src/: Yet more naming and export twiddles.
[sod] / doc / runtime.tex
1 %%% -*-latex-*-
2 %%%
3 %%% The runtime library
4 %%%
5 %%% (c) 2015 Straylight/Edgeware
6 %%%
8 %%%----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 %%%
10 %%% This file is part of the Simple Object Definition system.
11 %%%
12 %%% SOD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 %%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 %%% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 %%% (at your option) any later version.
16 %%%
17 %%% SOD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 %%% GNU General Public License for more details.
21 %%%
22 %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 %%% along with SOD; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
24 %%% Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
26 \chapter{The runtime library} \label{ch:runtime}
28 This chapter describes the runtime support macros and functions defined in
29 the @|<sod/sod.h>| header file. The corresponding types are defined in
30 \xref{ch:structures}.
32 The runtime support functionality defined here generally expects that
33 instances and classes inherit from the standard @|SodObject| root object.
34 While the translator can (at some effort) support alternative roots, they
35 will require different run-time support machinery.
37 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 \section{Infrastructure macros} \label{ch:runtime.infra}
40 These macros are mostly intended for use in code generated by the Sod
41 translator. Others may find them useful for special effects, but they can be
42 tricky to understand and use correctly and can't really be recommended for
43 general use.
45 \begin{describe}[SOD_XCHAIN]{mac}
46 {void *SOD_CHAIN(@<chead>, const @<cls> *@<obj>);}
47 Performs a `cross-chain upcast'.
49 Given a pointer @<obj> to an instance of a class of type @<cls> and the
50 nickname @<chead> of the least specific class in one of @<cls>'s superclass
51 chains which does not contain @<cls> itself, @|SOD_XCHAIN| returns the
52 address of that chain's storage within the instance layout as a raw
53 @|void~*| pointer. (Note that @<cls> is not mentioned explicitly.)
55 This macro is used by the generated @|@<CLASS>{}__CONV_@<CLS>| conversion
56 macros, which you are encouraged to use instead where possible.
57 \end{describe}
59 \begin{describe}[SOD_OFFSETDIFF]{mac}
60 {ptrdiff_t SOD_OFFSETDIFF(@<type>, @<member>_1, @<member>_2);}
61 Returns the signed offset between two members of a structure or union type.
63 Given a structure or union type @<type>, and two member names @<member>_1
64 and @<member>_2, then @|SOD_OFFSETDIFF| gives the difference, in bytes,
65 between the addresses of objects @|$x$.@<member>_1| and @|$x$.@<member>_2|
66 for any object $x$ of type @<type>.
68 This macro is used internally when generating vtables and is not expected
69 to be very useful elsewhere.
70 \end{describe}
72 \begin{describe}[SOD_ILAYOUT]{mac}
73 {@<cls>{}__ilayout *SOD_ILAYOUT(@<cls>, @<chead>, const void *@<obj>);}
74 Recovers the instance layout base address from a pointer to one of its
75 instance chains.
77 Specifically, given a class name @<cls>, the nickname @<chead> of the least
78 specific class in one of @<cls>'s superclass chains, and a pointer @<obj>
79 to the instance storage for the chain containing @<chead> within a direct
80 instance of @<cls> (i.e., not an instance of any proper subclass),
81 @|SOD_ILAYOUT| returns the a pointer to the layout structure containing
82 @<obj>.
84 This macro is used internally in effective method bodies and is not
85 expected to be very useful elsewhere since it's unusual to have such
86 specific knowledge about the dynamic type of an instance. The
87 @|SOD_INSTBASE| macro (described below) is more suited to general use.
88 \end{describe}
90 \begin{describe}[SOD_CAR]{mac} {@<arg> SOD_CAR(@<arg>, @<other-arg>^*);}
91 Accepts one or more arguments and expands to just its first argument,
92 discarding the others.
94 It is only defined if the C implementation advertises support for C99. It
95 is used in the definitions of message convenience macros for messages which
96 accept a variable number of arguments but no required arguments, and is
97 exported because the author has found such a thing useful in other
98 contexts.
