOK ;Yes -- return
1543 CMP R3,R4 ;Is actual > screen height?
1544 BLT %98tms__ensureWindowOK ;No -- return
1546 ; --- Rebuild the window ---
1548 50 BL %80tms__ensureWindowOK ;Create a new window
1549 LDR R0,[R1,#4] ;Get old x0
1550 LDR R2,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;Get the menu width
1551 ADD R0,R0,R2 ;Calculate x1
1552 STR R0,[R1,#12] ;Store it in the block
1553 SWI Wimp_OpenWindow ;Open the window
1554 BL tms__width ;Check the width
1555 B %99tms__ensureWindowOK ;And return to caller
1557 ; --- Create a new window ---
1559 80 STMFD R13!,{R1-R3,R14} ;Save some registers
1561 ADD R1,R10,#hHandle ;Point to the window handle
1562 SWI Wimp_CloseWindow ;Close the window
1563 SWI Wimp_DeleteWindow ;And then delete it
1564 LDR R0,[R10,#hHandle] ;The window handle
1565 ADRL R1,tms__eventHandler ;Point to the handler
1566 MOV R2,R10 ;The handle passed
1567 MOV R3,R12 ;Workspace passed in R3
1568 BL win_removeEventHandler ;Remove the event handler
1569 LDR R1,tms__oldHandle ;Get the old handle
1570 CMP R0,R1 ;Are they the same?
1571 BLEQ tms__cleanUp ;Yes -- clean up a bit
1572 LDR R0,[R10,#hHeight] ;Get the menu height
1573 BL tms__createWindow ;Create the window
1574 MOVVS R1,#1 ;On error -- show 1 icon
1575 BLVS errorBox ;...display the error
1576 BVS %99tms__ensureWindowOK ;...and return to caller
1577 ADRL R1,tms__eventHandler ;Point to the handler
1578 MOV R2,R10 ;The handle passed
1579 MOV R3,R12 ;Workspace passed in R3
1580 BL win_eventHandler ;Remove the event handler
1581 LDMFD R13!,{R1-R3,R14} ;Get registers back
1582 STR R0,[R1,#0] ;Store in the block
1583 MOV R0,#-1 ;The behind value
1584 STR R0,[R1,#28] ;Store in the block
1586 MOVS PC,R14 ;Return to caller
1588 ; --- Return to caller ---
1590 98 MOV R0,#-1 ;Open in front
1591 STR R0,[R1,#28] ;Store this fact
1592 SWI Wimp_OpenWindow ;Open the window
1593 LDR R14,tms__flags ;Get the main flags word
1594 TST R14,#tFlag__newFont ;Has the font changed?
1595 BL tms__width ;Yes -- check the width
1597 99 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R4,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1599 LTORG
1601 ; --- tms__idleHandler ---
1602 ;
1603 ; On entry: R10 == pointer to menu
1604 ;
1605 ; On exit: --
1606 ;
1607 ; Use: Called on NULL events. R10 points to the menu that the
1608 ; pointer is currently over
1610 tms__idleHandler ROUT
1612 STMFD R13!,{R1,R14} ;Stack some registers
1613 LDR R1,tms__flags ;Get the flags word
1614 TST R1,#tFlag__doFake ;Are we about to fake a NULL?
1615 LDMNEFD R13!,{R1,PC}^ ;Yes -- return then
1616 TST R1,#tFlag__faking ;Are we fakingone now?
1617 BNE %10tms__idleHandler ;Yes -- jump ahead then
1618 SUB R13,R13,#20 ;Get a block
1619 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the block
1620 SWI Wimp_GetPointerInfo ;Get the pointer position
1621 MOV R14,#0 ;Clear the button state
1622 STR R14,[R1,#8] ;Put value in the bbits
1623 BL tms__buttons ;Call the buttons routine
1624 ADD R13,R13,#20 ;Get the stack back
1625 LDMFD R13!,{R1,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1627 ; --- Clear the 'faking' bit ---
1629 10 BIC R1,R1,#tFlag__faking ;Clear the flag
1630 STR R1,tms__flags ;Store the new flags
1631 LDMFD R13!,{R1,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1633 LTORG
1635 ; --- tms__makeDashPattern ---
1636 ;
1637 ; On entry: --
1638 ;
1639 ; On exit: --
1640 ;
1641 ; Use: Programs the VDU dot pattern, for sheer prettiness.
