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1 <HTML>
3 Mup Options
5 <BODY>
6 <P>
7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="running.html">&lt;-- previous page</A>
9 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="index.html">Table of Contents</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="utilpgms.html">next page --&gt;</A>
10 </P>
12 <H2>
13 Mup Options
14 </H2>
15 <P>
16 Mup accepts a number
17 of options.
18 When invoking Mup from a command line,
19 the options are specified by a dash followed by a letter.
20 On Windows/MS-DOS
21 systems, you can substitute a slash instead of the dash.
22 If you are using Mupmate, you will use the &quot;Set Options&quot; form off
23 of the &quot;Run&quot; menu to set the options.
24 You just fill values into the form, and Mupmate will
25 take care of the details of running Mup with your values,
26 so you won't use the dash and letter shown below at all.
27 Some of the options listed below are not available from Mupmate,
28 either because they are meant for debugging, and thus not generally
29 of interest to most users, or because Mupmate handles the appropriate
30 details automatically.
31 The options to the mup command (in alphabetical order) are:
32 <HR>
33 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
34 <A NAME="coption"><B>-c</B> <I>N</I></A>
35 <BR>
36 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
37 Run &gt; Set Options &gt; Enable Auto Multirest and Min Measures to Combine
38 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
40 Combine consecutive measures of all rests or spaces into
41 <A HREF="multirst.html">multirests</A>
42 (multiple measures of rest printed as a single measure,
43 usually with the number of
44 <A HREF="param.html#prmultn">measures of rest printed</A>
45 above the staff).
46 Any time there
47 are <I>N</I> or more measures in a row that consist entirely of rests or spaces,
48 they will be replaced by a multirest. The combining of measures
49 stops when there is a visible staff that contains notes
50 or lyrics, or that contain
51 <A HREF="textmark.html">text</A>
52 or
53 <A HREF="mussym.html">musical symbols</A>
54 after the first beat of the measure,
55 or when there are
56 <A HREF="param.html">parameter changes</A>
57 on a visible staff or in score context that
58 <A HREF="param.html#visible">change</A>
59 <A HREF="param.html#clef">clef,</A>
60 <A HREF="param.html#key">key,</A>
61 or
62 <A HREF="param.html#time">time signature,</A>
63 or when there is a
64 <A HREF="bars.html">bar line</A>
65 other than an ordinary bar.
66 This option is most likely to be useful when printing a subset of staffs,
67 where the particular staff(s) you are printing have long periods of rests.
68 See information about
69 <A HREF="cmdargs.html#soption">the -s option</A>
70 and the
71 <A HREF="param.html#visible">"visible" parameter</A>
72 below.
73 This option overrides the
74 <A HREF="param.html#restcomb">restcombine parameter.</A>
75 <HR>
76 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
77 <B>-C</B>
78 <BR>
79 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
80 Option not available (only used for debugging).
81 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
83 This option is only used in connection with
84 <A HREF="cmdargs.html#Eoption">the -E option.</A>
85 It specifies that comments
86 are to be passed through rather than deleted.
87 <HR>
88 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
89 <A NAME="dbgoption"><B>-d</B> <I>N</I></A>
90 <BR>
91 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
92 Option not available (only used for debugging).
93 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
95 Print debugging information. <I>N</I> is a bitmap, so you can turn on multiple
96 debugging levels by adding up the flag values. For example, if you want to
97 turn on both level 2 and level 4 tracing, <I>N</I> would be 6 (because 2+4=6).
