xdh.c: New module defining elliptic curve Diffie--Hellman functions.
[secnet] / xdh-test.c
1 /*
2 * xdh-test.c: test harness elliptic-curve Diffie--Hellman
3 *
4 * (The implementations originally came with different test arrangements,
5 * with complicated external dependencies. This file replicates the original
6 * tests, but without the dependencies.)
7 */
8 /*
9 * This file is Free Software. It was originally written for secnet.
10 *
11 * Copyright 2017 Mark Wooding
12 *
13 * You may redistribute secnet as a whole and/or modify it under the
14 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
15 * Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
16 * later version.
17 *
18 * You may redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of
19 * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
20 * Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
21 * version.
22 *
23 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26 * GNU General Public License for more details.
27 *
28 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
29 * along with this software; if not, see
30 * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.
31 */
33 #include <assert.h>
34 #include <errno.h>
35 #include <ctype.h>
36 #include <stdarg.h>
37 #include <stdint.h>
38 #include <stdio.h>
39 #include <stdlib.h>
40 #include <string.h>
42 #include "secnet.h"
44 #include "f25519.h"
45 #include "fgoldi.h"
47 #include "x25519.h"
48 #include "x448.h"
50 #define GLUE(x, y) GLUE_(x, y)
51 #define GLUE_(x, y) x##y
52 #define FIELDOP(op) GLUE(FIELD, _##op)
54 #define f25519_FESZ 32u
55 #define fgoldi_FESZ 56u
57 /* Define some global variables we shouldn't need.
58 *
59 * Annoyingly, `secnet.h' declares static pointers and initializes them to
60 * point to some external variables. At `-O0', GCC doesn't optimize these
61 * away, so there's a link-time dependency on these variables. Define them
62 * here, so that `f25519.c' and `f448.c' can find them.
63 *
64 * (Later GCC has `-Og', which optimizes without making debugging a
65 * nightmare, but I'm not running that version here. Note that `serpent.c'
66 * doesn't have this problem because it defines its own word load and store
67 * operations to cope with its endian weirdness, whereas the field arithmetic
68 * uses `unaligned.h' which manages to include `secnet.h'.)
69 */
70 uint64_t now_global;
71 struct timeval tv_now_global;
73 union reg {
74 long i;
75 unsigned long u;
76 uint8_t fe[FIELDOP(FESZ)];
77 };
79 struct regty {
80 void (*parse)(union reg *r, char *p);
81 void (*dump)(FILE *fp, const union reg *r);
82 int (*eq)(const union reg *r, const union reg *rr);
83 };
85 struct regdef {
86 const char *name;
87 const struct regty *ty;
88 int r;
89 };
91 struct test {
92 const char *name;
93 void (*fn)(union reg *out, const union reg *in);
94 const struct regdef *regs;
95 };
97 static int lno;
99 static void bail(const char *msg, ...)
100 {
101 va_list ap;
102 va_start(ap, msg);
103 fprintf(stderr, "unexpected error (line %d): ", lno);
104 vfprintf(stderr, msg, ap);
105 va_end(ap);
106 fputc('\n', stderr);
107 exit(3);
108 }
110 static void parse_hex(uint8_t *b, size_t sz, char *p)
111 {
112 size_t n = strlen(p);
113 unsigned i;
114 char bb[3];
116 if (n%2) bail("bad hex (odd number of nibbles)");
117 else if (n/2 != sz) bail("bad hex (want %zu bytes, found %zu", sz, n/2);
118 while (sz) {
119 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
120 if (!isxdigit((unsigned char)p[i]))
