@@@ import-catacomb-crypto keccak/sha3
[secnet] / crypto-test.c
1 /*
2 * crypto-test.c: common test vector processing
3 */
4 /*
5 * This file is Free Software. It was originally written for secnet.
6 *
7 * Copyright 2017 Mark Wooding
8 *
9 * You may redistribute secnet as a whole and/or modify it under the
10 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
11 * Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
12 * later version.
13 *
14 * You may redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of
15 * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
16 * Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
17 * version.
18 *
19 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 * GNU General Public License for more details.
23 *
24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 * along with this software; if not, see
26 * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.
27 */
29 #include <assert.h>
30 #include <errno.h>
31 #include <ctype.h>
32 #include <stdarg.h>
33 #include <stdio.h>
34 #include <stdlib.h>
35 #include <string.h>
37 #include "secnet.h"
38 #include "util.h"
40 #include "crypto-test.h"
42 /*----- Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------*/
44 static void *xmalloc(size_t sz)
45 {
46 void *p;
48 if (!sz) return 0;
49 p = malloc(sz);
50 if (!p) {
51 fprintf(stderr, "out of memory!\n");
52 exit(2);
53 }
54 return p;
55 }
57 static void *xrealloc(void *p, size_t sz)
58 {
59 void *q;
61 if (!sz) { free(p); return 0; }
62 else if (!p) return xmalloc(sz);
63 q = realloc(p, sz);
64 if (!q) {
65 fprintf(stderr, "out of memory!\n");
66 exit(2);
67 }
68 return q;
69 }
71 static int lno;
73 void bail(const char *msg, ...)
74 {
75 va_list ap;
76 va_start(ap, msg);
77 fprintf(stderr, "unexpected error (line %d): ", lno);
78 vfprintf(stderr, msg, ap);
79 va_end(ap);
80 fputc('\n', stderr);
81 exit(2);
82 }
84 struct linebuf {
85 char *p;
86 size_t sz;
87 };
88 #define LINEBUF_INIT { 0, 0 };
90 static int read_line(struct linebuf *b, FILE *fp)
91 {
92 size_t n = 0;
93 int ch;
95 ch = getc(fp); if (ch == EOF) return EOF;
96 for (;;) {
97 if (n >= b->sz) {
98 b->sz = b->sz ? 2*b->sz : 64;
99 b->p = xrealloc(b->p, b->sz);
100 }
101 if (ch == EOF || ch == '\n') { b->p[n++] = 0; return 0; }
102 b->p[n++] = ch;
103 ch = getc(fp);
104 }
105 }
107 void parse_hex(uint8_t *b, size_t sz, char *p)
108 {
109 size_t n = strlen(p);
110 unsigned i;
111 char bb[3];
113 if (n%2) bail("bad hex (odd number of nibbles)");
114 else if (n/2 != sz) bail("bad hex (want %zu bytes, found %zu)", sz, n/2);
115 while (sz) {
116 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
117 if (!isxdigit((unsigned char)p[i]))
118 bail("bad hex digit `%c'", p[i]);
119 bb[i] = p[i];
120 }
121 bb[2] = 0;
122 p += 2;
123 *b++ = strtoul(bb, 0, 16); sz--;
124 }
125 }
127 void dump_hex(FILE *fp, const uint8_t *b, size_t sz)
128 { while (sz--) fprintf(fp, "%02x", *b++); fputc('\n', fp); }
130 void trivial_regty_init(union regval *v) { ; }
131 void trivial_regty_release(union regval *v) { ; }
133 /* Define some global variables we shouldn't need.
134 *
135 * Annoyingly, `secnet.h' declares static pointers and initializes them to
136 * point to some external variables. At `-O0', GCC doesn't optimize these
137 * away, so there's a link-time dependency on these variables. Define them
138 * here, so that `f25519.c' and `f448.c' can find them.
139 *
140 * (Later GCC has `-Og', which optimizes without making debugging a
141 * nightmare, but I'm not running that version here. Note that `serpent.c'
142 * doesn't have this problem because it defines its own word load and store
143 * operations to cope with its endian weirdness, whereas the field arithmetic
144 * uses `unaligned.h' which manages to include `secnet.h'.)