98 <DL>
99 <DT>1
100 <DD>
101 input syntax/grammar analysis tracing
102 <DT>2
103 <DD>
104 high level parse phase tracing
105 <DT>4
106 <DD>
107 low level parse phase tracing
108 <DT>8
109 <DD>
110 reserved
111 <DT>16
112 <DD>
113 high level placement phase tracing
114 <DT>32
115 <DD>
116 low level placement phase tracing
117 <DT>64
118 <DD>
119 reserved
120 <DT>128
121 <DD>
122 contents of the main internal list
123 <DT>256
124 <DD>
125 high level print or MIDI phase tracing
126 <DT>512
127 <DD>
128 low level print or MIDI phase tracing
129 </DL>
130 <I>N</I> can be specified in decimal, octal
131 (by using a leading zero), or hex (by using a leading 0x).
132 This information is intended for debugging of
133 Mup itself and thus is not likely to be of use to the average user,
134 and is not available from Mupmate.
135 <HR>
136 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
137 <A NAME="doption"><B>-D</B> <I>MACRO[=macro-def]</I></A>
138 <BR>
139 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
140 Run &gt; Set Options &gt; Macro Definitions
141 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
143 Define
144 the
145 <A HREF="macros.html">macro</A>
146 <I>MACRO</I>. The macro name must consist of
147 upper case letters, digits, and underscores, beginning
148 with an upper case letter. The <I>macro_def</I> is optional, and gives the
149 text of the macro. On UNIX, Linux, or similar
150 systems, if it contains any white space
151 or other special characters, it must be quoted. On other systems, white
152 space may not be allowed.
153 The -D option can be specified multiple times, if you wish to
154 define more than one macro.
155 <HR>
156 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
157 <B>-e</B> <I>errfile</I>
158 <BR>
159 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
160 Option not needed. Mupmate automatically saves and displays error output.
161 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
163 Place the error message output into <I>errfile</I> instead of writing it to
164 the standard error output stream.
165 <HR>
166 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
167 <A NAME="Eoption"><B>-E</B></A>
168 <BR>
169 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
170 Option not needed (only used for debugging).
171 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
173 Rather than produce PostScript or MIDI output, just expand
174 macros
175 and includes,
176 and write the result to the standard output stream.
177 Comments in the input are deleted, unless the -C option is also specified.
178 <HR>
179 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
180 <B>-f</B> <I>outfile</I>
181 <BR>
182 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
183 Option not needed. Mupmate automatically creates appropriate output file.
184 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
186 Place the PostScript output into <I>outfile</I> instead of writing to
187 the standard output.
188 <HR>
189 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
190 <A NAME="Foption"><B>-F</B></A>
191 <BR>
192 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
193 Run &gt; Write PostScript File
194 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
196 This is like the <B>-f</B> option, except the name of the output file is
197 derived from the name of the Mup input file. If the name of the Mup input
198 file ends with a &quot;.mup&quot; suffix, the generated PostScript output
199 file will end with a &quot;.ps&quot; suffix instead.
200 If the name of the Mup input file ends with
201 a &quot;.MUP&quot; suffix, the PostScript file will end with a &quot;.PS&quot; suffix.
202 Otherwise, a &quot;.ps&quot; suffix will be appended to the end of the Mup
203 input file name. If multiple input files are listed, the last is used.
204 If none are specified (input is read from standard input),
205 the name &quot;; will be used for the output file.
206 <HR>
207 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
208 <A NAME="moption"><B>-m</B> <I>midifile</I></A>
209 <BR>
210 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
211 Option not needed. Mupmate automatically creates appropriate output file.
212 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
214 Instead of generating PostScript output,
215 generate standard
216 <A HREF="midi.html">MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) output,</A>
217 and put it in <I>midifile</I>.
218 This option also causes the
219 <A HREF="macros.html">macro</A>
220 &quot;MIDI&quot; to become defined.
221 <HR>
222 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
223 <B>-M</B>
224 <BR>
225 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
226 Run &gt; Write MIDI File
227 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
229 This is like the <B>-m</B> option, except the name of the MIDI file is
230 derived from the name of the Mup input file. If the name of the Mup input
231 file ends with a &quot;.mup&quot; suffix, the generated MIDI file will end with
232 a &quot;.mid&quot; suffix instead. If the name of the Mup input file ends with
233 a &quot;.MUP&quot; suffix, the MIDI file will end with a &quot;.MID&quot; suffix.
