Equivalent of r6583 window-border palette-change fix for Gtk.
[sgt/putty] / sshdss.c
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <assert.h>
5 #include "ssh.h"
6 #include "misc.h"
8 static void sha_mpint(SHA_State * s, Bignum b)
9 {
10 unsigned char lenbuf[4];
11 int len;
12 len = (bignum_bitcount(b) + 8) / 8;
13 PUT_32BIT(lenbuf, len);
14 SHA_Bytes(s, lenbuf, 4);
15 while (len-- > 0) {
16 lenbuf[0] = bignum_byte(b, len);
17 SHA_Bytes(s, lenbuf, 1);
18 }
19 memset(lenbuf, 0, sizeof(lenbuf));
20 }
22 static void sha512_mpint(SHA512_State * s, Bignum b)
23 {
24 unsigned char lenbuf[4];
25 int len;
26 len = (bignum_bitcount(b) + 8) / 8;
27 PUT_32BIT(lenbuf, len);
28 SHA512_Bytes(s, lenbuf, 4);
29 while (len-- > 0) {
30 lenbuf[0] = bignum_byte(b, len);
31 SHA512_Bytes(s, lenbuf, 1);
32 }
33 memset(lenbuf, 0, sizeof(lenbuf));
34 }
36 static void getstring(char **data, int *datalen, char **p, int *length)
37 {
38 *p = NULL;
39 if (*datalen < 4)
40 return;
41 *length = GET_32BIT(*data);
42 *datalen -= 4;
43 *data += 4;
44 if (*datalen < *length)
45 return;
46 *p = *data;
47 *data += *length;
48 *datalen -= *length;
49 }
50 static Bignum getmp(char **data, int *datalen)
51 {
52 char *p;
53 int length;
54 Bignum b;
56 getstring(data, datalen, &p, &length);
57 if (!p)
58 return NULL;
59 if (p[0] & 0x80)
60 return NULL; /* negative mp */
61 b = bignum_from_bytes((unsigned char *)p, length);
62 return b;
63 }
65 static Bignum get160(char **data, int *datalen)
66 {
67 Bignum b;
69 b = bignum_from_bytes((unsigned char *)*data, 20);
70 *data += 20;
71 *datalen -= 20;
73 return b;
74 }
76 static void *dss_newkey(char *data, int len)
77 {
78 char *p;
79 int slen;
80 struct dss_key *dss;
82 dss = snew(struct dss_key);
83 if (!dss)
84 return NULL;
85 getstring(&data, &len, &p, &slen);
87 #ifdef DEBUG_DSS
88 {
89 int i;
90 printf("key:");
91 for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
92 printf(" %02x", (unsigned char) (data[i]));
93 printf("\n");
94 }
95 #endif
97 if (!p || memcmp(p, "ssh-dss", 7)) {
98 sfree(dss);
99 return NULL;
100 }
101 dss->p = getmp(&data, &len);
102 dss->q = getmp(&data, &len);
103 dss->g = getmp(&data, &len);
104 dss->y = getmp(&data, &len);
106 return dss;
107 }
109 static void dss_freekey(void *key)
110 {
111 struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
112 freebn(dss->p);
113 freebn(dss->q);
114 freebn(dss->g);
115 freebn(dss->y);
116 sfree(dss);
117 }
119 static char *dss_fmtkey(void *key)
120 {
121 struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
122 char *p;
123 int len, i, pos, nibbles;
124 static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
125 if (!dss->p)
126 return NULL;
127 len = 8 + 4 + 1; /* 4 x "0x", punctuation, \0 */
128 len += 4 * (bignum_bitcount(dss->p) + 15) / 16;
129 len += 4 * (bignum_bitcount(dss->q) + 15) / 16;
130 len += 4 * (bignum_bitcount(dss->g) + 15) / 16;
131 len += 4 * (bignum_bitcount(dss->y) + 15) / 16;
132 p = snewn(len, char);
133 if (!p)
134 return NULL;
136 pos = 0;
137 pos += sprintf(p + pos, "0x");
138 nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(dss->p)) / 4;
139 if (nibbles < 1)
140 nibbles = 1;
141 for (i = nibbles; i--;)
142 p[pos++] =
143 hex[(bignum_byte(dss->p, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF];
144 pos += sprintf(p + pos, ",0x");
