Create readable text `.bas' for each tokenized BASIC `,ffb' file.
[ssr] / StraySrc / Libraries / Steel / h / buttons
1 /*
2 * Buttons
3 * provides handling for clever buttons and things.
4 *
5 * v. 1.00 (23 July 1991)
6 *
7 * © 1991-1998 Straylight
8 */
10 /*----- Licensing note ----------------------------------------------------*
11 *
12 * This file is part of Straylight's Steel library.
13 *
14 * Steel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
17 * any later version.
18 *
19 * Steel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 * GNU General Public License for more details.
23 *
24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 * along with Steel. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
26 * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 */
29 #ifndef __buttons_h
30 #define __buttons_h
32 #ifndef __wimp_h
33 #include "wimp.h"
34 #endif
36 #ifndef __dbox_h
37 #include "dbox.h"
38 #endif
40 typedef void (*buttons_arrowProc)(dbox d,dbox_field f,int diff,void *handle);
42 typedef struct
43 {
44 int min,max;
45 BOOL wrap;
46 }
47 buttons_simpleArrow;
49 /*
50 * A function to handle the update of a slider.
51 */
52 typedef void (*buttons_sliderHandler)(dbox d,wimp_i i,int val,void *handle);
54 /*
55 * void buttons_arrowClick
56 * (
57 * dbox d,
58 * dbox_field f,
59 * int min,
60 * int max,
61 * int increment,
62 * BOOL wrap
63 * )
64 *
65 * Use
66 * Increases (or decreases) the value in a writable box. If the last event
67 * was a click with the adjust button, the increment is made negative (i.e.
68 * 1 becomes -1, and -1 becomes 1), following the standard convention. The
69 * value will not be allowed to exceed the limits passed. If you don't
70 * want limits, make max and min the same. Optionally, you can make the
71 * field's value 'wrap around' if it goes out of range.
72 *
73 * Parameters
74 * dbox d == the dbox handle
75 * dbox_field f == the field number
76 * int min == the lowest allowable value for the field
77 * int max == the highest allowable value for the field
78 * int increment == what to add to the value. This may be negative.
79 * BOOL wrap == wrap around or not
80 */
82 void buttons_arrowClick
83 (
84 dbox d,
85 dbox_field f,
86 int min,
87 int max,
88 int increment,
89 BOOL wrap
90 );
92 /*
93 * void buttons_arrow(dbox d,
94 * dbox_field f,
95 * dbox wd,
96 * dbox_field wf,
97 * buttons_arrowProc p,
98 * int diff,
99 * void *handle)
100 *
101 * Use
102 * Handles a click on an arrow button. It constrains the mouse pointer
103 * so it doesn't drift away annoyingly, and presses the icon in (by
104 * selecting it, so set up the sprites properly) while it's being clicked,
105 * with nary a flicker in sight. It simulates auto-repeat on the button,
106 * so don't use real auto-repeat buttons.
107 *
108 * Parameters
109 * dbox d,dbox_field f == the icon that was clicked
110 * dbox wd,dbox_field wf == the (writable) icon that is passed to p
111 * buttons_arrowProc p == a procedure to call for each `click' on the
112 * button. It may call buttons_arrowClick to bump the field. If you pass
113 * 0, a default function is called which just bumps the icon. handle must
114 * point to a buttons_simpleArrow structure filled in correctly.
115 * int diff == the difference to add to the icon (passed to p). The sign
116 * is toggled if the click was with the adjust button.
117 * void *handle == a handle to pass to p
118 */
120 void buttons_arrow(dbox d,
121 dbox_field f,
122 dbox wd,
123 dbox_field wf,
124 buttons_arrowProc p,
125 int diff,
126 void *handle);
128 /*
129 * BOOL buttons_insertChar(dbox d,int chcode,char min,char max)
130 *
131 * Use
132 * This function inserts the character specified into the writable field
133 * containing the caret. Useful if you want to handle input yourself so
134 * you can update things (such as sliders) in deending on the input. It
135 * will insure that the character is within the limits given (invalid
136 * limits will cause a default of 32-255 to be used).
