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[sod] / doc / runtime.tex
1 %%% -*-latex-*-
2 %%%
3 %%% The runtime library
4 %%%
5 %%% (c) 2015 Straylight/Edgeware
6 %%%
8 %%%----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 %%%
10 %%% This file is part of the Simple Object Definition system.
11 %%%
12 %%% SOD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 %%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 %%% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 %%% (at your option) any later version.
16 %%%
17 %%% SOD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 %%% GNU General Public License for more details.
21 %%%
22 %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 %%% along with SOD; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
24 %%% Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
26 \chapter{The runtime library} \label{ch:runtime}
28 This chapter describes the runtime support macros and functions provided by
29 the Sod library. The common structure of object instances and classes is
30 described in \xref{ch:structures}.
32 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 \section{Keyword argument support} \label{sec:runtime.keywords}
35 This section describes the types, macros, and functions exposed in the
36 @|<sod/keyword.h>| header file which provides support for defining and
37 calling functions which make use of keyword arguments; see
38 \xref{sec:concepts.keywords}.
41 \subsection{Type definitions} \label{sec:sec:runtime.keywords.types}
43 The header file defines two simple structure types, and a function type which
44 will be described later.
46 \begin{describe}{ty}[struct kwval]
47 {struct kwval \{ \\ \ind
48 const char *kw; \\
49 const void *val; \-\\
50 \};}
52 The @|kwval| structure describes a keyword argument name/value pair. The
53 @|kw| member points to the name, as a null-terminated string. The @|val|
54 member always contains the \emph{address} of the value. (This somewhat
55 inconvenient arrangement makes the size of a @|kwval| object independent of
56 the actual argument type.)
57 \end{describe}
59 \begin{describe}{ty}[struct kwtab]
60 {struct kwtab \{ \\ \ind
61 const struct kwval *v; \\
62 size_t n; \-\\
63 \};}
65 The @|kwtab| structure describes a list of keyword arguments, represented
66 as a vector of @|kwval| structures. The @|v| member points to the start of
67 the vector; the @|n| member contains the number of elements in the vector.
68 \end{describe}
71 \subsection{Calling functions with keyword arguments}
72 \label{sec:runtime.keywords.calling}
74 Functions which accept keyword arguments are ordinary C functions with
75 variable-length argument tails. Hence, they can be called using ordinary C
76 (of the right kind) and all will be well. However, argument lists must
77 follow certain rules (which will be described in full below); failure to do
78 this will result in \emph{undefined behaviour}.
80 The header file provides integration with some C compilers in the form of
81 macros which can be used to help the compiler diagnose errors in calls to
82 keyword-accepting functions; but such support is rather limited at the
83 moment. Some additional macros are provided for use in calls to such
84 functions, and it is recommended that, where possible, these are used. In
85 particular, it's all too easy to forget the trailing null terminator which
86 marks the end of a list of keyword arguments.
88 That said, the underlying machinery is presented first, and the convenience
89 macros are described later.
91 \subsubsection{Keyword argument mechanism}
92 The argument tail, following the mandatory arguments, consists of a sequence
93 of zero or more alternating keyword names, as pointers to null-terminated
94 strings (with type @|const char~*|), and their argument values. This
95 sequence is finally terminated by a null pointer (again with type @|const
96 char~*|) in place of a keyword name.
98 Each function may define for itself which keyword names it accepts,
99 and what types the corresponding argument values should have.
100 There are also (currently) three special keyword names.
101 \begin{description} \let\makelabel\code
103 \item[kw.valist] This special keyword is followed by a pointer to a
104 variable-length argument tail cursor object, of type @|va_list~*|. This
105 cursor object will be modified as the function extracts successive
106 arguments from the tail. The argument tail should consist of alternating
107 keyword names and argument values, as described above, including the first
108 keyword name. (This is therefore different from the convention used when
109 calling keyword argument parser functions: see the description of the
110 \descref{mac}{KWSET_PARSEFN}[macro] for more details about these.) The
111 argument tail may itself contain the special keywords.
113 \item[] This special keyword is followed by \emph{two} argument values:
114 a pointer to the base of a vector of @|kwval| structures, and the number of
115 elements in this vector (as a @|size_t|). Each element of the vector
116 describes a single keyword argument: the @|kw| member points to the
117 keyword's name, and the @|val| member points to the value.
119 The vector may contain special keywords. The @|val| pointer for a
120 @|kw.valist| argument should contain the address of an object of type
121 @|va_list~*| (and not point directly to the cursor object, since @|val| is
122 has type @|const void~*| but the cursor will be modified as its argument
123 tail is traversed). The @|val| pointer for a @|| argument should
124 contain the address of a @|kwtab| structure which itself contains the base
125 address and length of the argument vector to be processed.
127 \item[kw.unknown] This keyword is never accepted by any function. If it is
128 encountered, the @|kw_unknown| function is called to report the situation
129 as an error; see below.
131 \end{description}
132 It is possible to construct a circular structure of indirect argument lists
133 (in a number of ways). Don't try to pass such a structure to a function: the
134 result will be unbounded recursion or some other bad outcome.
