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[mup] / mup / docs / uguide / pedal.html
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3 Piano pedal marks
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6 <P>
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12 <H2>
13 Piano pedal marks
14 </H2>
15 <P>
16 Piano pedal marks are somewhat different than
17 <A HREF="textmark.html">other similar Mup statements.</A>
18 Rather than having begintime, text, and duration, each
19 item is just a time offset value, plus an optional &quot;*&quot;. If no pedal mark
20 is currently in progress, the first time offset value indicates where the
21 pedal is depressed. Any subsequent pedal items on that staff will then
22 indicate a &quot;blip&quot;--lifting and then immediately depressing the pedal
23 (which is indicated on the printed music by a &quot;^&quot;), unless there is a &quot;*&quot;,
24 in which case it means to lift the pedal and leave it up.
25 </P>
26 <P>
27 Some examples may help:
28 <BR><PRE>
29 1: c;d;e;2.g;
30 2: 1.ceg;
31 // depress pedal on beat 1, release on 3
32 pedal 2: 1; 3*;
33 bar
35 1: g;d;e;f;g;;
36 2: 1.gdb-;
37 // depress pedal on 2, release and depress
38 // on 4, release on 6
39 pedal below 2: 2; 4; 6*;
40 bar
41 </PRE><BR>
42 <IMG SRC="mugex77.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
43 </P>
44 <P>
45 <A HREF="param.html#pedstyle">See also the "pedstyle" parameter.</A>
46 </P>
47 <HR><P>
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