qmail-smtpd: Validation of recipient mailbox names.
[qmail] / spawn.c
1 #include <sys/types.h>
2 #include <sys/stat.h>
3 #include "sig.h"
4 #include "wait.h"
5 #include "substdio.h"
6 #include "byte.h"
7 #include "str.h"
8 #include "stralloc.h"
9 #include "select.h"
10 #include "exit.h"
11 #include "coe.h"
12 #include "open.h"
13 #include "error.h"
14 #include "auto_qmail.h"
15 #include "auto_uids.h"
16 #include "auto_spawn.h"
18 extern int truncreport;
19 extern int spawn();
20 extern void report();
21 extern void initialize();
23 struct delivery
24 {
25 int used;
26 int fdin; /* pipe input */
27 int pid; /* zero if child is dead */
28 int wstat; /* if !pid: status of child */
29 int fdout; /* pipe output, -1 if !pid; delays eof until after death */
30 stralloc output;
31 }
32 ;
34 struct delivery *d;
36 void sigchld()
37 {
38 int wstat;
39 int pid;
40 int i;
41 while ((pid = wait_nohang(&wstat)) > 0)
42 for (i = 0;i < auto_spawn;++i) if (d[i].used)
43 if (d[i].pid == pid)
44 {
45 close(d[i].fdout); d[i].fdout = -1;
46 d[i].wstat = wstat; d[i].pid = 0;
47 }
48 }
50 int flagwriting = 1;
52 int okwrite(fd,buf,n) int fd; char *buf; int n;
53 {
54 int w;
55 if (!flagwriting) return n;
56 w = write(fd,buf,n);
57 if (w != -1) return w;
58 if (errno == error_intr) return -1;
59 flagwriting = 0; close(fd);
60 return n;
61 }
63 int flagreading = 1;
64 char outbuf[1024]; substdio ssout;
66 int stage = 0; /* reading 0:delnum 1:messid 2:sender 3:recip */
67 int flagabort = 0; /* if 1, everything except delnum is garbage */
68 int delnum;
69 stralloc messid = {0};
70 stralloc sender = {0};
71 stralloc recip = {0};
73 void err(s) char *s;
74 {
75 char ch; ch = delnum; substdio_put(&ssout,&ch,1);
76 substdio_puts(&ssout,s); substdio_putflush(&ssout,"",1);
77 }
79 void docmd()
80 {
81 int f;
82 int i;
83 int j;
84 int fdmess;
85 int pi[2];
86 struct stat st;
88 if (flagabort) { err("Zqmail-spawn out of memory. (#4.3.0)\n"); return; }
89 if (delnum < 0) { err("ZInternal error: delnum negative. (#4.3.5)\n"); return; }
90 if (delnum >= auto_spawn) { err("ZInternal error: delnum too big. (#4.3.5)\n"); return; }
91 if (d[delnum].used) { err("ZInternal error: delnum in use. (#4.3.5)\n"); return; }
92 for (i = 0;i < messid.len;++i)
93 if (messid.s[i])
94 if (!i || (messid.s[i] != '/'))
95 if ((unsigned char) (messid.s[i] - '0') > 9)
96 { err("DInternal error: messid has nonnumerics. (#5.3.5)\n"); return; }
97 if (messid.len > 100) { err("DInternal error: messid too long. (#5.3.5)\n"); return; }
98 if (!messid.s[0]) { err("DInternal error: messid too short. (#5.3.5)\n"); return; }
100 if (!stralloc_copys(&d[delnum].output,""))
101 { err("Zqmail-spawn out of memory. (#4.3.0)\n"); return; }
103 j = byte_rchr(recip.s,recip.len,'@');
104 if (j >= recip.len) { err("DSorry, address must include host name. (#5.1.3)\n"); return; }
106 fdmess = open_read(messid.s);
107 if (fdmess == -1) { err("Zqmail-spawn unable to open message. (#4.3.0)\n"); return; }
109 if (fstat(fdmess,&st) == -1)
110 { close(fdmess); err("Zqmail-spawn unable to fstat message. (#4.3.0)\n"); return; }
111 if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG)
112 { close(fdmess); err("ZSorry, message has wrong type. (#4.3.5)\n"); return; }
113 if (st.st_uid != auto_uidq) /* aaack! qmailq has to be trusted! */
114 /* your security is already toast at this point. damage control... */
115 { close(fdmess); err("ZSorry, message has wrong owner. (#4.3.5)\n"); return; }
