Import release 0.1.5
[secnet] /
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 # Copyright (C) 2001 Stephen Early <>
3 #
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 # (at your option) any later version.
8 #
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 #
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 """VPN sites file manipulation.
20 This program enables VPN site descriptions to be submitted for
21 inclusion in a central database, and allows the resulting database to
22 be turned into a secnet configuration file.
24 A database file can be turned into a secnet configuration file simply:
25 [infile [outfile]]
27 It would be wise to run secnet with the "--just-check-config" option
28 before installing the output on a live system.
30 The program expects to be invoked via userv to manage the database; it
31 relies on the USERV_USER and USERV_GROUP environment variables. The
32 command line arguments for this invocation are:
34 -u header-filename groupfiles-directory output-file \
35 group
37 All but the last argument are expected to be set by userv; the 'group'
38 argument is provided by the user. A suitable userv configuration file
39 fragment is:
41 reset
42 no-disconnect-hup
43 no-suppress-args
44 cd ~/secnet/sites-test/
45 execute ~/secnet/ -u vpnheader groupfiles sites
47 This program is part of secnet. It relies on the "ipaddr" library from
48 Cendio Systems AB.
50 """
52 import string
53 import time
54 import sys
55 import os
56 import ipaddr
58 VERSION="0.1.5"
60 class vpn:
61 def __init__(self,name):
63 self.allow_defs=0
64 self.locations={}
65 self.defs={}
67 class location:
68 def __init__(self,name,vpn):
71 self.allow_defs=1
72 self.vpn=vpn
73 self.sites={}
74 self.defs={}
76 class site:
77 def __init__(self,name,location):
79 self.allow_defs=1
80 self.location=location
81 self.defs={}
83 class nets:
84 def __init__(self,w):
85 self.w=w
86 self.set=ipaddr.ip_set()
87 for i in w[1:]:
88 x=string.split(i,"/")
89 self.set.append([0],x[1],
90 ipaddr.DEMAND_NETWORK))
91 def subsetof(self,s):
92 # I'd like to do this:
93 # return self.set.is_subset(s)
94 # but there isn't an is_subset() method
95 # Instead we see if we intersect with the complement of s
96 sc=s.set.complement()
97 i=sc.intersection(self.set)
98 return i.is_empty()
99 def out(self):
100 rn=''
101 if (self.w[0]=='restrict-nets'): rn='# '
102 return '%s%s %s;'%(rn,self.w[0],
103 string.join(map(lambda x:'"%s/%s"'%(x.ip_str(),
104 x.mask.netmask_bits_str),
105 self.set.as_list_of_networks()),","))
107 class dhgroup:
108 def __init__(self,w):
109 self.mod=w[1]
110 self.gen=w[2]
111 def out(self):
112 return 'dh diffie-hellman("%s","%s");'%(self.mod,self.gen)
114 class hash:
115 def __init__(self,w):
117 if (!='md5' and!='sha1'):
118 complain("unknown hash type %s"%(
119 def out(self):
120 return 'hash %s;'%(
122 class email:
123 def __init__(self,w):
124 self.addr=w[1]
125 def out(self):
126 return '# Contact email address: <%s>'%(self.addr)
128 class num:
129 def __init__(self,w):
130 self.what=w[0]
131 self.n=string.atol(w[1])
132 def out(self):
133 return '%s %d;'%(self.what,self.n)
135 class address:
136 def __init__(self,w):
137 self.w=w
138 self.adr=w[1]
139 self.port=string.atoi(w[2])
140 if (self.port<1 or self.port>65535):
141 complain("invalid port number")
142 def out(self):
143 return 'address "%s"; port %d;'%(self.adr,self.port)
145 class rsakey:
146 def __init__(self,w):
147 self.l=string.atoi(w[1])
148 self.e=w[2]
149 self.n=w[3]
150 def out(self):
151 return 'key rsa-public("%s","%s");'%(self.e,self.n)
153 class mobileoption:
154 def __init__(self,w):
155 self.w=w
156 def out(self):
157 return '# netlink-options "soft";'
159 def complain(msg):
160 global complaints
161 print ("%s line %d: "%(file,line))+msg
162 complaints=complaints+1
163 def moan(msg):
164 global complaints
165 print msg;
166 complaints=complaints+1
168 # We don't allow redefinition of properties (because that would allow things
169 # like restrict-nets to be redefined, which would be bad)
170 def set(obj,defs,w):
171 if (obj.allow_defs | allow_defs):
