When doing custom bob builds from a given SVN revision, include the
[sgt/putty] / mkfiles.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 #
3 # Cross-platform Makefile generator.
4 #
5 # Reads the file `Recipe' to determine the list of generated
6 # executables and their component objects. Then reads the source
7 # files to compute #include dependencies. Finally, writes out the
8 # various target Makefiles.
10 # PuTTY specifics which could still do with removing:
11 # - Mac makefile is not portabilised at all. Include directories
12 # are hardwired, and also the libraries are fixed. This is
13 # mainly because I was too scared to go anywhere near it.
14 # - sbcsgen.pl is still run at startup.
15 #
16 # FIXME: no attempt made to handle !forceobj in the project files.
18 use FileHandle;
19 use Cwd;
21 open IN, "Recipe" or do {
22 # We want to deal correctly with being run from one of the
23 # subdirs in the source tree. So if we can't find Recipe here,
24 # try one level up.
25 chdir "..";
26 open IN, "Recipe" or die "unable to open Recipe file\n";
27 };
29 # HACK: One of the source files in `charset' is auto-generated by
30 # sbcsgen.pl. We need to generate that _now_, before attempting
31 # dependency analysis.
32 eval 'chdir "charset"; require "sbcsgen.pl"; chdir ".."';
34 @srcdirs = ("./");
36 $divert = undef; # ref to scalar in which text is currently being put
37 $help = ""; # list of newline-free lines of help text
38 $project_name = "project"; # this is a good enough default
39 %makefiles = (); # maps makefile types to output makefile pathnames
40 %makefile_extra = (); # maps makefile types to extra Makefile text
41 %programs = (); # maps prog name + type letter to listref of objects/resources
42 %groups = (); # maps group name to listref of objects/resources
44 while (<IN>) {
45 # Skip comments (unless the comments belong, for example because
46 # they're part of a diversion).
47 next if /^\s*#/ and !defined $divert;
49 chomp;
50 split;
51 if ($_[0] eq "!begin" and $_[1] eq "help") { $divert = \$help; next; }
52 if ($_[0] eq "!end") { $divert = undef; next; }
53 if ($_[0] eq "!name") { $project_name = $_[1]; next; }
54 if ($_[0] eq "!srcdir") { push @srcdirs, $_[1]; next; }
55 if ($_[0] eq "!makefile" and &mfval($_[1])) { $makefiles{$_[1]}=$_[2]; next;}
56 if ($_[0] eq "!specialobj" and &mfval($_[1])) { $specialobj{$_[1]}->{$_[2]} = 1; next;}
57 if ($_[0] eq "!forceobj") { $forceobj{$_[1]} = 1; next; }
58 if ($_[0] eq "!begin") {
59 if (&mfval($_[1])) {
60 $sect = $_[2] ? $_[2] : "end";
61 $divert = \($makefile_extra{$_[1]}->{$sect});
62 } else {
63 $divert = \$dummy;
64 }
65 next;
66 }
67 # If we're gathering help/verbatim text, keep doing so.
68 if (defined $divert) { ${$divert} .= "$_\n"; next; }
69 # Ignore blank lines.
70 next if scalar @_ == 0;
72 # Now we have an ordinary line. See if it's an = line, a : line
73 # or a + line.
74 @objs = @_;
76 if ($_[0] eq "+") {
77 $listref = $lastlistref;
78 $prog = undef;
79 die "$.: unexpected + line\n" if !defined $lastlistref;
80 } elsif ($_[1] eq "=") {
81 $groups{$_[0]} = [] if !defined $groups{$_[0]};
82 $listref = $groups{$_[0]};
83 $prog = undef;
84 shift @objs; # eat the group name
85 } elsif ($_[1] eq ":") {
86 $listref = [];
87 $prog = $_[0];
88 shift @objs; # eat the program name
89 } else {
90 die "$.: unrecognised line type\n";
91 }
92 shift @objs; # eat the +, the = or the :
94 while (scalar @objs > 0) {
95 $i = shift @objs;
96 if ($groups{$i}) {
97 foreach $j (@{$groups{$i}}) { unshift @objs, $j; }
98 } elsif (($i eq "[G]" or $i eq "[C]" or $i eq "[M]" or
99 $i eq "[X]" or $i eq "[U]" or $i eq "[MX]") and defined $prog) {
100 $type = substr($i,1,(length $i)-2);
101 } else {
102 push @$listref, $i;
103 }
104 }
105 if ($prog and $type) {
106 die "multiple program entries for $prog [$type]\n"
107 if defined $programs{$prog . "," . $type};
108 $programs{$prog . "," . $type} = $listref;
109 }
110 $lastlistref = $listref;
111 }
113 close IN;
115 # Now retrieve the complete list of objects and resource files, and
116 # construct dependency data for them. While we're here, expand the
117 # object list for each program, and complain if its type isn't set.
118 @prognames = sort keys %programs;
119 %depends = ();
120 @scanlist = ();
121 foreach $i (@prognames) {
122 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $i;
123 # Strip duplicate object names.
124 $prev = undef;
125 @list = grep { $status = ($prev ne $_); $prev=$_; $status }
126 sort @{$programs{$i}};
127 $programs{$i} = [@list];
128 foreach $j (@list) {
129 # Dependencies for "x" start with "x.c" or "x.m" (depending on
130 # which one exists).
131 # Dependencies for "x.res" start with "x.rc".
132 # Dependencies for "x.rsrc" start with "x.r".
133 # Both types of file are pushed on the list of files to scan.
134 # Libraries (.lib) don't have dependencies at all.
135 if ($j =~ /^(.*)\.res$/) {
136 $file = "$1.rc";
137 $depends{$j} = [$file];
138 push @scanlist, $file;
139 } elsif ($j =~ /^(.*)\.rsrc$/) {
140 $file = "$1.r";
141 $depends{$j} = [$file];
142 push @scanlist, $file;
143 } elsif ($j !~ /\./) {
144 $file = "$j.c";
145 $file = "$j.m" unless &findfile($file);
146 $depends{$j} = [$file];
147 push @scanlist, $file;
148 }
149 }
150 }
152 # Scan each file on @scanlist and find further inclusions.
153 # Inclusions are given by lines of the form `#include "otherfile"'
154 # (system headers are automatically ignored by this because they'll
155 # be given in angle brackets). Files included by this method are
156 # added back on to @scanlist to be scanned in turn (if not already
157 # done).
158 #
159 # Resource scripts (.rc) can also include a file by means of:
160 # - a line # ending `ICON "filename"';
161 # - a line ending `RT_MANIFEST "filename"'.
162 # Files included by this method are not added to @scanlist because
163 # they can never include further files.
164 #
165 # In this pass we write out a hash %further which maps a source
166 # file name into a listref containing further source file names.
168 %further = ();
169 while (scalar @scanlist > 0) {
170 $file = shift @scanlist;
171 next if defined $further{$file}; # skip if we've already done it
172 $resource = ($file =~ /\.rc$/ ? 1 : 0);
173 $further{$file} = [];
174 $dirfile = &findfile($file);
175 open IN, "$dirfile" or die "unable to open source file $file\n";
176 while (<IN>) {
177 chomp;
178 /^\s*#include\s+\"([^\"]+)\"/ and do {
179 push @{$further{$file}}, $1;
180 push @scanlist, $1;
181 next;
182 };
183 /(RT_MANIFEST|ICON)\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s*$/ and do {
184 push @{$further{$file}}, $2;
185 next;
186 }
187 }
188 close IN;
189 }
191 # Now we're ready to generate the final dependencies section. For
192 # each key in %depends, we must expand the dependencies list by
193 # iteratively adding entries from %further.
194 foreach $i (keys %depends) {
195 %dep = ();
196 @scanlist = @{$depends{$i}};
197 foreach $i (@scanlist) { $dep{$i} = 1; }
198 while (scalar @scanlist > 0) {
199 $file = shift @scanlist;
200 foreach $j (@{$further{$file}}) {
201 if ($dep{$j} != 1) {
202 $dep{$j} = 1;
203 push @{$depends{$i}}, $j;
204 push @scanlist, $j;
205 }
206 }
207 }
208 # printf "%s: %s\n", $i, join ' ',@{$depends{$i}};
209 }
211 # Validation of input.