136 \subsubsection{Argument list structuring macros}
137 The following macros are intended to help with constructing keyword argument
138 lists. Their use is not essential, but may help prevent errors.
140 \begin{describe}{mac}[KWARGS]{KWARGS(@<body>)}
141 The @<body> encloses a sequence of keyword arguments expressed as calls to
142 argument consists of a sequence of calls to the keyword-argument macros
143 described below, one after another without any separation.
145 If there are no keyword arguments, use @|NO_KWARGS| (below) instead.
146 \end{describe}
148 \begin{describe}{mac}{NO_KWARGS}
149 A marker, to be written instead of a @|KWARGS| invocation, to indicate that
150 no keyword arguments are to be passed to a function.
152 Using this macro instead of @|KWARGS| if there are no arguments does two
153 things:
154 \begin{itemize}
156 \item C89 doesn't permit empty macro arguments for some reason, so
157 @|NO_KWARGS| is necessary when using a C89 compiler.
159 \item Omitting the null terminator is a common mistake, so @|<keyword.h>|
160 tries to get the compiler to warn if you miss it. However, the
161 \descref{mac}{KWTAIL}[macro] introduces an extra real argument
162 @|kwfirst_|, because it's not possible to scan a variable-length argument
163 tail if there are no mandatory arguments. If you use @|KWARGS()|, with
164 an empty argument list, then the null terminator is passed as @|kwfirst_|
165 and the variable-length tail ends up empty, which might trigger a
166 compiler warning about the missing terminator. @|NO_KWARGS| passes
167 \emph{two} null terminators: a real one to indicate that there are no
168 keyword arguments, and a dummy one to placate the compiler.
170 (Sod method entry functions don't have this extra argument, so
171 @|KWARGS()| would work fine for sending Sod messages with keyword
172 arguments if you're using C99 or later, but it's probably best to use the
173 version which always works.)
175 \end{itemize}
176 \end{describe}
178 The following keyword-argument macros can be used within the @|KWARGS|
179 @<body> argument.
181 \begin{describe}{mac}[K]{K(@<name>, @<value>)}
182 Passes a keyword @<name> and its corresponding @<value>, as a pair of
183 arguments. The @<name> should be a single identifier (not a quoted
184 string). The @<value> may be any C expression of the appropriate type.
185 \end{describe}
187 \begin{describe}{mac}[K_VALIST]{K_VALIST(@<ap>)}
188 Passes an indirect variable-length argument tail. The argument @<ap>
189 should be an lvalue of type @|va_list|, which will be passed by reference.
190 \end{describe}
192 \begin{describe}{mac}[K_TAB]{K_TAB(@<v>, @<n>)}
193 Passes a vector of keyword arguments. The argument @<v> should be the base
194 address of the vector, and @<n> should be the number of elements in the
195 vector.
196 \end{describe}
199 \subsection{Defining functions with keyword arguments}
200 \label{sec:runtime.keywords.defining}
202 \subsubsection{Keyword sets}
203 A \emph{keyword set} defines the collection of keyword arguments accepted by
204 a particular function. The same keyword set may be used by several
205 functions. (If your function currently accepts no keyword arguments, but you
206 plan to add some later, do not define a keyword set; instead, use the
207 @|KWPARSE_EMPTY| macro described below.)
209 Each keyword set has a name, which is a C identifier. It's good to choose
210 meaningful and distinctive names for keyword sets. Keyword set names are
211 meaningful at runtime: they are used as part of the @|kw_unknown| protocol
212 (\xref{sec:runtime.keywords.unknown}), and may be examined by handler
213 functions, or reported to a user in error messages. For a keyword set which
214 is used only by a single function, it is recommended that the set be given
215 the same name as the function.
217 The keyword arguments for a keyword set named @<set> are described by a `list
218 macro' named @|@<set>{}_KWSET|. This macro takes a single argument,
219 conventionally named @`_'. It should expand to a sequence of one or more
220 list items of the form
221 \begin{prog}
222 _(@<type>, @<name>, @<default>)
223 \end{prog}
224 with no separation between them. For example:
225 \begin{prog}
226 \#define example_KWSET(_) \macsl \\ \ind
227 _(int, x, 0) \macsl \\
228 _(const char *, y, NULL)
229 \end{prog}
231 Each @<name> should be a distinct C identifier; they will be used to name
232 structure members. An argument @<name> should not end with the suffix
233 @`_suppliedp' (for reasons which will soon become apparent).
235 Each @<type> should be a C @<type-name> such that
236 \begin{prog}
237 @<type> @<name> ;
238 \end{prog}
239 is a valid declaration: so it may consist of declaration specifiers and
240 (possibly qualified) pointer declarator markers, but not array or function
241 markers (since they would have to be placed after the @<name>). This is the
242 same requirement made by the standard \man{va_arg}{3} macro.
244 Each @<default> should be an initializer expression or brace-enclosed list,
245 suitable for use in an aggregate initializer for a variable with automatic
246 storage duration. (In C89, aggregate initializers may contain only constant
247 expressions; this restriction was lifted in C99.)