117 if (pipe(pi) == -1)
118 { close(fdmess); err("Zqmail-spawn unable to create pipe. (#4.3.0)\n"); return; }
120 coe(pi[0]);
122 f = spawn(fdmess,pi[1],sender.s,recip.s,j);
123 close(fdmess);
124 if (f == -1)
125 { close(pi[0]); close(pi[1]); err("Zqmail-spawn unable to fork. (#4.3.0)\n"); return; }
127 d[delnum].fdin = pi[0];
128 d[delnum].fdout = pi[1]; coe(pi[1]);
129 d[delnum].pid = f;
130 d[delnum].used = 1;
131 }
133 char cmdbuf[1024];
135 void getcmd()
136 {
137 int i;
138 int r;
139 char ch;
141 r = read(0,cmdbuf,sizeof(cmdbuf));
142 if (r == 0)
143 { flagreading = 0; return; }
144 if (r == -1)
145 {
146 if (errno != error_intr)
147 flagreading = 0;
148 return;
149 }
151 for (i = 0;i < r;++i)
152 {
153 ch = cmdbuf[i];
154 switch(stage)
155 {
156 case 0:
157 delnum = (unsigned int) (unsigned char) ch;
158 messid.len = 0; stage = 1; break;
159 case 1:
160 if (!stralloc_append(&messid,&ch)) flagabort = 1;
161 if (ch) break;
162 sender.len = 0; stage = 2; break;
163 case 2:
164 if (!stralloc_append(&sender,&ch)) flagabort = 1;
165 if (ch) break;
166 recip.len = 0; stage = 3; break;
167 case 3:
168 if (!stralloc_append(&recip,&ch)) flagabort = 1;
169 if (ch) break;
170 docmd();
171 flagabort = 0; stage = 0; break;
172 }
173 }
174 }
176 char inbuf[128];
178 void main(argc,argv)
179 int argc;
180 char **argv;
181 {
182 char ch;
183 int i;
184 int r;
185 fd_set rfds;
186 int nfds;
188 if (chdir(auto_qmail) == -1) _exit(111);
189 if (chdir("queue/mess") == -1) _exit(111);
190 if (!stralloc_copys(&messid,"")) _exit(111);
191 if (!stralloc_copys(&sender,"")) _exit(111);
192 if (!stralloc_copys(&recip,"")) _exit(111);
194 d = (struct delivery *) alloc((auto_spawn + 10) * sizeof(struct delivery));
195 if (!d) _exit(111);
197 substdio_fdbuf(&ssout,okwrite,1,outbuf,sizeof(outbuf));
199 sig_pipeignore();
200 sig_childcatch(sigchld);
202 initialize(argc,argv);
204 ch = auto_spawn; substdio_putflush(&ssout,&ch,1);
206 for (i = 0;i < auto_spawn;++i) { d[i].used = 0; d[i].output.s = 0; }
208 for (;;)
209 {
210 if (!flagreading)
211 {
212 for (i = 0;i < auto_spawn;++i) if (d[i].used) break;
213 if (i >= auto_spawn) _exit(0);
214 }
215 sig_childunblock();
217 FD_ZERO(&rfds);
218 if (flagreading) FD_SET(0,&rfds);
219 nfds = 1;
220 for (i = 0;i < auto_spawn;++i) if (d[i].used)
221 { FD_SET(d[i].fdin,&rfds); if (d[i].fdin >= nfds) nfds = d[i].fdin + 1; }
223 r = select(nfds,&rfds,(fd_set *) 0,(fd_set *) 0,(struct timeval *) 0);
224 sig_childblock();
226 if (r != -1)
227 {
228 if (flagreading)
229 if (FD_ISSET(0,&rfds))
230 getcmd();
231 for (i = 0;i < auto_spawn;++i) if (d[i].used)
232 if (FD_ISSET(d[i].fdin,&rfds))
233 {
234 r = read(d[i].fdin,inbuf,128);
235 if (r == -1)
236 continue; /* read error on a readable pipe? be serious */
237 if (r == 0)
238 {
239 ch = i; substdio_put(&ssout,&ch,1);
240 report(&ssout,d[i].wstat,d[i].output.s,d[i].output.len);
241 substdio_put(&ssout,"",1);
242 substdio_flush(&ssout);
243 close(d[i].fdin); d[i].used = 0;
244 continue;
245 }
246 while (!stralloc_readyplus(&d[i].output,r)) sleep(10); /*XXX*/
247 byte_copy(d[i].output.s + d[i].output.len,r,inbuf);
248 d[i].output.len += r;
249 if (truncreport > 100)
250 if (d[i].output.len > truncreport)
251 {
252 char *truncmess = "\nError report too long, sorry.\n";
253 d[i].output.len = truncreport - str_len(truncmess) - 3;
254 stralloc_cats(&d[i].output,truncmess);
255 }
256 }
257 }
258 }
259 }