213 sub mfval($) {
214 my ($type) = @_;
215 # Returns true if the argument is a known makefile type. Otherwise,
216 # prints a warning and returns false;
217 if (grep { $type eq $_ }
218 ("vc","vcproj","cygwin","borland","lcc","devcppproj","gtk","unix",
219 "ac","mpw","osx",)) {
220 return 1;
221 }
222 warn "$.:unknown makefile type '$type'\n";
223 return 0;
224 }
226 # Utility routines while writing out the Makefiles.
228 sub dirpfx {
229 my ($path) = shift @_;
230 my ($sep) = shift @_;
231 my $ret = "", $i;
233 while (($i = index $path, $sep) >= 0 ||
234 ($j = index $path, "/") >= 0) {
235 if ($i >= 0 and ($j < 0 or $i < $j)) {
236 $path = substr $path, ($i + length $sep);
237 } else {
238 $path = substr $path, ($j + 1);
239 }
240 $ret .= "..$sep";
241 }
242 return $ret;
243 }
245 sub findfile {
246 my ($name) = @_;
247 my $dir;
248 my $i;
249 my $outdir = undef;
250 unless (defined $findfilecache{$name}) {
251 $i = 0;
252 foreach $dir (@srcdirs) {
253 $outdir = $dir, $i++ if -f "$dir$name";
254 $outdir=~s/^\.\///;
255 }
256 die "multiple instances of source file $name\n" if $i > 1;
257 $findfilecache{$name} = (defined $outdir ? $outdir . $name : undef);
258 }
259 return $findfilecache{$name};
260 }
262 sub objects {
263 my ($prog, $otmpl, $rtmpl, $ltmpl, $prefix, $dirsep) = @_;
264 my @ret;
265 my ($i, $x, $y);
266 @ret = ();
267 foreach $i (@{$programs{$prog}}) {
268 $x = "";
269 if ($i =~ /^(.*)\.(res|rsrc)/) {
270 $y = $1;
271 ($x = $rtmpl) =~ s/X/$y/;
272 } elsif ($i =~ /^(.*)\.lib/) {
273 $y = $1;
274 ($x = $ltmpl) =~ s/X/$y/;
275 } elsif ($i !~ /\./) {
276 ($x = $otmpl) =~ s/X/$i/;
277 }
278 push @ret, $x if $x ne "";
279 }
280 return join " ", @ret;
281 }
283 sub special {
284 my ($prog, $suffix) = @_;
285 my @ret;
286 my ($i, $x, $y);
287 @ret = ();
288 foreach $i (@{$programs{$prog}}) {
289 if (substr($i, (length $i) - (length $suffix)) eq $suffix) {
290 push @ret, $i;
291 }
292 }
293 return (scalar @ret) ? (join " ", @ret) : undef;
294 }
296 sub splitline {
297 my ($line, $width, $splitchar) = @_;
298 my ($result, $len);
299 $len = (defined $width ? $width : 76);
300 $splitchar = (defined $splitchar ? $splitchar : '\\');
301 while (length $line > $len) {
302 $line =~ /^(.{0,$len})\s(.*)$/ or $line =~ /^(.{$len,}?\s(.*)$/;
303 $result .= $1;
304 $result .= " ${splitchar}\n\t\t" if $2 ne '';
305 $line = $2;
306 $len = 60;
307 }
308 return $result . $line;
309 }
311 sub deps {
312 my ($otmpl, $rtmpl, $prefix, $dirsep, $mftyp, $depchar, $splitchar) = @_;
313 my ($i, $x, $y);
314 my @deps, @ret;
315 @ret = ();
316 $depchar ||= ':';
317 foreach $i (sort keys %depends) {
318 next if $specialobj{$mftyp}->{$i};
319 if ($i =~ /^(.*)\.(res|rsrc)/) {
320 next if !defined $rtmpl;
321 $y = $1;
322 ($x = $rtmpl) =~ s/X/$y/;
323 } else {
324 ($x = $otmpl) =~ s/X/$i/;
325 }
326 @deps = @{$depends{$i}};
327 @deps = map {
328 $_ = &findfile($_);
329 s/\//$dirsep/g;
330 $_ = $prefix . $_;
331 } @deps;
332 push @ret, {obj => $x, obj_orig => $i, deps => [@deps]};
333 }
334 return @ret;
335 }
337 sub prognames {
338 my ($types) = @_;
339 my ($n, $prog, $type);
340 my @ret;
341 @ret = ();
342 foreach $n (@prognames) {
343 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $n;
344 push @ret, $n if index(":$types:", ":$type:") >= 0;
345 }
346 return @ret;
347 }
349 sub progrealnames {
350 my ($types) = @_;
351 my ($n, $prog, $type);
352 my @ret;
353 @ret = ();
354 foreach $n (@prognames) {
355 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $n;
356 push @ret, $prog if index(":$types:", ":$type:") >= 0;
357 }
358 return @ret;
359 }
361 sub manpages {
362 my ($types,$suffix) = @_;
364 # assume that all UNIX programs have a man page
365 if($suffix eq "1" && $types =~ /:X:/) {
366 return map("$_.1", &progrealnames($types));
367 }
368 return ();
369 }
371 # Now we're ready to output the actual Makefiles.
373 if (defined $makefiles{'cygwin'}) {
374 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'cygwin'}, "/");
376 ##-- CygWin makefile
377 open OUT, ">$makefiles{'cygwin'}"; select OUT;
378 print
379 "# Makefile for $project_name under cygwin.\n".
380 "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n".
381 "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n";
382 # gcc command line option is -D not /D
383 ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/\1-D/gs;
384 print $_;
385 print
386 "\n".
387 "# You can define this path to point at your tools if you need to\n".
388 "# TOOLPATH = c:\\cygwin\\bin\\ # or similar, if you're running Windows\n".
389 "# TOOLPATH = /pkg/mingw32msvc/i386-mingw32msvc/bin/\n".
390 "CC = \$(TOOLPATH)gcc\n".
391 "RC = \$(TOOLPATH)windres\n".
392 "# Uncomment the following two lines to compile under Winelib\n".
393 "# CC = winegcc\n".
394 "# RC = wrc\n".
395 "# You may also need to tell windres where to find include files:\n".
396 "# RCINC = --include-dir c:\\cygwin\\include\\\n".
397 "\n".
398 &splitline("CFLAGS = -mno-cygwin -Wall -O2 -D_WINDOWS -DDEBUG -DWIN32S_COMPAT".
400 (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs)) .
401 "\n".
402 "LDFLAGS = -mno-cygwin -s\n".
403 &splitline("RCFLAGS = \$(RCINC) --define WIN32=1 --define _WIN32=1".
404 " --define WINVER=0x0400")."\n".
405 "\n".
406 $makefile_extra{'cygwin'}->{'vars'} .
407 "\n".
408 ".SUFFIXES:\n".
409 "\n";
410 print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_.exe" } &progrealnames("G:C"));
411 print "\n\n";
412 foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) {
413 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
414 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", "X.res.o", undef);
415 print &splitline($prog . ".exe: " . $objstr), "\n";
416 my $mw = $type eq "G" ? " -mwindows" : "";
417 $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX");
418 print &splitline("\t\$(CC)" . $mw . " \$(LDFLAGS) -o \$@ " .
419 "-Wl,-Map,$prog.map " .
420 $objstr . " $libstr", 69), "\n\n";
421 }
422 foreach $d (&deps("X.o", "X.res.o", $dirpfx, "/", "cygwin")) {
423 if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) {
424 printf ("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj});
425 } else {
426 print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj},
427 join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n";
428 }
429 if ($d->{obj} =~ /\.res\.o$/) {
430 print "\t\$(RC) \$(RCFL) \$(RCFLAGS) ".$d->{deps}->[0]." ".$d->{obj}."\n\n";
431 } else {
432 print "\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c ".$d->{deps}->[0]."\n\n";
433 }
434 }
435 print "\n";
436 print $makefile_extra{'cygwin'}->{'end'};
437 print "\nclean:\n".
438 "\trm -f *.o *.exe *.res.o *.map\n".
439 "\n".
440 "FORCE:\n";
441 select STDOUT; close OUT;
443 }
445 ##-- Borland makefile
446 if (defined $makefiles{'borland'}) {
447 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'borland'}, "\\");
449 %stdlibs = ( # Borland provides many Win32 API libraries intrinsically
450 "advapi32" => 1,
451 "comctl32" => 1,
452 "comdlg32" => 1,
453 "gdi32" => 1,
454 "imm32" => 1,
455 "shell32" => 1,
456 "user32" => 1,
457 "winmm" => 1,
458 "winspool" => 1,
459 "wsock32" => 1,
460 );
461 open OUT, ">$makefiles{'borland'}"; select OUT;
462 print
463 "# Makefile for $project_name under Borland C.\n".