1643 tms__makeDashPattern ROUT
1645 STMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R14} ;Stack some registers
1646 MOV R0,#163 ;General OS_Byte
1647 MOV R1,#242 ;242 is the only valid value
1648 MOV R2,#8 ;Repeat length
1649 SWI OS_Byte ;Set dash pattern length
1651 ADR R0,tms__dashPtn ;Point to the pattern spec
1652 MOV R1,#?tms__dashPtn ;Size of the string
1653 SWI OS_WriteN ;Write 'em all to VDU drivers
1654 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R2,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1656 tms__dashPtn DCB 23,6,&f0,&f0,&f0,&f0,&f0,&f0,&f0,&f0
1658 LTORG
1660 ; --- tms__redrawTick ---
1661 ;
1662 ; On entry: R4 == the y coordinate
1663 ; R11 == item flags
1664 ; R13 == pointer to a block to use
1665 ;
1666 ; On exit: --
1667 ;
1668 ; Use: Redraw the tick/splodge on the left hand side of a menu
1670 tms__redrawTick ROUT
1672 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,R14} ;Stack the link
1673 ADD R5,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1674 MOV R0,#0 ;x0
1675 MOV R2,#24 ;x1
1676 SUB R1,R4,#44 ;y0
1677 MOV R3,R4 ;y1
1678 STMIA R5!,{R0-R3} ;Store this in the block
1679 LDR R0,=&07000038 ;Icon flags so far
1681 TST R11,#iFlag__ticked ;Is there a tick
1682 TSTEQ R11,#iFlag__radio ;Or a splodge?
1683 MOVEQ R1,#&20 ;Neither -- plot nothing
1684 BEQ %00tms__redrawTick ;And plot it
1686 TST R11,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded?
1687 ORRNE R0,R0,#&00400000 ;Yes -- shade icon
1688 TST R11,#iFlag__ticked ;Are we plotting a tick?
1689 MOVEQ R1,#&8F ;Nope -- must be a splodge
1690 BEQ %00tms__redrawTick ;And plot it
1691 LDR R1,tms__flags ;Get the flags word
1692 TST R1,#tFlag__riscos3 ;Is this RISC OS 3?
1693 BNE %01tms__redrawTick ;Yes -- jump a bit
1694 MOV R1,#&80 ;No -- plot a tick
1696 00 ORR R0,R0,#1 ;Text icon
1697 STMIA R5,{R0,R1} ;Fill in the rest of block
1698 B %02tms__redrawTick ;And jump this bit
1700 ; --- Plot tick RISCOS 3 style ---
1702 01 MOV R2,#1 ;Point R2 at it
1703 ORR R0,R0,#&100 ;Indirected icon
1704 ORR R0,R0,#&2 ;Sprite icon
1705 ADR R1,tms__sprTickName ;Point to the sprite name
1706 MOV R3,#2 ;The buffer length
1707 STMIA R5,{R0-R3} ;Fill in the rest of block
1709 02 ADD R1,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1710 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
1712 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1714 LTORG
1716 tms__sprTickName DCB &80,0
1718 EXPORT tms__wSpace
1719 tms__wSpace DCD 0
1721 ; --- tms__redrawSprite ---
1722 ;
1723 ; On entry: R4 == the y coordinate
1724 ; R11 == item flags
1725 ; R13 == pointer to a block to use
1726 ;
1727 ; On exit: --
1728 ;
1729 ; Use: Redraw the tick/splodge on the left hand side of a menu
1731 tms__redrawSprite ROUT
1733 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,R14} ;Stack the link
1734 ADD R5,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1735 MOV R0,#24+8 ;x0
1736 LDR R2,[R10,#hSprWidth] ;Get maximum sprite width
1737 ADD R2,R2,R0 ;Add on to get x1
1738 SUB R1,R4,#44 ;y0
1739 MOV R3,R4 ;y1
1740 STMIA R5!,{R0-R3} ;Store this in the block
1741 LDR R0,=&07000112 ;Icon flags so far
1742 TST R11,#iFlag__sprite ;Is there a sprite?
1743 BICEQ R0,R0,#2 ;No -- plot no sprite then
1745 TST R11,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded?
1746 ORRNE R0,R0,#&00400000 ;Yes -- shade icon
1747 TST R11,#iFlag__halfSize ;Is it a small one?
1748 ORRNE R0,R0,#&00000800 ;Yes -- set the half-size bit
1749 STR R0,[R5],#4 ;Stash the flags away
1751 LDR R0,[R7,#iSprName] ;Find the sprite name string
1752 LDR R1,[R7,#iSprArea] ;Get the sprite area too
1753 MOV R2,#1 ;Not a number, it's a name
1754 STMIA R5!,{R0-R2} ;Stash the data away too
1756 02 ADD R1,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1757 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
1759 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1761 LTORG
1763 ; --- tms__redrawText ---
1764 ;
1765 ; On entry: R4 == the y coordinate
1766 ; R7 == pointer to the icon
1767 ; R10 == the menu pointer
1768 ; R11 == item flags
1769 ; R13 == pointer to a block to use
1770 ;
1771 ; On exit: --
1772 ;
