el/dot-emacs.el: Fix C comment indentation.
[profile] / dot / ipython-config.py
1 ### -*-python -*-
3 try: import pygments as PYG
4 except: PYG = None
5 try: import prompt_toolkit as PTK
6 except: PTK = None
8 c = get_config()
10 ## Simple stuff.
11 c.InteractiveShell.autocall = 0
12 c.InteractiveShell.autoindent = True
13 c.InteractiveShell.automagic = False
15 c.InteractiveShell.color_info = True
16 c.InteractiveShell.colors = 'Linux'
18 c.TerminalIPythonApp.display_banner = False
19 c.TerminalInteractiveShell.confirm_exit = False
20 c.TerminalInteractiveShell.display_completions = 'readlinelike'
21 c.TerminalInteractiveShell.extra_open_editor_shortcuts = True
22 c.TerminalInteractiveShell.term_title = False
24 ## Syntax colouring.
25 if PYG and getattr(PYG, 'token', None):
26 T = PYG.token
27 c.TerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style = 'emacs'
28 c.TerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style_overrides = {
29 T.Keyword: 'bold #fff',
30 T.Comment: 'italic #54ff9f',
31 T.Literal.Number: '#ffff00',
32 T.Literal.String: '#87ceff',
33 T.Literal.String.Escape: '#87ceff',
34 T.Literal.String.Interpol: '#87ceff',
35 T.Name: '#fff',
36 T.Name.Builtin: '#fff',
37 T.Name.Class: '#fff',
38 T.Name.Constant: 'italic #fff',
39 T.Name.Decorator: '#fff',
40 T.Name.Exception: '#fff',
41 T.Name.Function: '#fff',
42 T.Name.Function.Magic: '#fff',
43 T.Name.Label: '#fff',
44 T.Name.Namespace: '#fff',
45 T.Name.Variable: '#fff',
46 T.Name.Variable.Class: '#fff',
47 T.Name.Variable.Global: '#fff',
48 T.Name.Variable.Instance: '#fff',
49 T.Name.Variable.Magic: '#fff',
50 T.Operator: '#eec591',
51 T.Operator.Word: 'bold #fff',
52 T.Punctuation: '#eec591',
53 }
55 if PYG and PTK:
56 d = {
57 PTK.token.Token.MatchingBracket: '',
58 PTK.token.Token.MatchingBracket.Cursor: '',
59 PTK.token.Token.MatchingBracket.Other: 'bg:#006400'
60 }
61 c.TerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style_overrides.update(d)
63 ## Set the indent level. `Look what you made me do.'
64 import IPython.core.inputsplitter as _IPCIP
65 def my_find_indent(self, line):
66 """Compute the new indentation level for a single line.
68 Parameters
69 ----------
70 line : str
71 A single new line of non-whitespace, non-comment Python input.
73 Returns
74 -------
75 indent_spaces : int
76 New value for the indent level (it may be equal to self.indent_spaces
77 if indentation doesn't change.
79 full_dedent : boolean
80 Whether the new line causes a full flush-left dedent.
81 """
82 indent_spaces = self.indent_spaces
83 full_dedent = self._full_dedent
85 inisp = _IPCIP.num_ini_spaces(line)
86 if inisp < indent_spaces:
87 indent_spaces = inisp
88 if indent_spaces <= 0:
89 #print 'Full dedent in text',self.source # dbg
90 full_dedent = True
92 if line.rstrip()[-1] == ':':
93 indent_spaces += 2
94 elif _IPCIP.dedent_re.match(line):
95 indent_spaces -= 2
96 if indent_spaces <= 0:
97 full_dedent = True
99 # Safety
100 if indent_spaces < 0:
101 indent_spaces = 0
102 #print 'safety' # dbg
104 return indent_spaces, full_dedent
105 _IPCIP.InputSplitter._find_indent = my_find_indent