249 \subsubsection{Function declaration markers}
250 The following marker macros are intended to be used in both declarations and
251 definitions of functions which accept keyword arguments.
253 \begin{describe}{mac}{KWTAIL}
254 The @|KWTAIL| is expected to be used at the end of function parameter type
255 list to indicate that the function accepts keyword arguments; if there are
256 preceding mandatory arguments then the @|KWTAIL| marker should be separated
257 from them with a comma @`,'. (It is permitted for a function parameter
258 type list to contain only a @|KWTAIL| marker.)
260 Specifically, the macro declares a mandatory argument @|const char
261 *kwfirst_| (to collect the first keyword name), and a variable-length
262 argument tail.
264 The \descref{mac}{KWPARSE}[macro] assumes that the enclosing function's
265 argument list ends with a @|KWTAIL| marker.
266 \end{describe}
268 \begin{describe}{mac}{KWCALL}
269 The @|KWCALL| macro acts as a declaration specifier for functions which
270 accept keyword arguments. Its effect is to arrange for the compiler to
271 check, as far as is possible, that calls to the function are well-formed
272 according to the keyword-argument rules. The exact checking performed
273 depends on the compiler's abilities (and how well supported the compiler
274 is): it may check that every other argument is a string; it may check that
275 the list is terminated with a null pointer; it may not do anything at all.
276 Again, this marker should be included in a function's definition and in any
277 declarations.
278 \end{describe}
280 \subsubsection{Auxiliary definitions}
281 The following macros define data types and functions used for collecting
282 keyword arguments.
284 \begin{describe}{mac}[KWSET_STRUCT]{KWSET_STRUCT(@<set>);}
285 The @|KWSET_STRUCT| macro defines a \emph{keyword structure} named @|struct
286 @<set>{}_kwargs|. For each argument defined in the keyword set, this
287 structure contains two members: one has exactly the @<name> and @<type>
288 listed in the keyword set definition; the other is a 1-bit-wide bitfield of
289 type @|unsigned int| named @|@<name>{}_suppliedp|.
290 \end{describe}
292 \begin{describe}{mac}[KWDECL]
293 {@<declaration-specifiers> KWDECL(@<set>, @<kw>);}
294 The macro declares and initializes a keyword argument structure variable
295 named @<kw> for the named keyword @<set>. The optional
296 @<declaration-specifiers> may provide additional storage-class specifiers,
297 qualifiers, or other declaration specifiers. The @`_suppliedp' flags are
298 initialized to zero; the other members are initialized with the
299 corresponding defaults from the keyword-set definition.
300 \end{describe}
302 \begin{describe}{mac}[KWSET_PARSEFN]
303 {@<declaration-specifiers> KWSET_PARSEFN(@<set>)}
305 The macro @|KWSET_PARSEFN| defines a keyword argument \emph{parser
306 function}
307 \begin{prog}
308 void @<set>{}_kwparse%
309 (\=struct @<set>{}_kwargs *@<kw>,
310 const char *@<kwfirst>, va_list *@<ap>, \+\\
311 const struct kwval *@<v>, size_t @<n>);
312 \end{prog}
313 The macro call can (and usually will) be preceded by storage class
314 specifiers such as @|static|, for example to adjust the linkage of the
315 name.\footnote{%
316 I don't recommend declaring parser functions @|inline|: parser functions
317 are somewhat large, and modern compilers are pretty good at figuring out
318 whether to inline static functions.} %
320 The function's behaviour is as follows. It parses keyword arguments from a
321 variable-length argument tail, and/or a vector of @|kwval| structures.
322 When a keyword argument is recognized, for some keyword @<name>, the
323 keyword argument structure pointed to by @<kw> is updated: the flag
324 @|@<name>{}_suppliedp| is set to 1; and the argument value is stored (by
325 simple assignment) in the @<name> member.
327 Hence, if the @`_suppliedp' members are initialized to zero, the caller can
328 determine which keyword arguments were supplied. It is not possible to
329 discover whether two or more arguments have the same keyword: in this case,
330 the value from the last such argument is left in the keyword argument
331 structure, and any values from earlier arguments are lost. (For this
332 purpose, the argument vector @<v> is scanned \emph{after} the
333 variable-length argument tail captured in @<ap>.)
335 The variable-argument tail is read from the list described by @|*@<ap>|.
336 The argument tail is expected to consist of alternating keyword strings (as
337 ordinary null-terminated strings) and the corresponding values, terminated
338 by a null pointer of type @|const char~*| in place of a keyword; except
339 that the first keyword (or terminating null pointer, if no arguments are
340 provided) is expected to have been extracted already and provided as the
341 @<kwfirst> argument; the first argument retrieved using the @|va_list|
342 cursor object should then be the value corresponding to the keyword named
343 by @<kwfirst>.\footnote{%
344 This slightly unusual convention makes it possible for a function to
345 collect the first keyword as a separate mandatory argument, which is
346 essential if there are no other mandatory arguments. It also means that
347 the compiler will emit a diagnostic if you attempt to call a function
348 which expects keyword arguments, but don't supply any and forget the null
349 pointer which terminates the (empty) list.} %
350 If @<kwfirst> is a null pointer, then @<ap> need not be a valid pointer;
351 otherwise, the cursor object @|*@<ap>| will be modified as the function
352 extracts successive arguments from the tail.