1773 ; Use: Redraw the text part of the menu
1775 tms__redrawText ROUT
1777 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R14} ;Stack the link
1779 ADD R14,R13,#20 ;Point to the block
1781 ; --- Plot a dirty great bar across the item ---
1783 MOV R0,#24 ;x0
1784 LDR R2,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;The menu width
1785 SUB R2,R2,#24 ;Calculate x1
1786 SUB R1,R4,#44 ;y0
1787 MOV R3,R4 ;y1
1788 STMIA R14!,{R0-R3} ;Store this in the block
1789 LDR R0,=&07000030 ;Get some base flags
1790 TST R11,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded?
1791 ORRNE R0,R0,#&00400000 ;Yes -- set the shaded bitty
1792 LDREQ R2,[R10,#hSelected] ;Get the selected item
1793 CMPEQ R7,R2 ;Is it this item?
1794 EOREQ R0,R0,#&77000000 ;Yes -- invert it then
1795 STR R0,[R14],#4 ;Save these flags away
1796 ADD R1,R13,#20 ;Point to the block
1797 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
1799 ; --- Now plot the text transparently over this ---
1801 LDR R14,[R10,#hSprWidth] ;Load sprite column width
1802 ADD R14,R14,#24 ;Bump in a little
1803 STR R14,[R1,#0] ;Save as the x0 position
1804 LDR R0,=&07000131 ;The icon flags
1805 TST R11,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded?
1806 ORRNE R0,R0,#&00400000 ;Yes -- shade icon
1807 LDREQ R2,[R10,#hSelected] ;Get the selected item
1808 CMPEQ R7,R2 ;Is it this item?
1809 EOREQ R0,R0,#&77000000 ;No -- use these colours
1810 LDR R1,[R7,#iText] ;Point to the text
1811 MOV R2,#-1 ;No validation string
1812 MOV R3,#&ff ;Buffer length
1813 ADD R14,R13,#36 ;Point to the right bit
1814 STMIA R14,{R0-R3} ;Fill in the rest of block
1815 ADD R1,R13,#20 ;Point to the block
1816 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
1818 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1820 LTORG
1822 ; --- tms__redrawKey ---
1823 ;
1824 ; On entry: R4 == the y coordinate
1825 ; R7 == pointer to the icon
1826 ; R10 == the menu pointer
1827 ; R11 == item flags
1828 ; R13 == pointer to a block to use
1829 ;
1830 ; On exit: --
1831 ;
1832 ; Use: Redraw the text part of the menu
1834 tms__redrawKey ROUT
1836 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,R11,R14} ;Stack the link
1838 ADD R5,R13,#28 ;Point to the block
1839 LDR R2,[R7,#iKeyCode] ;Get the string to print
1840 CMP R2,#-1 ;Is there one?
1841 BEQ %99tms__redrawKey ;No -- return
1842 LDR R2,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;The menu width
1843 LDR R0,[R10,#hKeyWidth] ;Get the shortcut width
1844 SUB R2,R2,#24 ;Calculate x1
1845 SUB R0,R2,R0 ;And then x0
1846 SUB R1,R4,#44 ;y0
1847 MOV R3,R4 ;y1
1848 STMIA R5!,{R0-R3} ;Store this in the block
1849 LDR R3,=&00000131 ;The icon flags
1850 TST R11,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded?
1851 ORRNE R3,R3,#&007400000 ;Yes -- shade icon
1852 BNE %00tms__redrawKey ;...forget this next bit
1853 LDR R2,[R10,#hSelected] ;Get the selected item
1854 CMP R7,R2 ;Is it this item?
1855 ORRNE R3,R3,#&07000000 ;No -- use these colours
1856 ORREQ R3,R3,#&70000000 ;Yep -- use these colours
1857 00 LDR R0,[R7,#iKeyCode] ;Point to the text
1858 MOV R1,#1 ;Covert to a short string
1859 LDR R11,tms__R11 ;Get scratchpad address
1860 BL keyString ;Do the conversion
1861 MOV R1,R0 ;Put string in R1
1862 MOV R0,R3 ;And flags in R0
1863 MOV R2,#-1 ;No validation string
1864 MOV R3,#&ff ;Buffer length
1865 STMIA R5,{R0-R3} ;Fill in the rest of block
1866 ADD R1,R13,#28 ;Point to the block
1867 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
1869 99 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,R11,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1871 LTORG
1873 ; --- tms__redrawArrow ---
1874 ;
1875 ; On entry: R4 == the y coordinate
1876 ; R10 == pointer to the menu
1877 ; R11 == item flags
1878 ; R13 == pointer to a block to use
1879 ;
1880 ; On exit: --
1881 ;
1882 ; Use: Redraw the arrow on the right hand side of a menu
1884 tms__redrawArrow ROUT
1886 TST R11,#iFlag__arrow ;Is there an arrow?
1887 MOVEQS PC,R14 ;No -- return
1889 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,R14} ;Stack the link
1890 ADD R5,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1891 LDR R2,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;x1