145 */
146 uint64_t now_global;
147 struct timeval tv_now_global;
149 /* Bletch. sha512.c wants to drag in the world. */
150 void *safe_malloc(size_t size, const char *message) { return xmalloc(size); }
151 list_t *new_closure(closure_t *cl) { abort(); }
152 void dict_add(dict_t *dict, cstring_t key, list_t *val) { abort(); }
154 /* Bletch. util.c is a mess of layers. */
155 int consttime_memeq(const void *s1in, const void *s2in, size_t n)
156 {
157 const uint8_t *s1=s1in, *s2=s2in;
158 register volatile uint8_t accumulator=0;
160 while (n-- > 0) {
161 accumulator |= (*s1++ ^ *s2++);
162 }
163 accumulator |= accumulator >> 4; /* constant-time */
164 accumulator |= accumulator >> 2; /* boolean canonicalisation */
165 accumulator |= accumulator >> 1;
166 accumulator &= 1;
167 accumulator ^= 1;
168 return accumulator;
169 }
171 /*----- Built-in types ----------------------------------------------------*/
173 /* Signed integer. */
175 static void parse_int(union regval *v, char *p)
176 {
177 char *q;
179 errno = 0;
180 v->i = strtol(p, &q, 0);
181 if (*q || errno) bail("bad integer `%s'", p);
182 }
184 static void dump_int(FILE *fp, const union regval *v)
185 { fprintf(fp, "%ld\n", v->i); }
187 static int eq_int(const union regval *v0, const union regval *v1)
188 { return (v0->i == v1->i); }
190 const struct regty regty_int = {
191 trivial_regty_init,
192 parse_int,
193 dump_int,
194 eq_int,
195 trivial_regty_release
196 };
198 /* Unsigned integer. */
200 static void parse_uint(union regval *v, char *p)
201 {
202 char *q;
204 errno = 0;
205 v->u = strtoul(p, &q, 0);
206 if (*q || errno) bail("bad integer `%s'", p);
207 }
209 static void dump_uint(FILE *fp, const union regval *v)
210 { fprintf(fp, "%lu\n", v->u); }
212 static int eq_uint(const union regval *v0, const union regval *v1)
213 { return (v0->u == v1->u); }
215 const struct regty regty_uint = {
216 trivial_regty_init,
217 parse_uint,
218 dump_uint,
219 eq_uint,
220 trivial_regty_release
221 };
223 /* Byte string, as hex. */
225 void allocate_bytes(union regval *v, size_t sz)
226 { v->bytes.p = xmalloc(sz); v->bytes.sz = sz; }
228 static void init_bytes(union regval *v) { v->bytes.p = 0; v->bytes.sz = 0; }
230 static void parse_bytes(union regval *v, char *p)
231 {
232 size_t n = strlen(p);
234 allocate_bytes(v, n/2);
235 parse_hex(v->bytes.p, v->bytes.sz, p);
236 }
238 static void dump_bytes(FILE *fp, const union regval *v)
239 { dump_hex(fp, v->bytes.p, v->bytes.sz); }
241 static int eq_bytes(const union regval *v0, const union regval *v1)
242 {
243 return v0->bytes.sz == v1->bytes.sz &&
244 !memcmp(v0->bytes.p, v1->bytes.p, v0->bytes.sz);
245 }
247 static void release_bytes(union regval *v) { free(v->bytes.p); }
249 const struct regty regty_bytes = {
250 init_bytes,
251 parse_bytes,
252 dump_bytes,
253 eq_bytes,
254 release_bytes
255 };
257 /*----- Core test machinery -----------------------------------------------*/
259 /* Say that a register is `reset' by releasing and then re-initializing it.
260 * While there is a current test, all of that test's registers are
261 * initialized. The input registers are reset at the end of `check', ready
262 * for the next test to load new values. The output registers are reset at
263 * the end of `check_test_output', so that a test runner can run a test
264 * multiple times against the same test input, but with different context
265 * data.