354 The keyword vector is read from the vector of @|kwval| structures starting
355 at address @<v> and containing the following @<n> items. If @<n> is zero
356 then @<v> need not be a valid pointer.
358 The function also handles the special @|kw.valist| and @|| arguments
359 described above (\xref{sec:runtime.keywords.calling}). If an unrecognized
360 keyword argument is encountered, then \descref{fun}{kw_unknown} is called.
361 \end{describe}
363 \subsubsection{Parsing keywords}
364 The following macros make use of the definitions described above to actually
365 make a function's keyword arguments available to it.
367 \begin{describe}{mac}[KW_PARSE]{KW_PARSE(@<set>, @<kw>, @<kwfirst>);}
368 The @|KW_PARSE| macro invokes a keyword argument parsing function. The
369 @<set> argument should name a keyword set; @<kw> should be an lvalue of
370 type @|struct @<set>{}_kwargs|; and @<kwfirst> should be the name of the
371 enclosing function's last mandatory argument, which must have type @|const
372 char~*|.
374 It calls the function @|@<set>{}_kwparse| with five arguments: the address
375 of the keyword argument structure @<kw>; the string pointer @<kwfirst>; the
376 address of a temporary argument-tail cursor object of type @|va_list|,
377 constructed on the assumption that @<kwfirst> is the enclosing function's
378 final keyword argument; a null pointer; and the value zero (signifying an
379 empty keyword-argument vector).
381 If the variable @<kw> was declared using \descref{mac}{KWDECL} and the
382 function @|@<set>{}_kwparse| has been defined using
383 \descref{mac}{KWSET_PARSEFN} then the effect is to parse the keyword
384 arguments passed to the function and set the members of @<kw>
385 appropriately.
386 \end{describe}
388 \begin{describe}{mac}[KWPARSE]{KWPARSE(@<set>);}
389 The macro @|KWPARSE| (note the lack of underscore) combines
390 \descref{mac}{KWDECL} and \descref{mac}{KW_PARSE}. It declares and
391 initializes a keyword argument structure variable with the fixed name
392 @|kw|, and parses the keyword arguments provided to the enclosing function,
393 storing the results in @|kw|. It assumes that the first keyword name is in
394 an argument named @|kwfirst_|, as set up by the
395 \descref{mac}{KWTAIL}[marker].
397 The macro expands both to a variable declaration and a statement: in C89,
398 declarations must precede statements, so under C89 rules this macro must
399 appear exactly between the declarations at the head of a brace-enclosed
400 block (typically the function body) and the statements at the end. This
401 restriction was lifted in C99, so the macro may appear anywhere in the
402 function body. However, it is recommended that callers avoid taking
403 actions which might require cleanup before attempting to parse their
404 keyword arguments, since keyword argument parsing functions invoke the
405 @|kw_unknown| handler (\xref{sec:runtime.keywords.unknown}) if they
406 encounter an unknown keyword, and the calling function will not get a
407 chance to tidy up after itself if this happens.
408 \end{describe}
410 As mentioned above, it is not permitted to define an empty keyword set.
411 (Specifically, invoking \descref{mac}{KWSET_STRUCT} for an empty keyword set
412 would result in attempting to define a structure with no members, which C
413 doesn't allow.) On the other hand, keyword arguments are a useful extension
414 mechanism, and it's useful to be able to define a function which doesn't
415 currently accept any keywords, but which might in the future be extended to
416 allow keyword arguments.
418 \begin{describe}{mac}[KW_PARSE_EMPTY]{KW_PARSE_EMPTY(@<set>, @<kwfirst>);}
419 This is an analogue to \descref{mac}{KW_PARSE} which checks the keyword
420 argument list for a function which accepts no keyword arguments.
422 It calls the \descref{fun}{kw_parseempty}[function] with five arguments:
423 the @<set> name, as a string; the string pointer @<kwfirst>; the address of
424 a temporary argument-tail cursor object of type @|va_list|, constructed on
425 the assumption that @<kwfirst> is the enclosing function's final keyword
426 argument; a null pointer; and the value zero (signifying an empty
427 keyword-argument vector).
429 The effect is to check that the argument tail contains no keyword arguments
430 other than the special predefined ones.
431 \end{describe}
433 \begin{describe}{mac}[KWPARSE_EMPTY]{KWPARSE_EMPTY(@<set>);}
434 This is an analogue to \descref{mac}{KWPARSE} which checks that the
435 enclosing function has been passed no keyword arguments other than the
436 special predefined ones. It assumes that the first keyword name is in an
437 argument named @|kwfirst_|, as set up by the \descref{mac}{KWTAIL}[marker].
