src/codegen-proto.lisp (definst): Indent `dolist' form correctly.
[sod] / src / module-impl.lisp
1 ;;; -*-lisp-*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; Module protocol implementation
4 ;;;
5 ;;; (c) 2009 Straylight/Edgeware
6 ;;;
8 ;;;----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This file is part of the Sensible Object Design, an object system for C.
11 ;;;
12 ;;; SOD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
16 ;;;
17 ;;; SOD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;;;
22 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;;; along with SOD; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
24 ;;; Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
26 (cl:in-package #:sod)
28 ;; Establish a standard environment within the body of a module. This is an
29 ;; attempt -- but not a wholly successful one -- to present the same
30 ;; environment to a module independent of the context in which we imported
31 ;; it.
33 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 ;;; Module variables.
36 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
37 (macrolet ((fix (var &optional (value var))
38 (once-only (value)
39 `(add-module-binding ',var (lambda () ,value)))))
41 ;; Use `sod-user' package by default. This seems the most useful. Alas,
42 ;; some tenants might not keep it as tidy as we'd like, but there are
43 ;; probably useful ways to side-effect the package too.
44 (fix *package* (find-package "SOD-USER"))
46 ;; Stream bindings. Hope that the values we find at load time are
47 ;; sufficiently sensible.
48 (fix *debug-io*)
49 (fix *error-output*)
50 (fix *query-io*)
51 (fix *standard-input*)
52 (fix *standard-output*)
53 (fix *terminal-io*)
54 (fix *trace-output*)
56 ;; Print state.
57 (fix *print-array* t)
58 (fix *print-base* 10)
59 (fix *print-case* :upcase)
60 (fix *print-circle* nil)
61 (fix *print-escape* t)
62 (fix *print-gensym* t)
63 (fix *print-length* nil)
64 (fix *print-level* nil)
65 (fix *print-lines* nil)
66 (fix *print-miser-width*)
67 (fix *print-pretty* t)
68 (fix *print-radix* nil)
69 (fix *print-readably* nil)
70 (fix *print-right-margin*)
72 ;; Read state.
73 (fix *read-base* 10)
74 (fix *read-eval* t)
75 (fix *read-suppress* nil)
76 (fix *readtable* (copy-readtable nil))))
78 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 ;;; Module basics.
81 (defmethod module-import ((module module))
82 (dolist (item (module-items module))
83 (module-import item)))
85 (defmethod add-to-module ((module module) item)
86 (setf (module-items module)
87 (nconc (module-items module) (list item)))
88 (module-import item))
90 (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((module module) slot-names &key pset)
91 "Tick off known properties on the property set."
92 (declare (ignore slot-names))
93 (dolist (prop '(:guard))
94 (get-property pset prop nil)))
96 (defmethod finalize-module ((module module))
97 (let* ((pset (module-pset module))
98 (class (get-property pset :module-class :symbol 'module)))
100 ;; Always call `change-class', even if it's the same one; this will
101 ;; exercise the property-set fiddling in `shared-initialize' and we can
102 ;; catch unknown-property errors.
103 (change-class module class :state t :pset pset)
104 (check-unused-properties pset)))
106 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 ;;; Module objects.
109 (defvar-unbound *module-map*
110 "Hash table mapping true names to module objects.")
111 (define-clear-the-decks reset-module-map
112 (setf *module-map* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
114 (defun build-module
115 (name thunk &key (truename (probe-file name)) location)
116 "Construct a new module.
118 This is the functionality underlying `define-module': see that macro for
119 full information."
121 ;; Check for an import cycle.
122 (when truename
123 (let ((existing (gethash truename *module-map*)))
124 (cond ((null existing))
125 ((eq (module-state existing) t)
126 (when (plusp (module-errors existing))
127 (error "Module `~A' contains errors" name))
128 (return-from build-module existing))
129 (t
130 (error "Module `~A' already being imported at ~A"
131 name (module-state existing))))))
133 ;; Construct the new module.
134 (let ((*module* (make-instance 'module
135 :name (pathname name)
136 :state (file-location location))))
137 (when truename
138 (setf (gethash truename *module-map*) *module*))
139 (unwind-protect
140 (with-module-environment ()
141 (module-import *builtin-module*)
142 (funcall thunk)
143 (finalize-module *module*)
144 *module*)
145 (when (and truename (not (eq (module-state *module*) t)))
146 (remhash truename *module-map*)))))
148 (defun call-with-module-environment (thunk &optional (module *module*))
149 "Invoke THUNK with bindings for the module variables in scope.
151 This is the guts of `with-module-environment', which you should probably
152 use instead."
153 (progv
154 (mapcar #'car *module-bindings-alist*)
155 (module-variables module)
156 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (cond)
157 (declare (ignore cond))
158 (incf (slot-value module 'errors))
159 :decline)))
160 (unwind-protect (funcall thunk)
161 (setf (module-variables module)
162 (mapcar (compose #'car #'symbol-value)
163 *module-bindings-alist*))))))
165 (defun call-with-temporary-module (thunk)
166 "Invoke THUNK in the context of a temporary module, returning its values.