464 "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n".
465 "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n";
466 # bcc32 command line option is -D not /D
467 ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/\1-D/gs;
468 print $_;
469 print
470 "\n".
471 "# If you rename this file to `Makefile', you should change this line,\n".
472 "# so that the .rsp files still depend on the correct makefile.\n".
473 "MAKEFILE = Makefile.bor\n".
474 "\n".
475 "# C compilation flags\n".
476 "CFLAGS = -D_WINDOWS -DWINVER=0x0500\n".
477 "# Resource compilation flags\n".
479 "\n".
480 "# Get include directory for resource compiler\n".
481 "!if !\$d(BCB)\n".
482 "BCB = \$(MAKEDIR)\\..\n".
483 "!endif\n".
484 "\n".
485 $makefile_extra{'borland'}->{'vars'} .
486 "\n".
487 ".c.obj:\n".
488 &splitline("\tbcc32 -w-aus -w-ccc -w-par -w-pia \$(COMPAT)".
489 " \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) ".
490 (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) .
491 " /c \$*.c",69)."\n".
492 ".rc.res:\n".
493 &splitline("\tbrcc32 \$(RCFL) -i \$(BCB)\\include -r".
494 " \$(RCFLAGS) \$*.rc",69)."\n".
495 "\n";
496 print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_.exe" } &progrealnames("G:C"));
497 print "\n\n";
498 foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) {
499 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
500 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.obj", "X.res", undef);
501 print &splitline("$prog.exe: " . $objstr . " $prog.rsp"), "\n";
502 my $ap = ($type eq "G") ? "-aa" : "-ap";
503 print "\tilink32 $ap -Gn -L\$(BCB)\\lib \@$prog.rsp\n\n";
504 }
505 foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) {
506 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
507 print $prog, ".rsp: \$(MAKEFILE)\n";
508 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.obj", undef, undef);
509 @objlist = split " ", $objstr;
510 @objlines = ("");
511 foreach $i (@objlist) {
512 if (length($objlines[$#objlines] . " $i") > 50) {
513 push @objlines, "";
514 }
515 $objlines[$#objlines] .= " $i";
516 }
517 $c0w = ($type eq "G") ? "c0w32" : "c0x32";
518 print "\techo $c0w + > $prog.rsp\n";
519 for ($i=0; $i<=$#objlines; $i++) {
520 $plus = ($i < $#objlines ? " +" : "");
521 print "\techo$objlines[$i]$plus >> $prog.rsp\n";
522 }
523 print "\techo $prog.exe >> $prog.rsp\n";
524 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.obj", "X.res", undef);
525 @libs = split " ", &objects($p, undef, undef, "X");
526 @libs = grep { !$stdlibs{$_} } @libs;
527 unshift @libs, "cw32", "import32";
528 $libstr = join ' ', @libs;
529 print "\techo nul,$libstr, >> $prog.rsp\n";
530 print "\techo " . &objects($p, undef, "X.res", undef) . " >> $prog.rsp\n";
531 print "\n";
532 }
533 foreach $d (&deps("X.obj", "X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", "borland")) {
534 if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) {
535 printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj});
536 } else {
537 print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj},
538 join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n";
539 }
540 }
541 print "\n";
542 print $makefile_extra{'borland'}->{'end'};
543 print "\nclean:\n".
544 "\t-del *.obj\n".
545 "\t-del *.exe\n".
546 "\t-del *.res\n".
547 "\t-del *.pch\n".
548 "\t-del *.aps\n".
549 "\t-del *.il*\n".
550 "\t-del *.pdb\n".
551 "\t-del *.rsp\n".
552 "\t-del *.tds\n".
553 "\t-del *.\$\$\$\$\$\$\n".
554 "\n".
555 "FORCE:\n".
556 "\t-rem dummy command\n";
557 select STDOUT; close OUT;
558 }
560 if (defined $makefiles{'vc'}) {
561 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'vc'}, "\\");
563 ##-- Visual C++ makefile
564 open OUT, ">$makefiles{'vc'}"; select OUT;
565 print
566 "# Makefile for $project_name under Visual C.\n".
567 "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n".
568 "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n";
569 print $help;
570 print
571 "\n".
572 "# If you rename this file to `Makefile', you should change this line,\n".
573 "# so that the .rsp files still depend on the correct makefile.\n".
574 "MAKEFILE = Makefile.vc\n".
575 "\n".
576 "# C compilation flags\n".
577 "CFLAGS = /nologo /W3 /O1 " .
578 (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) .
579 " /D_WINDOWS /D_WIN32_WINDOWS=0x500 /DWINVER=0x500\n".
580 "LFLAGS = /incremental:no /fixed\n".
581 "RCFLAGS = -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400\n".
582 "\n".
583 $makefile_extra{'vc'}->{'vars'} .
584 "\n".
585 "\n";
586 print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_.exe" } &progrealnames("G:C"));
587 print "\n\n";
588 foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) {
589 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
590 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.obj", "X.res", undef);
591 print &splitline("$prog.exe: " . $objstr . " $prog.rsp"), "\n";
592 print "\tlink \$(LFLAGS) -out:$prog.exe -map:$prog.map \@$prog.rsp\n\n";
593 }
594 foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) {
595 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
596 print $prog, ".rsp: \$(MAKEFILE)\n";
597 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.obj", "X.res", "X.lib");
598 @objlist = split " ", $objstr;
599 @objlines = ("");
600 foreach $i (@objlist) {
601 if (length($objlines[$#objlines] . " $i") > 50) {
602 push @objlines, "";
603 }
604 $objlines[$#objlines] .= " $i";
605 }
606 $subsys = ($type eq "G") ? "windows" : "console";
607 print "\techo /nologo /subsystem:$subsys > $prog.rsp\n";
608 for ($i=0; $i<=$#objlines; $i++) {
609 print "\techo$objlines[$i] >> $prog.rsp\n";
610 }
611 print "\n";
612 }
613 foreach $d (&deps("X.obj", "X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", "vc")) {
614 $extradeps = $forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}} ? ["*.c","*.h","*.rc"] : [];
615 print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj},
616 join " ", @$extradeps, @{$d->{deps}})), "\n";
617 if ($d->{obj} =~ /.obj$/) {
618 print "\tcl \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) /c ".$d->{deps}->[0],"\n\n";
619 } else {
620 print "\trc \$(RCFL) -r \$(RCFLAGS) ".$d->{deps}->[0],"\n\n";
621 }
622 }
623 print "\n";
624 print $makefile_extra{'vc'}->{'end'};
625 print "\nclean: tidy\n".
626 "\t-del *.exe\n\n".
627 "tidy:\n".
628 "\t-del *.obj\n".
629 "\t-del *.res\n".
630 "\t-del *.pch\n".
631 "\t-del *.aps\n".
632 "\t-del *.ilk\n".
633 "\t-del *.pdb\n".
634 "\t-del *.rsp\n".
635 "\t-del *.dsp\n".
636 "\t-del *.dsw\n".
637 "\t-del *.ncb\n".
638 "\t-del *.opt\n".
639 "\t-del *.plg\n".
640 "\t-del *.map\n".
641 "\t-del *.idb\n".
642 "\t-del debug.log\n";
643 select STDOUT; close OUT;
644 }
646 if (defined $makefiles{'vcproj'}) {
647 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'vcproj'}, "\\");
649 $orig_dir = cwd;
651 ##-- MSVC 6 Workspace and projects
652 #
653 # Note: All files created in this section are written in binary
654 # mode, because although MSVC's command-line make can deal with
655 # LF-only line endings, MSVC project files really _need_ to be
656 # CRLF. Hence, in order for mkfiles.pl to generate usable project
657 # files even when run from Unix, I make sure all files are binary
658 # and explicitly write the CRLFs.
659 #
660 # Create directories if necessary
661 mkdir $makefiles{'vcproj'}
662 if(! -d $makefiles{'vcproj'});
663 chdir $makefiles{'vcproj'};
664 @deps = &deps("X.obj", "X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", "vcproj");
665 %all_object_deps = map {$_->{obj} => $_->{deps}} @deps;
666 # Create the project files
667 # Get names of all Windows projects (GUI and console)
668 my @prognames = &prognames("G:C");
669 foreach $progname (@prognames) {
670 create_vc_project(\%all_object_deps, $progname);
671 }
672 # Create the workspace file
673 open OUT, ">$project_name.dsw"; binmode OUT; select OUT;
674 print
675 "Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00\r\n".