145 nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(dss->q)) / 4;
146 if (nibbles < 1)
147 nibbles = 1;
148 for (i = nibbles; i--;)
149 p[pos++] =
150 hex[(bignum_byte(dss->q, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF];
151 pos += sprintf(p + pos, ",0x");
152 nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(dss->g)) / 4;
153 if (nibbles < 1)
154 nibbles = 1;
155 for (i = nibbles; i--;)
156 p[pos++] =
157 hex[(bignum_byte(dss->g, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF];
158 pos += sprintf(p + pos, ",0x");
159 nibbles = (3 + bignum_bitcount(dss->y)) / 4;
160 if (nibbles < 1)
161 nibbles = 1;
162 for (i = nibbles; i--;)
163 p[pos++] =
164 hex[(bignum_byte(dss->y, i / 2) >> (4 * (i % 2))) & 0xF];
165 p[pos] = '\0';
166 return p;
167 }
169 static char *dss_fingerprint(void *key)
170 {
171 struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
172 struct MD5Context md5c;
173 unsigned char digest[16], lenbuf[4];
174 char buffer[16 * 3 + 40];
175 char *ret;
176 int numlen, i;
178 MD5Init(&md5c);
179 MD5Update(&md5c, (unsigned char *)"\0\0\0\7ssh-dss", 11);
181 #define ADD_BIGNUM(bignum) \
182 numlen = (bignum_bitcount(bignum)+8)/8; \
183 PUT_32BIT(lenbuf, numlen); MD5Update(&md5c, lenbuf, 4); \
184 for (i = numlen; i-- ;) { \
185 unsigned char c = bignum_byte(bignum, i); \
186 MD5Update(&md5c, &c, 1); \
187 }
188 ADD_BIGNUM(dss->p);
189 ADD_BIGNUM(dss->q);
190 ADD_BIGNUM(dss->g);
191 ADD_BIGNUM(dss->y);
192 #undef ADD_BIGNUM
194 MD5Final(digest, &md5c);
196 sprintf(buffer, "ssh-dss %d ", bignum_bitcount(dss->p));
197 for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
198 sprintf(buffer + strlen(buffer), "%s%02x", i ? ":" : "",
199 digest[i]);
200 ret = snewn(strlen(buffer) + 1, char);
201 if (ret)
202 strcpy(ret, buffer);
203 return ret;
204 }
206 static int dss_verifysig(void *key, char *sig, int siglen,
207 char *data, int datalen)
208 {
209 struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
210 char *p;
211 int slen;
212 char hash[20];
213 Bignum r, s, w, gu1p, yu2p, gu1yu2p, u1, u2, sha, v;
214 int ret;
216 if (!dss->p)
217 return 0;
219 #ifdef DEBUG_DSS
220 {
221 int i;
222 printf("sig:");
223 for (i = 0; i < siglen; i++)
224 printf(" %02x", (unsigned char) (sig[i]));
225 printf("\n");
226 }
227 #endif
228 /*
229 * Commercial SSH (2.0.13) and OpenSSH disagree over the format
230 * of a DSA signature. OpenSSH is in line with the IETF drafts:
231 * it uses a string "ssh-dss", followed by a 40-byte string
232 * containing two 160-bit integers end-to-end. Commercial SSH
233 * can't be bothered with the header bit, and considers a DSA
234 * signature blob to be _just_ the 40-byte string containing
235 * the two 160-bit integers. We tell them apart by measuring
236 * the length: length 40 means the commercial-SSH bug, anything
237 * else is assumed to be IETF-compliant.
238 */
239 if (siglen != 40) { /* bug not present; read admin fields */
240 getstring(&sig, &siglen, &p, &slen);
241 if (!p || slen != 7 || memcmp(p, "ssh-dss", 7)) {
242 return 0;
243 }
244 sig += 4, siglen -= 4; /* skip yet another length field */
245 }
246 r = get160(&sig, &siglen);
247 s = get160(&sig, &siglen);
248 if (!r || !s)
249 return 0;
251 /*
252 * Step 1. w <- s^-1 mod q.
253 */
254 w = modinv(s, dss->q);
256 /*
257 * Step 2. u1 <- SHA(message) * w mod q.