99 \end{describe}
101 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 \section{Utility macros} \label{sec:runtime.utility}
104 The following macros are expected to be useful in Sod method definitions and
105 client code.
107 \begin{describe}[SOD_CLASSOF]{mac}
108 {const void *SOD_CLASSOF(const @<cls> *@<obj>);}
109 Returns the class object describing an instance's dynamic class.
111 Given a pointer @<obj> to an instance, @|SOD_CLASSOF| returns a pointer to
112 @<obj>'s dynamic class, which (assuming @<obj> is typed correctly in the
113 first place) will be a subclass of @<cls>. (If you wanted the class object
114 for @<cls> itself, it's called @|@<cls>{}__class|.)
115 \end{describe}
117 \begin{describe}[SOD_INSTBASE]{mac}{void *SOD_INSTBASE(const @<cls> *@<obj>)}
118 Finds the base address of an instance's layout.
120 Given a pointer @<obj> to an instance, @|SOD_INSTBASE| returns the base
121 address of the storage allocated to @<obj>. This is useful if you want to
122 free a dynamically allocated instance, for example.
124 This macro needs to look up an offset in @<obj>'s vtable to do its work.
125 Compare @|SOD_ILAYOUT| above, which is faster but requires precise
126 knowledge of the instance's dynamic class.
127 \end{describe}
129 \begin{describe}[SOD_CONVERT]{mac}
130 {@<cls> *SOD_CONVERT(@<cls>, const void *@<obj>);}
132 Perform general conversions (up-, down-, and cross-casts) on instance
133 pointers.
135 Given a class name @<cls> and a pointer @<obj> to an instance,
136 @|SOD_CONVERT| returns an appropriately converted pointer to @<obj> if
137 @<obj> is indeed an instance of (some subclass of) @<cls>; otherwise it
138 returns a null pointer.
140 This macro is a simple wrapper around the @|sod_convert| function described
141 below, which is useful in the common case that the target class is known
142 statically.
143 \end{describe}
145 \begin{describe}[SOD_DECL]{mac}{SOD_DECL(@<cls>, @<var>);}
146 Declares and initializes an instance with automatic storage duration.
148 Given a class name @<cls> and an identifier @<var>, @|SOD_DECL| declares
149 @<var> to be a pointer to an instance of @<cls>. The instance is
150 initialized in the sense that its vtable and class pointers have been set
151 up, and slots for which initializers are defined are set to the appropriate
152 initial values.
154 The instance has automatic storage duration: pointers to it will become
155 invalid when control exits the scope of the declaration.
156 \end{describe}
158 %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 \section{Functions} \label{sec:runtime.functions}
161 The following functions are provided in @|libsod|.
163 \begin{describe}[sod_subclassp]{fun}
164 {int sod_subclassp(const SodClass *sub, const SodClass *super);}
166 Decide whether one class @<sub> is actually a subclass of another class
167 @<super>.
169 The @<sod_subclassp> function returns nonzero if and only if
170 @<sub> is a subclass of @<super>.
172 This involves a run-time trawl through the class structures: while some
173 effort has been made to make it perform well it's still not very fast.
174 \end{describe}
176 \begin{describe}[sod_convert]{fun}
177 {void *sod_convert(const SodClass *cls, const void *obj);}
178 Performs general conversions (up-, down-, and cross-casts) on instance
179 pointers.
181 Given a class pointer @<cls> and an instance pointer @<obj>, @|sod_convert|
182 returns an appropriately converted pointer to @<obj> in the case that
183 @<obj> is an instance of (some subclass of) @<cls>; otherwise it returns
184 null.
186 This involves a run-time trawl through the class structures: while some
187 effort has been made to make it perform well it's still not very fast. For
188 upcasts (where @<cls> is a superclass of the static type of @<obj>) the
189 automatically defined conversion macros should be used instead, because
190 they're much faster and can't fail. When the target class is known
191 statically, it's slightly more convenient to use the @|SOD_CONVERT| macro
192 instead.
193 \end{describe}
195 %%%----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
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