677 "\r\n".
678 "###############################################################################\r\n".
679 "\r\n";
680 # List projects
681 foreach $progname (@prognames) {
682 ($windows_project, $type) = split ",", $progname;
683 print "Project: \"$windows_project\"=\".\\$windows_project\\$windows_project.dsp\" - Package Owner=<4>\r\n";
684 }
685 print
686 "\r\n".
687 "Package=<5>\r\n".
688 "{{{\r\n".
689 "}}}\r\n".
690 "\r\n".
691 "Package=<4>\r\n".
692 "{{{\r\n".
693 "}}}\r\n".
694 "\r\n".
695 "###############################################################################\r\n".
696 "\r\n".
697 "Global:\r\n".
698 "\r\n".
699 "Package=<5>\r\n".
700 "{{{\r\n".
701 "}}}\r\n".
702 "\r\n".
703 "Package=<3>\r\n".
704 "{{{\r\n".
705 "}}}\r\n".
706 "\r\n".
707 "###############################################################################\r\n".
708 "\r\n";
709 select STDOUT; close OUT;
710 chdir $orig_dir;
712 sub create_vc_project {
713 my ($all_object_deps, $progname) = @_;
714 # Construct program's dependency info
715 %seen_objects = ();
716 %lib_files = ();
717 %source_files = ();
718 %header_files = ();
719 %resource_files = ();
720 @object_files = split " ", &objects($progname, "X.obj", "X.res", "X.lib");
721 foreach $object_file (@object_files) {
722 next if defined $seen_objects{$object_file};
723 $seen_objects{$object_file} = 1;
724 if($object_file =~ /\.lib$/io) {
725 $lib_files{$object_file} = 1;
726 next;
727 }
728 $object_deps = $all_object_deps{$object_file};
729 foreach $object_dep (@$object_deps) {
730 if($object_dep =~ /\.c$/io) {
731 $source_files{$object_dep} = 1;
732 next;
733 }
734 if($object_dep =~ /\.h$/io) {
735 $header_files{$object_dep} = 1;
736 next;
737 }
738 if($object_dep =~ /\.(rc|ico)$/io) {
739 $resource_files{$object_dep} = 1;
740 next;
741 }
742 }
743 }
744 $libs = join " ", sort keys %lib_files;
745 @source_files = sort keys %source_files;
746 @header_files = sort keys %header_files;
747 @resources = sort keys %resource_files;
748 ($windows_project, $type) = split ",", $progname;
749 mkdir $windows_project
750 if(! -d $windows_project);
751 chdir $windows_project;
752 $subsys = ($type eq "G") ? "windows" : "console";
753 open OUT, ">$windows_project.dsp"; binmode OUT; select OUT;
754 print
755 "# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name=\"$windows_project\" - Package Owner=<4>\r\n".
756 "# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00\r\n".
757 "# ** DO NOT EDIT **\r\n".
758 "\r\n".
759 "# TARGTYPE \"Win32 (x86) Application\" 0x0101\r\n".
760 "\r\n".
761 "CFG=$windows_project - Win32 Debug\r\n".
762 "!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,\r\n".
763 "!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run\r\n".
764 "!MESSAGE \r\n".
765 "!MESSAGE NMAKE /f \"$windows_project.mak\".\r\n".
766 "!MESSAGE \r\n".
767 "!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE\r\n".
768 "!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:\r\n".
769 "!MESSAGE \r\n".
770 "!MESSAGE NMAKE /f \"$windows_project.mak\" CFG=\"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\"\r\n".
771 "!MESSAGE \r\n".
772 "!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:\r\n".
773 "!MESSAGE \r\n".
774 "!MESSAGE \"$windows_project - Win32 Release\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Application\")\r\n".
775 "!MESSAGE \"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Application\")\r\n".
776 "!MESSAGE \r\n".
777 "\r\n".
778 "# Begin Project\r\n".
779 "# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0\r\n".
780 "# PROP Scc_ProjName \"\"\r\n".
781 "# PROP Scc_LocalPath \"\"\r\n".
782 "CPP=cl.exe\r\n".
783 "MTL=midl.exe\r\n".
784 "RSC=rc.exe\r\n".
785 "\r\n".
786 "!IF \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$windows_project - Win32 Release\"\r\n".
787 "\r\n".
788 "# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\r\n".
789 "# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r\n".
790 "# PROP BASE Output_Dir \"Release\"\r\n".
791 "# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \"Release\"\r\n".
792 "# PROP BASE Target_Dir \"\"\r\n".
793 "# PROP Use_MFC 0\r\n".
794 "# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r\n".
795 "# PROP Output_Dir \"Release\"\r\n".
796 "# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"Release\"\r\n".
797 "# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\r\n".
798 "# PROP Target_Dir \"\"\r\n".
799 "# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 ".
800 (join " ", map {"/I \"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_\""} @srcdirs) .
801 " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"NDEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"_MBCS\" /YX /FD /c\r\n".
802 "# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 ".
803 (join " ", map {"/I \"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_\""} @srcdirs) .
804 " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"NDEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"_MBCS\" /YX /FD /c\r\n".
805 "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n".
806 "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n".
807 "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d \"NDEBUG\"\r\n".
808 "# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d \"NDEBUG\"\r\n".
809 "BSC32=bscmake.exe\r\n".
810 "# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r\n".
811 "# ADD BSC32 /nologo\r\n".
812 "LINK32=link.exe\r\n".
813 "# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:$subsys /machine:I386\r\n".
814 "# ADD LINK32 $libs /nologo /subsystem:$subsys /machine:I386\r\n".
815 "# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none\r\n".
816 "\r\n".
817 "!ELSEIF \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\"\r\n".
818 "\r\n".
819 "# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\r\n".
820 "# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1\r\n".
821 "# PROP BASE Output_Dir \"Debug\"\r\n".
822 "# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \"Debug\"\r\n".
823 "# PROP BASE Target_Dir \"\"\r\n".
824 "# PROP Use_MFC 0\r\n".
825 "# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1\r\n".
826 "# PROP Output_Dir \"Debug\"\r\n".
827 "# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"Debug\"\r\n".
828 "# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\r\n".
829 "# PROP Target_Dir \"\"\r\n".
830 "# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od ".
831 (join " ", map {"/I \"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_\""} @srcdirs) .
832 " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"_MBCS\" /YX /FD /GZ /c\r\n".
833 "# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od ".
834 (join " ", map {"/I \"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_\""} @srcdirs) .
835 " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"_MBCS\" /YX /FD /GZ /c\r\n".
836 "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n".
837 "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /win32\r\n".
838 "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d \"_DEBUG\"\r\n".
839 "# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d \"_DEBUG\"\r\n".
840 "BSC32=bscmake.exe\r\n".
841 "# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r\n".
842 "# ADD BSC32 /nologo\r\n".
843 "LINK32=link.exe\r\n".
844 "# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:$subsys /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept\r\n".
845 "# ADD LINK32 $libs /nologo /subsystem:$subsys /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept\r\n".
846 "# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none\r\n".
847 "\r\n".
848 "!ENDIF \r\n".
849 "\r\n".
850 "# Begin Target\r\n".
851 "\r\n".
852 "# Name \"$windows_project - Win32 Release\"\r\n".
853 "# Name \"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\"\r\n".
854 "# Begin Group \"Source Files\"\r\n".
855 "\r\n".
856 "# PROP Default_Filter \"cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat\"\r\n";
857 foreach $source_file (@source_files) {
858 print
859 "# Begin Source File\r\n".
860 "\r\n".
861 "SOURCE=..\\..\\$source_file\r\n";
862 if($source_file =~ /ssh\.c/io) {
863 # Disable 'Edit and continue' as Visual Studio can't handle the macros
864 print
865 "\r\n".
866 "!IF \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$windows_project - Win32 Release\"\r\n".
867 "\r\n".
868 "!ELSEIF \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$windows_project - Win32 Debug\"\r\n".
869 "\r\n".
870 "# ADD CPP /Zi\r\n".
871 "\r\n".
872 "!ENDIF \r\n".
873 "\r\n";
874 }
875 print "# End Source File\r\n";
876 }
877 print
878 "# End Group\r\n".
879 "# Begin Group \"Header Files\"\r\n".
880 "\r\n".
881 "# PROP Default_Filter \"h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl\"\r\n";
882 foreach $header_file (@header_files) {
883 print
884 "# Begin Source File\r\n".
885 "\r\n".