258 */
259 SHA_Simple(data, datalen, (unsigned char *)hash);
260 p = hash;
261 slen = 20;
262 sha = get160(&p, &slen);
263 u1 = modmul(sha, w, dss->q);
265 /*
266 * Step 3. u2 <- r * w mod q.
267 */
268 u2 = modmul(r, w, dss->q);
270 /*
271 * Step 4. v <- (g^u1 * y^u2 mod p) mod q.
272 */
273 gu1p = modpow(dss->g, u1, dss->p);
274 yu2p = modpow(dss->y, u2, dss->p);
275 gu1yu2p = modmul(gu1p, yu2p, dss->p);
276 v = modmul(gu1yu2p, One, dss->q);
278 /*
279 * Step 5. v should now be equal to r.
280 */
282 ret = !bignum_cmp(v, r);
284 freebn(w);
285 freebn(sha);
286 freebn(gu1p);
287 freebn(yu2p);
288 freebn(gu1yu2p);
289 freebn(v);
290 freebn(r);
291 freebn(s);
293 return ret;
294 }
296 static unsigned char *dss_public_blob(void *key, int *len)
297 {
298 struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
299 int plen, qlen, glen, ylen, bloblen;
300 int i;
301 unsigned char *blob, *p;
303 plen = (bignum_bitcount(dss->p) + 8) / 8;
304 qlen = (bignum_bitcount(dss->q) + 8) / 8;
305 glen = (bignum_bitcount(dss->g) + 8) / 8;
306 ylen = (bignum_bitcount(dss->y) + 8) / 8;
308 /*
309 * string "ssh-dss", mpint p, mpint q, mpint g, mpint y. Total
310 * 27 + sum of lengths. (five length fields, 20+7=27).
311 */
312 bloblen = 27 + plen + qlen + glen + ylen;
313 blob = snewn(bloblen, unsigned char);
314 p = blob;
315 PUT_32BIT(p, 7);
316 p += 4;
317 memcpy(p, "ssh-dss", 7);
318 p += 7;
319 PUT_32BIT(p, plen);
320 p += 4;
321 for (i = plen; i--;)
322 *p++ = bignum_byte(dss->p, i);
323 PUT_32BIT(p, qlen);
324 p += 4;
325 for (i = qlen; i--;)
326 *p++ = bignum_byte(dss->q, i);
327 PUT_32BIT(p, glen);
328 p += 4;
329 for (i = glen; i--;)
330 *p++ = bignum_byte(dss->g, i);
331 PUT_32BIT(p, ylen);
332 p += 4;
333 for (i = ylen; i--;)
334 *p++ = bignum_byte(dss->y, i);
335 assert(p == blob + bloblen);
336 *len = bloblen;
337 return blob;
338 }
340 static unsigned char *dss_private_blob(void *key, int *len)
341 {
342 struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
343 int xlen, bloblen;
344 int i;
345 unsigned char *blob, *p;
347 xlen = (bignum_bitcount(dss->x) + 8) / 8;
349 /*
350 * mpint x, string[20] the SHA of p||q||g. Total 4 + xlen.
351 */
352 bloblen = 4 + xlen;
353 blob = snewn(bloblen, unsigned char);
354 p = blob;
355 PUT_32BIT(p, xlen);
356 p += 4;
357 for (i = xlen; i--;)
358 *p++ = bignum_byte(dss->x, i);
359 assert(p == blob + bloblen);
360 *len = bloblen;
361 return blob;
362 }
364 static void *dss_createkey(unsigned char *pub_blob, int pub_len,
365 unsigned char *priv_blob, int priv_len)
366 {
367 struct dss_key *dss;
368 char *pb = (char *) priv_blob;
369 char *hash;
370 int hashlen;
371 SHA_State s;
372 unsigned char digest[20];
373 Bignum ytest;
375 dss = dss_newkey((char *) pub_blob, pub_len);
376 dss->x = getmp(&pb, &priv_len);
378 /*
379 * Check the obsolete hash in the old DSS key format.
380 */
381 hashlen = -1;
382 getstring(&pb, &priv_len, &hash, &hashlen);
383 if (hashlen == 20) {
384 SHA_Init(&s);
385 sha_mpint(&s, dss->p);
386 sha_mpint(&s, dss->q);
387 sha_mpint(&s, dss->g);
388 SHA_Final(&s, digest);
389 if (0 != memcmp(hash, digest, 20)) {
390 dss_freekey(dss);
391 return NULL;
392 }
393 }
395 /*
396 * Now ensure g^x mod p really is y.
