doc/meta.tex: Rearrange the initargs stubs.
[sod] / doc / concepts.tex
1 %%% -*-latex-*-
2 %%%
3 %%% Conceptual background
4 %%%
5 %%% (c) 2015 Straylight/Edgeware
6 %%%
8 %%%----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 %%%
10 %%% This file is part of the Sensible Object Design, an object system for C.
11 %%%
12 %%% SOD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 %%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 %%% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 %%% (at your option) any later version.
16 %%%
17 %%% SOD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 %%% GNU General Public License for more details.
21 %%%
22 %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 %%% along with SOD; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
24 %%% Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
26 \chapter{Concepts} \label{ch:concepts}
28 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 \section{Modules} \label{sec:concepts.modules}
31 A \emph{module} is the top-level syntactic unit of input to the Sod
32 translator. As described above, given an input module, the translator
33 generates C source and header files.
35 A module can \emph{import} other modules. This makes the type names and
36 classes defined in those other modules available to class definitions in the
37 importing module. Sod's module system is intentionally very simple. There
38 are no private declarations or attempts to hide things.
40 As well as importing existing modules, a module can include a number of
41 different kinds of \emph{items}:
42 \begin{itemize}
43 \item \emph{class definitions} describe new classes, possibly in terms of
44 existing classes;
45 \item \emph{type name declarations} introduce new type names to Sod's
46 parser;\footnote{%
47 This is unfortunately necessary because C syntax, upon which Sod's input
48 language is based for obvious reasons, needs to treat type names
49 differently from other kinds of identifiers.} %
50 and
51 \item \emph{code fragments} contain literal C code to be dropped into an
52 appropriate place in an output file.
53 \end{itemize}
54 Each kind of item, and, indeed, a module as a whole, can have a collection of
55 \emph{properties} associated with it. A property has a \emph{name} and a
56 \emph{value}. Properties are an open-ended way of attaching additional
57 information to module items, so extensions can make use of them without
58 having to implement additional syntax.
60 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 \section{Classes, instances, and slots} \label{sec:concepts.classes}
63 For the most part, Sod takes a fairly traditional view of what it means to be
64 an object system.
66 An \emph{object} maintains \emph{state} and exhibits \emph{behaviour}.
67 (Here, we're using the term `object' in the usual sense of `object-oriented
68 programming', rather than that of the ISO~C standard. Once we have defined
69 an `instance' below, we shall generally prefer that term, so as to prevent
70 further confusion between these two uses of the word.)
72 An object's state is maintained in named \emph{slots}, each of which can
73 store a C value of an appropriate (scalar or aggregate) type. An object's
74 behaviour is stimulated by sending it \emph{messages}. A message has a name,
75 and may carry a number of arguments, which are C values; sending a message
76 may result in the state of receiving object (or other objects) being changed,
77 and a C value being returned to the sender.
79 Every object is a \emph{direct instance} of exactly one \emph{class}. The
80 class determines which slots its instances have, which messages its instances
81 can be sent, and which methods are invoked when those messages are received.
82 The Sod translator's main job is to read class definitions and convert them
83 into appropriate C declarations, tables, and functions. An object cannot
84 (usually) change its direct class, and the direct class of an object is not
85 affected by, for example, the static type of a pointer to it.
87 If an object~$x$ is a direct instance of some class~$C$, then we say that $C$
88 is \emph{the class of}~$x$. Note that the class of an object is a property
89 of the object's value at runtime, and not of C's compile-time type system.
90 We shall be careful in distinguishing C's compile-time notion of \emph{type}
91 from Sod's run-time notion of \emph{class}.
94 \subsection{Superclasses and inheritance}
95 \label{sec:concepts.classes.inherit}
97 \subsubsection{Class relationships}
98 Each class has zero or more \emph{direct superclasses}.
100 A class with no direct superclasses is called a \emph{root class}. The Sod
101 runtime library includes a root class named @|SodObject|; making new root
102 classes is somewhat tricky, and won't be discussed further here.
104 Classes can have more than one direct superclass, i.e., Sod supports
105 \emph{multiple inheritance}. A Sod class definition for a class~$C$ lists
106 the direct superclasses of $C$ in a particular order. This order is called
107 the \emph{local precedence order} of $C$, and the list which consists of $C$
108 follows by $C$'s direct superclasses in local precedence order is called the
109 $C$'s \emph{local precedence list}.
111 The multiple inheritance in Sod works similarly to multiple inheritance in
112 Lisp-like languages, such as Common Lisp, EuLisp, Dylan, and Python, which is
113 very different from how multiple inheritance works in \Cplusplus.\footnote{%
114 The latter can be summarized as `badly'. By default in \Cplusplus, an
115 instance receives an additional copy of superclass's state for each path
116 through the class graph from the instance's direct class to that
117 superclass, though this behaviour can be overridden by declaring
118 superclasses to be @|virtual|. Also, \Cplusplus\ offers only trivial
119 method combination (\xref{sec:concepts.methods}), leaving programmers to
120 deal with delegation manually and (usually) statically.} %
122 If $C$ is a class, then the \emph{superclasses} of $C$ are
123 \begin{itemize}
124 \item $C$ itself, and
125 \item the superclasses of each of $C$'s direct superclasses.
126 \end{itemize}
127 The \emph{proper superclasses} of a class $C$ are the superclasses of $C$
128 except for $C$ itself. If a class $B$ is a (direct, proper) superclass of
129 $C$, then $C$ is a \emph{(direct, proper) subclass} of $B$. If $C$ is a root
130 class then the only superclass of $C$ is $C$ itself, and $C$ has no proper
131 superclasses.
133 If an object is a direct instance of class~$C$ then the object is also an
134 (indirect) \emph{instance} of every superclass of $C$.
136 If $C$ has a proper superclass $B$, then $B$ must not have $C$ as a direct
137 superclass. In different terms, if we construct a directed graph, whose
138 nodes are classes, and draw an arc from each class to each of its direct
139 superclasses, then this graph must be acyclic. In yet other terms, the `is a
140 superclass of' relation is a partial order on classes.
142 \subsubsection{The class precedence list}
143 This partial order is not quite sufficient for our purposes. For each class
144 $C$, we shall need to extend it into a total order on $C$'s superclasses.
145 This calculation is called \emph{superclass linearization}, and the result is
146 a \emph{class precedence list}, which lists each of $C$'s superclasses
147 exactly once. If a superclass $B$ precedes (resp.\ follows) some other
148 superclass $A$ in $C$'s class precedence list, then we say that $B$ is a more
149 (resp.\ less) \emph{specific} superclass of $C$ than $A$ is.
151 The superclass linearization algorithm isn't fixed, and extensions to the
152 translator can introduce new linearizations for special effects, but the
153 following properties are expected to hold.
154 \begin{itemize}
155 \item The first class in $C$'s class precedence list is $C$ itself; i.e.,
156 $C$ is always its own most specific superclass.
157 \item If $A$ and $B$ are both superclasses of $C$, and $A$ is a proper
158 superclass of $B$ then $A$ appears after $B$ in $C$'s class precedence
159 list, i.e., $B$ is a more specific superclass of $C$ than $A$ is.
160 \end{itemize}
161 The default linearization algorithm used in Sod is the \emph{C3} algorithm,
162 which has a number of good properties described in~\cite{Barrett:1996:MSL}.
163 It works as follows.
164 \begin{itemize}
165 \item A \emph{merge} of some number of input lists is a single list
166 containing each item that is in any of the input lists exactly once, and no
167 other items; if an item $x$ appears before an item $y$ in any input list,
168 then $x$ also appears before $y$ in the merge. If a collection of lists
169 have no merge then they are said to be \emph{inconsistent}.
170 \item The class precedence list of a class $C$ is a merge of the local
171 precedence list of $C$ together with the class precedence lists of each of
172 $C$'s direct superclasses.
173 \item If there are no such merges, then the definition of $C$ is invalid.
