slip: Buffer management (max_start_pad) fixes
[secnet] / log.c
1 #include "secnet.h"
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include <stdlib.h>
5 #include <time.h>
6 #include <errno.h>
7 #include <syslog.h>
8 #include <assert.h>
9 #include <unistd.h>
10 #include "process.h"
11 #include "util.h"
13 bool_t secnet_is_daemon=False;
14 uint32_t message_level=M_WARNING|M_ERR|M_SECURITY|M_FATAL;
15 struct log_if *system_log=NULL;
17 static void vMessageFallback(uint32_t class, const char *message, va_list args)
18 FORMAT(printf,2,0);
19 static void vMessageFallback(uint32_t class, const char *message, va_list args)
20 {
21 FILE *dest=stdout;
22 /* Messages go to stdout/stderr */
23 if (class & message_level) {
24 if (class&M_FATAL || class&M_ERR || class&M_WARNING) {
25 dest=stderr;
26 }
27 vfprintf(dest,message,args);
28 }
29 }
31 static void vMessage(uint32_t class, const char *message, va_list args)
32 {
33 #define MESSAGE_BUFLEN 1023
34 static char buff[MESSAGE_BUFLEN+1]={0,};
35 size_t bp;
36 char *nlp;
38 if (system_log) {
39 /* Messages go to the system log interface */
40 bp=strlen(buff);
41 assert(bp < MESSAGE_BUFLEN);
42 vsnprintf(buff+bp,MESSAGE_BUFLEN-bp,message,args);
43 buff[sizeof(buff)-2] = '\n';
44 buff[sizeof(buff)-1] = '\0';
45 /* Each line is sent separately */
46 while ((nlp=strchr(buff,'\n'))) {
47 *nlp=0;
48 slilog(system_log,class,"%s",buff);
49 memmove(buff,nlp+1,strlen(nlp+1)+1);
50 }
51 } else {
52 vMessageFallback(class,message,args);
53 }
54 }
56 void Message(uint32_t class, const char *message, ...)
57 {
58 va_list ap;
60 va_start(ap,message);
61 vMessage(class,message,ap);
62 va_end(ap);
63 }
65 static void MessageFallback(uint32_t class, const char *message, ...)
66 FORMAT(printf,2,3);
67 static void MessageFallback(uint32_t class, const char *message, ...)
68 {
69 va_list ap;
71 va_start(ap,message);
72 vMessageFallback(class,message,ap);
73 va_end(ap);
74 }
76 static NORETURN(vfatal(int status, bool_t perror, const char *message,
77 va_list args));
79 static void vfatal(int status, bool_t perror, const char *message,
80 va_list args)
81 {
82 int err;
84 err=errno;
86 enter_phase(PHASE_SHUTDOWN);
87 Message(M_FATAL, "secnet fatal error: ");
88 vMessage(M_FATAL, message, args);
89 if (perror)
90 Message(M_FATAL, ": %s\n",strerror(err));
91 else
92 Message(M_FATAL, "\n");
93 exit(status);
94 }
96 void fatal(const char *message, ...)
97 {
98 va_list args;
99 va_start(args,message);
100 vfatal(current_phase,False,message,args);
101 va_end(args);
102 }
104 void fatal_status(int status, const char *message, ...)
105 {
106 va_list args;
107 va_start(args,message);
108 vfatal(status,False,message,args);
109 va_end(args);
110 }
112 void fatal_perror(const char *message, ...)
113 {
114 va_list args;
115 va_start(args,message);
116 vfatal(current_phase,True,message,args);
117 va_end(args);
118 }
120 void fatal_perror_status(int status, const char *message, ...)
121 {
122 va_list args;
123 va_start(args,message);
124 vfatal(status,True,message,args);
125 va_end(args);
126 }
128 void vcfgfatal_maybefile(FILE *maybe_f /* or 0 */, struct cloc loc,
129 cstring_t facility, const char *message, va_list args)
130 {
131 enter_phase(PHASE_SHUTDOWN);
133 if (maybe_f && ferror(maybe_f)) {
134 assert(loc.file);
135 Message(M_FATAL, "error reading config file (%s, %s): %s",
136 facility, loc.file, strerror(errno));
137 } else if (maybe_f && feof(maybe_f)) {
138 assert(loc.file);
139 Message(M_FATAL, "unexpected end of config file (%s, %s)",
140 facility, loc.file);
141 } else if (loc.file && loc.line) {
142 Message(M_FATAL, "config error (%s, %s:%d): ",facility,loc.file,
143 loc.line);
144 } else if (!loc.file && loc.line) {
145 Message(M_FATAL, "config error (%s, line %d): ",facility,loc.line);
146 } else {
147 Message(M_FATAL, "config error (%s): ",facility);
148 }
150 vMessage(M_FATAL,message,args);
151 exit(current_phase);
152 }
154 void cfgfatal_maybefile(FILE *maybe_f, struct cloc loc, cstring_t facility,
155 const char *message, ...)
