Upstream qmail 1.01
[qmail] / SECURITY
1 Background: Every few months CERT announces Yet Another Security Hole In
2 Sendmail---something that lets local or even remote users take complete
3 control of the machine. I'm sure there are many more holes waiting to be
4 discovered; sendmail's design means that any minor bug in 46000 lines of
5 code is a major security risk. Other popular mailers, such as Smail, and
6 even mailing-list managers, such as Majordomo, seem nearly as bad.
8 I started working on qmail because I was sick of this cycle of doom.
9 Here are some of the things I did to make sure that qmail will never let
10 an intruder into your machine.
13 1. Programs and files are not addresses. Don't treat them as addresses.
15 sendmail treats programs and files as addresses. Obviously random people
16 can't be allowed to execute arbitrary programs or write to arbitrary
17 files, so sendmail goes through horrendous contortions trying to keep
18 track of whether a local user was ``responsible'' for an address. This
19 has proven to be an unmitigated disaster.
21 In qmail, programs and files are not addresses. The local delivery
22 agent, qmail-local, can run programs or write to files as directed by
23 ~user/.qmail, but it's always running as that user. (The notion of
24 ``user'' is configurable, but root is never a user. To prevent silly
25 mistakes, qmail-local makes sure that neither ~user nor ~user/.qmail is
26 group-writable or world-writable.)
28 Security impact: .qmail, like .cshrc and .exrc and various other files,
29 means that anyone who can write arbitrary files as a user can execute
30 arbitrary programs as that user. That's it.
33 2. Do as little as possible in setuid programs.
35 A setuid program must operate in a very dangerous environment: a user is
36 under complete control of its fds, args, environ, cwd, tty, rlimits,
37 timers, signals, and more. Even worse, the list of controlled items
38 varies from one vendor's UNIX to the next, so it is very difficult to
39 write portable code that cleans up everything.
41 Of the twelve most recent sendmail security holes, six worked only
42 because the entire sendmail system is setuid.
44 Only one qmail program is setuid: qmail-queue. Its only purpose is to
45 add a new mail message to the outgoing queue.
48 3. Do as little as possible as root.
50 The entire sendmail system runs as root, so there's no way that its
51 mistakes can be caught by the operating system's built-in protections.
52 In contrast, only two qmail programs, qmail-start and qmail-lspawn,
53 run as root.
56 4. Move separate functions into mutually untrusting programs.
58 Five of the qmail programs---qmail-smtpd, qmail-send, qmail-rspawn,
59 qmail-remote, and tcp-env---are not security-critical. Even if all of
60 these programs are completely compromised, so that an intruder has
61 control over the qmaild, qmails, and qmailr accounts and the mail queue,
62 he still can't take over your system. None of the other programs trust
63 the results from these five.
65 In fact, these programs don't even trust each other. They are in three
66 groups: tcp-env and qmail-smtpd, which run as qmaild; qmail-rspawn and
67 qmail-remote, which run as qmailr; and qmail-send, the queue manager,
68 which runs as qmails. Each group is immune from attacks by the others.
70 (From root's point of view, as long as root doesn't send any mail, only
71 qmail-start and qmail-lspawn are security-critical. They don't write any
72 files or start any other programs as root.)
75 5. Don't parse.
77 I have discovered that there are two types of command interfaces in the
78 world of computing: good interfaces and user interfaces.
80 The essence of user interfaces is _parsing_---converting an unstructured
81 sequence of commands, in a format usually determined more by psychology
82 than by solid engineering, into structured data.
84 When another programmer wants to talk to a user interface, he has to
85 _quote_: convert his structured data into an unstructured sequence of
86 commands that the parser will, he hopes, convert back into the original
87 structured data.
89 This situation is a recipe for disaster. The parser often has bugs: it
90 fails to handle some inputs according to the documented interface. The
91 quoter often has bugs: it produces outputs that do not have the right
92 meaning. Only on rare joyous occasions does it happen that the parser
93 and the quoter both misinterpret the interface in the same way.
95 When the original data is controlled by a malicious user, many of these
96 bugs translate into security holes. Some examples: the Linux login
97 -froot security hole; the classic find | xargs rm security hole; the
98 recent Majordomo security hole. Even a simple parser like getopt is
99 complicated enough for people to screw up the quoting.
101 In qmail, all the internal file structures are incredibly simple: text0
102 lines beginning with single-character commands. (text0 format means that
103 lines are separated by a 0 byte instead of line feed.) The program-level
104 interfaces don't take options.
106 All the complexity of parsing RFC 822 address lists and rewriting
107 headers is in the qmail-inject program, which runs without privileges
108 and is essentially part of the UA.
110 The only nasty case is .qmail, qmail's answer to .forward. I tried to
111 make this as simple as possible, but unfortunately it still has to be
112 edited by users. As a result, the qlist mailing-list-management program
113 has to be careful to exclude subscriber addresses that contain newlines.
116 6. Keep it simple, stupid.
118 See BLURB for some of the reasons that qmail is so much smaller than
119 sendmail. There's nothing inherently complicated about writing a mailer.
120 (Except RFC 822 support; but that's only in qmail-inject.) Security
121 holes can't show up in features that don't exist.
124 7. Write bug-free code.
126 I've mostly given up on the standard C library. Many of its facilities,
127 particularly stdio, seem designed to encourage bugs. A big chunk of
128 qmail is stolen from a basic C library that I've been developing for
129 several years for a variety of applications. The stralloc concept and
130 getline2() make it very easy to avoid buffer overruns, memory leaks,
131 and artificial line length limits.