mason/pastebin/dhandler: Some small refactorings.
[odin-cgi] / bin / pastebin.userv
1 #! /usr/bin/perl
3 use lib "lib";
5 use Odin;
6 use DBI;
7 use Encode;
8 use Encode::Locale;
9 use Getopt::Std;
10 use POSIX;
12 my $BAD = 0;
14 sub bad ($) {
15 my ($m) = @_;
16 $BAD = 1;
17 print STDERR "$Odin::PROG: $m\n";
18 }
20 Odin::cmdline_who;
22 sub read_content () {
23 my $c = "";
24 while (read STDIN, my $buf, 8192) { $c .= $buf; }
25 return Odin::tidy_pastebin_content decode locale => $c;
26 }
28 my $op = shift(@ARGV) // "help";
29 if ($op eq "help") {
30 print <<EOF;
31 Commands available:
33 claim TAG EDITKEY
34 del TAG ...
35 get TAG
36 help
37 list
38 new [-l LANG] [-t TITLE]
39 rekey TAG
40 update [-c] [-l LANG] [-t TITLE] TAG
41 EOF
42 } elsif ($op eq "list") {
43 @ARGV == 0 or Odin::fail "usage: list";
44 my $db = Odin::open_db;
45 for my $r (@{$db->selectall_arrayref
46 ("SELECT " . Odin::sql_timestamp($db, "stamp") .
47 ", tag, lang, title
48 FROM odin_pastebin WHERE owner = ?
49 ORDER BY stamp", undef, $Odin::WHO)}) {
50 my ($stamp, $tag, $lang, $title) = @$r;
51 my $t = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", localtime $stamp;
52 printf "%-25s %-12s %-16s %s\n",
53 $t, $tag, $lang, encode locale => $title;
54 }
55 } elsif ($op eq "new") {
56 my %o;
57 getopts "l:t:", \%o and @ARGV == 0
58 or Odin::fail "usage: new [-l LANG] [-t TITLE]";
59 my %p = (title => decode(locale => $o{t}), lang => $o{l} // "plain-text",
60 content => read_content);
61 my $db = Odin::open_db;
62 my $c = "";
63 while (read STDIN, my $buf, 8192) { $c .= $buf; }
64 $p{content} = read_content;
65 @{$db->selectall_arrayref
66 ("SELECT lang FROM odin_pastebin_lang WHERE lang = ?", undef, $p{lang})}
67 or Odin::fail "unknown language `$p{lang}'";
68 my ($tag, $edit) = Odin::new_pastebin %p;
69 print "$Odin::PASTEBIN/$url $edit\n";
70 } elsif ($op eq "get") {
71 @ARGV == 1 or Odin::fail "usage: get TAG";
72 my ($tag) = @ARGV;
73 Odin::get_pastebin Odin::open_db, $tag, my %p;
74 print encode locale => $p{content};
75 } elsif ($op eq "claim") {
76 @ARGV == 2 or Odin::fail "usage: claim TAG EDITKEY";
77 my ($tag, $key) = @ARGV;
78 Odin::claim_pastebin $tag, $key;
79 } elsif ($op eq "rekey") {
80 @ARGV == 1 or Odin::fail "usage: rekey TAG";
81 my ($tag) = @ARGV;
82 my $key = Odin::rekey_pastebin $tag;
83 print $key, "\n";
84 } elsif ($op eq "del") {
85 @ARGV or Odin::fail "usage: del TAG ...";
86 Odin::delete_pastebin map { $_, undef } @ARGV;
87 } elsif ($op eq "update") {
88 my %o;
89 getopts "cl:t:", \%o and @ARGV == 1
90 or Odin::fail "usage: update [-c] [-l LANG] [-t TITLE] TAG";
91 my ($tag) = @ARGV;
92 my %p = (title => decode(locale => $o{t}), lang => $o{l});
93 if ($o{c}) { $p{content} = read_content; }
94 Odin::update_pastebin $tag, undef, %p or Odin::fail "nothing changed";
95 } else {
96 Odin::fail "unknown operation `$op'";
97 }