234 Otherwise, a &quot;.mid&quot; suffix will be appended to the end of the Mup
235 input file name. If multiple input files are listed, the last is used.
236 If none are specified (input is read from standard input),
237 the name &quot;stdin.mid&quot; will be used for the MIDI file.
238 <HR>
239 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
240 <A NAME="ooption"><B>-o</B> <I>pagelist</I></A>
241 <BR>
242 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
243 Run &gt; Set Options &gt; Pages to Display
244 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
246 Print only the pages
247 given in <I>pagelist</I>. The <I>pagelist</I> can be
248 a comma-separated list of numbers or ranges, where a range is two numbers
249 separated by a dash. For example, -o1,7-9,12-14 would print pages 1, 7, 8,
250 9, 12, 13, and 14. Alternately, the <I>pagelist</I> can be the special
251 keyword &quot;odd&quot; or &quot;even&quot; which will cause all odd or even numbered pages
252 to be printed. This may be useful if you have a printer that only makes
253 single-sided copies, but you wish to print Mup output double-sided. You could
254 print odd-numbered pages, then turn the paper over and feed the pages
255 through again for the even-numbered pages.
256 Pages will be printed in the order specified, so you can print pages in
257 other than ascending order if you wish, or even print the same page
258 more than once. Printing pages in non-ascending order is most likely to
259 be useful when printing more than one page of music on a single physical
260 page, using the
261 <A HREF="param.html#panels">panelsperpage parameter.</A>
262 <HR>
263 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
264 <A NAME="poption"><B>-p</B> <I>N</I></A>
265 <BR>
266 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
267 Run &gt; Set Options &gt; First Page's Page Number
268 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
270 Start numbering pages
271 at <I>N</I> instead of at 1.
272 This can be set inside the Mup input file
273 with
274 <A HREF="param.html#firstpg">the "firstpage" parameter,</A>
275 but the command line option will override the parameter.
276 If <B>-o</B> and <B>-p</B> are used together, the page numbers given in the
277 <B>-o</B><I>pagelist</I> must be the printed page numbers. For example, if you
278 use -p10 and want to print just the second page,
279 you would need to specify -o11.
280 <HR>
281 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
282 <B>-r</B>
283 <BR>
284 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
285 Config &gt; Registration Form
286 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
288 Print a copy of the
289 <A HREF="register.html">Mup shareware registration form</A>
290 to standard output.
291 <HR>
292 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
293 <A NAME="soption"><B>-s</B> <I>stafflist</I></A>
294 <BR>
295 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
296 Run &gt; Set Options &gt; Staffs to Display/Play
297 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
299 Only print the staffs that are included in <I>stafflist</I>.
300 The <I>stafflist</I> can be a
301 comma-separated list of staff numbers or ranges, such as &quot;1,5&quot; or &quot;1-3,7-8&quot;
302 but no spaces are allowed in the list.
303 If the -m or -M option is also used, to produce
304 <A HREF="midi.html">MIDI output,</A>
305 this option controls which staffs are played rather than which
306 are printed.
307 If you want only a single voice to be printed or played, you can follow
308 a staff number or range with <B>v1</B> or <B>v2</B> or <B>v3</B>
309 to restrict to voice 1, 2 or 3
310 respectively, such as &quot;1v2&quot; or &quot;1-4v1,5-6v2&quot;. Otherwise
311 all voices on the staff are printed or played.
312 You can't specify a list or range for voices;
313 if you only want to make two out of three voices visible,
314 you have to specify them separately, like &quot;1v2,1v3&quot;.