174 \item Suppose that there are multiple candidate merges. Consider the
175 earliest position in these candidate merges at which they disagree. The
176 \emph{candidate classes} at this position are the classes appearing at this
177 position in the candidate merges. Each candidate class must be a
178 superclass of distinct direct superclasses of $C$, since otherwise the
179 candidates would be ordered by their common subclass's class precedence
180 list. The class precedence list contains, at this position, that candidate
181 class whose subclass appears earliest in $C$'s local precedence order.
182 \end{itemize}
184 \begin{figure}
185 \centering
186 \begin{tikzpicture}[x=7.5mm, y=-14mm, baseline=(current bounding box.east)]
187 \node[lit] at ( 0, 0) (R) {SodObject};
188 \node[lit] at (-3, +1) (A) {A}; \draw[->] (A) -- (R);
189 \node[lit] at (-1, +1) (B) {B}; \draw[->] (B) -- (R);
190 \node[lit] at (+1, +1) (C) {C}; \draw[->] (C) -- (R);
191 \node[lit] at (+3, +1) (D) {D}; \draw[->] (D) -- (R);
192 \node[lit] at (-2, +2) (E) {E}; \draw[->] (E) -- (A);
193 \draw[->] (E) -- (B);
194 \node[lit] at (+2, +2) (F) {F}; \draw[->] (F) -- (A);
195 \draw[->] (F) -- (D);
196 \node[lit] at (-1, +3) (G) {G}; \draw[->] (G) -- (E);
197 \draw[->] (G) -- (C);
198 \node[lit] at (+1, +3) (H) {H}; \draw[->] (H) -- (F);
199 \node[lit] at ( 0, +4) (I) {I}; \draw[->] (I) -- (G);
200 \draw[->] (I) -- (H);
201 \end{tikzpicture}
202 \quad
203 \vrule
204 \quad
205 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.45\hsize}
206 \begin{nprog}
207 class A: SodObject \{ \}\quad\=@/* @|A|, @|SodObject| */ \\
208 class B: SodObject \{ \}\>@/* @|B|, @|SodObject| */ \\
209 class C: SodObject \{ \}\>@/* @|B|, @|SodObject| */ \\
210 class D: SodObject \{ \}\>@/* @|B|, @|SodObject| */ \\+
211 class E: A, B \{ \}\quad\=@/* @|E|, @|A|, @|B|, \dots */ \\
212 class F: A, D \{ \}\>@/* @|F|, @|A|, @|D|, \dots */ \\+
213 class G: E, C \{ \}\>@/* @|G|, @|E|, @|A|,
214 @|B|, @|C|, \dots */ \\
215 class H: F \{ \}\>@/* @|H|, @|F|, @|A|, @|D|, \dots */ \\+
216 class I: G, H \{ \}\>@/* @|I|, @|G|, @|E|, @|H|, @|F|,
217 @|A|, @|B|, @|C|, @|D|, \dots */
218 \end{nprog}
219 \end{minipage}
221 \caption{An example class graph and class precedence lists}
222 \label{fig:concepts.classes.cpl-example}
223 \end{figure}
225 \begin{example}
226 Consider the class relationships shown in
227 \xref{fig:concepts.classes.cpl-example}.
229 \begin{itemize}
231 \item @|SodObject| has no proper superclasses. Its class precedence list
232 is therefore simply $\langle @|SodObject| \rangle$.
234 \item In general, if $X$ is a direct subclass only of $Y$, and $Y$'s class
235 precedence list is $\langle Y, \ldots \rangle$, then $X$'s class
236 precedence list is $\langle X, Y, \ldots \rangle$. This explains $A$,
237 $B$, $C$, $D$, and $H$.
239 \item $E$'s list is found by merging its local precedence list $\langle E,
240 A, B \rangle$ with the class precedence lists of its direct superclasses,
241 which are $\langle A, @|SodObject| \rangle$ and $\langle B, @|SodObject|
242 \rangle$. Clearly, @|SodObject| must be last, and $E$'s local precedence
243 list orders the rest, giving $\langle E, A, B, @|SodObject|, \rangle$.
244 $F$ is similar.
246 \item We determine $G$'s class precedence list by merging the three lists
247 $\langle G, E, C \rangle$, $\langle E, A, B, @|SodObject| \rangle$, and
248 $\langle C, @|SodObject| \rangle$. The class precedence list begins
249 $\langle G, E, \ldots \rangle$, but the individual lists don't order $A$
250 and $C$. Comparing these to $G$'s direct superclasses, we see that $A$
251 is a superclass of $E$, while $C$ is a superclass of -- indeed equal to
252 -- $C$; so $A$ must precede $C$, as must $B$, and the final list is
253 $\langle G, E, A, B, C, @|SodObject| \rangle$.
255 \item Finally, we determine $I$'s class precedence list by merging $\langle
256 I, G, H \rangle$, $\langle G, E, A, B, C, @|SodObject| \rangle$, and
257 $\langle H, F, A, D, @|SodObject| \rangle$. The list begins $\langle I,
258 G, \ldots \rangle$, and then we must break a tie between $E$ and $H$; but
259 $E$ is a superclass of $G$, so $E$ wins. Next, $H$ and $F$ must precede
260 $A$, since these are ordered by $H$'s class precedence list. Then $B$
261 and $C$ precede $D$, since the former are superclasses of $G$, and the
262 final list is $\langle I, G, E, H, F, A, B, C, D, @|SodObject| \rangle$.
264 \end{itemize}
266 (This example combines elements from \cite{Barrett:1996:MSL} and
267 \cite{Ducournau:1994:PMM}.)
268 \end{example}
270 \subsubsection{Class links and chains}
271 The definition for a class $C$ may distinguish one of its proper superclasses
272 as being the \emph{link superclass} for class $C$. Not every class need have
273 a link superclass, and the link superclass of a class $C$, if it exists, need
274 not be a direct superclass of $C$.
276 Superclass links must obey the following rule: if $C$ is a class, then there
277 must be no three distinct superclasses $X$, $Y$ and~$Z$ of $C$ such that $Z$
278 is the link superclass of both $X$ and $Y$. As a consequence of this rule,
279 the superclasses of $C$ can be partitioned into linear \emph{chains}, such
280 that superclasses $A$ and $B$ are in the same chain if and only if one can
281 trace a path from $A$ to $B$ by following superclass links, or \emph{vice
282 versa}.
284 Since a class links only to one of its proper superclasses, the classes in a
285 chain are naturally ordered from most- to least-specific. The least specific
286 class in a chain is called the \emph{chain head}; the most specific class is
287 the \emph{chain tail}. Chains are often named after their chain head
288 classes.
291 \subsection{Names}
292 \label{sec:concepts.classes.names}
294 Classes have a number of other attributes:
295 \begin{itemize}
296 \item A \emph{name}, which is a C identifier. Class names must be globally
297 unique. The class name is used in the names of a number of associated
298 definitions, to be described later.
299 \item A \emph{nickname}, which is also a C identifier. Unlike names,
300 nicknames are not required to be globally unique. If $C$ is any class,
301 then all the superclasses of $C$ must have distinct nicknames.
302 \end{itemize}
305 \subsection{Slots} \label{sec:concepts.classes.slots}
307 Each class defines a number of \emph{slots}. Much like a structure member, a
308 slot has a \emph{name}, which is a C identifier, and a \emph{type}. Unlike
309 many other object systems, different superclasses of a class $C$ can define
310 slots with the same name without ambiguity, since slot references are always
311 qualified by the defining class's nickname.
313 \subsubsection{Slot initializers}
314 As well as defining slot names and types, a class can also associate an
315 \emph{initial value} with each slot defined by itself or one of its
316 superclasses. A class $C$ provides an \emph{initialization message} (see
317 \xref[\instead{sections}]{sec:concepts.lifecycle.birth}, and
318 \ref{sec:structures.root.sodobject}) whose methods set the slots of a
319 \emph{direct} instance of the class to the correct initial values. If
320 several of $C$'s superclasses define initializers for the same slot then the
321 initializer from the most specific such class is used. If none of $C$'s
322 superclasses define an initializer for some slot then that slot will be left
323 uninitialized.