397 */
398 ytest = modpow(dss->g, dss->x, dss->p);
399 if (0 != bignum_cmp(ytest, dss->y)) {
400 dss_freekey(dss);
401 return NULL;
402 }
403 freebn(ytest);
405 return dss;
406 }
408 static void *dss_openssh_createkey(unsigned char **blob, int *len)
409 {
410 char **b = (char **) blob;
411 struct dss_key *dss;
413 dss = snew(struct dss_key);
414 if (!dss)
415 return NULL;
417 dss->p = getmp(b, len);
418 dss->q = getmp(b, len);
419 dss->g = getmp(b, len);
420 dss->y = getmp(b, len);
421 dss->x = getmp(b, len);
423 if (!dss->p || !dss->q || !dss->g || !dss->y || !dss->x) {
424 sfree(dss->p);
425 sfree(dss->q);
426 sfree(dss->g);
427 sfree(dss->y);
428 sfree(dss->x);
429 sfree(dss);
430 return NULL;
431 }
433 return dss;
434 }
436 static int dss_openssh_fmtkey(void *key, unsigned char *blob, int len)
437 {
438 struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
439 int bloblen, i;
441 bloblen =
442 ssh2_bignum_length(dss->p) +
443 ssh2_bignum_length(dss->q) +
444 ssh2_bignum_length(dss->g) +
445 ssh2_bignum_length(dss->y) +
446 ssh2_bignum_length(dss->x);
448 if (bloblen > len)
449 return bloblen;
451 bloblen = 0;
452 #define ENC(x) \
453 PUT_32BIT(blob+bloblen, ssh2_bignum_length((x))-4); bloblen += 4; \
454 for (i = ssh2_bignum_length((x))-4; i-- ;) blob[bloblen++]=bignum_byte((x),i);
455 ENC(dss->p);
456 ENC(dss->q);
457 ENC(dss->g);
458 ENC(dss->y);
459 ENC(dss->x);
461 return bloblen;
462 }
464 static int dss_pubkey_bits(void *blob, int len)
465 {
466 struct dss_key *dss;
467 int ret;
469 dss = dss_newkey((char *) blob, len);
470 ret = bignum_bitcount(dss->p);
471 dss_freekey(dss);
473 return ret;
474 }
476 static unsigned char *dss_sign(void *key, char *data, int datalen, int *siglen)
477 {
478 /*
479 * The basic DSS signing algorithm is:
480 *
481 * - invent a random k between 1 and q-1 (exclusive).
482 * - Compute r = (g^k mod p) mod q.
483 * - Compute s = k^-1 * (hash + x*r) mod q.
484 *
485 * This has the dangerous properties that:
486 *
487 * - if an attacker in possession of the public key _and_ the
488 * signature (for example, the host you just authenticated
489 * to) can guess your k, he can reverse the computation of s
490 * and work out x = r^-1 * (s*k - hash) mod q. That is, he
491 * can deduce the private half of your key, and masquerade
492 * as you for as long as the key is still valid.
493 *
494 * - since r is a function purely of k and the public key, if
495 * the attacker only has a _range of possibilities_ for k
496 * it's easy for him to work through them all and check each
497 * one against r; he'll never be unsure of whether he's got
498 * the right one.
499 *
500 * - if you ever sign two different hashes with the same k, it
501 * will be immediately obvious because the two signatures
502 * will have the same r, and moreover an attacker in
503 * possession of both signatures (and the public key of
504 * course) can compute k = (hash1-hash2) * (s1-s2)^-1 mod q,
505 * and from there deduce x as before.
506 *
507 * - the Bleichenbacher attack on DSA makes use of methods of
508 * generating k which are significantly non-uniformly
509 * distributed; in particular, generating a 160-bit random
510 * number and reducing it mod q is right out.
511 *
512 * For this reason we must be pretty careful about how we
513 * generate our k. Since this code runs on Windows, with no
514 * particularly good system entropy sources, we can't trust our
515 * RNG itself to produce properly unpredictable data. Hence, we
516 * use a totally different scheme instead.