168 This is mainly useful for testing things which depend on module variables.
169 This is the functionality underlying `with-temporary-module'."
170 (let ((*module* (make-instance 'module
171 :name "<temp>"
172 :state nil)))
173 (with-module-environment ()
174 (module-import *builtin-module*)
175 (funcall thunk))))
177 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 ;;; Type definitions.
180 (export 'type-item)
181 (defclass type-item ()
182 ((name :initarg :name :type string :reader type-name))
183 (:documentation
184 "A note that a module exports a type.
186 We can only export simple types, so we only need to remember the name.
187 The magic simple-type cache will ensure that we get the same type object
188 when we do the import."))
190 (defmethod module-import ((item type-item))
191 (let* ((name (type-name item))
192 (def (gethash name *module-type-map*))
193 (type (make-simple-type name)))
194 (cond ((not def)
195 (setf (gethash name *module-type-map*) type))
196 ((not (eq def type))
197 (error "Conflicting types `~A'" name)))))
199 (defmethod module-import ((class sod-class))
200 (record-sod-class class))
202 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 ;;; Code fragments.
205 (defun output-c-excursion (stream location func)
206 "Invoke FUNC surrounding it by writing #line markers to STREAM.
208 The first marker describes LOCATION; the second refers to the actual
209 output position in STREAM. If LOCATION doesn't provide a line number then
210 no markers are output after all. If the output stream isn't
211 position-aware then no final marker is output.
213 FUNC is passed the output stream as an argument. Complicated games may be
214 played with interposed streams. Try not to worry about it."
216 (flet ((doit (stream)
217 (let* ((location (file-location location))
218 (line (file-location-line location))
219 (filename (file-location-filename location)))
220 (cond (line
221 (when (typep stream 'position-aware-stream)
222 (format stream "~&#line ~D~@[ ~S~]~%" line filename))
223 (funcall func stream)
224 (when (typep stream 'position-aware-stream)
225 (fresh-line stream)
226 (format stream "#line ~D ~S~%"
227 (1+ (position-aware-stream-line stream))
228 (let ((path (stream-pathname stream)))
229 (if path (namestring path)
230 "<sod-output>")))))
231 (t
232 (funcall func stream))))))
233 (print-ugly-stuff stream #'doit)))
235 (defmethod print-object ((fragment c-fragment) stream)
236 (let ((text (c-fragment-text fragment))
237 (location (file-location fragment)))
238 (if *print-escape*
239 (print-unreadable-object (fragment stream :type t)
240 (when location
241 (format stream "~A " location))
242 (cond ((< (length text) 40)
243 (prin1 text stream) stream)
244 (t
245 (prin1 (subseq text 0 37) stream)
246 (write-string "..." stream))))
247 (output-c-excursion stream location
248 (lambda (stream)
249 (awhen (file-location-column location)
250 (dotimes (i it) (write-char #\space stream)))
251 (write-string text stream))))))
253 (defmethod make-load-form ((fragment c-fragment) &optional environment)
254 (make-load-form-saving-slots fragment :environment environment))
256 (export '(code-fragment-item code-fragment code-fragment-reason
257 code-fragment-name code-fragment-constraints))
258 (defclass code-fragment-item ()
259 ((fragment :initarg :fragment :type (or string c-fragment)
260 :reader code-fragment)
261 (reason :initarg :reason :type keyword :reader code-fragment-reason)
262 (name :initarg :name :type t :reader code-fragment-name)
263 (constraints :initarg :constraints :type list
264 :reader code-fragment-constraints))
265 (:documentation
266 "A plain fragment of C to be dropped in at top-level."))
268 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
269 ;;; File searching.
271 (export '*module-dirs*)
272 (defparameter *module-dirs* nil
273 "A list of directories (as pathname designators) to search for files.
275 Both SOD module files and Lisp extension files are searched for in this
276 list. The search works by merging the requested pathname with each
277 element of this list in turn. The list is prefixed by the pathname of the
278 requesting file, so that it can refer to other files relative to wherever
279 it was found.
281 See `find-file' for the grubby details.")
283 (export 'find-file)
284 (defun find-file (home name what thunk)
285 "Find a file called NAME on the module search path, and call THUNK on it.
287 The file is searched for relative to the HOME file or directory, and also
288 in the directories mentioned in the `*module-dirs*' list. If the file is
289 found, then THUNK is invoked with two arguments: the name we used to find
290 it (which might be relative to the starting directory) and the truename
291 found by `probe-file'.
293 If the file wasn't found, or there was some kind of error, then an error
294 is signalled; WHAT should be a noun phrase describing the kind of thing we
295 were looking for, suitable for inclusion in the error message.
297 While `find-file' establishes condition handlers for its own purposes,
298 THUNK is not invoked with any additional handlers defined."
300 (handler-case
301 (dolist (dir (cons home *module-dirs*) (values nil nil))
302 (let* ((path (merge-pathnames name dir))
303 (probe (probe-file path)))
304 (when probe
305 (return (values path probe)))))
306 (file-error (error)
307 (error "Error searching for ~A ~S: ~A" what (namestring name) error))
308 (:no-error (path probe)
309 (cond ((null path)
310 (error "Failed to find ~A ~S" what (namestring name)))
311 (t
312 (funcall thunk path probe))))))
314 ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------