325 The initializer for a slot with scalar type may be any C expression. The
326 initializer for a slot with aggregate type must contain only constant
327 expressions if the generated code is expected to be processed by a
328 implementation of C89. Initializers will be evaluated once each time an
329 instance is initialized.
331 Slots are initialized in reverse-precedence order of their defining classes;
332 i.e., slots defined by a less specific superclass are initialized earlier
333 than slots defined by a more specific superclass. Slots defined by the same
334 class are initialized in the order in which they appear in the class
335 definition.
337 The initializer for a slot may refer to other slots in the same object, via
338 the @|me| pointer: in an initializer for a slot defined by a class $C$, @|me|
339 has type `pointer to $C$'. (Note that the type of @|me| depends only on the
340 class which defined the slot, not the class which defined the initializer.)
342 A class can also define \emph{class slot initializers}, which provide values
343 for a slot defined by its metaclass; see \xref{sec:concepts.metaclasses} for
344 details.
347 \subsection{C language integration} \label{sec:concepts.classes.c}
349 It is very important to distinguish compile-time C \emph{types} from Sod's
350 run-time \emph{classes}: see \xref{sec:concepts.classes}.
352 For each class~$C$, the Sod translator defines a C type, the \emph{class
353 type}, with the same name. This is the usual type used when considering an
354 object as an instance of class~$C$. No entire object will normally have a
355 class type,\footnote{%
356 In general, a class type only captures the structure of one of the
357 superclass chains of an instance. A full instance layout contains multiple
358 chains. See \xref{sec:structures.layout} for the full details.} %
359 so access to instances is almost always via pointers.
361 Usually, a value of type pointer-to-class-type of class~$C$ will point into
362 an instance of class $C$. However, clever (or foolish) use of pointer
363 conversions can invalidate this relationship.
365 \subsubsection{Access to slots}
366 The class type for a class~$C$ is actually a structure. It contains one
367 member for each class in $C$'s superclass chain, named with that class's
368 nickname. Each of these members is also a structure, containing the
369 corresponding class's slots, one member per slot. There's nothing special
370 about these slot members: C code can access them in the usual way.
372 For example, given the definition
373 \begin{prog}
374 [nick = mine] \\
375 class MyClass: SodObject \{ \\ \ind
376 int x; \-\\
377 \}
378 \end{prog}
379 the simple function
380 \begin{prog}
381 int get_x(MyClass *m) \{ return (m@->mine.x); \}
382 \end{prog}
383 will extract the value of @|x| from an instance of @|MyClass|.
385 All of this means that there's no such thing as `private' or `protected'
386 slots. If you want to hide implementation details, the best approach is to
387 stash them in a dynamically allocated private structure, and leave a pointer
388 to it in a slot. (This will also help preserve binary compatibility, because
389 the private structure can grow more members as needed. See
390 \xref{sec:concepts.compatibility} for more details.)
392 Slots defined by $C$'s link superclass, or any other superclass in the same
393 chain, can be accessed in the same way. Slots defined by other superclasses
394 can't be accessed directly: the instance pointer must be \emph{converted} to
395 point to a different chain. See the subsection `Conversions' below.
398 \subsubsection{Sending messages}
399 Sod defines a macro for each message. If a class $C$ defines a message $m$,
400 then the macro is called @|$C$_$m$|. The macro takes a pointer to the
401 receiving object as its first argument, followed by the message arguments, if
402 any, and returns the value returned by the object's effective method for the
403 message (if any). If you have a pointer to an instance of any of $C$'s
404 subclasses, then you can send it the message; it doesn't matter whether the
405 subclass is on the same chain. Note that the receiver argument is evaluated
406 twice, so it's not safe to write a receiver expression which has
407 side-effects.
409 For example, suppose we defined
410 \begin{prog}
411 [nick = soupy] \\
412 class Super: SodObject \{ \\ \ind
413 void msg(const char *m); \-\\
414 \} \\+
415 class Sub: Super \{ \\ \ind
416 void soupy.msg(const char *m)
417 \{ printf("sub sent `\%s'@\\n", m); \} \-\\
418 \}
419 \end{prog}
420 then we can send the message like this:
421 \begin{prog}
422 Sub *sub = /* \dots\ */; \\
423 Super_msg(sub, "hello");
424 \end{prog}
426 What happens under the covers is as follows. The structure pointed to by the
427 instance pointer has a member named @|_vt|, which points to a structure
428 called a `virtual table', or \emph{vtable}, which contains various pieces of
429 information about the object's direct class and layout, and holds pointers to
430 method entries for the messages which the object can receive. The
431 message-sending macro in the example above expands to something similar to
432 \begin{prog}
433 sub@->_vt.sub.msg(sub, "Hello");
434 \end{prog}
436 The vtable contains other useful information, such as a pointer to the
437 instance's direct class's \emph{class object} (described below). The full
438 details of the contents and layout of vtables are given in
439 \xref{sec:structures.layout.vtable}.
442 \subsubsection{Class objects}
443 In Sod's object system, classes are objects too. Therefore classes are
444 themselves instances; the class of a class is called a \emph{metaclass}. The
445 consequences of this are explored in \xref{sec:concepts.metaclasses}. The
446 \emph{class object} has the same name as the class, suffixed with
447 `@|__class|'\footnote{%
448 This is not quite true. @|$C$__class| is actually a macro. See
449 \xref{sec:structures.layout.additional} for the gory details.} %
450 and its type is usually @|SodClass|; @|SodClass|'s nickname is @|cls|.
452 A class object's slots contain or point to useful information, tables and
453 functions for working with that class's instances. (The @|SodClass| class
454 doesn't define any messages, so it doesn't have any methods other than for
455 the @|SodObject| lifecycle messages @|init| and @|teardown|; see
456 \xref{sec:concepts.lifecycle}. In Sod, a class slot containing a function
457 pointer is not at all the same thing as a method.)
459 \subsubsection{Conversions}
460 Suppose one has a value of type pointer-to-class-type for some class~$C$, and
461 wants to convert it to a pointer-to-class-type for some other class~$B$.
462 There are three main cases to distinguish.
463 \begin{itemize}
464 \item If $B$ is a superclass of~$C$, in the same chain, then the conversion
465 is an \emph{in-chain upcast}. The conversion can be performed using the
466 appropriate generated upcast macro (see below), or by simply casting the
467 pointer, using C's usual cast operator (or the \Cplusplus\ @|static_cast<>|
468 operator).
469 \item If $B$ is a superclass of~$C$, in a different chain, then the
470 conversion is a \emph{cross-chain upcast}. The conversion is more than a
471 simple type change: the pointer value must be adjusted. If the direct
472 class of the instance in question is not known, the conversion will require
473 a lookup at runtime to find the appropriate offset by which to adjust the
474 pointer. The conversion can be performed using the appropriate generated
475 upcast macro (see below); the general case is handled by the macro
476 \descref{mac}{SOD_XCHAIN}.
477 \item If $B$ is a subclass of~$C$ then the conversion is a \emph{downcast};
478 otherwise the conversion is a~\emph{cross-cast}. In either case, the
479 conversion can fail: the object in question might not be an instance of~$B$
480 after all. The macro \descref{mac}{SOD_CONVERT} and the function
481 \descref{fun}{sod_convert} perform general conversions. They return a null
482 pointer if the conversion fails. (These are therefore your analogue to the
483 \Cplusplus\ @|dynamic_cast<>| operator.)