886 "SOURCE=..\\..\\$header_file\r\n".
887 "# End Source File\r\n";
888 }
889 print
890 "# End Group\r\n".
891 "# Begin Group \"Resource Files\"\r\n".
892 "\r\n".
893 "# PROP Default_Filter \"ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe\"\r\n";
894 foreach $resource_file (@resources) {
895 print
896 "# Begin Source File\r\n".
897 "\r\n".
898 "SOURCE=..\\..\\$resource_file\r\n".
899 "# End Source File\r\n";
900 }
901 print
902 "# End Group\r\n".
903 "# End Target\r\n".
904 "# End Project\r\n";
905 select STDOUT; close OUT;
906 chdir "..";
907 }
908 }
910 if (defined $makefiles{'gtk'}) {
911 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'gtk'}, "/");
913 ##-- X/GTK/Unix makefile
914 open OUT, ">$makefiles{'gtk'}"; select OUT;
915 print
916 "# Makefile for $project_name under X/GTK and Unix.\n".
917 "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n".
918 "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n";
919 # gcc command line option is -D not /D
920 ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/\1-D/gs;
921 print $_;
922 print
923 "\n".
924 "# You can define this path to point at your tools if you need to\n".
925 "# TOOLPATH = /opt/gcc/bin\n".
926 "CC = \$(TOOLPATH)cc\n".
927 "# If necessary set the path to krb5-config here\n".
928 "KRB5CONFIG=krb5-config\n".
929 "# You can manually set this to `gtk-config' or `pkg-config gtk+-1.2'\n".
930 "# (depending on what works on your system) if you want to enforce\n".
931 "# building with GTK 1.2, or you can set it to `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 x11'\n".
932 "# if you want to enforce 2.0. The default is to try 2.0 and fall back\n".
933 "# to 1.2 if it isn't found.\n".
934 "GTK_CONFIG = sh -c 'pkg-config gtk+-2.0 x11 \$\$0 2>/dev/null || gtk-config \$\$0'\n".
935 "\n".
936 "-include Makefile.local\n".
937 "\n".
938 "unexport CFLAGS # work around a weird issue with krb5-config\n".
939 "\n".
940 &splitline("CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Werror -g " .
941 (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) .
942 " \$(shell \$(GTK_CONFIG) --cflags)").
943 " -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64\n".
944 "XLDFLAGS = \$(LDFLAGS) \$(shell \$(GTK_CONFIG) --libs)\n".
945 "ULDFLAGS = \$(LDFLAGS)\n".
946 "ifeq (,\$(findstring NO_GSSAPI,\$(COMPAT)))\n".
947 "CFLAGS+= \$(shell \$(KRB5CONFIG) --cflags gssapi)\n".
948 "XLDFLAGS+= \$(shell \$(KRB5CONFIG) --libs gssapi)\n".
949 "ULDFLAGS = \$(shell \$(KRB5CONFIG) --libs gssapi)\n".
950 "endif\n".
951 "INSTALL=install\n".
954 "prefix=/usr/local\n".
955 "exec_prefix=\$(prefix)\n".
956 "bindir=\$(exec_prefix)/bin\n".
957 "mandir=\$(prefix)/man\n".
958 "man1dir=\$(mandir)/man1\n".
959 "\n".
960 $makefile_extra{'gtk'}->{'vars'} .
961 "\n".
962 ".SUFFIXES:\n".
963 "\n".
964 "\n";
965 print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("X:U"));
966 print "\n\n";
967 foreach $p (&prognames("X:U")) {
968 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
969 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef);
970 print &splitline($prog . ": " . $objstr), "\n";
971 $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX");
972 print &splitline("\t\$(CC)" . $mw . " -o \$@ " .
973 $objstr . " \$(${type}LDFLAGS) $libstr", 69), "\n\n";
974 }
975 foreach $d (&deps("X.o", undef, $dirpfx, "/", "gtk")) {
976 if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) {
977 printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj});
978 } else {
979 print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj},
980 join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n";
981 }
982 print &splitline("\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c $d->{deps}->[0]\n");
983 }
984 print "\n";
985 print $makefile_extra{'gtk'}->{'end'};
986 print "\nclean:\n".
987 "\trm -f *.o". (join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("X:U")) . "\n";
988 print "\nFORCE:\n";
989 select STDOUT; close OUT;
990 }
992 if (defined $makefiles{'unix'}) {
993 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'unix'}, "/");
995 ##-- GTK-free pure-Unix makefile for non-GUI apps only
996 open OUT, ">$makefiles{'unix'}"; select OUT;
997 print
998 "# Makefile for $project_name under Unix.\n".
999 "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n".
1000 "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n";
1001 # gcc command line option is -D not /D
1002 ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/\1-D/gs;
1003 print $_;
1004 print
1005 "\n".
1006 "# You can define this path to point at your tools if you need to\n".
1007 "# TOOLPATH = /opt/gcc/bin\n".
1008 "CC = \$(TOOLPATH)cc\n".
1009 "# If necessary set the path to krb5-config here\n".
1010 "KRB5CONFIG=krb5-config\n".
1011 "\n".
1012 "-include Makefile.local\n".
1013 "\n".
1014 "unexport CFLAGS # work around a weird issue with krb5-config\n".
1015 "\n".
1016 &splitline("CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Werror -g " .
1017 (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs)).
1018 " -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64\n".
1019 "ULDFLAGS = \$(LDFLAGS)\n".
1020 "ifeq (,\$(findstring NO_GSSAPI,\$(COMPAT)))\n".
1021 "CFLAGS+= \$(shell \$(KRB5CONFIG) --cflags gssapi)\n".
1022 "ULDFLAGS = \$(shell \$(KRB5CONFIG) --libs gssapi)\n".
1023 "endif\n".
1024 "INSTALL=install\n".
1027 "prefix=/usr/local\n".
1028 "exec_prefix=\$(prefix)\n".
1029 "bindir=\$(exec_prefix)/bin\n".
1030 "mandir=\$(prefix)/man\n".
1031 "man1dir=\$(mandir)/man1\n".
1032 "\n".
1033 $makefile_extra{'unix'}->{'vars'} .
1034 "\n".
1035 ".SUFFIXES:\n".
1036 "\n".
1037 "\n";
1038 print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("U"));
1039 print "\n\n";
1040 foreach $p (&prognames("U")) {
1041 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
1042 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef);
1043 print &splitline($prog . ": " . $objstr), "\n";
1044 $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX");
1045 print &splitline("\t\$(CC)" . $mw . " -o \$@ " .
1046 $objstr . " \$(${type}LDFLAGS) $libstr", 69), "\n\n";
1047 }
1048 foreach $d (&deps("X.o", undef, $dirpfx, "/", "unix")) {
1049 if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) {
1050 printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj});
1051 } else {
1052 print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj},
1053 join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n";
1054 }
1055 print &splitline("\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c $d->{deps}->[0]\n");
1056 }
1057 print "\n";
1058 print $makefile_extra{'unix'}->{'end'};
1059 print "\nclean:\n".
1060 "\trm -f *.o". (join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("U")) . "\n";
1061 print "\nFORCE:\n";
1062 select STDOUT; close OUT;
1063 }
1065 if (defined $makefiles{'ac'}) {
1066 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'ac'}, "/");
1068 ##-- Unix/autoconf makefile
1069 open OUT, ">$makefiles{'ac'}"; select OUT;
1070 print
1071 "# Makefile.in for $project_name under Unix with Autoconf.\n".
1072 "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n".
1073 "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n";
1074 # gcc command line option is -D not /D
1075 ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/\1-D/gs;
1076 print $_;
1077 print
1078 "\n".
1079 "CC = \@CC\@\n".
1080 "\n".
1081 &splitline("CFLAGS = \@CFLAGS\@ \@PUTTYCFLAGS\@ \@CPPFLAGS\@ " .
1082 "\@DEFS\@ \@GTK_CFLAGS\@ " .
1083 (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs))."\n".
1084 "XLDFLAGS = \@LDFLAGS\@ \@LIBS\@ \@GTK_LIBS\@\n".
1085 "ULDFLAGS = \@LDFLAGS\@ \@LIBS\@\n".
1086 "INSTALL=\@INSTALL\@\n".
1089 "prefix=\@prefix\@\n".
1090 "exec_prefix=\@exec_prefix\@\n".
1091 "bindir=\@bindir\@\n".
1092 "datarootdir=\@datarootdir\@\n".
1093 "mandir=\@mandir\@\n".
1094 "man1dir=\$(mandir)/man1\n".