1892 SUB R0,R2,#24 ;x0
1893 SUB R1,R4,#44 ;y0
1894 MOV R3,R4 ;y1
1895 STMIA R5!,{R0-R3} ;Store this in the block
1896 LDR R0,=&07000038 ;Icon flags so far
1897 TST R11,#iFlag__shaded ;Is the item shaded?
1898 ORRNE R0,R0,#&00400000 ;Yes -- shade icon
1899 LDR R1,tms__flags ;Get the flags word
1900 TST R1,#tFlag__riscos3 ;Is this RISC OS 3?
1901 BNE %01tms__redrawArrow ;Yes -- jump a bit
1902 MOV R1,#&89 ;No -- plot a tick
1903 ORR R0,R0,#1 ;Text icon
1904 STMIA R5,{R0,R1} ;Fill in the rest of block
1905 B %02tms__redrawArrow ;And jump this bit
1907 ; --- Plot tick RISCOS 3 style ---
1909 01 MOV R2,#1 ;The WIMP area
1910 ORR R0,R0,#&100 ;Indirected icon
1911 ORR R0,R0,#&2 ;Sprite icon
1912 ADR R1,tms__sprArrowName ;Point to the sprite name
1913 MOV R3,#2 ;The buffer length
1914 STMIA R5,{R0-R3} ;Fill in the rest of block
1916 02 ADD R1,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1917 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
1919 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1921 LTORG
1923 tms__sprArrowName DCB &89,0
1925 ; --- tms__redrawBar ---
1926 ;
1927 ; On entry: R4 == the y coordinate
1928 ; R10 == the menu pointer
1929 ; R13 == pointer to a block to use
1930 ;
1931 ; On exit: --
1932 ;
1933 ; Use: Redraw the tearoff bar in a menu. Notice that this is
1934 ; different to the steel version, which uses icons here
1936 tms__redrawBar ROUT
1938 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,R14} ;Stack the link
1940 ADD R5,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1941 MOV R0,#0 ;x0
1942 LDR R2,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;x1
1943 MOV R1,R4 ;y0
1944 MOV R3,#0 ;y1
1945 STMIA R5!,{R0-R3} ;Store this in the block
1946 LDR R14,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
1947 LDR R0,=&07000031 ;The icon flags
1948 TST R14,#hFlag__global ;Is this a `global' menu?
1949 ORREQ R0,R0,#&30000000 ;No -- grey bar then
1950 ORRNE R0,R0,#&80000000 ;Yes -- blie bar then
1951 MOV R1,#0 ;No text
1952 STMIA R5,{R0-R1} ;Fill in the rest of block
1953 ADD R1,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1954 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
1955 LDR R5,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
1956 TST R5,#hFlag__torn ;Has menu been torn?
1957 BNE %50tms__redrawBar ;Yes -- draw that bit
1959 ; --- Draw just the tear icon ---
1961 ADD R5,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1962 MOV R0,#4 ;x0
1963 MOV R2,#68 ;x1
1964 MOV R1,#-20 ;y0
1965 MOV R3,#-4 ;y1
1966 STMIA R5!,{R0-R3} ;Store this in the block
1967 LDR R0,=&00000112 ;The icon flags
1968 MOV R1,R0 ;Hark -- R0 to be corrupted
1969 BL resspr_area ;Get the sprite area
1970 MOV R2,R0 ;Point R2 at it
1971 MOV R0,R1 ;Get flags back in R0
1972 ADR R1,tms__sprTearName ;Point to the sprite name
1973 MOV R3,#5 ;The buffer length
1974 STMIA R5,{R0-R3} ;Fill in the rest of block
1976 ADD R1,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1977 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
1978 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,PC}^ ;Return to caller
1980 ; --- Plot the icons in a torn menu ---