484 \end{itemize}
485 The Sod translator generates macros for performing both in-chain and
486 cross-chain upcasts. For each class~$C$, and each proper superclass~$B$
487 of~$C$, a macro is defined: given an argument of type pointer to class type
488 of~$C$, it returns a pointer to the same instance, only with type pointer to
489 class type of~$B$, adjusted as necessary in the case of a cross-chain
490 conversion. The macro is named by concatenating
491 \begin{itemize}
492 \item the name of class~$C$, in upper case,
493 \item the characters `@|__CONV_|', and
494 \item the nickname of class~$B$, in upper case;
495 \end{itemize}
496 e.g., if $C$ is named @|MyClass|, and $B$'s name is @|SuperClass| with
497 nickname @|super|, then the macro @|MYCLASS__CONV_SUPER| converts a
498 @|MyClass~*| to a @|SuperClass~*|. See
499 \xref{sec:structures.layout.additional} for the formal description.
501 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
502 \section{Keyword arguments} \label{sec:concepts.keywords}
504 In standard C, the actual arguments provided to a function are matched up
505 with the formal arguments given in the function definition according to their
506 ordering in a list. Unless the (rather cumbersome) machinery for dealing
507 with variable-length argument tails (@|<stdarg.h>|) is used, exactly the
508 correct number of arguments must be supplied, and in the correct order.
510 A \emph{keyword argument} is matched by its distinctive \emph{name}, rather
511 than by its position in a list. Keyword arguments may be \emph{omitted},
512 causing some default behaviour by the function. A function can detect
513 whether a particular keyword argument was supplied: so the default behaviour
514 need not be the same as that caused by any specific value of the argument.
516 Keyword arguments can be provided in three ways.
517 \begin{enumerate}
518 \item Directly, as a variable-length argument tail, consisting (for the most
519 part) of alternating keyword names, as pointers to null-terminated strings,
520 and argument values, and terminated by a null pointer. This is somewhat
521 error-prone, and the support library defines some macros which help ensure
522 that keyword argument lists are well formed.
523 \item Indirectly, through a @|va_list| object capturing a variable-length
524 argument tail passed to some other function. Such indirect argument tails
525 have the same structure as the direct argument tails described above.
526 Because @|va_list| objects are hard to copy, the keyword-argument support
527 library consistently passes @|va_list| objects \emph{by reference}
528 throughout its programming interface.
529 \item Indirectly, through a vector of @|struct kwval| objects, each of which
530 contains a keyword name, as a pointer to a null-terminated string, and the
531 \emph{address} of a corresponding argument value. (This indirection is
532 necessary so that the items in the vector can be of uniform size.)
533 Argument vectors are rather inconvenient to use, but are the only practical
534 way in which a caller can decide at runtime which arguments to include in a
535 call, which is useful when writing wrapper functions.
536 \end{enumerate}
538 Perhaps surprisingly, keyword arguments have a relatively small performance
539 impact. On the author's aging laptop, a call to a simple function, passing
540 two out of three keyword arguments, takes about 30 cycles longer than calling
541 a standard function which just takes integer arguments. On the other hand,
542 quite a lot of code is involved in decoding keyword arguments, so code size
543 will naturally suffer.
545 Keyword arguments are provided as a general feature for C functions.
546 However, Sod has special support for messages which accept keyword arguments
547 (\xref{sec:concepts.methods.keywords}); and they play an essential rôle in
548 the instance construction protocol (\xref{sec:concepts.lifecycle.birth}).
550 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
551 \section{Messages and methods} \label{sec:concepts.methods}
553 Objects can be sent \emph{messages}. A message has a \emph{name}, and
554 carries a number of \emph{arguments}. When an object is sent a message, a
555 function, determined by the receiving object's class, is invoked, passing it
556 the receiver and the message arguments. This function is called the
557 class's \emph{effective method} for the message. The effective method can do
558 anything a C function can do, including reading or updating program state or
559 object slots, sending more messages, calling other functions, issuing system
560 calls, or performing I/O; if it finishes, it may return a value, which is
561 returned in turn to the message sender.
563 The set of messages an object can receive, characterized by their names,
564 argument types, and return type, is determined by the object's class. Each
565 class can define new messages, which can be received by any instance of that
566 class. The messages defined by a single class must have distinct names:
567 there is no `function overloading'. As with slots
568 (\xref{sec:concepts.classes.slots}), messages defined by distinct classes are
569 always distinct, even if they have the same names: references to messages are
570 always qualified by the defining class's name or nickname.
572 Messages may take any number of arguments, of any non-array value type.
573 Since message sends are effectively function calls, arguments of array type
574 are implicitly converted to values of the corresponding pointer type. While
575 message definitions may ascribe an array type to an argument, the formal
576 argument will have pointer type, as is usual for C functions. A message may
577 accept a variable-length argument suffix, denoted @|\dots|.
579 A class definition may include \emph{direct methods} for messages defined by
580 it or any of its superclasses.
582 Like messages, direct methods define argument lists and return types, but
583 they may also have a \emph{body}, and a \emph{rôle}.
585 A direct method need not have the same argument list or return type as its
586 message. The acceptable argument lists and return types for a method depend
587 on the message, in particular its method combination
588 (\xref{sec:concepts.methods.combination}), and the method's rôle.
590 A direct method body is a block of C code, and the Sod translator usually
591 defines, for each direct method, a function with external linkage, whose body
592 contains a copy of the direct method body. Within the body of a direct
593 method defined for a class $C$, the variable @|me|, of type pointer to class
594 type of $C$, refers to the receiving object.
597 \subsection{Effective methods and method combinations}
598 \label{sec:concepts.methods.combination}
600 For each message a direct instance of a class might receive, there is a set
601 of \emph{applicable methods}, which are exactly the direct methods defined on
602 the object's class and its superclasses. These direct methods are combined
603 together to form the \emph{effective method} for that particular class and
604 message. Direct methods can be combined into an effective method in
605 different ways, according to the \emph{method combination} specified by the
606 message. The method combination determines which direct method rôles are
607 acceptable, and, for each rôle, the appropriate argument lists and return
608 types.
610 One direct method, $M$, is said to be more (resp.\ less) \emph{specific} than
611 another, $N$, with respect to a receiving class~$C$, if the class defining
612 $M$ is a more (resp.\ less) specific superclass of~$C$ than the class
613 defining $N$.
615 \subsubsection{The standard method combination}
616 The default method combination is called the \emph{standard method
617 combination}; other method combinations are useful occasionally for special
618 effects. The standard method combination accepts four direct method rôles,
619 called `primary' (the default), @|before|, @|after|, and @|around|.
621 All direct methods subject to the standard method combination must have
622 argument lists which \emph{match} the message's argument list:
623 \begin{itemize}
624 \item the method's arguments must have the same types as the message, though
625 the arguments may have different names; and
626 \item if the message accepts a variable-length argument suffix then the
627 direct method must instead have a final argument of type @|va_list|.
628 \end{itemize}
629 Primary and @|around| methods must have the same return type as the message;
630 @|before| and @|after| methods must return @|void| regardless of the
631 message's return type.
633 If there are no applicable primary methods then no effective method is
634 constructed: the vtables contain null pointers in place of pointers to method
635 entry functions.