517 *
518 * What we do is to take a SHA-512 (_big_) hash of the private
519 * key x, and then feed this into another SHA-512 hash that
520 * also includes the message hash being signed. That is:
521 *
522 * proto_k = SHA512 ( SHA512(x) || SHA160(message) )
523 *
524 * This number is 512 bits long, so reducing it mod q won't be
525 * noticeably non-uniform. So
526 *
527 * k = proto_k mod q
528 *
529 * This has the interesting property that it's _deterministic_:
530 * signing the same hash twice with the same key yields the
531 * same signature.
532 *
533 * Despite this determinism, it's still not predictable to an
534 * attacker, because in order to repeat the SHA-512
535 * construction that created it, the attacker would have to
536 * know the private key value x - and by assumption he doesn't,
537 * because if he knew that he wouldn't be attacking k!
538 *
539 * (This trick doesn't, _per se_, protect against reuse of k.
540 * Reuse of k is left to chance; all it does is prevent
541 * _excessively high_ chances of reuse of k due to entropy
542 * problems.)
543 *
544 * Thanks to Colin Plumb for the general idea of using x to
545 * ensure k is hard to guess, and to the Cambridge University
546 * Computer Security Group for helping to argue out all the
547 * fine details.
548 */
549 struct dss_key *dss = (struct dss_key *) key;
550 SHA512_State ss;
551 unsigned char digest[20], digest512[64];
552 Bignum proto_k, k, gkp, hash, kinv, hxr, r, s;
553 unsigned char *bytes;
554 int nbytes, i;
556 SHA_Simple(data, datalen, digest);
558 /*
559 * Hash some identifying text plus x.
560 */
561 SHA512_Init(&ss);
562 SHA512_Bytes(&ss, "DSA deterministic k generator", 30);
563 sha512_mpint(&ss, dss->x);
564 SHA512_Final(&ss, digest512);
566 /*
567 * Now hash that digest plus the message hash.
568 */
569 SHA512_Init(&ss);
570 SHA512_Bytes(&ss, digest512, sizeof(digest512));
571 SHA512_Bytes(&ss, digest, sizeof(digest));
572 SHA512_Final(&ss, digest512);
574 memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));
576 /*
577 * Now convert the result into a bignum, and reduce it mod q.
578 */
579 proto_k = bignum_from_bytes(digest512, 64);
580 k = bigmod(proto_k, dss->q);
581 freebn(proto_k);
583 memset(digest512, 0, sizeof(digest512));
585 /*
586 * Now we have k, so just go ahead and compute the signature.
587 */
588 gkp = modpow(dss->g, k, dss->p); /* g^k mod p */
589 r = bigmod(gkp, dss->q); /* r = (g^k mod p) mod q */
590 freebn(gkp);
592 hash = bignum_from_bytes(digest, 20);
593 kinv = modinv(k, dss->q); /* k^-1 mod q */
594 hxr = bigmuladd(dss->x, r, hash); /* hash + x*r */
595 s = modmul(kinv, hxr, dss->q); /* s = k^-1 * (hash + x*r) mod q */
596 freebn(hxr);
597 freebn(kinv);
598 freebn(hash);
600 /*
601 * Signature blob is
602 *
603 * string "ssh-dss"
604 * string two 20-byte numbers r and s, end to end
605 *
606 * i.e. 4+7 + 4+40 bytes.
607 */
608 nbytes = 4 + 7 + 4 + 40;
609 bytes = snewn(nbytes, unsigned char);
610 PUT_32BIT(bytes, 7);
611 memcpy(bytes + 4, "ssh-dss", 7);
612 PUT_32BIT(bytes + 4 + 7, 40);
613 for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
614 bytes[4 + 7 + 4 + i] = bignum_byte(r, 19 - i);
615 bytes[4 + 7 + 4 + 20 + i] = bignum_byte(s, 19 - i);
616 }
617 freebn(r);
618 freebn(s);
620 *siglen = nbytes;
621 return bytes;
622 }
624 const struct ssh_signkey ssh_dss = {
625 dss_newkey,
626 dss_freekey,
627 dss_fmtkey,
628 dss_public_blob,
629 dss_private_blob,
630 dss_createkey,
631 dss_openssh_createkey,
632 dss_openssh_fmtkey,
633 dss_pubkey_bits,
634 dss_fingerprint,
635 dss_verifysig,
636 dss_sign,
637 "ssh-dss",
638 "dss"
639 };