266 */
268 #define REG(rvec, i) \
269 ((struct reg *)((unsigned char *)state->rvec + (i)*state->regsz))
271 void check_test_output(struct test_state *state, const struct test *test)
272 {
273 const struct regdef *def;
274 struct reg *reg, *in, *out;
275 int ok = 1;
276 int match;
278 for (def = test->regs; def->name; def++) {
279 if (def->i >= state->nrout) continue;
280 in = REG(in, def->i); out = REG(out, def->i);
281 if (!def->ty->eq(&in->v, &out->v)) ok = 0;
282 }
283 if (ok)
284 state->win++;
285 else {
286 printf("failed test `%s'\n", test->name);
287 for (def = test->regs; def->name; def++) {
288 in = REG(in, def->i);
289 if (def->i >= state->nrout) {
290 printf("\t input `%s' = ", def->name);
291 def->ty->dump(stdout, &in->v);
292 } else {
293 out = REG(out, def->i);
294 match = def->ty->eq(&in->v, &out->v);
295 printf("\t%s `%s' = ",
296 match ? " output" : "expected", def->name);
297 def->ty->dump(stdout, &in->v);
298 if (!match) {
299 printf("\tcomputed `%s' = ", def->name);
300 def->ty->dump(stdout, &out->v);
301 }
302 }
303 }
304 state->lose++;
305 }
307 for (def = test->regs; def->name; def++) {
308 if (def->i >= state->nrout) continue;
309 reg = REG(out, def->i);
310 def->ty->release(&reg->v); def->ty->init(&reg->v);
311 }
312 }
314 void run_test(struct test_state *state, const struct test *test)
315 {
316 test->fn(state->out, state->in, 0);
317 check_test_output(state, test);
318 }
320 static void check(struct test_state *state, const struct test *test)
321 {
322 const struct regdef *def, *miss = 0;
323 struct reg *reg;
324 int any = 0;
326 if (!test) return;
327 for (def = test->regs; def->name; def++) {
328 reg = REG(in, def->i);
329 if (reg->f&REGF_LIVE) any = 1;
330 else if (!miss && !(def->f&REGF_OPT)) miss = def;
331 }
332 if (!any) return;
333 if (miss)
334 bail("register `%s' not set in test `%s'", def->name, test->name);
336 test->run(state, test);
338 for (def = test->regs; def->name; def++) {
339 reg = REG(in, def->i);
340 reg->f = 0; def->ty->release(&reg->v); def->ty->init(&reg->v);
341 }
342 }
344 int run_test_suite(unsigned nrout, unsigned nreg, size_t regsz,
345 const struct test *tests, FILE *fp)
346 {
347 struct linebuf buf = LINEBUF_INIT;
348 struct test_state state[1];
349 const struct test *test;
350 const struct regdef *def;
351 struct reg *reg;
352 char *p;
353 const char *q;
354 int total;
355 size_t n;
357 for (test = tests; test->name; test++)
358 for (def = test->regs; def->name; def++)
359 assert(def->i < nreg);
361 state->in = xmalloc(nreg*regsz);
362 state->out = xmalloc(nrout*regsz);
363 state->nrout = nrout;
364 state->nreg = nreg;
365 state->regsz = regsz;
366 state->win = state->lose = 0;
368 test = 0;
369 lno = 0;
370 while (!read_line(&buf, fp)) {
371 lno++;
372 p = buf.p; n = strlen(buf.p);
374 while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
375 if (*p == '#') continue;
376 if (!*p) { check(state, test); continue; }
378 q = p;
379 while (*p && !isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
380 if (*p) *p++ = 0;
382 if (!strcmp(q, "test")) {
383 if (!*p) bail("missing argument");
384 check(state, test);
385 if (test) {
386 for (def = test->regs; def->name; def++) {
387 def->ty->release(&REG(in, def->i)->v);
388 if (def->i < state->nrout)
389 def->ty->release(&REG(out, def->i)->v);
390 }
391 }
392 for (test = tests; test->name; test++)
393 if (!strcmp(p, test->name)) goto found_test;
394 bail("unknown test `%s'", p);
395 found_test:
396 for (def = test->regs; def->name; def++) {
397 reg = REG(in, def->i);
398 reg->f = 0; def->ty->init(&reg->v);
399 if (def->i < state->nrout) {
400 reg = REG(out, def->i);
401 reg->f = 0; def->ty->init(&reg->v);
402 }
403 }
404 continue;
405 }
407 if (!test) bail("no current test");
408 for (def = test->regs; def->name; def++)
409 if (!strcmp(q, def->name)) goto found_reg;
410 bail("unknown register `%s' in test `%s'", q, test->name);
411 found_reg:
412 reg = REG(in, def->i);
413 if (reg->f&REGF_LIVE) bail("register `%s' already set", def->name);
414 def->ty->parse(&reg->v, p); reg->f |= REGF_LIVE;
415 }
416 check(state, test);
418 total = state->win + state->lose;
419 if (!state->lose)
420 printf("PASSED all %d test%s\n", state->win, total == 1 ? "" : "s");
421 else
422 printf("FAILED %d of %d test%s\n", state->lose, total,
423 total == 1 ? "" : "s");
424 return state->lose ? 1 : 0;
425 }