dot/profile: Persuade `rsync' not to do silly things to arguments.
[profile] / bin / xduplic-terminal
1 #! /usr/bin/zsh -e
2 ### make terminals suitable for xduplic-copier
4 prog=${0##*/}
5 usage () { echo "usage: $prog TAG ... -- COMMAND ARGS"; }
7 typeset -a tags cmd c
8 typeset -i i=1
9 typeset tag
11 for ((; i <= $#; i++)); do
12 if [[ $@[i] = "--" ]]; then break; fi
13 tags+=($@[i])
14 done
15 if (( i > $# )); then usage >&2; exit 2; fi
16 i+=1
17 for ((; i <= $#; i++)); do cmd+=($@[i]); done
19 for tag in $tags; do
20 c=(${cmd//{}/$tag})
21 xterm -xrm "XTerm*allowSendEvents: true" \
22 -geometry 80x35 -title "xduplic: $c" \
23 -e $c&
24 done
25 sleep 0.5
26 xduplic-copier&
27 wait