121 bail("bad hex digit `%c'", p[i]);
122 bb[i] = p[i];
123 }
124 bb[2] = 0;
125 p += 2;
126 *b++ = strtoul(bb, 0, 16); sz--;
127 }
128 }
130 static void dump_hex(FILE *fp, const uint8_t *b, size_t sz)
131 { while (sz--) fprintf(fp, "%02x", *b++); fputc('\n', fp); }
133 static void parse_int(union reg *r, char *p)
134 {
135 char *q;
137 errno = 0;
138 r->i = strtol(p, &q, 0);
139 if (*q || errno) bail("bad integer `%s'", p);
140 }
142 static void dump_int(FILE *fp, const union reg *r)
143 { fprintf(fp, "%ld\n", r->i); }
145 static int eq_int(const union reg *r, const union reg *rr)
146 { return (r->i == rr->i); }
148 static const struct regty regty_int = { parse_int, dump_int, eq_int };
150 static void parse_uint(union reg *r, char *p)
151 {
152 char *q;
154 errno = 0;
155 r->u = strtoul(p, &q, 0);
156 if (*q || errno) bail("bad integer `%s'", p);
157 }
159 static void dump_uint(FILE *fp, const union reg *r)
160 { fprintf(fp, "%lu\n", r->u); }
162 static int eq_uint(const union reg *r, const union reg *rr)
163 { return (r->u == rr->u); }
165 static const struct regty regty_uint = { parse_uint, dump_uint, eq_uint };
167 static void parse_fe(union reg *r, char *p)
168 { parse_hex(r->fe, sizeof(r->fe), p); }
170 static void dump_fe(FILE *fp, const union reg *r)
171 { dump_hex(fp, r->fe, sizeof(r->fe)); }
173 static int eq_fe(const union reg *r, const union reg *rr)
174 { return (memcmp(r->fe, rr->fe, sizeof(r->fe)) == 0); }
176 static const struct regty regty_fe = { parse_fe, dump_fe, eq_fe };
178 enum {
180 RX = NROUT, RY, RA = RY, RK = RY, RM, RN = RM, NREG
181 };
183 #define BINOP(op) \
184 static void test_##op(union reg *out, const union reg *in) \
185 { \
186 FIELD x, y, z; \
187 \
188 FIELDOP(load)(&x, in[RX].fe); \
189 FIELDOP(load)(&y, in[RY].fe); \
190 FIELDOP(op)(&z, &x, &y); \
191 FIELDOP(store)(out[RZ].fe, &z); \
192 }
194 #define UNOP(op) \
195 static void test_##op(union reg *out, const union reg *in) \
196 { \
197 FIELD x, z; \
198 \
199 FIELDOP(load)(&x, in[RX].fe); \
200 FIELDOP(op)(&z, &x); \
201 FIELDOP(store)(out[RZ].fe, &z); \
202 }
204 BINOP(add)
205 BINOP(sub)
206 BINOP(mul)
207 UNOP(sqr)
208 UNOP(inv)
210 static void test_mulconst(union reg *out, const union reg *in)
211 {
212 FIELD x, z;
214 FIELDOP(load)(&x, in[RX].fe);
215 FIELDOP(mulconst)(&z, &x, in[RA].i);
216 FIELDOP(store)(out[RZ].fe, &z);
217 }
219 static void test_condswap(union reg *out, const union reg *in)
220 {
221 FIELD x, y;
223 FIELDOP(load)(&x, in[RX].fe);
224 FIELDOP(load)(&y, in[RY].fe);
225 FIELDOP(condswap)(&x, &y, in[RM].u);
226 FIELDOP(store)(out[RXX].fe, &x);
227 FIELDOP(store)(out[RYY].fe, &y);
228 }
230 static void test_xdh(union reg *out, const union reg *in)
231 { XDH(out[RZ].fe, in[RK].fe, in[RX].fe); }
233 static void test_xdhmct(union reg *out, const union reg *in)
234 {
235 uint8_t b0[FIELDOP(FESZ)], b1[FIELDOP(FESZ)], *k = b0, *x = b1, *t;
236 unsigned long i, n;
238 memcpy(b0, in[RK].fe, sizeof(b0));
239 memcpy(b1, in[RX].fe, sizeof(b1));
240 n = in[RM].u;
241 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
242 XDH(x, k, x);
243 t = x; x = k; k = t;
244 }
245 memcpy(out[RZ].fe, k, sizeof(b0));
246 }
248 #define REG_X { "x", &regty_fe, RX }
249 #define REG_Y { "y", &regty_fe, RY }
250 #define REG_A { "a", &regty_int, RA }
251 #define REG_M { "m", &regty_uint, RM }
252 #define REG_XX { "xx", &regty_fe, RXX }
253 #define REG_YY { "yy", &regty_fe, RYY }
254 #define REG_Z { "z", &regty_fe, RZ }
255 #define REG_BIGX { "X", &regty_fe, RX }