156 {
157 va_list args;
159 va_start(args,message);
160 vcfgfatal_maybefile(maybe_f,loc,facility,message,args);
161 va_end(args);
162 }
164 void cfgfatal(struct cloc loc, cstring_t facility, const char *message, ...)
165 {
166 va_list args;
168 va_start(args,message);
169 vcfgfatal_maybefile(0,loc,facility,message,args);
170 va_end(args);
171 }
173 void cfgfile_postreadcheck(struct cloc loc, FILE *f)
174 {
175 assert(loc.file);
176 if (ferror(f)) {
177 Message(M_FATAL, "error reading config file (%s): %s\n",
178 loc.file, strerror(errno));
179 exit(current_phase);
180 } else if (feof(f)) {
181 Message(M_FATAL, "unexpected end of config file (%s)\n", loc.file);
182 exit(current_phase);
183 }
184 }
186 /* Take a list of log closures and merge them */
187 struct loglist {
188 struct log_if *l;
189 struct loglist *next;
190 };
192 static void log_vmulti(void *sst, int class, const char *message, va_list args)
193 {
194 struct loglist *st=sst, *i;
196 if (secnet_is_daemon) {
197 for (i=st; i; i=i->next) {
198 vslilog(i->l,class,message,args);
199 }
200 } else {
201 vMessage(class,message,args);
202 Message(class,"\n");
203 }
204 }
206 static void log_multi(void *st, int priority, const char *message, ...)
207 FORMAT(printf,3,4);
208 static void log_multi(void *st, int priority, const char *message, ...)
209 {
210 va_list ap;
212 va_start(ap,message);
213 log_vmulti(st,priority,message,ap);
214 va_end(ap);
215 }
217 struct log_if *init_log(list_t *ll)
218 {
219 int i=0;
220 item_t *item;
221 closure_t *cl;
222 struct loglist *l=NULL, *n;
223 struct log_if *r;
225 if (list_length(ll)==1) {
226 item=list_elem(ll,0);
227 cl=item->data.closure;
228 if (cl->type!=CL_LOG) {
229 cfgfatal(item->loc,"init_log","closure is not a logger");
230 }
231 return cl->interface;
232 }
233 while ((item=list_elem(ll,i++))) {
234 if (item->type!=t_closure) {
235 cfgfatal(item->loc,"init_log","item is not a closure");
236 }
237 cl=item->data.closure;
238 if (cl->type!=CL_LOG) {
239 cfgfatal(item->loc,"init_log","closure is not a logger");
240 }
241 n=safe_malloc(sizeof(*n),"init_log");
242 n->l=cl->interface;
243 n->next=l;
244 l=n;
245 }
246 if (!l) {
247 fatal("init_log: no log");
248 }
249 r=safe_malloc(sizeof(*r), "init_log");
250 r->st=l;
251 r->logfn=log_multi;
252 r->vlogfn=log_vmulti;
253 return r;
254 }
256 struct logfile {
257 closure_t cl;
258 struct log_if ops;
259 struct cloc loc;
260 string_t logfile;
261 uint32_t level;
262 FILE *f;
263 };
265 static cstring_t months[]={
266 "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"};
268 static void logfile_vlog(void *sst, int class, const char *message,
269 va_list args)
270 {
271 struct logfile *st=sst;
272 time_t t;
273 struct tm *tm;
275 if (secnet_is_daemon && st->f) {
276 if (class&st->level) {
277 t=time(NULL);
278 tm=localtime(&t);
279 fprintf(st->f,"%s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d ",
280 months[tm->tm_mon],tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,
281 tm->tm_sec);
282 vfprintf(st->f,message,args);
283 fprintf(st->f,"\n");
284 fflush(st->f);
285 }
286 } else {
287 vMessageFallback(class,message,args);
288 MessageFallback(class,"\n");
289 }
290 }
292 static void logfile_log(void *state, int class, const char *message, ...)
293 FORMAT(printf,3,4);
294 static void logfile_log(void *state, int class, const char *message, ...)
