bin/ Add missing `;;' in case.
[profile] / dot / e16-bindings
1 Aclass BUTTONBINDINGS normal
2 MouseDown CA 1 wop * mo ptr
3 MouseDouble CA 1 wop * shade
4 MouseDown CA 2 wop * sz ptr
5 MouseDouble CA 2 wop * th available
6 MouseDown CA 3 menus show
7 MouseDown C5 3 menus show windowlist
8 Aclass DESKBINDINGS normal
9 Tooltip Clicking your mouse on the desktop will perform
10 Tooltip the following actions
11 MouseDown - 1 menus show
12 Tooltip Display User Menus
13 MouseDown C 1 menus show
14 Tooltip Display Enlightenment Menu
15 MouseDown 4 1 menus show
16 Tooltip Display Settings Menu
17 MouseDown - 2 menus show
18 Tooltip Display Enlightenment Menu
19 MouseDown A 2 menus show windowlist
20 Tooltip Display Task List Menu
21 MouseDown C 2 menus show deskmenu
22 Tooltip Display Desktop Menu
23 MouseDown S 2 menus show groupmenu
24 Tooltip Display Group Menu
25 MouseDown - 3 menus show
26 Tooltip Display Settings Menu
27 Aclass KEYBINDINGS global
28 KeyDown 5 F6 exec gconftool --toggle /desktop/gnome/accessibility/keyboard/mousekeys_enable
29 KeyDown 5 F7 exec un-backslashify-selection
30 KeyDown 5 F9 exec xinitcmd :ask-run
31 KeyDown 5 F10 exec xinitcmd :ask-command
32 KeyDown 5 F11 exec lock-screen
33 KeyDown 5 F12 exec xshutdown
34 KeyDown 5 Tab focus next
35 KeyDown 5 plus desk next
36 KeyDown 5 minus desk prev
37 KeyDown 5 Home wop * opacity 100
38 KeyDown 5 Next wop * opacity -5
39 KeyDown 5 Prior wop * opacity +5
40 KeyDown 5 Up area move 0 -1
41 KeyDown 5 Down area move 0 1
42 KeyDown 5 Left area move -1 0
43 KeyDown 5 Right area move 1 0
44 KeyDown C5 a desk arrange
45 KeyDown C5 c cm start
46 KeyDown C5 d exec xfce4-display-settings
47 KeyDown C5 f wop * fullscreen
48 KeyDown C5 g magwin show
49 KeyDown C5 h wop * tw available
50 KeyDown C5 i wop * iconify
51 KeyDown C5 k wop * kill
52 KeyDown C5 l exec xrepaint -a
53 KeyDown C5 m wop * ts available
54 KeyDown C5 p exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
55 KeyDown C5 r wop * shade
56 KeyDown C5 s wop * stick
57 KeyDown C5 t exec xinitcmd :terminal
58 KeyDown C5 v wop * th available
59 KeyDown C5 w menus show
60 KeyDown C5 x wop * close
61 KeyDown C5 y exec xfce4-find-cursor
62 KeyDown C5 numbersign exec xinitcmd "sh -c 'pavucontrol >/dev/null 2>&1'"
63 KeyDown C5 apostrophe exec xinitcmd disobedience -u$(realpath $HOME/.disorder/passwd)
64 KeyDown C5 semicolon exec disorder-notify next-config
65 KeyDown C5 plus exec disorder-notify volume-up
66 KeyDown C5 minus exec disorder-notify volume-down
67 KeyDown C5 period exec disorder-notify enable/disable
68 KeyDown C5 comma exec disorder-notify notify-now-playing
69 KeyDown C5 slash exec disorder-notify scratch
70 KeyDown C5 space exec disorder-notify play/pause
71 KeyDown C5 F1 menus show
72 KeyDown C5 F2 menus show
73 KeyDown C5 F3 menus show
74 KeyDown C5 F4 menus show windowlist
75 KeyDown C5 Up wop * raise
76 KeyDown C5 Down wop * lower
77 KeyDown C5 End exit restart
78 KeyDown S5 Up wop * mr 0 -15
79 KeyDown S5 Down wop * mr 0 +15
80 KeyDown S5 Left wop * mr -15 0
81 KeyDown S5 Right wop * mr +15 0
82 KeyDown SC5 c cm stop
83 KeyDown SC5 h wop * tw conservative
84 KeyDown SC5 m wop * ts conservative
85 KeyDown SC5 v wop * th conservative
86 KeyDown SC5 Up wop * sr 0 -15
87 KeyDown SC5 Down wop * sr 0 +15
88 KeyDown SC5 Left wop * sr -15 0
89 KeyDown SC5 Right wop * sr +15 0