637 \begin{figure}
638 \hbox to\hsize{\hss\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}
639 [order/.append style={color=green!70!black},
640 code/.append style={font=\sffamily},
641 action/.append style={font=\itshape},
642 method/.append style={rectangle, draw=black, thin, fill=blue!30,
643 text height=\ht\strutbox, text depth=\dp\strutbox,
644 minimum width=40mm}]
646 \def\delgstack#1#2#3{
647 \node (#10) [method, #2] {#3};
648 \node (#11) [method, above=6mm of #10] {#3};
649 \draw [->] ($(#10.north)!.5!(#10.north west) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
650 ++(0mm, 4mm)
651 node [code, left=4pt, midway] {next_method};
652 \draw [<-] ($(#10.north)!.5!(#10.north east) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
653 ++(0mm, 4mm)
654 node [action, right=4pt, midway] {return};
655 \draw [->] ($(#11.north)!.5!(#11.north west) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
656 ++(0mm, 4mm)
657 node [code, left=4pt, midway] {next_method}
658 node (ld) [above] {$\smash\vdots\mathstrut$};
659 \draw [<-] ($(#11.north)!.5!(#11.north east) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
660 ++(0mm, 4mm)
661 node [action, right=4pt, midway] {return}
662 node (rd) [above] {$\smash\vdots\mathstrut$};
663 \draw [->] ($(ld.north) + (0mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(0mm, 4mm)
664 node [code, left=4pt, midway] {next_method};
665 \draw [<-] ($(rd.north) + (0mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(0mm, 4mm)
666 node [action, right=4pt, midway] {return};
667 \node (p) at ($(ld.north)!.5!(rd.north)$) {};
668 \node (#1n) [method, above=5mm of p] {#3};
669 \draw [->, order] ($(#10.south east) + (4mm, 1mm)$) --
670 ($(#1n.north east) + (4mm, -1mm)$)
671 node [midway, right, align=left]
672 {Most to \\ least \\ specific};}
674 \delgstack{a}{}{@|around| method}
675 \draw [<-] ($(a0.south)!.5!(a0.south west) - (0mm, 1mm)$) --
676 ++(0mm, -4mm);
677 \draw [->] ($(a0.south)!.5!(a0.south east) - (0mm, 1mm)$) --
678 ++(0mm, -4mm)
679 node [action, right=4pt, midway] {return};
681 \draw [->] ($(an.north)!.6!(an.north west) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
682 ++(-8mm, 8mm)
683 node [code, midway, left=3mm] {next_method}
684 node (b0) [method, above left = 1mm + 4mm and -6mm - 4mm] {};
685 \node (b1) [method] at ($(b0) - (2mm, 2mm)$) {};
686 \node (bn) [method] at ($(b1) - (2mm, 2mm)$) {@|before| method};
687 \draw [->, order] ($(bn.west) - (6mm, 0mm)$) -- ++(12mm, 12mm)
688 node [midway, above left, align=center] {Most to \\ least \\ specific};
689 \draw [->] ($(b0.north east) + (-10mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(8mm, 8mm)
690 node (p) {};
692 \delgstack{m}{above right=1mm and 0mm of an.west |- p}{Primary method}
693 \draw [->] ($(mn.north)!.5!(mn.north west) + (0mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(0mm, 4mm)
694 node [code, left=4pt, midway] {next_method}
695 node [above right = 0mm and -8mm]
696 {$\vcenter{\hbox{\Huge\textcolor{red}{!}}}
697 \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tabular}[c]{l}
698 \textsf{next_method} \\
699 pointer is null
700 \end{tabular}}}$};
702 \draw [->, color=blue, dotted]
703 ($(m0.south)!.2!(m0.south east) - (0mm, 1mm)$) --
704 ($(an.north)!.2!(an.north east) + (0mm, 1mm)$)
705 node [midway, sloped, below] {Return value};
707 \draw [<-] ($(an.north)!.6!(an.north east) + (0mm, 1mm)$) --
708 ++(8mm, 8mm)
709 node [action, midway, right=3mm] {return}
710 node (f0) [method, above right = 1mm and -6mm] {};
711 \node (f1) [method] at ($(f0) + (-2mm, 2mm)$) {};
712 \node (fn) [method] at ($(f1) + (-2mm, 2mm)$) {@|after| method};
713 \draw [<-, order] ($(f0.east) + (6mm, 0mm)$) -- ++(-12mm, 12mm)
714 node [midway, above right, align=center]
715 {Least to \\ most \\ specific};
716 \draw [<-] ($(fn.north west) + (6mm, 1mm)$) -- ++(-8mm, 8mm);
718 \end{tikzpicture}}\hss}
720 \caption{The standard method combination}
721 \label{fig:concepts.methods.stdmeth}
722 \end{figure}
724 The effective method for a message with standard method combination works as
725 follows (see also~\xref{fig:concepts.methods.stdmeth}).
726 \begin{enumerate}
728 \item If any applicable methods have the @|around| rôle, then the most
729 specific such method, with respect to the class of the receiving object, is
730 invoked.
732 Within the body of an @|around| method, the variable @|next_method| is
733 defined, having pointer-to-function type. The method may call this
734 function, as described below, any number of times.
736 If there any remaining @|around| methods, then @|next_method| invokes the
737 next most specific such method, returning whichever value that method
738 returns; otherwise the behaviour of @|next_method| is to invoke the
739 @|before| methods (if any), followed by the most specific primary method,
740 followed by the @|after| methods (if any), and to return whichever value
741 was returned by the most specific primary method, as described in the
742 following items. That is, the behaviour of the least specific @|around|
743 method's @|next_method| function is exactly the behaviour that the
744 effective method would have if there were no @|around| methods. Note that
745 if the least-specific @|around| method calls its @|next_method| more than
746 once then the whole sequence of @|before|, primary, and @|after| methods
747 occurs multiple times.
749 The value returned by the most specific @|around| method is the value
750 returned by the effective method.
752 \item If any applicable methods have the @|before| rôle, then they are all
753 invoked, starting with the most specific.
755 \item The most specific applicable primary method is invoked.
757 Within the body of a primary method, the variable @|next_method| is
758 defined, having pointer-to-function type. If there are no remaining less
759 specific primary methods, then @|next_method| is a null pointer.
760 Otherwise, the method may call the @|next_method| function any number of
761 times.
763 The behaviour of the @|next_method| function, if it is not null, is to
764 invoke the next most specific applicable primary method, and to return
765 whichever value that method returns.
767 If there are no applicable @|around| methods, then the value returned by
768 the most specific primary method is the value returned by the effective
769 method; otherwise the value returned by the most specific primary method is
770 returned to the least specific @|around| method, which called it via its
771 own @|next_method| function.
773 \item If any applicable methods have the @|after| rôle, then they are all
774 invoked, starting with the \emph{least} specific. (Hence, the most
775 specific @|after| method is invoked with the most `afterness'.)
777 \end{enumerate}
779 A typical use for @|around| methods is to allow a base class to set up the
780 dynamic environment appropriately for the primary methods of its subclasses,
781 e.g., by claiming a lock, and releasing it afterwards.
783 The @|next_method| function provided to methods with the primary and
784 @|around| rôles accepts the same arguments, and returns the same type, as the
785 message, except that one or two additional arguments are inserted at the
786 front of the argument list. The first additional argument is always the
787 receiving object, @|me|. If the message accepts a variable argument suffix,
788 then the second addition argument is a @|va_list|; otherwise there is no
789 second additional argument; otherwise, In the former case, a variable
790 @|sod__master_ap| of type @|va_list| is defined, containing a separate copy
791 of the argument pointer (so the method body can process the variable argument
792 suffix itself, and still pass a fresh copy on to the next method).
794 A method with the primary or @|around| rôle may use the convenience macro
795 @|CALL_NEXT_METHOD|, which takes no arguments itself, and simply calls
796 @|next_method| with appropriate arguments: the receiver @|me| pointer, the
797 argument pointer @|sod__master_ap| (if applicable), and the method's
798 arguments. If the method body has overwritten its formal arguments, then
799 @|CALL_NEXT_METHOD| will pass along the updated values, rather than the
800 original ones.
802 A primary or @|around| method which invokes its @|next_method| function is
803 said to \emph{extend} the message behaviour; a method which does not invoke
804 its @|next_method| is said to \emph{override} the behaviour. Note that a
805 method may make a decision to override or extend at runtime.
807 \subsubsection{Aggregating method combinations}
808 A number of other method combinations are provided. They are called
809 `aggregating' method combinations because, instead of invoking just the most
810 specific primary method, as the standard method combination does, they invoke
811 the applicable primary methods in turn and aggregate the return values from
812 each.
814 The aggregating method combinations accept the same four rôles as the
815 standard method combination, and @|around|, @|before|, and @|after| methods
816 work in the same way.
818 The aggregating method combinations provided are as follows.
819 \begin{description} \let\makelabel\code
820 \item[progn] The message must return @|void|. The applicable primary methods
821 are simply invoked in turn, most specific first.