1095 "\n".
1096 $makefile_extra{'gtk'}->{'vars'} .
1097 "\n".
1098 ".SUFFIXES:\n".
1099 "\n".
1100 "\n".
1101 "all: \@all_targets\@\n".
1102 &splitline("all-cli:" . join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("U"))."\n".
1103 &splitline("all-gtk:" . join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("X"))."\n";
1104 print "\n";
1105 foreach $p (&prognames("X:U")) {
1106 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
1107 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef);
1108 print &splitline($prog . ": " . $objstr), "\n";
1109 $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX");
1110 print &splitline("\t\$(CC)" . $mw . " -o \$@ " .
1111 $objstr . " \$(${type}LDFLAGS) $libstr", 69), "\n\n";
1112 }
1113 foreach $d (&deps("X.o", undef, $dirpfx, "/", "gtk")) {
1114 if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) {
1115 printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj});
1116 } else {
1117 print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj},
1118 join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n";
1119 }
1120 print &splitline("\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c $d->{deps}->[0]\n");
1121 }
1122 print "\n";
1123 print $makefile_extra{'gtk'}->{'end'};
1124 print "\nclean:\n".
1125 "\trm -f *.o". (join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("X:U")) . "\n";
1126 print "\ndistclean: clean\n".
1127 "\t". &splitline("rm -f config.status config.cache config.log ".
1128 "configure.lineno config.status.lineno Makefile") . "\n";
1129 print "\nFORCE:\n";
1130 select STDOUT; close OUT;
1131 }
1133 if (defined $makefiles{'mpw'}) {
1134 ##-- MPW Makefile
1135 open OUT, ">$makefiles{'mpw'}"; select OUT;
1136 print
1137 "# Makefile for $project_name under MPW.\n#\n".
1138 "# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n".
1139 "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n";
1140 # MPW command line option is -d not /D (FIXME further massaging?)
1141 ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/\1-d /gs;
1142 print $_;
1143 print "\n\n".
1144 "ROptions = `Echo \"{VER}\" | StreamEdit -e \"1,\$ replace /=(\xc5)\xa81\xb0/ 'STR=\xb6\xb6\xb6\xb6\xb6\"' \xa81 '\xb6\xb6\xb6\xb6\xb6\"'\"`".
1145 "\n".
1146 "C_68K = {C}\n".
1147 "C_CFM68K = {C}\n".
1148 "C_PPC = {PPCC}\n".
1149 "C_Carbon = {PPCC}\n".
1150 "\n".
1151 "# -w 35 disables \"unused parameter\" warnings\n".
1152 "COptions = -i : -i :: -i ::charset -w 35 -w err -proto strict -ansi on \xb6\n".
1153 " -notOnce\n".
1154 "COptions_68K = {COptions} -model far -opt time\n".
1155 "# Enabling \"-opt space\" for CFM-68K gives me undefined references to\n".
1156 "# _\$LDIVT and _\$LMODT.\n".
1157 "COptions_CFM68K = {COptions} -model cfmSeg -opt time\n".
1158 "COptions_PPC = {COptions} -opt size -traceback\n".
1159 "COptions_Carbon = {COptions} -opt size -traceback -d TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON\n".
1160 "\n".
1161 "Link_68K = ILink\n".
1162 "Link_CFM68K = ILink\n".
1163 "Link_PPC = PPCLink\n".
1164 "Link_Carbon = PPCLink\n".
1165 "\n".
1166 "LinkOptions = -c 'pTTY'\n".
1167 "LinkOptions_68K = {LinkOptions} -br 68k -model far -compact\n".
1168 "LinkOptions_CFM68K = {LinkOptions} -br 020 -model cfmseg -compact\n".
1169 "LinkOptions_PPC = {LinkOptions}\n".
1170 "LinkOptions_Carbon = -m __appstart -w {LinkOptions}\n".
1171 "\n".
1172 "Libs_68K = \"{CLibraries}StdCLib.far.o\" \xb6\n".
1173 " \"{Libraries}MacRuntime.o\" \xb6\n".
1174 " \"{Libraries}MathLib.far.o\" \xb6\n".
1175 " \"{Libraries}IntEnv.far.o\" \xb6\n".
1176 " \"{Libraries}Interface.o\" \xb6\n".
1177 " \"{Libraries}Navigation.far.o\" \xb6\n".
1178 " \"{Libraries}OpenTransport.o\" \xb6\n".
1179 " \"{Libraries}OpenTransportApp.o\" \xb6\n".
1180 " \"{Libraries}OpenTptInet.o\" \xb6\n".
1181 " \"{Libraries}UnicodeConverterLib.far.o\"\n".
1182 "\n".
1183 "Libs_CFM = \"{SharedLibraries}InterfaceLib\" \xb6\n".
1184 " \"{SharedLibraries}StdCLib\" \xb6\n".
1185 " \"{SharedLibraries}AppearanceLib\" \xb6\n".
1186 " -weaklib AppearanceLib \xb6\n".
1187 " \"{SharedLibraries}NavigationLib\" \xb6\n".
1188 " -weaklib NavigationLib \xb6\n".
1189 " \"{SharedLibraries}TextCommon\" \xb6\n".
1190 " -weaklib TextCommon \xb6\n".
1191 " \"{SharedLibraries}UnicodeConverter\" \xb6\n".
1192 " -weaklib UnicodeConverter\n".
1193 "\n".
1194 "Libs_CFM68K = {Libs_CFM} \xb6\n".
1195 " \"{CFM68KLibraries}NuMacRuntime.o\"\n".
1196 "\n".
1197 "Libs_PPC = {Libs_CFM} \xb6\n".
1198 " \"{SharedLibraries}ControlsLib\" \xb6\n".
1199 " -weaklib ControlsLib \xb6\n".
1200 " \"{SharedLibraries}WindowsLib\" \xb6\n".
1201 " -weaklib WindowsLib \xb6\n".
1202 " \"{SharedLibraries}OpenTransportLib\" \xb6\n".
1203 " -weaklib OTClientLib \xb6\n".
1204 " -weaklib OTClientUtilLib \xb6\n".
1205 " \"{SharedLibraries}OpenTptInternetLib\" \xb6\n".
1206 " -weaklib OTInetClientLib \xb6\n".
1207 " \"{PPCLibraries}StdCRuntime.o\" \xb6\n".
1208 " \"{PPCLibraries}PPCCRuntime.o\" \xb6\n".
1209 " \"{PPCLibraries}CarbonAccessors.o\" \xb6\n".
1210 " \"{PPCLibraries}OpenTransportAppPPC.o\" \xb6\n".
1211 " \"{PPCLibraries}OpenTptInetPPC.o\"\n".
1212 "\n".
1213 "Libs_Carbon = \"{PPCLibraries}CarbonStdCLib.o\" \xb6\n".
1214 " \"{PPCLibraries}StdCRuntime.o\" \xb6\n".
1215 " \"{PPCLibraries}PPCCRuntime.o\" \xb6\n".
1216 " \"{SharedLibraries}CarbonLib\" \xb6\n".
1217 " \"{SharedLibraries}StdCLib\"\n".
1218 "\n";
1219 print &splitline("all \xc4 " . join(" ", &progrealnames("M")), undef, "\xb6");
1220 print "\n\n";
1221 foreach $p (&prognames("M")) {
1222 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
1224 print &splitline("$prog \xc4 $prog.68k $prog.ppc $prog.carbon",
1225 undef, "\xb6"), "\n\n";
1227 $rsrc = &objects($p, "", "X.rsrc", undef);
1229 foreach $arch (qw(68K CFM68K PPC Carbon)) {
1230 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.\L$arch\E.o", "", undef);
1231 print &splitline("$prog.\L$arch\E \xc4 $objstr $rsrc", undef, "\xb6");
1232 print "\n";
1233 print &splitline("\tDuplicate -y $rsrc {Targ}", 69, "\xb6"), "\n";
1234 print &splitline("\t{Link_$arch} -o {Targ} -fragname $prog " .
1235 "{LinkOptions_$arch} " .