1982 50 ADD R5,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1983 MOV R0,#4 ;x0
1984 MOV R2,#70 ;x1
1985 MOV R1,#-20 ;y0
1986 MOV R3,#-4 ;y1
1987 STMIA R5!,{R0-R3} ;Store this in the block
1988 LDR R0,=&00000112 ;The icon flags
1989 MOV R1,R0 ;Hark -- R0 to be corrupted
1990 BL resspr_area ;Get the sprite area
1991 MOV R2,R0 ;Point R2 at it
1992 MOV R0,R1 ;Get flags back in R0
1993 ADR R1,tms__sprCloseName ;Point to the sprite name
1994 MOV R3,#6 ;The buffer length
1995 STMIA R5,{R0-R3} ;Fill in the rest of block
1997 ADD R1,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
1998 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
2000 ADD R5,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
2001 LDR R2,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;Get the width
2002 SUB R0,R2,#60 ;x0
2003 SUB R2,R2,#4 ;x1
2004 MOV R1,#-20 ;y0
2005 MOV R3,#-4 ;y1
2006 STMIA R5!,{R0-R3} ;Store this in the block
2007 LDR R0,=&00000112 ;The icon flags
2008 MOV R1,R0 ;Hark -- R0 to be corrupted
2009 BL resspr_area ;Get the sprite area
2010 MOV R2,R0 ;Point R2 at it
2011 MOV R0,R1 ;Get flags back in R0
2012 ADR R1,tms__sprFoldName ;Point to the sprite name
2013 MOV R3,#6 ;The buffer length
2014 STMIA R5,{R0-R3} ;Fill in the rest of block
2016 ADD R1,R13,#24 ;Point to the block
2017 SWI Wimp_PlotIcon ;Plot the icon
2019 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R5,PC}^ ;Return to caller
2021 LTORG
2023 tms__sprTearName DCB "tear",0
2024 tms__sprCloseName DCB "close",0
2025 tms__sprFoldName DCB "fold",0
2027 ; --- tms__doRedraw ---
2028 ;
2029 ; On entry: R0 == flags:
2030 ; bit 0 == don't only plot queued items
2031 ; R1 == pointer to the redraw block
2032 ;
2033 ; On exit: --
2034 ;
2035 ; Use: Actually redraws a menu, given the redraw block
2037 tms__doRedraw ROUT
2039 STMFD R13!,{R0-R11,R14} ;Stack some registers
2040 MOV R3,R0 ;Keep flags safe nicely
2042 ; --- Set up some pointers ---
2044 SUB R13,R13,#32 ;Get a nice block
2045 MOV R6,R1 ;Remember the redraw block
2046 LDR R5,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the flags word
2047 MOV R4,#0 ;The y coordinate
2048 TST R5,#hFlag__tearable ;Is there a tearoff bar?
2049 SUBNE R4,R4,#tms__barHeight ;Yes -- Allow for it
2051 ; --- Draw the tearoff bar ---
2053 TSTNE R3,#1 ;Does it need redrawing?
2054 BLNE tms__redrawBar ;Yeap...
2056 ; --- Now deal with items ---
2058 LDR R9,[R10,#hItems] ;Point to the first item
2059 00tms__doRedraw LDR R8,[R9,#iNumber] ;Get the number of items
2060 ADD R7,R9,#iHdrSize ;And point to the first item
2062 ; --- Now redraw each item ---
2064 01tms__doRedraw LDR R11,[R7,#iFlags] ;Get the item flags
2065 TST R3,#1 ;Are we only doing queued?
2066 ORRNE R11,R11,#&FF000000 ;No -- pretend it wa queued
2068 ; --- Redraw the tick/splodge on the left ---
2070 TST R11,#iFlag__newTick ;Has the tick changed?
2071 BLNE tms__redrawTick ;Yes -- plot the tick thing
2073 ; --- Plot the main text part ---
2075 09tms__doRedraw TST R11,#iFlag__newText ;Has the text changed?
2076 BLNE tms__redrawText ;Yes -- redraw the text bit
2078 ; --- Now the sprite, if there is one ---
2080 08tms__doRedraw TST R11,#iFlag__newSpr ;Does sprite need rendering?