822 \item[sum] The message must return a numeric type.\footnote{%
823 The Sod translator doesn't check this, since it doesn't have enough
824 insight into @|typedef| names.} %
825 The applicable primary methods are invoked in turn, and their return values
826 added up. The final result is the sum of the individual values.
827 \item[product] The message must return a numeric type. The applicable
828 primary methods are invoked in turn, and their return values multiplied
829 together. The final result is the product of the individual values.
830 \item[min] The message must return a scalar type. The applicable primary
831 methods are invoked in turn. The final result is the smallest of the
832 individual values.
833 \item[max] The message must return a scalar type. The applicable primary
834 methods are invoked in turn. The final result is the largest of the
835 individual values.
836 \item[and] The message must return a scalar type. The applicable primary
837 methods are invoked in turn. If any method returns zero then the final
838 result is zero and no further methods are invoked. If all of the
839 applicable primary methods return nonzero, then the final result is the
840 result of the last primary method.
841 \item[or] The message must return a scalar type. The applicable primary
842 methods are invoked in turn. If any method returns nonzero then the final
843 result is that nonzero value and no further methods are invoked. If all of
844 the applicable primary methods return zero, then the final result is zero.
845 \end{description}
847 There is also a @|custom| aggregating method combination, which is described
848 in \xref{sec:fixme.custom-aggregating-method-combination}.
851 \subsection{Method entries} \label{sec:concepts.methods.entry}
853 The effective methods for each class are determined at translation time, by
854 the Sod translator. For each effective method, one or more \emph{method
855 entry functions} are constructed. A method entry function has three
856 responsibilities.
857 \begin{itemize}
858 \item It converts the receiver pointer to the correct type. Method entry
859 functions can perform these conversions extremely efficiently: there are
860 separate method entries for each chain of each class which can receive a
861 message, so method entry functions are in the privileged situation of
862 knowing the \emph{exact} class of the receiving object.
863 \item If the message accepts a variable-length argument tail, then two method
864 entry functions are created for each chain of each class: one receives a
865 variable-length argument tail, as intended, and captures it in a @|va_list|
866 object; the other accepts an argument of type @|va_list| in place of the
867 variable-length tail and arranges for it to be passed along to the direct
868 methods.
869 \item It invokes the effective method with the appropriate arguments. There
870 might or might not be an actual function corresponding to the effective
871 method itself: the translator may instead open-code the effective method's
872 behaviour into each method entry function; and the machinery for handling
873 `delegation chains', such as is used for @|around| methods and primary
874 methods in the standard method combination, is necessarily scattered among
875 a number of small functions.
876 \end{itemize}
879 \subsection{Messages with keyword arguments}
880 \label{sec:concepts.methods.keywords}
882 A message or a direct method may declare that it accepts keyword arguments.
883 A message which accepts keyword arguments is called a \emph{keyword message};
884 a direct method which accepts keyword arguments is called a \emph{keyword
885 method}.
887 While method combinations may set their own rules, usually keyword methods
888 can only be defined on keyword messages, and all methods defined on a keyword
889 message must be keyword methods. The direct methods defined on a keyword
890 message may differ in the keywords they accept, both from each other, and
891 from the message. If two applicable methods on the same message both accept
892 a keyword argument with the same name, then these two keyword arguments must
893 also have the same type. Different applicable methods may declare keyword
894 arguments with the same name but different defaults; see below.
896 The keyword arguments acceptable in a message sent to an object are the
897 keywords listed in the message definition, together with all of the keywords
898 accepted by any applicable method. There is no easy way to determine at
899 runtime whether a particular keyword is acceptable in a message to a given
900 instance.
902 At runtime, a direct method which accepts one or more keyword arguments
903 receives an additional argument named @|suppliedp|. This argument is a small
904 structure. For each keyword argument named $k$ accepted by the direct
905 method, @|suppliedp| contains a one-bit-wide bitfield member of type
906 @|unsigned|, also named $k$. If a keyword argument named $k$ was passed in
907 the message, then @|suppliedp.$k$| is one, and $k$ contains the argument
908 value; otherwise @|suppliedp.$k$| is zero, and $k$ contains the default value
909 from the direct method definition if there was one, or an unspecified value
910 otherwise.
912 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
913 \section{The object lifecycle} \label{sec:concepts.lifecycle}
915 \subsection{Creation} \label{sec:concepts.lifecycle.birth}
917 Construction of a new instance of a class involves three steps.
918 \begin{enumerate}
919 \item \emph{Allocation} arranges for there to be storage space for the
920 instance's slots and associated metadata.
921 \item \emph{Imprinting} fills in the instance's metadata, associating the
922 instance with its class.
923 \item \emph{Initialization} stores appropriate initial values in the
924 instance's slots, and maybe links it into any external data structures as
925 necessary.
926 \end{enumerate}
927 The \descref{mac}{SOD_DECL}[macro] handles constructing instances with
928 automatic storage duration (`on the stack'). Similarly, the
929 \descref{mac}{SOD_MAKE}[macro] and the \descref*{fun}{sod_make} and
930 \descref{fun}{sod_makev} functions construct instances allocated from the
931 standard @|malloc| heap. Programmers can add support for other allocation
932 strategies by using the \descref{mac}{SOD_INIT}[macro] and the
933 \descref*{fun}{sod_init} and \descref{fun}{sod_initv} functions, which
934 package up imprinting and initialization.
936 \subsubsection{Allocation}
937 Instances of most classes (specifically including those classes defined by
938 Sod itself) can be held in any storage of sufficient size. The in-memory
939 layout of an instance of some class~$C$ is described by the type @|struct
940 $C$__ilayout|, and if the relevant class is known at compile time then the
941 best way to discover the layout size is with the @|sizeof| operator. Failing
942 that, the size required to hold an instance of $C$ is available in a slot in
943 $C$'s class object, as @|$C$__class@->cls.initsz|. The necessary alignment,
944 in bytes, is provided as @|$C$__class@->cls.align|, should this be necessary.
946 It is not in general sufficient to declare, or otherwise allocate, an object
947 of the class type $C$. The class type only describes a single chain of the
948 object's layout. It is nearly always an error to use the class type as if it
949 is a \emph{complete type}, e.g., to declare objects or arrays of the class
950 type, or to enquire about its size or alignment requirements.
952 Instance layouts may be declared as objects with automatic storage duration
953 (colloquially, `allocated on the stack') or allocated dynamically, e.g.,
954 using @|malloc|. They may be included as members of structures or unions, or
955 elements of arrays. Sod's runtime system doesn't retain addresses of
956 instances, so, for example, Sod doesn't make using fancy allocators which
957 sometimes move objects around in memory any more difficult than it needs to
958 be.
960 The following simple function correctly allocates and returns space for an
961 instance of a class given a pointer to its class object @<cls>.
962 \begin{prog}
963 void *allocate_instance(const SodClass *cls) \\ \ind
964 \{ return malloc(cls@->cls.initsz); \}
965 \end{prog}
967 \subsubsection{Imprinting}
968 Once storage has been allocated, it must be \emph{imprinted} before it can be
969 used as an instance of a class, e.g., before any messages can be sent to it.
971 Imprinting an instance stores some metadata about its direct class in the
972 instance structure, so that the rest of the program (and Sod's runtime
973 library) can tell what sort of object it is, and how to use it.\footnote{%
974 Specifically, imprinting an instance's storage involves storing the
975 appropriate vtable pointers in the right places in it.} %
976 A class object's @|imprint| slot points to a function which will correctly
977 imprint storage for one of that class's instances.
979 Once an instance's storage has been imprinted, it is technically possible to
980 send messages to the instance; however the instance's slots are still
981 uninitialized at this point, so the applicable methods are unlikely to do
982 much of any use unless they've been written specifically for the purpose.
984 The following simple function imprints storage at address @<p> as an instance
985 of a class, given a pointer to its class object @<cls>.
