Add '.ext/cfd/' from commit 'e370d22add00480a67fd028c0e7d3148737fe484'
[sod] / doc / stdmeth.tex
1 %%% -*- mode: latex; TeX-PDF-mode: t -*-
3 \documentclass{article}
4 \usepackage[palatino, helvetica, courier, maths=cmr]{mdwfonts}
6 \usepackage{syntax}
7 \usepackage{tikz}
8 \usetikzlibrary{calc}
9 \usetikzlibrary{positioning}
11 \errorcontextlines=999
13 \begin{document}
15 \begin{tikzpicture}
16 [>=stealth, thick,
17 order/.append style={color=green!70!black},
18 code/.append style={font=\sffamily},
19 action/.append style={font=\itshape},
20 method/.append style={rectangle, draw=black, thin, fill=blue!30,
21 text height=\ht\strutbox, text depth=\dp\strutbox,
22 minimum width=40mm}]
24 \def\delgstack#1#2#3{
25 \node (#10) [method, #2] {#3};
26 \node (#11) [method, above=6mm of #10] {#3};
27 \draw [->] ($(#10.north)!.5!(#10.north west) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
28 ++(0mm, 4mm)
29 node [code, left=4pt, midway] {next_method};
30 \draw [<-] ($(#10.north)!.5!(#10.north east) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
31 ++(0mm, 4mm)
32 node [action, right=4pt, midway] {return};
33 \draw [->] ($(#11.north)!.5!(#11.north west) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
34 ++(0mm, 4mm)
35 node [code, left=4pt, midway] {next_method}
36 node (ld) [above] {$\smash\vdots\mathstrut$};
37 \draw [<-] ($(#11.north)!.5!(#11.north east) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
38 ++(0mm, 4mm)
39 node [action, right=4pt, midway] {return}
40 node (rd) [above] {$\smash\vdots\mathstrut$};
41 \draw [->] ($(ld.north) + (0mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(0mm, 4mm)
42 node [code, left=4pt, midway] {next_method};
43 \draw [<-] ($(rd.north) + (0mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(0mm, 4mm)
44 node [action, right=4pt, midway] {return};
45 \node (p) at ($(ld.north)!.5!(rd.north)$) {};
46 \node (#1n) [method, above=5mm of p] {#3};
47 \draw [->, order] ($(#10.south east) + (4mm, 1mm)$) --
48 ($(#1n.north east) + (4mm, -1mm)$)
49 node [midway, right, align=left] {Most to \\ least \\ specific};}
51 \delgstack{a}{}{Around method}
52 \draw [<-] ($(a0.south)!.5!(a0.south west) - (0mm, 1mm)$) --
53 ++(0mm, -4mm);
54 \draw [->] ($(a0.south)!.5!(a0.south east) - (0mm, 1mm)$) --
55 ++(0mm, -4mm)
56 node [action, right=4pt, midway] {return};
58 \draw [->] ($(an.north)!.6!(an.north west) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
59 ++(-8mm, 8mm)
60 node [code, midway, left=3mm] {next_method}
61 node (b0) [method, above left = 1mm + 4mm and -6mm - 4mm] {};
62 \node (b1) [method] at ($(b0) - (2mm, 2mm)$) {};
63 \node (bn) [method] at ($(b1) - (2mm, 2mm)$) {Before method};
64 \draw [->, order] ($(bn.west) - (6mm, 0mm)$) -- ++(12mm, 12mm)
65 node [midway, above left, align=center] {Most to \\ least \\ specific};
66 \draw [->] ($(b0.north east) + (-10mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(8mm, 8mm)
67 node (p) {};
69 \delgstack{m}{above right=1mm and 0mm of an.west |- p}{Primary method}
70 \draw [->] ($(mn.north)!.5!(mn.north west) + (0mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(0mm, 4mm)
71 node [code, left=4pt, midway] {next_method}
72 node [above right = 0mm and -8mm]
73 {$\vcenter{\hbox{\Huge\textcolor{red}{!}}}
74 \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tabular}[c]{l}
75 \textsf{next_method} \\
76 pointer is null
77 \end{tabular}}}$};
79 \draw [->, color=blue, dotted]
80 ($(m0.south)!.2!(m0.south east) - (0mm, 1mm)$) --
81 ($(an.north)!.2!(an.north east) + (0mm, 1mm)$)
82 node [midway, sloped, below] {Return value};
84 \draw [<-] ($(an.north)!.6!(an.north east) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
85 ++(8mm, 8mm)
86 node [action, midway, right=3mm] {return}
87 node (f0) [method, above right = 1mm and -6mm] {};
88 \node (f1) [method] at ($(f0) + (-2mm, 2mm)$) {};
89 \node (fn) [method] at ($(f1) + (-2mm, 2mm)$) {After method};
90 \draw [<-, order] ($(f0.east) + (6mm, 0mm)$) -- ++(-12mm, 12mm)
91 node [midway, above right, align=center] {Least to \\ most \\ specific};
92 \draw [<-] ($(fn.north west) + (6mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(-8mm, 8mm);
94 \end{tikzpicture}
96 \end{document}