2081 BLNE tms__redrawSprite ;Yes -- render it then
2083 ; --- The keyboard shortcut ---
2085 TST R11,#iFlag__newKey ;Has shortcut changed?
2086 BLNE tms__redrawKey ;Yes -- redraw it then
2088 ; --- The arrow ---
2090 TST R11,#iFlag__newArrow ;Has the arrow changed?
2091 BLNE tms__redrawArrow ;Yes -- draw it then
2093 ; --- And finally, plot the dotted line ---
2095 TST R11,#iFlag__dotted ;Is there a dotted line here?
2096 BEQ %90tms__doRedraw ;No -- jump this code then
2097 MOV R0,#4 ;Move cursor
2098 LDR R1,[R6,#4] ;To>x0
2099 LDR R2,[R6,#16] ;>y1
2100 ADD R2,R2,R4 ;>y1+y
2101 SUB R2,R2,#56 ;>y1+y-(44+12)
2102 LDR R14,[R6,#24] ;Don't neglect scroll offset
2103 SUB R2,R2,R14 ;No way bob...
2104 SWI OS_Plot ;Do the move
2105 BL tms__makeDashPattern ;Program the dash pattern
2106 MOV R0,#7 ;Colour 7
2107 SWI Wimp_SetColour ;Thus let it be
2108 MOV R0,#17 ;Dotted line -- both ends
2109 LDR R1,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;Get the width to draw
2110 MOV R2,#0 ;Relative y offset
2111 SWI OS_Plot ;Plot the line
2113 ; --- Alter the y coordinate ---
2115 90tms__doRedraw TST R11,#iFlag__dotted ;Is there a dotted line
2116 SUBNE R4,R4,#68 ;Yes -- take into account
2117 SUBEQ R4,R4,#44 ;No -- just sub item height
2119 ; --- Do next item ---
2121 SUBS R8,R8,#1 ;Decrement item count
2122 ADDNE R7,R7,#iItemSize ;Point to the next item
2123 BNE %01tms__doRedraw ;...and redraw it
2124 LDR R9,[R9,#iItems] ;If at end -- point to next
2125 CMP R9,#0 ;Any more items?
2126 BNE %00tms__doRedraw ;Yes -- redraw them
2127 ADD R13,R13,#32 ;Get my block back
2128 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R11,PC}^ ;Return to caller
2130 LTORG
2132 ; --- tms__redraw ---
2133 ;
2134 ; On entry: R0 == event from wimp
2135 ; R1 == pointer to the wimp block
2136 ; R10 == pointer to the menu
2137 ;
2138 ; On exit: --
2139 ;
2140 ; Use: Called to perform the redraw loop when redrawing a menu
2142 tms__redraw ROUT
2144 STMFD R13!,{R0,R1,R14} ;Stack some registers
2145 SWI Wimp_RedrawWindow ;Start the redraw
2146 00tms__redraw CMP R0,#0 ;More to do?
2147 LDMEQFD R13!,{R0,R1,PC}^ ;No -- return
2148 MOV R0,#1 ;Redraw everything please
2149 BL tms__doRedraw ;Perform the redrawing
2150 SWI Wimp_GetRectangle ;Get another rectangle
2151 B %00tms__redraw ;And keep redrawing
2153 LTORG
2155 ; --- tms__update ---
2156 ;
2157 ; On entry: R0 == flags (as for doRedraw)
2158 ; R10 == pointer to the menu
2159 ;
2160 ; On exit: --
2161 ;
2162 ; Use: Updates the entire menu.
2164 EXPORT tms__update
2165 tms__update ROUT
2167 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R14} ;Stack some registers
2169 LDR R14,[R10,#hHandle] ;Load the window handle
2170 STR R14,[R13,#-44]! ;Create a block
2171 MOV R0,#0 ;Minimum x coord
2172 LDR R1,[R10,#hHeight] ;Load out the height
2173 RSB R1,R1,#0 ;Minimum y coordinate
2174 LDR R2,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;Get the total width
2175 MOV R3,#0 ;Maximum y coordinate
2176 STMIB R13,{R0-R3} ;Store in the block
2177 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the block
2179 SWI Wimp_UpdateWindow ;Start the redraw
2180 00tms__update CMP R0,#0 ;More to do?
2181 ADDEQ R13,R13,#44 ;No -- get stack back
2182 LDMEQFD R13!,{R0-R3,PC}^ ;...and return
2183 LDR R0,[R13,#44] ;Load the caller's flags
2184 BL tms__doRedraw ;Perform the redrawing
2185 SWI Wimp_GetRectangle ;Get another rectangle
2186 B %00tms__update ;And keep redrawing
2188 LTORG
2190 ; --- tms__eventHandler ---
2191 ;
2192 ; On entry: R0 == event, as returned from Wimp_Poll
2193 ; R1 == pointer to the event block
2194 ; R10 == pointer to the menu
2195 ;
2196 ; On exit: --
2197 ;
2198 ; Use: Deals with the event that has been sent to my window
2200 EXPORT tms__eventHandler
2201 tms__eventHandler ROUT
2203 ORR R14,R14,#C_flag ;Set carry flag on return
2204 CMP R0,#8 ;Is it a low-numbered event?
2205 ADDLE PC,PC,R0,LSL #2 ;Yes -- dispatch
2206 B %00tms__eventHandler ;No -- handle specially
2208 ; --- The event dispatch table ---
2210 BICS PC,R14,#C_flag ;Null events are ignored
2211 B tms__redraw ;Call this to redraw menu
2212 B %10tms__eventHandler ;Open unopened windows
2213 B %20tms__eventHandler ;Close unclosed windows
2214 B %30tms__eventHandler ;Pointer's left a window
2215 B %40tms__eventHandler ;Gone back inside again
2216 B tms__buttons ;Call the button handler
2217 BICS PC,R14,#C_flag ;Drag returned -- so what
2218 BICS PC,R14,#C_flag ;Key press
2220 ; --- Handle high-numbered events ---
2222 00 CMP R0,#17 ;Is it a message?