295 {
296 va_list ap;
298 va_start(ap,message);
299 logfile_vlog(state,class,message,ap);
300 va_end(ap);
301 }
303 static void logfile_hup_notify(void *sst, int signum)
304 {
305 struct logfile *st=sst;
306 FILE *f;
307 f=fopen(st->logfile,"a");
308 if (!f) {
309 logfile_log(st,M_FATAL,"received SIGHUP, but could not reopen "
310 "logfile: %s",strerror(errno));
311 } else {
312 fclose(st->f);
313 st->f=f;
314 logfile_log(st,M_INFO,"received SIGHUP");
315 }
316 }
318 static void logfile_phase_hook(void *sst, uint32_t new_phase)
319 {
320 struct logfile *st=sst;
321 FILE *f;
323 if (background) {
324 f=fopen(st->logfile,"a");
325 if (!f) fatal_perror("logfile (%s:%d): cannot open \"%s\"",
326 st->loc.file,st->loc.line,st->logfile);
327 st->f=f;
328 request_signal_notification(SIGHUP, logfile_hup_notify,st);
329 }
330 }
332 static struct flagstr message_class_table[]={
333 { "debug-config", M_DEBUG_CONFIG },
334 { "debug-phase", M_DEBUG_PHASE },
335 { "debug", M_DEBUG },
336 { "all-debug", M_DEBUG|M_DEBUG_PHASE|M_DEBUG_CONFIG },
337 { "info", M_INFO },
338 { "notice", M_NOTICE },
339 { "warning", M_WARNING },
340 { "error", M_ERR },
341 { "security", M_SECURITY },
342 { "fatal", M_FATAL },
343 { "default", M_WARNING|M_ERR|M_SECURITY|M_FATAL },
345 { "quiet", M_FATAL },
346 { NULL, 0 }
347 };
349 static list_t *logfile_apply(closure_t *self, struct cloc loc, dict_t *context,
350 list_t *args)
351 {
352 struct logfile *st;
353 item_t *item;
354 dict_t *dict;
356 /* We should defer opening the logfile until the getresources
357 phase. We should defer writing into the logfile until after we
358 become a daemon. */
360 st=safe_malloc(sizeof(*st),"logfile_apply");
361 st->cl.description="logfile";
362 st->cl.type=CL_LOG;
363 st->cl.apply=NULL;
364 st->cl.interface=&st->ops;
365 st->;
366 st->ops.logfn=logfile_log;
367 st->ops.vlogfn=logfile_vlog;
368 st->loc=loc;
369 st->f=NULL;
371 item=list_elem(args,0);
372 if (!item || item->type!=t_dict) {
373 cfgfatal(loc,"logfile","argument must be a dictionary\n");
374 }
375 dict=item->data.dict;
377 st->logfile=dict_read_string(dict,"filename",True,"logfile",loc);
378 st->level=string_list_to_word(dict_lookup(dict,"class"),
379 message_class_table,"logfile");
381 add_hook(PHASE_GETRESOURCES,logfile_phase_hook,st);
383 return new_closure(&st->cl);
384 }
386 struct syslog {
387 closure_t cl;
388 struct log_if ops;
389 string_t ident;
390 int facility;
391 bool_t open;
392 };
394 static int msgclass_to_syslogpriority(uint32_t m)
395 {
396 switch (m) {
397 case M_DEBUG_CONFIG: return LOG_DEBUG;
398 case M_DEBUG_PHASE: return LOG_DEBUG;
399 case M_DEBUG: return LOG_DEBUG;
400 case M_INFO: return LOG_INFO;
401 case M_NOTICE: return LOG_NOTICE;
402 case M_WARNING: return LOG_WARNING;
403 case M_ERR: return LOG_ERR;
404 case M_SECURITY: return LOG_CRIT;
405 case M_FATAL: return LOG_EMERG;
406 default: return LOG_NOTICE;
407 }
408 }
410 static void syslog_vlog(void *sst, int class, const char *message,
411 va_list args)
412 FORMAT(printf,3,0);
413 static void syslog_vlog(void *sst, int class, const char *message,
414 va_list args)
415 {
416 struct syslog *st=sst;
418 if (st->open)
419 vsyslog(msgclass_to_syslogpriority(class),message,args);
420 else {
421 vMessageFallback(class,message,args);
422 MessageFallback(class,"\n");
423 }
424 }
426 static void syslog_log(void *sst, int priority, const char *message, ...)
427 FORMAT(printf,3,4);
428 static void syslog_log(void *sst, int priority, const char *message, ...)
