Import implementations of X25519 and X448 from Catacomb.
[secnet] / eax-test.c
1 /*
2 * eax-test.c: test harness for EAX, implementation
3 */
4 /*
5 * This file is Free Software. It was originally written for secnet.
6 *
7 * Copyright 2013 Ian Jackson
8 * Copyright 2013 Mark Wooding
9 *
10 * You may redistribute secnet as a whole and/or modify it under the
11 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
12 * Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
13 * later version.
14 *
15 * You may redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of
16 * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
17 * Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
18 * version.
19 *
20 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 * GNU General Public License for more details.
24 *
25 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 * along with this software; if not, see
27 *
28 */
30 /*
31 * usages:
32 * ./eax-foo-test <eax-foo-test.vectors
33 * runs the test vectors, regenerates the file on stdout
34 * grep -v CIPHER <eax-foo-test.vectors | ./eax-foo-test
35 * generates output with CIPHER lines reinserted
36 * All errors result in calls to abort().
37 */
39 #include "eax-test.h"
41 struct valbuf {
42 _Bool got;
43 uint8_t v[1024];
44 size_t len;
45 };
46 #define V(vb) ((vb).v), ((vb).len)
48 static struct valbuf msg, key, nonce, header, cipher, ourcipher, returnplain;
49 static size_t tau;
51 static void trydecrypt(_Bool expected)
52 {
53 _Bool actual = eax_decrypt(-1, V(nonce), V(header), V(ourcipher), tau,
54 returnplain.v);
55 assert(actual == expected);
56 if (actual) {
57 returnplain.len = ourcipher.len - tau;
58 assert(returnplain.len == msg.len);
59 assert(!memcmp(returnplain.v, msg.v, msg.len));
60 }
61 }
63 static void negtest(struct valbuf *perturb)
64 {
65 unsigned delta = 0x04;
66 size_t i;
67 for (i=0; i<perturb->len; i++) {
68 perturb->v[i] ^= delta;
69 trydecrypt(0);
70 perturb->v[i] ^= delta;
71 }
72 }
74 static void something(void)
75 {
76 if (! return;
77 assert(;
78 assert(;
79 assert(;
80 eaxtest_blockcipher_key_setup(V(key));
81 eax_setup(-1);
82 if ( {
83 assert(cipher.len > msg.len);
84 tau = cipher.len - msg.len;
85 assert(tau <= blocksize);
86 } else {
87 assert(msg.len + blocksize < sizeof(ourcipher.v));
88 tau = blocksize;
89 }
90 ourcipher.len = msg.len + tau;
91 eax_encrypt(-1, V(nonce), V(header), V(msg), tau, ourcipher.v);
92 if ( {
93 assert(ourcipher.len == cipher.len);
94 assert(!memcmp(ourcipher.v, cipher.v, cipher.len));
95 trydecrypt(1);
96 negtest(&ourcipher);
97 negtest(&header);
98 } else {
99 size_t i;
100 printf("CIPHER: ");
101 for (i=0; i<ourcipher.len; i++)
102 printf("%02X", ourcipher.v[i]);
103 putchar('\n');
104 }
106 }
108 static int getputchar(void)
109 {
110 int c = getchar();
111 assert(c != EOF);
112 putchar(c);
113 return c;
114 }
116 int main(int argc, const char *const *argv)
117 {
118 struct valbuf *cv;
120 assert(argc==1);
122 for (;;) {
123 int c = getchar();
124 switch (c) {
125 case 'M': something(); cv = &msg; putchar(c); break;
126 case 'K': cv = &key; putchar(c); break;
127 case 'N': cv = &nonce; putchar(c); break;
128 case 'H': cv = &header; putchar(c); break;
129 case 'C': cv = &cipher; putchar(c); break;
130 case '\n': putchar(c); continue;
131 case EOF: something(); exit(0);
132 default: assert(!"unexpected input");
133 }
134 cv->got = 1;
135 cv->len = 0;
136 for (;;) {
137 c = getputchar();
138 if (c == ':') break;
139 assert(isalpha(c));
140 }
141 for (;;) {
142 char hbuf[3], *ep;
143 c = getputchar();
144 if (c == '\n') break;
145 if (isspace(c)) continue;
146 assert(isprint(c));
147 hbuf[0] = c;
148 c = getputchar();
149 assert(isprint(c));
150 hbuf[1] = c;
151 hbuf[2] = 0;
152 assert(cv->len < sizeof(cv->v));
153 cv->v[cv->len++] = strtoul(hbuf,&ep,16);
154 assert(!*ep);
155 }
156 }
157 assert(!ferror(stdin));
158 assert(feof(stdin));
159 assert(!ferror(stdout));
160 assert(!fflush(stdout));
161 return 0;
162 }