256 #define REG_BIGZ { "Z", &regty_fe, RZ }
257 #define REG_K { "k", &regty_fe, RK }
258 #define REG_N { "n", &regty_uint, RN }
259 #define REGLIST_END { 0 }
260 static const struct regdef
261 unop_regs[] = { REG_X, REG_Z, REGLIST_END },
262 binop_regs[] = { REG_X, REG_Y, REG_Z, REGLIST_END },
263 mulconst_regs[] = { REG_X, REG_A, REG_Z, REGLIST_END },
264 condswap_regs[] = { REG_X, REG_Y, REG_M, REG_XX, REG_YY, REGLIST_END },
265 xdh_regs[] = { REG_K, REG_BIGX, REG_BIGZ, REGLIST_END },
266 xdhmct_regs[] = { REG_K, REG_BIGX, REG_N, REG_BIGZ, REGLIST_END };
268 static const struct test tests[] = {
269 { "add", test_add, binop_regs },
270 { "sub", test_sub, binop_regs },
271 { "condswap", test_condswap, condswap_regs },
272 { "mulconst", test_mulconst, mulconst_regs },
273 { "mul", test_mul, binop_regs },
274 { "sqr", test_sqr, unop_regs },
275 { "inv", test_inv, unop_regs },
276 { "xdh", test_xdh, xdh_regs },
277 { "xdh-mct", test_xdhmct, xdhmct_regs },
278 { 0 }
279 };
281 static int check(const struct test *test, unsigned iat,
282 union reg *out, const union reg *in)
283 {
284 const struct regdef *rdef;
285 int ok = 1;
287 if (!iat) return (0);
288 assert(test);
289 for (rdef = test->regs; rdef->name; rdef++)
290 if (!(iat & (1 << rdef->r)))
291 bail("register `%s' not set", rdef->name);
292 test->fn(out, in);
293 for (rdef = test->regs; rdef->name; rdef++) {
294 if (rdef->r >= NROUT) continue;
295 if (!rdef->ty->eq(&in[rdef->r], &out[rdef->r])) ok = 0;
296 }
297 if (ok) return (0);
299 fprintf(stderr, "failed `%s'\n", test->name);
300 for (rdef = test->regs; rdef->name; rdef++) {
301 if (rdef->r >= NROUT) {
302 fprintf(stderr, "\tinput `%s' = ", rdef->name);
303 rdef->ty->dump(stderr, &in[rdef->r]);
304 } else {
305 fprintf(stderr, "\texpected `%s' = ", rdef->name);
306 rdef->ty->dump(stderr, &in[rdef->r]);
307 fprintf(stderr, "\tcomputed `%s' = ", rdef->name);
308 rdef->ty->dump(stderr, &out[rdef->r]);
309 }
310 }
311 return (-1);
312 }
314 int main(void)
315 {
316 char linebuf[256];
317 char *p;
318 const char *q;
319 size_t n;
320 unsigned iat = 0, rbit;
321 const struct test *test = 0;
322 union reg in[NREG], out[NROUT];
323 const struct regdef *rdef;
324 int rc = 0;
326 lno = 0;
327 while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), stdin)) {
328 lno++;
329 n = strlen(linebuf); assert(n);
330 if (linebuf[n - 1] != '\n') bail("line too long");
331 linebuf[n - 1] = 0;
332 p = linebuf;
333 while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
334 if (*p == '#') continue;
335 if (!*p) {
336 if (check(test, iat, out, in)) rc = 2;
337 iat = 0;
338 continue;
339 }
340 q = p;
341 while (*p && !isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
342 if (!*p) bail("missing argument");
343 *p++ = 0;
344 while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
345 if (strcmp(q, "test") == 0) {
346 if (check(test, iat, out, in)) rc = 2;
347 iat = 0;
348 for (test = tests; test->name; test++)
349 if (strcmp(p, test->name) == 0) goto found_test;
350 bail("unknown test `%s'", p);
351 found_test:
352 continue;
353 }
354 if (!test) bail("no test defined yet");
355 for (rdef = test->regs; rdef->name; rdef++)
356 if (strcmp(q, rdef->name) == 0) goto found_reg;
357 bail("unknown register `%s'", q);
358 found_reg:
359 rbit = 1 << rdef->r;
360 if (iat & rbit)
361 bail("register `%s' already set", rdef->name);
362 rdef->ty->parse(&in[rdef->r], p);
363 iat |= rbit;
364 }
365 if (check(test, iat, out, in)) rc = 2;
366 return (rc);
367 }