172 if (obj.defs.has_key(w[0])):
173 complain("%s is already defined"%(w[0]))
174 else:
175 t=defs[w[0]]
176 obj.defs[w[0]]=t(w)
178 # Process a line of configuration file
179 def pline(i):
180 global allow_defs, group, current_vpn, current_location, current_object
181 w=string.split(i)
182 if len(w)==0: return
183 keyword=w[0]
184 if keyword=='end-definitions':
185 allow_defs=0
186 current_vpn=None
187 current_location=None
188 current_object=None
189 return
190 if keyword=='vpn':
191 if vpns.has_key(w[1]):
192 current_vpn=vpns[w[1]]
193 current_object=current_vpn
194 else:
195 if allow_defs:
196 current_vpn=vpn(w[1])
197 vpns[w[1]]=current_vpn
198 current_object=current_vpn
199 else:
200 complain("no new VPN definitions allowed")
201 return
202 if (current_vpn==None):
203 complain("no VPN defined yet")
204 return
205 # Keywords that can apply at all levels
206 if mldefs.has_key(w[0]):
207 set(current_object,mldefs,w)
208 return
209 if keyword=='location':
210 if (current_vpn.locations.has_key(w[1])):
211 current_location=current_vpn.locations[w[1]]
212 current_object=current_location
213 if (group and not allow_defs and
215 complain(("must be group %s to access "+
216 "location %s")%(,
217 w[1]))
218 else:
219 if allow_defs:
220 if reserved.has_key(w[1]):
221 complain("reserved location name")
222 return
223 current_location=location(w[1],current_vpn)
224 current_vpn.locations[w[1]]=current_location
225 current_object=current_location
226 else:
227 complain("no new location definitions allowed")
228 return
229 if (current_location==None):
230 complain("no locations defined yet")
231 return
232 if keyword=='group':
234 return
235 if keyword=='site':
236 if (current_location.sites.has_key(w[1])):
237 current_object=current_location.sites[w[1]]
238 else:
239 if reserved.has_key(w[1]):
240 complain("reserved site name")
241 return
242 current_object=site(w[1],current_location)
243 current_location.sites[w[1]]=current_object
244 return
245 if keyword=='endsite':
246 if isinstance(current_object,site):
247 current_object=current_object.location
248 else:
249 complain("not currently defining a site")
250 return
251 # Keywords that can only apply to sites
252 if isinstance(current_object,site):
253 if sitedefs.has_key(w[0]):
254 set(current_object,sitedefs,w)
255 return
256 else:
257 if sitedefs.has_key(w[0]):
258 complain("keyword '%s' can only be used in the "
259 "context of a site definition"%(w[0]))
260 return
261 complain("unknown keyword '%s'"%(w[0]))
263 def pfile(name,lines):
264 global file,line
265 file=name
266 line=0
267 for i in lines:
268 line=line+1
269 if (i[0]=='#'): continue
270 if (i[len(i)-1]=='\n'): i=i[:len(i)-1] # strip trailing LF
271 pline(i)
273 def outputsites(w):
274 w.write("# secnet sites file autogenerated by "
275 +"version %s\n"%VERSION)
276 w.write("# %s\n\n"%time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())))
278 # Raw VPN data section of file
279 w.write("vpn-data {\n")
280 for i in vpns.values():
281 w.write(" %s {\n"
282 for d in i.defs.values():
283 w.write(" %s\n"%d.out())
284 w.write("\n")
285 for l in i.locations.values():
286 w.write(" %s {\n"
287 for d in l.defs.values():
288 w.write(" %s\n"%d.out())
289 for s in l.sites.values():
290 w.write(" %s {\n"
291 w.write(' name "%s/%s/%s";\n'%
292 (,,
293 for d in s.defs.values():
294 w.write(" %s\n"%d.out())
295 w.write(" };\n")
296 w.write(" };\n")
297 w.write(" };\n")
298 w.write("};\n")
300 # Per-VPN flattened lists
301 w.write("vpn {\n")
302 for i in vpns.values():
303 w.write(" %s {\n"%(
304 for l in i.locations.values():
305 tmpl="vpn-data/%s/%s/%%s"%(,
306 slist=[]
307 for s in l.sites.values(): slist.append(
308 w.write(" %s %s;\n"%(,string.join(slist,",")))
309 w.write("\n all-sites %s;\n"%
310 string.join(i.locations.keys(),","))
311 w.write(" };\n")
312 w.write("};\n")
314 # Flattened list of sites
315 w.write("all-sites %s;\n"%string.join(map(lambda x:"vpn/%s/all-sites"%
316 x,vpns.keys()),","))
318 # Are we being invoked from userv?
319 service=0
320 # If we are, which group does the caller want to modify?