315 <A HREF="param.html#visible">See also the "visible" parameter.</A>
316 <HR>
317 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
318 <B>-v</B>
319 <BR>
320 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
321 Help &gt; About Mupmate
322 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
324 Print the Mup version number. When invoked from command line,
325 Mup will then exit. This document is for version 5.3.
326 <HR>
327 <CODE>Command line:&nbsp;</CODE>
328 <A NAME="xoption"><B>-x</B><I>M</I><B>,</B><I>N</I></A>
329 <BR>
330 <CODE>Mupmate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CODE>
331 Run &gt; Set Options &gt; Extract Measures
332 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>
334 Extract measures <I>M</I> through <I>N</I> of the song. This allows you to print
335 or play a part of a song. The comma and second value are optional;
336 if not specified, the default is to go to the end of the piece.
337 Positive values specify the number of measures from the beginning of the piece,
338 while negative values are relative to the end, with -1 referring to the
339 last measure of the song.
340 So -x1,-1 means the entire song, if the song doesn't have a pickup measure.
341 If the song has a pickup measure, that is specified by 0.
342 So for a song with a pickup, -x0,-1 would mean the entire song,
343 and -x0,0 would mean just the pickup measure.
344 As other examples, -x-1,-1 means just the final measure of the song,
345 -x2 means starting after the first full measure, -x3,4 means only
346 measures 3 and 4, and -x6,6 means just measure 6.
347 The starting measure is not allowed to be inside an ending.
348 A common use for this option might be to
349 <A HREF="midi.html">generate a MIDI file</A>
350 for just a few measures. For example, if you were
351 trying to tweak tempo values for a ritard in the last 2 measures of a song,
352 you could use -x-2 to listen to just those measures.
353 <HR>
354 </P>
355 <P>
356 When invoked from command line, the options, if any,
357 can be followed by one or more <I>files</I> in the format
358 described in this User's Guide. If no <I>files</I> are specified,
359 standard input is read.
360 If several <I>files</I> are listed, they are effectively concatenated together
361 and treated as one big file. Since there are some things (such as
362 <A HREF="headfoot.html">header and footer)</A>
363 that are only allowed to occur once, if you have several independent
364 pieces, Mup should be called on each individually rather than trying to
365 print them all with one command.
366 If a specified file does not exist, and its name does not already end
367 with .mup or .MUP, then Mup will append .mup to the specified name and
368 attempt to open that.
369 </P>
370 <P>
371 If you just want to create a PostScript output file, for printing on a
372 PostScript printer, or viewing with a tool such as GSview, you can
373 use the -f option, as in
374 <BR><PRE>
375 mup -f infile.mup
376 </PRE><BR>
377 Or on Unix, Linux or MS-DOS command window,
378 you could redirect the output into a
379 file using the &gt; character, as in:
380 <BR><PRE>
381 mup infile.mup &gt;
382 </PRE><BR>
383 </P>
384 <P>
385 For more debugging, in addition to the
386 <A HREF="cmdargs.html#dbgoption">-d option,</A>
387 if the environment variable MUP_BB is set to &quot;bcfgnsu&quot; or any subset
388 of those letters, the generated output will include &quot;bounding
389 boxes&quot; for the things Mup internally calls bars (b), chords (c), feeds (f),
390 grpsyls (g), header/footer and top/bottom (h),
391 notes (n), staffs (s), and stuff (u).
392 While this is intended for use in debugging Mup itself, it may also
393 help you understand why Mup places things the way it does,
394 since in general, Mup only allows bounding boxes to overlap according
395 to specific rules. If viewed with a color PostScript viewer (not
396 <A HREF="utilpgms.html">mupdisp,</A>
397 which is covered below), these boxes will be in color.
398 <BR>
399 <HR>
400 * UNIX is a registered trademark of X/Open Company Limited
401 <BR>
402 MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
403 <BR>
404 PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated
405 </P>
406 <HR><P>
407 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="running.html">&lt;-- previous page</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="index.html">Table of Contents</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="utilpgms.html">next page --&gt;</A>
408 </P>
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