438 \end{describe}
440 \begin{describe}{fun}[kw_parseempty]
441 {void kw_parseempty%
442 (\=const char *@<set>,
443 const char *@<kwfirst>, va_list *@<ap>, \+\\
444 const struct kwval *@<v>, size_t @<n>);}
445 This function checks an keyword argument list to make sure that contains no
446 keyword arguments (other than the special ones described in
447 \xref{sec:runtime.keywords.calling}).
449 The @<set> argument should point to a null-terminated string: this will be
450 reported as the keyword set name to \descref{fun}{kw_unknown}, though it
451 need not (and likely will not) refer to any defined keyword set. The
452 remaining arguments are as for the keyword parsing functions defined by the
453 \descref{mac}{KWSET_PARSEFN}[macro].
454 \end{describe}
456 \subsection{Function wrappers} \label{sec:runtime.keywords.wrappers}
458 Most users will not need the hairy machinery involving argument vectors.
459 Their main use is in defining \emph{wrapper functions}. Suppose there is a
460 function @<f> which accepts some keyword arguments, and we want to write a
461 function @<g> which accepts the same keywords recognized by @<f> and some
462 additional ones. Unfortunately @<f> may behave differently depending on
463 whether or not a particular keyword argument is supplied at all, but it's not
464 possible to synthesize a valid @|va_list| other than by simply capturing a
465 live argument tail, and it's not possible to decide at runtime whether or not
466 to include some arguments in a function call. It's still possible to write
467 @<g>, by building a vector of keyword arguments, collected one-by-one
468 depending on the corresponding @`_suppliedp' flags.
470 A few macros are provided to make this task easier.
472 \begin{describe}{mac}[KW_COUNT]{KW_COUNT(@<set>)}
473 Returns the number of keywords defined in a keyword set named @<set>.
474 \end{describe}
476 \begin{describe}{mac}[KW_COPY]
477 {KW_COPY(@<fromset>, @<toset>, @<kw>, @<v>, @<n>);}
479 The macro @|KW_COPY| populates a vector of @|kwval| structures from a
480 keyword-argument structure.
482 The @<fromset> and @<toset> arguments should be the names of keyword sets;
483 @<kw> should be an lvalue of type @|@<fromset>{}_kwargs|; @<v> should be
484 the base address of a sufficiently large vector of @|struct kwval| objects;
485 and @<n> should be an lvalue of some appropriate integer type. The
486 @<toset> must be a subset of @<fromset>: i.e., for every keyword defined in
487 @<toset> there is a keyword defined in @<fromset> with the same name and
488 type.
490 Successive elements of @<v>, starting at index @<n>, are filled in to refer
491 to the keyword arguments defined in @<toset> whose @`_suppliedp' flag is
492 set in the argument structure pointed to by @<kw>; for each such argument,
493 a pointer to the keyword name is stored in the corresponding vector
494 element's @|kw| member, and a pointer to the argument value, held in the
495 keyword argument structure, is stored in the vector element's @|val|
496 member.
498 At the end of this, the index @<n> is advanced so as to contain the index
499 of the first unused element of @<v>. Hence, at most @|KW_COUNT(@<toset>)|
500 elements of @<v> will be used.
501 \end{describe}
504 \subsection{Handling unknown-keyword errors}
505 \label{sec:runtime.keywords.unknown}
507 When parsing a variable-length argument tail, it is not possible to continue
508 after encountering an unknown keyword name. This is because it is necessary
509 to know the (promoted) type of the following argument value in order to skip
510 past it; but the only clue provided as to the type is the keyword name, which
511 in this case is meaningless.
513 In this situation, the parser functions generated by
514 \descref{mac}{KWSET_PARSEFN} (and the \descref{fun}{kw_parseempty}[function])
515 call @|kw_unknown|.
517 \begin{describe}{fun}[kw_unknown]
518 {void kw_unknown(const char *@<set>, const char *@<kw>);}
520 This is a function of two arguments: @<set> points to the name of the
521 keyword set expected by the caller, as a null-terminated string; and @<kw>
522 is the unknown keyword which was encountered. All that @|kw_unknown| does
523 is invoke the function whose address is stored in the global variable
524 \descref{var}{kw_unkhook} with the same arguments.
526 This function never returns to its caller: if the @|kw_unkhook| function
527 returns (which it shouldn't) then @|kw_unknown| writes a fatal error
528 message to the standard error stream and calls \man{abort}{3}.
529 \end{describe}
531 \begin{describe}{ty}[kw_unkhookfn]
532 {typedef void kw_unkhookfn(const char *@<set>, const char *@<kw>);}
534 The @|kw_unkhookfn| type is the type of unknown-keyword handler functions.
535 A handler function is given two arguments, both of which are pointers to
536 null-terminated strings: @<set> is the name of the keyword set expected;
537 and @<kw> is the name of the offending unknown keyword.