1236 $objstr . " {Libs_$arch}", 69, "\xb6"), "\n";
1237 print &splitline("\tSetFile -a BMi {Targ}", 69, "\xb6"), "\n\n";
1238 }
1240 }
1241 foreach $d (&deps("", "X.rsrc", "::", ":", "mpw")) {
1242 next unless $d->{obj};
1243 print &splitline(sprintf("%s \xc4 %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @{$d->{deps}}),
1244 undef, "\xb6"), "\n";
1245 print "\tRez ", $d->{deps}->[0], " -o {Targ} {ROptions}\n\n";
1246 }
1247 foreach $arch (qw(68K CFM68K)) {
1248 foreach $d (&deps("X.\L$arch\E.o", "", "::", ":", "mpw")) {
1249 next unless $d->{obj};
1250 print &splitline(sprintf("%s \xc4 %s", $d->{obj},
1251 join " ", @{$d->{deps}}),
1252 undef, "\xb6"), "\n";
1253 print "\t{C_$arch} ", $d->{deps}->[0],
1254 " -o {Targ} {COptions_$arch}\n\n";
1255 }
1256 }
1257 foreach $arch (qw(PPC Carbon)) {
1258 foreach $d (&deps("X.\L$arch\E.o", "", "::", ":", "mpw")) {
1259 next unless $d->{obj};
1260 print &splitline(sprintf("%s \xc4 %s", $d->{obj},
1261 join " ", @{$d->{deps}}),
1262 undef, "\xb6"), "\n";
1263 # The odd stuff here seems to stop afpd getting confused.
1264 print "\techo -n > {Targ}\n";
1265 print "\tsetfile -t XCOF {Targ}\n";
1266 print "\t{C_$arch} ", $d->{deps}->[0],
1267 " -o {Targ} {COptions_$arch}\n\n";
1268 }
1269 }
1270 select STDOUT; close OUT;
1271 }
1273 if (defined $makefiles{'lcc'}) {
1274 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'lcc'}, "\\");
1276 ##-- lcc makefile
1277 open OUT, ">$makefiles{'lcc'}"; select OUT;
1278 print
1279 "# Makefile for $project_name under lcc.\n".
1280 "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n".
1281 "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n";
1282 # lcc command line option is -D not /D
1283 ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/\1-D/gs;
1284 print $_;
1285 print
1286 "\n".
1287 "# If you rename this file to `Makefile', you should change this line,\n".
1288 "# so that the .rsp files still depend on the correct makefile.\n".
1289 "MAKEFILE = Makefile.lcc\n".
1290 "\n".
1291 "# C compilation flags\n".
1292 "CFLAGS = -D_WINDOWS " .
1293 (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) .
1294 "\n".
1295 "# Resource compilation flags\n".
1296 "RCFLAGS = \n".
1297 "\n".
1298 "# Get include directory for resource compiler\n".
1299 "\n".
1300 $makefile_extra{'lcc'}->{'vars'} .
1301 "\n";
1302 print &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_.exe" } &progrealnames("G:C"));
1303 print "\n\n";
1304 foreach $p (&prognames("G:C")) {
1305 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
1306 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.obj", "X.res", undef);
1307 print &splitline("$prog.exe: " . $objstr ), "\n";
1308 $subsystemtype = undef;
1309 if ($type eq "G") { $subsystemtype = "-subsystem windows"; }
1310 my $libss = "shell32.lib wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib imm32.lib";
1311 print &splitline("\tlcclnk $subsystemtype -o $prog.exe $objstr $libss");
1312 print "\n\n";
1313 }
1315 foreach $d (&deps("X.obj", "X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", "lcc")) {
1316 if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) {
1317 printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj});
1318 } else {
1319 print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj},
1320 join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n";
1321 }
1322 if ($d->{obj} =~ /\.obj$/) {
1323 print &splitline("\tlcc -O -p6 \$(COMPAT)".
1324 " \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) ".$d->{deps}->[0],69)."\n";
1325 } else {
1326 print &splitline("\tlrc \$(RCFL) -r \$(RCFLAGS) ".
1327 $d->{deps}->[0],69)."\n";
1328 }
1329 }
1330 print "\n";
1331 print $makefile_extra{'lcc'}->{'end'};
1332 print "\nclean:\n".
1333 "\t-del *.obj\n".
1334 "\t-del *.exe\n".
1335 "\t-del *.res\n".
1336 "\n".
1337 "FORCE:\n";
1339 select STDOUT; close OUT;
1340 }
1342 if (defined $makefiles{'osx'}) {
1343 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'osx'}, "/");
1345 ##-- Mac OS X makefile
1346 open OUT, ">$makefiles{'osx'}"; select OUT;
1347 print
1348 "# Makefile for $project_name under Mac OS X.\n".
1349 "#\n# This file was created by `mkfiles.pl' from the `Recipe' file.\n".
1350 "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; edit Recipe or mkfiles.pl instead.\n";
1351 # gcc command line option is -D not /D
1352 ($_ = $help) =~ s/([=" ])\/D/\1-D/gs;
1353 print $_;
1354 print
1355 "CC = \$(TOOLPATH)gcc\n".
1356 "\n".
1357 &splitline("CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Werror -g " .
1358 (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs))."\n".
1359 "MLDFLAGS = -framework Cocoa\n".
1360 "ULDFLAGS =\n".
1361 "\n" .
1362 $makefile_extra{'osx'}->{'vars'} .
1363 "\n" .
1364 &splitline("all:" . join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("MX:U")) .
1365 "\n";
1366 foreach $p (&prognames("MX")) {
1367 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
1368 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef);
1369 $icon = &special($p, ".icns");
1370 $infoplist = &special($p, "info.plist");
1371 print "${prog}.app:\n\tmkdir -p \$\@\n";
1372 print "${prog}.app/Contents: ${prog}.app\n\tmkdir -p \$\@\n";
1373 print "${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS: ${prog}.app/Contents\n\tmkdir -p \$\@\n";
1374 $targets = "${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS/$prog";
1375 if (defined $icon) {
1376 print "${prog}.app/Contents/Resources: ${prog}.app/Contents\n\tmkdir -p \$\@\n";
1377 print "${prog}.app/Contents/Resources/${prog}.icns: ${prog}.app/Contents/Resources $icon\n\tcp $icon \$\@\n";
1378 $targets .= " ${prog}.app/Contents/Resources/${prog}.icns";
1379 }
1380 if (defined $infoplist) {
1381 print "${prog}.app/Contents/Info.plist: ${prog}.app/Contents/Resources $infoplist\n\tcp $infoplist \$\@\n";
1382 $targets .= " ${prog}.app/Contents/Info.plist";
1383 }
1384 $targets .= " \$(${prog}_extra)";
1385 print &splitline("${prog}: $targets", 69) . "\n\n";
1386 print &splitline("${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS/$prog: ".
1387 "${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS " . $objstr), "\n";
1388 $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX");
1389 print &splitline("\t\$(CC)" . $mw . " \$(MLDFLAGS) -o \$@ " .
1390 $objstr . " $libstr", 69), "\n\n";
1391 }
1392 foreach $p (&prognames("U")) {
1393 ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
1394 $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef);
1395 print &splitline($prog . ": " . $objstr), "\n";
1396 $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX");
1397 print &splitline("\t\$(CC)" . $mw . " \$(ULDFLAGS) -o \$@ " .
1398 $objstr . " $libstr", 69), "\n\n";
1399 }
1400 foreach $d (&deps("X.o", undef, $dirpfx, "/")) {
1401 if ($forceobj{$d->{obj_orig}}) {
1402 printf("%s: FORCE\n", $d->{obj});
1403 } else {
1404 print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj},
1405 join " ", @{$d->{deps}})), "\n";
1406 }
1407 $firstdep = $d->{deps}->[0];
1408 if ($firstdep =~ /\.c$/) {
1409 print "\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(FWHACK) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c \$<\n";
1410 } elsif ($firstdep =~ /\.m$/) {
1411 print "\t\$(CC) -x objective-c \$(COMPAT) \$(FWHACK) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS) -c \$<\n";
1412 }
1413 }
1414 print "\n".$makefile_extra{'osx'}->{'end'};
1415 print "\nclean:\n".
1416 "\trm -f *.o *.dmg". (join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("U")) . "\n".
1417 "\trm -rf *.app\n";
1418 "\n".
1419 "FORCE:\n";
1420 select STDOUT; close OUT;
1421 }
1423 if (defined $makefiles{'devcppproj'}) {
1424 $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'devcppproj'}, "\\");
1425 $orig_dir = cwd;
1427 ##-- Dev-C++ 5 projects
1428 #
1429 # Note: All files created in this section are written in binary
1430 # mode to prevent any posibility of misinterpreted line endings.
1431 # I don't know if Dev-C++ is as touchy as MSVC with LF-only line
1432 # endings. But however, CRLF line endings are the common way on
1433 # Win32 machines where Dev-C++ is running.