2223 CMPNE R0,#18 ;Or another message?
2224 BICNES PC,R14,#C_flag ;No -- nothing we can do
2226 ; --- Deal with a help message ---
2228 STMFD R13!,{R0-R4,R14} ;Stack registers
2229 LDR R14,[R1,#16] ;Get the message number
2230 LDR R2,=&502 ;Load the constant number
2231 CMP R14,R2 ;Is it a help message
2232 LDMNEFD R13!,{R0-R3,R14} ;No -- load registers
2233 BICNES PC,R14,#C_flag ;...couldn't understand
2235 ; --- Find the item that we are over ---
2237 ADD R4,R1,#20 ;Point to the coordinates
2238 SUB R13,R13,#36 ;Get a small block
2239 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to the block
2240 LDR R2,[R10,#hHandle] ;Get the window handle
2241 STR R2,[R1,#0] ;Store the window handle
2242 SWI Wimp_GetWindowState ;Get the window state
2243 LDR R0,[R4,#0] ;Get the mouse x coord
2244 LDR R2,[R13,#20] ;Get the scroll x position
2245 LDR R3,[R13,#4] ;Get the x0 position
2246 ADD R0,R0,R2 ;Calculate workarea relative
2247 SUB R0,R0,R3 ;...x position
2248 LDR R1,[R4,#4] ;Get the mouse y coord
2249 LDR R2,[R13,#24] ;Get the scroll y position
2250 LDR R3,[R13,#16] ;Get the y1 position
2251 ADD R1,R1,R2 ;Calculate workarea relative
2252 SUB R1,R1,R3 ;...y position
2253 ADD R13,R13,#36 ;Get the block back
2254 STMFD R13!,{R0,R1} ;Stack the coordinates
2255 BL tms__findItem ;Find the associated icon
2257 CMP R8,#0 ;Were we over an item?
2258 BEQ %05tms__eventHandler ;No -- try the tearoff bar
2260 ; --- Send the help event to the users handler ---
2262 STMFD R13!,{R10,R12} ;Save these registers
2263 MOV R0,#mEvent_help ;Help on item required
2264 LDR R1,tms__itemIndex ;The items index
2265 LDR R2,tms__itemOver ;Point to packed item def.
2266 ADD R3,R8,#iHandler ;Point to the handler
2267 LDMIA R3,{R3,R10,R12} ;Load the values
2268 TEQ R3,#0 ;Sanity check
2269 MOV R14,PC ;Set up the return address
2270 MOVNE PC,R3 ;Call the handler
2271 LDMFD R13!,{R10,R12} ;Get my registers back
2272 ADD R13,R13,#8 ;Skip over the coordinates
2273 B %09tms__eventHandler ;And return
2275 ; --- Was the click on the tearoff bar? ---
2277 05 LDR R0,tms__flags ;Get the flags word
2278 LDMFD R13!,{R0,R1} ;Get the coordiantes
2279 LDR R2,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the menu flags
2280 TST R2,#hFlag__tearable ;Is there a bar?
2281 BEQ %09tms__eventHandler ;No -- branch ahead
2282 CMP R1,#-tms__barHeight ;Did we click in the bar?
2283 BLT %09tms__eventHandler ;No -- branch ahead
2284 CMP R1,#-4 ;The top of the icon
2285 BGT %09tms__eventHandler ;Not in icon -- return
2286 CMP R1,#-(tms__barHeight-4) ;The bottom level
2287 BLT %09tms__eventHandler ;Not in icon -- return
2288 TST R2,#hFlag__torn ;Has the menu been torn off
2289 BNE %06tms__eventHandler ;Yes -- deal with that
2291 ; --- Was the click in the tear icon? ---
2293 CMP R0,#4 ;The left hand side
2294 BLT %09tms__eventHandler ;Not in icon -- return
2295 CMP R0,#68 ;The right hand side
2296 BGT %09tms__eventHandler ;Not in icon -- return
2297 ADRL R0,tms__helpTear ;Point to the tear message
2298 BL msgs_lookup ;Look it up in messages file
2299 BL help_add ;And send it to help
2300 B %09tms__eventHandler ;Return to caller
2302 ; --- The menu is torn off -- what did we click in? ---
2304 06 CMP R0,#4 ;The left hand side
2305 BLT %09tms__eventHandler ;Not in icon -- return
2306 CMP R0,#70 ;The right hand side
2307 ADRLEL R0,tms__helpClose ;Point to the close message
2308 BLLE msgs_lookup ;Look it up in messages file
2309 BLLE help_add ;And send it to help
2310 BLE %09tms__eventHandler ;Return to caller
2312 ; --- Was it in the fold icon ---
2314 07 LDR R2,[R10,#hTotWidth] ;The total menu width
2315 SUB R2,R2,#60 ;LHS of tear icon
2316 CMP R0,R2 ;Where did we click?
2317 BLT %09tms__eventHandler ;Not in it, that's for sure
2318 ADD R2,R2,#56 ;RHS of tear icon
2319 CMP R0,R2 ;Where did we click?
2320 ADRLEL R0,tms__helpFold ;Point to the fold message
2321 BLLE msgs_lookup ;Look it up in messages file
2322 BLLE help_add ;And send it to help
2324 09 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R4,R14} ;Load back registers
2325 ORRS PC,R14,#C_flag ;Return with carry set
2327 ; --- OpenWindow request ---
2329 10 STMFD R13!,{R14} ;Stack some registers
2330 BL screen_justChangedMode ;Has there been a mode change
2331 SWICC Wimp_OpenWindow ;No -- open the window
2332 LDMCCFD R13!,{PC}^ ;...and return to caller
2333 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3} ;Stack some more registers