538 \end{describe}
540 \begin{describe}{var}[kw_unkhook]{kw_unkhookfn *kw_unkhook}
541 This variable\footnote{%
542 Having a single global hook variable is obviously inadequate for a modern
543 library, but dealing with multiple threads isn't currently possible
544 without writing (moderately complex) system-specific code which would be
545 out of place in this library. The author's intention is that the hook
546 variable @|kw_unkhook| be `owned' by some external library which can make
547 its functionality available to client programs in a safer and more
548 convenient way. On Unix-like platforms (including Cygwin) that library
549 will be (a later version of) \textbf{mLib}; other platforms will likely
550 need different arrangements. The author is willing to coordinate any
551 such efforts.} %
552 holds the current unknown-keyword handler function. It will be invoked by
553 \descref{fun}{kw_unknown}. The function may take whatever action seems
554 appropriate, but should not return to its caller.
556 Initially, this variable points to the
557 \descref{fun}{kw_defunknown}[function].
558 \end{describe}
560 \begin{describe}{fun}[kw_defunknown]
561 {void kw_defunknown(const char *@<set>, const char *@<kw>);}
562 This function simply writes a message to standard error, to the effect that
563 the keyword named by @<kw> is not known in the keyword set @<set>, and
564 calls \man{abort}{3}.
566 This function is the default value of the \descref{var}{kw_unkhook}[hook
567 variable].
568 \end{describe}
570 As an example of the kind of special effect which can be achieved using this
571 hook, the following hacking answers whether a function recognizes a
572 particular keyword argument.
574 \begin{prog}
575 \#define KWARGS_TEST(k, val) KWARGS(K(k, val) K(kw.unknown, 0))
576 \\+
577 static jmp_buf kw_test_jmp;
578 \\+
579 static void kw_test_unknown(const char *set, const char *kw) \\
580 \{ \\ \ind
581 if (strcmp(kw, "kw.unknown")) longjmp(kw_test_jmp, 1); \\
582 else longjmp(kw_test_jmp, 2); \-\\
583 \} \\+
585 \#define KW_TEST(flag, set, call) do \{ \macsl \\ \ind
586 kw_unkhookfn *oldunk = kw_unkhook; \macsl \\
587 kw_unkhook = kw_test_unknown; \macsl \\
588 switch (setjmp(kw_test_jmp)) \{ \macsl \\ \ind
589 case 0: call; abort(); \macsl \\
590 case 1: flag = 1; break; \macsl \\
591 case 2: flag = 0; break; \macsl \\
592 default: abort(); \macsl\-\\
593 \} \macsl \\
594 kw_unkhook = oldunk; \macsl\-\\
595 \} while (0) \\+
597 @/* Example of use */ \\
598 int f; \\
599 KW_TEST(f, somefunc(1, "two", 3, KWARGS_TEST("shiny", 68.7))); \\
600 /\=* \comment{now @|f| is nonzero if @|somefunc| accepts the
601 @|shiny| keyword} \+\\
602 {}* \comment{(which we hope wants a @|double| argument)} \\
603 {}*/
604 \end{prog}
606 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
607 \section{Object system support} \label{sec:runtime.object}
609 This section describes the macros and functions exposed in the @|<sod/sod.h>|
610 header file which provide assistance for working with Sod classes and
611 objects.
613 The runtime support functionality defined here generally expects that
614 instances and classes inherit from the standard @|SodObject| root object.
615 While the translator can (at some effort) support alternative roots, they
616 will require different run-time support machinery.
618 \begin{describe}{feat}{SOD_RECKLESS}
619 Some of Sod's macros include runtime checking by default. This checking
620 can be disabled if you value performance more than early diagnosis of
621 problems. Define @|SOD_RECKLESS| to a nonzero value before including
622 @|<sod/sod.h>| to inhibit the runtime checking.
623 \end{describe}
626 \subsection{Layout utilities} \label{sec:runtime.object.layout}
628 The following macros are useful in finding one's way around an instance
629 layout structure, given various levels of information about what kind of
630 object one is dealing with, or for computing the tables which are used for
631 this kind of navigation.
633 These macros are mostly intended for use in code generated by the Sod
634 translator. Others may find them useful for special effects, but they can be
635 tricky to understand and use correctly and can't really be recommended for
636 general use.
638 \begin{describe}{mac}[SOD_OFFSETDIFF]
639 {ptrdiff_t SOD_OFFSETDIFF(@<type>, @<member>_1, @<member>_2);}
640 Returns the signed offset between two members of a structure or union type.
642 Given a structure or union type @<type>, and two member names @<member>_1
643 and @<member>_2, then @|SOD_OFFSETDIFF| gives the difference, in bytes,
644 between the addresses of objects @|$x$.@<member>_1| and @|$x$.@<member>_2|
645 for any object $x$ of type @<type>.
647 This macro is used internally when generating vtables and is not expected
648 to be very useful elsewhere.
649 \end{describe}
651 \begin{describe}{mac}[SOD_ILAYOUT]
652 {@<cls>{}__ilayout *SOD_ILAYOUT(@<cls>, @<chead>, const void *@<obj>);}
653 Recovers the instance layout base address from a pointer to one of its
654 instance chains.