1434 # Hence, in order for mkfiles.pl to generate CRLF project files
1435 # even when run from Unix, I make sure all files are binary and
1436 # explicitly write the CRLFs.
1437 #
1438 # Create directories if necessary
1439 mkdir $makefiles{'devcppproj'}
1440 if(! -d $makefiles{'devcppproj'});
1441 chdir $makefiles{'devcppproj'};
1442 @deps = &deps("X.obj", "X.res", $dirpfx, "\\", "devcppproj");
1443 %all_object_deps = map {$_->{obj} => $_->{deps}} @deps;
1444 # Make dir names FAT/NTFS compatible
1445 my @srcdirs = @srcdirs;
1446 for ($i=0; $i<@srcdirs; $i++) {
1447 $srcdirs[$i] =~ s/\//\\/g;
1448 $srcdirs[$i] =~ s/\\$//;
1449 }
1450 # Create the project files
1451 # Get names of all Windows projects (GUI and console)
1452 my @prognames = &prognames("G:C");
1453 foreach $progname (@prognames) {
1454 create_devcpp_project(\%all_object_deps, $progname);
1455 }
1457 sub create_devcpp_project {
1458 my ($all_object_deps, $progname) = @_;
1459 # Construct program's dependency info (Taken from 'vcproj', seems to work right here, too.)
1460 %seen_objects = ();
1461 %lib_files = ();
1462 %source_files = ();
1463 %header_files = ();
1464 %resource_files = ();
1465 @object_files = split " ", &objects($progname, "X.obj", "X.res", "X.lib");
1466 foreach $object_file (@object_files) {
1467 next if defined $seen_objects{$object_file};
1468 $seen_objects{$object_file} = 1;
1469 if($object_file =~ /\.lib$/io) {
1470 $lib_files{$object_file} = 1;
1471 next;
1472 }
1473 $object_deps = $all_object_deps{$object_file};
1474 foreach $object_dep (@$object_deps) {
1475 if($object_dep =~ /\.c$/io) {
1476 $source_files{$object_dep} = 1;
1477 next;
1478 }
1479 if($object_dep =~ /\.h$/io) {
1480 $header_files{$object_dep} = 1;
1481 next;
1482 }
1483 if($object_dep =~ /\.(rc|ico)$/io) {
1484 $resource_files{$object_dep} = 1;
1485 next;
1486 }
1487 }
1488 }
1489 $libs = join " ", sort keys %lib_files;
1490 @source_files = sort keys %source_files;
1491 @header_files = sort keys %header_files;
1492 @resources = sort keys %resource_files;
1493 ($windows_project, $type) = split ",", $progname;
1494 mkdir $windows_project
1495 if(! -d $windows_project);
1496 chdir $windows_project;
1498 $subsys = ($type eq "G") ? "0" : "1"; # 0 = Win32 GUI, 1 = Win32 Console
1499 open OUT, ">$windows_project.dev"; binmode OUT; select OUT;
1500 print
1501 "# DEV-C++ 5 Project File - $windows_project.dev\r\n".
1502 "# ** DO NOT EDIT **\r\n".
1503 "\r\n".
1504 # No difference between DEBUG and RELEASE here as in 'vcproj', because
1505 # Dev-C++ does not support mutiple compilation profiles in one single project.
1506 # (At least I can say this for Dev-C++ 5 Beta)
1507 "[Project]\r\n".
1508 "FileName=$windows_project.dev\r\n".
1509 "Name=$windows_project\r\n".
1510 "Ver=1\r\n".
1511 "IsCpp=1\r\n".
1512 "Type=$subsys\r\n".
1513 # Multimon is disabled here, as Dev-C++ (Version 5 Beta) does not have multimon.h
1514 "Compiler=-W -D__GNUWIN32__ -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_WINDOWS -DNO_MULTIMON -D_MBCS_\@\@_\r\n".
1515 "CppCompiler=-W -D__GNUWIN32__ -DWIN32 -DNDEBUG -D_WINDOWS -DNO_MULTIMON -D_MBCS_\@\@_\r\n".
1516 "Includes=" . (join ";", map {"..\\..\\$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs) . "\r\n".
1517 "Linker=-ladvapi32 -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -limm32 -lshell32 -luser32 -lwinmm -lwinspool_\@\@_\r\n".
1518 "Libs=\r\n".
1519 "UnitCount=" . (@source_files + @header_files + @resources) . "\r\n".
1520 "Folders=\"Header Files\",\"Resource Files\",\"Source Files\"\r\n".
1521 "ObjFiles=\r\n".
1522 "PrivateResource=${windows_project}_private.rc\r\n".
1523 "ResourceIncludes=..\\..\\..\\WINDOWS\r\n".
1524 "MakeIncludes=\r\n".
1525 "Icon=\r\n". # It's ok to leave this blank.
1526 "ExeOutput=\r\n".
1527 "ObjectOutput=\r\n".
1528 "OverrideOutput=0\r\n".
1529 "OverrideOutputName=$windows_project.exe\r\n".
1530 "HostApplication=\r\n".
1531 "CommandLine=\r\n".
1532 "UseCustomMakefile=0\r\n".
1533 "CustomMakefile=\r\n".
1534 "IncludeVersionInfo=0\r\n".
1535 "SupportXPThemes=0\r\n".
1536 "CompilerSet=0\r\n".
1537 "CompilerSettings=0000000000000000000000\r\n".
1538 "\r\n";
1539 $unit_count = 1;
1540 foreach $source_file (@source_files) {
1541 print
1542 "[Unit$unit_count]\r\n".
1543 "FileName=..\\..\\$source_file\r\n".
1544 "Folder=Source Files\r\n".
1545 "Compile=1\r\n".
1546 "CompileCpp=0\r\n".
1547 "Link=1\r\n".
1548 "Priority=1000\r\n".
1549 "OverrideBuildCmd=0\r\n".
1550 "BuildCmd=\r\n".
1551 "\r\n";
1552 $unit_count++;
1553 }
1554 foreach $header_file (@header_files) {
1555 print
1556 "[Unit$unit_count]\r\n".
1557 "FileName=..\\..\\$header_file\r\n".
1558 "Folder=Header Files\r\n".
1559 "Compile=1\r\n".
1560 "CompileCpp=1\r\n". # Dev-C++ want's to compile all header files with both compilers C and C++. It does not hurt.
1561 "Link=1\r\n".
1562 "Priority=1000\r\n".
1563 "OverrideBuildCmd=0\r\n".
1564 "BuildCmd=\r\n".
1565 "\r\n";
1566 $unit_count++;
1567 }
1568 foreach $resource_file (@resources) {
1569 if ($resource_file =~ /.*\.(ico|cur|bmp|dlg|rc2|rct|bin|rgs|gif|jpg|jpeg|jpe)/io) { # Default filter as in 'vcproj'
1570 $Compile = "0"; # Don't compile images and other binary resource files
1571 $CompileCpp = "0";
1572 } else {
1573 $Compile = "1";
1574 $CompileCpp = "1"; # Dev-C++ want's to compile all .rc files with both compilers C and C++. It does not hurt.
1575 }
1576 print
1577 "[Unit$unit_count]\r\n".
1578 "FileName=..\\..\\$resource_file\r\n".
1579 "Folder=Resource Files\r\n".
1580 "Compile=$Compile\r\n".
1581 "CompileCpp=$CompileCpp\r\n".
1582 "Link=0\r\n".
1583 "Priority=1000\r\n".
1584 "OverrideBuildCmd=0\r\n".
1585 "BuildCmd=\r\n".
1586 "\r\n";
1587 $unit_count++;
1588 }
1589 #Note: By default, [VersionInfo] is not used.
1590 print
1591 "[VersionInfo]\r\n".
1592 "Major=0\r\n".
1593 "Minor=0\r\n".
1594 "Release=1\r\n".
1595 "Build=1\r\n".
1596 "LanguageID=1033\r\n".
1597 "CharsetID=1252\r\n".
1598 "CompanyName=\r\n".
1599 "FileVersion=0.1\r\n".
1600 "FileDescription=\r\n".
1601 "InternalName=\r\n".
1602 "LegalCopyright=\r\n".
1603 "LegalTrademarks=\r\n".
1604 "OriginalFilename=$windows_project.exe\r\n".
1605 "ProductName=$windows_project\r\n".
1606 "ProductVersion=0.1\r\n".
1607 "AutoIncBuildNr=0\r\n";
1608 select STDOUT; close OUT;
1609 chdir "..";
1610 }
1611 }