986 \begin{prog}
987 void imprint_instance(const SodClass *cls, void *p) \\ \ind
988 \{ cls@->cls.imprint(p); \}
989 \end{prog}
991 \subsubsection{Initialization}
992 The final step for constructing a new instance is to \emph{initialize} it, to
993 establish the necessary invariants for the instance itself and the
994 environment in which it operates.
996 Details of initialization are necessarily class-specific, but typically it
997 involves setting the instance's slots to appropriate values, and possibly
998 linking it into some larger data structure to keep track of it. It is
999 possible for initialization methods to attempt to allocate resources, but
1000 this must be done carefully: there is currently no way to report an error
1001 from object initialization, so the object must be marked as incompletely
1002 initialized, and left in a state where it will be safe to tear down later.
1004 Initialization is performed by sending the imprinted instance an @|init|
1005 message, defined by the @|SodObject| class. This message uses a nonstandard
1006 method combination which works like the standard combination, except that the
1007 \emph{default behaviour}, if there is no overriding method, is to initialize
1008 the instance's slots, as described below, and to invoke each superclass's
1009 initialization fragments. This default behaviour may be invoked multiple
1010 times if some method calls on its @|next_method| more than once, unless some
1011 other method takes steps to prevent this.
1013 Slots are initialized in a well-defined order.
1014 \begin{itemize}
1015 \item Slots defined by a more specific superclass are initialized after slots
1016 defined by a less specific superclass.
1017 \item Slots defined by the same class are initialized in the order in which
1018 their definitions appear.
1019 \end{itemize}
1021 A class can define \emph{initialization fragments}: pieces of literal code to
1022 be executed to set up a new instance. Each superclass's initialization
1023 fragments are executed with @|me| bound to an instance pointer of the
1024 appropriate superclass type, immediately after that superclass's slots (if
1025 any) have been initialized; therefore, fragments defined by a more specific
1026 superclass are executed after fragments defined by a less specific
1027 superclass. A class may define more than one initialization fragment: the
1028 fragments are executed in the order in which they appear in the class
1029 definition. It is possible for an initialization fragment to use @|return|
1030 or @|goto| for special control-flow effects, but this is not likely to be a
1031 good idea.
1033 The @|init| message accepts keyword arguments
1034 (\xref{sec:concepts.methods.keywords}). The set of acceptable keywords is
1035 determined by the applicable methods as usual, but also by the
1036 \emph{initargs} defined by the receiving instance's class and its
1037 superclasses, which are made available to slot initializers and
1038 initialization fragments.
1040 There are two kinds of initarg definitions. \emph{User initargs} are defined
1041 by an explicit @|initarg| item appearing in a class definition: the item
1042 defines a name, type, and (optionally) a default value for the initarg.
1043 \emph{Slot initargs} are defined by attaching an @|initarg| property to a
1044 slot or slot initializer item: the property's value determines the initarg's
1045 name, while the type is taken from the underlying slot type; slot initargs do
1046 not have default values. Both kinds define a \emph{direct initarg} for the
1047 containing class. (Note that a slot may have any number of slot initargs;
1048 and any number of slots may have initargs with the same name.)
1050 Initargs are inherited. The \emph{applicable} direct initargs for an @|init|
1051 effective method are those defined by the receiving object's class, and all
1052 of its superclasses. Applicable direct initargs with the same name are
1053 merged to form \emph{effective initargs}. An error is reported if two
1054 applicable direct initargs have the same name but different types. The
1055 default value of an effective initarg is taken from the most specific
1056 applicable direct initarg which specifies a defalt value; if no applicable
1057 direct initarg specifies a default value then the effective initarg has no
1058 default.
1060 All initarg values are made available at runtime to user code --
1061 initialization fragments and slot initializer expressions -- through local
1062 variables and a @|suppliedp| structure, as in a direct method
1063 (\xref{sec:concepts.methods.keywords}). Furthermore, slot initarg
1064 definitions influence the initialization of slots.
1066 The process for deciding how to initialize a particular slot works as
1067 follows.
1068 \begin{enumerate}
1070 \item If there are any slot initargs defined on the slot, or any of its slot
1071 initializers, \emph{and} the sender supplied a value for one or more of the
1072 corresponding effective initargs, then the value of the most specific such
1073 initarg is stored in the slot. (For this purpose, initargs defined earlier
1074 in a class definition are more specific than initargs defined later.)
1076 \item Otherwise, if there are any slot initializers defined which include an
1077 initializer expression, then the initializer expression from the most
1078 specific such slot initializer is evaluated and its value stored in the
1079 slot. (A class may define at most one initializer for any particular slot,
1080 so no further disambiguation is required.)
1082 \item Otherwise, the slot is left uninitialized.
1084 \end{enumerate}
1085 Note that the default values (if any) of effective initargs do \emph{not}
1086 affect this procedure.
1089 \subsection{Destruction}
1090 \label{sec:concepts.lifecycle.death}
1092 Destruction of an instance, when it is no longer required, consists of two
1093 steps.
1094 \begin{enumerate}
1095 \item \emph{Teardown} releases any resources held by the instance and
1096 disentangles it from any external data structures.
1097 \item \emph{Deallocation} releases the memory used to store the instance so
1098 that it can be reused.
1099 \end{enumerate}
1100 Teardown alone, for objects which require special deallocation, or for which
1101 deallocation occurs automatically (e.g., instances with automatic storage
1102 duration, or instances whose storage will be garbage-collected), is performed
1103 using the \descref{fun}{sod_teardown}[function]. Destruction of instances
1104 allocated from the standard @|malloc| heap is done using the
1105 \descref{fun}{sod_destroy}[function].
1107 \subsubsection{Teardown}
1108 Details of teardown are necessarily class-specific, but typically it
1109 involves releasing resources held by the instance, and disentangling it from
1110 any data structures it might be linked into.
1112 Teardown is performed by sending the instance the @|teardown| message,
1113 defined by the @|SodObject| class. The message returns an integer, used as a
1114 boolean flag. If the message returns zero, then the instance's storage
1115 should be deallocated. If the message returns nonzero, then it is safe for
1116 the caller to forget about instance, but should not deallocate its storage.
1117 This is \emph{not} an error return: if some teardown method fails then the
1118 program may be in an inconsistent state and should not continue.
1120 This simple protocol can be used, for example, to implement a reference
1121 counting system, as follows.
1122 \begin{prog}
1123 [nick = ref] \\
1124 class ReferenceCountedObject: SodObject \{ \\ \ind
1125 unsigned nref = 1; \\-
1126 void inc() \{ me@->ref.nref++; \} \\-
1127 [role = around] \\
1128 int obj.teardown() \\
1129 \{ \\ \ind
1130 if (@--me@->ref.nref) return (1); \\
1131 else return (CALL_NEXT_METHOD); \-\\
1132 \} \-\\
1133 \}
1134 \end{prog}
1136 The @|teardown| message uses a nonstandard method combination which works
1137 like the standard combination, except that the \emph{default behaviour}, if
1138 there is no overriding method, is to execute the superclass's teardown
1139 fragments, and to return zero. This default behaviour may be invoked
1140 multiple times if some method calls on its @|next_method| more than once,
1141 unless some other method takes steps to prevent this.
1143 A class can define \emph{teardown fragments}: pieces of literal code to be
1144 executed to shut down an instance. Each superclass's teardown fragments are
1145 executed with @|me| bound to an instance pointer of the appropriate
1146 superclass type; fragments defined by a more specific superclass are executed
1147 before fragments defined by a less specific superclass. A class may define
1148 more than one teardown fragment: the fragments are executed in the order in
1149 which they appear in the class definition. It is possible for an
1150 initialization fragment to use @|return| or @|goto| for special control-flow
1151 effects, but this is not likely to be a good idea. Similarly, it's probably
1152 a better idea to use an @|around| method to influence the return value than
1153 to write an explicit @|return| statement in a teardown fragment.
1155 \subsubsection{Deallocation}
1156 The details of instance deallocation are obviously specific to the allocation
1157 strategy used by the instance, and this is often orthogonal from the object's
1158 class.