2334 BL tms__ensureWindowOK ;Ensure window is OK
2335 SUB R13,R13,#20 ;Get me a block
2336 MOV R1,R13 ;Point to it
2337 SWI Wimp_GetPointerInfo ;Get the pointer information
2338 LDR R0,[R1,#12] ;Get the window ptr is over
2339 LDR R1,[R10,#hHandle] ;And window handle of menu
2340 CMP R0,R1 ;Are they the same?
2341 BNE %15tms__eventHandler ;No -- return
2342 LDR R0,tms__oldHandle ;Get the idle handler handle
2343 CMP R0,#0 ;Is there one?
2344 BNE %15tms__eventHandler ;Yes -- return
2345 MOV R0,#0 ;Frequency -- quick please
2346 ADRL R1,tms__idleHandler ;Point to the handler
2347 MOV R2,R10 ;Pass menu in R10
2348 MOV R3,R12 ;And workspace in R12
2349 BL idle_handler ;Add in the handler
2350 STR R10,tms__oldHandle ;And store away new handle
2352 15 ADD R13,R13,#20 ;Get the stack back
2353 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,PC}^ ;Return to caller
2355 ; --- CloseWindow request ---
2357 20 SWI Wimp_CloseWindow ;Close the window
2358 MOVS PC,R14 ;And return
2360 ; --- Pointer leaving ---
2362 30 STMFD R13!,{R0,R2,R10,R14} ;Stack some registers
2363 LDR R0,tms__oldHandle ;Is there an idle handle hnd
2364 CMP R0,#0 ;Is there one?
2365 LDMEQFD R13!,{R0,R2,R10,PC}^ ;No -- return
2366 BL tms__cleanUp ;Yes -- clean up a bit
2367 MOV R10,R0 ;Point to the menu
2368 LDR R2,[R10,#hFlags] ;Get the flags for the menu
2369 TST R2,#hFlag__warned ;Have we be warned?
2370 LDMNEFD R13!,{R0,R2,R10,PC}^ ;Yes -- return
2371 LDR R2,[R0,#hSelected] ;Point to the selected item
2372 CMP R2,#0 ;Is there one?
2373 BLNE tms__unHighlight ;Un-highlight the item
2374 LDMFD R13!,{R0,R2,R10,PC}^ ;And return to caller
2376 ; --- Pointer entering ---
2378 40 STMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R14} ;Stack some registers
2379 LDR R0,tms__oldHandle ;Is there an idle handle hnd
2380 CMP R0,#0 ;Is there one?
2381 BLNE tms__cleanUp ;Yes -- clean up a bit
2382 MOV R0,#0 ;Frequency -- quick please
2383 ADRL R1,tms__idleHandler ;Point to the handler
2384 MOV R2,R10 ;Pass menu in R10
2385 MOV R3,R12 ;And workspace in R12
2386 BL idle_handler ;Add in the handler
2387 STR R2,tms__oldHandle ;We have an idle handler
2388 BL tms__alarm2 ;Allow item selection
2389 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,PC}^ ;And return to caller
2391 tms__helpTear DCB "TMST",0
2392 tms__helpClose DCB "TMSC",0
2393 tms__helpFold DCB "TMSF",0
2395 LTORG
2397 ; --- tms_help ---
2398 ;
2399 ; On entry: R0 == pointer to base message tag
2400 ; R1 == index of menu item
2401 ;
2402 ; On exit: --
2403 ;
2404 ; Use: Adds a string to the help message found by adding the menu
2405 ; item number to the base message tag.
2407 EXPORT tms_help
2408 tms_help ROUT
2410 CMP R1,#0 ;Is the menu item sane?
2411 MOVLTS PC,R14 ;No -- don't trust Tim
2412 STMFD R13!,{R0-R2,R14} ;Save some registers
2413 MOV R1,R0 ;Point to base message tag
2414 MOV R0,R11 ;Point to scratchpad
2415 BL str_cpy ;Add the string in there
2416 MOV R1,R0 ;Point to terminating null
2417 MOV R2,#25 ;Should be 25 bytes left over
2418 LDR R0,[R13,#4] ;Get his item number
2419 SWI OS_ConvertInteger4 ;Tack it on the end
2420 MOV R0,R11 ;Point to the message tag
2421 BL msgs_lookup ;Translate it nicely
2422 BL help_add ;Add it to the help string
2423 LDMFD R13!,{R0-R2,PC}^ ;Return to caller
2425 LTORG
2427 ;----- Workspace ------------------------------------------------------------
2429 AREA |Sapphire$$LibData|,CODE,READONLY
2431 DCD tms__wSize ;Workspace size
2432 DCD tms__wSpace ;Workspace pointer
2433 DCD 0 ;Scratchpad size
2434 DCD tms_init ;Initialisation
2436 ;----- That's all, folks ----------------------------------------------------
2438 END