321 group=None
323 vpns={}
324 allow_defs=1
325 current_vpn=None
326 current_location=None
327 current_object=None
329 line=0
330 file=None
331 complaints=0
333 # Things that can be defined at any level
334 mldefs={
335 'dh':dhgroup,
336 'hash':hash,
337 'contact':email,
338 'key-lifetime':num,
339 'setup-retries':num,
340 'setup-timeout':num,
341 'wait-time':num,
342 'renegotiate-time':num,
343 'restrict-nets':nets
344 }
346 # Things that can only be defined for sites
347 sitedefs={
348 'address':address,
349 'networks':nets,
350 'pubkey':rsakey,
351 'mobile':mobileoption
352 }
354 # Reserved vpn/location/site names
355 reserved={'all-sites':None}
356 reserved.update(mldefs)
357 reserved.update(sitedefs)
359 # Each site must have the following defined at some level:
360 required={
361 'dh':"Diffie-Hellman group",
362 'networks':"network list",
363 'pubkey':"public key",
364 'hash':"hash function"
365 }
367 if len(sys.argv)<2:
368 pfile("stdin",sys.stdin.readlines())
369 of=sys.stdout
370 else:
371 if sys.argv[1]=='-u':
372 if len(sys.argv)!=6:
373 print "Wrong number of arguments"
374 sys.exit(1)
375 service=1
376 header=sys.argv[2]
377 groupfiledir=sys.argv[3]
378 sitesfile=sys.argv[4]
379 group=sys.argv[5]
380 if not os.environ.has_key("USERV_USER"):
381 print "Environment variable USERV_USER not found"
382 sys.exit(1)
383 user=os.environ["USERV_USER"]
384 # Check that group is in USERV_GROUP
385 if not os.environ.has_key("USERV_GROUP"):
386 print "Environment variable USERV_GROUP not found"
387 sys.exit(1)
388 ugs=os.environ["USERV_GROUP"]
389 ok=0
390 for i in string.split(ugs):
391 if group==i: ok=1
392 if not ok:
393 print "caller not in group %s"%group
394 sys.exit(1)
395 f=open(header)
396 headerinput=f.readlines()
397 f.close()
398 pfile(header,headerinput)
399 userinput=sys.stdin.readlines()
400 pfile("user input",userinput)
401 else:
402 if len(sys.argv)>3:
403 print "Too many arguments"
404 sys.exit(1)
405 f=open(sys.argv[1])
406 pfile(sys.argv[1],f.readlines())
407 f.close()
408 of=sys.stdout
409 if len(sys.argv)>2:
410 of=open(sys.argv[2],'w')
412 # Sanity check section
414 # Delete locations that have no sites defined
415 for i in vpns.values():
416 for l in i.locations.keys():
417 if (len(i.locations[l].sites.values())==0):
418 del i.locations[l]
420 # Delete VPNs that have no locations with sites defined
421 for i in vpns.keys():
422 if (len(vpns[i].locations.values())==0):
423 del vpns[i]
425 # Check all sites
426 for i in vpns.values():
427 if i.defs.has_key('restrict-nets'):
428 vr=i.defs['restrict-nets']
429 else:
430 vr=None
431 for l in i.locations.values():
432 if l.defs.has_key('restrict-nets'):
433 lr=l.defs['restrict-nets']
434 if (not lr.subsetof(vr)):
435 moan("location %s/%s restrict-nets is invalid"%
436 (,
437 else:
438 lr=vr
439 for s in l.sites.values():
440 sn="%s/%s/%s"%(,,
441 for r in required.keys():
442 if (not (s.defs.has_key(r) or
443 l.defs.has_key(r) or
444 i.defs.has_key(r))):
445 moan("site %s missing parameter %s"%
446 (sn,r))
447 if s.defs.has_key('restrict-nets'):
448 sr=s.defs['restrict-nets']
449 if (not sr.subsetof(lr)):
450 moan("site %s restrict-nets not valid"%
451 sn)
452 else:
453 sr=lr
454 if not s.defs.has_key('networks'): continue
455 nets=s.defs['networks']
456 if (not nets.subsetof(sr)):
457 moan("site %s networks exceed restriction"%sn)
460 if complaints>0:
461 if complaints==1: print "There was 1 problem."
462 else: print "There were %d problems."%(complaints)
463 sys.exit(1)
465 if service:
466 # Put the user's input into their group file, and rebuild the main
467 # sites file
468 f=open(groupfiledir+"/T"+group,'w')
469 f.write("# Section submitted by user %s, %s\n"%
470 (user,time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))))
471 f.write("# Checked by version %s\n\n"%VERSION)
472 for i in userinput: f.write(i)
473 f.write("\n")
474 f.close()
475 os.rename(groupfiledir+"/T"+group,groupfiledir+"/R"+group)
476 f=open(sitesfile+"-tmp",'w')
477 f.write("# sites file autogenerated by\n")
478 f.write("# generated %s, invoked by %s\n"%
479 (time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())),user))
480 f.write("# use to turn this file into a\n")
481 f.write("# valid /etc/secnet/sites.conf file\n\n")
482 for i in headerinput: f.write(i)
483 files=os.listdir(groupfiledir)
484 for i in files:
485 if i[0]=='R':
486 j=open(groupfiledir+"/"+i)
487 f.write(
488 j.close()
489 f.write("# end of sites file\n")
490 f.close()
491 os.rename(sitesfile+"-tmp",sitesfile)
492 else:
493 outputsites(of)