656 Specifically, given a class name @<cls>, the nickname @<chead> of the least
657 specific class in one of @<cls>'s superclass chains, and a pointer @<obj>
658 to the instance storage for the chain containing @<chead> within a direct
659 instance of @<cls> (i.e., not an instance of any proper subclass),
660 @|SOD_ILAYOUT| returns the a pointer to the layout structure containing
661 @<obj>.
663 This macro is used internally in effective method bodies and is not
664 expected to be very useful elsewhere since it's unusual to have such
665 specific knowledge about the dynamic type of an instance. The
666 @|SOD_INSTBASE| macro (described below) is more suited to general use.
667 \end{describe}
669 \begin{describe}{mac}[SOD_INSTBASE]{void *SOD_INSTBASE(const @<cls> *@<obj>)}
670 Finds the base address of an instance's layout.
672 Given a pointer @<obj> to an instance, @|SOD_INSTBASE| returns the base
673 address of the storage allocated to @<obj>. This is useful if you want to
674 free a dynamically allocated instance, for example.
676 This macro needs to look up an offset in @<obj>'s vtable to do its work.
677 Compare @|SOD_ILAYOUT| above, which is faster but requires precise
678 knowledge of the instance's dynamic class.
679 \end{describe}
682 \subsection{Classes} \label{sec:runtime.object.class}
684 The following macros and functions query the runtime relationships between
685 instances and classes.
687 \begin{describe}{mac}[SOD_CLASSOF]
688 {const SodClass *SOD_CLASSOF(const @<cls> *@<obj>);}
689 Returns the class object describing an instance's dynamic class.
691 Given a pointer @<obj> to an instance, @|SOD_CLASSOF| returns a pointer to
692 @<obj>'s dynamic class, which (assuming @<obj> is typed correctly in the
693 first place) will be a subclass of @<cls>. (If you wanted the class object
694 for @<cls> itself, it's called @|@<cls>{}__class|.)
695 \end{describe}
697 \begin{describe}{fun}[sod_subclassp]
698 {int sod_subclassp(const SodClass *@<sub>, const SodClass *@<super>);}
700 Decide whether one class @<sub> is actually a subclass of another class
701 @<super>.
703 The @<sod_subclassp> function returns nonzero if and only if
704 @<sub> is a subclass of @<super>.
706 This involves a run-time trawl through the class structures: while some
707 effort has been made to make it perform well it's still not very fast.
708 \end{describe}
711 \subsection{Conversions} \label{sec:runtime.object.conversions}
713 The following macros and functions are used to convert instance pointers of
714 some (static) type into instance pointers of other static types to the same
715 instance.
717 \begin{describe}{mac}[SOD_XCHAIN]
718 {void *SOD_XCHAIN(@<chead>, const @<cls> *@<obj>);}
719 Performs a `cross-chain upcast'.
721 Given a pointer @<obj> to an instance of a class of type @<cls> and the
722 nickname @<chead> of the least specific class in one of @<cls>'s superclass
723 chains which does not contain @<cls> itself, @|SOD_XCHAIN| returns the
724 address of that chain's storage within the instance layout as a raw
725 @|void~*| pointer. (Note that @<cls> is not mentioned explicitly.)
727 This macro is used by the generated @|@<cls>{}__CONV_@<c>| conversion
728 macros, which you are encouraged to use instead where possible.
729 \end{describe}
731 \begin{describe*}
732 {\dhead{mac}[SOD_CONVERT]
733 {@<cls> *SOD_CONVERT(@<cls>, const void *@<obj>);}
734 \dhead{fun}[sod_convert]
735 {void *sod_convert(const SodClass *@<cls>, const void *@<obj>);}}
736 Perform general conversions (up-, down-, and cross-casts) on instance
737 pointers.
739 Given a class @<cls> and a pointer @<obj> to an instance, return an
740 appropriately converted pointer to @<obj> if @<obj> is indeed an instance
741 of (some subclass of) @<cls>; otherwise return a null pointer.
743 The @|SOD_CONVERT| macro expects @<cls> to be a class name; the
744 @|sod_convert| function expects a pointer to a class object instead.
746 This involves a run-time trawl through the class structures: while some
747 effort has been made to make it perform well it's still not very fast. For
748 upcasts (where @<cls> is a superclass of the static type of @<obj>) the
749 automatically defined conversion macros should be used instead, because
750 they're much faster and can't fail.
752 When the target class is known statically, it's slightly more convenient to
753 use the @|SOD_CONVERT| macro than the @|sod_convert| function, since the
754 class object name is longer and uglier, and the macro returns a pointer of
755 the correct type.
756 \end{describe*}
759 \subsection{Instance lifecycle}
760 \label{sec:runtime.object.lifecycle}
762 The following macros and functions manage the standard steps along an
763 instance's lifecycle.
765 \subsubsection{Low-level operations}
766 The following macros and functions are agnostic with respect to storage
767 allocation strategies. They don't concern themselves with allocation or
768 deallocation, and applications are free to use any suitable mechanism.
