Massive reorganization in progress.
[sod] / src / lexer-bits.lisp
1 (cl:in-package #:sod)
3 (defun play-fetch-token (string)
4 (with-parser-context (string-parser :string string)
5 (labels ((digit (radix)
6 (parse (filter (lambda (ch)
7 (digit-char-p ch radix)))))
8 (number (radix &optional (initial 0))
9 (parse (many (a initial (+ (* radix a) it))
10 (digit radix))))
11 (numeric (radix sigil)
12 (parse (seq ((first (peek (seq ((nil (funcall sigil))
13 (d (digit radix)))
14 d)))
15 (result (number radix first)))
16 result))))
17 (multiple-value-call #'values
18 (loop
19 (parse :whitespace)
21 (cond-parse ()
23 ;; Give up at end-of-file.
24 (:eof
25 (return (values :eof nil)))
27 ;; Pick out comments.
28 ((peek (and #\/ #\*))
29 (parse (skip-many () ; this may fail at eof; don't worry
30 (and (skip-many () (not #\*))
31 (skip-many (:min 1) #\*))
32 (not #\/)))
33 (if-parse :eof ()
34 (cerror* "Unterminated comment")
35 (parse :any)))
36 ((and (peek (seq (#\/ #\/)))
37 (skip-many () (not #\newline))
38 (or :eof #\newline)))
40 ;; Quoted strings and characters.
41 ((or #\' #\")
42 (let ((quote it)
43 (out (make-string-output-stream)))
44 (parse (skip-many ()
45 (or (seq ((ch (satisfies (lambda (ch)
46 (and (char/= ch #\\)
47 (char/= ch quote))))))
48 (write-char ch out))
49 (seq (#\\ (ch :any))
50 (write-char ch out)))))
51 (if-parse :eof ()
52 (cerror* "Unterminated ~:[string~;character~] constant"
53 (char= quote #\'))
54 (parse :any))
55 (let ((string (get-output-stream-string out)))
56 (ecase quote
57 (#\" (return (values :string string)))
58 (#\' (case (length string)
59 (0 (cerror* "Empty character constant")
60 (return (values :char #\?)))
61 (1 (return (values :char (char string 0))))
62 (t (cerror* "Multiple characters in ~
63 character constant")
64 (return (values :char (char string 0))))))))))
66 ;; Identifiers.
67 ((seq ((first (satisfies (lambda (ch)
68 (or (char= ch #\_)
69 (alpha-char-p ch)))))
70 (ident (many (out (let ((s (make-string-output-stream)))
71 (write-char first s)
72 s)
73 (progn (write-char it out) out)
74 :final (get-output-stream-string out))
75 (satisfies (lambda (ch)
76 (or (char= ch #\_)
77 (alphanumericp ch)))))))
78 (return (values :id ident))))
80 ;; Numbers -- uses the machinery in the labels above.
81 ((or (seq (#\0
82 (i (or (numeric 8 (parser () (or #\o #\O)))
83 (numeric 16 (parser () (or #\x #\X)))
84 (number 8))))
85 i)
86 (seq ((first (digit 10))
87 (rest (number 10 first)))
88 rest))
89 (return (values :integer it)))
91 ;; Special separator tokens.
92 ("..."
93 (return (values :ellipsis :ellipsis)))
95 ;; Anything else is a standalone delimiter character.
96 (:any
97 (return (values it it)))))
98 (parse (list () :any))))))