1160 The code which makes the decision to destroy an object may often not be aware
1161 of the object's direct class. Low-level details of deallocation often
1162 require the proper base address of the instance's storage, which can be
1163 determined using the \descref{mac}{SOD_INSTBASE}[macro].
1165 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1166 \section{Metaclasses} \label{sec:concepts.metaclasses}
1168 In Sod, every object is an instance of some class, and -- unlike, say,
1169 \Cplusplus\ -- classes are proper objects. It follows that, in Sod, every
1170 class~$C$ is itself an instance of some class~$M$, which is called $C$'s
1171 \emph{metaclass}. Metaclass instances are usually constructed statically, at
1172 compile time, and marked read-only.
1174 As an added complication, Sod classes, and other metaobjects such as
1175 messages, methods, slots and so on, also have classes \emph{at translation
1176 time}. These translation-time metaclasses are not Sod classes; they are CLOS
1177 classes, implemented in Common Lisp.
1180 \subsection{Runtime metaclasses}
1181 \label{sec:concepts.metaclasses.runtime}
1183 Like other classes, metaclasses can declare messages, and define slots and
1184 methods. Slots defined by the metaclass are called \emph{class slots}, as
1185 opposed to \emph{instance slots}. Similarly, messages and methods defined by
1186 the metaclass are termed \emph{class messages} and \emph{class methods}
1187 respectively, though these are used much less frequently.
1189 \subsubsection{The braid}
1190 Every object is an instance of some class. There are only finitely many
1191 classes.
1193 \begin{figure}
1194 \centering
1195 \begin{tikzpicture}
1196 \node[lit] (obj) {SodObject};
1197 \node[lit] (cls) [right=10mm of obj] {SodClass};
1198 \draw [->, dashed] (obj) to[bend right] (cls);
1199 \draw [->] (cls) to[bend right] (obj);
1200 \draw [->, dashed] (cls) to[loop right] (cls);
1201 \end{tikzpicture}
1202 \qquad
1203 \fbox{\ \begin{tikzpicture}
1204 \node (subclass) {subclass of};
1205 \node (instance) [below=\jot of subclass] {instance of};
1206 \draw [->] ($(subclass.west) - (10mm, 0)$) -- ++(8mm, 0);
1207 \draw [->, dashed] ($(instance.west) - (10mm, 0)$) -- ++(8mm, 0);
1208 \end{tikzpicture}}
1209 \caption{The Sod braid} \label{fig:concepts.metaclasses.braid}
1210 \end{figure}
1212 Consider the directed graph whose nodes are classes, and where there is an
1213 arc from $C$ to $D$ if and only if $C$ is an instance of $D$. There are only
1214 finitely many nodes. Every node has an arc leaving it, because every object
1215 -- and hence every class -- is an instance of some class. Therefore this
1216 graph must contain at least one cycle.
1218 In Sod, this situation is resolved in the simplest manner possible:
1219 @|SodClass| is the only predefined metaclass, and it is an instance of
1220 itself. The only other predefined class is @|SodObject|, which is also an
1221 instance of @|SodClass|. There is exactly one root class, namely
1222 @|SodObject|; consequently, @|SodClass| is a direct subclass of @|SodObject|.
1224 \Xref{fig:concepts.metaclasses.braid} shows a diagram of this situation.
1226 \subsubsection{Class slots and initializers}
1227 Instance initializers were described in \xref{sec:concepts.classes.slots}. A
1228 class can also define \emph{class initializers}, which provide values for
1229 slots defined by its metaclass. The initial value for a class slot is
1230 determined as follows.
1231 \begin{itemize}
1232 \item Nonstandard slot classes may be initialized by custom Lisp code. For
1233 example, all of the slots defined by @|SodClass| are of this kind. User
1234 initializers are not permitted for such slots.
1235 \item If the class or any of its superclasses defines a class initializer for
1236 the slot, then the class initializer defined by the most specific such
1237 superclass is used.
1238 \item Otherwise, if the metaclass or one of its superclasses defines an
1239 instance initializer, then the instance initializer defined by he most
1240 specific such class is used.
1241 \item Otherwise there is no initializer, and an error will be reported.
1242 \end{itemize}
1243 Initializers for class slots must be constant expressions (for scalar slots)
1244 or aggregate initializers containing constant expressions.
1246 \subsubsection{Metaclass selection and consistency}
1247 Sod enforces a \emph{metaclass consistency rule}: if $C$ has metaclass $M$,
1248 then any subclass $C$ must have a metaclass which is a subclass of $M$.
1250 The definition of a new class can name the new class's metaclass explicitly,
1251 by defining a @|metaclass| property; the Sod translator will verify that the
1252 choice of metaclass is acceptable.
1254 If no @|metaclass| property is given, then the translator will select a
1255 default metaclass as follows. Let $C_1$, $C_2$, \dots, $C_n$ be the direct
1256 superclasses of the new class, and let $M_1$, $M_2$, \dots, $M_n$ be their
1257 respective metaclasses (not necessarily distinct). If there exists exactly
1258 one minimal metaclass $M_i$, i.e., there exists an $i$, with $1 \le i \le n$,
1259 such that $M_i$ is a subclass of every $M_j$, for $1 \le j \le n$, then $M_i$
1260 is selected as the new class's metaclass. Otherwise the situation is
1261 ambiguous and an error will be reported. Usually, the ambiguity can be
1262 resolved satisfactorily by defining a new class $M^*$ as a direct subclass of
1263 the minimal $M_j$.
1266 \subsection{Translation-time metaobjects}
1267 \label{sec:concepts.metaclasses.compile-time}
1269 Within the translator, modules, classes, slots and initializers, messages and
1270 methods are all represented as instances of classes. Since the translator is
1271 written in Common Lisp, these translation-time metaobject classes are all
1272 CLOS classes. Extensions can influence the translator's behaviour -- and
1273 hence the layout and behaviour of instances at runtime -- by subclassing the
1274 built-in metaobject classes and implementing methods on appropriate generic
1275 functions.
1277 Metaobject classes are chosen in a fairly standard way.
1278 \begin{itemize}
1279 \item All metaobject definitions support a symbol-valued property, usually
1280 named @|@<thing>_class| (e.g., @|slot_class|, @|method_class|), which sets
1281 the metaobject class explicitly. (The class for a class metaobject is
1282 taken from the @|lisp_class| property, because @|class_class| seems less
1283 meaningful.)
1284 \item Failing that, the metaobject's parents choose a default metaobject
1285 class, based on the new metaobject's properties; i.e., slots and messages
1286 have their metaobject classes chosen by the defining class metaobject;
1287 initializer and initarg classes are chosen by the defining class metaobject
1288 and the direct slot metaobject; and method classes are chosen by the
1289 defining class metaobject and the message metaobject.
1290 \item Classes have no parents; instead, the default is simply to use the
1291 builtin metaobject class @|sod-class|.
1292 \item Modules are a special case because the property syntax is rather
1293 awkward. All modules are initially created as instances of the built-in
1294 metaclass @|module|. Once the module has been parsed completely, the
1295 module metaobject's classes is changed, using @|change-class|, to the class
1296 specified in the module's property set.
1297 \end{itemize}
1299 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1300 \section{Compatibility considerations} \label{sec:concepts.compatibility}
1302 Sod doesn't make source-level compatibility especially difficult. As long as
1303 classes, slots, and messages don't change names or dissappear, and slots and
1304 messages retain their approximate types, everything will be fine.
1306 Binary compatibility is much more difficult. Unfortunately, Sod classes have
1307 rather fragile binary interfaces.\footnote{%
1308 Research suggestion: investigate alternative instance and vtable layouts
1309 which improve binary compatibility, probably at the expense of instance
1310 compactness, and efficiency of slot access and message sending. There may
1311 be interesting trade-offs to be made.} %
1313 If instances are allocated \fixme{incomplete}
1315 %%%----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
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