137 *
138 * Parameters
139 * dbox d == dbox handle
140 * int chcode == the character, as returned from dbox_eventProcess().
141 * char min == minimum character allowable.
142 * char max == maximum character allowable.
143 *
144 * Returns
145 * Whether it inserted the character or not.
146 */
148 BOOL buttons_insertChar(dbox d,int chcode,char min,char max);
150 /*
151 * void buttons_redrawSlider
152 * (
153 * dbox d,
154 * wimp_i i,
155 * int max,
156 * int val,
157 * int colour,
158 * BOOL isVertical
159 * )
160 *
161 * Use
162 * Draws a slider in the specified icon
163 *
164 * Parameters
165 * dbox d == dbox handle
166 * wimp_i icon == the icon we're dealing with
167 * int max == the maximum value you want
168 * int val == the current value of the slider
169 * int colour == the WIMP colour for the slider
170 * BOOL isVertical == TRUE if the slider is vertical
171 */
173 void buttons_redrawSlider
174 (
175 dbox d,
176 wimp_i i,
177 int max,
178 int val,
179 int colour,
180 BOOL isVertical
181 );
183 /*
184 * void buttons_updateSlider
185 * (
186 * dbox d,
187 * wimp_i i,
188 * int max,
189 * int val,
190 * int colour,
191 * BOOL isVertical
192 * )
193 *
194 * Use
195 * Redraws a slider in the specified icon
196 *
197 * Parameters
198 * dbox d == dbox handle
199 * wimp_i icon == the icon we're dealing with
200 * int max == the maximum value you want
201 * int val == the current value of the slider
202 * int colour == the WIMP colour for the slider
203 * BOOL isVertical == TRUE if the slider is vertical
204 */
206 void buttons_updateSlider
207 (
208 dbox d,
209 wimp_i i,
210 int max,
211 int val,
212 int colour,
213 BOOL isVertical
214 );
216 /*
217 * void buttons_slideSlider
218 * (
219 * dbox d,
220 * wimp_i i,
221 * int max,
222 * int *val,
223 * int colour,
224 * BOOL isVertical,
225 * buttons_sliderHandler proc,
226 * void *handle
227 * )
228 *
229 * Use
230 * This routine just neatly handles the slider totally. Just pass it the
231 * parameters it needs, and let it get on with it.
232 *
233 * Parameters
234 * dbox d == the dbox
235 * wimp_i i == the icon number
236 * int max == the maximum slider value
237 * int *val == a pointer to the slider value (updated as we go along)
238 * int colour == the colour for the slider
239 * BOOL isVertical == whether the slider is vertical
240 * buttons_sliderHandler proc == a slider handler, which can update, say a
241 * a writable field as the drag takes place
242 * void *handle == a handle to pass the routine
243 */
245 void buttons_slideSlider
246 (
247 dbox d,
248 wimp_i i,
249 int max,
250 int *val,
251 int colour,
252 BOOL isVertical,
253 buttons_sliderHandler proc,
254 void *handle
255 );
257 /*
258 * void buttons_redrawColourButton(dbox d,wimp_i i,buttons_colourstr *c)
259 *
260 * Use
261 * Redraws a true-colour button.
262 *
263 * Parameters
264 * dbox d == the dbox
265 * wimp_i i == icon number
266 * buttons_colourstr == the colour we're intersted in
267 */
269 void buttons_redrawColourButton(dbox d,wimp_i i,wimp_paletteword c);
271 /*
272 * buttons_updateColourButton(dbox d,wimp_i i,wimp_paletteword c)
273 *
274 * Use
275 * This routine redraws a colour button.
276 *
277 * Parameters
278 * dbox d == the dbox
279 * wimp_i == the icon number
280 * wimp_paletteword c == the colour number
281 */
283 void buttons_updateColourButton(dbox d,wimp_i i,wimp_paletteword c);
285 #endif