429 {
430 va_list ap;
432 va_start(ap,message);
433 syslog_vlog(sst,priority,message,ap);
434 va_end(ap);
435 }
437 static struct flagstr syslog_facility_table[]={
438 #ifdef LOG_AUTH
439 { "auth", LOG_AUTH },
440 #endif
441 #ifdef LOG_AUTHPRIV
442 { "authpriv", LOG_AUTHPRIV },
443 #endif
444 { "cron", LOG_CRON },
445 { "daemon", LOG_DAEMON },
446 { "kern", LOG_KERN },
447 { "local0", LOG_LOCAL0 },
448 { "local1", LOG_LOCAL1 },
449 { "local2", LOG_LOCAL2 },
450 { "local3", LOG_LOCAL3 },
451 { "local4", LOG_LOCAL4 },
452 { "local5", LOG_LOCAL5 },
453 { "local6", LOG_LOCAL6 },
454 { "local7", LOG_LOCAL7 },
455 { "lpr", LOG_LPR },
456 { "mail", LOG_MAIL },
457 { "news", LOG_NEWS },
458 { "syslog", LOG_SYSLOG },
459 { "user", LOG_USER },
460 { "uucp", LOG_UUCP },
461 { NULL, 0 }
462 };
464 static void syslog_phase_hook(void *sst, uint32_t newphase)
465 {
466 struct syslog *st=sst;
468 if (background) {
469 openlog(st->ident,0,st->facility);
470 st->open=True;
471 }
472 }
474 static list_t *syslog_apply(closure_t *self, struct cloc loc, dict_t *context,
475 list_t *args)
476 {
477 struct syslog *st;
478 dict_t *d;
479 item_t *item;
480 string_t facstr;
482 st=safe_malloc(sizeof(*st),"syslog_apply");
483 st->cl.description="syslog";
484 st->cl.type=CL_LOG;
485 st->cl.apply=NULL;
486 st->cl.interface=&st->ops;
487 st->;
488 st->ops.logfn=syslog_log;
489 st->ops.vlogfn=syslog_vlog;
491 item=list_elem(args,0);
492 if (!item || item->type!=t_dict)
493 cfgfatal(loc,"syslog","parameter must be a dictionary\n");
494 d=item->data.dict;
496 st->ident=dict_read_string(d, "ident", False, "syslog", loc);
497 facstr=dict_read_string(d, "facility", True, "syslog", loc);
498 st->facility=string_to_word(facstr,loc,
499 syslog_facility_table,"syslog");
500 st->open=False;
501 add_hook(PHASE_GETRESOURCES,syslog_phase_hook,st);
503 return new_closure(&st->cl);
504 }
506 /* Read from a fd and output to a log. This is a quick hack to
507 support logging stderr, and needs code adding to tidy up before it
508 can be used for anything else. */
509 #define FDLOG_BUFSIZE 1024
510 struct fdlog {
511 struct log_if *log;
512 int fd;
513 cstring_t prefix;
514 string_t buffer;
515 int i;
516 bool_t finished;
517 };
519 static int log_from_fd_beforepoll(void *sst, struct pollfd *fds, int *nfds_io,
520 int *timeout_io)
521 {
522 struct fdlog *st=sst;
523 if (!st->finished) {
524 *nfds_io=1;
525 fds[0].fd=st->fd;
526 fds[0].events=POLLIN;
527 }
528 return 0;
529 }
531 static void log_from_fd_afterpoll(void *sst, struct pollfd *fds, int nfds)
532 {
533 struct fdlog *st=sst;
534 int r,remain,i;
536 if (nfds==0) return;
537 if (fds[0].revents&POLLERR) {
538 st->finished=True;
539 }
540 if (fds[0].revents&POLLIN) {
541 remain=FDLOG_BUFSIZE-st->i-1;
542 if (remain<=0) {
543 st->buffer[FDLOG_BUFSIZE-1]=0;
544 slilog(st->log,M_WARNING,"%s: overlong line: %s",
545 st->prefix,st->buffer);
546 st->i=0;
547 remain=FDLOG_BUFSIZE-1;
548 }
549 r=read(st->fd,st->buffer+st->i,remain);
550 if (r>0) {
551 st->i+=r;
552 for (i=0; i<st->i; i++) {
553 if (st->buffer[i]=='\n') {
554 st->buffer[i]=0;
555 slilog(st->log,M_INFO,"%s: %s",
556 st->prefix,st->buffer);
557 i++;
558 memmove(st->buffer,st->buffer+i,st->i-i);
559 st->i-=i;
560 i=-1;
561 }
562 }
563 } else {
564 Message(M_WARNING,"log_from_fd: %s\n",strerror(errno));
565 st->finished=True;
566 }
567 }
568 }
570 void log_from_fd(int fd, cstring_t prefix, struct log_if *log)
571 {
572 struct fdlog *st;
574 st=safe_malloc(sizeof(*st),"log_from_fd");
575 st->log=log;
576 st->fd=fd;
577 st->prefix=prefix;
578 st->buffer=safe_malloc(FDLOG_BUFSIZE,"log_from_fd");
579 st->i=0;
580 st->finished=False;
582 register_for_poll(st,log_from_fd_beforepoll,log_from_fd_afterpoll,1,
583 prefix);
584 }
586 void log_module(dict_t *dict)
587 {
588 add_closure(dict,"logfile",logfile_apply);
589 add_closure(dict,"syslog",syslog_apply);
590 }