770 \begin{describe*}
771 {\dhead{mac}[SOD_INIT]
772 {@<cls> *SOD_INIT(@<cls>, void *@<p>, @<keywords>);}
773 \dhead{fun}[sod_init]
774 {void *sod_init(const SodClass *@<cls>, void *@<p>, \dots);}
775 \dhead{fun}[sod_initv]
776 {void *sod_initv(const SodClass *@<cls>, void *@<p>, va_list @<ap>);}}
777 Imprints and initializes an instance of a class @<cls> in the storage
778 starting at address~@<p>.
780 The direct class for the new instance is specified as a class name to
781 @|SOD_INIT|, or a pointer to a class object to the functions.
783 Keyword arguments for the initialization message may be provided. The
784 @|SOD_INIT| macro expects a single preprocessor-time argument which is
785 a use of one of \descref*{mac}{KWARGS} or \descref{mac}{NO_KWARGS}; the
786 @|sod_init| function expects the keywords as a variable-length argument
787 tail; and @|sod_initv| expects the keywords to be passed indirectly,
788 through the captured argument-tail cursor @<ap>.
790 The return value is an instance pointer for the class @<cls>; the
791 @|SOD_INIT| macro will have converted it to the correct type, so it should
792 probably be used where possible. In fact, this is guaranteed to be equal
793 to @<p> by the layout rules described in
794 \xref{sec:structures.layout.instance}.
795 \end{describe*}
797 \begin{describe}{fun}[sod_teardown]{int sod_teardown(void *@<p>);}
798 Tears down an instance of a class, releasing any resources it holds.
800 This function is a very thin wrapper around sending the
801 \descref*{msg}{obj.teardown} message. See the description of that message
802 (\autopageref{msg:obj.teardown}) and \xref{sec:concepts.lifecycle.death}
803 for details.
804 \end{describe}
806 \subsubsection{Automatic storage duration}
807 The following macro constructs an instance with automatic storage duration.
809 \begin{describe}{mac}[SOD_DECL]{SOD_DECL(@<cls>, @<var>, @<keywords>);}
810 Declares and initializes an instance with automatic storage duration.
812 Given a class name @<cls> and an identifier @<var>, @|SOD_DECL| declares
813 @<var> to be a pointer to an instance of @<cls>. The instance is
814 initialized in the sense that its vtable and class pointers have been set
815 up, and slots for which initializers are defined are set to the appropriate
816 initial values.
818 Keyword arguments for the initialization message may be provided. The
819 macro expects a single preprocessor-time argument which is a use of one of
820 \descref*{mac}{KWARGS} or \descref{mac}{NO_KWARGS}.
822 The instance has automatic storage duration: pointers to it will become
823 invalid when control exits the scope of the declaration. If necessary, the
824 instance should be torn down before this happens, using the
825 \descref{fun}{sod_teardown}[function]. It may be appropriate to @|assert|
826 that the object is ready for deallocation at this time.
828 By default, this macro will abort the program if the size allocated for the
829 instance doesn't match the size required by the class object; set
830 \descref{feat}{SOD_RECKLESS} to inhibit this check.
831 \end{describe}
833 \subsubsection{Dynamic allocation}
834 The following macros and functions deal with objects allocated from the
835 standard C heap. They don't work in freestanding implementations where
836 @|malloc| and @|free| are not available.
838 \begin{describe*}
839 {\dhead{mac}[SOD_MAKE]{@<cls> *SOD_MAKE(@<cls>, @<keywords>);}
840 \dhead{fun}[sod_make]{void *sod_make(const SodClass *@<cls>, \dots);}
841 \dhead{fun}[sod_makev]
842 {void *sod_makev(const SodClass *@<cls>, va_list @<ap>);}}
843 Constructs and returns a pointer to a new instance of @<cls>.
845 The direct class for the new instance is specified as a class name to
846 @|SOD_MAKE|, or a class object to the functions.
848 Keyword arguments for the initialization message may be provided. The
849 @|SOD_MAKE| macro expects a single preprocessor-time argument which is
850 a use of one of \descref*{mac}{KWARGS} or \descref{mac}{NO_KWARGS}; the
851 @|sod_make| function expects the keywords as a variable-length argument
852 tail; and @|sod_makev| expects the keywords to be passed indirectly,
853 through the captured argument-tail cursor @<ap>.
855 Storage for the new instance will have been allocated using the standard
856 @|malloc| function. The easiest way to destroy the instance, when it is no
857 longer needed, is probably to call the
858 \descref{fun}{sod_destroy}[function].
860 The return value is an instance pointer for the class @<cls>; the
861 @|SOD_MAKE| macro will have converted it to the correct type, so it should
862 probably be used where possible.
863 \end{describe*}
865 \begin{describe}{fun}[sod_destroy]{int sod_destroy(void *@<p>);}
866 Tears down and frees an instance allocated using @|malloc|.
868 The pointer @<p> should be an instance pointer, i.e., a pointer to any of
869 an instance's chains. The instance is torn down, by sending it the
870 \descref{msg}{obj.teardown}[message]. If the instance reports itself ready
871 for deallocation, then its storage is released using @|free|. The return
872 value is the value returned by the @|obj.teardown| message.
873 \end{describe}
875 %%%----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
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