[qmail] / qmail-popup.c
1 #include <sys/types.h>
2 #include <sys/stat.h>
3 #include "fd.h"
4 #include "sig.h"
5 #include "getln.h"
6 #include "stralloc.h"
7 #include "substdio.h"
8 #include "subfd.h"
9 #include "alloc.h"
10 #include "datetime.h"
11 #include "error.h"
12 #include "wait.h"
13 #include "str.h"
14 #include "now.h"
15 #include "fmt.h"
16 #include "exit.h"
17 #include "readwrite.h"
19 int timeout = 1200;
21 int timeoutread(fd,buf,n) int fd; char *buf; int n;
22 {
23 int r; int saveerrno;
24 alarm(timeout);
25 r = read(fd,buf,n); saveerrno = errno;
26 alarm(0);
27 errno = saveerrno; return r;
28 }
30 char ssinbuf[128];
31 substdio ssin = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(timeoutread,0,ssinbuf,sizeof(ssinbuf));
34 void die() { _exit(1); }
35 void out(s) char *s;
36 {
37 if (substdio_puts(subfdoutsmall,s) == -1) die();
38 }
39 void outflush(s) char *s;
40 {
41 out(s);
42 if (substdio_flush(subfdoutsmall) == -1) die();
43 }
44 void err(s) char *s;
45 {
46 if (substdio_puts(subfdoutsmall,"-ERR ") == -1) die();
47 if (substdio_puts(subfdoutsmall,s) == -1) die();
48 if (substdio_puts(subfdoutsmall,"\r\n") == -1) die();
49 if (substdio_flush(subfdoutsmall) == -1) die();
50 }
51 void die_usage() { err("usage: popup hostname subprogram"); die(); }
52 void die_nomem() { err("out of memory"); die(); }
53 void die_pipe() { err("unable to open pipe"); die(); }
54 void die_write() { err("unable to write pipe"); die(); }
55 void die_fork() { err("unable to fork"); die(); }
56 void die_childcrashed() { err("aack, child crashed"); }
57 void die_badauth() { err("authorization failed"); }
59 void err_syntax() { err("syntax error"); }
60 void err_wantuser() { err("USER first"); }
61 void err_authoriz() { err("authorization first"); }
63 void okay() { outflush("+OK \r\n"); }
66 char unique[FMT_ULONG + FMT_ULONG + 3];
67 char *hostname;
68 stralloc username = {0};
69 int seenuser = 0;
70 char **childargs;
71 substdio ssup;
72 char upbuf[128];
75 void doanddie(user,userlen,pass)
76 char *user;
77 unsigned int userlen; /* including 0 byte */
78 char *pass;
79 {
80 int child;
81 int wstat;
82 int pi[2];
83 int i;
85 if (fd_copy(2,1) == -1) die_pipe();
86 close(3);
87 if (pipe(pi) == -1) die_pipe();
88 if (pi[0] != 3) die_pipe();
89 switch(child = fork())
90 {
91 case -1:
92 die_fork();
93 case 0:
94 close(pi[1]);
95 sig_pipedefault();
96 execvp(*childargs,childargs);
97 _exit(1);
98 }
99 close(pi[0]);
100 substdio_fdbuf(&ssup,write,pi[1],upbuf,sizeof(upbuf));
101 if (substdio_put(&ssup,user,userlen) == -1) die_write();
102 if (substdio_put(&ssup,pass,str_len(pass) + 1) == -1) die_write();
103 if (substdio_puts(&ssup,"<") == -1) die_write();
104 if (substdio_puts(&ssup,unique) == -1) die_write();
105 if (substdio_puts(&ssup,hostname) == -1) die_write();
106 if (substdio_put(&ssup,">",2) == -1) die_write();
107 if (substdio_flush(&ssup) == -1) die_write();
108 close(pi[1]);
109 for (i = 0;pass[i];++i) pass[i] = 0;
110 for (i = 0;i < sizeof(upbuf);++i) upbuf[i] = 0;
111 if (wait_pid(&wstat,child) == -1) die();
112 if (wait_crashed(wstat)) die_childcrashed();
113 if (wait_exitcode(wstat)) die_badauth();
114 die();
115 }
116 void pop3_greet()
117 {
118 char *s;
119 s = unique;
120 s += fmt_uint(s,getpid());
121 *s++ = '.';
122 s += fmt_ulong(s,(unsigned long) now());
123 *s++ = '@';
124 *s++ = 0;
126 out("+OK <");
127 out(unique);
128 out(hostname);
129 outflush(">\r\n");
130 }
131 void pop3_user(arg) char *arg;
132 {
133 if (!arg) { err_syntax(); return; }
134 okay();
135 seenuser = 1;
136 if (!stralloc_copys(&username,arg)) die_nomem();
137 if (!stralloc_0(&username)) die_nomem();
138 }
139 void pop3_pass(arg) char *arg;
140 {
141 if (!seenuser) { err_wantuser(); return; }
142 if (!arg) { err_syntax(); return; }
143 doanddie(username.s,username.len,arg);
144 }
145 void pop3_apop(arg) char *arg;
146 {
147 char *space;
148 if (!arg) { err_syntax(); return; }
149 space = arg + str_chr(arg,' ');
150 if (!*space) { err_syntax(); return; }
151 *space++ = 0;
152 doanddie(arg,space - arg,space);
153 }
155 void pop3_quit() { okay(); die(); }
157 static struct { void (*fun)(); char *text; } pop3cmd[] = {
158 { pop3_user, "user" }
159 , { pop3_pass, "pass" }
160 , { pop3_apop, "apop" }
161 , { pop3_quit, "quit" }
162 , { okay, "noop" }
163 , { 0, 0 }
164 };
166 void doit(cmd)
167 char *cmd;
168 {
169 int i;
170 int j;
171 char ch;
173 for (i = 0;pop3cmd[i].fun;++i)
174 {
175 for (j = 0;ch = pop3cmd[i].text[j];++j)
176 if ((cmd[j] != ch) && (cmd[j] != ch - 32))
177 break;
178 if (!ch)
179 if (!cmd[j] || (cmd[j] == ' '))
180 {
181 while (cmd[j] == ' ') ++j;
182 if (!cmd[j])
183 pop3cmd[i].fun((char *) 0);
184 else
185 pop3cmd[i].fun(cmd + j);
186 return;
187 }
188 }
189 err_authoriz();
190 }
192 void main(argc,argv)
193 int argc;
194 char **argv;
195 {
196 static stralloc cmd = {0};
197 int match;
199 sig_alarmcatch(die);
200 sig_pipeignore();
202 hostname = argv[1];
203 if (!hostname) die_usage();
204 childargs = argv + 2;
205 if (!*childargs) die_usage();
207 pop3_greet();
209 for (;;)
210 {
211 if (getln(&ssin,&cmd,&match,'\n') == -1) die();
212 if (!match) die();
213 if (cmd.len == 0) die();
214 if (cmd.s[--cmd.len] != '\n') die();
215 if ((cmd.len > 0) && (cmd.s[cmd.len - 1] == '\r')) --cmd.len;
216 cmd.s[cmd.len++] = 0;
217 doit(cmd.s);
218 }
219 }